The Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 1•
Wedding stationery. terms aura.
log toad feria painted ia apprise -ea
te pie ale lee oat line' hnitk, at the Cade.
with *or Wier, the Hesse of Good
37,7-, ". 1:.
Special 01 1., to Now Soiseribers
Tho Goderith Star w1l hr bwrat to
the auldresai 00) mei oisitoesikor
term row to Jaw let, 1010, ler ciao
Stabeerihe at oar* aied get
the foal beaten of thee *pedal eider.
Subscription: $2* year in Conde
42.50 a year to la S. point% WALTER NAFTEL,
Goderich, To Celebrate
le If you knew that you -were going to die tonlawow eveuld, you
take insurance teday ?
2. Why do youite your property widen may never be de-
ettayed and not yourself olio must die some day?
e. Would you like to, assure your son an educate° ?
4. You realize iieou ought to have this protection don't you?
5. Would you like your obligations cancelled if you should die
touiglit ? •
0. Did you ever bear of a widow who Objected to Life Insur-
ConsiOer these !questions 'carefully and tonsult us- toolay.
f Office 115-
rherteai Residetice 549
R. LONG, District Agent
Baron lavestineats Ltd.
Stock' Brokers
Bond Dealers
pmleriott, Ontario
Phones 430 entt 445
Dominion Day ---- Huron °County Council, In Session This Week
TOWN TOPICSReM. e. p.m to Hyatt Ave., DOMINION DAT
By the Oval draft of changes ratite i
Goderich Talent at Tetswater Iandon Conference United church,- rg9 4541" Efferted ithd Geucr41
41 Mr. A. W. Anderton of Clinton, a, which was adopted* Rev. Mrs Parrs Of I
former organist of St. George% 'Victoria street Unite(' aura, goes; Goderich
I lens Laid for Celebration in
i church, who 'still conducts climes to Ilyett avenue churelo London, to tioderiela will celebrate the First Pi?
I here, gave en organ neeitai in the Willett he }led. been etteited, and Rev.; July with a full prograa. oaratle and
1Teeswater Milted -chili -en an Monday Mr. Brown, a Ashfield, goes to!!
ebildrenie garnet.. iu the meriting,
• evening. Re Nves misted by miss Thorndale. Rev. T. A. Steadman, of
Illiye and Mrs. 'W. Edwards, of Gode. Byron, comes to )3luevele; Rev. Erie andel', probably a double heeder, in
Anderson, of Menkton, ectinea to the afierneon, awl band comae; et
Ble-th, Rev. De. It. II. Barely super- r night. nueh was ,the decision arriv.
anuittingi Rev. IL W. Ilezelstein, of ea at at tile Public meeting- lield in
Inwood, to Ceediton; Rale e. C. Eats° thatown hell Tuesday evening. Tbe
They also sung a duet, "0 Dwane Re. of Atwoed, to Dungannen; Rev. attendance Wits not large but uvgani.
deemer," and Miss Tye rendered two Campbell ITrevenor, or, Rent presbee zation wits effected and erten' plans
solos, 4eItother Miteinve" and "anew. tern to Astaleld; Rev. C. A. Malcolm, 11 laid. Mayor MiteEwan as chairman
flakes." " of Port Stanley, to Egmondville; Rev.!! 4)f the celebration eommittee, Mr. S.
ride who, along with Messrs. J.
Stewart and A. W. Anderton, contra
_ bitted two quertette nuntbers, "Shep-
herd of Soule" and "Robin Adair."
Three News of diciderfelt Hospital dudden death of
Receive Their Diplomas !Hendee Moth John Blake (teemed at his tete
Evening residence in Aelifiekt on Wedneeday,
C. E. Taylot, oe Courtwrig t, to
Pigeon Flight . Ethel; Rev. J. C. Forrester, of Som.
- Lust Saturdey's flight by Pigeons bra. to Londesboro; Rev. G. WeiButn
inbelopging to the Goderieb, Homing Tupperville, to Victoria ste Gode-
_. Croft sepretary end Mr. lo W.
Wooleombe treasurer.
Mx: Roy Stonehowie was selected
'WANTED for ohairmen of the childrods game
apa ee.
e NT E D To upoT remise t The birds were released at 5 a.m. anti i'zeh, The new pester of Victoria st. eonunittee. with Mr. Ilarry Edwards
1 b •
as vice ehairman, and Mr. Stone.
.house In residential Is a on of Rens Wite R. Bott, who
July aod Auguet. Four sleeping rooms. loown
section, tor the first eight arrived home as fol. was a Colborne township boy, Rev. house, liliss Sharmen and Mee 1).
A. V. Welders, who was at Bluevale, 0"Beien are to see as tO possibilities
aleferenees, AWN eiliTHE104AND,. 60 unifier Band Na. "" S uisv n Chatham- of having school children puede or
efOrague Ste Guelplo 1Johnisten 175.739 12:25
NAPPY ...VACATION' initaelea, rialict:er 255.414 t 10'45
Roe to Ito tile. era.
Rev. E. S. Biome, who was at Credi. takes part in some- sort ot yageant
ton goes to setionlaehler Rev W D, . tt e urhanan
e; •- 003.5.89-ei -1t4o5r) Mahon:aid, NviS. Ekraendvillo,' Ma Croft, Mr. it'aestins,idrelle Stine
QVF, . MITS. ilnd COS- i meeviair 2126,45,10
goes to Agincourt near Toronto, .inte . die and Ma Cites: Black were appoint.
