HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 3•
- •
Husband Was Afraid IV •
She Was Getting II
* Pnoumonla
Mtn. Chaska Edenton; ROIL No. 34.
Wientley, Ont, weiteet-"Leat winter
was bothered witk it, very bid. cold,
and ray beehand wen afraid I war
getting pneumonia.
"Oat 0iwy one of my twinkle:re came
in and ehe suggested that L ter
Dr• Wood's
T took a few deem and wax greatly
"1 also relieved my aoneaged Was
of the croup.
4,r will never be without o, bottle en
'Dr. Wood'e in tbo boon end 1 can-
not xecommend it too Itinitlynt
Price 35r. a bottle; large,family sire
tan: at all druggiate and doalera.
Put up -only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Ltd., Tprozno, Ont.
F. A. DARIlow.
Berrister, Seticitor, Notary Public, Eta
Successor to J. L. KIlloran _
Phone 07. teillce, The Squat% Oaderich.
Eit.ilEST M. LEN
Barrister and Solicitor
$411 Life Bldg...Adelaide and Victoria
Telephone: Elgin nail
Toronto 2.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Publie. Converancen nen -
PRONE 27 • HAMILl'on nnftEfor.
Du, F. J. B. nonsTEK.,
Line Howie Surgeon New York )ph -
Umbrae And Aural Hospital, Assistant at
nfoerelleld's Eye Rawl:dial end Golden
Square Throat Rosetta!, Landon, Eng.
53 Waterloo St., S. Stratford. Tele-
phone 257.
At Hotel, Bedford, Oonerieli, mi the.
evening' of third Monday of each month
till the following day, Tuesday, at i
Pan. —
D11, A. N. ATKINnON'.
Chiroprakor and Drugless rhoraplst,
Goderich '
Chronic, Organic and Nervous Oiseases
Equipped with ,Diathet*moo Electron
Magnetio Baths, • Electrinile Electric
Trealnients and Chiropractie.
Office houre--2 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. In.
sad hy 'appointment, exceptingnMentley
and Thursday aftern,00ns.anti evenings.
* Office liours-2 to 5 and 7 10 9 P.M..
Lady in Attendance.
• Residence and Oince--Cortiee Soolin. St.
* and Ilritannia Road.
Live Motet and General Auctioneers,
Eight Ave., Goderich. •
Sales made everywhere and an efforts
made to give you satiefaetion.
n'armere' Sale Notes disconeted.
Phene 1190
wEst,By W. Molina, AUCTIONEER.
'- Will. conduct salee anYwiloro.
My terms are reasonable and I tiy
and give eatisfaetIon.-
Mono Carlow 1314; or address 11.
4, Goderieb. •
General Conveyaneing done
Good Companies ntePretteraed
.phone -No, 20S. floderich, Ont.
Afaciunp 'Nanny, FMB isstru-
AT- Mtn INS/Ann,
Value of nroriertv insured op to Jan-
tiory tan $3,018, 075.01
OVPIGERS-names Connolly, Presi-
dent, Goderich; .7as. Evans, Vire-Presie
'dont, Beechwood; T. E. Hann Soon
Treas.. ,Seaforth.
DIRECTORS -1n F. McGregor, Sea-
tortin J. O. nylon, Winthrop; Won
Wien. Constanee; George Meneartnev,
iruckerstoith; John Ferrle, Hacloce;
ohn Bennewise. Broadhagen; Itiurrey
0frIbgon, Bmeeneld.
AG.ENTS----n. W. Yore Goderich; Sandy
Leitch, Clinton: Wm. Chesney, Sea-
fortb; R. Ilinchley, Seaforth.
Policyholders can pay their assese-
monts at Colvin n.uttno store. Godnrlch:
A. S. Moorish's filothion store, Clinton;
t r J. 11. Ileld'e, Bennett].
oe.- • 'en ---
live tit attended to by the
Head °nice: Dungtumon, Ont.
Wm. 3. Thompson. Auburn, Prea.t
ono, Wateon, Vice Pres.; James Gip -
vin, Oton. Director: Directors-Wrri.
