HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-16, Page 101 •
) colors - and de..
In all the latest
; signs, including
opalcrorries and
. , plastic t.....fiects.
We have a
ends of 30 inch
paper at greatly
.._ I .. ,_ reduced. pricea. - - - -
COI's Book Store
Mrs Hugh hill spent &Imlay with
Vier mother, Mrs. Robt. Bean.
• Miss Edna Cowbell visited with
rier enirents near Seaforth foe. the
week -end,
lir. and Mrs, Jan 'Million arid
tangy spent Sunday with Mr. unit
Mrs, Allen Allen.
Mia' ltitrry Walker, Of Drussels,
•eltent‘the week -end with Misses Dore
la and Olive
M. and Mre. Wesley McLean, of
Goderiele (viaited with hire. Chao. Al.
lieti lied family on Sunday,
Mr. and Aim. Will -Clayton and
Miss Alice Camel, of Putnam, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs*
J. e.
)iiss Dorothy mid Christine Bob -
*neon tied Lueee IlardY, of the G. C.
ae were at their respective homes
few the week -end.
•Sores to relate the death or anotin
er pioneer of Colborne township,
Mrs. itlaedel, Sr., of Bouniller. Der
rettiairie were laid le Colborne cone -
eery on Thursday afternoon. Our
aympiithy goee to Miss Louisa, -her
wfirter, Mrs. Isaac Fisher, the sons,
and *II sorrowing relatives.
•M • MI II 1111111 1 M
titeWE t DI MAN N ON
THE GODERICH STAR TettierDAY, Nett 1, ih.
Mr. etinert Meet eieiftel /deli Mr. and Mee. Jul.tpn Wawa arr Now je the dm to have
gis, 1 tale, one digueins kciatives Wtia. W•Wsi•=
.11104h. your I
jdr. ate etre, lyre, eier ------------ d Mrs, Jack Ertingten awl little aen. sewing machine
oro Ceo, Itivete ilea Lan- •. Ctiewfoe, ---------------
1 rt
Airs, e.vete bee Seuday. iol Janice Maize. 'pats, Nied144.1
visn:Cu zensis at, Coro, are sieving Kineardine
.ittatfore last Serelae. friends thia week.
M. ity. of Patigantem, Mr, eifeU wee a gum on Sundae' at tee home. pts oils,.
Wel tee ete who ekeeed up a Mta, J. R, McNabb returned to her
between tkeenhill ceraitevy mei et the home of her brother. Mr. le, J. feptional sate of fashionable Coats in smart tweed and plain poire twills, tailored and
lailets hat ?tea Weeneedeee, May istie ranine in ,leicknew. fellewing o visit
Coats and Dresses•••••,
0•07.1)0 , . '060.
. .
Lizehnene, please reeve a C.rAU. Alt
or etorce lieungrearige
Crawford and Mts. Cravrford,
,Itpe Th, Icwei. who had span BRITISH EXCHANGE BLOCK
the winter in St Thomati ani ether
palate, ie maw a guese with his niece,
el, el 11-ff
Mi. Joke Cathcart has purebased noeie Feelieree Leese ere many mansions."
4 pura"t "d3n and r" Sirnit3art c4 Mr. and Mre. Sallies N'ieliolson, AI- Rev. Mr. Petry expects to he prese
Weirelet. . _ hen Nicholson and me , and eut on Sunday next.
M. George rfouglas, of Knee vole waffler Nicholson and small son Ed. Tile May meeting of the Dungan-
eer,e, ereaehed in Aehileld Preebeterei eau, au of Auburn, were recent visi. non brancii of the virieriell'e Institute
ten church ea Sunday.!tors with Mrs. Clue. . is being held one weet in advance ot
Qielte a number of the ecangvegat Mr. and Mrs, E, O. Duff and two the regular thin of nweting, on
, . Thureility, May tea& at the borne in
i'on ;intended the meeting of the toe kg an 1, Arm , 1 ft n w d
PreebYteiT in WingLiarn„„Ine„st et.v,eekeLliesilaY foel..e.e.." exeneaeter a short the new secreting', Mrs- Berton_
Tile reesbYttIberetene`wr-01.-rewreeTensit with •fat -Kies' ' it Auburn Roach. This is in oedethee r the
the came day. Whigham and Dungannon. ' W(lkeInat Le closed in good time for
Ret. many friends will regret to etre <usou and the auditors to eomplete their work
lwar of the death of Alta. IV. N. me and eire' m ), wetkine ind Dervii mitellen 01 and have the report sent to the dia.
