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The Goderich Star, 1929-05-16, Page 4
'eL fl urr 1' Piaile FOUR SPECIAL SALE of NEW SPRING COATS Wj' J are offering our entire stock of Ladies' and Misses' new Spring. Coats W at ,;discount of 15 to 20 per cent. off rogulazr prices. This will .give the ladies of Goder'icla and district, who have not already purchased a new i o it £lis season, a chance to receive one at. a great reduction .in price. The wentav-Fourth of May is just one week away and this will be your op- portunity to secure a new coat for the holiday. The coats are all this .sea- son's stock. given at our regular prices these garments •are out stand» ing values. (Quality, material and workmanship of our line` of Coats are three factors that should not 1* Overlooked. You are invited to visit our store at any time and see the values offered. Special Sale of Children's Coats Some remarkable values in, child- ren's hild-r'en's Coats, made of duvetyn, char- meen and poiret twill, in'the' popular shades,, such as sand, rosewood, greens, butes, etc,, sizes from 8,to 14 year's.. Regular price $10 to $14. iSpecial Sale Pride $5.00 Ladies' Niillinery. During the week before the holi- day we are arming qui. line of new Spring Millinery at reduced prices, Regular $5 and $5.50 values at N/ simisimigimanationisiagersisaimo Weldrest Silk Hose. A new shipment of Weldrest full fashioned. Silk .Bose with pointed heel just received. r Silk Lingerie We have received a new shipment of Ladies' Silk Lingerie—Bloomers, Bobettes, Step -Ins, Slips, Brassiers, Nightgowns and Pyjama sets with Coolie Coats and Kimonas. Full Line of Men s Wear For the men and young men we have a splendid range of new Suits in single or double-breasted models. This is the place to secure your new Suit or Topcoat for the holiday. Full line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, etc. A. coNFI "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" WEST' SIDE K •F SQUARE PHONE 418 " •- �!�i- O�y,I � '-o secure the full two-thirds of the ,sible failure. But a number of vot• !vote east in favor of tbe nominal lir ers seem 4'o have figured that the The west nide of the town•auppo t- ed asae'ssni.ent will not stop thg ewe more the Elevator Company can be. sed the Elevator blil:tw inueh bettor ; Atoll of the here annex now building, got to; pay the loss ;they will hays to ' than Abe East side. ;but, with the expansion of the grain pay. • ...e )business, coupled with the fact that . A few. more votes gotten out for ;elevator eapaeite •on the lower lakes From Ilia London . Advertiser we Ibo .bylaw would `have ossured its 'tee not been keeping pace witlt elle learn ('') that Mr. Bennett would 9nt- talrrying. It lacked only seventeen !increase of elevator eapacit t' at the pose a duty on oranges in order to of elle required two thirds of the. voteread of tbe lakes, it is not nkety that encourage the growth in .Canada (un Kees, ta, levator building n t lake and bay der glass) or oranges to meet the ..-�-.;..•- ports Will be over .with ,the present home demand. At `least that is the 'lie 001e: eat grain congestion sena construction program • dtfter port way 'rhe Adveittise.. puts it in order THE CODERIC1-I STAR ....,«.. `` # MANqy p- y f GIT, 1921 •;-:r rr:.-a..R -.-aw.-,+r l__ The Rexall Drug _Sore STEAMER MENESSHIATVNK AND SCHOONER BARONESS .Prom a• Sketch Made in 18$5 The above is a reproduction of n sketch made in 1835.