McQuillan, St. Ilelens: W. P. Reed,
Ti. R. No. 2, Lueltuosv; Harry L. Sal -
held, Cioderiele: Alex. Nietroleon, Luelt-
now; Tim firlialn, 11.11. No. 7. loicknow;
lame. Hewitt Kineaelline; Inolit. David" -
son, Dungannon.
• Rate -U.00 per thouoand.
ropliou BrOS•
The Leadiat
Fametal Directors
and Wm haus
alms komIndasee Service
, Orders carefully attended. te
at all hours -----night or titiY. We
are the inspectors of anatomYn
and, for the County of
- Phones: Store 120; itcsiderite
J. R. Wheeler
Patera]. Director and
Embalmer °
Goderiebo Ontario
41,11 0,1119 Kea:poly attooCcii to
day or night,
Phogiec fit.orti36; Tfonst 1•15w
11 Isimollp11#6. 11.11/11111011.11., 1
• teederieh Teserwthip rinser Die *came then final Mr, ltobert. Own •
aghb()rhood News Nuggets i., dwith uc.viirred weene-soie ete 'Theo initioisod the plan of Ow -tuning
Soddenly wore -led be hi* feedr
r. M. (Amnon.
terteme of fait v‘etk of Jima, K, main the unitereity term. and extending
• -eon et Mr. tfitbera Blair of nie Huron -OW univeraity terra, and extending
. iced. Mi. Moir was out looking tifY tln.' 11.°1-k i'werea in ire Ertr'oti." said
:ttoe-oasleuirtti;hitx-eitrel:tineitatiLaanfiLatisobftoignAliirt): ghtsrupol..ioVetleh,easlopii .r..ireez,-..;11ei.h.oed..t. tkel-,
Stant: Wrecked by Reirstorin
and Wind
Duro:got recent rainsteera and Wan;
*form the livery stain° eeeuple4 by
J. A. -Currie, t -e pattiut-
• Celebrate Wedding Anne
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. 'Talbot ofto
Blue Water Nieman Stanley, Me-
brated their fortieth wedding, mod-
, vereery on Wednesday, May Inind.
Disposes of Dwelling
Wm. Hildebrandt, one a the early
• residento of Hensall has void hid
dwelling on South Richmond etreet
te Geo. R. Hess, jeweller.. •
Young Man Ordained
One Of -the 'Outstanding items on'
the Sunday program at thu Lutheran
h n f Z•I thexl•
of gee. Albert Deters, son a iur.
ond Mrs. Edward Datere, of Zurich.
Leaves for Scotland
Mrs. J. E. Sraith, i Brussels, left
Wednesday on a trin to Scotland,
where she will visit friends at Edin-
burgh and other places. 'Onlie will
'sail from Montreal on Zone 7th on
the "Duchess of Atholl." •
Death of Leno Kipper
Word has been received of •the pas-
singof the late- Leno Kipper,of Dle•-
fors Sask. and ,formerly of &with.
death taking place the beginning 'of
last week. The remains were
'brought to Zurich; for burial.
•• Rensall Celebrates Victoria Day
The big -celebration and.roncert put
on nonthe-Hensull Ore -brigade on the
24th of .1tnay wean big success. ..The
day, was tine and the town nicely des
eorated and a large crowd -attended:
The Zurich Band supplied the music,
TrixonWcFalls Nuptials •
• •A -pretty wedding took place ot the
Hamilton road Presbyterion manse,
I.onclen'; oviOc-n Oteiln) Disoie
d Mr. and Mos. G. W. Dixon, of
Alba Cratg, was tamed in moulage
to Alice Greta niadolin Mc*Falls, date.
ghter of Mrs. J. ana tile late W. .11e.
of Keeter.
• St. Panns church, Whigham, was
Feene of a pretty wedding on
.Tburedey. May 23, when Beatrice
.F.velarrt Pater was united in iriarriage
Lo Mr. Leonard Shropshall.
- • 3litchell-Tanlor
A pretty wedding took place at th
.homo of Mr, and :Mrs. T. Taylor, of
Blyth, when their daughter, Elsie
May, was milted in marriage to Ecu -
nth E. Miteliell, of Detrbit.