Sohustene, She -died at .tho home of trcit, spent 'the wek-end nEr guests trier
hei• eon, secretary prior to the district
r. Albert Thuile Cowell at the -home efat Londeeboro early in June. The Mr. and eil
ra, M ex annual wetting whiai is to be held
trrerille, Toronto. Mrs. Johnstoll
ne ama%
had been visiting in Toronto eince u, ... aa•... •roll call will he answered W. iiOing
beiore Easter and had been under'
te emu tier .
s. a. 0. eviggins motor- fees end the topic Will be, "The duties
the doctor's care during that time.: eed dewn iron irPhernierl" and spent I responsibilities and privileges or the
Although aeemingly intuit improved
't4,& Week -end with their eespective different *northers of the househeld,"
d 1en b rt parents at Dungannon and Blyth, re- to be taken by Mo. Ohne. Alton.
attack, Uhehiclh eIe teeukited .eataily ewe turning to their iiome on Bunday. Mothers' Day services were held at
Mrs. Wm. P. Crozier, of Ashileld, the United etiureh, Dungannon,. on
'' flet with an unfortunate accident re- Sunday. In the morning the Sunday
band, she loves to moult her law::
Pd fnegntithellinierinteithwe hblesedniesncr Ili fielholortredsvegthoethp=seirtg:
two Sons, Albert, of Toronto,
Kenneth, et home, and five grand. the barn, friteturieg her elbovr end Ontario Religious Educetion 'Council.
children, zara.,. jobtletene win . be otherwise braking berself. - - - - The •einging wee ledby 'a junior
much missed in the neighborhood Mr. eild -Mn'. Cha. Elliott and their, and the Sunday school super -
where bei' kind, genial risture won small eon, who spent the winter At inteadenti Melville Culbert, led the
her Many fieceitts. Much sympathy Golden Valley, arrived in Dungannon order of servfee. Miss Dot othy Al-
is felt for the bereaved fondly in the an Tuesday, hating emu by motor, len gave a reeding, "The Quest,'" end
and are tow occupying their home Miss Mary Millinh read a Poel,
here and Will remain for the preset*. "The Givera of Life." The address.
4`,G.olden Glimpses of Motherhoodo"
sport styles. The3,,, are "Northway G ,Innatts" and shipped tot us only this week at
yin -the lot. Spacial price *10 $22 50
on, 1;3 mides reg. prices for May sale. About 30-
Full size. about 60 80 in these hand- -
some Rugs; Indian designs and figures
heavy, soft and cosy and nicely finish.
ed, suitable fiir cam or home use.
Special each-- .
In variety of designs, plain Brussels
net, applique border with new panel
effect designs, size 40 inches and 2%
yards,. at per pair $2,49
Full fashioned pure Silk with deep-gai.
ter welt, in ten new shades, sizes 8)4
to 10. xtra pair- .. .$1.60
First quality, pleasing patte.rns, colors
are right through to the back arsi can-
not wear off; protected by the new
Du,uolac finish that is. easy to clean,
and alwayslooks_fresh-At par square
yard ..... $1.50
Sidney quality, second to none. Splen.
did patterns in every size, made up to
3 x 4 -yards.