- It is furnish- - ed us by Donald 14*eteine.Mainguy, .of Montreal, who made a facsimile copy of a sketch by his grandfather. The following information is copied from the back of the eiriginatt drawing: "The name of the schooner is the Baroness. It belongs to E. C. Taylor, Si"tons burden. The steamer is _ the Menesshatunk, the name of an Indian chief, belongs to the Canada Company, is 350 tons burden. I Town ohe8 Bayfield,sand 14 titelesti the Goderigh£ onnlLake Hule ron, Upper • Cana'"Thda. e aketeh evils drawn by Charles Cecil Neville ie 1835." - same on motion of W. L. Young and ipicture of the Madonna, the face •Wm. Thom. Mr. B. IL .McCreath seeming to represette ;the. i mbodi- - sent a request for $600 to his epenton ment of true love. - park roads under the Local Improve- . Reeve Turner, at the close moved - meat Aete-eThe matter was left. ever _•a.. vote of appreciation of those who till next meeting. The arruanging of i had come to assist" in the gathering ' a „get-together" meeting in the in- • and Mr. Black, the sponsor of the tercets of beautifying the Colborne !gathering, •seconded .this, expressing cemetery proposed by Reeve Hill was his own appreeisttion of the . way so left with Jith the cemetery coinsnittee. many had ea -operated to make the c as instructed •to send for eervlce of interest and "". profit. book on 'Weeds and their Control" At Knox church in the morning for the weed inspector's use. The Rev. Mr. McDermid spoke on Job's matter of cleaning or closing well at wife, the nobler of his children, and : Saltford was left over tilt it be ex- her point of view as to suffering. In eamined by council. t The following the afternoon at the Sunday school a -bills were paid:Kinges Printer, Ot- Mothers' Day program leas carried tawa, for weed book, el; Jas. A+idanis,. out, Dr. •Gatlow giving the. address. work in eemetery, $25.25; Jno. Gra-, In North street ' United .church ham, gravel for cemetery, $2.25; : there was a mothers' choir at the Always carries a. complete line of Drugs Patent • Medicines Toilet Articles Chocolates _ Pipes and Tobaccos Kodaks and Films. . sAFETY 01t TORR Printing and Developing—Prompt' Delivery H. C. DUNLOP, Phrn. B. Bedford a�,.At!M(d".14 %dock Telephone • No„ 1 Mrs. E. Cranston took up the collet- . tion. The music by the choir includ- ed the selection, "Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me," a duet, "My Mother's Bible," by Mr's. George Jewett and . Mrs. Parr, with panto -1 mime taken by ,Airs. D. Worthy -and her daughter Elva; and a trio, "My Mother's- Songs," by three grand- , mothers, Mrs' S. AIIin, Mrs.. J. Adam and Mrs. George Jewett. e, Figuratively Spealdtig "I fear I: have made a mistake' in 1 sheltering my son. '+indeed?" Trtesportation •Services ?NG D sr.oicE -SHORT'DISTANCE . For Engagement Phone S. R. 1ticMA.TH, Kolmosville, 601 xe 34, Clinton Cen. faL/VER POCOCK, opeitator, 810 r 42, Clinton Cen. • ut x doubt if he can face life - AR ADS GET RESULTS 'without a windshield." Nelson Ids hearty.,' for work as sheep morning service and Rev, Mr. Clarke valuator, $1; Signal Printing Co., spoke on ""The Mothers of the Bible." �, assessmefit notices, $3.25;. C. P. It., A special program was carried out rent of weigh scales' site, $5.00. in the Sunday school in the afternoon The Court of Revision on the 1020and at the evening service a number assessment roll will be held'Jura: k of songs mother used . to sing were llth at 1.30 pare, followed. by the given, the 'various • numbers having' regular commit meeting. The local been requested by different members" Board of Health will meet at 1 'p.m.' of the congregation. The numbers, Ratepayers are requested to send in« ! included "Where the Sweetest Plow - formation or requests in regard to r ere' 'Grow," by Mr . Reg, Fisher; sanitary matters to the secretary in "Mother's Prayer," by Mrs. A. Hen- time for the Tune meeting,-•--•.