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The Goderich Star, 1929-05-09, Page 8
MIMI CLOUT • SPECIAL DU '!'t2AN 4ON ;tint" K. Nis ins 'rias s tendon 4a it'Jr lsyt with. _l Rev. % itu,na i.', Pr t spout * fro, • flags last week at i,vitatMo reounitio • cn f�ttturda;, Mt. writ! mei. } rank Ciente and ' f tntr1y Needed on Sunday at the hams •cif` tho farmereo reethete Mir. ,16 a Genuine Lex.ther Hand Sags 1 .egular {aim e Mr. ie E. Augustine, of Brentford, and Drovers Augustine, of Myth, cal, - led upon I➢ungannon r-elativ-ee en Monday. - Mr. oral Me. . G. hi. Adelienx:e and Master Malcolm visited relatives- in 1 $4.00 and 00.00 Values at •$L98 ST R THU ti:SAA Y, MAY att. . Now is the time to have your Sewing Machine OVERHAULED Parrs, Oils, Brits, Nadler, sic, MISS S. NOBLE UUTISl1 EXCHANGE BLOCK PONGEE SILK SPECIAL MINSIMMMIMMIMOMMIMMINOMM IIS imunimmillimmanominn Natural shade in heavy puri: silk pongee, 3-1 • inches wide, suitable for Iarappries, Dresses, Shirts, Pyjamas. Reg. va1ua f7)5c. Atper yard ...... ..... • .49c face Silk Pug; 'Silks of splenii,3 4ual tc, resat, rose, coral, tilde, maize, laven- der, pink, grey, about 30 /Reties M per yard Sec Clinton on eeoall i afternaom sail" ►�-� , i • evening. .I Mrs. Menavy tofu on Wednesday t4 Also a ''ew $5� iQ and �7 OO Vi'lues at $2 99 trttortd PTr• 11116?3rs. a. F. Frnnieede. d°3. and Me. David 'veld the Diissee • who• are both confined to led arcing Helen and. Adelaide, at home. bliss I ALL NEW COLORS AND DESIGNS Oar Sate Batista ay dossing i OLE S BOOK STORE See Our Windows Saturday fa)r",tic Wallpaper to •11nese. - liss-sie '1!axidsan, R.N., lc>avel this j stir. D. L. steed and daughter, :hiss wt'el> for Pi:lladel,ihia, where aha has 1 Evelyn heed, of Goilerlch, were ace ptc. a position of xesironsibility guests on 11lor,day with reliteivee at int one of the hospitals We extend oeungennon. vortgrutulaelone eta her ; p - Miss Margaret i enrfiand:, of the pointnicnt. vicinity of Clinton, spent the ,week. Two young men, formerly of Dun. read w, t her Barents, Mr. and Mao gamin, and district, have recently A. B. Pentland, necn successful in their undertake hire.I)aneid DI.Nevin,.of Goderielt, ings. One is, Clifford L. ,Treleaven, was a weekend•guest with her sis- r M.A., of New york, son of the late tore, Mrs. `1Liclrard Twamley and -Alexander Treleaven and Mrs. Tee. Mrs. John it. Savage. leaven, of Ripley, who has received Mre. George Caldwell has rented the appointment of Professor of her 100 -acro farm, south concession PhYsica in Columbia University. + i j . of West Wuwartosh, far grass, to Clifford is a brother of Dr. lone A�1BYSRN Messrs. Jacob M. Reed and T. Irwin, 4L'releaven,awho practices itentietry The Weinen'sa Institute have .1 Miss l essic Grant, of ,J.eabnrn, was Mrs. W. R. Brothers and Robert here and at T,ucknow. The other is avoid meeting this week. home for the week•ond. Stothexs were .Sunday visitors with Oliver Kirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. An. .pit:; Keliottgrt, of the Myth gravel Mr. Alvin Collinear, of Brantford, ':ttie forliaev's duur;hter, Dirs. Harrld •` drew Kirk. forinerly of Dungannon guard, is trotting in hydra titin` week, motored wo for the weekend. i Tigefrt and Mr. Tigert, of Sheppard - Mr. Robert Phillips is plaiting re- Mr. Clifford Kennon, o£ Detroit, is ton. traits to the entrance of bis tor visiting friends in Lochalsh, I Ir. Harold Woolidge, of Toronto, and now of .eaforth.. who Was one of the successful candidates who took, this week, o Dlr., Low*? cf tenon ollego mach- the frac examination For at unLaesMr. p ryas at >~aiest st*ith his slater, 'hits, G. Diiah,. in April, For�'sonro tune Ilii. Mr. Robert Seatt went to -Colborne cd in Ashtisld I're.:,tbyderittn church M. McKenzie, on Wednesday and Kirk hose been living in Detroit, •o w i legal • #a ner o clan a rd r i for, n Sunday.l wit a g bis a It