Ti \1I complete knit goods idea • imeevieee 043-803 1:12 Rea Ae Walker, who was at Dun. ed to be in charge of seeing as to a
eet saletaeeldt with 41- ranne'•iall w"' IN. Dlaelt a ye-861483 • 1:la 03001t; OreParilig to return to the trades proresston, with de.corated
tind tide e protegee .911310e$3. Write
for Information. giv pariletarao cif priittbitode • • •...• Id is., .1111.06 ission field. autos, bicycles and ealithutopians at
yourself. BRITISH liNITelleAlt so. And- the firemen will also be ex.
mg), I3101r0r, Ontario. 'The nI)exi.ilig-ht will be tam Brock..1 North St. IV, M. S. Services peeted to participate in the parade.
May 22ntl. Ira) late 1,$1r. Blake Wile
Mi' Jelin Morriet of Goderieh ; been in Achilehl and resided there the
aeliss Movie! Ciaembere, of Owen greider tart of hie life. Ilie -Nutlet
, oeunei and -miss kma lima ee Kart. eiervicee took place ent Saturday afe
• t, weto tlit e ,theee.rawee: of t4lics eevirueny.:55R;7177(eittn:Iahthud'relie:le:erie.epeiitnieetutdeoee:
.Thi etho ree,eivcd their diplomas at the ceased was a faithful and devoted
?graduation alercisee held in the Mas. worker. 'Mei-merit was made in
ionic Assembly room on Monday even. Dutigannon cemetery, with the foa
tinge 'lite neon was beautifully de. towing neigehars 3S pallibearerst
t ete„ and the ledies of the Viioments Jan. Menet% John Myers, Itiettard
1 . .-y
.eorated for the occasion 'With flowers,' William Crozier, :Ibtert eMehriemunaeidr:
. . ! •gt.
very irtteresting evenirsg. MMait‘e'•11.bediatiful floral tributes bero
Mr. George Williams, vice presi. evidence o' the high esteem in which
dent of the board, was the ellen-man the deeeasee man was beide Ile eit
for the evening, in the ebsence- of srovived by wesid.ow, to.*(oadmatlitet.earat
Mi. G. L. . OP ,( t i .
' the opening Drayer was given by St. Catharines; Miss 'Alma. td home;
illev. J. N., ff. Mills. Harold and Cana, lases at home; one
. &Ir. ft. J. lilegaw Semite on belt& orno
avndslosnte,ra riEnadialoSne fulvaktueer aelostonisour:
of the nospitia, paying a legit trihnte
to the w tit of the nu in *mule. Ore' ettles t1iztk ,M i * of fi i e
-don with. the -hospital nude of the rs. Emma. Mona% of -Clinton ;
value of the nurse's work in generai., Mrs. A. U. MeRenzie, Edmonton. .Al.
• He also mentioned the advantage that herta; Mee. N. O'Neil. Seattle, tirash.
a nuraearestraining lied a spending ington; ears. II. Cralies; Vancouver,
six months in a Loridon hospital as aud Mr. Robert Blake, Ifoleiesville,
part of her eourse.leading to ber,gra- Ontario..
duation. He' expressed the sense Of i eleILWAIN.-After a short illness
e an will not be held until Juno Last Sratday in the absence -of Rev. The Mean Old Boys' Association 1 on the b oer d f e1
t in the let -novel of there Oilseed teevo in Gedericlo ou .
etrieles ineetnacia need ',4fTitl• Coln- rest from their last flight. ference, the services weee ureter the es to a tug Of Vox* for their eine at
AgoIN WANTED,The ea:teat growln.e 15th; giviroe the buds a fOrtnight to i Mr. Clarke, who wee attending Con-. of Toronto are to be Nvritten to to see ;Ito Lessee-, wild hat"' been the eill. •
0 ase was bein4 iiIletety sigyit.,raligs.yeIattu,..gholIelecelahsvamwains
tool, undee expert instructors. on En. G. C. I. Athletes Ilohl 'Their Own
oiete shop Courses. Du the work with ieuspices of the W. X S. The presi. present beld lay Ashfield. dent treasuler. His 1
, wben She ,MOV•
iilled coppler be Ma Woolleinenbes born in Onderich townshipi uteri) she
1 $‘1,ter A 4 Batteries Welding, Industrial 13ob atoddart and NIorrison McKay, e esi at
assisted in the 'devotional exercises wards, Bobt. Turner, 0, IL Hurnber
dent, Mrs. Ardrew, presided, and was Mesars. J. Bs Reeiliolds. II. Fel. Mr. efegtov also referred to the VerY teSided Unlit last fall
generous gift by Miss Trainer. of .
'LOST • I gines. Starting. Lighting, and Ignition in Feta Crenipany
ed to town. She' is survived by ber
.:,r:-1,0ay's gold wriet 'NN.01011. 'with eleeiriedy nri eii,IA Y I T. IllaStmilr of G C 1 took - rt li th X t •
black and void eabun liana lie. d en ei, ee 1 e eeteei dee 0 e ; • .,ea 1 e le el- ing and by Miss Bailie in the evert- committee as to
ea ease enure* Robertson in the morn. and W. Buchanan wean appointed a in „, _ , i , ,.. , , , . , husbaritO three 'tome and two dough.
