HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-23, Page 21111+1 1 111 111 I.1 111 11 111111 .11I111.I1!I Ili lil PAGE TWO And the first sip will oonvinee you it Is best. !SALAD T E A Wrests irons the gardenst • Censeevative leader. Peirce Heade Parocei.ioa The Prince cf Wales »aaiehed at, the head of 10,003 former sere ice ` men ef the Brit •h Legion to zee en�� iataaph in L rdea on the occasion cf ltho cglatii annual meinortei paaraue and ser ice, The Wince laid w eathsi 1.Qn the tomb of the sani;naWn seidier. They were inseribeti, "Vie Legion of i !the living salutes the legion of the dead. We will net I;realc faith with them." Canadian Senator Passes C Anomer of Canada,': seed.. i..nra legielaters pascal away last Svcs!; alai Senator tobeia, 'i%' tson of Port- age la Prairie, died at the residence of his dauryhter at Brewton, Men, During half ,a century Senator Rob- ert Watson had been prominent in the political life. of Western Canada._ Born in Elora? Ont., on April +",Otic, _ L u 1653, he received his eclucatian at IN�►n+' e• t that place: At the age of 23 be '� law'Xhwaiaai ,�/. - :journeyed westward and staked Witgt ,the Canadian officers is "mos's`y Heti• etapital he posscssed.in erecting hour V. Not Stop Liquor Shipments ti ee n rains at Portage la Prairie and The diplomatic correeponitlenee re- It is pointed out in Canadian side Stonewall, Men„ beforei - tine prairies'. !shag! to. the shim -omit recut of liquor frena_ the correspo;riticnee that seven of were fanned for their grain crops, Canada to they United States, tabled the mina provinces do not prohibit Little 'Entente Mc stir >: in the !hugs of Commune pet week the sale of liquor, and, were the 'Iona A meeting of the Little Entente willheld dethis week to •lby Premier King, allows Obit the tire inion to refuse clvaxrana.c�S, every cove be in Belgrade ee BO :`hates contends, that nothing in the Greet it ekes And un the Mimed work out a common policy regarding Short of the prolebition of clearances tic and 1Poeifie seaboards would berl all questions now unsettled with pee - will effeetually cheek the flew of lief- come a rendezvous for smugglers,rind titular' attention to German repent - ver into that country from Canadian it would cost Canada millions of dol -.tions and minority races. The quete }xirts. The Wrishington authorities lass to maintain armed cruisers to tion of. minorities espeeiisllY . interest indicate that Canada should take enforce order. Little Entente states Who declare the ,steps "to prevent the release from etenfoba. Ministers Returned question has been used as a weapon Canadian distilleries of duty-paid al -I As the result of the deo bill of by larger fend, ninfriendty nations de- eoholie beverages for export to the political health even to I�rennier Iirtt- girinfi to do thasn harnnn. Ca echosYo� United States. eken sof .:Titanitobthe.,ttwo .aaemineres valla is not interested in the quesr offer too!sesrinIt Uu ed hates lit n o c Gen• c 1, l#on. W; Jo. M"Uor, R nna 3af . is only're lis 'ght . con erect five officers to tilde of the lender, whence tney could on, t O Canadian Ciubb Minniater of Pdabl a Works, ivi of hhil xI mat anal. muds byi rhes eir.�n- regi ed Franz office at the eomunence cerning the departure of liquor vests vcsti+a,^ation, were returned to wet propertnee in Mates ,awarded her a - 1 e",. • to American is._o aer a r. aartts declined Iron, William Ph41-- . Dunn/ the royal ,commission hear. . ' zng evionce was given that both mi.. like, 'U.S. Minister to Ottawa, who points out that this information al- xcady is courteously and promptly supplied by the Canadian ofliciais, but that this data, as given originally to FOR STRONG BONES, GIVE E3ABY Scott's Emulsion 1 11fajor und Mr. Clabb had purchased stock in the 'Winnipeg Eleetric. Com. pany in abort time 'before ar lease and tekcgoeeinto %v en vrmen�oSeven Sisters Palls. • Both ministers imme- diately resigned nnme-diatel;trresigned their vabinew portfo- Hos but retained their seats in the legislature. The royal commission! exonerated all members of the goy ernnnent front • acts of disltonestysor