HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-16, Page 8BMW I.. i1.i -M om•I. A�r\T..OR a�, �„V,. :: SIT is1 1 ..111 1••••••• hiII ..�n ■wi„.r,i Buy a Cham; bit, Studebaker's RSKINE .SIX iO95 Iiail not merely is tato relteer trod.. .d, +!ant in :t+t reflection of the mead -How to Reduce of Ow than who writes it. Pew pee- - • pie can think las queerly: and as c•or, VaricoseVeil tartly cess Atadeew Meephaii,a Sir Andrew kareptaaii has teen 'flab Cottle axil 1-isr►erai Tenant 1 prefraseor of the /agility of medicine 'Heart ap. Siwe! is 17.einss Floris at McGill tJnivemity. Montreal, since ' 1608, lfe was born in Prince Fal. That Way warm Island in 1801, unci nerved in Many Decide have Become despo the Creat War. Among his ;publish- dent because they have been led ed book* is the official History of I:he - believe that there is no remedy ti Canadian Forces in the European will reduce a>wollon veins a II . 11114 . II PPP p _ aai.tane* aro on the increase. The pprroomise of trait :hie year is -toad, Most otehsirds bow trees well b,abed welt fruit bands. The weather to time flag been backward send cold. he 'There hats' been Rome frown siamage tt? xoifC teavea but too 'taws nave not' rite first or pre pink spray is pracw na tically completed in all orchards, and to some will soon be ready for the pink let spray. The ,spray supervisor calls et Jerqlierrille War vol. 3, Medical {Servseee, which bunches. Gia+': ori retreat eased quite a storm* art fts appear- if you will get a two=ounce or=igi *nee. al' bottle: of.Meoase'e Emerald! Oil ( on nd leash man Les often as pos; le durin the season. Ile. cheeks up on esu tis which growers! axe getting. Ile fall the growers' guide, giving advice ear spray materials to use, the timeline ir, -. and thoroughness of the sprays. ce the Thorough lantimed di a *mounts of sp 1 ,e°1materialst are 'the keystones to �ele t high quality fruit. Tim F*a* i 5ra Mum Sanaa, $/OpS, Tim FAWN* urs Sxa Pau* -Dior $0/94 7/195. Prim eta'f'4l�Ftrailit, Gee'1/AXta two Never before has championship quality sold for, so low t► price ens in Studebaker's Erskine Six! , Studebaker, Builder of C, ba mpions, builds The Erskine Siff in. the only way Studebaker craftsmen and engineers know how.. to build—carefully, honestly, be*utirully.. En 'neer nggenittS,quality material and precision workmanship enable Studebaker to hold *vet► 06,44 sit endurance and. speed record for fully 'equipped stock cars, When you get c*r, get Chatapla rl . Get the finest, fastest car in its class--T"he Erskine Six. sref#,. SOF Nag& OOPS st► SIM etl 'dlifrellit, G`iv't roars oh E. H. WOOD & SON GGDERICH, ONT. BOO LOVERS!, (By Jane Iioltby) italfod oata►k is the Best'Cornps,nlon'l ThreePernelss. ,. It TJtib 1look,'9sy Sir Andrew ilk aepha 1, �v .•a1dch has recently been published n . Can td*, published first in Eng land, •'tad acsordintg •to Press ressorta and salmi was very well received. Justice rather than mercy°'seems to --ar be the' final *verdict concerning', it. 4 The three persons -Sir' Henry evil - :Sir Andrew is a strong and fear- strength)-- at any first.elass d less writer and in the 'manner of hid n writing bee in "Three Perelman Pro*: store and youtw* Il�qui ht kly vti dueed an unique heel;. "Three Persons” is 'twbliahed by until Improvement ve natawhich hes ere ru the Louis Carrier Co., Montreal. dueed to normal. M0n07 Love ante Reiter . Moon's Emerald Oil is a 'karmic All three axeinvolvedin- this-thril. 'yet most 'powerful germicide and t 1i:ug, f etnrX.