HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 2PAGE TWO
SII III III II 11 1111 1 .III, .1 1 A
twee . a is „ 0 t t were I Thegen Veer elected i'•anad'ran>. '
lent b,) in Sailors! Weer,
e An
imember" of the last peeliament And.
the two defeated ones were nnsuce
cessfal in gbeir first bid ter ',allies
rtiEntArY helmet
l,endu % Tames tpholds Labor
The ince ism Thrice, wiai Ia Maki as
an independent, abut which give3 gen-;
era sup ,art to the gGvt'rnneent, sage
"The one outeiandirg result of the
election is that Later will farm the
neat government ini virtue of its eat
Fest following in the Commons. That
is tile manifest intention o£ the net
neon And Later may dismiss any lin
going suopicion that the Conserva-
tivea tire fabtacative any Unholy el-
l-liciuia for the purpose of obstruetin:g
"The country voted for a Lauer
G'overninont and by the side of that.
plain fact the question whether there
is to be a Labor Government this
week or this month is of relative],
small importance. There should; be
, no shadow of suspieeion that menoeu-
`r the
t r b Labor urea are afoot q o
fruits of vietory."
:The Conservative Post uesertedine
Government neither could nor would
try to hold office by stoking Liberal
Millions for Canadian Porte
Loans to Barbour Boards totalling
$20,000,000, to be spent on programs
of extensionsand development have
:been 'approved by the CaPadian Fed-
' erne House of Commute Of the to-
tal =aunt voted, $10.000,000 is for
Montreal; $10,000.000 for Vancouver;
$5,000,000 .for Ilalifax; $2.000.000 for
Three Rivera, Quefbec, and $2,000,000
for Chieontirar, Quebec.
Chinese Minister to Canada?
The Chinese Government intends to
establish a ministry in Ottawa in
plaaae of the present .consul -general as
Soon as negotiationscan be :eomplet-
ed. it Wes stated here by 'Han. Li.
Tehuin, new .consul -general .toe Cant
oda, t'ollow'Ing'hie arrival in Vaiiceu-:
ver, Saturday.
Canada's Greetings to Xing
Through the office • of Bis ,Excel-
Excel-lency Viscount Wilfingdon, Governor-
General of Canada, an etreetionate
message of con ratulations was con-
veyed to. His Majesty King George,
`on behalf of tho lgovernment and peo-
ple of Canada, The British • monarch
Observed ' his • .04th,, birthday on June
• 1! ollowing is the • message, :signed
by the Governor-General .
"On the occasion of Your, Majesty's
04th birthday, may I convey to Your
Majesty the affectionate and hoartfe
good wishes of the Government and
people of . Canada,..together with an
expression of their most fervent hope
that the year whichis marked by this
anniversary may witness as complete
resstoretion,d'f Teen._ Majesty's: health
and strength."
And teas Nrous Mises,
'gensinalte t he bee .
qrrN6 M
the tardiest
British Elections Puzzle trial disaster of 1920, Aar it is, many
political experte forecast another the results of nine eonatitu.
ieneies still in doubt the British election within the next six months.
General Elections have proved a The pubject which is now occupy-
ltalcivate, 1'lics Labor Party under ing the minds of the Conservative
the leadership of Fiinisay Maefonald,. 'Party is the question whether Stan-
eaptured the largest number of seats toy Baldwin should reconstruct his.
majority in Ministry and dare the Liberals to
in its history, 287, and a
the House over the Conservative par- vote him out of ,office, or resign in
ty, but the combined parties of eon :aver of the Labor Party, in which
crervative, Lib
« 64, eral 57, and bidet ease ho would suggest that Ilia MO...
pendent niembers, 8, have a majority Baty send for ells MacTkanald.
over the Socialists of 32 seats. ;Cattadiatte hi Brttiah Conmtonx
Mr. Lloyd George, leader of the Six Canadians were engaged in the
Liberal Party,. whose followers were Biltish general elections, • and four
the only• ones to have a melee plan were .elected to Paraiement, -according.
oform noUey, 'Abolition of Unemp ee to the roturnai. These comprised:
anent;'and wino - ,were ',conceded.three • Conservative candidetes and, n'
strong chancy of winning the eleetion, Laborite, The Canadians elected
erawled home with a.Ibare dozen mere'were t «
thaw their party, total in The • last • Col. Grant Norden, native of Prince
Blouse. 'Edward County (Cons.), in Brantford
It is regrettable that the voters hi and Chiswick, Middlesex.
the Old Country did not .give the La- .; Lb -Cols A.. Ilaniilton Guult, former-
•bor or Consorvatie a Verges a clear ly of Montreal (Eons) in Taunton,.
majority over the Il'ouse, "becatiso ata- Somerset.
lila government is an absolute, netts. Capt. P. Macdonald, native of Syd-
rcity i€ Britain is to continue her flight ney, 1v.S. (Cons.) in Isle of Wight.
to recover •completely from the<indus+ A. W, Iitaycoe k, iu tive of Cetera.
