The Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 5•
'moat hg cif t sac to eke ithe spring to. visiting nearly sc k breeders and!
Roadstend Cont- model fetntrrs. mar:rang be way of
B GGTHBACK TA tiAnttineFefinu,ttrIekgrnst'thelAivusdeecnift sliAtr554:112:::':7:5i't41,1,:'t',IiiF
sp,�kc� for 1Nkii the heakr:y ro apr►a ;
in goad condition. ,' nen NOMA he himself hoed i'eeetsecl ;,
From the. Weetern University with f 1ti;. ?1ict:itk;uc then aeideeteed the
with a Good Reliable $pring Tonic reference to the wort; cif that instee conned and spoke of the benefit he
tution and es --pressing appreciatione expected to receive fcoiik the advisn.
the manner in ihi h their SikRsen, ce
nd tce> Ile also niolie of the;
Gallagher's 'ii;stein Tonic. ri'kkmpoleh •reiraet. 13itnloek 13IeaFiei tatives pad been received by the i;rrellortaret of eel -all e eeehards,
eouneilo-• Filed. j Heir i , 1 e Fa:cl. has the lar gest nand.
�. tk • ode Barrister, Clint tier sit t'eaki�slcaa•in trees of an
- Bitters. elyi,�ophosphites, Nie -Erb, Jfnsky, Fail Diver Oil, tls�altiike, Font' Alk 1 bd k ff 3
oriel many more that help you tb keep well. titan, notifying the county of the be- ec,unty in the Pr :v t i e> Weal con,
quest of the late Mr. John 1loate and till has been taken IT one n earn
.Ch1pb1 Zl!s Drug Stare enclosing s cheque £Qr $200 in pay. N reign iter Inert evgani ;est ureter the t
.,r L t merit of reme --1: ilei'.
Phone 90 eedpt of resolution 'lessee by the be stressed too highly. Air. Mc(.asue
ecunty° as to> requested legislation said be had been called on to perform
▪ were filed. 'These were from mem- several adost>anoi'tema on sheep and
1.leered Control Act, ttnel the ree eeene
Several letters acl.ii'w ,edging re- tkatkve said, the ia,iportance small not
bers of the Federal and Provincial hogs, and 'found that in the mcajeraty
Parliaments including Air, ` Sinclair, i of eases death was due to internal
llt. Medd, 11ir. Ice#laiiridgti, Hon, blr.l parasites 1111. 11icCaftue, alRo spoke
iguRON,couNTY CouNCI
Pelee,Hon.Hr.Monteith,thepro-ef., ho inapaxtanee of'ie ie -
ti inrinl Secretary, thea i4linister df � merit o£ stock. iiuton's Education and ,Ind the Minister of high-. Eking candidate at Guelph this year
s Avest a#ernenM frown the ii ease stood Second in the Province of
ighways Ontario.
Increased ed Cost of Administration ofJustice In This County Departmentas `to the Government Air. Weight,. as chairman of the
Under Discussion grant to the county on the expendi- advisory committee, urged all farm-'
- tures made In 1028, was .as follows t era to take up in earnest the treat..
ALL MEMBERS PRESENT . ,. Total amulet of statement, $188,• merit t.bolts and sheep for internal
• 046,94; total amount of'. grant, 601.- narasiCos. Messrs. Henderson and.
001.47; Ottawa disallowed, $962.99, Baekee also spoke approvingly of the
FOR JUNE MEETING being for n.otor eyele officer's wages, more general work grid thought more
Road Commission expenses to confer- use might be made of the dendonstra•
r-\ ,-- - eaten ate 'travelling expenses. Bons put on for the benefit of fruit.
A tommunfcation es to the appoint- -growers and stock breeders and
Ask Govt. to Make Grant en Township Roads .g0 Mont of a local board in connection thought they should be better edver-
per cent.—Visit
County Horne Yesterday +vital the "Old Age Pension bill was Used. - Mr. Trewattlaa. a member of -
?lke auditors' report was sent to great benefit to the county council of
elm ,nonce ec!rnntittes.. these" discussions. else spoke in
A communicntion from the twee appreciation of M. Ptatteeson's •work.
