HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-30, Page 4t 4, • • r Os F01.311; GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IN - Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Dresses, and Hats In order to make room for new Summer goods we are offering the following special values in Coats, Dresses and Millinery. You cannot afford _ to overlook the values offered. • Coats" • • Ladies' and Misses' Tricotine Coats, in navy, black, fawn, blue and green. This season's styles. Regu- lar values up to $25. Special at $17.50 Ladies' and Misses' Tweed Coats in the season's newest shades. Reg. prices $14.50 and $18.50. • Reduced to $9.00 and $1350 • 1 Dresses-, - Ladies' silk crepe and georgette Summer Dresses in light and dark shades, short and long sleeves. Reg. $1,5 and $16.50. Clearing .at $7.95 ‘Mi linerye, Ladies' and Misses' Hats, all this season's styles and shades, Regular $5, $5,80 and $6.50. Now selling at " • "". 8•345 - A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUARE PHONE 418 blAITLAND GOLF OPMING • 'Winners of the Various Contests on • 'Opening, Day. May 24th •- Tae oilicisl opening of the Maitland Golf Club for the season woo held on FridaY last, the 24th of May. The day was a very pleasant one ond there were a large number of mere - 'hers and visitors on hand to take Part in the various eontests or in private game. The caterer s served luncheon and during the afternoon tea was provided by the ladies. In the men's nine -hale competition there were three ties for first place, UM. D. C. ItStiDovraid, Dr. Newton Brady and Harold C. Williams. and in the play of first honors went to Mr. AreDer. raid. The tore was 27. In the lad- les' competitions there were several - ties, two. for third the nine -hole ComPetition 471d four in the putting tonmetition, llho' prize winners were as „follows Ladies' 9 Hole 'Competition 1st. Mrs. Jas. Donaldson 2nd, Ansa v. E. Williams ,grtl, Antis Olive Alien 1rd Miss Catharine Bays Men's 9 Hale Copmetatiori* 1st. Rev. It. AreDenuid ild, Dr. Newton Brady rattl, H. C. 1 Moine • 40, Charles after 4 ' 4th, Chas. A. Reid . 5th, Geo. Amer 1.41410,e• Putting Competition 1st. Mrd. R. E. Nnitel 2nd, Mrs, Us. DfrtialdS011 :rd. Mrs. V. Daniel* ard. .1rfrs. 4P., IL Mitchell ' fird. ,mrs. W. Saunders ffrd. Asti Cetllarine BIlYs 9 110e%! Ball Atixed roursome t st, Miss::Catharitie Ifays and Geo. Jenner. - 2nd, Mee: E. 1). Brown and G. L. -tird,W.S. Mitchell and W. F. Saunders raaa.. ••••/,•••••••••• 111 1 .1 11 II II. I 111 .111 I 11 .11 11111.h0101- THE GODERICII STAR ON4T4A)rit16AF:GaRtICAIIIRX,it Grace Jowett, of Lona" visaed as' FARMERS* WEEK AT TH E BAYFTELD gram than usual in conneesion with here. e Rl exal, D rug Store a her narenti here over toe holioasa Fatsyning is set for a larger at4 :.4ws kiln& MahatY. ef TotoMea , tetidaare Alla a more interestiog pro. spent the meek -end with her siarents) flj •011* -1•191 THURSDAY, MAY 30rh, 1S*40 tae annual visit ef the form folks of ."AZr RaSa principal of eur public Ontatia t, the Ontatio Agrieultural school, spent the week -end at !as Always carries a completenline of vo..pge,11101110 3n viroxeter. The College has just started on a Miss Nora Ferguson returned home big orogiiiii.9Zexpension eon 'Sian be on Friday last after spending mare worth while visaing than ever. winter in London. Speras.1 features of interest are being" Ms Jean' Wooder, of Galt, spent cud Dr. toristie„ toe new the holidays with her parents, I and energetic eresideet, is anxious to and Mrs. Woods, meet as asany rats -sere and farm fatri.1 Miss Annie Elliott, of Toronto, WitS slits C15 can possibly tiew a day off to'a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fraser, over visit the C311ege and F,xperiniental the holiday here. • arra at this time. Rev. L M. Cale, pester of St. An - Special days have been designated drew's United church, is attending T'‘ family not oble to make the trip on Arr. and Mrs. Ford Ring and Miss for the different counties, but any the Conference in London this • week. ipes and Tobaccos the day designated for their county Proctor, of Toronto. SPethe week- a an Films tae olaer uiys neve is the UsI A large number of the summer • as arranged cottages were inhabited by their Drugs Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Chocolates will be entire! welcome. on any ono1 end with Mr. and-Irrs. Geo. Xing gin,N Alonday, orfolk, ilatdimand, We*Time 17th-EsseX, Rent, antEl., owners with families over the hell - Tuesday, June Ifithaelialton Waters:ter of Toronto t th and Developing -Prompt Delivery Lincoln, Wentworth. 