Passes Final Examinations
Mr. *Cecil Gardiner, M.A., of Blyth,
who, Once his graduation from
Queen's University in 1927, nes'becu
taking post -graduate work in clean.
chemical research at Princeton Uni.
.versity, N.J., brie been successful in
passing his final examinationo there,
and is now entitled to the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy.
Thrown During* Bare and Fractures
Three Ribs
Mr. Frank Taylor had a narrow
comp° from serious itnury when ho
wee thrown at the Mitclfell races 'on
May 24th. The horse he was driving
stumbled, turned 4 somersault and
Mr. Taylor was thrown over its, need
.Receives Fine Appointment
I Mass., volt° is the son of Mrs. James
Seott, of Clinton,. Ras recently been
appointed general •superintendent of
!the Fore River Ship Building emirs
of the Bethlehem. Steel Corporation
at Quincy, one of the largest ship
Sending plants of the UMW States.
.; Death of ans. J. McQuaid
The death took place in Detroit' on
m May 23rd of names J. McQuaid: Two
days before, he fell from a ladder
where he was painting and injured
Maimed, from which he never,recov-
ered. He was buried on Monday of
last week to Detroit. He ' was the
e on so o e late lc ae
Quaid, of the 8rd concession of Tuck-
ersmith and spent his early years in
that district.
Death of Chas. Cuming
The death of Charles Curning, aged
59 years, occurred in the General
Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., on May
15tn, after a very brief,illness front
for a distance of about SO feet.
Mr. Percy Campbell, of Qubicy
Was in Bed
All Summer
"I "have to work in the store and
do nay own housework, too, and I
got nervous and runelownand wasin
bed nearly.all iummer. The least noise
would make me nervous. I was told
to tinge Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vent- I
table Compound and 1 have taken
seven bottles. It has made me strong-
er.atui put more color into my face,
1 441, looking after my store and
housework and my. four children
and 1 ant getting along nicely now."
-Mrs. J. Malin, R. R. No. 5, Barton
St. East, Inamikon, Ontario. Canada.,
hemorrhage of the bra.n. Deceased
was born in Hullett townshipeon the
farm now owned by Messrs. Gray
Bros., ad was the seventh sop of a
family of nine boys of the late John
1 -and Elizabeth Strobbrook Coming,
Ile went West marry' years ago and
settled near Whitewood, nask.
Lydia Ef Pirikliaui's
Vocretable Compound
1 5,0k11.0r, Mo! Ly.. t A
, On'.
Body of Exeter Youth Recovered
from Lake Erle
The -body of 'William Stanbury, ag-
ed 22 years, son of Mr, and Mrs. John
Stanbury, butcher, of Exeter, who
was drowned inLakeErie, nPort
Colborne, four weeks ago from a cow;
was recovered on the evening of May
24th on the beach at Sherkston, six
mace east of Port Colborne, Mr.
and Mrs. •Stanbury left 'immeniately
for the scene. The remains were tak-
en to Palmerston, interment taking
place on Monday. • .
Death of Mrs. Wm. G. Irwin .
The death of Mrs. N.in. G. Irwin, of
the 2nd eoneession Kinloss occurred
, in:the Wingnam hospital on Tuesday
morning of last week. Besides her
husband she leaves a daughter almost,
seven years ,of age. &foto her mar-
riage the late Mrs. Irwin was Miss
Myrtle Bell, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bell, formerly of Culross, now
of Wingham. She was thirty years
of age.
Ln COI me manyTinhceirrecuairaelion, azidt.
1110 ing aroud in drawers
that have great value. For example -the Copper Penny dated
1839, with the Bank a Montreal on its face is today worth
$15.00. it is not so much the age that counts is the scar:
city relticular Coins of certain dates.