$10,000 toitbe hospital. lie mention.
%era Mitre, IL H. REID, Albert street. O i ore la na• 8.1; ; 11 '..! Seholastm Championship contests at ing.
. S. a e • or Ina years a o c maw e ei o
baseball with powet vu voo Btu cansi• 01 a 1 1 ,Tutatte 'tor tenet Mrs; Theron ligtles. of Sea.
I AN rRe- to WI, CuitleihROXAO ONION- -1 e V. Mr ai rl i f ny t -4 t, to • g f r utaide teams the hospital and of the Intention to torte. ei , ee ..•
: bone • . PloltING S'011OOLS ,Sulte One Hundred, . NA .,, . ansinonary m Wese 'Chinn, gave very and with the local team if desirable.
------ " e • to come Into competition with seniors --------- 1 in Queen We Toronto.
but came fourth in the pelt) YAW% her mother, Mrsi Robert jobn.
„ interesting addrettees on the awaken- A double header was , suggesed.
VSTABLISII YOURSEIX IN A LIFE ielearing- the pole It 11 feet, and X which flee nation is trying to solve claw; outside teams 1'ton and five brothere and five 'ii-
ing of Chino and showed the problems Some suggestee having htorho gafimrset; gala:leans eid a very let t in- else hv
-pan zim.a;,..--.1. 10 -foot wire gate. 'so
8 "II -J TeeiE letitisiNESS or YOUli OWN. Meltay came fourth in the 220 yard at one and the same tinte--educetion. and some suggested haviog one match for the hositital and t le uron 0 aers, all living in Goderiele exceat
* lu:bleswork -'
1 II Id 'i
e- wire fencifig end posts, Apply to •
A. L. CIOLE„ cogs Rorie: entire. tence TIVedOd to sell our guaranteed .0
elate up to ne3.000 aeyear. No .exper- dash. The fastest competitors avere al, political and industrial. She also between big teams and one !between Repo' Association of 'Toronto had Mrs. Joseph Stuylie of Seskatebewira
TOR sm-il'14-drotnato Pants, 40 ete- food produete. We glee -ii-ou unusual aAottmll• teal).* oearbe. The -committee is to deeoretions for the superintentlent s
'household remedies. tetts• eogee and trained by Captain Cornelius.' . and in a .
4 g a 4 0 e addressed the 'Sundae school in the the Goderich team and some other contributed table, drapes, yoga, an, l
exce,pt Mrs. Smylie. Mrs. efellwain
Ail neve able to attend the funeral
the 220- gird dash the record was Monday efterntion the 'W. lel. S. see the loot team end arrange the MOMS.
have a pavement laid ill front of the nurichi Itoliert, of Goderich town -
hospital property from Victorie sereet end George and Sam, at home;
per trandred. ,1111RON CANNING assistance to assure you •or 'euecess. wits of a kindly dieposition and was
'. it will .b, seen that the
a oaadaTORY, _Wawa a'3., rr"tierkli.' ''' NS,'K1.0 tea' particulars. Attlee u . ORES- l'entan' so
----- ---- -m--- " SY CO 206 Gialetone Ava Toronto. i boys were an fast company and made babies 'in eonneetion with the Baby Dr. Graham and Mr. George Jenner
idlitilialie entertained the 'mothers and whole matter. A very pleneing 'void sOto wall Weil rked b 11 1 k • 1 • SI
.eenuereu per etas. a. e. otaceeani nevi; was teleran; willing to help in time of
e ee , - I - y e Vi. to too mi. te
von SALM-Cabbage plane* for stile. e ., e . , . ,
I a very film 14. or At Homan on
nevi. in religion she was a Presbo.
aerate kinds. 30 Plante Pie 20te Ale I
11) (I cabbage Vales, three dies ee,
--.P-Y • . • Toronto financial he -use. must in the pole 31111,11t, Amlarosta Colborne
NvAN'TEIL-Ilepresentative wanted by the 24th of May, Stoddart took first The Band and Cradle Roll of the chtfreb. were appointed to see as to aainlyansgpeej MI;.141%ylaoirorAtetEbweapniabnoro.uott geeet.
program WS largely' given by cial feature that might be torten, The funeral service, nwhieli
the visitors' as folknes: ecripture for the day. - rags from the town eouncil and eon. ii
IIIINFALYBY, 13141-011.SL ' I) 111 automobile „and know Godelteh' and StoddarO second and third in the
aeeenlogelfide.iiewull'a"" f.'n''' htleorne an on y , is e ass n n Vi first and secon. n e lort; solo, Frieda Barbour: reading, Parsons tech:age of deeoreitioeGe'e,cm14:.• fri.lAatiRatpirsroplpir, altheettlkitsltsIt.inS• nw" ifteljg ittetiel‘difi'astinlirirenrfelelanetlx..egieihelen11)0ei%-leld.
