HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-16, Page 2As• you are aware Newton's .'Store Property has been said.- and . we have . received ,Notice to vacate shortly. - - THE ENTIRE STOCK WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION STARTING • 'Saturday, May 18th at 2 p.m. and continuing until sold CLOTHING, CONSISTING OF Mentis Overalls and Smocks Gloves and Mitts Overcoats Y t st writs Mei* Pallas. Sweaters Monis Seamer and Winter iaenrar Hats, Ties + and Cotton and ori Bathing Snits Raincoats Men's Dress and Work Shirts ALSO THE FIXTURES—consisting of one Sales Counters , Tables, Shown Cases, Awning, Window Blinds. Stove, etc. DOMINION TRADING COMPANY PAGE TWO And when nsUUons lice lit better it mag be so. "SALA 1 TEA &Fresh. #rola a gardens' 0 GRS The British Election s The battle is on and thousands of irolltieal speeches are being delivered each day in the Old Country. With 3,716 etndidates already in the field'! some cases prohibited, if. the new sad with more than 000 triangular contests .in prospect, the people of tariff shedule drawn up by the Ways Britain, are, according to -some prop- and to ethe ars Cos of Reee areaentativ a' tical experts, witnessing a scramble given twelve. months' notice to en- able thorn to secure other jobs." Proposed U. S. Tariff Changes `Exports of Canadian farat produce will be adversely affected, and in icor oflico rather than an election. at Washington, goes.into effect, .The Conservative party are treading While no change is made in the sten• THE GODERICH STAR which bine a large Phare of it is holding back for laver paces and will not buy. The greater hart of t 'SUR FORD IS NEW PRESIDENT the Caatadian wheat export trade h ininome edema oa esmi eel in anon _.�_.______ _ __. �) [Iz vc.p;or, The United mates nor Magnificent Gathering in London Last Friday for the" only supplies .itself, but also has a szik large ;surplus •te expert, ;twin Aur- ,Annual Meeting of 'Western Ontario Liberal- er ea is supplied from A geutina, anti ; Consei�vati`Me Association the Far' East has depended on Aus.1 tralia. • ant duty of 42 cents a bushel of wheat • AU Lloyd George s heels and dubbing bushel, merely an opportunist; weaken.it is proiwaed to increase the c shuna the other land the asheralites are re -1 tariff from 15 to 2G cents feeing t4 the _ Baldwin followers as I and: buckwheat from -10 to . e5 centse. 'DU»ald and his .Social Park cannot doubled at 5 rersts per ga on, an let such an opportunity slide and cream more than doubled, the pro - -neompetents Mr. Ramsay MeeDon- The rate on fresh milkilWoutddan they aro proelaitmng far and wide posat to increa se the rate from 20 that both Conservatives and Liber. conte as at present, to 48 cants. But- chanired, on ch at 7 cents wei id remuln un nil for radical �notistltu�ence `wlirer�e he Wee formerly changes in the tariff on meats. The . als are humbugs Who are • trying to ter at 12 cents a pound, o ease exploit the° worker: In- an address.. no seised e vane at Bewdley Woreesterahlre his own adopted asp Conservative candidate duty on swine would be increased yesterday, and in his election mans- .frgnr Sac to 2e a ;sound, and fresh fest*, Premier Baldwin made no pre- pork from 3 to 2Vse. No change is ' �. h n see proposed in the duty on cnttIo but Auctions, nor did he s ow any e ne the rata on fresh beef and veal would alarm, ere did ihaweaer, refer to elf the possibility of ' a stalemate and go up 100 per cent., from 3 to Oc a pointed to the need of the victors' pound. Poultryr�t tariffs would be gs only for purposes .al efficient govern- from sent, but, which is More important,-�troduce tariffs would be about don - cause of the influence of this coon. bled. Announcement of alio. propos Un in maintaining the �iease of Eur. ed 6 per cent. ad Ivalarem duty on and upon the t?nited States shingles hitherto. on the free list, i obtaining ,a working majority, not 'crease y:• per eon e 8 to 10c a dozen,. and garden gib p facturers of this commodity as a Clenten. cein* . Writes. •Book regarde by British Columbia menu. • STARTS REINDEER MOVEMENT Major D. L. Mcand, asistat thr- ee or of this