Make ours ate. electric
home with Delco Li ht
,rroucai a. butttoitt ,and your home is flooded
' electric,. . to and o
with bright lee ie light, turn a tap, u you
have all the water yott want, wherever you want
it; make all your daily tasks easier. •
etxtta*,tee onstrate i elco4t ngbt' for you. Learn
iiow Tittle it costs »r -y and: bow easily it may be
purchased on the General Motors' easy payment
Campbell ell .St Hutton, Box No. 1,, Kon1eka, Ont
W. W. -Cook, Goderich
EXTRA. miles because of tite emu
strength, endurance and outstanding
superiority of Firestone Tire construction.
First, the scientific twisting of eotto'tll
cords for grae`>tttest strength and elasticity
. 'Then, Gua, -flipping-=- the extra Ore. •
stone patented proe'ess which saturates
and insulates every fiber and strand of
every cord with pure rubber.
Only in Firestone Tires do you receive all
the advantages of these extra features of
in-built mileage, plus the security and
',Natty of riding on tate deep, rugged Fire.
stone non-skid Tread. The Firestone
Dealer saves you money and serves you
letter. See him. today.
Slade in Ilatniltone Canada by
4141111/0110111001110 WM.
ma,KER BROS.; MacEWAN & ��; H. JANE:
F. H. WOOD; W. J. SYNIONIs, Soltifoed.
Nod Troll*
,a d Saakat bewen, ate i. hens-
k Nor Nidol # matt their inions in revel f t3 this 1• tr 1
! matter. t)ru r ns of 4 -Jewett t leers zl
I a beta 1-n b
Book sof Need Mhos
Mss. II. Beniata?iescn, Otto, Y(ra>n,
wnitees—e'$hortly after nese birth of
my little girl 1 took wry tick and true
in,be1 most of the tire. I. beef back-
aches, heaclaehe e, and won all eon
done, and I had trouble with my
kideeys. I tried ail kneels of medicine,
bet nothing was abio to relieve tar,
Au 1 lave eight ebiteiren, and my he
head was away at ttao nen) I seat for.
him to cone horde, mrd -hen be did no
brought, me five boxes of Doat*'a
Sidney I.'ills, After 1 lead flairbeal
them 1 felt so muni batt:ior I was.
a*g t ableto ,00k after soy toilet,
av o h
kIR Gt � ate CinK sought,
N lke.tern anemueas, tt th cao e •
e a croons, ui` Pa' urea, 91;7 r sal ro
Ron increase in tie coat a,f Coen tare
• Por;+i'ablee, net only liesieren tttey i
must ninon:: tile here .t eine bi,, g
0 consume, but also bc^auee they taro
in favor of the lowest pa:�' iWo tarllF
on al? things
IBy Barbera Il Weeks
Wray not npeu tite Window,; these
r bright. mornings. and let the nun pour
• in on the breol fast • tie?? The
members of thea fareily will anticipate
the meal more and probably will heli.
tate to miss it. The table can . be
made cheery with staid blossom or •
dowers, gay linen and decorated
i tba.:s tel::
1 • semble and mit the ingredients sets .with which to make the break -
trot breads forma delightful lineal nut in the pitcher and poured on the
Pries' We, at box
at all Iregglete tie
dealers, or mailed
t . receipt
terse onof
price by the T. Mil-
burn Co, Malkin
Toronto, 0*
TittireittititY, JUNE Gni, 1929
Hand Tailoring
Special Orders M.
1,11 neon
The interested homemaker offers a ,_... .. . ,._:_
varfed breai:fast to those tvho dine at .
herr table. When the family tires of Waffles iatay be used for tete break
e Tlae
t 1or supper menu. 0fes luncheon su Y
tons, for breakfast-rtry hot bread-.