-1'laili Kcfriedy, ounecs.iaat•sa-Very long tisnQ aid a young ou n 1 t In London h his s death and his legacy aanrnun chronic sores an u era are often ,e i unknown n .exmn e - who 'wishes Ito obtain g diary that had appointed with its use ean'rave the been in Kennaady's eoueln's. posses- money :refunded. II. C. Dunlop - sion. When Philip, goes to claim his Pl. It. Wigle sell lots of it, inheritance, '"The L*tsrel.,' he finds it in a state of utmost eh#us--every. thing ripped and smashed. qua WEEK .' dame Sheppard, the other legatee, LESSONS IN ENGLfS and ward of the deceased Wili:inas,- obtains Money as `her *hare, but is (1b W. i . Gordon) also interested in the fate of he Word* Often °Misused . diary, as inhere is damaging evidence Do not say, "The veracity of the against * socially prominent person '.acts and figures." iS'uy, "The truth who is one of Janes oldest friends. use "vcraeity" only - when seeakfn ifallnm, an intelligence man and of persons. former sissoe18de of Wilkins, is called ""It appeals to the *masses is. po :to Kennedy's assistaaneo and things lnrly used, but "to the masses of pe _develop rapidly; The German is shot = ,,. . - thn' whiercaboiuts sof the diary found ldc ino any yiiC ioct itArra,.p .his not say Ido mat propose to at rsun Ilse ne huedgo that there fes a coo hid offer"" "I do not 1 SUM of one 'hundred and fifty thou- _tale sand Pounds waiting as. fair spoil fox Do not safe "1 vias seared- of 'the the Susp ions off eve'yono are erne- cousequenees,'l Sas,, '141 wad fed =ed. Fora timesone. is completely of, baffled and it is only near the end 1'lo not salt, ^ a"We ordered scvei that we, are allowed even a glimmer = ' , apples." :!S'ay,, "so,rs fi =1�snds.� Its is on oa t1 ay art, CCld ,. e -and M�. he e- red to him by an nknow G a , ter 1y healed and anyone who is di wo y " S r q is , , has rs ea powerful ie flu ralraald Oil that o e��is n - s, ' (2$t). it A tine steel piano wire runs now and 13114 sidles tram Newroufdlaud to - ' the Arerse. This D not to ,provide the mermaids with string" for their harps, but to tnsasurs exactly the di.taaneea between the two volute u A. cable was laid recently and it H xiniwna. le to otherwise deter- mine travelled by the cable -laying e1fp. - • so Trarellera aboard the Canadian t Weine Ratting's, reach summer 7 - flyer. tbe : Trees -Canada, Limited. 'Will be Iurprleed this, year to flnd pop colourful upholstery, green tiled ' bathrooms, sofa a e . o• , ao.ae, . #tees, at tzlaaieed . •, tri conservatory end. ot*er-unusual .v ..... and u e . Special sleeping. d*niny, lounge - *alariwo : cars !nave ' been designed and built at the j conipauy's Montreal Angus shone leaf i for Ole de luxe. transcontinental trala, winch will be one of the .al teete.t . and ttnfiet long dist e al trains Sn the world,. n - of what 1$ to 'happen and the de- - . 1Y:°Tlte class vrrltiuh IiA iI le noueanent is as exciting ns it is un- _ , expected. Fortunately Kennedygets ° the'. room, WAS then notified',". some of the money, enough to pro- 'Th 17 its s• w d f ecW," E ,spit wet pose JO Jane on,although:she assures him ""twopence ialfpenny -would have' ' Words Often Mispronounced been enough for that," - Aqueduct; ;'pronounce ak-we,d "Phe lletsaton Mystery," by. Rnbt. -:aa as in "at," ,e ns in f0w4.' is as n 1llilwvaurd,. _Kenne�v,..:.{s:.. 'nubile ed by "it �' accent first syllal►a'e • ft emsitruetion of the. 18 -storey Marine Building on the: corner ta( Or' Burrard and Hastings streets, in k' Vancouver, has begun. When cont- ;pleted this will be the • tallest badidinft west of 'Toronto, where ukt, the greatest building, the new Itoyal i York .Motel, at the 0. P. R.; -is 23 itoreys3* het hit. _ Doubleday,, Doran and Gundy, Toron- Epal let; proneune s "ep alet,,'b - e's' as in "let," o a$ 'fi, ""or,' ace ..:....a.. �.., dUypseseE .