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The Goderich Star, 1929-05-30, Page 6
PACE SIX ° selves r ere often vena more teetiwesly.l. ,s., _7,.....• There were signs of an nowt: ea, u o`er a pteey temper, an i;i€ii:lene taut it uiilii :tail: sva siroug and hard." ' Thew. were always ven, strong ye- t • ihtenene and attachments an flet° to s lite—berg governess, itareneee I h� e eon her, .tittle, her. king el: the Belgians, and her. huslaand, Vila€t in Lie Gunn was gzti1ed by his fsas=iater tutor. Baron o toelimi>i. e ietoeisen eninietera aplso hiked an tmpertant I part its her life= ---Lord tllelbeurnc she f adored° I'ahnereton she hated; Peel tate tolerated, and Ieisraelie by his, mnrvelloue paces tioaa of the Queen's elm:teeter, gained r.te mon exalted: placecr in her °asons, peraonnl life is as deftly de- scribed us her political life, and the eouseiousnesa of hor influence le fully , realized. There were tune when she lead not been sauccessfnl, lint after tlao toile and tempest° .of the day, o long ovening :serene and lighted with a golden glory. The solid nplondor of the decade uenseert Victoria's two jubilees -can hardly en paralleled in the annals of England." stance is o different Alexandra -A 'Stu ly, of Royalty," by W. R. IL Trowbridge. The comparatively modest and am- iaecunions House of Glueksburg came, through marriages, to have a tremen dons influence on all Europe. Tits' ideal .'7t'11111l's for tilt• home beautiful iti 01,i Sire I Y �ixil'i H tgl:M-"NA1M'S, •C'toderich Planing Mills, it'd • GDDERICH Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in any Grade of 'Scanlan•Kent Oak, Maple ,or Birch "Qn the let of Dowdier, 1814, a ,� -daughter wase born in Copenhagen to' OOK LOVERS CORNER da young Prince ,And Prdnee5a of Glucksburg.. At •the time oY her birth her father little dreamt that Itewould (By Jane iloltby) • one, day become King of Denmark. "The children who went out into the uA Good Book is ;the Bost Companion" world. to fill sucit lofty i,asitions as: Princess of Wales, Empress of 'Rus-. -i sia and King of Greece, were very Our Qurriisi • ° - eonstdeired-it soused. it feeluig of simply and delightfully •brought' up.. At the time when a list of possible Queen Victoria, born May 24, 1819; profound regret. enaight Saws had brides for the Prince of . Wales was dried Jan. 22, 1901. perhaps been hinted at; German pro- eompiled, Alexandra was fifth on the Queen Alexandra, born Dee, 1, elivities and Killing's . old Widow list, but Edward, called- "Fortunes 1844; died- at Windsor" attitude, but a deaf ear Darling," again proved bis .claim to - Queen Mary, born May 3G, Vet had been Burned to all but praise.. the title, us it would be impossible to - like . three )cooks reviewed "pelow, .Mr. Strachey is mexeiloss, pertiape,' imagine a happier choice. describing intimately and graphical- but'just; end if our conception is one welcome accorded Alexandra. ly the lives of the three queenswho changed it is probably more intern- on her arrival in England to become I ave occupied the British throne due, gent and. snore human, and while the: the bride of the Prince •of ` Wales, was lin t e memory of the present gen- low spots are touched .uiion, the high one of the most remarkable events of oration, are : particularlyinteresting ones are revealed in all their glary. its kind in historic.,' Tito :description if read conjointly as there is neves• Victoria was born on May 24th,. of her given by Dickens is interese- eerily men overlapping. 