ALM A &met! ttpiCg: rini:c a* --'-...tit. Und diStriet well. oleo is a eosition bigh jinn° moreeson maw -wed -ran- rending/ rsattol l'e Catll, erirl Canto, _.11dessrs. J. .W.. Fraser_ and
F011- IS ---g•-•-•-°--- e ---- ee-e' ".---- went unlimited, possibilities and largeaei tr. ' d i at 100
rioge, a I 41 • t. ' I me ell be I ---easset "Childhood in Heathen Lauds," Mrs. inittera privileges, lien le „ Rae, i tDr...Emiateril‘M 11 1(11. the ltddeaettoe, te, the ineernient taking !aloe in Mait:
quire at. """' '"...*'''''''''' - vonsidered. 'Give full details or exper-71414adds. der an4. Marrlsan 1I 1 -
Fell 3* olo Billy Jenner• reeding' financeMr. ll• Cs Monningsi mut- the aladoetinir noises, leaving 4. Pile land cemetery. Vim pitlibearere were '
FOR S.1,LE.--eNt- agate ouperaieurale lenee in first letter. Amin -cations by( tr m e eumung broad jump. ' i al s ,
aTelliug the Children," Mrs: 0. John: ing anti advertising. Messrs. le L. sis •on the iropoetattee of their work Tan s ja , . . T h d r d.
Lod' Limeeelso hie!). grade fer- letter 01/1N.: Ile prepared to. ones to .... .
.ston• solo Cratheririe Cantelon. in. RIMX. IV. IL Robertson and Wolter
tilizers abetees In %to*. Painipt de- Toronto for intexview et application 1., e e . 4 L S
AUCTION SA E aftel. .
livery service when reauired. et IL coneidered. Exnerierree not essentia! aitataia
i AreTioN S.eLE OF REOgnENCE and „The executive eonratittee is to cone
• BAER. It It _ No. iiiiGoderiell, Ont. IITeGIIES. WODD et. co, lIamilion True' inaielalt-Lii -1,111\1"TrilE.
Ptione lairlOW 2821. nada, Toronto. • Ida of the thairman of various cora.
Fort sAt,),......Eggs for ilittebingi 0. - ---e• "Nitta. BOBER; DUFP
strumenran Mrs. Jenner; sotto lie
Sheardown; solo, Urs. Mair,
"Echoes from the eoneereni lilegt•
A. G. bred -to -lee strain. Bernet COURT OP REVISION will sell by public (trainee at the prom.
newdereN, t., Road. tiotierieli. on
, 44,e
Boas. Pullets of laet year laid at the anOTICE OF COURT Die
age of 4 roonthe and a days. :Unit. R. ge TOWe'etellIP GaollORNE RATItitiase, 2204.1
Diengrainone Plogue . - enneeneenenen s noillenellehtn it ;
gelation ring 8.1. Tile Court of Revisi-on on the lino 'tile ProPerat -consisting of evial
/3AB,i; climes, ide,ecniNo axis -eine-am-men eon a co: -.00,. iat„bunr-rrame house containing 8 rooms.
OR001)141 STOVES aatl in the Township. Carlow at too with eleetr4e. lielas and toilet. TOWII
• pan. nine JAM to- hem- one detei.reinc erecter sink in kitchen. Oood cellar
' The Baby Chick season well soon be . • G. J. uerniteleteniereee At the sane: time Matta eentents of
Towne -e• Greek tlle house, theluding Liviog Room, Din -
over. Better get earars before it is too
cote. Way 30th butch, aimed Books
are 17e. le. C. W. Leghorns 13e. After
Iappeals against old maces:twee and im eXlM goo,1 garden. two lots. '
Jog Room, Bed florae and 1(Itcheir For-
- --
AUCTION SALES eniture, (anion Tools and Chattel.% oill
eune 5th Barred Books are 15e. 5. C. W. , be .sold. Titer( will be nett:Min reser% -
Logliorns 13e, rfarred lloolts are taire A,L reTioN mix OF STANDING HAY. ed, AS MrS• pliff III Waling.09derleb•
0.-A. C. grant; Gookerels dirtset from ea • -i - . i fitateIS.-011 the propeete Metier eent rade in which they 'resided so long, brie Rd. $ t ves e was It•tee ri g t end unload»
0, A. College arc rnated to ompetea. ; mit..1,1Apirii eleatiOlo I el purehese meet: toebe _pate at teier WAS Unavoidably held over till this is. miss Hazel Hartwell, of the imbue presented nurses' scisSors. kra. Red- ed a quantity of sugar from Wallace.-
breeelers. Milo -horn Chicks ere from will sell by Public ottetion at E half terras co
eiearline and two-year-old hens. lot 8,,eon. 7. Mhtleld, oit ' °I °Ale' fhalaille°e1111 .'egitalie.,S$ fig:0114(1 sue. They were .preserited with a sehool staff of Port Stanton. sPone ter I. O. D. E., presented the nurses I -
, ditt, as Regent of the Ahmeek Chap- burg into tile freight shed.
end water eouras. , 42 acres of alfaltia one tanothy.hav, -..... . . - . To,Dr. Cnse. . atay . • ' with their blether. and sister in DO- I. 0. D. E., presented sterilizers, lath I _
ing," ay Mee, Jan Hatniltoo. Re. mitteest A motion NIMS passed to ie.
freshments were„ served. arid a social luest the towa council to have tied
and malting an address which will be
long remembered by the young 'tidies sel°rin;y bbetulltifuul°'filottial dtteeeneu.atSeesd-'and7tilee
who received their . diplomas that. large uratiber of friends present bore
evening. ii evidenee te the 'high esteem In which
A splendid reading by Mrs. D. D.
