HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
.... - e__ y Lergie ley floe i.rr wing Lee act
-ere -I ---
31.: aria M, Rate ,1cnee end fart' j'1..t,i a:,:3 a}ielienzie. , o :,ieten, Now lK the tin= to have
k c -c1,; €i.;ilfaa. S vi gird en `c`a''•�ie`llay' Q Mee Jean Reid and rnenabere of xQL1>r
-tech far aoa� sl�iteJ her faEher, Bt<i. et we g machine
xi•. F. B533 /la, i cep E;f E?,,rty for
I liac all I'6s�m!gt��n, sjeo A; tial lei, rile of -
a ea;cgne tiff E,aya, bia7,rng� poen cenfin-u,
_ - ked t. NA E,rang to hint $. sore , 3 e^ 'Ml * A E. FriiaSt�n
I11,. awl '-Tse. Barney I;enniger•, of ^4anday,
In all the latest
colors and de-
signs, including
opalerorlies aril
plastic effects.
Ve have a few
ends of 30 inch
paper at greatly
reduced prices,
Yt. L. ., . .. ` ,
eighth' concession of CoMesser, Qr.
THURSDAY, MAY 22rd, 1Piu
11,12'1,g:'=",`.esti g',!Sit5 4tH llIda$' aA$
J. J. Ty � 14Ia•. and H1ra. Jelin McClure eine � .. Part�t, Oily,
. 31a et 1MY> s Tr.1.19 i ky.en ouch twci' daughter, -ali e were geeetaaen e Sundae a Belts, Needles, etc,
frlailcleen ever-° elura<lay cieito>rs at the tho hone of blr. and IM1rs. WFm. mei
' Penne, o€ Dlr. rail 1MIra. Jcwee., o£ '3,ay� Glare. 'They were reccore aBI' ' by Mt moBLE
31. Miss Graham, of Seai'rrrtla, - irtliel • 111
Min, Malars Lee 4 evage lea can Dien. The E:lerasaierst of the Lsrd'n Slip-' bIUT1511 EXCHANGE BLOCK
day foe aoveete vti:w o oho la visiting per will: i;e dispensed' in &aim: , . . _. _. . n.. -.,
l.er eriugiucr, Nr,:. 1.er-oi �tirr;;at and ince y chin siaear:ca on ksunday,
- I1' Mewl.• . Juno and, z t tlao service At w pan.E �'
Me. and Mrs. Fred Fowler, a£• Wale Reg. C. 11. McDonald, the pastor, ain't 1;'ryanigen, Evelyn ',Culbert :and Cora
• Culbert, from Getiernh Collegiate In-
..:tlr. and 'sire. Ilene ;envier, vier, of Arih- i Ewe. Wm. E. Perry returned to tlao I stitute,. and Mary Anderson, from
field,. en Sunday. rectory can Saturday, following a per.. 'Clint --41 School
are Ctaraamerce. The,'
De. a T. Case, W:ao nn leaving• eoon1iod of examinations' in London. lie tea4hoi�� include Margaret PcntIand.
to Z'enida in Toronto, is ]ravine; ern conde-cted frac servicon in St. .paw's 1 the Misses Finnigan, Ethel Cala and '
i auction, gala oaf lois liousehaid effeeto church, Dungannon, . and ' Christ E• J.. �viggiris. ,
a starchy afternoon. church, Poet Albert, on i un:lpy blr$it. This year terns •the • fiftieth Anni-
.;M1rs. Aier.ary returned :en Sunday tetra. R. (F,.. Willis is returning to versary o£ .the inauguration of ,the
i y' °• once Company, u is -the .intention of
=mane fora fortnight. 1 Parente, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. CrA�tifora, the Company to celebrate its galdan.
Dir: Robert Davidson hoe added to •the
former of whom lute .bean uridor f 1 h byd holding a m n tc�d picnoifc
Preston, visited the farmer'e parentee have eirarge of the eer'vice.
from the bore of 13Ir. and Dire. J. her home in Detroit on Friday, fele Wet Wacvanosls IMTutual Fie Insur.
Everett Finni^'an where she 'sad been lowing a fortnights visit with h
Coh41s Book Store
Show.ug Lae, patt•Prns in 3 yards and 4 yards zvizl Lino. 95c and $1.12Y2
Ia , in the 2 best grades, at per .:quar0 yard
They come 2 yards. wide and pattern
right • through to the- canvass Jack.