4 yards wide in the nevr patterns and
improved quality. Per st. yard 95c
and $1.121,4,,
• sudden efilieteon. and Mr. Percy Weldon. This Wrke farrtilf anent Sunday' with friends in Mr. and Mrs, Earl 'IVIghtman ale
PORTER'S HILL ur. and gra. E. Duif and SO1101 -During.tbe hater part at last week etre mut ners, won, Mairs and The eacranleet haprtism was ad-
• 'Miss Dorothy R ink
spent the tives Lueltnete and Walker. Quite number oft former Lottie, ,of London, visited her par- Vs. T., Doyle.
Tom.* 606.
the first baptism, in the chureh. Bring lame I Mr. rfl ind Mrs. Wm. Arrluembatilt.
- They end Arthur, called upon rein- was given by the pastor. Rey. S. A. Bliss Elsie Lawlor and her sister, gristlier, Erma, spent Sunday with, ministered in Knox Lnited ehurele
weeleend at her 'home in Egmond, Dungannon, While ll'ere tor the furor members ef the school were Prekrentr
eral of the former's teeter, the late
Bliss trove ginett, of. Clinton* Mrs. Jas. ,Medd, of Auburn.
spent 'Sunday with her parents, Mr. 3/others, pay was °lowed in Er -
(x Mrs, T. G. Elliott, skine Presbyterian church en Sun -
On Monday evening, May 21th, the day when the aster Rev. C. H. Mc -
choir of St. Andrew% ehurch, Bay. ormaid, preached an irispiring sere
field, will present their piny, "The 4nOn appropriate for the occasion.
Mietreso of St. Ives," in the church The music WAS in keeping with the
shed, under eee auspices of the subject and large congx:!grAtiOn was
oung rep/110'1f -present. .
The Y. P. S. of Grace church will me, mold Eeeington, Sr., who has
meet en Friday evening. The meet- been confined to bed for many
ing will be addressed by Mr. Audrey months at the home his daughter,
Cotter, atudent ,Clinton Celle- Mrs. John Reid, of Ashfield, has sute
giate, on "Government Control." A ficiently recovered as to be able to be
good attendance will be imPreciated, moved to the home of his son, Mr.
On Sunder, May Vitb, the Y.P.S. Alfred Errington; of Colborne twp.,
svill hold their annual anniversary where he .will remain for a time.
service. The service - will be irk Dungannon 0.` No. S24 win
eharge of the young pecTle. The ad- meet 311 their lodge room on Thur -
day evening, eveninir, Vay 23rd, at 8.3e
o'clock. 'County Master Bro. Coultus
will be present. All brethren cor-
drally invited to attend. •
1 • el oss will be iven r Mc-
24th Maw
Nay, cf Egmondville, evho was suce
tossful in securing first place in the
public epeaking einitest. it special
offering will be received.
Jules.gieril;Set Hawks.
Wait Yacht Club-- -Hotel
gad * • .
Recording IN
.11ittired over Radio Station WWI
• A Fore.rumser of' the
WNW IttilltDAt Mein
HARVEY Aram, Doe. See'y
1° NILE Mrs. E. B. Willis, of Detroit-, is
The ehowery weather 11 -as been joyiug a visit with het' parents, Mr.
i, ' good for growth but it has kept back and Mrs. B. Al. 431w/font'
. ;veiling. . . ford bas not beeo. enjoYing the 'best spent a
'Mr. Craw-
mest eneoyable afte t
noon, a
•60111111000111111111001001•00 **01100...10....11116
. . •
bents home for the day with mother.
At' the evening service nietheri3"
choir appropriately assisted in the
sleights and rendered two anthems.
The minister' subject was "Mother
of History," and emphasized the heed
of belp for the under privileged
mothers of the /eerie.