1819,.the only child of the Duke of fait;. "Her face was very pale'and A few years ago when Lytton Kent Aa none of the other sons of full of a sort of awe and wonder.: It Stracey's "Queen Victoria" was pub-. George Ili had issue "thetworlld be- was the face of no ordinary not. fished the average reactor exporien- an to be slightly interested thesimply a timid, shrinking girl, but. a cod great shock. Queen Victoria nursery at Kensington. She alone one with a distinctive character of . Veld stood for all that was goad and stood between the country and her her own, prepared to act a pat'tereat- great and every desirable attribute terrible uncle, the influences and at- lye* THE E GOUERIW L STAR THURSDAY, MAY n'atsa, 1929 of queen, woman tend mother had. I Vit dt t f been toehmenf s in arra .eist sa meal) 1.Ti.,...A4'` a noise Me nari d wircasiturq of nit ages* 1�r all over tta world, are finding new health in Dr. Williams' pink Pills. Actual microscopic. tests have shown that the medicinal elements con• tained in them increase the blood cotantand build up and revitalize the en• tire system. Miss. Juliette Seguin, of Dalkeith, Qnt., testifier& a* follows :, -• "T*o year: ego f became weak, nervous and run-down; Various proscribed treat. shots did not help tne. 1 began taking Inn Williams' Pink Pill and it was not long before 1 noticed a big int prravetnent; and soon •f, W*$ in the keit of health. Ayoar ego also my mother was badly .ru#•down; her nerves were sbattered and life be- ,eame a,burden. She. began taking the pills end as are - mit site is in pervfect .health:' • Buy Dr. William** Pink Pais naw at your , druggitt''a or any dealer in Medicine or.. by trait, 10• Bettis, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medi - eine Co, Brockville, Ont. • a.31 i d • conception ltadto be chengedenwhen Thin t hiirl was very carefully Consort s d ath,;'the co eri t e joiced One . realized that there had been times brought .un'tat "her spirit WAS hard- when the marriage of the• Prince of evhen even her abdication° had • been ly reached by thaw. two great inftnen-� Wales inaugurated "a dispin • of leir- , ,•, Thin Children NEED Scott's Emulsion "'A HtiliSAHOt.D NAME yy 01 04 CoUNYRleb'. ccs tvtthout which nag lr r u �a d splendor - b ore rowin life ry n never . e r seen - can truly prrosuer—humor and imag- in En gland.,, ;nation,' and ""the strange mixture off Prom the first clay Alexandra won iraenuous •light heartedness and fix- the love of the English people and Y eel determination. of frankness and her 'whole life •amongst them was 11- Ireticence, of childishness and pride, constant triumph of her charm, beau - seemed to nu cur a future nerplexedd ty and sympathy. nein full ofndangers.. Ae time' pas-, -Perhaps not until. one reads ibis . sed the less pleretant qualities in -this book is this .full charm and woroanli- - curious composition revealed . them- ness fully realized, Through joyand -0- -- •----•--w-- sorrow, sickness and health her sten- dy, dignified, revered figure moved -- the Idol other people. "Queen Mary" a life and intimate t d b 'K thle W od and ab- Batted with the permission- of Iter Qn , Guaranteed Trull: Cerdficates Secured by Approved Fiji t M rtgages and Government Bonds. r ' A Legal Investment for TrustFunds. A descriptive eircalsr. describ- \ • • NI these tertifeates in detail \ wilt be jontarded ss on segtsest " . `1i'o ce .hence i',reeneiy ;lid net t;i:tel•' ori i ; a (ley and it cst►not be expected ' tea be cured in a day either, 'that is Ical e e the persistence earns in, It men not be much nun o keep up the i green went:, i_:'st r e:J e. is ;:C were fan s II t,•> ins° ttr< vetal3i,- deplete by au v, 1 leennicat'£u, Exe;d: ie. Neeneeary ' 4 Esereiee is one of ;he 11w3t neo7- ty.. things in the sure of cmastipa-� tion. , Any Lin of orcot-eiee winch in' net ove>:thene is p;'een ger you, 'tun ear • eonanion apreeias ce ei'e se r ' rice, . :ippPtsl� needed. n ', ter Csorcico the acne I end Iegs sloes not do meek goad, i i What is needed aro alae bending, sites tisrirting motions which ea.ereiee and Icluetoo the abdo uinal ntuaeles. Tile old familiar one o trucking the toe • . v4ith the fingers without bendinee the knees is effective. A distinct int - prevenient on this Ie to beep the thumbs loaned -and .cruse un 'bending first to ono aide and than to the not. , Get your exercises out of a boot; or make up your own. It is not hard to get those which will bend, twist end squeeze the abdominal n aaelee, To get resudts they must he done , ; each day and twice a day is even bet- ter. ^You should drink lots of water each•• day. ;The most important drink° of tbe