' ]sial un the table. • the advisory committee, spoke of the
The dune session fair -was County done by hearty truck
4rafUe :pard-
Council of Huron opened en Tuesday. eufarly early in take spring. He. said . ship of Goderieh asked for an' ae- . Afoved by Messrs. Hill and Ballon -
afternoon with all the members in at. at-` that satisfactory derangements had counting of the gravel taken for, the tine, that. whereas, the provincial
The expenditure e c on n sent a iaood extended from time to time farther
Novi ectal High- 'azravel pat was to th
Ing, referring to shatters pertaining county is responsible for the payment - Mr. D. C. Doreance, Clinton, .ap-
to county finances, the state of the of 20 per cent, The main damage plied for the 'position. of a mnelee:fee of
reads, the damage done ky remit sono- lay the floods was to the Wrox- the Pension Board .Committee.,
floods, the irgevil and tide daunt pter.. bridge. The Warden said some- A return .Brining the anienitt pale trucks: in the gathering of :Earth pro.
made regarding the .pa anent of: use. of the county from a towns'fiip and County Read Hystems aro being
t the ngin Warden fragile; addressed�'
.eainncil on the xt'ark of .the meet- ways an th
ounty, dor ;hfch rhe 'Roads Commission. into the mete- remote sections of the
county, affording better . road condi..
tions, whkh are an- inducement for
the more extensive use of autos and
thing should be done,to curb antiirees- 1sy eaeh ensurance cpaxipaiftp' 'en the ; duee and the delivery of commodities,.
sari speeding, -which not only Ilam. ,loss sustained by recent fize 'at the i and as the majority of township roods
aged the roads but was.a _great sour' House' of Refuge was filed. 'The to- are not suitable for heavy truck traf-
Mti(lel Theatre
of danger to•a 'very tal was $112. `' - - fie, and as the venters of these mach -
urge amount of "which was due no The i, l'et's report was flim:'. ines are required to pay 35 rents a
this cause. Great damage Aso w,, -,e0 M'rs. 'it, M. Graham, ineeeeetor for goon tax on gas and are demanding
.._- done to the roads by too bean's -and tip MothersVAllowance, Yvan present • better road conditions, and whereas
Nem( me JUNE 10 to le too early traffic in the spring acid be 'sand t udclressed the council, speaking the gas tax is collected by the Gov -
thought some action should be ,taken very interestingly of the 'work of the, ernment,be it resolved that chis
- .---- "`_`""""`'.,..... - to cheek boat of these practices. office.. ' county council petition the Govern-:
MONDAY and TUESDAY Zhe f llLanng correspondence was' High Constable Gundry reported .merit to increase the grant .on town-
Brucefleid, D. Thokndako, Clinton, T.
► - nifK IL.
M HAL•1 A copy of a resolution �of the Town- der the Liquor Control eLet since Pet. L,,e>rail'lation committee.
Everetierin the ilesf
Feigidaire Equipped for your
Call in, look around and be eeak-
vineed where eleanlire:;s t3
' paramount.
Spares, Grocery
The store of satisfaction.
Phone 146. We deliver in town
166666614,6666166666661, 666 t6.61,
north of Relgrave.:53ent to Good
Roads Coniinission,
Beloved by Messrs. Batter and Tre-
wartha that the eounty council as a
whole take a one -day trip to 'Guelph
June 18th, under the direction of
our county agricultural representa-
tive, he to make 411 a arrangeknents.-»
Moved by Messrs. Higgins and Ad-
ams that the old -age pension commis -
tion be *composed of members of this
comity council as follows: Messrs.