No sooner ,thought' than done be- are de l cions when served ' with n
cause they are easy to propare. a ,gree strawberry sauce.
does not take over ten minutest as- ' here are so many 'bright waffle
ing the 'Madrid session of the League Served with fruit and a hot dr}nk fast table gay. The batter may be ,
of Nations to wipe the state clean of Par breakfast we usually choose a 'waffle iron at the table and thus. the
a problem bequeathed by the World Q y hostess will be ablo to spend all et ..r..
muffin, or a bi cult There are some
330 :.
For Upholstering, Kneehole
A large lenge a frSaa Sample Cover -
ices n MAN
Nelson Street
t' f
Wear by arranging for evacuation
o who think muffins era a trouble, while
the breakfast hour with her family.
the Rhineland es soon as possible terref-
1 X as into effect they really are the vainest of quick
in ; preparation an mixing which - teaspoon sugar,
int; edit o£ . successful settlement of .
the reparations problem will come be- insures a d be muffin. The inbred- 'fag powder, 1i-4 cups Ail -Bran, 2
e e of the French Cab- tents should be mixed only until the eggs, - 1.rt eups; snipe:, 4 tablespoons,.
ins.. t} meeting , last bit of flour has disappeared. 'i he '»ne►ted shortening, ,delft' tele•Sour,
i t to lie ld this week ' Utider•
• the nuns Dien
n goes >n o lour, es1
This. and all pelitieal questions grow. - bread- to make 'because it is speed 1' 1-2 ,sued dour, 1. teaspoon salt,
both t d h h 3 2 t a su ar 4 teaspoons bak-
na batter rosy ,look' lumpy, but do not salt, sugar end' baking powder to -
the Treaaty, of Versailles the allies bean, out the lumps, Incense' over. 'anther; add the A11 -Bran, the well
were to • hold three Rhineland Don •. beating causeas. the muffin to be tough, beaten egg, ni lk` and melted: shorten -
for #Ivo ten and fifteen Years, withto laevo holes running -teem the bot. ing•• Beat well. Bake in hot wattle
authority tai remain, However, until tont to the top, and • to have peaks. iron.
G stoma ' last obligati under that
chew O. The ,first :zone, +tenitrein µ well browned crust and a .slightly Cretan two tablespoons of butter
:ro ny.s. a i ion A vivi4 muffin has a rather laugh, Strawberry Sauce .
mitre t should have been tis
S 1 • a been rounded tern The batter ntay, bo with 1 cup of honey. Add slowly 24
around Cologne, has ane dy hard
mixed the night before,'put in the cup of crushed .`strawberries, Stir
evacuated. 'Iliere is still,some a d greased muh6n tins, covered with until thoroughly'bllended.
going ahead, as the Belgian delegates . l
waxed paper and put in the ice box,
have renewed ,,nets insistence .that all ready for baking the next morn- Relieves Asthma at erode,—lf you
they will not sign anv final report big. This reefer for ail braemuffinscould:reed the thousands of unsolicit-
until their countrys claim to renin- may .varied sometimes by the ads ed letters received ' by the makers
' bursement for marks forcibly sax- .clition a£ chopped dates, figs, raisins front grateful users you, too, would
changed against francs during the or nuts. realize the remarkable :powers of i)r`.
, German, occupation of Belgium, and momma ' rd Dei. Kellogg's Asthma -Remedy, All
which later beeerne' practically value- • 2 tablespoons shortening, ?y cup cases, incipient and chronic, are inert -
less through depreciation :of German
currency, . hies .been settled to Bel-
gium's satiefaetion.
t'rince'Henry in Canada
Canada was honored by a visit
from another royal son of .the Em-
pire when Prince Remy, Duke of
Gloucester, third son of Th
sties. who went ata 'Tokio'to confer up-
raor• o t o t
sugar, 1 egg, 1 tun sour mill:, 1 cup efited' by: this great family remedy.
All -Bran, 1 cup flour, to teaspoon Why . sufer ear experiment vwith
soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, x,; wbuthless preparations when the
teaspoon salt.. genuine' Kellogg's can be purchased
Creathme hireslightlshy.orteninbeaten' gegg anad nd sumigalr, every -Where
Md the All -Bran, Sift the flour, .Chi 1 d r e n Or'v'
sir Majes- soda, baking powder and ,salt and .add
. 13
+` :
cr lilr cht the Orde of til the. flour disappears. Bake in ;,'.�%; I • A •
r 11.,1 ..•
Q3.1•µ ...,..;.. y
the Garter. reached Victoria from greas�, ed muffin, tins. ' in . a moderate
Japan,. on the liner Empress of Asia, overs (375 degrees P.) for twenty .