Heavy quality and with the new domo-
lae finish. Per square yard. ..$1.50
For around your rugs or floors in wood
the rattractiveness of his farm home. the doctor's care frog a few weeks..Ithe Company, �a'icers th thnd e- families, policyholders Ash
au ., 4� ._� ,_ F'y the ,rection u lattice fences on His many friends wish for Mr. Crow. the .po1ie bolder, number upwards of
either side of his house. ford a speedy return to health seven thousapd; a rcry large gather-
GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. F.. J. Wiggins motor- The death occurred very suddenly'ons is expected to be present. The
The Goderieh township t�Iospitni eil down from .Tobernforle en !Thur.. on Wednesday afternoon of Hugh Jno,t' ,ent will be held at Kincardine on
lay to enjoy the holiday with rel,- ];lake, a respected resident of the Gth. Wednesday„June Wei, The commit -
Auxiliary will meet at the Pocono of
fives here and at Blyth. Icon. of Ashfield. While in poor I tee in charge of the arrangements ,
Miss A. M. Andrews, Bayfield 1W9., on health some time ago he had •Home for the celebration, consisting of 31es-
Wednesday, way '20th, a 0 o'clock.' Mr. Denson Case and bliss Ethel what recovered and had eaten his din sta. William Watson, William Thamlr-
Caise, of Toronto, are enjoying the
holiday and week -end with their par- am hour and an halfpalater. Partial.- a •tiay cal atobcrt Davidson, Treleaven,
on S tum . f
WEST LD tints, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Case.
..:�,.. sty o aneaa. ane.ww etc ey_,me
oak pattern in the following widths,
1M, °i,- 1, 1'N, 1 ra and 3 yards wide.'
3 x 3 yards , ... ,$55A1!
3 x 3. yards-. , .... , ......;i§5.001
.3 �c 4 yards . _ .. , .... $7Q.0►0
British strakc, of heavy deep pile, new
patterns and quality warranted:
2;4 x 3 yards $27.50
x 3 V.; yards.. - $17.50
3 is 3y,„ yards $39.75
3 x 4 yards $44.75
Showing this week. Special new
crepe silk Dresses in light $ lr a des,
sleeveless and with, very exclusive and
stylish. - Sizes 18 to • 42. Ranging
. } ... , ..... $12.75 to $20,oe
Misfit:Ella werby. spent the week- 1)r,.. Case, who leaves soon • for his •lays will be ,given next week. I
s+d t Tf' rd' h th r t
nd with peyote G d • ^h t l Toronto, Anniversary" orvices svrXl be con- with Mr. Chas. Hewett another many- w-•—.•• ---
Mr�. J,• b,', Caami-,ell visited on his household effects by public ; aur- ducted in Erskine Presbyterian here of .the committee.. to complete the .
Sunda with her sister Dtrs J Tam tion At hi' home S t d f th' church, Dungannon on Sunday June arrangements for the event. •
e , Chicago,
n a - e Rev. visiting s n s an ,
M. Waleh' p£ I31yth, were 'Wes"' small dao iters .. ti G. itrntaui, D.A., of forest, a former cousin, Mr. Archie, Nertrn, who met . Mr. Jackson, of Ethel, preached in
field. visitors on 1-unday, tr1 , of 'venal*, Axe very highly esteemed and much -be- such a terrible death when he was Ashfield Fresb erian church on ,sun
W. spending the holiday and week -end as loved s
caught i stone crusher -slide a • .
Mr. and lairs, S1. F. Campbell were . q , pa tar of the a congregation.
