HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-16, Page 71PRr..1,..�.1 Y UirDAY. MAY lets, S 1 . LiP.1....1111..,.tA.11a1. Y ,' Ie ,o.Cok-k.on Thi , Fast, Depenclable Ranges ' "OMEN who own Perfection Ranges VY really enjoy cooking, hecau a there ire no waiting around for a slow -poke fire, Perfect- ion coaking is as fast as gas, far faster than coal and wood, it gives a rootless flame; no blackened pots to wash, It is safe and always. dependable, Perfection Ranges are good looking. A nice assortment to choose frons and nroderate prices front $9.00 to fl225,00. ate PERJ?ECTIO .�•J r_71 Burning anges a�A,�llTODAY 1Mr.w�q a pt: e' (malSt..t War Lrrnit.d Tar«ua, Oi*st . Mu* mod ch* d m: Pro. &aratmrs,raP•oroaiarr rey leanyui a otw,lw. a4 *worn moo nisei New. .•••••• ...ro N. ..a.. .,.N'..-.+.I•••PM.,..,MN„p. la ..1r444444...w..Prr1+ 1rpa.• Or No y-.... �..r� r.,Perrr..+.r few meta a( rut. lathe early ituaratag attar, the lone rider familiar eo the literature of that period :reeked t:aderich after bat- tling tling all mot with piled up show dr'ittt. In fact, there sweat* to have been several Bine riders, fearing re - trona frost deutans polio. And when the returns tram these polls were ad - tied to the figures already in, the startling discovery wus suede that Hon. .L C. Patterson wee elected for Wait tlurou by the narrow majority of le. When there was a second, owl even more reminding. ,celebration. Patterson held the seat, at ►Seem- tary of State. Minister of Militia end Minister Without Portfolio, under three successive premiere -.Abbott, Thompson and Bowe%. On Septem- ber 2, 1895, he was named Ideuten• ant -Governor of .Manitt'btt. For the second time in the pulite reen`.tiry terni, =Wt t: leanest• telt• veg. ▪ - unt; and for the third time in fiVe years M. C. Cameron bore the 'Gait banner, The Bowel! government was in a bad way just then, the {'neet of traitors” episode had broken or was about to break, and Cameron could talk the two great languages, Eng- lish nglish and Gaelic, more vigorously than ever, and Dan McGillicuddy's vitrio lie pen was still rampant. :Cameron recaptured the seat by comfortable 'margin, and. his re -appearance at Qt tawa vats the signal for a memorable ovation from both Opposition and Government benches.. It was a singular circumstance that the talents of both famous political warriors should have been transfer- red to the West. 'Cameron was re- elected>. in 1896,1M, shortly, after wads named Lieutenant -Governor of the North+West Territories. A few years later he died in office at Regina. . Hon. J. C. Patterson survived his erstwhile antagonist, by nearly thirty Years. Among the singular compti- ments paid him was that of being named 'by the Laurier government as commissioner to enquire into titles of ownership held by the . United King- dom in .the Arctic tertitoriee of Can• ada--a rather noteworthy tribute from his opponents to his standing as a public man and a 'lawyer, HURON PRESBYTERY AND PRESBYTERIAL OLD TIME POLITICS cut figures in- Canadian politics at IN HURON r that time. -My Victor Lauriston)That was Hon, James Colebrookc Patterson, whose long life was to Forty years ago and oven less, they' raetieally bridge -not merely. Queen took their politica ' seriously en\ the Victoria's reign but those ef her two Huron 'shore. That was a habit successors. Born in Ireland in 1839,. handed down from the still more dis- Patterson as a youth of 18 celebrated' taut days when Tiger Dunlop fought `Victoria's . twentieth anniversary on ,the Canada Company. In West•Hur- the throne in a poem which won a on, in the 80s, the political pendulum letter of graciousrecognition from swung betwixt 'Grit -ante Tory, but Her Majesty,- ' The same year he mostly favored that doughty Reform came to Canada, where he was, sue - veteran, • M. C.Cameron._ - cessively,.