N.W.T. and -Yukon branch, Department of 'the Interior, who has just returned to Ottawa af- ter arranging the first moiement of Alaska, reindeer into the so -tailed "barren lands"' of the Northwest Ter. ritories.' The i3overnment lies, ap- propriated 460,000 for this." purpeee. The object of this movement is to create a new meat supply. for the Eskimo and Indian papulation of the north. Canada muse sell 100,000,000 bushels, of wheat in the next four months, this being over a .fi tet of the net crop for 1928, if a mar is to be found in the coming year for the crop which Is now in the (;round in the Area, grain brokers say. Robert Gardiner, U.P.A. leader in the douse of Commons, said in an interview, that he find been informed that the decreased European demand CONVINCING ADDRESSES }3Y �. BENNETT AND FERGUSON Canada Becoming Dependent Country, Does Not Produce Within 23,000,000 Pounds Enough Butter for Own People -Ferguson Forecasts Epoch -Making Reforms in Educational System. Friday last was c delightful day" Canada, he -declared, was becoming and the attendance at the annual a depender t country. meeting of tiie western Ontario Lib. "Butter, vegetables, f ui4,," he ex era1.Cansei,•sntive Association mem. claimed, "a dependent people ---no ing in Landon was a magnificent one. longer able to say that we mak", our The gathering at the noon -time lun- goods and ship them to the world ---a chean overflowed the dining morn at dependent people." }lotel London into the elotunda and j Tho erowd cheering frim on,' he for the afternoon tueeting :the gas- pounded the 'table as `he shot forth once !loll was well filled, including his next sentence. "When that de - the gallery. The gathering included pendence is complete," he declared, a splendid repreeenbation of the ache price goes up." ladies and it was notevwoi by that Computing by Statistics that Can. there was very large representation ada's imports were $126 per capita of young men, including a contingent per year, Mr. Bennett declared that from the MacDonald -Cartier Club of for the average family of five, there. the Boarder Cities, who went by was roughly $600 sent out of tiro aeroplane. country every year to buy goods. Mr. Arthur R. Ford, managing That $600' per family, he said, could editor oftheelsondon Free Press. and. on1 be: produced bfr_worke ere• *�Eliati. son of our townsman,: diet. J. E. Ford, els it any wader, • he was elected the new president of the men and women are leaving this • Association, in Succession &o Mr, A. country?" A. Ingram, K.C., of St.' Thomas, and The Conservative leader then tarn - his appointment was received with a ed'to the' U.S. tariff' policy and its burst of enthusiasm. . • latest turn, the proposed increase A most interesting pro/clean "of now before congress. speeches was given and high lights in "The government of the United were'the addresses of the Federal and States,"" he said. "ia enacting laws fox Provincial, leaders. the people of 'the .. fruited States. • Quoting statistics. the Conservtt government nmthent have seno fault to find. A five Federal leader launched at on . thing—it thinks is •e only of it own p ox inq--it only of its own pea - into .an analysis of Canada's import it' and export -•trade. He stated that l lie continued: "Unless we have in the dominions imports of steel and iron products amounted to $1.000.000 Canada a government whose concern a day, that refined copper which had es for one people of Canada, that goo , been -mined in Canada and sent to the ernment has foiled. Dant be nxxieled United Skates for refinin cost the by .cries of reprisals or Yecriminat- the day's diseuesion of public affairs TII13RSDQ Y. MtiY' 161h, 1rf J .,.--•-- es IMCum ,HAS. BLACKS THE LEADING MEN'S STORE Hand Tailoring S': i cial Orders MEN'S WART WEAR oder coatis l vial a smile, "1 hope to put before the legislature a pro sts - positi wideb 1 esm sure will be discus= • D" � - est Street sed intelligently. 