Maim'. tollowid, ater wideli Dy. Goi. Mrs' Mnliwain "S held.a-
trate eneeyed. • -,44 4.1411lte roped of? for the morning low had the graduating class take I BRIEF TOWN TOPIC'S
....f.. ... -- i events. The band will be on handfoe the Florence Nightingale pledge, and •
FAREWELL Pnr..,,ENTATILls the morning procession atd they are then Miss Matheson, as acting super. i The first Wednesday afternoon nee
' . MDR,AND.MRS.,0,4i,SE Asked- tEk give 11 VilIneert IAA*. OW' vior, preSented the diploatiiii. Miss at the Maitland Golf Chebeveill be on
itig, this to be one of thew contract McDonald, Mrs. C. F. Chapman and Jane lath. Weariesditta will be field
People of Dungannon andeVieinity number of summer amerces. •Mrs, H. C. Dunlop presented the nur. days throughout the season,
Express Their Feelings on Eve of The ottunittee will mot again or sos with nurses' pins, tor. Martin, 1 Mrs. Jno. Treble, of Carlow, la the
- Departure of Dr. and Mrs. Case for Monday 011;1111a ndixt* on behalf of the Medical Association, possessor of a hen which lays. a dou-
-. presented hypodermic sets and also a ble-yolked egg every week and it re -
PEOPLE ' WE KNOW gift from a drug firm. Mr. Meakina eently laid one which Mc:Mired ?tit
wean then gave a vocal solo arid an encore, by 9 inches.
Miss 'M. Biggae spent the
both ot whieh were very much appre-
ciated. ,
On behalf of t r woo rr %ii, today w t 1
The Bent d a nal if
end he Hamilton.
Mrs. E..B. Edwatels, iof London is
the Women s BosPital Canada Flour Mills Co. A entail
i •' a cargo of • wheat for the eVeetern
the guest of Mrs. ,Carrie, Sr., Cl'un. Auxilia Mi.R id the or sident .
Owing to our columns being crowd.
ed last week the following report of a
Presentation to Dr. and Mrs. Coe° of
Dungannon by the people a the vie.
Retelling eggs 5 cents atelt. Tams oe lettni,10{ u n ure . _
ea) ilf r it -Cash well-filled purse of gold and the ae-
WEDN'E.e.DAY, JUNK 12th • miNury 4,, sea coriapanying witness . the ween -end at her hame here. 1
wait Eversharp pencils from the The MaeGillivray Mission Band of
Aelt. to see our line eif Royal feeders Dimoerieee one Mitisee elary and Charlotte Morris cheater, and Mrs. 'Cockburn Hays, as Knox 'church will hold a bazaar and •
rannuenel" In 4 a'('-lae;': PtIn" • .kuctioneers. . eee eee nee left on Sunday for a two weeks' visit regent of the Maple Leaf Chatter, tea on June 15th.
• C. (1. CAMPBELL, Auburn:0ot. to be sold in lots to sue. legate:are (ILEARINO AUGTIoN SALE OF rARM Dear Doenon-It is with deep feel- rt oit. even Itecegnized. pa a loading specific -for
• expeessing congratulations
Phone Myth , • , TelealSo-Four months' eredit will be eToen. IMP LieeiRearen • AND ings of regret that via the citizens
Tee eeieettet mime the deetruction of worma Mother
! enane Conreselon, Colhories Town- your imminent •departure *pm our Theeridusp,
" Miss. Mary: Clarke *is. eome from tbew ahepters,
nto 'Unwersay. Site nee is ano et o a iz
. oleo on. furnishing approved joint ininitelItIOLD EMI:Tr%
notes. A discount all -------- teen. at Let In of Dungannon and vicinity, hear of
th • rit ni at' n which Gram' Worm !Exterminator nee
to take charge of the Chris. I was n ineluded anainig the gift vi ' proved a boon ----- ffering children
.NLBERT elentitain Proprietot. ewe. three ,mi1es. north, of liolmesvilits, v soh It %Mom f
midst, and' realizing the loss we are s h
T° •RENT.-rive.roomed house.. fur- T. °MOW aAuctioneers- an about to suffer we take tins oppor- tophel eac canto. iseheir Oresentation belog made e er ere• '• ABS.
be .
nailed, also garage. Apply at
• TiltniSfiele Jteele 1311i.
toratnenelme at 1.00 1.i.elock:
ALL rioN SALT!, ifors, I 10
tundy to reirand you of some a the
impressions your lite in our midst for
oyer torty.five years has made upon
us. In your proteseional lite you
has the "liereo finialt*P to hist suite.
DO.O. G. 'Jratitt and wife and little / Moo Bohertee
,mes.i.ottler gate from friends were then
former's parents.end
111 daughter, Jewell, are visiting the Beautiful bouquets of Movers and
e mare. Years o In
FOR SALE. --A tenetsocetied heuse cot , tettisEineen foal: aged delving. borse, quiet ana re-
Ouebee streetentorey end ft bog, - •
. anwitn. Dayfield Road. • 'Presented, the presentetione being The linings finished in tide way dou.
your next suit eut four ways; -
liable: Grey Perelieron mare 3 year;
i illaxwetl, Helee Ifolmes, Lucille Pat-
selth full quarter -titre lot,' dasher We have 'received instructions bold old
• baye ShOwn extreme kindness, sym-
5ighled end ?median ,plumbing, N'ew LAvtitENCE I Cattlen-t (*twice young rows, fresh; patine end courage. You have made
Oetible, earaite. Anple to sell by mielle tuiettoe at her Iasi- 6 -exti-ai -good -young Durham; -grade visitatione. to relieve- ituirairtity, often
• jE011, SALeinenteasatory • *ante:house. drne" .°" °'11
all •
modern conveniences, on Si TVIIDA1., aliens; .
