HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-30, Page 211111 1111111 1111111111111 1111 PAGE TWO Try this illitironablmil Witellsseirtyouordiertea IF a ORANGE PEKOE amp A Mk it so T LI A 'Fresh tram the perdeies, ORLD IN REVIEW 'Py GAMadUislas ... . Who Will Xk Victorious: will not, or clan net, 8orecaet any re - Before this vveelt in out all the suit of the election. All nutlet) are world will know raffish political party eoniident cif awcepfng victories in the Etas reyeked the vete ot` tonlidence of .Seettisln districts and yet none .of the people of the Dritish Isles. With- them are willing to specify the dist- out doubt the present genera[ dee nets where glory will be won Lloyd lion is one of the most hectic in the George says there is a startling se- history of the peat decade, end even vival In Liberal%spa, Ramsay Mac- Ronald has issued a statement prc- dieting a svpis*tory for the La - the most expert on political' matters DeicomLtight saves time, work, money WITH. i. DelcoLight,• you change • from lamps VY and lanterns to bright electric lights .• from hand pumps and buckets to nickel faucets and running water. The conveniences of ,the city conte to you wherever you live. I have some interesting. Delco.light booklets which I would like you to read.. DELCO-LIMITSALES AND SERVICE Campbell & Hutton, Box No. -1, ,Komoka, Ont. . W. W. Cook, Godericll 1 u m i ME OODERICH STAR s; Taste ie Mi 11 ale Moreiig laid Partys and Rt, Hon, Stanley Bald win declares in tree Landon liars that the 4'onservetit-e; will wan. Wilt .the election prove a sialemetik ! The *newer will seen be forthcoming, Crop C--oaditionis in Peace River' Crop condttiens thrcupiaout the Wax River country" are very prom- ising at the present time and trio season is sena£ hat mere addvansed altar Ln mere so 1iealy Ec tions of. it e ta;osinee, accosting to authsritats I:ioa reports. Tare movement of pee j pie into the Peace Velver country dura Mg Dn the past a t Ar ti➢r two C �© C3 e i bean n fleeted In a c©nsidcrehlo increaso it the acreage tender crop in 1912 a .coDnparet1 with (last year. More Electricity for Farmers - The Ontario Hydro* Electric Powe Cemnaimon, a ptabliely owned utilit ' eutereriee, planus to build over 1.00 nailer of primary electrical distrait; After ,'At trivial expense G roc w ii convert spare -iv` wasted: Into ono or more extra rooms. us F ream 41 bottled For Sale -By The Goderich I"I ningYMjIls, Ltd. Gotlerieh) Ont. 'Wises you wake up in the atora,sg with a furred tope said as bad, bitter :r tuts is our mount yea ratty be aura tkat your river ij net 14 uo tioaing A port y arra receeree attention at vasa. Yra. $. J, Connive, RR, No. 1, ., Basra Bridge, Oat., wrttee: °O* t rising iar the morning X found X bad a s bad taste in racy saeath which x later Mauna out wu due -to the bee state of , my liver. The clerk in the dmg stere nsaggeetei3 that X try 0 MiN�1N1Ar# aw e tion lanes an the province this year in connection whit its enig:ain of rnr distribution of grower. • This year's program will brims' the total liin eonstrueted in the farming districts to 5,000 miles and the neve lines to be placed in operation this year will server 4000 more rural customers. The cost of the extension will be op- proximateiy $2,5,00,000. The Reparations Puzzle So many Ra a1 r"Nl'ew I tats mer without theta fin ales bower *d wiele to the* you for ea whitthaef did Ter nae." • • mien Sr.s.. a4 x1;41 st ill gist" or ' Xsi or aired on, mule et 934- The T. M11511/4rse Cw,I404, 4$O, Asan zrleYs a Disarmament Treaty Discussions be tween the various nations have end- ed in smoke, that it is not very aux- prising to learn front Paris that the present Reparations Conference . has :[ailed to result inn agreement and may be 'discontinued . at any time. 1)r. Schacht, the spokesman for the Geri. mans, laid his cards on the stable to O. D. Young, Chairman of the Con-. Terence, and then stood pat on his proposals. He releeisthe allied res servations- to • "hit°r a rvtitions;' and the allies will not .accent the German reservations unless they are modified by their own:reservations, and tliie its the problent the experts are ex/meted to solve. The Dawes committee on 'German Reparations to the allied nn tions for the great war, drew up a plan of payment for