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The Goderich Star, 1929-05-30, Page 7
;$1, THURSDAY. 11AY 30th. IWO ,.;___= .r.at. . UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 3RO TO AUG. 13TH SPECIAL COURSES in (l) Public Health anti 13aetcalwlcgy. (2) Nature Study. (3) Mental IIygiertet. Courses C.f e_red also in Astronomy, ('firer» stry, Enlists, French, Ger- man, Greek, history, • Latin, :►Iatherestiea and Zoology. Six delightful weak* of study and recreation. FCC krl-InaoG,it ti.ellsator lir, t. lantptaa ser tte Rea (:= trap tir,1, i'R'tc.d_:. 1.A. za ,a, • I• lw9ialtsar.MSAMaltest.sldsdete9B��®ts3tl�sias�N�t bssaas�a�sasBFA65�89caa�a1� Sundayie'rno on at sae 'By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont, !d 11014.111111111011111010,440.4**0611301111MWMAINglillIERBetileeplialframmaatiefigKall.iiii001111111tue Standing by ay purpose true, What can we learn from scripture Heeding 'Gods command, of the origin of these Rt:chabites ? Honor them, the faithful few t' They were the descendants of Rebels, All hail to Daniel's band I the brother in4lnw of Moses who, Many mighty men are lost, when he left Sinai on iris wilderness Daring not to stand, journey, invited him to go with them Who for God had beer► a host saying, "We are journeying unto the fly joining Daniel's band. place of which thin Cord said/ I will P. P. Bliss, give it to yon: come thou With us, and S. S. L+E$SON FOR JUNE 0th, 1929 we will do thee good.' Latex' en Lesson Toldt• --The- Story 'of The they under the name of Kenttes "went -tteehabites. . up out of the eity of palm trees with THE wizen they casae tip ort of Egypt," vine of %hot, t 1 es of Sittigt4w be came in,xn as the Re; iiiiisitee said later on - hail as leader Jorladab who lira. in- , tim days of Jeno, king cf Israel. He mut have been a .;rang ehaissetrl foe he gave his people 'wile very strict roles for 'their mode of life - t entirria. sif:'te9-ecar ds in the dap. of" Jeremiah a band of these sante Ken - iter had taken refuge within the city of Jer:'usater:a and is used of Goal to teach a lesssm of obedienee 0 the ine l:ab.tants of that city. JCiemia'i %vas told by the L?rel t.. - "Go unto the house of the iteehabiies: r and ';pent: unto them, and bring thein -: into the house of. the, lard, into one o• f the chambers, and give them wine, ,to drink." 'fais the prophet did and; when he lied them together in the chosen glare, he set before the sans= of the I:eehabites rata' full of .vine, and cups, and I Bald unto them; "Drink ye wine." Iz was a severe' testing time for these descendants of JDoodah. For over. three -hundred Years they had nirde it that ruL. their tribe to "live in tent Io that rtri' obey and do aewording to all that Jonadab, our father commanded us." One empress command was "ye shall drink no win', r"ither ve. nor your • sons forever." Their obedience Was given teem long stases dead. It was sl nerfeet obedfrnnp for thea said, - "Wehave obeyed the voice of Jono- • deh the Fon of Re+'hab tomffthoTM in on that be hath charged us." •Then i their ob'dierrch) was not by tits and starts. It was a c'nstant tiring; It - was "al your. This object lesson wass used to • the children of Judah into the lvilder. teach Judah' that obedienoe•was bet. i essott Passage..•.,Ierem1ah $3':5.1,, ter tthan. sacriOee. No doubt Judah` • Golden Tent—Jteremiah 35 6. nes of Judah. There they remain- had m'an • r TM^ t, • ed for long ears until the days of .' Saul when the word of "the Lord' was but re- brought by Samuel to Saul .saying, • �r tiling "Go and smite AmaIek."Wlien about to do this Saul said unto the Eenites, "Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites lest ,i'de- e coy you with eau; or yes ewe Mods •Ner� -Threat. de- stroy th f h d kindness to all the children of Israel, sod Chest Throb Many people nay be unaware of leaving anything•wrong.with their heart tin some little excitement, overwork or -worry starts it to palpitate, and throb, akin beats, beat fast for. a time and • then so slow as to seem almost to atop, Mira. O. -ticks, Chatfield, Mane wiitos.