THE RARE COIN CATALOGUE Tells you about the Rare
Coins of different count.
ries-rincluding Canada and the British Colonies -and gives you
the prices! guarantee to pay.for same. With the book of re-
ference4you will know thatif the Colins you have are not listed.
theyfitive no prormurn
•will zlo) •
;• 4:41•.` A. E. DOCHERTY & CO,
96 Wurtemburg Street - - Ottawa,- Ont,
,,loosed„, eatryexerted himself.un.en witn. the emmal mooting of
Ihe did not return to the house for the the Wen:tine kinttnin Conservative
evening meal a search was instituten -0-!ton inejamidnin can lbanincnt
land be was found in the field, but life 'n•ninnntinn Wa9 tae anCgatim thEW
-' was eetinct The inner I took la Sudi a scheme imt in client would n-
the residence of his Nether. mr. •creans the burden ef taxation on the
George. Main, tete Huron rOftd, en Vino •ranwenrAbties•
A *third feature Wa5 Mr. Beionts
day e-fterneon,
son's :virtual sponsoring of private
Death of Themes terieve
Deatit..on Monday, May Onalle eleeed ownerehip. rerblio utilitnee, even: -
a Iona and useful life when Mr Tilos Plified in the great liodeo -enterprise.
the werld's outstanding example of
'Unlener, seaf"Ah^ Ph°sea KasefidlY.eucceseful Irani: ownership and epee-
•, away at noon at his honie pla James I anion a a public utility for the bene
:street, in his 7401 year.. lb° late eat of the greatest number of people.
Mn. 'Grieve bad been In poor benItnnnIr. Robertson Aid not think thstt hes
far sonic time and for the past six dre eatee were equitable, Partieulars
•weeks had beerr confined to Inslioraenne. as thee had been reducee after the
Born on the Lind concession of McKin ,eineertonn• neesesovIneneenenovaded
lop, the greeter part of Ins life had *. on
y Bruce ami theyneen 5.
boon spent els the Oriel% homestead.,
Forty years ago Mr. Grieve was unit- When the meeting opened •witlil
. nteut DO *persons in the hall Chairmen!
col in marriage to Sitz leaflet Rem ex IT. B. Elliott. Wingham.asked the!
MeKillop, who survives him, together treasurer of the association to melte
with a family of one son. Mr. Thos.
Grieve, of Monotville, and three his 1""ts and A. B. Carr. Blytli, re-.
daughters, Catharine, of Torontoci ported that the funds of the associa. i
Mrs. T. B. Hannon, of Mitchell, ail tion were in goad shape. Nornina.1
We, J. E. Baxter, of Stratford. tions were Bien called for a candidate
% to contest the next provincial election
TnrethfunnetraS1 toefPliSetneptleAndria' rBtin711. •blyndAll..cAnnt. Drbaevirtolniatni5ovircd,usTrutds °end
A., who for the 'best part of balf 4
century taught collegiate mini' in be the candidate. 'There was no ibis -
century spas,. cusaion and Mr, Robertson was chos-
St, Marys and London, and
avenue, London, on Monday night of ail
ell-A.1'11e following ofilcera were re-elect,
sed away at his reaidence, 828 Queens
lust week, in ins 7213n now, was held Honorary president Gordon Young
onThursday afternoon from the
family resweee at 3 o'clock. where Colloorne; Morgan Dalton, Ashfield.
a short service was conducted by Rev. 'President, IL B. Elliott, Wingbain.
Ernest W. Young, of Dundee Centre coFirmosnit e.vice-president, Hugh hill,
United church. Serviee in Dundee' 018. cuchiongdhvaimee:presinlent, Mist; P• Pow -
centre clurrel: was also conducted by
lialr. Young.assistedby Repo Robert Third nieeepresidontp min. E. eian7
s, orn ail:K.0mm inn Martin wen, Deabrineri.
was born in 1857 on a farm near Est-
eter, and attended nigh school in St, s' Secretary, A. Porterfield, Belgrave.
Treasurer. A. B. Carr, Blytit. '
Marys. taught public school for al- Auditu., ' • . ,.
most three years and then graduated
from the University of Torooto with Stontral format resolutions -were
boner,: in nrathernatieo from the etas- passed by the meeting, two - of tbem
ses of 136.
expressing confidence in Mr. Simian'
Eggagenterns esnhounced and Premier King. Others criticized
the Ferguson Government along the
The engagement is announced of lines suggested by the speakers of the
Evelean Isobel, only daughter of Mrs. afternoon. They "viewed with min,
11. Farrell, Toronto, und the late Ar- giving," etr., as usual.
thee C. Farrell, to T. Beverley Achen
son,. of Toronto, second son of Mist Stop the Cough. -Coughing is eaten
and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, Exeter,d ed by irritation in the respiratory
Ont. The marriage to take place passages and is the effort to dislodge
‘very quietly the middle of June. I cbstructions that come from lawn -
Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenhals, of motion of the mucous mentbrnne.