N. W. Trewartha, Neeb,Kennedy,
Henderson and Ingles..--Laid on the
table. •
At a most .enthusiastic meeting of
representatives from the Girls' Soft-
b:ht1 Clubs of Clinton. Brumfield and
S'ecaforth, held in the Carnegie Lib -
eery, Seaforth, on. Tuesday evening, a
district association was formed with
the following officers: Pion. Presi-
dent, Mr. George D. McTaggart,
Clinton; President,. Chas, Holmes,
•Seafort'h; trice Pres., Alex. Addison,
eat wth
that he hail Collected Serf5 in fines u - .ship roa s to psi con .-- en o A. Beattie. Seefor th; Sec'y Treas.: A. Were received end filed end an order
We suggest these light
weight and cool
for the warm weather
The colors in these materials are guarantees kw
the makers and will be replaced should they fade in
washing. o
SPECIAL VALUE -34 -inch Fancy- English 114)
Print. - Reg. 45e per yard. Our price, yard ePeoee
Phone 8b,* '"
boys and 70 girls, 00.7 per cent.
Penny Bank deposits, 1560,02, deposits
176. Mrs, Redditt taught three days
for. Miss 'Wilson and one grid a half
days foe Miss Elliott. These report::
pie-'a'lthig Cornell ,Woolrich's story, ship of Hay.asking the,pass .1Stle. `, Moven by Messrs. ITubbeed and 1L.
'which won the $10,000 College Humor a bylaw, pursuant to se. 1 of section Moved by Messes. Duattie and Hill A. Keys that the county take out lia-
Prize' Teeth's own revelation of 106, chapter 238, R. S. O 1927, giv- that the county council visit the balite. insurance to Protect the conety
the •. daring =•doings of the younger ing power to -townships ter collect ar- county boom Wednesddy afternoon, against q.Il aeeldents that mny. happen
nci ti From a Island
gc, ra on. Longnets empowered by' the .statute on Tied. �suronce be hies~ed with the Glebe Int gaxase t7 file Ritz Carlton Hotel in townships to sell Lands, etc.—Sent .to The House of Refuge coinmittee.tlemnity . Co.---Soat to toed Roads
two jumps and ai bounce, Legislation committee. ' was appointed. a transportation mint- Commission.
' "C'HI1 REeT .OP THE. RITZ" A report_ from leiugistrate -It eid niittee. Mored by "Messrs. Beattie' and Bal-
TRE COLLEGIANS, in showing the number of uses coinin ''roved by• lefessrs. Meleibbon awl 7antyne tbat the a Mal picnic be
"'FAREWELL" before him"the aS Zinethat the %mount of.lines;'h ld At :Bn •odd this •car. 'rind that
past year and the-dfs- Dr. Milne, � e yh •year. .
nasal of the shine,—Filed. for traffic violation 'on county roads: the Warder. the clerk. one Councillors
` , n ed � • r acid sVC' i ton ase "a conn
in t 'e D nrbnt t ilii to o "Tia ebe rel: tad ;'xu n r' T3'11 , idil
Toronto, giving Maiee.+of theeratifcca= by the 'county to the said town or vilaienittee to . sizige for the same. --
rears of taxre"s- and to, esr.teann all the the council' to adjourn at 0:30. ---Car, bell ho county roads and that the
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ep sn of Bducntfon. wi n a wn r va g s , i e
Fronk the inspired' sen of the immortal tion. of the •appofntznent 'ef `Mr. Elmer loge when the information is laic' lar Carried, • •
VICTOR iIT1G {;luiE B T etrnr f L' 'bl' ' tab' 1l'ic f th d l4T b M ll' fier rind' Ba ,
O - ..nape • . O ti k a. eons a 'tiro t r'4 a sal gnus- ov '' essi1s. 1, G-:
q Schoors• in West $upon acs made' b ici ality. Referred -to .' L ;gislai:lan i ker that fere f riction Site urged
a brilliantly produced drama of lovey P
counfy' council
zed ^passeion behind the. throne -•stn« .Filed
pendous, speetaeular, magnificent and. A letter front Mr. G. R. Patterson
gripping an its: suspefs9--thrilling fn former. agricultural' representative,
its senora. how at Brampton, feel 'Co.. saving
efAVMA RY. PHIL DIN eget he would be present at the June
` ONRAD VEIDTxxx meeting to spealt about a motor trip.