•-,�........,,. first syllable.. Two -Famous ituightb t lee.trd; pronounces the first ►i'in',.' stories 'of Lohengrin' the `'not lain -Imre. Knig"h'is of ,the Holy Cwraill, who Ep ernerardlp on4ur, e q ism-© a crepe_ `yyyy �.,hold the And es the ,fist o as to "Ile," second e as i :wrsrnglotbe 4msed er--- and vas pines o :.men," third e as rn. "'ter" n unstres and tr :her to here -their baseit b s _sed, aurent second syllable'. and suddgtt .destruction of at . y>_ _ passe' ronounce . 0 S S1s4 Aw w ah , an ie xeak ing ri g,;' 0 Ie in pronounce, p0ac- nt first syl of her promise, and of Galahad, the, table. nil and °mercilessly'do " ' t Slantlaeas :Knight of the Vithits. Shield, Words Often:Misspelled' Y,nes"' bet who . e, is. successful in his searchp hat is gained/ General ` Wilson tor ft} f' Hdly�'':Grail, are beautifully _ - 1Iyi notize; sol hypnotism, .- sm aux assassinated in 1922, and ell the told" -by Morley Chester in The Golden Tarantula;" three Ins, Assailant nvicetives poured out upon bum now Itiver Series,'' published by Thos. three a's, twee $ s, ICliek (n slight, seem rather 'senile. Nelson .iifid dans, for 75e under the sharp nose); clhque (a small, exile The 'Coio;lele—House aand-Lawrence title. -'."The Sena hts ;al"'The Ito)y ivt social set)c I'iw,htttihs three i s e not quite so pummelled, His Grail;' and double o, Clumsy; not z .. dmiration for the literary style of• Synonyms Pawrence's:'"Reve lt In t Desert," is tun total, amount, aggregate ended, 'in'acct he rears. "Col.!' blankets Value This 011, Uothera=+whole, entirety. lawrenco writes recess! as sh ke:. who know how. suddeiiy croup MAY Grim stern ha p y 4, , rsh, unyinldina;, for spears :night have written Ihaad he seize their children *lid how ,metes.: Hiidable, aullots; . chosen the more difficult mode," De, a#dry prompt auction is an applying rev b•r�fblem, symbol, sign, 'nark, char too, diteredits 'homes 'as at biogra hr lief, always keep at 'hated a .supply 0* eater. • er, 4iut daps 'snot. give Graves the sue Dr. Thomas Feleekrle Oil, t because ,)tial, trdiroatness, deXterityr, Cleve Ile usually receives. eYperaenre has taught tharta that :iris ..Hess, aptitude, expertness, ' • However, the! are exeellent re« tw an ecxicplapnt preyyorent, for rho F1ut, level, even, horizontal, pian of their fk►Hd. Stephen Lea- treatment taf the ailment, d they smooth. tq. 11th nt - A.-nhonuistent to Atte of the build; ere of Canada, is planned far Van - d, - couver. Sir William Van"Borne. first general manager and second. ' president ad --the .Ca*ra41ari Facade 1, • ltrsiiway�,. was reapoonsible for the n aelectioa at V'ancouwer as the. Western terminus tar the tr'a,ns- $ontlnental line; a decision that n resulted in the growth and.pron- perity o!_ Canada's steend greatest. seaport; and the citizens of the city' propose . to commemorate : Jxis foresight. ' ' Every year the Canadian Pacific( « -- apendet about $L.000,000 int advert sr: - inglts services and-Canada'sandue-4 trial ` and tourist • attractions throughout t'be; World.- :,r e,. • Inview of the present prnspet'ity of Canada' and. of the•: Canadian. �- PacIY�tc. it is amusing to recall. the item published in. London. Truth over •forty-five years: ago. . ".Tee Canadian. Pacific Railway," it runs" "has ,begun. to launch its bonds,. This railway, if it be ever till#shed. will run through a COuntrY f;ost- bf t a foranon,nr eight months a e e Year, anti wIll connect With th easter; part of :the Dominion.. a province which ennte aces about as forbidding Country as any on the: face of. the earth. .British Colum- bia is a barren, cold` mountain. • country. that I's not vrrorth "keeping eon, Colonel House and Colonel' Lawreneee—err subjected to close an- *lyale and critleal study. • Sir 1teory "Wilson tares. 'worse. ad'e entered the war us Majoralenertl and emerged' - ens Field Marshal, Knight of the, Bath, etc.