—., 'dersson;-:"Mec-_.Ged . and._..F„ather„ by G. 1.. HETHERINGTON, Mr. George Belcher; and a song ser. Township Clerk. vice by the choir and congregation. ' See'y.of Board of Health. A reading. "My Mother's Prayer," was given by Rev. C. F. Clarkei -with MOTHERS' DAY organ and -choral acconpantnent; IN GODERICH Mia es _'x'ye _ and Buchanan assisting vocally. Special In Variogs : Churches 1 In the Goderieh Baptist church and Services S Patrick's Park Rev. F. C. Elliott, of Ingersoll, woe' . 'back in' bis old pulpit and made feel.- -.-_r . - - mg reference to the_ significances of ." `cry t teresting and efittiiig_.serillothexst. Da :ind,_in_._other churches • vices were, held on Sunday last in the notice was !Day,. of rho thy. various churches to mark . Mothers' At Victoria street United church Day; acid :at St. atrieke Park at 4 tthere was a barge congregation forI o'clock in the afternoon- teas held -an , thee-•-speeial:lViothors-.I?ay prag�ram open -.air service, for which Mayox and a mothers' choir. The story, MacEwan presided. The service this `"ills Quest," was read by Mrs. Fred year was conducted by laymen, with Seabrooke and the poem. "The Give the exception that the :scripture read-' ere of Life," by Miss Delight Muteli. ing and' Metter and the 'benediction Mrs w ,. divers was in the chair SUPREME - BUILDING ADVANTAGES I-1EN building a new home or mak- ing over an old one, use this greatest. of all wallboards. You will get these four supreme' building advantages Fil?I4:ictCeuess-•- 'via Patrr.sttuc-.^.. iteral strength and rigidity.g fir to & �er 4pbluation--Goes up quickly, i l: wft1i tit muss—saving time, labor and ! money. • - i 1:re Proof — Non-1lyartring -r Gyprgc walls are fire barriers. Cannot crack warp or shrink. Taker an Decoration—.I'ncuding Ala- bastine,.waltpapet.,pau><i an llas. ria iF !fit it!!� at the chase, were given by Rea. J. and Mrs. It,Ii Phillips gave an in- i r %��`Qa 1 E. Ford. Tile hymns for the service retesting address oneGlinapses of For Sete By Soul" and ""Neve the Day Ts Over. Thos. Sand.. and Mrs Len West" Tho Goclerich Planing Mills, Robert •fi Henrywith hi Mr. o -er . is cornet :brooks. and Mrs. Jas. `Cranston, Mrs., Ltsd, led by Ra number of choir members of ` accompanied the singing, Which was Fred Wilson, Mrs George Wilson and the town. Speakers from the Various chug, eines of the town were tailed on. Dr. Field, representing Knox church, re- ferred to the origin of Mothers' Day in Philadelphia. We kept various days to commemorate various per- sons and events and Mothers' Day +was the day, that appealed to every- ehe move of the U. S. railways in re -'towns are even duaeeincr elevatorito try to make fun of protective tar- €one, e $iamm�morating a sort of utile the freight rates in, order to in- cont action so eager are they to get rifts. The Advertiser has, evidently • Mr. .e. war'. -Amore; representing duce the freer movement o4 grain, elevators and it is 'Amor encourage- been reading Deaehiman and the Con- North street United church, spoke of which happily has been met by the trent to the directors of the Gederieh 1, sumers' League stuff.. As a matter the various stages of our earthly life Canadi=an roads, suggest to some that Company to make any further con-; of faet the admission of oranges into and at all ages life was sweet and wesent facilities for the