'nor the neat four days the Prince minutes.
will be the guest of victoria and wilt • If sweet -milk is uadd- in tbee above
be entertained bvo Lieut.«Governor R. recipe, omit the oda 'and use three
to the first mixture, stirring only un -
Randolph and Miss Belem Mackenzie, teaspoons baking powder.
ehotolaine• at Government House. Have a surprise for the .fancily
The first concern of •1'rinee Henry ,some morning land mane honey date
;following: his arrival from Yokoliatfia, biscuits. Pat out the baking powder .
for his father, icing George, who biscuit dough. Make 'n..paste• of 1-2
cup honey creamed with 1-4 cup but-
ter. Add 1-4 .cup • chopped dates, 1-4 .
cup chopped nut meats and 1-4 eup
All -Bran. Spread this• mixture on
wireless while the ship was at seta. ,'the biscuit dough •and roll like a jelly
Cablegra'na front Windsor were tak- roll The roll can be made the night
1 on aboard by special messenger as the before, covered with a sloth and put
ettupress doeltech; . e in the ice boat to ,chill. Cut into 3-4
A Pilgrim Steamerinch slices. Bake on a buttered sheet
An' seen liner, the S.S. Doric, left 2$ tninutes in a hot oven (400 degree;
0 1".). Biscuit dough should not be
Liverpool last week with a load of mixed for a lona tame -•-just •sutfcient
membersof the .British Free" Cher fo slightly blend the materials.
ttbursday sud'ered a slight relause
svhieh; forced him to take to his bed
ant Wiadoor Castle.' The Prince had
been sdvieed of bis father's condition
clees who are coming .to Canada on •
pilgrimage. :Greetings' Were sent to . ----it
the . rpilgrinia by Iiia Majesty King `
George, the prince of Wales and Mr.
Baldwinand other publie personales.
The leaders of this tour are Rev,' Side
ney Berry and ltev. At*. Sleen, both
well known British Free Church -worn
kers. so.
• Irish Speaker Elected _
CANADIAN CHARGE D'Ab`FASRS Lird Dunleath's son, Icon. Horny
Dr. Iiugh'Eeenleyside of Vatcouver;. Mulholland, was elected Speaker of
who has been appointed by the Slant- the Northern Irish Parliament in sue-
inion Government as Commercial 'Sec- cession to Hon. Sir Hugh O'Neill,re-
rennet and .Charge D'Affairs of the signed, The King's Speech was read
Canadian Legation in Japan. tow by the. 'Governor of Northern Ireland,
.being established, until the arrival' in the Duke of Abercorne r"1 he new -
Tokio of Hon, Herbert Marler, first House will it n few weeks for Canine
Canuadian ;Minlater to 'Japan. eial business, then 'adjourn until idea. •
• I, bee From •Straw* Manitoba Minister 'Returned
Paper made from earn stalks has van. W. It, Clubb, Minister of fele
been proven successful in the middle lie Works, in tete . Manitoba Govern -
Wes can Staatea. Now Western Can- meat, was elected by acclamation.,
ata has found a new and profitable A by-election wasnecessitated in his
use for °straw. A companyhas been constituency of Morris following. his
fncoeporated in Regina ,foe the mane- reappointment to the Cabinet. Mr.
facture of stratvboard to replrra or- ,Glubb resigned hie .ealiinet position
,timely lumber in the construction of 'following admissions of having per -
buildings, and one 'machine 'hen re- ante, 1Vinnipeg Fleetrie stock while
centIy been plated in operation on t e. Government Weis negotiating a
Ann of . A. a1Sei, one
tato lease of Seven Sisters with the cent'
north of ite;rina� Patent rights for
Canada have been Paten
acquired, The ma- 'mails'* Hon. 'W. J. Major, K.C., at-.
chane, it is stated, compresses . the torney-general, roaigned at the awn"
re -
straw under a pressure of 100 pounds time, and was reappointed, but his re-
to the aquae inch, the product being turn teti the Cabinet did not necess'-
laced with wire and (turned out in utas a bye•elea:tion under Winnipeg's
boards 14 feet long by ' five feet wide proportional representation system,
and two inches 'thick.. Britain Recognizes Iran
Bishops Return to Mexico cognized
sovereignty, of Iraq is to be re -
All Catholic archbishops and bish. '. cognized by the united States in a
ops banished frons Monaco two years tripartite treaty which has been pre- t
ago, when they refused to obey the Ud x iit by
Stater , and isl to bIraq grned in
• stringent 'regulations of the teleses London. Negotiations which were
government, will return home imme-
diately. It is expected that they will . n 5 year
dna 1 the ego e have
all back by duly 1, In time to eeleof
brats the impending ratification of the eon -meet has been approved by
the new. ,agreement between church
parties. Signature of it has been
and state with high masses. ',delayed only through a cabinet crisis
President i:''odes Gil has ,ordered lin Irar+.
the Mexican consul in other lands tel i . BattSl. Fruit V.
vist the passtiorts of tate ehureh dig•
Waal ie
leinitti Birthday List
Five ne^a7 peerages were created in
the birthday honoii lint aixi4 Mas.