are starlet' in: this epic which you proposed at a former. meeting,, -.-Pit
must not miss. Hugon.-best, .a tale ed,
Prom The Education Department':
giving' notice' of the grunts to the -
schools. of Huron, to w'h eb an equiv-
alent trust be given by the county,
as follows:. Pubric. schools, -$2029.-
76: Separate schools, •91:17; total,
$2120 33 Feed - -
CircularTrom the Ontario "Depart-
nient of Agriculture re iveed control,
E.S.O. chapter 309, as amended •by
ebapter 51, 1928. Piled.
From John, A. Wilkinson regarding
the returning of two more Ontario
Hospital inmates set Lannon to, the
House. of Refuge at Clinton. 'riled.
.Prom the county of Peterborough
regarding better :control of motor
traffic during the spring months and
'as'king the co-operation; of the coun-
ty - - uneil, in the matter. 'Sent to
teeislation committee.
From Percy A. McBride ns to the
employment of motor cycles for the
protection of our roads from over -
in autie, 1f128.-- Committee. 1 by The county eoshic'tl in regard- to.
of, a?cleivn-with it .tarredgrin and his
romance with the beautiful duchess.
The -picture magnificent 1
Na edvance hi admission prices. -
in a story by Zane • Grey. A. whole
Irwindale moves to provide the smash-'
ing spectacle which climaxes dais tale
of man's 'Iove of man and a woman's
treachery. Holt's strongest diame-
"A'VA:LA:NCinn -
Ill,atinee Sat. at 3.00 pan.
At the Wednesday morning g tetS`oii
esds alom comity ireatssfde
s that
a" cetmmunicat on 'Wa' read from thee they be &i4 urease eesearlyeas possible
Police Magistrate with referei'ite to i in the srt m., -Sent to 3;ood Roads
the vermeil taking more . action-tt, Commission.
check the amuse of road privileges by. Moved icy' Miessrsa. 3eetuc and Ad
too inueh speeding . and tea Bente' ams tthaat, as the Gana 0,ioatds Cone
loading of tracks -specially on roads mission at the trill of the year are
not in to be driven on. ---Sent to the thoroughly +tpnversarrt with the re
Legislative committee..-quirements of the road, they bring in
Messrs, W. S, McGbie, of the 'Globe. a report tat the Deceniber meeting -
Indemnity Co., and: Mr. F. W. Playa-' 'slid a budget of the emit they think
ton, of the 1'laxton-Hueston Co.. ad-. '•shieula 'be -tried mut the following
dressed the council on the subject of` year.. -..'Sent to finance committee.
accident insurance. Moved *try Messrs. Beattie and
Mr. ' G. R. Patterson, 'the former form an in -
S9rigbt, that the county
l ce'
present and each year the • iiia n y they
a 1ciiltura1 '-ro resentative, Sums nnrairc gond d a in the fund
addressed the eeuncil. e ' n Tin nio 'e 1
speaking of the splendid work that' would hove to 'pay for Tiebility Meer -
will Ito doubt insult 'from the aupoint-t amee and in that way carry its own
merit of the advisory committee. inn inemetnee.--'Sent to 'good Roads
Peel 'County, where Mr. Patterson Cotnmission. 4
now resides, they have bad on advise. 14Ioved bv' Messrs, Dodds and Ad-
ory committee for the past ten years; ams that the botnidary line betweena
tion of the board and explained the .
proshisiene and regulations for such
classes. -Ile- was given a vote of
D.' Sutherland.' IScaforth. There eeing passed foe the payment of supply
no representative nresent from Gode- teacher."
rich lllytl o Hensall, it was decided, .A letter WAS received from :hiss
not to arrange a schedule until these Grace Hamilton resigning her post - 1.