c ,g n a to c crush p da
Sued. with the lady's s ,rents . bIry
the guogts over the ,week -end at the and ' m, Davi p . special music, will be rendered at bath plying dressing to the.main : belt Mins Lizzie Stewart a returned'
d Glen. services, which revolved the bucket drain on has
home of Mr and b1ro. Wilton Hoop Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott and lit- home after spending the winter in
or, of 'Woodham. tie son Henry,were t Su oo i of -the lie • H had 'climbed h
c i i her rn o erre V. new home in . oronto, -will dispose of - - ~--
y. s on aur Ay a rs , ,
bin, of Lnndeshero. - -veep. ,16th, at 3 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. The' Mr. Jahn P, Campbell attended the Mr. Malcolm Mc�I. od of h o,
Mr. :and Mrs, Jack Johnson and Ml, and bars D G 'Figains and two preacher for the day will'b I' A funeral in Guelph on sundae of his is v' 'tin fried . Hemlock City
guests on n- Mi• sand. Mrs. Lett W lid e e crus r. a am the
Master Bobbie Armstrong, young- Toronto, aariived on Thursday to &hallow pit beside the shafting. and in
vet hon of AIr, and biro. --.airy Aim-
brother. a with the farmer's mother and spend, fife :holiday and week -end as reaching to the lbeit his coat came in
otrong underwent an operation in xotlr t, big„ Tho;. Elliott led b<r, guests with the gentleman's i contact with the dutch. sand he was
Mr. and airs. Halliday `Caird, for-
merly of Minnespolis, have returned
1 James i;lliatt. cf Nile, fi rasps s stet, drawn bodily into the shafting which; to the old home on the 10th conce-
Clinton !hospital on 31onday night for i tire. G. M McKenzie and Mr tic
iMliss 1'Vinnifre8 ifteCluit, curse -in- Kenzie, 1MIr and Mrs HaiQld •Woo whirled hire iriolently around smashe men -
appendicitis. -
s of ,del s
lie r doing ass well a
Mrs. {.
training et 1<i I. MacDonald, i
Han n t t aM s B. ss
the Memorial '1s
f; moria Hospital, i i h a a t• a all n Ra
ton be evpecied: I p a , ]idge; neconspanied Eby ,l1ir.: and :Mrs. ng hfs e d gainst h �v .rad an
Tlie sieinity -vas shocked to hes St Thom -kis, is enjoying xa fortnight's Starbird. and Mr. nand Mrs. Bert Woo- drawing him to the machine; He d Mt Jaek MacDonald, of Toronto,
of.the al:'ath of bi . Ttobt. Taylor; of holida)y at the -home of her parents, lidge, tell of Toronto, are expected to was a native of. Nassagawaya tem, visited at the home- of Mrs. Duncan
Auburn, which occurred last week. Mr., and Mrs. 'Wm. McClure. E.zrrive on .friday to complete the .and had'been oinnlayed in. operating , MacLennan on Sunday.
The syraiaathy of. this community is Mr. and 3kirs. G, bi, bici{rnzi:. piper week -end 31' v- iap crusher of tlnnerldp Construction The W. M. S. held their monthly
extended to the bereaved 'felinity. a Ca an visited n bit G. M. McKenzie mane 35
o Co- in Guelph for about, a year. He meeting at the' home of Mrs. John
Master 'MT 1 I isit d. relatives i ' ,
t11e I)urii;annon branch of the reap
was years of sage and unmarried 1MfacXntosh on-w-ednesda afternoon.
dent, Mrs. John McRae,. in =-the • chair.!
An interesting paper on Dr: Taylor's:
work among lepers in Formosa was
read by Miss Ella Cowan -I
Miss Gretta Campbell read a letter'
from our missionary, Mies Dorothy '
Douglas, of Formosa. - An address,
and silver flower basket was present-
ed to Mrs. F. D. MacLennan on the
occasion of her movingoving to Lueknow.
At the close- of the meeting, lunch
was served by the hostess.
yt neer.
A U.RDA, a 25 li--A n
sale of household -furniture,' at, Dun-
gannon. DR. T. E. CASE, Proprietor.
T. OUNDRT -$c SON, Auctioneers. - j
The Star to Jam :,at, 1030 for $1,00.
action Batik omm
f Coerce attended and is survived. by his .mother,. two The meeting opened wit the pr esi»
the conference ::and leirquet -which sieters and one brother. An inquest hick-
h l The funeral of the Sate Robert
tel- r, u resected resident of Luck-
��5 iters of the district in the employ of p � RAN � � � NID
afternoon for the an'Antere and
Rti ning Shoes and Sport
e d . an (Stratford on Saturday
Our new Stock of .Rr Iain Sfoea arid Sport Shoes is rn. 1MIis, 1Mi'aKenzio and Master bi -Monday ft -with I
� � �"
p p sr
will be held.
dine Eank—of ~ Conrmeree: now,_was _held_frnne_ble late.home d
alcaim attendflnc of pocrole why enme1to
We have a large variety to choose from, both in
led friends ' d' y
finality and in• prices. ucknow on anday evening. Orr b h which fleeces -
her • .