Brock SL SNAZEL. Newente esonimeneing 1.30 cretoek sharp:
netreet. • The rontente a the houee. eonsisting
.... of 1 'Mason a etiseb, plane, .1 Dee ,tnile tee nee, to eve: meentoitee
calves. .. under mot trying and ralliculz condi.
Plos.-e: breed sews In pig, i tions of roads end Weathee•, and that
linalenaintegeltstea Barrie' 1)1K101.1 6 without fait, and 'zone appreciated
ft. eut; eleeermieit Deeteng ranwee, ti
ft.' cut nearly mew; Matormick Deer- more than you the satisfaction of rc.
lieving those in pidn'or distress.
14, 'REAL ESTATE „AND 'INSURANCE ofarshaillmattressee ane pieces-% I Sin- disc dr1551 MssseY Harris boo drill:
roont suite, t walnut bedroom sane,
ver senfilert set Valmont' harrows:
-IMRE ARMSTRONG RE'Ait ESTATE and vr satving "inin4 re"rn Deering teeth -aloe; steel talent -Cock-.
en • therg.. table etee tette; 1 mantel
lif •I
Perla' gang plow; !walking' plow; harm
INSURANCE AC;ENCY tit t r d erg -plea, 19 fig urroA trt-
bed- (remelt% 1 neettutiti owe brae
Istnli• ile'•ver atalidi4i lee beia Ila Pat' wagon neserly te w: stock rack and
The .plaee to boy oily eruct of pro- nomad, coal re ge, garden tools. cur- 1151 . a e I, box 14 f
lack rem ined: gm I ; 4
Petite. 'tarty number or ctivellino t,eing o i mei v eir , -Lei * b;
houses for sane beelredlog Many of the et, woollen blankets isuitaale for cantp.
best in town. 14nonn no zow in priee era. hat •tiaele ilawn mowee and Oleg
that any men who esau atiord to pay otticles too nunierons to mother_
eent tan 'itemise a home of his own. 1i:epee-thing mast be flignArd of, 03
Just a few of the mane listed : propetiv hes heeti sold
A gond frame hernia aortae outi iTenemaeniesit,
' bundinne end fruit ireen. One acre of'
lend. lerice .81,.000; leash elfin balmier T. Citionineti a Sten.
12.O0 per month.
Let Us remind you also that we
highly appreciate the you
have taken in the public library, the
bile school aud ocher kindred insta
k d e Even lathe
lield of clean and healthful sports you
.tait o no e g
Toni Cutt was sect:es:dui In win.
rang first -ciao honors in his fourth
year in Arts at Toronto University in
French, Latin nod Greek.
Da and Mrs. Louis J. Carter and
son Bruce of Brandon Man were
guests during the pate week with Me.
and Mrs, T. R. Wallis.
Col. and Mrs. Laing and family
have returned to Goderich for the
rammer and are occupying their sum-
mer home, Cherry Gate cottage& and the remainder' of the evening
Mee. Abner Morris, Quebec! St.., igsti devoittedi' to deleting, with tir
d aut m a p it biles the wear. It le exclusive. Have
ma ey ai een ae wan, nu ne
imentioned Of whom wide the fleet
•presentation, to Mis.s II atitetion, , the
acting superintendent. - .
i A vote of thimite to till those tali- as low cs $22.50 with all these advert.
. ing part AVA0 oOopteO and presented iliiiiateattliOz,ttlYielie iloY thrift/1h CillaSe •
i by the eltairman of the evening', tan. int; A Manufacturers Agent
' Williama. • . Withal Ea:change 'tote', Goderieh: .
i After .the program a smile' time •Speeitil reductions foe two or more
1 woe spent, refreehinents. being, served erdera /rem game efaintle• Phoilena33.
were an enthusiast and go,ve leader- .has returned from a three months' y ore eri ra supp y the mug c.
2,000 lbs. sealta; rubber tired huggy• ship to n11 things pertaining to the visit with 'her sdatiehter, lere, A.
"Gorat twieetory !house, rine 1004. 4 anomie eau: oe, tatotta ronet
. .
iion. Toilet, lights arid water -in house. on
dood caller. Pelee 8130.
Wii;n are inetrualed
Three modern designee, ant equipped
red brick Nerves with gaietens and a,'
MIL ELLIS flank ,.
i enrages. . . .
1411 sell by nubile at:et:fon at the prom -
.e. number tine brick '110119M WON' ISPS, tut lit coneeeition n tialerhet
e2300. Me. tee., et. 1`,1:11e ilis story - montage. on
goose. full • moiler% ecierineeld. steam I -
iieataii garage. Priee $3,a110.. AftEND,W, .1117n Intla..