--ttI used to be very bad with -palpitation of the heart and sometimes, with the least excitement, it would ` seem to beat very fast sad snake my 'throat and chest throb. "1 was told by a friend to try i,hie1a T .did, and ,before I had taken halt the box my trouble had stopped.,, Price 50e, a box at all drnggirts Price *Were, or mailed direct on 'receipt of • by •The 'T. Milburn a.., Lit, 't►roate, ,Gat, tf4 SWARTH' 1110 and,Bi o e Liverll R_ hack -Stables, Etc. Montreal Street just off the Square "rte SEVERAL FIRST•CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE --GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TO CET THERE' 'Duties Meet all Trains and ' • Passenger Roots B Passengers called for in any part of the, town for all _ trains at O.T. R. or C. P. R. t Depots. Prompt Service and .. Careful Attendance, • wlrra...`'. Our Livery and Hack Service will Se fo * d up-to.date • In every -respect. • ' t 1416.41Ir. Your Patronage Solicited T. SWARTS pttoie 117 Moat~reaI Street i e1t.A/VahMK/W�zoi USE. llydroEIe.ctric' THE PEOPLE'S STORE 4 Cook by Electricity • WMh Electricity by tr' i y Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, e CLEAN,' QUICK Cheaper than Celia. or Wood An electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a, Broom jut moves trio dust. We guarantee all H yt r o Lamps for i 55oo hours. Walk in and see' display at The Hydro Store • Drccc s►, A// /'O r UTS & SORES EyllIRCIPIE IeJOnL roiu iSI ipan X34' Oc ares /r as low as 5 "-Surds'' thi• rd cabin 1 o�pleasurable+, ... yet so ititafi• ►7 pensive! No wonder group aftergroup and of Canadian an' _ American' university undergrads. • • . coeds ... teachers..... pro- fessors ... and vacationhsts• choose Canadian Paeifio Tourist Third Cabin for their trips to Europe. You, too, will delight in a CanadianPacifie voyege...be charmed with your bright •airy ' cabin .. find the service above reproach -and the entertainment ' never -ceasing. • Canadian Pacific, cuisine is already world-famous. For best accommodation make your resetvations early! ECONOMICAL TOURS An expense $2 day tours vis' Mug Eng. � i Conti nnt$lOOup. trended Ya. cqualy owba..is • Bee your local agent, or J.$, MACKA'Y, General Agents Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto Canadian Panic litesunsisips it, 0Cenv Cenedlan Amble ,expr e e TrareUeIe C larniea , , , Good the World Ow" • Toothache Give first aid with Minard'b Liniment. I.in' n Bathe the face, and • ifewe isacavity in I / the tooth, fill it with cotton soaked, in Minsard'e, Relief is quick end sure. Thc Creat White Liniment .. es .es and ceremonies to their eredit than these wandering sons of Bachab, yet they were ' more loyal to 'tbe word -of their ancestor than the chosen people of God were to Hilar. and Jeremiah. was used of God to bring this home to the men of Judah and Jerusalem. God .told Saul that "to obey is bet- ter ••than sacrifice," Jesus told his disciples "If ye love me keen revs commandments." 