1 feel that our t present public school term shouldyears, Electrical Shop Ito 16 years rather than to 14y , Elm l p so that every school in the province w ill have a complete two -3 ear ad- vance on the .education it gives now. of our present system. It will be, In my opinion, an epoch-making reform Canadian •inatitifacturer $6 a ton ions. We are not concerned oboist re- More than thil United States mania prisms. What we • ere concerned facturers paid, This feature co t about is. the dei•elapment of our own The aged 'Tiger of France," M. serious blow to the industry: The for Canadian wheat was due to the Canadians +eonsielerablri every year Reading excerpts from Premier for Canadu�ns it snorted $26 000 000 people." • dumping of large uantities of Ar- - King's budget debate speech ; in Clemenceau, who all his life has been duty would amount to•about $1.00 dump a most busy leader in his country's per;thousand. . At the •:present tire. entine wheat, -which was being sold worth of electrical appliances Slane which the electrical appliances. being Iazygely prime oministerroappealed aifaairs, has now decided . to • spirit about '7.6 per tent. of the •shingles. in England, aany price ,and ort eon-leo r.. , .. to ,parliament.noa to, provoke the Un- �ii'inxself~ away to -his quiett-eountre produeed��•--•€n British Columbia arc si tiierit. The Argentine produced "tea-- - e,i• .'j ited States 'taritir party by. talking of home to write a book. This book shipped to the United States. a: grade of wheat which was almost What is the effect of this , be : striking_ back,. '1Vl'r, Bennett : ex laim- exclusively 'With Clemens Canada shipped to the 'United equal to No. 8 Canadian Northern, asked. The effect is that employ'- ed bitterly atm the remier's-reaso -. will d 1 aeon's r sonal and *diesel relations ,states last year dairy products to. This was being sold in England, in with Marshal Foch. It will not be the value of more than $10,000,000 spite of its lower milling qualities, af, bidgraphic, nor a history of the war, and our totalexports to that country a price "equal to that of No, 4 and Int Will be intended to give hie side last year had a value of $388,099,157e No, 5 Canadian Northern, The Can - "r1.., •ineide.,G.. .vl...%. lta',.'. been 1'� tts_frena he •v.,.pcl_ rtes rverc adios farmers could riot '►soot' the en 't 1s given to men. and 'women in ung.. "Your government and mine! ' some other country that might have he apostrophized, "The chief... of been given to men and women here: sy*t;r ministry and mine! This is his Turning then to the Australian solution as, he states it. New. Zealand treaty, Mr.. Bennett t "Toadies and gentlemen, is • ,tide; "This will involve a readjustment almost as important. as some et the things Dr. Ryerson did." Explaining the shift that would. be necessary, the asremier said that the primary school of today would teach also an intermediate course to chit- dren up to 16 years of alio In effect, A We carry a good stock of Electrical Applanceb Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in �. Wiring of All Kinds l~etimates given air - • application the resent lower school work of the All Work Guaranteed highs'schools woUld be done in the -- primoay sc°h+ccls. One of tld� �ehief nrgurixents .n fav- Frank McArthur or of this change, ire said, ,was the "'casualty list" at the end of a year Phone 82 - West Street or two • in the high sthnols. "'Usually," added the premier amid ; she handclepping of the audience, -"as a result of having been sent away. from home to school and placed in contact with a fresh environment, boys' and girls don't want to go house and they drift into the city without having had `the experience _that en- ables then to live there. "Under ma proposals you will have yogr boys. and 'girls at home two , years 'longer --•under emether• s care `hid at reduced expense 'to dad." "There was another tremendous "casualty list" at the end of the first year of university world the - premier posited out.'It cost the provftice 18400 per year for every' student at Ore university. By moving the first n --(Continued-on--pager. t►tenght beftsre the public by'recent f b ;tbot�t double that sunt.