day, are those taken immediately after rising, You need one or two glasses at least, a half an hour be. fore breakfast Many people find this alone sufficient to regulate them. If • you can, to add lemon or orange ' juice to the water so much the bettor.' The, Proper Diet :Constipation is one of the diseases Which ie .greatly. influenced, by diet. •... • Comsuon sense .will' tell you the nee . essary foods: Fruits, vegetables and • whole wheat bread or bran are neces- sary to provide the minerals and bulk. Use plenty of fresh fruits and the • dried ones like prunes and figs. Eat Use Water Freely apples and more apples.. Orange uiee in the morning is good but the whole orange is better as there is ad-. ditional cellulose in it. �eany pee- ple And that an apple or an orange eaten .each night before resiririg is• effective. Extra brae may be added ' to the diet to provide more roughage. A simple way Of taking bran is to Put it in a half glass .of water and stir rapidly.. Drink it quickly, before. it has time to settle. Whole grain cereals should be • 'reed at breakfast time. Sometimes it is waver difficult to tot sr. eej nn wb;en contains the entire grain. .You are' more apt to get it at a flour and feed. store than at the grocers. Bruised . wheat makes a delicious porridge. To: sum, up drink water before breakfast, fruit first than;; in the in her efforts .<as •custodian of the rnoraafna and last thing gat night; eat • royal treasures and in ail the cas-' lots of fruits and vegetables ;at ties they have received' careful and meals; use whole cereals; evhole)vheat intelligent care and constant re-ae bread and bran; and exercise persist-. rangement has taken place until. ently: practically perfection has been Diet achieved. No detuil is toosmall for 2 or 2 glasses -• .of water before her notice. i breakfast. "There is an irony in the tact that Breakfast --Fruit, cereal, bacon or it seems to have needed. a great war,egg. prunes, .whole. wheat toast. to give to the greet Woman at Buck Dinner—Meat or fish, potatoes, 2 Ingham ' Palace an . epporbunity :, of vegetables (liberal portions. one of proving her eminent ability in tbe . them leafv)'dessert containing fruit. political and industmal.metters of the Bran muffin nation.". Her 'war. evade was tremen-.1 Sapper—mad, whole wheat bread, !iajesty, Who allowed the ,author iia• - dons and the autlibr describes this in bion -muffin. stowed or fresh fruit.. oilities for 'obtaining authentic de- such a war that• every subject cannot Raw fruit at bedtime. tails hitherto unpu'blished., but be thrilled at tbe Queens marvel- -- .. It Will' doubtless be 'surprising to lone sympathv and endurance. She CROWNED QUEEN OF MAY many to know GlutQueen Mary has was. brought into direct contact with - ,, Hungarian blood in her veins. She many !ahoy women'add mutual ad- Goderich' Girl May Queen of Strat- • seems so absolutely English. But miration resulted. • ford Normal her father, the Count • of Hohenstein, This beak has•' •perhaps: not the of Teck b the: charm of diction of. the other two, The annual May -day festivities wee- created Prince a but it is one that. will: lead to a.trues Ifing.aif 'Nurtemberg. His father, understanding of rile Gpn+ren's '.alisa-. were ...hold' at the Sri-atfard Normal Prince Alexander of . Wurtemburg, a-hkhool Friday afternoon. In accord - cavalry officer in the Austro -Hangar- lute goodross and sincerity. anCe evith..a charming old English fan anti had mnri°led the Countesso:.. It would be -'ird to imagine three custom. the pupils gathered on the y'nobil- women mere different than the sub - green lawns •to crown the ,. queen of ofancient an a ` n de 1i e H: cin ' Queen Mors 's mother was jects of the above mentioned biogra :their choice, Miss: Eunice Long. At cess er n sty' nhies, and yet in her own wav inch•• 2:30 the procession emerged* from MaryAdelaide, Cambridge, e, the has contributed much to the stein Ay ter of the Duke of Cambridge, the the doors of the school. with four of the British ornwn. "rel each has girls in attendance, following the youngest