'It• is obedience all through the Old Testament and the sante in the New. ' What then does Gori, 'require of us in the matter of abstaining from the use of wine: - In Romans 14:21 we read, "ft is good neither to eat -flesh, nor to drink wino nor anything whereby' thy brother stumblet'h, or is offended, or is made weak." Let us pause and ask how ' - inanyy, many thousands have been a e to. stumble_ because of the wins cups and let us resolve that "If. drinking make my brother to offend. I will drink no wine while the world {tandeth, lest- I make my brother to offend." (1 Cor: 8;13). WORLD MISSIONS The Fight Against Drank 13y R. Walter Wright Justnow in the Dominion of Can oda a strong effort is being made to enlist the boys• and girls and young people in the fight against the use. of strong drink, • This fight has been going on fora very, very long :time, and in many countries. In the Bible we read of many who abstained from the use of liquor, the Rechabites had a prohibitory law, and some oi;: the most emphatic warnings are 'given against the drinking of •wine and strong drink. In India Manu, a - great lawgiver, decreed that no oneshould have any- thiiti,g to do with a drinker, end their religions, Buddhism and Brahaman- ism; bound alt to ;abstain from drink. This waslikewise the law of Mohams med, who spread his religion over nanny countries' and who has so many millions of followers today. When Christians went to India, it is said they took ' with them' the Bible and made five million converts but • the also took the bottle and made five million drunkards. In ancient Per- sia, Egypt, Greece. and Rome, drunk- enness was fought against, often with little success, and great evils were the . result. In Canada people have been trying for a longtime to save the country from the ruin caused by intovicating liquors, .and . many different laws have been made. What is called government nt control is now n be'r g Iargely tried; it surely is not a suc- cess, and .wg must have something better if we are to really control the evils of drink. There is one thing every boy can do, that is, resolve never to drink himself. ror encour- age others to do so. If all hove and girls and young peonle would do this,. Canada would soon be a sober nation. The Ring's Own. CODERICH STAR 11 rr }I pkL,els, 1 ice ereern Bone and 2 tea, .es et Bev,lfuod cake and sun red dishes, and a few pra'iziele. Anil Eire sed I wind undoultles- ly get Drily sick. But I bad x god Mak on hey beeti4 I iiiiider:ekk. Much, f And 1 et cal awl. Wen day. -Miss Omit witch i4 ti; • ri c_1 teeehee NUB a•, a70 bane to thy; 'and she ast Ant Fanny if elle liked Kipling and Ant F:nrry ecd clue Bled ',them broth if they was reel Wee inns!; Fresh Tlhir :day--1nt F saver. t t oiteil aro skink today and she sci it 1.:assearo taut It like it was when she was n yung gurl and went to shoal and aha cliddent t?hinl: they had rcely mad° very Haute.i Progress hc.un cam what she cud lern they was still a trying tat find the Least Comma Mn-l time. Without much suocesa iG eeotn.i cd like to her. MADE 'MER BABY PLUMP ANU WELL• Nothing makes a mother more grateful than a benefit ,conferred up. on her child. Mothem everywhere who have_ used Rabas Owl Tablets - for their children speak in enthusiati, tie terms of them. Por inatanee: 'Mrs. Zepherin Lavoie, Three Ravers, t2ue., writes: ---"Baby's Own Tablets )ii area letful medicine for little. ones. a never ,fall to regulate the baby's stomach and bowels aria ' make him plump and well, 'I always keep a box -of the Tablets in the house and would. advise all mothers to do likewise," Most of the ordin. a try ailments of childhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and crap be quickly banished by .Baby's Own Tab- lets. These Tablets relieve eonstina- tion and indigestion, break up Bolds and sirnulo-fevers, expel worms.ni'. lay teething ,pains and • pro note healthful sleep. 