corruption in eonnneetfon - with the rower lease, The ebarees 'were pre- ferred by Lieut. -Col, F. C. Taylor, 40i `014111900011r. • GYPROC Makes .. Old Homes Young By nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof sheets right over the faded walls and ceilhi<gs and glen decorating, you can make the oldest !town look new and handsome. The Lt a w &Ammo 31* Dawn! rdrrlyFfedyptd D " FWerroo '"WayI board For Sale Ity . adericly Planing Mills, Il+hetilyw'rY1rY WK.li+b.. Goderich, Ont. CAMERON R. McINTOSH, 11I.Y; Chairman of •' the special committe of Parliamenta'on Industrial and In ternationai Relations, who 'nes . jus presented the Committees report 0 its findings regarding the prineiple o insurance against unemployment sickness and . invalidity, • leased on compulsory contributions derive from the State, employers and em ployees. Wheat Seeding Completed ' Wheat seeding' is practically. corn plated on the Canadian Pralines. is estimated that about 22,000,00 acres will be sewn to wheat this year about one million acres than an last year. Mlle seeding • or coarse grains is well: under•way. Reports from all parts of the great grain area in the three (prairie provinces—Man- hike, Saskatchewan and . Alberta,-- Alberta— are to the effect that the moisture content of the soil is satisfactory for germination and present crop pro- spects are :premising. Building in the Wes. • Building ' and construction.. •work THE GODERICH STAR riro rimes � e es Nor Ink sed $hilders Yrs. sane. Palk, Maw d'>tw, w :r writes:—a"J t summer nay Iz1 £ I4 came very impure sudl Inge Lemuel; rima oat oa my back incl el ea idem I Weil $fl leads of ointments, ,ret to aro avail. At het ar friendadri:- J aria to get a battle of which z did, tad in time &nose of s, ronth'a time all the pimples load dire a Manufactured ,oath by The T. Mil- burn Co., Ltd Tseetitee Gnat. will be very aetive this year in Re- gina. . Part of the building pogrom to be earried out in the city ineuiaca the erection of 1,000 houses to cost nearly, ;4,000,000. Up till tee first week in May permits had been is- sued this year for 262 houses come pared with 67 in the corresponding period last . year. " Record Oil Production- Establishing roduction-Estaablishing a new high mark in the history of oil production in Al- berta l-b erta delivered to the refineries from wells in the Turner valley field, about 40 miles southwest of Calgary, dur- ing the month of April, 1929, the out- put reached a total of 09,207 barrels, an increase of 12,506 nacre:a over that of the preceding month. Zeppelin Nearly Wrecked The giant German dirigible, Graf Zeppelin, nearly came to grief on its second flight from Germany to New York, when the crankshafts of revo of its five motors broke and a third would not function properly. After sa bard struggleover the Rhone Val- ley. the Commander, Dr. Eckenereele- cided to attempt a landing beside the only mooring mast in France, literal- ly on the edge of the ;Mediterranean Sea, and with the nein : of French' troops he ,was successful, No one ;was injured ,although the passengers were rather badly shaken up. A re- port was circulated that sabotage was responsible for the stoppage of three of t'be five motors of the air- . ship,. but Dr, Eckener is satisfied that the trouble was entirely accidental; The trazfs-Atlantic. trip :gas, been postponed. ' hospital Tragedy in Cleveland One ofthe worst tragedies within the last century took place of Cleve- land, when . an overheated'. storeroom ;caused. a,. fire which wrecked the. Cleveland Clinic building : rind took the lives of more than 124 patients, nurses and doctors, The X -Ray De- partment of the hospital was one of the first places to he enveloped with fraises and after ,the X -Ray films be- gan to burn, it is believed the entire, stock exploed, and send :clouds of fumes , rolling upward through the. ,Stairways and ventilators. With Abe space between the roof .and the teile ing: of the upper rooms, and the ven- tilators, full of the sickeningishbrown gas, the second end hea- viest explosion occurred. Men and women, suffocated by the