Clinton, announce the engagement, of Treatment with /Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
their, daughter, Dora I ob 1, to C I tri e Oil will allay the inlnrnatiun
tain William Earl O'Neil, M.G., of and in consenuence the cough will us -
Halifax, N.S., son en the late W. T. unity stop. Try it and you -will be
O'Neil and Mrs, O'Neil of'Clinton, satisfied.
the marriage to take place in St.John
N.B., the latter part of June;
Miller's Worm Powders are a plea- , THE
sant medicine for worm -infested thii-
(lren, and they will take it without DE
cate child, as there is nothing of
injurious nature in its composition.
peedily rid e child of
worms and restore the health of the VtAitr R
Tbey will
little eufferers whose vitality has he- , • °
(pme unpaired by the attasks yeti these
Internet pests.
LIBERAL CANDIDATE u,,tu,r ed2C$404C- .. •
C. An Robertson, member of the w sHE poEss% fluoey wiLL
Legislature tor the last three yeare, we BE Art* AT 'rtig mos
vas nominated Tuesday, May 28th, At
the North Huron Liberal Convention Tql ;! -,
at Wingham to contest the provincial ' .1 i a es, .
constituency a North Huron in tee
Ir 1..4, A"
interests of the 'Liberal- party at the elo.....
next election. The nomination was \%\\11
more or less Of a formal affair, no ^\It % VV • i Th
other names being mentioned at the
annual meeting of the North Huron • h' , .,o,,'.
* "11
Li" -i'1 Association held). in the Joint
haini.r. Siricia:r, Bea, M.L......e.,-. nf, ,
for South Ontario and provincial lead- 4 I 1.f
er of the Liberal party, was the chief
-speaker of the afternoon, being sup- -
ported by Nelson Parliament, Liberal
organizer, and Speaker of the Legis-
lature under the Drury regtme. Mr.
Robertson, in a somewhat lengthy
speech, gave an account of his etew-
ardship in the last three sessienti of.
the 17th Legislature of Ontario.
One entstanding necture of ,.he
meeting was the unsbakable convic-
tion of Messrs. Sinclair and Partin-
ntent that there will be 4 prOviuial I
election this fall. They, nave picked That you can't cook a thing fit to ea
October, the early part preforably. as on it. ,
the date, although they Admit 'then It's very probably the fault of the '
'ing. •
nave not yet consulted Premier Fer-
guson as to when the writs will be is-
fuel youre, us
, Leo the Heat Folks furnish you with I
suonedn'other feature was the indication the proper dice for your range,
of the line of attack to be followed by Then watt): your cooking improve.
the Opposition during tlie fortncoin- FOt GOOd •Clean L.:oat
ing campaign. Forsaking* the play-
ed -out liquor issue and the shop-worn
ery a nigher taxes. the Liberals are
objection. When directions sine fol.
lowed it will not injure the most deli -
nether Yeu'ri3 a newly-wed
Or a married persolY of years' stand-
Even if you're not Married at all- I: -
You know- that sometimes the. kitchen
range gets so.tontrary. • •
to tonientrate on the edueational poi -
icy �f the Government. Non, How. WtAttlititt
ard. Ferguson will be criticized' rio
minister of edueation, rather than as
;time minister and chief adminiatrao COAL
tor of the affairs of the province. •• COMPANY
Tuesday the first official reply to Mr.
Inergusen's recent 'London speech 'Phone 98 Godeticim
It Pays to use
d speck/ product", for every purpose for every surface
if 00. PAINTop
Nkr hadied
14* fialwash. for Oildolh
able pain! 'Linoleum
01'SI t
• ..