On Wednesday May lath, Afxs
amtjal. -Pentland, a respected 7(181-
(lent'of Dungannon, was the hostess
or a very deirghtful gathering when,
in honor of her TIOtti birthday, she
entertained a number of ladice at her
home. Although she has attained
this advanced age she as still quite ate putting n concert here in the Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cox and '
active and eigovaue and attends to Foresters" bale in aid of the United Mr: tnd Mrs. A. Brawling and twl: under auspiees oS ,
ehurch here entitled, "Cetelone See,. sons spent Sunday with the ladies'epe
concert, son. of Vitakeleburee
ly." It is advertised as an amusing parents, xr.- and Mrs. Wm. Patter- TilveneisnicabeT,:lextie-min,2;r4t
Again eve are reminded of the un- The Rent T. C Wilkinson of Wood -
certainty of.. Another vacancy ham, will ionclua the annual Sunday at zooleni.•• ' , -
part of their Worried life of utmost b
wits here.
on Motherei ' Day. Next Sabbath the
Mil. Sohn ,Symington, of the viI- ene sp nt a annual Sunday school anniversary
'f d $ last week with her sister, service will be held. after the regu-
lase, was in Blyth east Saturday at- ler
1 ' Mrs Oswid410)f Xiteli r e
, lar Sunday school session. Rev. A. ,
tending to the sale of the effects el .". il.Y Aci,a-ms. T. Wilkinson, .of Woodham, will
the late Mrs. Graham, of which ee Mrs. Coates, of Flint, IVIlele, is, els- preath find a -children's- choir will '
had chavg.e., . 'Ring her sifters, Mrs. Wm. Craig provide the musie. • The lease collee-
Pasture is not very good yet*tion will be in aid 6± the- local Sun.
When the„10th of May arrived, 'cattle Mr, arid Mrs. El
mid Nye. W. Allan, at present.
few days yet. - the week -end. - ..... OF '
, win Rutledge. of der' school work.
Wore turned out to hunt tliebe living. Detroit, visited the tfornier's parents, _.----..... -e----- -
hey -to work for it for a Mr, and Mrs. It. J. Rutledge, over , e
The .eoneert in St. Mark's church - lie - A 1Vr
oer, om. eel's. Wen. Mayhew re- A. SALE. or
last Friday evening was well attend- turned home to Thamesville last Sate.
ed. Over Oft wins realized Friday urday after attending the funeral 4 d
evening of this week. The vonte-
ee le of Westfield I/ h
tbe late Mrs. A. Bennet. - omema e m
the duties ef `her home whoa she and
Mr. Pentland live /comfortably, have-
ineeretieed some years ago from the
strenuous duties of the fame where
they had resided' during the greater
as occurree nt our midst, not from school anniversary sevvice in Knox •
dftY Years, The family consiets of
the ranks of those who had ativarie- United church next •Sinlay morning.- in store next Bedford Rotel,
fleets two OonS and three daughters* ed Car, to the sere and yellow 'A thildren's choir -will provide the _
who are all settled In* llexnes of theirIflS441 tinor *ern the youthful steps of music . - •
own, the daughters being some dis- childhood but one ealled at the prone
ceived mew felicitteitiona'' wort the °
Mothers' Day service. A.large their.
Saturdar she felt uriwell ond the
ij /11 ,
tanee from here. Mrs.+, Pentland re- rfe t,tlie age ef 46 years in the, Unitede,church was filled last ;
hieppy .occasion. Rue. those present Person a lei" -1, Jinriee Medd., last SnndeY morning for the niennalsi
• Tuesday Of this week the'Glad friends are hoping that, with the t'e- hostess being assisted in receiving
Girls' Guild Met at home of Miss turn of spring and warmer weather, and entertaining her guests be her
Pearl Watson. „ be will Once worer be restored to his two nieces. efeeoamee Burton loch
Mvs. Lundy, of the pereenage, is usual good health. and 3., J, Ityan. All join in eextend.
'attending the branch presbyterial in Mr. and Mrs. Joe. ledwavd return- ing congratulations and wish BUS -
Chatham this eveele toe Tuesday from Toronto where Pentland many happy returns 4 the
Don't fail to reserve May 24th for -they were called on Sunday to Vont day. •
Nile. rVIV A great supper and a delighte their daughter, Miss Lillian Edward,
ful Morena by Double Quartette of who is ill in St. Michael's Hospital.