o t oto a 4a • I to 2 flu t f t is week. . Ile made t �' • t' .r v sit , y Thursday v! h e Chas week tits � T ur y i• Mrs. Jewel. • Miss Anuie MacDonald, of Disnlop, trip by 'motor. thePirst National Bank, in addition oak.,. • Mr: McGiill ''and fatttiily taf Bly•t,,h, spent thho t1'eck-end at her home in Master Elwyn Finnigan entertain to studyIrtg law. Re graduated a .were visitor:) et the bona° of Mr. W. kartarnount. - . ed a number of liis boy friends at his yew ago from Detroit College of, T. Riddell this week. k• r . Messrs; Alec. and nod. Madam -i home on Wednesday afternoon, the Lew, but toeing' to illness, was unable Tiro various churches in tlte}vrl nen, of Detroit, titre visiting friends ,oceusion la.ia,g 4.1 telebratlan.'of his _to attend the exantimation for the , • tags have ti speeratl Mother s I)jY And relatives in Loehaleh. I sixth birthday. Bar held .at Lansing,, in Septentber cervices on ,Sunday.. . q Mr. Penneth Thain ryas.. an• Toronto! Suceessfttl. anniversary The former art of -tbis.week Mi last week ittctndinee the funeral of his, 1As Jas. ox. Sin p,t, aillx concession last. ,p Stratford , of Aalt#iekd township, had.the mister. teary . services :I , . lr me al to nit went to mother,- thebroken,.in she fell from a chair while in the act now Presbyterian-' church. Elev. T. 1). The former part of the .week Dir. of haugurg curtains. McCullough, of Kincardine, woe the 13 ti lid was ealling on sic- mauve s a. speaker at the morning service, when Peel:, of nye , t7 �'x�,�; Dir, win. 1licCl r ha had kris li rtaaintatteee in the village. ,, deice light plant instalied in hisdwwel- be preached a forceful sermon, choos- Mr. Wm. .Mulch and family avers The special snottier s Day service lin and to ce t litotes.• Mr. Sarn- ing as his text, Proverbs flO, verses 1 f e the Will 'be held in the everting at 7 . - !; 24,28 m lus v .: "here be four - .aalling on friends in the sill tg g' .. - • uel Swat► has trot] Iris- plant ,p~ttozrded e i e . T a ?t „former art of the week. n clock. la ` , to light his house .also.things which are little upon the et+rth, 'tttratlay' of .this week the \ .11LS.. Steedtng has pxagteased t riphIly Mr* iafid llirs. R. A. McKenzie And ut they oro a rceediia1. wise-.'0he : ; - of the Presbyte Ian ehni h have their : lits rvee3a after sorneavhat cold wet Leine were users in London leitit stats,, ete., the stogies; etc„ the locusts : i . ev.u,iilzar roonthl meeting. 1 weedier. Dfrs. James Il eLuchex» and family on p d these e weak i 1 n Eon lit" iia to J. levier a t J �ry7 i erair Silk Hose Our stocking par ex. �cellenee, every new shade in stock. Full fashioned and. guaranteed. 8 1•-2 to 1 O. Special. , per. pair e 'and•the s f 'er." Usi h s. i s lled Q , , After a splendid united effort the Sunday. Tl1e.v were accampanietl by little anitaatis as :the basis 4t£ his re. eameoline tank this 'week, ,1 a have: gals of the Glad 'Girls Guild have .Mrs: 'Percy Finnigan, who'aisle en - marks, the pieac'her went on to show , now no less than five in the village. i succeeded. •in 'installing a tine piano aoycd the da in London, .•1 set :Monday trite a few of tee, in the basement of the United church There :were a naumber of delegates Itinaonle fraternity* ;attended the at Nile; ,hearty' congratulations'! from Erskine Presbyterian church, funeral of the late Colonc+i Vareoe, An tho roads load to Nilo.on 24th 'Dungannon, who attended the Pres. at Carlow.1of May.. 'Tine ladies.•are busy', plan- byterial of the W. M. S., also the Be stare and x metxt�uer the �� 1i , ging for tho best. supper er in . thirty„ meeting. of the Maitland • I':esbytere "'A .Busy Unneyntoon, on laiday yours. 'The Double Quartette, f at w•inghnaiu on Tuesday. -under , a arcs.