W000 -LAC
slain &flats
More cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, more
tang to the taste. That's what makes Red Rose Tea
so popular. Every package guaranteed. sa
is good, teer
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra, geld
In there a baby or y-oung eleildren
in your home? If there is you ellouln
not he without a box ef Baby'a Owe °
lablete. Chile/mod nalmerns come BATTERYLkSS
quickly and means should always be;
at band to promptly fight them.
Baby's Own Tablota are the ideal
home romeny. They regulate the
bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish
constipation and indigestion; breal:
up colds and simple fevers -in fact
they relieve ail the minor ills of little •
oims. -Concerning them Mrs. Moiso
Ce.botte, Maisamik, Que., writes
Baby's Own Tablets are the best rem-
edy in the World for little ones. My
baby suffered terribly from inclines -
tion and vomiting, bot the Tablets a
pen set her rightnnnd now she Is in
nerfeet health." The Tablets two sold ELECTRICIAN
by medicine 'dealers nr--by mail at 25 IltrIttststtla Amid
rents a box from' The Dr. ,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Onf.
Tri. 174-W for Demon
Oration .
Flies and
Unless you're 4 flit User, you have e
no idea how soon you•can rld your
horn* of every fly and mosquito. Flit
kills quicker, and Is easter to use, in
. the bendy Flit sprayer. 'Spray into
cracks and crannies to ktU roaches, bed
. bogs, ants, Flit vapor does not stain.
Trythe quicker Flit method todayl
• • 4. estweithlitel9 Mance
."The velloto
can idirs the ' .
black htmd" '
In Builditig Youk Home it Costs
No More to Stop Eire
By specifying Gyproc Wallboard you assure
walh and ceilings that are efficient fire barriers --
yet the cost is no more, and often less than with
materials that give no fire, protection whatever. -•
• *1S
Firepro fal bob
For Sale By
The Goderich Planing Mills,
Ltd. - Got:101=13o Onto
/One Stenos' MANAGERS
40.,TAILIS 1.1tAND 71,
Applesauce 15�
r whin
XMI4V45 nO.V51,504
Dallis 2 r4t. 35e
AWE* rtr. arximaq
Wip 9. as, cafe gne
Vitsiorann nonOna
menet DOV50t0.,D,
0#5095, Canned
lartirebtat 2170
/011ao bt. 2.5
t410:0.: 025;TO,Nt
/OM 4,01,0040Ping
Yah -5144
A 0, tVh05 545(58 ,
C11041) flor zso •
10,15013DOT IIT.111,T3
Soap 104 15*
• 03srtproialt: 10:1:
tr:01.50.' 0VDV:s
rare :set rte. .
Dit="512 eAzon
OCR wornovvs
,II 1,,Ny 'um N1,1 j7.4. WitlETAZILES
Virlest California • VgniViT
PRUNES 9ta"' 21*
lba. coo 2
sro t4, -, GoldereCorn Se
411001251 tat,
3 iba. 50# 2
1.04.e44 #0.
ALr:l.P., 00 1.15
Careotse ;0
s.e.1,f0,. td 111 at. ' noinnoll n50
Ontsolo VISO:
of/JAM 1(14 ( 11514 •
6.04511434 1)4
.:10 C16 1N DI VI TV •
314 , St5t4=1505 104 214
Davdtroy er to14031M 1..1
(4484391 e tnIehatods 190
V5iiing..0.11 01411. ' PiOnle
LI/AWN Su3tteM/0/12
Pork asd gonna
Do. 5 'tat
t 1455 D010.50
!Witmer ;la ISte
ID re 1
DAMS 44854D*(
Chink** TA 44
100 Tit:
- !dews ZTins2,5*
oty.t'isl 14%4 I 161.
AnmEit t,;10ityp J VICTORY 1PICIMES
I 'WO 01 /4940
(Low.. 1:03100
t 13321'At 5te4 end ,A##(
I '
10.0* -a.
6 4:4 lin .6.1 tI 4W)• 18 lilI
SWIMS Plarc„, PLUM - Arx, EnETS •
Cele nese, „ Yoe. eat. A.610 . c
. . ria Iasi)
At111#11011.2q AVPItinVt.fifieg'