• ,
Latie.Deamostrate to.Yea
die Nat
ar if it is a treed Cer
1 hese on hand
1 ESSEN! C00111, 1926 •
t 1 FORD COUPE, 1924
• al* Batteries Charged, Cars
Washed, and *11 General Repair
Wus done at reasonable prices.
Raskilton St, Gmlerith
Lembet Ont • 'me invalid's condition is reported to
Mr, end Atra. David McGrath:in be 110 worse and prospects are that
have taken unto themselves a car she will he able to be brought to her
'which will prove a great convenience Wile here Within • week.,
to their family.. -. • miss Flora Durbin assisted in dia.
eeting the Conference of 'the Junior
PORT ALBERT Institute girls itt the O. A. O.,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Thrvey, of
Dluevale, visited with friends here
last week.
eA baby boy has arrived to gladden
Ithe home of Mr. Mai Mrs. James
Young. Congratulations
doctor 'wee; called in, but before the (a mothers rendered two special _
numbers and led the conieregation in •
close of the day the vital spark bad
fled. Death was caused by pulmon- the singing of old familiar hYmns'j
of health of late, hut his many the dose of vehicle to was eeryed, the•
.„ •
The sneramera of „batism was ad-;
wee elee.order. Deceatied spent; flier •
youth the neighborhood or mine ministered to the infant children of -
gannon. About 20 years' ego she
was, married to her now bereft part-
ner -in -life and Carrie to the village
This e°111eifindY was Il41*grieved 'Well and fevorably Jkreetre. She was NOTICE'
. witereokhe had .Ince resided and was
' -
AS well os shocked upon learning of a nuenber,of Iswiroarig." , • •
the death of Mrs. James Medd, Which' which silo took tieep The
,Ifeeling as ite In his sudden and sad bereave'
well as usual until PridaYinerning,. meat mrs. Medd leaves one sister,
when, complaining .feeling Mrs. Rom or Dungannon; and one
medical aid was summoned:, Noth.
loather, eft Leamington, to mourn
occurred at her home at Auburn fol- empathy of the eommenity is ex -
lowing an illness of but tfesvi hours' loaded to her surviving partner-iii.duration. She had hoe
Guelph, last week. iShe ]eft at the, ing serious was anticipated, however,
beginning of this week for Buricts• and her relatives were not even tom
Ras, where she is conducting a two of Tier illness. About Avo, o'clock
weeks) demonstration lecture course
in connection with the Women's Ire
The death took place in Toronto
she suddenly expired. ale late elm
Medd was the Met daughter of the
late Mr. arid Ms. 11. M. Duff, of
Dungannon. and rind -spent' all her
her loss.. On Monday afternoon'a
large number wf relatives and neigh-
bors assembled to par their last. We
SneCta ,t0 the denoted. After see.
vice in the church in charge of her
intiitor„ the Rev; Mr. Shore, assisted
Mr. and Mr% Robert Boy, also Mr, bv the Bev, W. T. Goodwill.. and the
highlY re- **IV life In the "v'endts't -Shn-WnS ReV. W..0.- Aln, the Illumine were
and Alia. Oliver Smith, visited at the ."e°14)31 °f tt
spected resident :of Dungannon, in married to her noir bereft end so-
fornier very
formate b,onie here last 'Wednesdaytaken' to their lest resting place in
the eiertion 0/ Williank Girvin, at the rowing husband some twenty-six Ban, s eemeters
evening. ego of 12 yeete.* The deceased men .ereays ago, and since that time has On Saturday evening of east week wail rk literCharkt taller in Dungannon been a continuous 'resident 'of Aid- (From another Correspondent).
while Mr, Bert Crawford, of Flesh. for years, having sold his business to urn, where she was held in. very high Mee Elsie LoWlor, of I,endon,
.Medd was motoring home for over Mr. .etedd moue 85 She.was a devoted spout the eveelteend kt her home here,
Sunday, Ito was struck by another ear years ego. eeteem by alle l
lie was A hvother. of the late Mi? . member 4 the Anglican church and Mr, load Mrs, A. I. Ferguson and
from Chatham. Mr. Crawfoed had Sas. WhYare, ofeDungannon. will be much misted in Chin& as :;-• .