niovement, struction at this pori when a bylaw eCaneda duty free, us we .have it, is still at 60 and 70 we could find mutli. of grain to the seaboard are suit, `which uskcd merely a nominal assess-; an .admission 'of the soundness of the . happiness. contrasting the condi dent. If there is anything in this, in: anent is turned down. Had it been a , protective principle. A tariff of tions of the present time with those Ib bylaw to help ;;nonce sante new eon- sorno sort is accessary in order to of forty or fifty years ago, Mr. tnrvlcr to kern; nae© with the reef in Y P .Moore expressed tbn.belief that we ereosing grain aci•eag;e in the west cern to come here rind stark some in- produce; a revenue for the public had lost some valuable traits which increased home consumption would bedustry of doubtful success it would works of:tlie Country and the govern• characterized the people of a few de - a valuable .consideration. A balance probably have fared better• than titlet anent departments, and the total codes ago. The people of today were Fed population which increased nidus» bylaw which was to +sort the ra.epay t abandonment of the protective .grine'. riot so thrifty, nor so sociable, nor so I trial development would increase the era absolutely nothing,. not even to eiple would mean therefoto a flat rate contented; nor. *evere they so stood home market. pledge the credit of the town in any 10a all imports, ineleding oranges. in mechanics as the •older generation. °ar K= --ma=y way, and an industry that is a known his tiddress at Findon last b'ridny felt rainy ead of ll day they young peoutting by a -spare ple of me nos- Ur. Bennett ryas careful, in Aointing today were not ba py they s a t 4 rtheelevator bylaw suecCss is surely better than out •Ilio great (1 ;•chiles ;n imparts their spare money. And with the. The failure of 3 per head of population between Can. increase of the eans. of gratifying inada and the States, to mention that ourselves .sociability and helpfulness 51st Anniversary Service or the greater range of climate in the had decreased to a great extent. J. States was a factor which would ae-" Nor were we so contented. We were ._ _ - y taunt for some off the difference, and salways wanting something new and Curchthe importation of southern fruits in- ns scan as we got it we found it was to Canada, we presume' was part of not what we wanted but we starte, wanted something' different. And NeXT SUNDAY, MAY 19th what he had lit mind. One could not the taechanie, rvito, far ;hers f,'e, used expect The Advertiser to share the to make a pair of real leather shoes. :oe><vscea: wily, .1. W. MEDLEY, Essex, Ont. sante fairness which Mr. Bennett bad disappeared with the passing of 11 a. in. and a u. tn. • Preacher: showed, of eonrse, and to read The the apprentice system, and in his MUSIC Advertiser's comments one would place rve had men who fed machine:( Morning: Anthetai "i Was Glad" .....Adam Geibel imagine ':that Canada% imports *am :or spent their lives • attaching net 5 Stile—Selected . ,... Wm. tattitferd. Lentil!, Ont..' the States were matte ttli of southern : en .bolt u in rf factory, and the taut- _ Evening: A)titent--"Jeliovzalt'" heats and maw nutterhtls. What Mr. �tantiai sends af` forty as fifty years Q.ataa�tette=="haslet at Eventide.... b'ideil-in- Bennett did talk about was the fact ago were no mare. 4 Mrs. E. Cranston, Mrs. tat. hotelier, . la»Warden J, J. iTaya, olio liar that our .Canadian copper was going; ;;scones if resident of GFoderiett, repro - Mr. tlreekow, ti. Sonley . over to the States to Ila eaf