'They art+ guaran- teed to be free fpm injurious drugs and are safe even for the vouncrest and most • delicate child. •'Tile Tab. lets are sold by medicine dealers or by moil at 25 rants n bort from The. Dr. Villains t!edicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont , - NATIONAL COMPANY M4 +NpruRF Friday -Well we had are •Test in Joggerfy today and the teecher est 1 funny questchen and I hope'I get, by with my unser but it seems' like a funny one to ask in the joggerfy les- son. She ast What' to Where is the Rine at, . I sed on my paper that it is what you find on the out side of•a water mellon when you cut' it. Saterday visa told me today that. she eud ego a, hed now and by his Berthday present for him becur, he had just-finmshed` makeing the last Paymint on the ' Crismas present .she bouten for him last `Chrismas: fS"unday :They is a kind of acold- ness sprang up Among ma and Ant• Emmy and pa seems to think neebby a remark I made to Ant Emmy. is the ' Mane cause of it. I ast her if she. ever played • Ft, Ball and she replyed and apserred Why no child why' do you ask, and I told her that I herd.', ma say that mebby when Ant Emmy kicked oft' weed get es a new ottomo- • beel. That all they oras to it: Sum fa s isn I lke a 1 ways trying make a y y g to mounten out o a ant hill., Munday_.Miss Hix was here :this evening and she was a saying that she is trubbled with Inhibishuns of sum kind and Ant. Entity sed nlredid. dent -care what kind it was she bot her new tonic she takes 'wood. cure - it. ' Tuesday+ This evning when ma • cum home from the. Bridge party I ast ter what wood happen if I eat 2 SC11o41, FAIR DATES . Following are the dates of the var- ious school fairs to be held in kluron County this year : -Sept. 11th-•-Hensall Sept.. 12th+—Zurich I Sept. nth—Grand Bend Sept, 10th—Colborne 'Township Sept 17th --Ashfield Township Sept 18th—St, Helens- ' - - — ss Sept. 19th•—W rbxeter ,Sept, 20th--Howick Sownship. -Sept, 23rd—Ethel Sept. 24th---Eelgr•ave Sept: 2Sth—Goderioh Township Sept. 2 nth. 131ytlh I've forgotten I ever had any nerves Your doctor will tell you brow the act of chewing relaxes and soothes strained nerves, and howthe health. ful cleansing. action of Wrigley's ' refreshes and tones you up all round. Aids digestion. WRIGLEYS: just Wonderful forPreparhigQukMeaIs OIUNO on a Perfection 1) Range is every bit T1..0 as fart as cooking by gas, like city people use. kis < vainer than electricity and; far faster than burning wood or coal. There's no waiting at all. No delays. If you • want hot water, say, you can boil it in no thur. The New 1929 modals ate well worth seeing. Com. pact, strongly built, positively ediable, easy on oil, a handsome addition to your kitchen. All .mace, popular. ° prices from $9.00 to $225.00. 233 P. Elk F E C TI 0 N' l tinges 'aiii t)d.......ane......Bowe.........mna,n..........,m.... e 2 t.'Grtal 5±•eVee, Limited ft,to atla.o - > r, , Ct.t Please [reks .gerel�hf tsxe anewabavdea rta8ca seawat l ex._..._. :.::::;c::_�;.:.e:.:.a_::aa:.e, :;,_... .T c::._...-....�.::.e:awG:x.:s: -•_•_- ,..•.....`..,.�-...mac a 1 ■a Ad'r py .,o.,.. -a<- w..::�__. :.:.�:.._.»_.__.......... II Paw —.. ,:, •1 6tiGtlsifa<•SG4.MOO".M OO" *Oa intlpr,eotfettp'iitlig OQhk9Cn4.1" Cil'• tl,Jt549C.i C,.n4]' iii• 0Oli C00i 00 after every Mme At S1EVll*N Purity Flour Cakes Keeresit A cake shown at Ttxaoto Exhibition imsile from this Rei ape kept fresh foe five Joys in the hat and sit without protection. Try it todry --.with Purity. t cup at whip sujat. T3 rap Muer, creasrt to Biter, beg;in egg Scike, E. cup rrai4 saS matt.- ;lure, 1,a`•i7t, mix 9 EIS tiil::lf1R fliiaJif in 37l char ref rt' KIEV t -i, WS, t:rcpi eltr, s, statieas vena a, bot egg v;liier is ,n .ar.J etre is wuturt, Kovac in $149‘114411 arca tl 5°y tar Ap t;tiaptts, Pulite (s a Ann,* [hour- n,* use ;Ho d it then at-44ml pee• try sr iatt o-t.att Haar, „stat the . het for [:hods" . Sod 30:fie P474, • te Lich 8a?,k, 'Western Canada Flcut Meta Co. Limited Toawate M Sept. SOth—Vrcditon Oct. 1st—Usborne Township Get, ,'ird—Clinton Town ties. 4th—.Clinton -tarots The Star to Jan. vee, W30 for $1.00. .,�. -n..r.rr•• .. .,sera.. .,, ^ewe The West Street Electrical Sho • Wo„, carry agood stock of Electrical Appliance‘ Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wiring of 411 Kinds - Estimates given on - application All Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 80 - West Street PREVENTS RICKETS Scotts Emulsion ttasaser: aaarlr CANADIAN NAIIDNAL IV. TRAIN SERVICE to MMMOIie• DAILY'RXCE101 SUNDAY I.ve. -Goderich - 0.20 tian. 2,M pa. " Clinton 4.44 a.m. 2.50 pile. " Seaforth 0,5% a.m. 3.08 parr. " Mitchell 1.21 a.m. 3.85 pa. Arr. Stratford 7,45 a.m. 4.03 p*. " Kitchener 8,40 a.m. 5,20 peal. " Guelph • .0.04 a,nr. 5.50 pan. "' Toronto. 