almost reached home and it being The Mission Circle of Dungannon well as social circles. Just the even.
ford's, but no one was seriously hurt, United church held its regular ing Previous to heraidveeartthunsdheerhtnhde arei letr
Adella Dere on Wednesday afternoon, wllich a PlaY 1203%
eteettng at the home of 'assisted' in decorating the bail hi LIRA
very foggy was hit, throwing the ear
into the ditch. Roth cora werebad. rowdy
May ath, with fifteen. members prei. ausidees of the Anglican ehpreli. ' VV
ly damaged, -especially Mr. CrAW-
ill the. Time to get
telt. The report of the Presbyterial The funeral was held front the
will, given 'by iviiss Enna retteh,t40 Chtlrell, it pvivale service being held
i 00121011011060111•11.1,0•110011111111N11 iiiiilliiiit011,0111 1 1
wail the delegate to Exeter on Tues- first at the Nome. The large con.
Running Shoes and Sport Shoes of China. which was Very intevesting the -esteem in which elle Wag held.
day, April tiOth. Rev. J. A. Walker course of people who gathered to pay
live a talk on the women and girls their last tribute of respect, bespoke
and helpful.
Sport Our new Stock of RunningShoes and S'" '
Shoes as III. " Mr. 14. .1. DUrrkint etit 'concession
_ of Ashlield twp. hail *nether pecul.
We have a large variety to choose from both in iar aceident at 'his farm recently,
. rquality and in prices.
your Fur Coat
while driving his team and wagon wap
the gangway into the barn. The
Augur Romans shoos are Guaraataai Lot uo sumai you prancing of the homes loosened the
poles covering part of the gangway,
H Shoe Sio e and -the horses fell into the opening
340041 ern s -r- 'Phone thrs CSUSell. With the aesistanee of
43.w rueighbors.after some 'time and with
I eia
much diflieriltY they *ere extricated
,front their perilous position' it being
necessary to tee, one of the horses
down through the •breach, while the
other nun raised with block and
Aka tackle. Fortunately he horses were
none • ?he worse for the experience,
and were able to go to work soon *1 -
The services were conducted by the Destro the Moth Egt a
reetor, Rev. Mr. Shore, ageisted IW_„1.1„,t, may 60
Hera. Goodwill and W. rt. AlP, of the
and Larva.Larva./4";" by send..
Presbyterian ami United churehes in your tar coats
respectively, and interment was in' g them to Me
made In Rail's cemetery, nutlet twit); •
the pan.bearers being Messrs. Rid- &A...kill:rack Dry modal
dell, Johnston, namilton, Asquith, Urivi
Phillips and Beadle: Besides her
for Cleaning and Glazing.
husband uoras
She is aurvived by one, eis-
tereMrs. Frederick Ross, of Dungan- It renews the lustre of new'
POn. anti one 'brother Mr. E. O. uff mess and destroys every
of Leamington. both' of whom were
potent for the funeral. To the bee- germ, every moth egg and
eaved Ones is extended the loving the boozc.
sympathy of all in the community.
Daher 'Chicks, lower in prices.
Dared Rocks, ea. 15c
S. 0, W. Legbornst en. ide
'After June 12th all chinks 2c.
lower than above. .
Phone 611. r 22 Clinton Central
deveiana's Bread
is a tempting complement to
any meal -delicious in itself
' and lending zest to the rest of
the menu -
Your family will demand
twice as much of our Bread as
any other. Encourage them to
do so, as it is the most health-
ful mid rionvielling food theY
can take.
and: etijoy the satiefaetion of
I #atitt; Only the beet.
FRESH ERIIITSeggilezumts,
Acompilette line of
Sataldes.for Your table
PASTRY 11,0mt
Etigidaire equipped for your
Protection. Call in and be Oro
Spares T-Grocety
The. store. of satisfaction.