- It Is from his own daariee, which were publish- ard by as friend, that Sir Andrew ens -poses and condenute hint. It is bral- views s ai men andl sat. �"rr'iI . charm the booare wise, far its various uses :render . Attack. nounassault . eoe ys q hn ofit •a valuable niediein0, . (noun) a irgg.easio invasion, encroachment. , Word' Study krours. Let us increase rate. vocabn r- e, n,: s 1 "Use a• word throe times and it Sidi' +Ceoritmrftlt Mao Katt!* Itawrillitt *do Airins Sant Webs Choi* Mt Fare lemi taasiaftallt lw. • ?desire, Cos Fars atatt Stet . Pew ,' 7$ date #30 5 °Lama, triftlil, Otiti gttitiott Tow tow fnwrrtat renin sa e r iter tft ;Nave* 1 r "thin! �.#� B.AN T '.c features that artoatuted for its phenomenal sates rtrotds off 19* 'sChik containing additions! refinements, it adinemt t shard atelj tothe tech mnentatprincipiesofvaluethatrotaaa004? attDufantptodutts to earfulbur Complete, detailed information and an opportunity to drive and judged*Du tart for y-ourseif await you at yout'deale s. lis DUtEANT"40"boasts ofnothingmore than the gWily Ala sr W*ANP M0 ./ coittiWA warm ',roomy ° .'- (AMA U RAN *VOW ,TPUGlf$ 3!i % TOM TO 1110.TON CAPACITITS PETER GRAF, Godei4ich, Ont Jaryr by. mastering +ono word cash rias Wards for this lesson A•CJUISITION; thing acquired o gained. '"It • is a valuable acquisiti for our collection." OBSESS; to beset or domtnat "The mystery obsessed BULBOUS; having or containing hulba; bulblike in �structurc. ""It wa a bulbous: root about the size of small onion." ASSIDUOUSLY; devotedly; atten persistently. "These good habits should be assiduously eultivat ESTIIMABLE; deserving of esteem, valuable. "She possesses many . esti enable qualities." • FACILITY; quality of'.being easily done. "Ile accomplished' the task with astonishing facility." SPRAY SUPERVISION fie' HURON couae By operating the spray service again this year, the, Ontario 'Govern- ment .is going' a long way towards helping growers to produce clean fruit, It is generally* conceded that no orchard operation f5 Mertz import - ;int in the production of good. fruit than is spraying. No matter how well an orehurd may 1* eultiveted, fertilised and pruned, the fruit is not attractive to consumers unless it is free front the ravages of inset and futures pests. Such freedom can on- ly be secured by thorough and care« ful iqu.tying. A, 1Q: J.. Butler, Spray Supervisor, for Huron County, reports natislads tory progress in *praying operations.. There are forty-two growers curalled on the service and spray bulletins are ;hent to Witty -five others, This ser- vice wad' greatly appreciated lea year and the ftu�niber 'f requests for r ed at all unless by trappers nof the on 'Hudson .nay - company !tad 'gold fever' not taken x party of adieu e. • turers there. Fifty railroads would .not galvanize it ltta prosperity' The much -tooted etanittb:a settle- s _ went will not bold out years. a 'The People who have gone there cannot stand the' .coldness of the'. n- winters. Men and rattle are frozen to death in" ttninbere+ -that would t- astonish the intending settler if he knew, and those who arc not killed , outright are often maimed tot life • by:1roatbiti a." SC1C1 REPORTS. S. S. Noe 15, West Wawanosh The following is: the report for the month of April: Jr. 2V.—Graeme - Chimney, 72.3; Willie Haig, 72,3 ; Gordon -Reibiatson, 7'4,5. Jr. Ill.— Faroe Flewmate -04.7; Jean 'Robinson, - 7rr.G. Sr. IT.-' 41lfelvin Craig, 'd74 ; Sant 'Thompson, 74.7. Sr. I. --Stew. - art 'Chamney, 80; Earl #'Iownlan, 801- - Edna Plowman. 75.7; Ted laohinstona 80,5. Jr. L --Howard. Thompson, 75; red. 'Thompson, 70. Sr. .-«-- Louise Thompson. Number on roll, 14. Average attendance 13.4. , L. I. J'Qli3SToN, Teacher. . S. S. No. 11, Ashfield and Colborne Report of S. 'S`. No. 11, Ashfield *rid Colborne. The following nutria dire out avereage for^ the xtloniths of March and April; honors 751;11, Pass $0;b ; Jr, 1V..Alnns. Dougherty, 95; Issibe1 'Pollock. 