` : , priced saidir«"Uaidir. �!ik tits butte uriperts, . Tn 1n27irelcountry+ so bankrupt of stat:crait �retirlatiens in the press, prominent Families :united Year this pact came into effect, Can- that its first' minister can stand` in s la More �t Wheat Spouts are Blocked. No 1E sive omen Employees TNo . of •the most adai had sold 0,178,000 pounds :of [parliament and say: "'We have no Fool /km Wonderful for Conatipatiat- nt block a bi>ftter, or near] 2 000000 •moxa thane le w prominent a on the Great bakes wind at Montreal was purchased e sal n ift . , a • islate for tdmorrow when tomorrow Company has annoixitcedthat ill the This :Royal. Mail • Steam Packet • The oanrecede ed grain ad y , t sties c -Cana an• garlics in Canada l.' is worrying ale brokers,banker. { were united when Madeline, dough- ,ter two years .of the treaty, the total i ' es`l'' This ora tr requires try !£ � iter of L. lI. Hebert of 111oi1treai, and rives?' c n Y Fran h dt f h •d I 24 f , no prescience --we shall g women an its .staff to be prompt- •transjiortation, elevator and govern- . sales were only 1,380,000 pounds, but i statesmen who will look into the fu - 1y replacrd by> men, and that its most officials. At the latter end of reorge, son of Sir 'George Garpeau, great new offices in Leadenhall St., i of ,fluelYec, were. married hist greet. the purchases had groivit fa• 26,600,. tare sand envision these problems be - Lander, England, will never have a last week nearly eighty . steamer 010. fore.they arise, We wantrsometh�ng d t Montreal; a ceremony took place fnSig s.' n y sir ie- ars . , j le lits Grace Mgr. G woman typist secretary within its were lying at the docks s a Joules Basilica and was ergotic "'mere is the story,'' asserted the ' more than a hush-hush policy, We wall U 1 five` 1 '"d' h nese unaltlo to unload their seven' million oath er, ar�h- o position leader. "There '.ie the .waist talent .and statesmanship that Vire, robe D. Behrens, Orton Ulm, Sask., writes:-•-stI have been. troubled with 'constipation, :ever since T can re- member and have tried different kinds oil audieine, but with very little effect. fids Almanac now • remain en the coma a .bushels of wheat because the e1eva , story as it is told by the records of thinks in terms of Canada and looks where p ea p 't tors. were fell to ,oaerfiowin , and hiOhop eesedjuto>, of !Montreal. roll, 'Thio* of diem ora lea 'ng to g the 'country. bort tonna deny those to tomorrow. tidilymore vessels were steaming Montreal Mystery SOived ' . the luncheon c ler get metaled and the other two dowthe lakes with more of the sol- The unreliable. nature of i"positive tural count ori Canada eau stand Fergusonnlaunched 'then into sx mdis- MiibllMf- linv been tolld that they will have to try 1.1 f; fi es. I tisk hose•fon the go y .the time. the .near entices are :den flood to join fliers. Briefly sta ' taken raver. "We are reverting • to our ed the actuation arises from her pre-war pollees of an afl•rnale staff," crops.. and a lack of export orders. an Add of the eompany entailed, The half of the world which grows' .with it 'arid Europe "All the women in our employ were wheat is glutted a tical* S r identification"' by photographs or when it cermet produce, Within '28e-cussioa of his proposed reddjustmehnit1 y published de t p o 000,000 pounds enough butter to feed f of.the educational system. T4iis hard relieved others from co' t` its own people," + ovo ment" he said "feels that the ' I decided:to give them., tri 1 p man Who' lives in the small centre iAx t.i� few' sand the case of Miss Barbara Pitcher, should' not have: to send his boy to go °i°i the young McGill University htudent 'fife inrge centro to get .the ordinary. �sorld of good; X liable who dila eared March 21 rind had education. The: policy of the depart stipitted ever smee �l,e descriptions of , persons 'who,, through misadventure, have become subjects of• public .interest, is forcibly brought into prominence by ��y s T.___._._... .1/11111.1110111.1 tient so. IF IT IS k w�ral�saadSnioc Have Them, We Ha Look over th well • t f• complete n:.ge of - sizes a d colors. Carha ts, Head: Lighthouse, Pe .odyn, Snag ✓o roof, Big B and. Signal: - Ran in - In Price Ranging Fro i $1,25 to ''$2,5O 'Y a ' M. ROBINS ey did me - ot been eon- P13o ie,3Sti. Y gas taking .. - say I feel Brie i • Exclusive Agents For. t a1L druggiet! an$ + Tip -Top. Tailors Made To dealers, or mile direct on,receipt of.' Measure Clothes—$24, price by' The Jt'. burn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.,.' 