ned and dented' St. Peter's church. Looking •olt- eleceed win. ,t;etelifot;d� that rte were imeyor;ltt It. T. BARKER, Orgnnise at greatly inereased Cost tt instead of peoplca again back e othe thata time littleedreamed tuf what Canada would havCs become 3n .4. reit ing it ourselves and gavink cin« sixty, years to of the progress in �- :-err rr+rrturwriwir„ . , , laloynicnt ttr Canadians !n Gannda m• ntany ways which would be made, a,w. ste'ed of in the lT. S. Anti to ntalro ;and looking forward to sity yearn tttattei:s -w-iiia-e-- rho relined topper hence the ,people then world prer`'lrYiitozi •''&nppa t'f cv(eseeokl to •4bt' bly i sid„vwde p ilio •evan .nota-.• isobar;. - United States nianufee;.urer. at $5 n ent than we -found them Ioolcmg, ton less than the C'anaiiian niaiiufae- backward. Butt whatever conditions' tuna eerldbuyCltnfe'liianeopype4 retia- of lift might prevail it was the baby � ,-"""' ell in the scutes, .giving the. et. q that ruled the world and baby was thtk erewn of ntotherheed. Mt Mew,. representing tG ktorita .• goods over street Unfelt church, spoke et the . ley of Canada lira! is what Jnr. Ben.. inAurncr of leis mother itt first teach, nett advocates. itt � hint try pray *nd to read the Scripture. These were the things he - -, ;remembered and the ttess3n was hist MUNICIPAL t'it1NC� >t jiatotber'a teaching, Mr. Douglas Erma teaks the ruler.. - H t ratlarsrr + , 'eu_tative of e t , flee gr's church.; ToarAilr" s•,a trtcil met a at' C tstz,w - The pyrinciille of honoring Motbet''te Mae 1IP. at it pee, eat Fo t biters ree.;Day. or Of linnat'ing mother. went _ eta taatartttt s edeptea Os reed. A , bate et the t- 1gtn et the Ilia/ in Phil. f Na)i reit n et #fe fit the et',eetaey of adeti'thin t;f more ea less recent t'eat's, - tt••o 1t'. 11, '1'ttl�trt•�' POO aitaeri►aart`t.:' to 'swR.. where Iwt!es:ttg (st pbicut+t, ft stt't rata it wa-4 t-ettfi ? t .tit i ttiot a' 4- , wa 0 int uat Alis; its ba" ttt' nl 5 U( Atstl l .rt+ t r•dune iv u't n et bee e ;tell, a t,t5 lack Flt' tbst'it1 cow deet. tri is'+'a a t C liui' ',et tall t4' t t t4] 1 (Jul Att. +•M . - , as_.1 i'- lyeai•',e `<e n"'1 fret loner :r . ■ ■ausr ,d /" a,f f Pr•,, 'with Mr, Mnrr) ., or"Tor OW::" 1t*a< n". -t nfrt t":°!e,i t'ya t'a if ie rot», , -ier .•t4'i 4 r- The jinv f t'o ,o tee Tare the tetit.l t rete tee a -.aa;r CORPORA?/4M :be vete tenth ti+ise, t _r M. (: t'Anl i Pastor Os Guaranteed Trot' (ertifitatea :Welted by Approved ElulMortgatget andGomm/tent m/tent Donde. A regal Investment for Trost Funds. . t ii' .:rillit' Ci* aM. dr.: *itt itle the"° t•eitesca1ei ii titled team be Searle/ iced &pis millet 11•1114 •Oss RUNG fitttnufaeturer a big advantage intho production of eleetrie . the +l ttnatlian nislnufar'ureb ri pole • 4!2!•" ttt't,•i tett, r►a itt `!:•rt t'C A, l'„t,t , : e ay... ten., i' F - t. `ti . ti.i Bete Tee t. 'Vet ',tete ••ttees r - • Mr. 'fei;O. (?f tttt, ilt+w+irttt ts,.+.,-?• T1bno.M'ra itietltak P441, -t. nt' t (t.:.t`iNeto t i .�it Ft(' dirt tett atttt(rf.l!f`.• ,d wIti Act t• ;).•et k1'!” ft. ttt.,t t..,q n: >'r t ..» Aft, in+tSft•.'t 1 {•4 ;'.!t :t!ort,.:.tic it t.* tt'C boa were . "Rock ` of,. Anes," "Sun cif My, Motherhood " The ushers w Airs • dridericb L a Watch This for Bargains Eery Week • . Gate C CREAM t.:uTo POLISH Regular $1.00 For One Week Only 35e OUR REPAIR DEPART NT IS IN CHARGE OFA REAL EXPERT with first class certificate in all lines. Especially High stand- ing in Electrical Work. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Washing and Greasing for Satisfaction Huron Motor Sales WM 1