10.25 eon. 7.30 pie.. Keturning—Leave Toronto 7,55 tots,, 12,55 p.m, and 0.05 p.nt. Parlor. Cafe Car Goderich• to Tee - onto on morning train, ° and Toronto: to Goderich on 0.05 p.m. train. No change of ears between, Goderich ktad Toronto. I. A, LAWRENCE, Town Passenger and • . Phone 8 `Ticket Agent I. NC Pt+,i.�„rr,` NBA(, -t UL rALLS 1 Nnt.rrrrwrrarr.�rrrrv,,'..k••1 clitsr •- 4. Ole 1��� FC v et•e Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Eric , opt your trip East or West, ortto and from Canada . ET1•1E11. traveling by train or auto, enjoy an nil night's tide on beautiful Lake Erie. Cdc13 Line Steamers are magnificent floating hotels, with large comfortable staterooms, excellent dining. +room service and courteous attendants. Afusic and Dancing on the great ship "SEEANDDEE''. . Meatus, cave adin Cali Line way. Avoldtnileeandmato e(coa ectadtoadwar. New C&B ' Triangle Tour /Awe either Buffalo or ' Pott StanleyMOKCleve. land, returning on the. opposite division, - WlIte us or ask your ticket agent int details on this n w doSaGh fu t 1 week end g d tater. Rgtef es Amnia: Ilhiffilo and. Cleveland Division .tach Way, every night, leaving at 4:00 m„ arriving 7:30 a, m.. (1: T.) May in to NovcUlbet ltth. Pt. Stanley,, Consand Cleveland Division Daft setvice.leaving Post Stanley; 4:ta0pm.,gtLiving Cleveland. 0:30 p.m., jean 3eie ro Srie^.-et ash. Conacs:dotts et Cleveland foaCedauPoint, Put•in•Aay, Detroit, ponds ae,t and southwest. .:.N)NIV LOW PARES $4,30 onoway ftTY''ALO ro Autos Garratt 8.504d, tritx GL1 VktA D $6.50 and up $3.00 one way PT. 4'1AN!LE1' Auto, Carried $5.0o rd. trip . to (LtVIJANI) $4.50 and up. TBE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT CD'AIPANY Pot Starter, Canada Deficit), Ncn-York Ilrlll 1 1 r rI1tili1111 Illllipl iIllilttnunl 2011111111111111 I{I In • I 1 IFOURSI -SIet XES Wi1IP?ET' .SAX SEDAN *995 •" F,O IJ. I users, trcres extra.. Their Beauty, Style, 'Larger bodies Have Captured Papular Preference Discerning .motorists "FINGER..TIP everywhere sly► reeiato CONTT OL"'' that the new Whippets, The ptrcatest advance in driving with their greater coneenoenteainccthe eetf ctartrr. A single button, ;mated in the beauty, larger bodies center of the otrerinr,, thiel, controls "all firnetiona of airman.; and Coat. •e,8r cup.. the mrotor: <vessels, ni the 1%4 I r neerirsg features, are amd co dug; tl4110beau. io rea the finest `values ever ata atEcurrdrinl; ileus offered to Four and light Six buyero. , A demonstration twill reveal tapeed, piek.up, power. comfortable rialitt rilualitiet and ease ofa`otatrol limited heretofore to much • more expensive cars. Arrange with your nearest dealer to try out one of the models today. WHIPPET FOUR COACH $ i i° v, Ce upe ie, i `r°, v. d.onpetwith ri^ ul l& cent "(37(05. Sam: ;1l3 l 0, 14 oat:foe !660 13enalc¢er witla rumble scot) $700, .nutting $393 ES1lI1°lnl;7C i4 d;dl.4t:ll $4$30. Coupe twirl- rotanl, e coat) 3'174D,&1pd ora Won, 'r'emelta i�17'1i, l ea -4 uao• fiietori l) oto:Sate s i.) 1113i le Au Dor acro 1:4 D.ii. E70e .s -i. B cr, ra Litt:—z. A fedi Ping of W )xt pop en: v(J R it daP^ tract. R rl"v0,2'a1141,71.ae $ rc:c lea ©t11 o a a for.,Eing ars pan , arra #4;99 to ( :c,:.^. ,P2a4, J474 ;.,'o j ' c .e.Q. GEO JOHNSTON, Goa ridd, Oat.