>n school teacher, a member The keen party spirit even invaded of the Civil Service,, a barrister and the schools. As a very young school. a school inspector; and, all the time, boy at Goderich in the memorable an- more or less, ai litterateur..ile. sat notation eampeign of 1891, T remem- for North Essex in the Ontario Leg- ber the youngsters wearing red and islature front 1874 to 1878, and in the blue ribbons. Even the dogs wore National Policy election of the latter them. And a favorite bit of political year captured the Dominion seat for • repartee was the doggerel verse : the Conservatives._ Porter on the white horse, - When Sir John Abbott becamere- Cameron on the mule, Tier in 1891,:Patterson enteredhisPorter is a gentleman cabinet .as Secretary of State. He And Cameron is. a fool. had lost his. North Essex seat, so that Young Grits .got back ,at their sin- the vacancy in West Huron was op- tagonists by the simple expedients of portune.. The West Huron Conserve - using the same general-purpose verso tiveS welcomed the prespeet ofbeing c with the names changed about. represented by. a cabinet minister, In that campaign of 1891 the and Patterson promptly received the doughty Cameron was running nomination. The veteran Cameron I J against Robert . Porter, who ' had was re -nominated by the Liberals. ' wrested theseat • a fr himin 187.The i em $ campaign n wasexceptionally df n g ro �received. Game n valiant newspaper ' 's- bitter. The Conservative admires - support support from the late; Dan McGilli- tration at Ottawa was on the down- euddyy, then editor of the Goderich grade; and accusations against it Signal, and later founder of the Cal- were countered by, all manner' of gary News -Telegram; one of the most' themes' against Cameron himself. forceful newspaper writers Ontario Agaihst Patterson the utmost that ever knew., any a Tory writhed could be _ urged was that fie was an from the smart. of McGillicuddy's outsider. Voting took place on a bit-. - gall -steeped pen in • those days. ter winter day, and both sides fought Y ar fte r .e s a rwa d Cameron's or t - s. thefast vote was 11 ,till o wa ed while 'henchman turned on his patron Prom the outset the returns favor - and in a series of letters entitled ed Cameron. (Late that night, ;ac - "The Pausing of Cameron,".denoune-. cording to tradition, his election was ed the man whose cause he had so conceded. , Reform partizans turned long championed. That, however, is out and celebrated. There was a fes - another story. tive gathering of the Grit elect at Cameron won the 1891 contest. He Cameron's house, when the triumph was, however, unseated; and the re- of the "old war. horse" was celebrate stetting vacancy brought into West .ed in speech, song. and other ways. Heron's public life for a brief space To weeks of hard battling, and a one of the-' most striking and elear- night of wassail, at last succeeded a United Church "Gilthering at Exeter on Tuesday The meeting of h Huron Presby tery of the United church was held in the Main street United church Tues- day, April 80th, with a large attend- ance of delegates. The following of• fivers were in charges Rev. R. H Barnby, of - Blyth, chairman; Rev. W. A. Bremner, Brumfield, clubman. of