five years, with provisicin for continuance in event n 'Permanent agreement was reneged before expiration of that period. Confertence observers gee no hope for that 'complete and final settlement' which experts had so confidently ex - petted to reach at the beginning of their work weeks ate. Thus the word "failure" ,must he written. once more in the pages of'Reparations his- tory. De .Valor i .Promises Banton de Valera, famous Sinn Feiner, in a speech as Carrick -on - Shannon, Ireland,• said the present Free State Government teas malting a free' gift of Si5,000,000' a year to the British people. If his party se- cures power in the Dail he promised they would refuse to send land pur- ebase annuities to England and would use the money for lowering agricul- tural taxes to put Irish. fanners on the same level as: their competitor,* inNorthern Ireland and England. Rich Amber Deposits What ie :believed to be one of the world's rimiest deposits of amber Iles along the shores of Cedar Lake„ Manitoba, located ...about 20 miles southeast of The Pas end close to Lake Winnipegosis, '• For generation the ..Indiana ..gathered amber there. 'S'ome of the pieces found are as large as a robin's egg and vary from pale yellow to dark brown in color. In one area ten per vent of this material of the beach is made • up of amber. The Queen's Birthday Queen Mary, spending her 62nd birthday at Windsor Castle, received. a birthday greeting from the citizens of London, to whielt • she replied, by wireas follows, to the lord Mayor "Front the valley of . the shadow the King has been restored to his people, and with a realization of the nation's faith and hope I look back with gratis tude to the fervent prayers and earn- est wishes which supported me and 0 tre srnars :N these grinpinq uan$J4 tugs -sin the 'scientifically desi;ned tows of wedges et the shoulderse-here is the %%Arty tread of the tire worlds -the tiro you can trust to safely carry you over slippery pave• meats end muddy highways. TINDER' the safety t."eadis t1uc Firestone safety careen—built of tordi dipped in a rubber solution whch saturates and inanlnnea every fibre,.(mf every cord with rubber. adding, the greatest strength and dm:Stinky. e' q \ prrtacc worn tires .NOW ivitli -111t4e eater Cem.l ipped tires; and speeity I'irestones for your new car. 't'hrre'n an F• Firestone Dealer near youeehe eerr,cr .`,j you better aural saves you snowy. <` ;. scat 8.-a ".Mixt efe*ol ores e aLeo* rnieuo.6: 7' i410:NC. u:ilk .., 4 P1RLSTONl', TIRI; IS; lyc lior;R CO, € .A.RA15A. i,1�21'"ulla Haalli,T03 (Y TAfit0 MOST MILES PER DOLLAR hit" Radlett► thaw O fly RAR ? R SROI; H'. JANE; MacEWAN & TEBBUIT F. 11. WOOD; W. J. SXMONDS, Saltl'or& �• those dear to me in the dark days of raur anxiety." CANADIAN. 'DOCTOR HCN&R'ED 1?r. Arnold. Armour, well-known Can- adian practising in England, who received one of the highest honors that can be offered to a member of the medical profession in the British Isles, when he was unanimously nom.. hutted by the Council of the Medical Society of London, as its pre"sident. Mussolini Explains Speech The Italian senate- voted g16 'to 6 in approval of the Lateran accords after Premie; Mussolini had again emphasized 13 a decisive speech the complete independence of the king, dexo end the Moly $ee, The way is • now clear for xatifieation of the ae- cords by King Emmanuel and Pope XI. The premier, who had caused some surprise by the clearness with - which he drew the dividing 'line be- tween church and state in his speech to the chamber on May 18, which . provoked an indirect reply from ,‘the Rope on the subject "of education, re- affirmed there was a preeise distinc- tion between the two powers. "My ch'am'ber spce pratefound diffigult," he said. -41 1 define it as neves- sary, even in its 'polemical points whielt hit the target they were aimed at, 2t was necessary to clear the ',atmosphere, which, ,being too- senti-mental, would have ended by alter- ing the contours, -character and ob- jectives of events. "It was necessary to dispel the equivocation which allowed people to believe teat the Lateran treaties would have Vaticanized.Italy .or that the Vatican would be talianized. There was nothing in that.' Well Known `Churchman Passes A famous lender and worker; in the Presbyterian