1 Air. Jas. Cameron, son and dangle. ., • Printing lldday. loo. Dufferin, Perth, Hurons Grey, 1 with M. jno.' Cameron in the vil. IlePollock in the viI. Ne. 1' Block' • Counties. loge. ..1 Thursday, June 20thealifiddieeqx, Ox. Miss Elva Dom, of T.oronto, sT, . ." ford, Wellington, Victoria, .Peteas spent the weekend with her parents. borough, Lanark, Muskoka? ' Mr. and Mrs. David • Frank ThoDewar, in the 4 tario feemer ebouid• keep ' in elose wife, of London, were visitors in the . and we together may live as jeeus African Bush." After singing tynU lived." Ilymn 404 was sung and rho 11a Mrs..Gale told an Africari pIctu - in the BritishIt, which was also very impressive. The Ontario Agricultural College village. . N the greatest institution of its kind „Arr. Wm. Balkwill and three elda. . - touch with the work that is being village over the .week.end. devotional exercises were taken as story Empire, and every On; dren and Mr. mson end s make g•persotii.lrvisit. ' . ' - - - elailithter, "of Port Elgin, ' spent` tin; Mr. and Mr. Hugh Meraren and.' MISSEmma'Sturgeon;'prayer oy pre, irtg alternately. Miss Eva Sturgeon k 10:30-27, by. Miss Edith 'Sterner anis decided that each side take the meet- follaws: Scripture ' reading, Luke Sides were then • ebosen and it Via.ti . . , done there; '' The very test way is to ' 2. sident. The minutes of last. meeting closed the meeting witlx prayer. Idi E . FOr :further infortnation !lite er vsgek-end here vim ayesJosephine Vitra read by,the seeretary, ss veda DrJ.DIELLOGO3 STEM REMEDY ti one Dept. o grien tiro, on. p• Mg' • geo 4 4.... ' - The Maay•Parpose 011.; -Both .„ in of Saskatchewan, arrived last. _week sons, that these minutes ,Iles adopted and Mrs. Sohn Niroisell and two .ottite'usteosusfeoratindr..sutabolme atsh,esreciaetretgooreits, tsoons,,spenpdartehnetssitimminr.eranwidthuMrsr.s. jaw:ger; erniVICITIrteeerldil b?rfh(ivr-Seetvebilrge4w‘iiit;tviVoihdeeltnathinte: Use it for cuts, brollies, burns, scalds) Fowlie. • , Master Diek Weston.took up, the eel. the paint of rheumatism and sciatica, The monthly meeting of the Wis. lection and Miss 1,1ouise McLeod led sore' threat and chests Horses are ling Workers' Mission Band was held in, the offerseg prayer. ,_ Recitations liable,very largely to shriller ailmentsat.the parsonage on May 18th. with were given by Mies Geraldine Caatle* l , . and mishaps as afflict mankind, and f 4 Miss Doris Featherston, misses. nd the president Marie Grain er in the are equally nieenable to the healing chair. The meeting was opened with infhtence et this fine od remedy their motto, "Do unto others as you ' which has made thousands of Om would like them to tie unto you." ..a in nds I ma and Berthena Sturgeen and Miss Edith Meister. Miss Elsie AreLetel then sang "Jesus Loves Me." Music 4th Mrs. 3, 0. Itehertston and F. R.1 OFFICIAl. VISIT TO MORNING 1 e drIn the past fifty years.. winch. was followed by •their aloe 041.0 selections -were given by Alms Louise Darrow. members of the Maitland Golf Club ro, , , 0 , share the Bible with other boys and MeLehd and Miss Doris Featherston. I STAR LODGE , , Pleasure Ape pity", love nor pail. ' girls all over the world, and practical Miss Anne tDewar told a very inter•e The annual meeting of the Indy a:. _. Nor sorrow has gone by in Valk. Marys, D. D. G. X. of South Huron, ght W - B White f st friendthip with them, se that they eating story from the study book, "On ,sci was held oft Wednesday, May 22. ' I Officers and committees f4or the sea. paid his eut visit to Morning Star :4deavuereinc;gbc irtPahy:rfe°-4,2e20.0iith.erfr,berestvhVe4nesdavarsenatferoonci. son are: President, Mrs. G. 21inadineylicreStovrieese.ipxrerss., Mars. .0F2E,Muanirotirn;• 4 sec.m-rter.eitua.: H. crew wit;sKinnoadxsei captain I tSsettna.drilLoacryedsgoeafndAmtebnyneurbemerwearsootai good at - of the golf committee, to be assisted by Arise 02 Allen Miss B. Flemangs, from Coderich and other paints alio' Miss E. Williats '1144,14.s E4 Hai?, mrs.iwere attendence. After the work eeeneittee*convenee mvs, officers ,cin the work und gave a Most' F.J. Donaldson. !..in.,.... Mitehe Urs'i GrandMastereMveausitnerr thceompPilsitiacnttedDelluth% interesting exposition of the syinbo. nVokkilds,; MAIrlds.