M. and E. fund; Rev. W. It. Alp, . of Atibur'n, secretary. An interesting item of the morning program was the statistics report 1by. the secretary, which shows a splen- did and encouraging growth in the church work for the county. After the morning session the delegates. adjourned to the basement of'the church, where a splendid lunch was ;served by the ladies of the e'hurch. At the afternoon.session reports of various committees were heard and a busy afternoon . was spent until the lose of the session at 5. Some of the delegates�� present are as follows: Rev. W. Kniht, Mr. • E. Tom, Rev. C. l! . Clarke, Rev. J. E. Ford, W. Bailie, Jno. Dustow, all o • o erich Gd o Rbv H lieu o r Nogg. . Holmes W. Bellew, A. Cuthill, of Clinton ; Rev.- Daidson, of Wingham; Rev. Ir- win, of. Centralia; Rev. Moorehouse, Rev. Down, W. Medd, E. Shapton, C. 'Cann, of Exeter; Rev, White..lo,;! Elm - vide;' Ittev. Chandler, W...Brown, of Porde/eh; Rev. Weirs 1$• Kornick, of Blyth; ltcv. Craik, of , Gerrie; Rev. Sinclair, W. Dougall,' of Hensall;. Rev. Bolingbrok, It. Vann, of Wrox 'eter; Rev. Colling, R. McGregor, of Grand :Bend; Iter. Walden, A. Shaw, of Blucvale; Rev, Guest,Mr. Turn -1 - bull, Mr. Baker, of Ethe; Rev. Her. bert, of Holmesville; Rev. Walker, of Dungannon; Rev. Lundy, of Nile; Rev. Abrey, of Londesbo ought Rev. Anthony, of 'Thames Road; Rev; Pen- rose; of Varna; W. McDowell, of uburn; Rev. McDonald, Rev. Smith, • THE GODERICH STAR "I took Lydia Pe Plnkham's Vege- table Compoi►nd-because I was 'so sick every month that I had to keep ray bed for two days and I suffered so that I felt badly all the time. I had been working in a factory hut for a tong time was not able to work as I wail set run-down and nervous. My friends told me of the Vegetable Compound. I am now sound And well and have gone back to work. I. leave a good 'appetite, my color is goal and I am in good spirits,". - Etwiln Bouique, ip Alma Street, - Weeps, New Brunswick. ly,lia EI ['inkhorn's Ve�etaille Compound ° ,SAN r• .II N IMail l •.IL.1 -J•-+541-.-- �wr..• �� 1 Il 111.ULll,_. mental development. yet ,chi, peon% kwho these not ,have hie ehaIst s d ft °la 1 ueete;l is not alloy/Mg the ahilti si 1'fair citani:e. 1j Now ee the time to hase� the child '1:ebo his not as yet at ended se•hool ICX:einutiVii. ;.nit, if he is found t,e stave .ie•tee.e.a, tie leave diene treated. lie' t having this diene now, the i hili! wilt have elle summer., in which to build ;up his health, so that he may startto school this tall •progeny prepared to ee.eire the ,greatest •beneti. Train his I echo.! attendance. We have suited that defects via not cause idea riiilcl to be ill. This does' not paean that defects are not a ser- ious menace; they are. The damage done by defects is net, as a rule, seen until adult life. A'erste per -cortege • 'of heart disease, of kidney disease • 'Raj other diseases '.f Middle lifts aro due to neglect of diseased teeth, ton - ails and ether sueliparts Where there .,...eb_infeetieln; than -1M, leting•g. iene„. . • line eialty ate` t- tt�eatnied,: oeett feeds is our eldef Hope of deereasing „ those diseases which naw take et hea- ey toll at middle age. , dressed. to the flea iiu� Health,' hs- soeiation, 184 College ,St., Toronto, , will be answered personally by corte- •spoudenee. secretary, Mrs. Venner, Clinton; as- sistant supply secretary, Mrs. An- drew,-"Godericlr; secretary of Chris- tian stewardship and finance, Mrs. McKenzie, Egmondville; Missionary Monthly