gas, drop., ped in the hallways, while others dragged themselves .toward windows and doors as the flames licked the woodwork and shot toward . the top flow !many reached the" stairways safely only to be crushed. by the weight of falling bodies front behind. Cotton Lockout Averted A -truce has been called in the Ioon- eashire cotton dispute in the old Country, and master spinners have withdrawn notices which wouid have thrown 200,000 workers out of cm- ploynnent and.closed every mill in the country. The masters charged the workers an the Alma Mill, Old- ham, who had been on strike nine weeks, with breaking tiusi agree. ntent, and ordered a general Iockout. } Then workers made counter -charges, r but during the week -end terms satis- factory to both parties were reached. "Reds" at Work ht India Mysterious reports of wave events imminent in India are reacriing Lon- don. .Some secret organization has, set to work, and, according to a Daily Mail Calcutta despatch, the most stringent precautions are "being tak- en to guar) the Viceroy, Lord trivia; miens Provincial Goverziors, ail. the high. civil and military otueeri .and public buildings. !There is- also a VC - port of secret • troopmovements throughout Northern Indite News of these developments was brought to Calcutta by travellers frons Simla and other bill stations, to 'which most of the Goveivannent officials have retreat -- ed front the plains during ‘lie hot weather. It is reported that °Com- munists are responsible fair the trop- ble. Five Handled Bishops to Meet Zee& the Mold iars • ()tor Carr' t 1t SPXCIAL 31X A irA) C1fi Vii. DeIisrtala P't11yEftilptd , . Delivered, redly Egs#11el r $1314 $1942 $23%- LoweiDeIveF4 an:1)&1 EquilyedP1 'er It tbn e'wbo lila to be out and sotbert, for cushioned smoothness gaging top down nothiawg but . over all kinds *froth. ds, xa' The Special and Advtanctd Six CAW* alas are distinguished by ata ch "400" With the top up and windows raised, features as the thew Twin• gni. they are luxuriuui dosed cars—with tion motor, Bijt t Centralised Cbaasis the top down and windows either Lubric ation.-pnrst • peilaktoatr COP it down or up.. they are smart open esrs, eiltd'Lovejoy and floadaille bydraau. All have a big. t omforteble, roomy Iic shock absorbers. rumble seat. 1, t, blaieskiesabove rash designers built three smut "400" Cabriolets. And, every '°dot,"'model coats from 'Jibe Standard Six Cabriolet it one of the factory egatippedwkh hempen. hy- the most pular cats in its price field, drsulic shock absorbers, spore lira" because it centilitres the Smart open- lock and tire' cover. et no extra cost. enclosed motoring vogue with Stand. Some dealers, charge as much as 450 . ard Six performance supetit►rity. or $60 extra for bumpers akin.. It has a big, high cornptession; ya Compere these: Cabriolets to others, bearing motor for power and speak Aro compare their hilly equipped. de= •tt steering forthe orldas easiest 'livered rices. Ycnat% see the atdvan� els ,ing-llovr'aorl►ydsaule". ho anba Cage nn ring a Na h" riWrr, Fat,* ' n ', Psere Mirage en 2T Net. "de*" r i r' 6 i.:�.f L: ,M; •.'J HURON MOTOR SALES lionomm** evr rev Loam Trouble Signs For Those Past 40 Bladder, Weaakitees, Nervousness, Headaches, Frequent. Painful Scanty Urination, Gettinil- upNlrtkts The • eenbarra tsing an#ioyaneee and;. genuine misery of Bladder Weakness,: often brings "aliateomforts of old age to Male who retnlllr,ou ..toeie in the • tory primo tri' life. Countlems thousands, perhdps seven out -of tens of folks near middle life; *re pitiful victims of headaches.. 0 ,Nerventness, Pains. in. Sae! and down • through groins, frequently but sanest and pttintul urination-=Gettiugttip> While etelnaa?, if negleestelit is •1 ord'intnz sly a sig zplr mattert:+ rake" these troubles lw the pleasant lic,inne use ef I)r. Soanthworthee fait �°d'AII ',i which have been ' irte ioni in thteni 1 minds nds €3f t arae, alter tuber treat, meets l i;e failed. M •!let motley ;ton" t"eteoat'e e+S .f how; ailt,ng btanthne N. nut t'a,sdtti&n treyhn,l +41 ca,t ,,u kIr,+ t,rt.+tee 1.