9.1; Tony Vroo. , man, 86, Sr. III,—'Irene Graham, 03; Marion !;'aster, 85; Clerente Es- t: sen, 82. Jr: 3Itordon . Pollock, -80;'Cecil Pollock, 71; Mary Vroonlan, 88. Pr.--1I*rold Dougherty, Betty Foster, Cannon Pollock. ISABEL M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. S. S. No. 1, West Wawanosh The following is the report of S. S. 1Vo. 1, West Wawanosh, for the month of April: V . 1erna Dale.72; May Doyl.•8;. Morgan King and Harry Boyle (equal, 72; Theodore Redmond. 52. IV. --Pat Murphy,! . = 03.3; Josie Murphy, 92; Alfred Kina- hen, 80. IIT.—Beatrice Rini/awl an& Raymond Boyle (equ1al), 95;, Jon Kelly, 48, I. r Carroll, Ed. !mind Lrddy. I'r. ,rine Kinahan, Norman Rork. N ft roll 16. Average daily att 1+1. MA MOIR, Teacher. yds of Eiue —true is rim Eyes of Gray "�- we wlsileflwmy White astir Y'O1'R elm saying today? Yate rm havve as race, he +tlassr speak -- they share weeds rhaahewd�j.�r,ear°phT� . ite �' 1rwAi-•err eirie de i4 siverkkr■rl "* wok - N its t>,Mtt,s? Tier ,. - aan of Irw..au.l 1 ,►,�tlata Mea. MVO** e poor Mil* na 'aati► a � rir#a, ,r.... ur • . s tpie i$6. a�t.e` �w"�•at � asp+ a' irwrt_ raintwar ear mSawa iitowlitOlia it Ow. E .. 5 r*U**IDAY, KAY ildti A CANADA PAINT PtIODUCr II HI at 11 11 III 1. 1arewammellignall.111014111.11 111 11 II .1 .III 0 OFFICE FACTORY pk, NEW . at�manent beauty : for 'cement, concrete or -wood floors assured i* you use the latest' trhunph, '%UXQ ," loor Enamel. Easy iso apply and dries , to walk ozi over night.. '':UOR".is more durable than. paints . or ordinary Enamels*it does not chip or crack and holds' its marvelous beauty under heavy ' foot wear, "LU OR"- your •cement floors. For sale , ?• w ,.1• .J.HOWARD r GODERiCE OTT.romiamsiumwswwwsmomisamawaiwasii daft MADE WINE TNI: MAKERS OF�' _ .HE FAMOUS "ELEPHANT -BRAND` WHJTE LEAD nu•, cis. . I a�. 1 .11111 I•2 .. 1 ata, *r. Two in Ono A : magazine writer says a dog villas. 2•: a.m.—"Whose at, getelom-n wish an eml?tar ii1aee in ensc is dog This, is speceally true of rho hot dug„— Same ll'►me• "At ai n't no genie, ontrenl :Star. man, thaths myshelfl" you?" Wife" -what you, do, dear, if 1 were to die?" Hubby:.'"I . don't know, :darling; .. 1 think I would go mad."Wife—AV/mild you morns "" again, dear?" Hubby --"I shouldn't ,P be as mad as that." Isar Stall's si, But*s....Ur, Thoraras' ) 'electric Oil is a standard remedy fand barns. Its beef nglpower flu irk I it soothed the pain and aids a speedy ra!eorrery trim the injury, it is nlwo an exeretlent mostly for ail mariner of ruts, lar*tees andamine, as ,well as for relieving the nein erarit*K trout inflammation of rations Bird! A bottle in the Newts anal atnble mica raaasy * dokto 's *0 voterin. *ry'sa foe. 41116,01101PC* *AL r - littitla tttaratttrt► iherompe • • EARN -6,OO i 10000 A DAY • a irwara t ti t Motur�M.cciMa- �r�i1�.Wasaesl.et- ■ M annar.*Ori. r,0¢ p.Ntinn. t JOOiitl ltif COWL T ACHo BirebOOk* tat sew ware 101070 Ft44444,441400co asvier C?,}Mt'tt►Coact • 41111 • ow • ew Tdephone Rates are more Convenient— Ebe reductions in 'long distance 'telephone, rates made effective in February are accent - pulled by some important conveniences for subscribers. 25 70 FF T00,'PMas Evening rates on atataoti--to.' static:4i' calls now begin at 9.00 pin. with about 25% off the day rate The min- imum reduced evening rate it 33 cental. 50% OFF at 83o, Night rates on station -to. station call* now apply from 3.30 p.m. to 4,30 a m. with about 50% off the day rate. Minimum reduced night rate as 25 cents. and—You can reverse charges 34..additiottill',.t' ,o,.•...,a N .,r.:.V. reverse charges on Atation,to.Jltatibn , cane where the rate is 25 cents or ?marc. TaffRRLT, ?VL*PHONtf COlap*WO, OP CANADA