son. of George Y'4 Queen Victoria had given part of'TERUNG USerS-''''' s t's'd herself elf for all tome to her crown. bearer. While' their fellow Kensington Palace to Princess 1Vtary, 3 ;pupils sane the May Day song, the who was 'her cousin and always' in Queen and her :attendants took their _ , . �� very moderate:•circumstances, and .: GOR P 0 R AT 1 O N - Princess May (Queen Mary) was born • 'in the same room as Queen Victoria • .n F,,., TORONTO REGINA ' httd been. • • 'tut • Queen Mary's rnueh lauded domes- u .0 o TO W I M. • s ''i ......, .. tieity `is nowhere more apparent than 1 E V O QUALITY Nisei 'Sett Ceesf curd' M.t.v $eudte Pei. r• Whirl Ittaliei ;tureen, Slew Tales Chi& bit b,re Peel r:+rirk+wrw 10 Minutes- • .... with a Durant Owner von will gain more knowledge of Durant value In ten minutes't,"ith a Dutant owner, than you would leach by htarsay in amontb. ]Elis enthusiasm for tate R.td Seal Continental Motor, Bendix • Four % bcdl 13rsrkes, Durant body -workmanship, general per• formatter and oat tiding, is based on actual Jlay,by.t y Tait to a Durant o ner—iulf 1t) lobster a ♦ • your dater *alio you drive aDutat** any time I eir 14i1.'1tANPMtOTORS et CANADA iKUD °, TORONTO. CANADA hist y►Tnabs+f4s'esPOUT* Cegssisios U A 000D CAR PETER o GRAF, Goderich, Ont. HINTS AOR Q . place on an elaborately decorated „ They • started with breakfast. ut since then, Kellogg's Corn Flakes hav,one clear around " the clock—lunch, between meals, supperper for- 'the'- kiddies;•. bedtime -�- whenever appetite PP calisi• Kellogg's Corn Flake* are always light and extra crisp. A wholesome treat for cbildsen•--•so easy to digest. 12,000,000 people each day prefer the originsti Kellogg's Corn Flakes. . It always pant to look for the red -and green Kellogg . package. Sold by all grocers, Made,by Kellogg in London, cOntarlo. 1 FLAKES "'Eunice Long, I amen thee with this unfailing wreath, with the' wish, expressed for former Queens, that you may have Courage to climb the steepest height, Faith to see. tite stars, strength to 'bear' thee through the And love to heal the scars.". • After this ceremony the, gmpils• of each form presented two dances and in this. competition, Form ,One was declared the .. 'winner: The gay streamers' of the Maypole woven in and out by the dancers, presented an. attractive sight. Miss E. Cattle was in' charge of .this part • of the pro- gram. The company then gathered in the assembly hall for the last part of the program. Dr. Silcox welcomed the guests and . introduced Gordon Reid. „nen., • stage. Dr. Silcox then Proceeded to , �-' _ -• (By Jessie Alien : Brown) • carry ottt the usual ceremony in con-. Recently while .looking at some nection.with the crowning of the May ready-made dresses I. remarked on Queen. • - the uneven stitching, eare,ess work- . :Speaking to the Queen, students mai'riship ;enerally in ane of 'the dins- ;and visitors who gathered around. Dr. ses. The saleslady. told me shite. ole• Silcox said t preeiatingly that it was .a New York "The May Queen, the choice 'of the ' dress. • 'then 'shewent on to say. students • themselves. based upon the thintat theyanadian muchdresses . prtis eferrtheyedwer. bueysa- worthy characterpossession of sterling ability and C, has become a per - much better Made and were better moment feature' of this Normal • value for the money. This quite School's mmgram. This year marks thrilled me for it is not very long ago the eighth annual.. crowninrt of the - since a clerk would try to impress You dueen. of the May. The roll now in-_ by -telling you in tonne of awe that eludes a representative list ofd- stu the dress you were looking at was a eats; 1922, Jean, g. McIntyre, Lis- - New , `York model and would expect towel;' 1923, Irene Bowman, Mount yourto fall down and worship it. can Forest (now Mrs. Weir); 1924, Wil- adian manufacturers ,have certainly da Rutledge, Kincardine: 1925, Botty cams into their own. , Stewart, Clinton; 1926. Florence Eck- _ A Modern Evil meir, Brussels; 1927, Wimsifred Pas - One of the emeses of modern linin : -kall, •Stratford; 1028: Pauline Arliell, . is constipation. There' are times Palmerston; 1029, Eunice M. Long, evhenn,,thisthe result of disease but Goderieh. ordinarily faulty elimination is duets Cherished Memories laziness r carelessness in some form. "In the coming years this fist of People w: o are absolutely fastidious names will represent a roll of . honor about their nerson in every other; rt. or an , Order of Merit that will :' be speet will a 1 w this condition to ex- coveted by students of the year to Women who would throw up eome 'as decorations of the Order of their hands rpt lily horror at a clog• tlrte Gnhter aro coveted its England, ted Bink will mak onit+ half hearted where the crowning otf the Queen of attempts to clean t their own clog- May originated. - ged systems. 'MI'he Queen this year, Miss Faun- Sendentary oecusat :me -end faulty ice M. Long, has those qualities that diet are the found tition, . of the evil. • have .won the election for the past PeonI0 form the habit on. taking lax- eight years. She is "born to tom atives until it is vert► dillieult to re.': Mand" rather by the quality of kind- - :tore the natural neristaitie action of nesses than by the power of might. the intestines. 13iseard the; laxatives ' And it is as true now as in Shake-• try egereise and diet persistently. apearee's day -that ear.aty power _ -:r doth then shote likest God's when .tµ ` �"' entire: seasons suede°. So may our Bronchial a 0 ' May Queen of this year he zt Mewing to the community in which she may have the privilege of toilin in the eat work of education. 'Her attendants. Ellice Kilpatrick °a4= Mow -,Wilhelm, Stratford; -- ountasn, ,;,t. Marys, and Vic Left Her w Rh si n Dry, Mark ug vagi ><�r Clara; . Mrs. A. rria►eeu, 36 loving Mary of ;Bible II* at•` let Watkins, 1.ondesboro, reminding Cto'Atithawtrots , (Tier,, opporrtrritetuas:lty rl; sustellinpig you of ?lace; asiee{ : tis in their -%name of the olive branoh . t►it 02 t ue� st *y expriisee witk days; the htgltemountains of aaspien- `* Wsodts tewvoelhithweethl©y lt tlses e sets Noway . of all flowers, share In. the honor be. stowed anon the Queen- Pkos "'10 the Queen and her Attendants 'illgrdp We Ariake 1Y tnit.re"a from a eiewttat esti that left me isitlt a► Irk . ley, Willy �t. Af'tar• beteg Where& wish lit, beck y I extend the congratulations Of staff and students for the honor bestowed and best wishes, for future honors and sucte.,s in the stirring times - ahead in all Truman activities. s,igrtt,, ter SON Wen :X 144 1!rotaistesiat crises rastettsamin lb* ahoaw A Cif TO 10.00 Ac ii *iii► erne wlMlt 1 holt with teroeirl+, tel mud ,retrain°, mak, rasw„ R le the may _ r.n.il- 1 nese tam iter eel;*."" *rem, mkt> tis both; 1ssgeta►1lwr l'r otos f f%ir, at art dreagista to is s lr-tl NInee, T.1t1likurat tire., g . , . , sses4o� a asmiimmrttiorovretse- -row Oak (WO Situ ttlewr 1 . • chtffien ton ,noveims resirai d en' ata atet,to- ,credos oat& • 4 it: CORN t' FLAESreg Mr. Reid read the valedictory of the 1928-29 class. Dr. Silcox then made a few comments on the teaching pro- fession and expressed: the Opinion that Canada offers abundant oppor- tunities, for young teachers, Afternoon tea was served by sev- eral of the students under the direc- tion of Miss E. Everson. Miller's Worm Powders seldom fail. They immediately attack the worms and expel them from the.sys- tem. They are complete in them- selves, not only as•a worm destroyer; but as a highly beneficial medicine for children, correcting weak diges- tion and•restoring the debilitated sys- tem . to healthfulness without. which the growth of .the child will be re- tarded and its constitution weakened. It's- easy tu;call homehLoig Distance now Now ellen you are away, it is easier to telephone home • Just cal. yourhouse tele- phone,get the low-priced ,sta- ,tion -to -Station service, and have the chargesput on your telephone bill at home. Charges can now be reversed on station -to -station calls when the rate is 25 cents or more. On other classes of service charges or any amount can be reversed. THE TEL'EP110114E COMPANY OF CANADA