clubs had been heard from—men. club tion on the 'Victoria school staff and
to have the appointing of a vice pre- het' resignation was accepted..
silent anti the' officers to compose tae Miss Vera nIliott asked for a 'year's
executive committee. leave of :absenee and this ,request was
It was decided to'play a double granted.'
schedule of home and home games, I Applications for positions' on the
with the tsvp teams standing hir,he; t stat'' were received from Miss Alice
playing home and home games for Booker, H'amilton;' ' Mn:.: .T'horneloe,
the district championship, the:win- Goderivh; Miss Mnlbel Johnston, Ced-
ners playing off' with othee district arville,'and Miss Jean A. Ewart, Elk
winners for the County Champion- 'Lake; these were laid over to be
ship, renreccuted by :'. trophy donate- dealt with at special.-meetinte-of the
rid by the NL.P.s and hT:L.Ae. or the board on Monday, the 17th• Inst.
County. The schedule Will be -drawn t' A request from Mr. Ilerrisun for
up the last week in June 'when the , an increase in, his salary as caretaker
examinations are over :and it,'is•deo ' of Vietc- ia: school was left over to
finitely know • hnw. 'Many clubs there , the special meeting. j
will be in the district. A number of 'accounts were refer. i
A.D. SU II_ERLAND, See'y. red to the finance committee.
PUBLIC $CHaCaUI.'HOARL► • Di; Sinclair, inspector bf Auxiliary
Glasses, was present, on the invitee
guise June mooting of the .,
public' school 'board was held on Mon-
day evening. with Trustee .Cott in
the chair and Trustees Miller,. Tlloin=i
son, Naftel. Hill, Wallace and Care
tie. present.
Principal 'ctonehouse reported I1' 8
boys and 184 glrl'4 on the rolls for' -
May, with an avprae'e attendance of
167 boys and 108 a;lrls. 91 per rent.
Penny Bank deposit,; 0122.15, depos-
its. 632. Non resident fees paid. $f.1
Miss ; Sharman, nenripal of Central
school, reported ltlb Boys sand 78 girls
on the rolls, average attendants.. S►6,.
and tbio committee had initiated ethe-townsliipe- of Mullett and McICi1- -,-
ntueh of the beneficial' legislation ear-, ion and the township of Morris be 1
Tied. out, Mr. Pattersotin also spoke ,put on the Good Roads system; con -1
of county eotrecil • tours, mentioning meting the •road enat of 'Walton with'
tours that had been taken byother the road tweet of Blyth makin;' it R '
eountiee and the cost. le snggested straight, mad through. --Sent to
a one -day. trip to'Guelph model.fsrm Good Roads Commission.
or a two-day trip .to Guelph. through . Moved by Xenon. McIC4ibon and
Brampton and points east to Toron- Henderson that this council consider
the question of date and number of
w.._ meetings of the 'council, as a gime,
�. • '1 many counties have found' it neves- -
Bary to make a change to meet exist -
tog conditions,—Laid on the table.
Moved by Messrs. .Adams and
Stalker that 2,000 feet of snow fence
be purchased to ee platted where
needed on the eounty read front Clin-
ton to Blytb and 1,000 feet on the
,county road from Auburn to.$1ytie—
Sent to Good Roads Commissier. •
The county "treasurer, Mr. Young,
then gave anaccount of the financial
standing of the county. The state-
state ,
went was referred to the finance
committee. - - The eouneil then went into commit-
tee of the whole to consider the eque-
lization, -
In Committee it was moved by Mr.
Ballantyne, seconded by Mr. Kennedy,
tbat the equalization of the renege.
meats of tbe several municipalities in -
the county for 1929 he tile sante es
Tor 1928. Mr. Wright enured a Pro-
test against the equalization of ,Turn -
berry, which he claimed was too blgh,
I but no action was taken on thio and
Mr. 1lallanityne's motion was adopt-
At the Wednesday afternoon ree-
Dion some discussion took place no to
the increase in the cost of adminintraa-
tion of auatice in the county. in which
efeeors. Trewartha, Dr, Milne, Beat-
tie and others took part.