1 ✓/ been sought all over the continent. ment of education since 1 have had thein, and I can now. From half a dozen -sources came the direction of it is to make it pus- agger,,, stories, with a wealth of cireumstan- Bible that every child, regardless of Price 4.0.e.n. vial tial detail,of young: women nrys- the location of his parents, shall bave teriously moving 'about the country., an equal ,opportunity to secure an either alone or in. the company of ,education." • suspicious -looking strangers; 'who . 9f I live until next' year," the pre - duplicated the missing. student • to the last item of dress, even to initialed handkerchiefs. . Yet. all the time the. unfortunate girl's body wan in Back River, near . Montreal. POSVa e - identification was made by relatives after the re- eovery of the body last week. The readiness of a certain class of individual to rush forward with a story of positively identifying • missing. :person on a train. or in an' obscure boarding house, can usually be attributed to an overwhelming de- sire for publicity, rather than a hope of pecuniary gam.. --: '4 Nearly 2,000- Candidates With the •dissolution of •Perlia. ment last Friday the election battle started in real earnest. Already there are 1,118 candidates • in' the field. with more than 800 three..cor- nered contest, 'The standing of the - pa sties in tbo House of Commons at dissolution, including vacancies, was as follows: Conservative, .",08;. La• - bor. 104:. Liberal, 46; Independent, 7; total, 615. • . 'jo Revise Educational System Sereaking at London to the West. cern Ottt alio iConservative Associa- ' tion, lion. G. Ilownrd Ferguson, '"retnier and Minister of Education, announced his intention of bringing before the Legislature next year a plan for sweeping revisions inthe educational. system. . , .. This proposal is, in brief, to pro. - vide two years of high school work in the publie sebools of the Po:mince, - and one year of university ,eulture in . the High schools. And back of it is his thought that such a system would enable young people in the ruiral districts to be Ander the family roof and parental` guidance larger than is now possible, and that it would *leo ascan an extensive saving in exacts to rural people who send their children to high ecfio ols and the unireraity. Stei s* wi Eli W1ke*t Field • 11927 Chev. Coupe $350 11nowtshout Westeni t.•anade far- memar.+e,tu«y seeding ane of thell Vhev. (»h... 2 world's largest wheat lield!�, for it • wilt extend Over tsbout 22,000,000 inn i— L (�oxCh. • . 75 s.erea. brigs year the Dominion pro. dated 531,571,700 bushels of wheat i9i►YtE"1r.0 . . )0 from 24119.140 agree, over 'ninety pe per cent, er which was grower in the •• ,three prairie provinces -Manitoba, 192x`1 Ford Oti ... •w !�aairatChC�!'AIr • and, Alberta. This year it is estimated about 2a,000,00019 Ford �4 eh... o ,err itch, • 1922 Ford Touring.$15f0 Leeks Eike !atrial Str`sabersy Crop lir c h r ties ons aha tin y top of me MaeEw •aAtsisfx•,riew Ors rr°rntclre tysi4 4etir°atrc*i; we litigat. dl eer/ling to the Feint'Prim% et the Venetians kccleott !ft - rote +>kn! , g emeanit sea 9 her,swbOl t y •.-ra+<rn aft f` med* t ete't )frosr Omit ties m lir of Miry till reeely the .ea c t' August The feetsee „ren* r,t -1w same. se 'loge,, r »Par 1. �, in, 41., '*triCii 1a t•0itr!1h,�l, endth•• Jept Ar th. Nisrititne PrwA" ": 4 " 'll: > ha l* saly idea how pop r is fihe �.A Cbevrekt .. r'lll know why 'wee ca* offer the haat used values in towns`, People whoxnevver to,,ulet go their for l er rigs ciiiiih't resist the New s h evsolet. As aresulltwe have takexttrate ssost of the amaetesf, *s appiert cfres wove ever had. Casae in. Sege the cora. Look at the grits. neat tell us if yoss've ether sem stscii Used Car values bef core. But be surte to agent early' 'ear the big values last. Went an & Tebbutt %l T-HORS/ED CHEVROLET 0114.11111 t• 1