secretary, IVlrs. Doan, Clin- ton; strangers' secretary, Mrs. Brom. tier, Brucefield; literature secrot14xy, Mrs. Southeott, +Exoter; press secre tary, Miss A. Lawrence, ISeaforth ; temperance secretary, Mrs. Colborne, Godertch; without portfolio, Mrs. Hernilton, Godericb, and Mrs. Wil. son, Winghant, NEW BOOKS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY - F'Iction -A -Lantern in her Hand --B. S. Aid - rich - Flower o' - the Ileather-•-E, • Me- - ' - A Self-made Thief -;-Hulbert Footner = Storm-House-eKathleen Norris _ Paradise Court—J. S. Fletcher _ Non-fiction : _ England .Beautiful=• -Wallace.- Nutting The Life of Moses --Edmond Fleg - The Plays of .X. M..Barrie-•- _ The Mineral_ Resources of. Canada-., Elwood S. Moore - Grammar "for Grown -ups --Chas. C. Boyd Books for Boy* and Girls - The- • Two Jungle Books--Rudyard Kipling Canada's Story—H. E. Marshall England's Story—IL. E Marshall • The Young Trailers—Jos. A. Alt- ' sheler The Forest Runners --Jos.• A. - slider . • The Boy !Stout Crusoes•--Edwin C. Burrit . •Pitl3LIC . SCHOOL .-BOARD • • The monthly meeting of the public sanool •board was •need on '1Vlonasty evening, May 6th; (present, Chairman t;utt and 'trustees Parsons, :tuner, rail�y t�e and Mittel. . N-t:t yt1. ' 1-iiaei al p Stonehouse of Victoria school reported for the month of April 184 .boys and 184 girls on the rolls, with an average attendance of ttei boys and- 165 girls, or 91 per cent. t'enny llanlc deposits $142.24, 460 - deposits. Non-resident fees paid, $6. Miss P. Sturdy . supplied calf. a day each for Miss G. Ilannitoii ' and Miss G. S tardy. Miss Sharman, .principal of Central. school, reported 98 boys on the roll - and 86 girls, average attendants 91 boys .and 77 girls, 91.3 per refit.: Penny Bank deposits, 853.95, '100 de- ° posits. Mrs.. i►eud;tt taught ° three days for Miss mall acid three days. for Miss Elliott. A letter was received from Dr. •Sinclair with reference to the sub - jest of auxiliary classes, that is clas- ses for pupils who do not make the ,same progress as other ehildron. I)r. Sinclair promises to come to 'Gode- rich to meet the board and &mires the subject of -ouch classes with then on their next regular 'meeting night, June 3rd, end it is likely that ar- rangemente will he made for aceom- modating those who may be interest- ed in hearing lOr. (Sinclair,. in fact it was decided to hold the regular meet- ing of the board at 7:30 that evening and tit 8:15 have Dr. ,Singlair address the gathering in the kindergarten room at Victoria school. An application from a teacher at New Hamburg for a position on the staff was received. Several of the teachers had applications in for -in- crease: in eatery and Miss Nairn tendered her resignation to take ef- fect June 30th. The requests for increase wore laid over and Miss NuIrn'a• resignation was accepted, and the sepplicetion from New Hamburg considered with 'other applications when any vacancy' there may be is advertised. READY FOR SCHOOL. A J. Seott, W. P. ;Lane,. of Seaford* ; Rev. Brown, of Ashfield; Rev. C6n- - ” nor, o'f:Kippen; Rev. Maines, of Wal- ton; Rev. Barker, of Brussels; Rev. S. Cople, of Belgrave; Rev. Cutfield, of Lucknow; J. Woodall, of .Credi- ton; J, Jarrett, of Hillsgreen. Missionary Society The meeting of the Huron Presby, - terial Women's Missionary Society - was held in the James street United - church, with an attendance of about 400 women and girls, and Mrs. Hogg, of Clinton, presiding. Atter an opening service by the Thames Road 'Auxiliary, the welders". ing address_ was given by Mrs. (lieu) McTavish, of Exeter. Then followed the roll call, which showed 62 auxiliaries: One Y. W. • Auxili- ary, 14 Mission Circles, seven C. G. I. T. groups, 23 Mission Bands; seven Baby Bands, ttotalink 124 organiza- tions. Then followed some very en- couraging reports front different sec:' - Merles showing progress along every line, after which the treasurer reported receipts totaling '818,785. Rev. Dr. Barnby, of Blyth, brought greetings from the presbytery. The morning session was then closed by Mrs. Pollick. 'The afternoon session was opened Let. me give you the Delco -Light facts DROP in next tithe you re in town and PH demonstrate Delco -Light for you. 'Yortsll be highly interested in learning the real facts about Delco,Light. ;You'll probably get a surprise when you hear the money and work it wives, how little it eosts, and how easy Generld ' 1 Motors have made the payment terms. DiE'LCO-LIGHT SALES and' SERVICE CAMPBELL st: LIETTON, Box No, 1, Eornolca,'Ont. W. W. Coote, Sub -Dealer. Godoriob • at 2 o'clock by the Bengali Auxiliary - followed by a question drawer on - ducted by Mrs. Lane, of Seaforth. Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of .St. Catharines, and Mrs. Jessie Weir, were the speakers of the afternoon and were followed by a piano duet and a mis- sionary etory by Mists Sweet, u mem- ber of Janes street Mission Bend. The election of officers then took I 's. Mr Clarke eof Gotdet ch.by ¶lie cession was then closed with an ad- dress of thank s by+ Mrs. Hogg, of . Clinton, and prayer by Mrd, David- son, of Wingham, A splendid dinner was supplied at le o'clock in the basement of the then -eh by the ladies of James street church. `the oMeets elected were as follows: Vast president, Mrs. J. E. Hogg. Clinton; president, Mrs.. Moltard, Exeter; fret vice president, Mrs. Thos. Gibson, Wroxeter; t>econd vice.president, Mrs. Lane,Seaforth; third vieetpreaitknt, Mrs. Wirhtmatn, Blyth; fourth vire-prsident, Mea. Antttong, Thames reed; rcrirding itettetaree Mees Conaitt„ lfensall; "er- r'csitotsdieg eterettary, Mrs. Car/liner, Clinton; frc surer, Mrs. Greer, Winghaan; C, G. L T. secretary, Mrie Masted<on, Witighaln; young people's ercr,turv, Mrs!. Irwin. Cant/tits; eltildre►lt's eterettsra, Mrr, Stehle,, -Regrow; sin+, a iatcd #*lpet e gem-. tary, Mrs, t'oneor, gippee; /supply - A1waes to tle cor.tte 1 , there e 141111111 I'fI i ' it �(1� 1 BUCHANAN'S Goderich Planing Mills, Lt'd CODERICII Iodinates gladly I'eitnished v for sn f job.; id- tok Geode of Seeintosatett Oak, Maple or Birth 11, HEALTH SERVICE. • of the Canadian tleddieal Association It may appear as if thin article had been given,, •by mistake, a May date for punliceitton instead of one in a ep- tember. J'u t now, moat people- are likely thinking of the close of school, or proinotionn and anranner vacations. It ie, however, time for thought, par- ticularly concerning tate children who will be startler; •to attend school for the fret time thee autumn. Whenever anti wherever a rt l of chidrn are examined uinn oma Ing eehool, quite it high percentage of them aro found; 10 recfaire macdieal care. They tiro net•ill, but they have what are •rteaernlly called defects. Tlic ;o defects ;nay bt' di.^,caeed teeth or sonans+ adenoids or canto :limiter condition. L"t1:El defrcta a.r, toe make the +chisel 01 in Glee male -ley retro of they word. 