Moved by Messrs. Wright and Col -
line that a committee be appointed
to eoufer with the county eoliciter re
eriminal justice eceounteeseCerried. -
Moved by Messrs. lbeeb and Swit-:
zee that W, Ii. Oliver be appointed
constable at Grand Bend for a period ,
of two months beginning July 'sat
next at his previous sansei.,•—Car-
I Moved' by Mesaran. 11111 and McKen-
Sie that the C. N. R. be requested to,'
',Dime ee ttetoall: on the overhead 9
trete on the ealtford Bill en the out- a nidal of the titrueture, xis its tieing ora i
i tee innicdc t;;asiie i tbe bridge too nary. 'I
TOW for esfeay for present day traf- i
favi.- Coccus'. i
eioceal by 3Ieoor'n. Tutries' and etr-
' lff,flolton teat tike clerk get into tom. ,.
uiutairafconk with oee or more ileum of n
shorten(' eceauntante art Co tine cont
tier An annual. neini>atnuuol and quer-,
terry atudee, ro teat when thin op' merle
1future et,alia ii is appointing audvtote.'
they vie lave flail infrtsts.clt'oa,!. .
4 "aimed,
Movee ivtic pro. Hence' rmn and
'i' tallier that teethuab ]f retain t'n:eriin�ais�•o
„teen hiron-and -
% rer rlo Gn tdal t:3 previle ems "
i rerec:ly fee tbe tdac'z ca t i relied ( ail,
L. Gt;cta et. -3::`3741g tee na>it er iniete'
Your New ---
Can now be obtained from our large new stock of ready-to-wear—
Celenese ,,Dresses -
Belerepe Dresses
Printed Silk Dresses.
Gingham ,Dresses
Cotton Crepe Dresses
Balbriggan Smits
Print Dresses
Broadcloth Dresses -
Silk or Rayon Ensembles
Our Vales and Style Selection this season, surpasses by fa'r
any former year. lie sure to see the new Stock now on Display.
On Friday and Saturday, Juno 7th and 8th we offer two ready-to-wear spf c.-
ials of, GINGHAM DRESSES 95c, and NEW SILK FROCKS $9.95
Mp♦ The , . A Gray . Co OF
A Corps to ,Gine of
Kingston St.. -:o Phone t 16
o T s o ��
come/' %'I1Xin'C'/'7'S f1.f1i`!JiP.dRR)
HONE 239
Open L;veni, of
Dy appointment only
Lead* the Tt r%t isr,.71rofor Car
1ef�reYou Buy._
in the $ l ,3 14 Field
high .priced motor ear features
which the Nash "406" offers.
Compare PERFORMANCE! Drive it
and test the action of its powerful,
7•braring, high•compression motor.
the unusual acceleration, speed and
Compare STEERING! Here's the
greatest sec in turning;. parking, ikan-
ever known -444e to Nallh
Compare RIDING! Specially designed
alloy springs tailored individually to
the weight and size of eaeii model and
a,oveyoy hydraulic shock absorbers.
• "
outboard, mounted by Nash, to increase
their efficiency.
Compare 1IODY DESIGN! Contrast
the low, smart beauty of the "400"
with any other car and see how it cap.
titres your preference:
Compare EQUIPMENT! Nash pro.
vides at no estrd charge front and rear
bumper, hydraulic shock absorbers,
spare ere lack. and tire cover.
Compare VALUE! Sten up all Nash
offers—in quality. and perforanance
and beauty and features= -then crani.
pare delivered. fully equipped rices
asked for ether ears in dee field malt
alae LOW l3ahlk dclimored, folly
equipped prih'ee. ti
V 1
Price Range of 23 Nash "400" Models, $1,224 to $3,421 ielelae i°uaag
roaring, Roadster Coupe, Cabriolet, Vietoda and 'edam Mocdedc