Alli Our' Running 'Shoes are Guaranteed Let Us Supply You
pp Yher grandmother, Mrs Writ Reed of I t x rt wee wale in The
accompanied h t Stratford.
fin to,posy their last tribute of respect. The
Miss Evelyn Reed, of Goder�ich, cal. service fins conducted b Rev. C H.
upon in Dungannon an MaiUoanald. pastor of Lucknow
tla �M ' yterinn church, of w is he return ` she was . necornrnnied by ed man was a faithful and "devoted
. eme: e
Rupture Specialist
Rupture, Varicocele; Varicose
Veins, . Abdominal Weakness;.
'Spinal Deformity. Consultation
free. Call or write
J. r0rd, : SMITHOnt., British Appliance
Specialist, 15 Downie St., Strat-
- -
Scott's Emulsion
24th of may -
Lueknow, who went . to Goderich to Greenhilllaw.
The Lu cemetery, with.the. fol
143-ws spend a few weeks brother,
his summer ins nlas err,bearers:, James: r� �+r •n Hawks
Sal' are . , Hern; hoe ore , .,x, home with Icer brother, Mr, CM'.ill' N s I(lpin
ip Lyon$, Jo1an lYteKay, John Eell, 1M1oa+- Se
Harker Bars. Service Staton
Phone 241
JAMES SMITH, 'Htyron Road W. A. CRAIG, 'Victoria St.
Phone 491 Phone 513
Lane,. who recently. returned from kap Dalton, James Drennan and Da-
very pleasant visit with his • Sons, yid Little. Barn in Brantford on a r
Stuart Lane of Vancouver, And Da . September 20th, x811, he vas the clef Detroit Yacht Club •-- Statler Motet
Charles Lane, of Detroit. eat nip a family of tat, sone sad1
On Sunday evening, June 2nd, Rev. daughters of the late Mr. and 1i're. itAily 2 x
J. A. Walker 'will address ::the mem- Andrew Carrick. and melee -with thr
hers of the local L.. O. D. A. and family, to reside in Ashfield town
L, O. L. in the United Church at ship when a lad of sixteen. For fif-
Dungannon. Visiting brethren from ty years the township continued to
adjacent, lodges will be tri attendance be his home, he being one of its most
and as this will he Mr. Walker's lest .preened residents, and holding many
opportunity of addressing the lodges, altos of trust, such es assessor and
.it is expected that, there will be a, tax call setor. He was married to
large congregation for which ample Mary Grant, daughter of the Rover..
provision will be made, .Particulars end A, Grant, who was the first set- ,
will be given next week. tied pastor of . Ashfield Presbyterian 1 -- ! ,
Recording Band
Featured over Radio. Station' WWI
A Fore•rirnner of the .•
• Super..Attractions to Follow,
The students • and .teachers from, church, and who remained its pastor'p
this district are home for the holiday for twenty years. hrornc tweenty-
and weekend. These include Frank three years . agohe left Ashfield,
Savage, Alan Pentland, Margaret ening to Sovereign, Sask., -where for
Ryan, Emily McClure, : Nancyeaeff' thirteen years 'lie was engaged in the
Lloyd Finnigan, Mary„ Finniga, Corti pursuit of fanning.' Ten years ago
Call in and see our stock and
place your order while the
choiceI"wit i '
is at the ,lowest
A complete line of -
See our windows.
Frigidaire equipped= ,tor your
Let Me Demonstrate to You
the &w
. he Oame to reside in Gucknow .which pL lR.I l :L3
.depth. His wife predeceased hint[{ or if it is
a IT get!
Car .
sore. +aree beer leo. He is- surviv- I have on hand
ed by fay. daughters ut t one son„ viz, . •-•••1•-••,F., '
Mrs. Chin, Shannon. St. Paul'e, Min- 1 a1;`HEV.:TOURING, 1926'
M±'- G'n. Dr+aa:ns enc: Miss ORI]► TOURING
uriste�ia Carrir'k, - I•ucknow D'Irs.� , 1921
'-\Sinn rx..yrh eeer Mrc : 1� :. •Trhnr' on. e f 2 FORD COUPES,: •1923
Vira;nie. Minn.. and Grant Carrick,•
Tievrtle Point. thegon, liars. E. C, also :Batteries Charged. Cars
Belcher. of Goderich. is his .eou'i'ese Washed,, and all General Repai>
Reiter. There are n&r a ers."dehiidree 'Work done at reasonable prices.'
'.-,t ..,.o; r+rpn+ 'rn ul.linri. +i'ri p»« : -
was born +hup oYAninQnrtior taDouglas, viBoston, volicth:'
. " rontinu to bP ., his home until hist
Manufacturer's Agent
Exclusive Representative for Blue Water Territory
to celebrate the 'opening of his new Show Room in the
British xcha a Hotel
from MAY 29th to JUNE lst, Inclusive
You can select from one of 42 different fabrics
Imported Tweeds, Worsteds, Series, etc.