‘J.Viielithtrisia" AinelsY: which appealed so 1111.1011. to the bre- • lism of the work of the first degree, • G. Saults, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Naftel,! that. a Dressing invitation was Mrs. L. Knox. • tehatreennded to W. Bro. White to House chinmittee-CoTtener, Mrs.- ve, soles. pay another visit to the lodge in the titkeerer;enAtirl‘sire,Acchedesa01%st. tcouree of a few, menthe and give 4. aeacimyk; mrs.. Beacom me, Barrow, degree. -This 'WU elecerited. After TOWS committee -Convener, Mr. similar talk,' 09 the work of the third Miss N. MciDermid, Mrs. E. TaYlma the serving. of refreshments the r"1'' G. M. agaut spoke on some further • The first Wednesday tea of the aspects of the symbolism of Masonry, season will be on June 12th, • showing that he has been a close stu- OnJunelOth the draw will be made dent of Matonry and also of the ads for the LIoYd cup contest. •The 32 pleyers- handing ni he kavestseeees reatiLet%ags t (medal play serateh) before that time- 'HIP" " .cae' ain't eposoia,s. The contest is conenea verse, and „the' way in which he. tovi1 L1 ,,,,,,__,,„,, ,„,„,,,,,, relates the two it most interesting 1 ;wan IttYL14,,‘".'e"Pr and instructive. Earlier in the even- . 4:-..;,--... mg a very -pleasing, feature was the . . • Relieves Asthnte. at Once.. --If you presentation' by Wor. Bro. 3. J. Rob - could read the thousands of unsolivit. erten. on behalf of the lodge, to Very s' ' ed letters received /by ' the makers Won Bro. Dr. Weir of Grand 'Lodge from :grateful users you, too, *add regalia. cro. Weir was so much tak: realize the remarkable powers of Dr.i en aback by the unexpected and hand - J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. All some gift that he could hardly find eaRS, incipient and thismic, are ben- the words to express his feelings. *fitted by this great family remedsr. For the program ;following the lodge \Vhy stiffer or experiment with worth- meeting be was ,chairman and in ad- ios preparations when the genuine dition to calling on the quartette of Xellogg's eon be purchased every. brethren front St. Marys, ealled where. ." • • 1.011•••••01.• "'A fall mon may stand ..on tiptoe and still not be able to reach an uy,reoment. . SPECIAL IN ORANGES -for three weeks we *re selling our stock Oranges at reduced prices, as follows: 11.sular 70c per death for 60c Per dollen Regular 60c per dozen, for 80c per dozen Re*ular 40c per (loam, for 300 per &ism Others at 2Se per down. or 2 doom for 35e. &Walk% itt 25c ow 30c or aosett, . Fresh Fruits and Vetet.bki ni seitson at' reason. able Prieto. • GODERICH FRUIT MARKET East Side of Square Telephone 470 Tie T. EATON REALTY UMITED 5% First Mortgalle Bonds Dee 1 April; 1941 1111101gat 1 Janie*"' snit &ter. - eat psotble, sit any -branch Eel the Dominion Rank, - bank of Montreal, or• The Royal Bank -of Canada.. r*ic*e 'coo latereal. yield 5.334:•6 We ati-etatSesi thee •StilffiaeS SIMI:7111TV Eceured by a first mentlte en the ptesorty of the T. Eaton Limited. valved by Nktiltlid Trutt Company Limited it ever $24000,000, cf which. over 3: 000.000 is landriglosive - beiks9W velem to tweets of 12250 let each Si.