Ott', made publie ten the eve of his
birthday. The physicians who at-
tended Ills Majesty during his recent
severe illness receive mention. and
Ontario fruit .And vegetable grow -
ors will not to mention to m w w m m '
Ors not to mention the consumers,
we71 be keenly itttereated in a propos-
al now being considered by the Dom-
inion Government for ar revival of the
tipeeiaat tariff ditties against certain
produets entering Canada from the
United States: • Premier King sec
five privy councillorships, -11 baron.! eently held a eenfercnee with n cat-
eteie.+a and 32, knighthoods are be-
The Order of Merit wads bestowed G
en Hewett Bridges, poet laureete, in
recognition of his eminent position
in the world of literature." This io
i'+9eh ewer., was elite centeered en
John t.wlswceithy, noted raevelist and
j playwright.
'tete League in fietatony
after * eosin l *1 of birkerir+t it is
c r)a±titlentty metiti,paated tent t,n'taae
tette1rrtwan and ttistid' ),feast, foe•
teen rimrter,e t.ea<rn,ane met
learnt re -profuse 9e„ t+,11 pure',` •etas
a ♦ .t., .. .._,.
rot kink dad Madre,Hilt 1 Ili
Aowns a tweets
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada
,oboes tbd died
31'.:4Cn horse G; .: i1k:q�x,iMq.> t�HS,u'
D. 11.1100NET, est
* A.•�.r fast 4 i
Scott's Emulsion
14; int
a. �.
• Oa Guaranteed Trust Certificates
Secured by Approved First Mortgages
and Government Bonds.
A Legal Investment for Trust Funds.
d descriptive circular describ- - '
Brag these certificates in detali . .
wilt be forwarded upon request .
remote tOwea
Cures of Spectacuktr Beauty
.digger Built!
"ler Powered! .
,ower •Priced! ,
_- __.,.1
'WITH longer
bodies, higher
radiaatora and hoods,,
low graceful lines,
osteo-piect full drown
fenders, rich hal.
monious eolora—
the new 'Whippets
establish a distinctly
}oursnnd light Sixes.
The new 'Whippet Sirs is the world's
lowest priced Six with the impder-
taaut advantages of seven -bearing
crani shaft," full foree-feed
lubrication, "Finger-tip (;on•
trot", silent timing chain, extra
leis g wheelbase, invarmstrut pistons
andotersizeballoontiers. Noother "
ear olrera all these featurra at such
a remarkably low price,
The new Vi hippo Four is that only
The sreateat •dratice !e deriving
e renitneeriecethesel6stsraer.
e e butt, looted m the.
renter eters
the iteral wbeq1„pon,
troll all fanetionn of mettles the
/mem. Greeting the lights and
snundieg the horalt. No wires in
eteeriag poet.
Four combining full
force-feed lubrf..
cation," I inger. tip •
Control't', silent
timing chain, i nvar-
strut pistons and
' oversize balloon tires,
A demonstration re-
veals higher speed,
'sister pick-up and
gether with ease of creater o ,itrol'and
comfortable riding qualities never
before associated with such in-
wrinver FOUR -COACH $725, Curl*
1723, Coulee NM* nimble Brat) E711iti,
Medan $alb. Roadster $1560e lteaadrater
lw th ramble eeat37110, `Pouring $M
'rl'Iillq'ETSIX /11A131$110 ej'.,y i,aitl!a
rumble area) WO, 4rdim $995, r1 mantes
*Ale De: Lgtite Sport Resister $ll'A.
Aft rico t'.pt,resp 7erareee,Tam ,} 11.
et OM ludo t,f llhiiywt foetenanra•?er Gorr end Witfe8.1Olight /ma*leasing fn ,prem ,frena pro t' flifie, ,r.r,,t,. ,factor
s taxes txt!•M,
GEO. JOHNSTON, Godericlj