Phone. Hee 'We deliver in town
New Furniture
of any description
We Positively Save you
. ,
- .
Mrs. BleIntyre, of Duegattinna phone 122 West Street
spent the week -end with her parents
Mise Lueille tedy celebrated her here.
' eleventh birthday on Sceurday by The first part of the we
week 4t. and-
entertaining a number 4 girl friends Mit', Joseph Rostill, ot Londesboro,30.1a4
Cant 4.
at a party during the afternoon. called en friende here.
'MeV enintred 'them/mit-0 ',Wins Mr. and Mrs. Meets Iloultsaner,pf
gruainnviest: l‘e.t:s., tatvemr ,svahnietili stall gentinotoyk Ittiridefribotierndo.ssiptitritthtehevnwitreek:end vni.. 4 ,]
themse'h•es homeward with very Mr. George Davison and his son,
pleasant, memories of having spent xau"r, , iri.,;tm friends at moo& I
}* bar atet"*"' /4"8 Lviille during the ?artier part of the week I
WAS t e reeipient of meaty dainty "1
Mr. Chas. Atiquith avid Mr. Imre;
nig week appears te be "moving Medd Were iri tbIndm nil 'TnesdnIr
attending a nieeting of the An 11
sveek- at Dammam Mr. and Mrs.! ,1 01 - -
T. G. Allen /laving moved their .,, ,_, ,, 1
G. C. treleavilk is moving to his navel Ink* • year.. 7 So Easy to Clean
houiehold effeeta to Goderieli. while 44"; 9611bath. "b. rite of lb°*1401
boiltrimiabvthattillIallostblorsk.awkraesimeentruntkutr: 1** e***** **** II" 1114111"11 "wee ko
Op eltileret ot wt. gamut poese nO tiresome beating with easy.to.
sag ?bre hisarrines Co. Mi. and Mrs._ - - - - - -- -- -- - -- clean Causation Gait &at A*
-Mart Fowler at• 1110Virar to the -
faro of G. e, 'We/fever,. whkli hal -
awes looted o* rhsree to their eon.
Chi rite Fowler. Specioist We haVO a full assortment of the
most attractive patterns, alt nit.-
30 x 3½ Tires
Barker Bios. Service Station
Pismo NI
1. .AI,S0 AT
Wets sant Hire* Itetvi W. A. MAW. iNtswit St.
nem 491 " Mos lit3
Illustration No. 23
'IR 11* 11,110011e, 1101 the rector. Rev. , Varicose's. *Mese*
vi", P. rtnir. L. Th-. to" 'nut 1* I ittsrL Abdassiaal Weaksiot, ondtionally guaranteed.
tondos. the aerviees ra fit. rain,sow . csumittation
Aorta. likettraanan, kotd cuts* I free. er writ*
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Calvin Cutes Store News
Beans, 3 lbs. r4e
Rice, Blue Rose, lbs. 25c
for*. 060000•00,09r006-0•6600•0069•
Baker's Cocoa, ,/,‘Ab. tin 25c
Baker's Chocolate, cake ...... 25c
Pork and Beans, Clark's and Libby's, medium-, el tins 25c
Hawes Floor Wax, t41%. tin 43c
Hawes Liquid Wax, pint jar 59c
ilawe's Lemon Oil, 32 -oz. bottle, and polishing cloth
. • • ... ............ • 0 ........ 6 0 • AI*
Pep Hand Cleaner, 3 tins for 25c
Honey, No. 5 pail. 0 o ....... • 0 0 0 • • ..... 6 0 • •1115c
Keens Mustard, 14404 25e api %Mho 50c
Cocoanut, •per lb. * • 0 0 • 0 ..... ....... 2110
Star Adnonia, 4 for. •••••••••••4.044410446544/••250
Snowflake Ammonia, I ......
(tom Dust; large package...
Pap for Peeps, Chick tutip Meek 4 lbs.. 2k
CALVIN CM. Phone 116 Kindel St.