church and Iater in the United church of Canada, passed away last week when -Rev. R. F. Mac- kay wassuddenly stricken With a lneart attack. The Rev. Mi. MacKay was secretary of the lt'oreign Mis- sion Boar of the Presbyterian church for 40 • y ars, - and until the United church was formed, when he joined the latter body,and former Moderrt- or 'of the Presbyterian General As- sernbly. Rev. Dr. MacKaaywas visit- ing the home of his niece, Mrs. W. W. Murray, art Woodsiock, at the time of his illness. Rev. Dr. Mac-. Kay was in his 83rd year and was one of the bestknown ministers. in Canada, Canadian Choirs' Seeeer;e Tw Canadian reale cholla literal-. ly_ covered themselves with musical -world glory in capturing two. of the fleet three places in the : final compt- t' on last Saturday of New York's Ma chest concert. The Ottawa Temple choir, 10 strong,finished as tringle point behind the winning unit in the "1;" class eonteet---the Balti.. more and Ohio Railroad Glee Club of'. l Baltimore. Maryland -while the oth- er Carnelian entry, the Peterboro Male Chorus. was plaeed third. The point wore for the first three placed (on the basis of 100 per sent. pos- sible): Was: Ealtintore unit, 88a4,r; Ottawa, :3711'4 Peterboro, 85S1S; Peterboro, 85 ti. "The winners te- • eat* a bronze statue, of "Melody," awarded by the+ Northeastern Seen- gerbund of America, The Doings of Aviators Spring has arrived' with all her glory, and the daring airmen of the world ronsicler that it is time to ae. ' conplish all kinds of risky flights and prepare for others. Last week two tinned Staten airmen, having arnaash. ed all sustained flight records, ' lbbrought their monoplane to earth, LNSURANC! The Mutual Life Assurance Company of. Canada reach ra!ed tele HMI QDt t•lle L";, 'ks.tipr_g Lfk ), ePi It b. MOONF ', Apt t2c r a"r) ..f.._ I Ili n with only a bettered proeeller do tell the story of the strain they had an, dergcne, 'The mai. -hine had been in the air 171 'hours, .'31 rnirote,a and o.IQ seconds, almt daY longer than the famous tjueetion Rani, .hose ix, coral was a:t:nj eteiecl I.y 21 h .a e The craze for Hying over the At- lantic has penetrated the minds of two Fortelle/en anti two, lln.tc'..e tetates fliers, and these intrepid men will leave the American continent for Europe some time this creek. A repot comes from Australia that the twa piing Australian airmen, Lieut. Moir and Flying Officer Owen, alio have been missing since May 1`' when they bopped ori? front Ilimaz to Darwin. hes been found at Cape ].)an, Oueensisnnd. They were uaaizurm. but their plane wan danaged when they mistook: Cane Don-liprhtbouse for Port Darwin, and landed in the dark;. Earl Balfour's t'oiditioa The health' ,.of Lord Balfour is causing anxiety to his relattvee and colleagues in tate 'British govern- ment. Since attending the Privy Council of Craigwell House on May 10, when the King signed doeutttents dissolving Parliament, the health of theEarl has not improved and he has been advised not to transact any public business. Ile is. staying at the house of his brother and Hen,. Gerald llalfour, near Wokines and is pot res calving visitors. The Earl is $1 this year.- Prince Apturetes Church Unity , The General Assemblies of the two great' Seettish Presbyteriao bod- ies, the Church of Scotland' and the United Free Church, were congrattu- fated on their ratification of Church Union by the Duke of York. Lord High Commissioner:, when he visited the General Assembly of the United Free Church. . •. "Poetry there is deep rejoicing that b+tweeri these ahur,:bes all differen- ces 'aro at .an end," said the Duke. "It is my hope and prayer that the reunited church will henceforth be better able to minister to" the higher life of Scotland and alio play its part ,in bringing the blessings of the Christian. faith to non-Christttrn peas pies across the seas." . To Plant 1,200,000 Trees `i'11I'R 1��rY, MAT 3a0t?, 19029 -soot volo...01111101•11% si HAS. BLACKS THE LEADING MEN'S STORE .cod Tailoring Special Orders MEN'S *WAR a[ WEAR I1. $16.60; ";Van. •dozier, pay list, 14; T Shackleton, Pay list, $35,50; Ingot Iran Co., piping $87.031 Metallic Comp., 'road Signs, $10,40; freight on same, 65e.; Wrn. Clare, Pay list, $16; Jas. E. Ritchie, ear fare, $8; San:, Swan, car fare, $8. Moved by