%e v ast11 .I£,, laRAT?titti 18itho,ef t t, t,r e t`r t'4,+•ai One Peed Alt ireiat will melee' 1411 *ft „1v+..hef.. Que,rootdr el het ars . wi.,r.j' nM, rc ti' 1 ,` 4-111e 111e 1 }+t'8teie' rut ;etre nt14 .•.rt* li 1,Nt *40- i t,t•g-tltli' nils+ •, ;i trta>v �1 .1 tlty ?.1f„ijk +.tsars• ,hwft• 'URA t+tiltoi ariasee ',Mt- d• direezetee enseel `IIIC'lSll'AY, MAY «sed, x929 Five ban deed Iiiabope. representing eti:ery Eastern Orthodox 4.buxeii in. the world, will aster% a eazey nes;;t veer set 3tount Atha, feineua for its monaeteriee since the Owen of the Christian n -a. This in.ernational ee= elesiastical conclave will meet undete the I'resalcney of the F- •ureen'_al Pa- triarch Basil II of Censtantinople. Bishop Step:lane of Sonia, eee,aree is will be the bateet impee ant duress congress since the faro` a Conxneil aA ?vices 1,600, gears ag©, Other de- scribe it as the launching of the greatest battle by the Eastern Chine elms against the Churn or. Mesas sines; the fall of no Reds Reiman Ere • - pire. • • ATTENTION Delegates to General Assembly Pres' byterian Church in Canada at Ottawa.'.iune lith • Canadian National anailwaye Spe- elal Train will leave r oronta Union!.--------.- dune 5th, and arrive an a;aLtav+ai. in worm. Fe-termineeoe does no; require good tune to permit of delegates Y the assistance of any other medicine being present at the opening of the to make it effective. It does not fail. Assembly. Plan to join the "Bole- ;o do its work.gates' 1 Special” at Toronto. Full in- f d farmation from nearest 'Picket Agent S '• AR ADS GE, SULTS of Canadian National Railways. CHAS. BLACKS TUR LEADING MEN'S STORE Hand Tailoring • Special Orde rI+' ► �"► MEW'S � ��r �+ .MARST EA Station at 11.58 a.m. standarrd time, Completo in itself, mother Graves' For UholsterioaRepaint; F416141,'sae p, Roflni;hing A. large rose of .Sample. Cover. • into; carried P. A. ZIMMERMAN Nelson Street With the rapidly growing popu- larity of the Talkies, many of the favourites of the silent drama are "trying out" .befor-e_.the :ztracto- . phones of modern moving picture. studios; gime are finding that their face is not, their only fortune and. are now fast eapturing•the favour of their audiences by their voice no lest: than previously they did by their silent actin . • Above: We see dune Collyer and Georgged O'Brien, featured in Fox films examiniiig..the electrical r;e cording device in their Hollywood studio.. Behind them is the newest thing in screendom,"the Movietone Recording Truck, which the Nor- thern Electric Company is now supplying to its:Canadian licensee producers for recording scenes for 0 their news reels in various parts of the country. Left, the sound Q picture projector•of today is a mar- vel of trieate apparatus but works as silly as a sewing machine. Right, a section of sound flim showing the sound track at the Q lett winch heats case recorded the towels of an aeroplane in flight. • - C t. 0 0 Vellitity Power , Clei t 'e .lust I*4I Style The ear p.. icturrt1 i;oiow was created. Ly the industry's foremost style authority.. as man with world wide reputation for design. fug "enstiom built" models. - But lieanuty is Only one feature of the newwstyle WillysX.night. There is comfort ...roomy, well -upholstered seats that cradle your body like a lounge -chair. Effortless ease of handling that makes this ear a restful pleasure to.drive. There is power ... smooth, silky. whieperinig power.. abundance of it for lightning getaway, hard pulls, steep hills and speed opportu tabes. _ There is 'roomy ... with no eastly valve grindin or carbon cleaning, upkeep costs *recut in two. With an engine that actually improves with use ...growing smoother and more powerful with, every mile'.. highest resale ,value is assured. ' Arrange for a llemonnstratien. "F"i'<-6RR•TR. • l;ONTR Oee brace' ie tenter of steering rel`etl nitrelf - rMttnlIi1iat4 Aad hole: Si>y pa tkerinta racy speer atho:1, Peat here! in elect% iegpo!t - W II.LYS KNIt ItT GEO. JOHNSTON, Gale ours $1.470 Fehr. UM t'eac'h $1420; ' Reedtt.r *1420 'foaling , 413;t a W,li+re innieht ereA teccelt$la•ie" 4ut$134:;. Prises }oaiB. Factory, Toronte, tueta date., 1