'iileey ere, however, a nee - hate handicon to tete+ child; they eon. atituto an Additional burden viiich drains else child's rccea-ve. No pat' ea *retail delil.;erately do assythrne to interfere with hie eland'o I ligoital ae s L A D ►: R Y By Ross Farquhar I�ridny-Pa put it over en Ant hnatny tonite at the super table and I iiiitt'•'teleave she.'has saw the point of it Yet neither.. She was usting why MN of the Musikal shows witch ahoivs on Broadway- St. in No York stays for surety long run sum times and pa answered and replyed -They run so long on acct they have so mans laigs. Sate�dny I -ovorherd a converse. shun of 2 men tawking today and they both vaseale bandiged up like thole shad ben do at cupple reeks or slum thing. 1 trim -sed to the -alter man. happened 1 e t app ned o. you and the other man sed tt ben Ierning my wife. to drive the ottomobeel what happen- ed to you and the usher man replyed in answer and sed Well I refused to fern my wife to drove the ottomobeel. And so I tthot • of are • teechers tawk on -cos en effect:— Sunday--Pas dussent, no weather he will have his job tamers or not b ru n the paper e x i. the other day he putt; the Tong headline over the peace about the new wimon's literary so- ciety and it red Museum of Antieki- ties Opened. Sum of the wimen is pritty sore at 'the editor and' the later is sore at pa. •- ' itIunday—Ma and pa has been in- vited to go to the maslcerade ball and pa was 'a saying n he e no i diddent d what Y g to make up as. . Ma sod Well you have ben reading about them Suthern Kernels and ect.'"why dont' you Em - personate a gentleman. And pa rot about l.j sere at ma. 'General, Sore- ness seams to prevade. • • • Teusday-�I ate afrade. that it the teecher dont take back •what. she sed to me today I will be kwitting skool. She sed if'I diddent emproove.. in rithmitic why -she was a going to send nee home for good. Even at that I dont supose it wood be very Is your daughter enjoying life? - TT is just in herr "teen age" that a girl should be getting the most fun out of life I—Yet so often it happrna that girls of sirctet:at- 10 - twenty have outgrown their strength --are quickly tired, pale, nervouo, .generally retie clown and unhappy ! - These, are sure signs of anadenia, it condition that results from thin, worn-out, eendetnourisfaed.blood. Dr. ',"✓illiaiaa' Pink Pills !lave corrected thio }ii thonseed, of girls. Hero is the actual experience of Mrs. Ben Nicholas of Wean, Ont. a'1Yly daughter was in a run.doaur stela. She was CAA/ tired and did not wish to atsociata with others, Al this eras unnatural, I began giving her 1». Willi/ems' Pink Pins, and they teen taado a crone Healthy girl of het 11oc1/ (lois as happy a girl an o ie would wish to see." Start veer dattaeater on, this proven treatment neer by buying Dr. Williams' Pink Pitta ct veer d sggiat's or any dealer in medicine` or by assail. 0 ante, poetpiid, from ' The De, William* Medidtts Co., Brockville, Ont. t.aa MU '"A ttO::GOSIO: r1Atin in 14 COGti7e a4$" • enrol 1imasil Plat tillnif OOTH AND QUIET AT EVERY SPEED TAI Oldsmobile out and try inthe 44 swift press of traffic and on the open toad. "'you'll find dazzling acceleration; as smooth fwd stageleas as the• pickup of an electric motor. '1Xrru'll (wd exhilarating sped, with -freedom from noise or vibration throughout the entire range. You'll tend a tireless, effortless ,flow of power, with a treinendoui re;reVatirstee-Fliiith and hard Bulling. The Fisher Body interiors are lu.,curiously tom. • fortable, with wide, deep•cushioned seats. Anti four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers assure restful titling ease on tiny road. Come, take a drive in this finer Oldsmobile. Experience thrilling, powerful performance that is smooth and quiet at every speed.. Then . u . compare its value! MacEWAN- & TEBBUTT GODERICH; ONT. toS BILIE ...u•l•sst • • ' PRODUCT OP GIi1sT1ittAL MOT RS air cANAleiA. t,tUITtD nr..,r.4 i �.'1""-r"`•:.rrr1 r.,..,^."",C:,,..x..y.