Maier nine.rnigh house, exeeilentl ' rommeneine et 1.30 eiteep :
amdition, Modern equipped. 2 10(4.1 The farm vinitaluing it neves intore
NW home. yea loeatene pane or iesee on whieli there ten r•Zood eurni,,
e1800. s . i foetal*, frame *tweeting, a gond barn
Rol Mem: -la aeroV. ;Vice moo. with stone stibnite, 3 large poultry
- ilinkol tcriti5. . . . honsee and 1 agony ;blame. ' The plata
Poe all ragieteare write il? 000 ' its well few 14.1111,1-1441,14' orehara and
it. W. AtieleTlitietitit. ,heetioe. lide eitould le. an ideal pout.
i •.... Beal Behan tea tient atotorelhard 'farm. 'the soil
Box tie. aodericie ane is' wen inapted foe flow lines, The
- eos ' ---- ,---- nineation is .ronvenitititi for 9011noi ma
- '--"-..01.-";, church and is about enrollee front (Mao
J. -W. CRAIGIE - 4.
. . ..., • Pieta. Possession can be given at man
TERMS,' ere -witty tog vent. at time
. et rale, lialatiee vett be ari-anged to
. . . . .
aleticlirisrlart. T. fireinitY et RPM
129- Hornottooil avo.,,
Hamilton. •
Real Ude and lasarance
al Fa CAREY& SOK Ltd*
Telephone 230
meet tire buggy: eetra good. IJMA wax, Firevelopment and uPlift of community Mugford, and son, Cites, Motels, ABIONG TIIE CIIERCIIES
ont Min sleighs: Portland cuttere Detroit. ; Goderitill was well represented at
cutting- Dew; set 2.000 lb. eprings fors -
wagon: set pacer h0r00 *slippers, near- qIn these passitag remarics our eulo. • Mr, and Ura.' I•lehrlart lad. fandli• the meetine of Huron notary et
'ly new: CI -we -shun manure spreader,:
root peeper; stteau. kettle; "walking
-timelier: set double breeching harnese:
toe double batik band tharness1 set Pin-
.gle harnes5: les Ineal roam separatoo
with poaer speed in good, condition: community. And now as we must Mrs. urnt, wenaee, hue been nuceees. ,
gium would not be complete without of tome enjoyed a very- pleasant trip , With:ham on- Tueedav
the mime of' Mrs. Case, whose in- to -Kincardine Sunday. baying*. mot- - -- • - '
Services next Sundey at Vittoria
fluenae in the home, the einuole and °red there with Mr, and Mrs. Tennene:Sit. at the usual houre, 11 a.m. and 1
the ontmunity has been a blessinne Mennen, pan. Sabbath igloo" immediately
eilie will be greatly- teased in the Mr. Jill). Wallace, son of Mr. and followin the- mernin corvice
No. 3 Daisy churn: wheelbarrow: quan. pass ng s nit year it me • . Rev. Dr. Perele, of Winehani, wail
tity of bee mato tedraetor. container:4 soon hid you farewell, we beg you to ful in i hi fi 1 i di
elected moderator of the Generel An.
• accept this purse of gold an an eerie i eine at the avoid examinatione .of
14'4 fen" litrsts 11sY fat' ettri r"Py 1 ine -WI 11411111future daye you re- t ' s the meeting of that chureli in Ottawa -
eta: quantity of -cedar poets;
end melees; viedinetreeet necliyoliegi 'ii • 1
sinn" eence of our esteem, friendehip and Toronto University.
foria. eirtins. 41 number of good grald'." fleet °Pea this 011 1i.4. let it he it i
i returned to their Immo itt Cleveland
Mt. and 31ra„ .T. 4. Ardrews have ! this
eir. Jamee Cae•rie hag been , air- '
litten Ale. i teminder of the good old (Jaye spent I Height; for tt few. weelia. They woke .
Household Effeetise-eieteloot 141) ,fl the village of 'Dungannon. . eito ! pointed a member of the Detect vestry
roconipanied by Mrs. elatelresdn
()Lieber Iteetto. writing desk. sideboard i We sincerely wish you both health, 1 tie aentein ' Of St. Georgein church, to fill the pos..
Doheely organ .111 good conilttion, i happinese awe prosperity in year mei 1 iteeir: 'Miss Jennie Pthwart4 . : ition made vacant. by Mr. E. Veten.
ehalee. !abbe!. deities.. poto oans teed herne," that God will Always be to you . ... - : - ... tile's renewal 14 71' town.
namerome ethos, artielne • you. volt i „large Geo. ve Deienaroane or, ottonm ,
, eamt: ovee that amaupt 12. ,,movitis: an Sutipreertoe Guide, and that.
vow, 33 nere tie -mauling net Intner.
i r. 5. nu ey, 1 .. w io s s ,
1 i till tirareli will ereeent their play, "The
l'Eltele. -.ell some of 810 atill molar 1 • i The A.• Y. P. A, of EL Vic orge's
eredit win Ile gisvn oto vartastina join; 't 1:stMalliiiienople.7ntif rerfaeltubr:co off ! m iv., G 1 s,
Tiahtwad," in the Dunnaniton. Parish '
e in ate 0 t le .,4, zees 0 . confined to bed and ia not improving'
, rent. um he anneal; tor tt,am",,t erp,tif. 12tirigatinon and vicinity: P. nos% . . lolfh. under tia• auspices of the
1 tonee. i
, seri-001y of the Presbyterian *aura at
herewith, paw% or a disown of g ease ma his netee frame; einem nee Hell, on tlit evening of Friday, June
anemia ygereteine to lie niet um., Rev. Wm. Perty. Thoa. Stethers, Jas.