Meek and Ritchie and 'carried, that council get R. Patterson, county engineer. to draw the plans forthe large grid - ger. Council then adjourned to meet as Court of revision, on motion of -. •" l a PHONE 330 • ler was awarded tate contract of both. small bridges. C. E. McDGNAGII„ Clerk. Paring a corn isboth risky and ill-• effective. It is anuctt better to tie Holloway's Corn. Remover and era*, cats theta entirely. Swan and Black. Spediaal meeting May 10th to con- sider tenders for small 'bridges, mem- hers all peesent. fenders were re- eeived front ,Mr. Loody at $11.35 per. lraird; Mx Moore, at $8 and $8.25 per yard; Mr. Miller,. $6;75: per:yarir Ott nietion of Ritchie and Black, Mc. Mil - Within the neat taw weeks 1,200,. 000 trees are to be 'planted in the Thessalop district, near the Soo, by the Forestry Department of the On. taxio Government,. This is the larg- est reforestration venture so far made by the Provincial Department and is to be largely experimental as ' a guide to schemes under contempla- tion for the future in different -parts of Ontario. 'MUNICIPAL , COUNCILS' Ashfield Council met April 15th,'. all mem- bers present, 'minutes of March meet- ing read and approved, on motion by Swan and Anderson. W. P. Crozier; secretary treasurer of school section 16 waited on council regarding- the ditch and gateway in front of school property. • lit was moved aby. Swan, and Ritchie' that, the gateway be re- paired. Moved by Anderson and Ititehle and carried that -Herb Curran bepaid $25,: part pay for care of Mrs'. J. Saunders. On motion of Black +and Anderson it ' was resolved to build two small bridges, one at Lane's church and one at Jno. Little's. The clerk was instructed to call for tens 'ders to 'be in by . May the tenth. On .notion of Ritchie and Swan the fol- lowing road accounts were paid : Jacob Hunter, pay list, snow roads, $5.85;' Jacob Hunter, pay list, grad- ing, $8.45; Nelson Graham. pay list, $11.50; Prank Willis, pay list, $5.50; D. A. Maclean, pay list, $20.7p; P. J Murphy, pay list, . ' 17.25.. .Taket Hunter, pay --list, $0; .Gen. Barger, pay list, 82T T. A. Ferguson, nay list, 812.50: Wilson Irwin. pay list,: $21; Rey Myers. pay list $14.10; Jim A. Johnston, pay .list, $17.25: ,Ino; Little. pay list, $10; Herb Curran, may' list; 535; Rich. Johnston: bay list, $17.10; Jno. C. Dalton, pay list, *• For Upholstering, Repairnhti Rsfi maitre. A large range of Sample Cov,r- • inls carried .fa.. A. ZIMMERMAN Notion Street 'THE .GREATEST TIRE THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN Not one Royal )gaster in a7 thousand will ever pnnuae. Nat, one 1n, five thousand will blow out ander, two years of service. The Royal Master was built without regard for cast. it is the finest tire that can be built. Its massive tread is double thick, cured by a new slow process. Its carcass, is made with extras plies of web fabric, " Side-walls : are guarded against scuffing, The Royal Maitei is made, oversize. Or. rather, the right ,size for real tire economy, If you want tires - that :will last as long B you keep your car, then buy Royal Masters: Ori sate at every MINION TIRE DEPOT ' t1DEltICII:w... ... - - ..,.:...:,...H. J. Fisher eeCtistasnaliallt95 Resigners Created the New Willyskuliaight Men of long qi erienee hit the "cuaatom built" field denigned 11te new.aty a illyat:Knight Six. Their artistry is quite apparent iutt this triumph of modern beauty. Croce of fine, richness of color, perfectmetry and pro, portion -distinguish the new-style..WiillysRnnight Six almathe outstanding creation of `these style specialists, and make ' available --ant a remarkable low price ---the etylc and richnea previously associated only with costly, enrtontituilt care. A great a automobile—au great en e—no valves to. grinrt, no costlyearbontetntoving. ?ractie w ly foot proof send wear -proof. No Willys-limf;bt motor, o far as we know, has ever worn out. Arrange for a demoosration at )four earliest convenience. CONTROL" One button in seater of ateerir wheel outlets starlet, light* oaf Herrn, Simple deefpn, easy open sties. No wire* in star. hag peel. WILLYS carr EO. JOHNSTON, ,Cnderich SEDAN $1543 Cools $1411 t lteadater $1420a Tearing SIMWillts.1ininht'6. AC arch $1220; Sedan=ISIS, Priers F.O.B. Fattary, • Taunt%taxes extra.