„..fr,,.«w1.1 - rs« ' .t . p esan't at Immo ifs that wood iia fpen , } to Occur. Wgnsday-••-Yuko got keg in tonitc.t (The teacher was - a trying to show A W TEa{R �.�(a+ v •.1 .�#E iti Watt me wird ztiig'niiide Tent. .bo she sticks up her heel and walks'U�• nerost the room and net Joke how she 1TE YL ,,SS waiked. and he sed Bow Legged. , Tlhirsday After skool I told Ms - tern that his ma was looking for him and ttonite when he emu u ti toAre u Ms - house 1 whet* h ova e adcnt set down. Y t r, RADIOS So I; gess glee must of found hint. - ' Miller's 'Worm Powders' Inc• Swed 7W,' !U.'. W for Demon • and ;palatable to children, who show ' . • : t • ... • no hesitancy in taking them, They 1• s t'atiort Will. eer seely bring worm troubles to ---... an. end. They, are a strengthening e. and stimulating medicine, eorredting•n. the disorders of digestion that ' g a the ' worms Cause arid' I a etn•� imparting t ac Y a heal-, �� P 6�� thy tone.to •the system most beneli. f tial to devclepmcnt. ILECTNOCtIIN -Dr.'Version rr" i Btrltannlet Road Y .need, P,M.G„ gives the fob lowing helpful adage, f • "A pontmaltter a day 1 .....rl -41-- -MAUL ..... , peeps the 'Blues' away." STAR ADS GL's RESULTS There arc many Coins OLD co. T. he.rcu.teM. circulation. andly- frigtiroud'in drawers - that have great value. For example— the Copper Penny dated. 1939, with the Bank of Montreal on its face is , today worth $15.00. Itis not so muoli the age that counts -it is the scar= city of particular Coins of certain dates. •COIN CATALOGUE Tells you about the Rare THE RARE Coins of different count. ries--including Canada and the British Colonies—and gives you the prices I guarantee to pay for same. With the book of re. Terence, you will know that 0 the ,Coins you have are not listed, they have no premium value. ' SENT POSTPAID FOR EIGHTEEN CENTS (Nina 2e stamp 41 els) A. E DOCHEi i Y• & CO. 96 'Wurtelnbut:g Street Ottawa, Ont. 1 Enjoy a Restful Night ori Lake Eric on your trip East 'or West, or to and front Canaria Vflurnirp. tmvciilt;; !.y train or auto, enjoy areell night's ridgy oa beautiful lakei''ese. Gull Line Strewn; are anageafsient flossing Lemke With !ir(,o saaaafartabie catereaatu' a excellent tl seta roe:at service Mad courteous attendant9 f:4cssie am! Dancing ea the fleet ship "S1:BANI3l1TIi . ' &mint. dace a cur(:l'sVol war.ltr3Jc lewedeti".caefc: e^t-.jLcs;:teaat, llnilal() and Cleveland f)ivisian i�eRt!lpr; ll _ L?arhvav,stem+t�i�ht.t:a0i�es9:f3ss.rlel+'Gi^3 `Prieuu81e7 Taut :'SJQ ca u:aa.)'etsyaestas.-ctMstsas�, Pi. Seantoy¢Can,and Gicvrlattirt i)ivisiott' eae el�ai:ft>Kn�i!oe 2 l)ailyL Qvile, •--- C,l's..' -,- •.J.4:^;) -Y . [sti le raj � i� Stategr2 lsva- tare^at,J,p:3a 9' 'i��ta,tJe(-trdetOy tCsracset_ 6adr �v71$0Egte:q. Cetelcte'nenetr rli ,feeeIR!teclefe,ce3te7Cl at om* ttiaU"PiGt1 r,to �CQ •te NEW LOW VARI1LS,1 Cxnc�ia�.r.et• •e :fe8 44:to coo we Itartrer° We Awe! Cleel rreekeadt�a.. wee 4 .bblLIANlr COO Ito up /OW en *Mused . Secia6,^.away i'r.S`i'ANflie' ,least€attic$ ss.uord. too to(L.VLIAND. i.sepodet'. TILL 1.1 LVJ r SND .% D 113131: PALO 11`lt.•'1: 'i11' "Ott .ls!:1 a '!t•.ae Lill date Atv yeirM lUu,uitnt1111t • - _ _ _ . :� a+uia111'il�ill�4�lilillPl►4m� t:'� :J t'