Mr. Eldon Rouen. of itingarf, arid ' 011 '1 Guild 44 "St' Paul's ehuretr•
me reeerve aq 1.1,. prirtor lias sold ire iGirvite N. E. Why:tett, IL A. MeXcie.4 t
,WILLailla 1.1 LEE.. itl,:a o. 11. ELLIOTT
„ Dr. Case's Reply i Mr. arid Mete W. Smith end little
icilaughter. of Kineardifle. %Vete SAM. on S'altnilvi •Ione aih, will he as foie
Ntorth SL United church- Se! viee4
farm. - , zle, G. X McKenzie.
' 4i,„e,_ day visitors in G'oderich with their knee: iii 11.W.i. t,nner Stittd3Y Chit);
PrOpPliglir Anent -maid "Mrs. Case and I sincerely
"egine-i- .e.---a.o. ..nineie oteepeoe eau. kind , adatem end e"""! grandparents, Mr. and Mra. IL Rue. eopie, ' Rohm Thouglaful iti the
,/ Pre44" ' 11 W Ile St Home," introduced by Mr. IL tikslitehl.
!Town of Goderi h eprestir tlilie°fgrgagadelVeVall'ortuyesetilcr-; Vico Preoident and Manager 4)9,. Miesion Bend meet et the value lioute
Clitee for eliiietian folloceship and tht
C kintinon. We have only piesaant/ sans* '""'eete s • a .
ntemoriee of the yearn event here.
eked waen we leave rind are in our • ave aimii tad a e
t C 3 tt vad d ti fun.. Werithili at 1 1 adle t4t0 inne• con-
,ineted by the pester,
' otif Mit Inuit the preeident of
etinterelent latitioon of the tiederieh !! 1141101 84 he'd :it 3 P.m, Publl'
new frame not a day cliall pane wake! °Ii`cd •
out thinking of yot). We shall have the eoranaree, in Laralari on Monday (lir •
many a fireeide chat about the people: flambe Clarlie, iron oil ilea FOIRESIElai ANNUAL
Petitioes' for treeting atreets will) of Dungaurion anal eareounding toured, Clarke, twai tirst °lass 13°111)" 5n Ms
!road oil or tar moist be presented to' tfP.
C ‘,/ airt quite mire my streemor, Da Univemity. Ile b awae to tite Weat °nice ee enteoean, tea
cconond maw in foreetry at 'Toronto Nein aceetnie No. a a, venation
e. evn orate an or before Vekes, preve ea unqualiagt mice on Government W04-14 -nnection, annual ilnareh tetgiwill ?1oLi ce nen to
IsATuRDAy juNE 151h 029. cees in vrark hove and Hist to rind 'with fore3!TY• Peeeteeteviart (terve Suetiate
fraany geed fieratile as we hue had; n spent the weeksend witta kb brother,' :Ka reettieeted to meet et tilts rN.,Icle
Mrs, Vokee win coon hove Sent an Pate In II. Vasa of ( Spring34. June ItOtb. a 11 am. MI brethren
_ Bo it now awl don't be ditiappointed. "We thank yea noes cold again foe! Rev. tf. Pair, at 'Vidalia St. pt'. 4,640.. the MacKay Heil a. 113 41
ire:Olio!' forme limy be tied at the , 'none genereue oift arid bope we may in ennage, and pre:idled at radon intlee Vioitine beethren (04131 l!j
-eaten!: Cientkis teal ribie to havemane trisitl from aftereeen 'anti Godericb at night, 40- vitcA to attend,
[MI '.111,11111MMIIIIi116110,11a41111.111/116111•1116•11.1
, L. to it,‘,,n
‘,a tt Kt, r814 to thee with all nour feientle lig/dies tlics emigreeatiori witit lib W. r. C
SATURDAY, June 22ral-AtteCion
ot reeidential propeitte and
household furniture on Huron Itoad.
MRS. RODT. DUFF, Huron Rand,
Proprietress. T... & SON,
An edueatienal rally will he held.
io the Pat Hall, Dungannon on
Tenney afternoon, June letti, 102%
commencing at Lei) pan. for the
townobips of Ashilehl, Colberne end
West Wawarioehe when Mr. W. N.
Morris, of Terme. secretary of the
Ontitrio Educational Assonattion of
Trusteen and Ratepayers' wilt- be
prenent addrese 'the gatherine on
questions of the day of irtereet te all
educationists. Other epealters, of-
ficers of the 0. E. A., tea- nisei •-x-
petted to be present. corded it -i.
.vitation is entended to° all, nein led
1(.5 and geneleteran te ewe 1.
Have your eyes examined by our
well known and pain:it-thine special.
Ott, fiirineely optical
enpeet for Rents, Toiento, arid Henry
Morean Co., Montreal. iti yeare
tontine to Gederieh. You arel appear-
ed of the host optical L
faked' anti at very molicres„e eo21. °
Our teatime and MonntiM'S Ste
beat mai& 01 the beet ntatieee, and oar
prkee are front 1.00 ea Two Onya
only, Tlituiedey. leriday, June Le 14.
igittEIVEM ART STClinte (indent:le
(44111) OF THANKS
tete. et. le lltdo, end f.m04 V+,11`.1
ED anti IDIR 14-
111- L111134tr9-4 drel 01..taa1)41r4'4 -'.4 034.11 tIlt. II q)
44411 4,4 th4.10 *.141111 Ir -r, 11-±"1140 kt44.
Ma. 4
11 (*ni)e leo Vraly„
'as o‘. 1•. UV at Eli 5k4 trot,
tan_ 14:j a tv...1r, ,