A Suit hand•cut, tailored to Measure and "Homo" Finished
at $25.00
Extra Pants* FREE
Great-grandfatlier'as dosth: Hamilton St, Goderrich
Mrs. Isaac Gaulev visited friends
in nod" i* -h lest week.
Mn Meat. hie Shackleton got new light-
ning rods put barn last bion.
Mr. and Mrs. John Swan and fain-
liv spent Sundt,, ±rith friends at
h Mrs. Will lieg'ley, of Ilamilton. ie
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jim, Men.
ape for a few days.
Tiorn—In Dungannon, on Tuesday,
May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Rivett, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and fait ?'el. 174-W for Demon
ily called on Mr. John Malloch and.
sigtor, Miss Agnes. lest week. artrxrtr"err
I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackett, of;
L 1'nrrknow. visited their daughter, Mrs.
'Wilfred Drennan, on Sunday*. w macooNA
Mr. and Mrs. ,Tan. Blake and
daughter, Bernice, of Lueknow, visit• tl
tel Mr and Mrs. Dave McWhinney on -
For Service and ' fatality
Sparr s Grocery
We, the un lersigned,
at tee to' close our 'stores .
Wednesday afternoon at
12.30 o'clock, commenc-
Next Wednesday
May 29th
and CONTINUING until
Johan Cutt
J. H. Pipe
Spares Grocery
.W. P. r. Price -
Geo. Schaefer
J. LIVIcEwen
'J. C.Robertson
Reg. SCwerby
George W. Baechler
J. C. Cutt , •
A. F. Sturdy
C. M. Roberson
' , The store of satisfaction.
Phone 146.. We deliver in town
Baby Chicles, lower in prices. -
Barred Rocks, ea. tae
S. C. W. Leghorns, ea.. Me
After June 12th all chicks 2c.
lower than above. .
Phone 611 r,' 22 Clinton Central
Brit*tinl*a Road
Cievelarid's Bread
is a tempting compzernent to .
any a rreal—delicious in itself
and lending least to the rest. of
the menu.
Your family 'will demand
twice as much of our Tread as "
any other. Encourage them to
do so, as it is the most health.
tut and nourishing food they
eau take,
Phone 114 West :St.
New Furniture
of any description
We Positively Save you
Aserr tot MIAiISHALL IMAT'iusses
C+w► *Mal
'mm nevertootired
to sleep now -'
i tM(rr�r fashiali diedifiirttso
Yost dot** will tall you how
eh.wia( rdk w a.evow motion,
low .way lbooldild clan. -.alt swims
e( Wrisiolo re(r lw• the *oink
rand maw win et-
We jw 's deem . clik c?att._ttttle.
Illustration No. 23.
So Easy to Clean
No tiresome beating with easy.to-
clean Congnlleem Geld Seal Art -
i,Way have a full assortment of the
most attratstive patterns, all um,
condtion ally goat anted.
Flaeral Director. Furniture Dotal
Calvin Cutt's Store News
Beans, `\3 lbs.
Rice, Blue Ro�a:, 3 lbs.Macaroni, �3. lbs290
Figs, 3 lies. \ ..........25c
Prunes, 4 lbs.' for . 25c
Baker's cocoa, 1.,.;-11b. tin - 25c
Baker's Chocolate. 3,;.11). cake 25c
Pork and Beaus, Mark's and 1; ibby's, medium, 2 tins 25e
Hawes• Floor Wax, 111". tin 43c
Hawe's L -gaud Wax, pint jar t
Hawes Lenon Oil, 32.02. bottle, and polishing cloth
tie . .......0 000- 40.4. w •......,,..,Sie
Pep Hand cleaner, 3 tins for............. • 25c
1'-Ioney, Na 5 pail....... .. Disc
Kens Mustard. .i....... ."4:11,".; 25e and' .Ib., S0c
Cocoanut, per 11, 25e
Star Arnnionia- 4 for. 215
Stlowflake Abmnoni?ry t �ior.. 23c
C aotd llnst, lame parka e.. a 21C
chi k I e,'et. 6 fits.. ....... ,. . , 25e
P.ip tor Peeps, Chid.. starting Ma�lra, 4 lt',25t
CALVIN CU , l e 11 Kingston St.