* bend sneak* The T. Eaten Co. Limited cm/emote tb pay *smolt sufficient to t ever all interest and tetire the mintiest by maturity thalogh a Sinking 'Fund, = DOVILINION SEcusannes CORIPOWION LIMITED perm& 1$"liettiett MOCK ita. it Wmi, reweirs VAI4COUVtli. Ij rcikace; P, 11101lk Tat 114~tiatio1, Wor. Bro. Cole of Maitland Lodge, Wor. Bro. Snell of Blyth and Bros. from Clinton and Detroit, and others mewling tho Candidate of the even. Mg. i • TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS, ATTENTION ! An educational rally will be held in the Parish Ball, Dungannon, on • °Friday afternoon, Juno 14th„ 1920, eommeneing at 1.30 pati. for the townships of Ashlield„ Colborne and West Wawanosh, when Mr. W. N. Mortis, of Tronto, secretary of the Ontario Edueational Association of Trusteed and Ratepayers wilt he present to address the gathering on auestiont of the day of interest to All •• educationelists. Other speakers) at. ' ficers of the 0..E. A., are also' et. • petted to be present. ,A cordial in. 'citation is extended to all, both lad. • les and gentlemen, to attend. ' 1 MEETING TO DISCOM 'WEED , • . CONTROL A. Torah* et the Weed lesr#cetors of all munidipalities of the Conrity of Ituron,•,titid 'others interested in 1 weed etmtrol, will be held at; the Agricultural Office, Clinton,. Tuesday, June dth, at r1.40 pan. sharp. The ()Wets of the meeting Are i (I) To acquaint the inspectors and all interested with the,weeds and weed seede and their tentre4. ' (2) *A) study theweed set and to interrupt it in the ,best interests of the farmer and the municipality. (3) ffhis meeting will also permit the inspectors in the entity to tie. r* 'CORK' better aequaintd with each oth. er and they will have a better thane° of knowing how to tarry out the work with some degree of uniformity. If we are to :nett with any degre' of success in the toinutairta *glkiliSt weeds. J.'. is essential that we have the whole hearted toeorteratioft of all: Leese:rex% Alibis' cineetieg we leill hets ' "'" eoneerned. It yo can arrange to be pleased to hare you with us. • f. A. AfeCAGtlE. , i , Agrieulture 'Representative.' KIDNEY PI 1 i i 1 • • , 1 1 • 1 . - , , . 1'. . . .1 1 1 FORD CAR tIOUDAILLE HYDRAULIC SHOCK • - lir r• ' • 51 ositive--Smooth • • r%. NO NOD 10 'mob nitinixikt, SUM* Wm. mows NNTATIOI* guipgim NIXONIVO AN* ant moroMito tisio.. NM RUNNY 'KAT HA•040.0. • sto.lorioviiikNoi surrytimp, . Dr etworatestitisolt SORBE4S Double *ling- ItIOPDAILLE Hydraulic S*.tock Absorbers, four • -111. to every Ford car, are entirely defensivein their action since they remain inactivc and in noutral'-'% position -on smooth roads. Let a wheel encounter the slightest depression or bump, however, and they respond with the velvet precision of a cat's paw. lloudaille Shock Absorbers were not adapted to the Ford car after it waa built, but were part of the speck fications hid down by the Ford engineers as they planned the car. Therefore, Houdailles, their power- ful operation, coordinated, became integral parts of the complete chassis. It is for this reason that they , function with such perfect efficiency on the Ford car. • Iloudailles absorb. both the upward and downward thrust of the shock through slowing the spring action by means of a heavy glycerine solution, which is forced through a small valve front one compartment to another. They check, the rebound of the car softly, exert no tension on the springs and are always ready to offer resistance to the blow when anti as required.. In fact, the more severe the shock, the more, effectively floudailles operate. . Different from any other shock absorber, the lioudaille connecting link between the frame and the axle of the ear is a steel arm, not just a fabric strip to wear out and be replaced. Adjustableto suit differing road conditions and ViltiOtik loads, the Huudaille is more than a shock absorber and morc_thatt * snubber* ,... 064# Inspect the Ford car carefully part by pert Theis know the thrill of driving it. By its performance you will realize the easy riding comfort of an liosslaille equipped Ford. Drive it • Yourself - there is no Better Test Pord Car Features racurs 4.1J i nliks: es hour 49-itotac lunar csoine 1.):11 tiqloon tierc tneloora Oix1,r7. *txtect 4 110:14441e hEntppoilio doch st.r.orbera :70 isi:rs 71i1 Calbft of rimliso Ehatirrpraf ett..ar tiingaied Theft rtcof fo 1,. ;cck Agidbi2a11 eild JON fle:teN Arrallige for your tktivotistroliott ride orithike smolt* Ford dialer • 1 F H. W001) & SON GODERICH, ONT. • t.