- - , o • t 'evening- unit x this--- uu�p �:�. oat► �irrglat>�, as royal pr6•, Cook Bids,- ora traukua�:-ex . Marks -chinch by. the hensall Dear= ,stagto iv n :t impravententa to' the buildinst xecerrt- iratit_ ioai+ ty at F p.m, glum t give feast of good here lee purchaseli by thein and vacated by A special Mother's Bey service to everybody Be sure to be there.. McClure. When the build. s► .,.-.-._..., -�, y.,,.,,...-,,.. 't�V'iilium 1ltcOl will be held in the Baptist church % , :ingg it fitted up they intend using. it • Sundry, May :1.2th, at ,S o'clock pan. BELFAS for :t : garage sand machine shop. .hitt address n noprinte.,for the did% . , o of ` families from this` wisdom, to make their• homes among pl � lairs. larving dime and.. c&tldran, A. number will be deliweved by the pastor, 1(11 spent Tuesday with bee aunt in Ex- vicinity attended the eriniveveary'ser• tee racks. Jesus Christ; is t e great.. P It Gracie' The service of eon i oohs% know Presnyterian rock. to which elenettelye-sling bt-our:_ their wisdom, and drew valuable les- sons es- sons'forr .both .young and old from the ,actions of these tiny creatures. " The Master sees beauty in the little things of life -the lily of the field, the birds of the air. ; lie spoke of the p foresight of the ant in laying noir and mok•,,g ,i,rrtvieien 'fonthe future., We should make :provision for the future, both in this life and I. in that which is to. cun;o..Clur great . opportunity is now.The conies, though weak in themselves, have the u +fret' .. � w cos in e •-talWbol t ainen'Etobutte 1 Mie start hits Wilson Irwin spentt alrurch ata Sutrday]'the ]tori+rc�es-in Er- `iveatlatess. H.e .rs the shadow of 'The `%'('`%arum's Institute will meet in tines con, . of Kinloss. non, having been, svithdaawn for. the rusts go in bands- • !here is nos seat o daughter of Mafekin gent Sunda ft+edvers Augustine has purchased grreat force in their co opexatron and lefty 113th �#t o'clock shark .An g' 1a p t (Putti+ another correspondent) Sunday afternoon with. relatives on %kine Piesbyterian church, Dungan- great reek in .a .Weary. land.;. The x :the Forrestors' ball .on. Thursday,, • Mi. and Mrs. Henry Horton and day, tering, no confusion, hututhere, is l , , ,. o c t•- : , , , of hit. Sniitla. united' effort, Cis • r:e- sttt3ns might. a,£tertinbon with Dir. arnd Mrs; James theilna (00 sacra farm g rias. $1.95 1 KSTOCKINGS all Pdsbioned medium Service we ht silk. Spliced :it the foot, colors nude, Pearl [� n .. it �sl blush. s:trldust, suf>�blitsh, champagne! etc, Sizes 8,� to i() .Par MEETINGS ._.._. ,81 -Inch _ Bleached ,Britist'r Sheeting, :rte quality, firm linen finish, at r:yd.$5c 72.Inc11 unbleached e best heavyCalm-. Asan Sheeting. • HOUSE DRESS Batiste's, Dignities, V'aiX'� ;. sleeveless, in dainty pattter'ns •and pleasing colors, , z 8 to. 44.. ' . Special $1.93 • Inlaid Linoleums,No.1. perfect t . � ualit at per square • .1.50 WILTON ,RUGS They are_neatt _.and_ "Sidney" quality, 'guaranteed in • every detail. Size 5 ac .. .> ,$..: .•$57.50 .e, 62.50 x 4. ,;;...p...; ..,$'57.50 gi 54 in. Gd..... 6.50 SVVi COINS d't):: inches wide, -2: yards long, Ivory and maize' shades, superior quality Brussels, net„ new patterns. Special:, ait` rEsolv: & s businesst2.meeting. and paying of- its west of Blvtli, learn, lessons in wnr°king cos •ane great •.. Coop. ono and anti lints" miles „ es. At 2.20 Miss M. ,E,. bieDlat l hits, Sana Sherwood n ' a 'possession being obtained "immuh t- xatnil,,. in unity, in .or,nnization :oft , rand, of iSandrhtgia.tm,. wall epeala call spent Monday i' S 'tli ;vitt re. our eaves, sand sit. foregoing ,our pre. --- --'" D, d Alm • subject, "A 1Voxnan's -----. terrraon in Goderielt with her rely. lr• titin s rs. mi $ r^ Mrs. resent time without eealon y There it nobehaave seen the King. s,,a, Buchan n r t get£ o t + St rs Jim Purvis and son and p d til tr t �l l I' t� r in hat (Welling Mous_ a for the ferenees and w;o 1, hand in hand, merciful. to.. like a sinner. Mite Lyres . owl tell them of Ca14+.ary. They de. �1 .1 . Hostesses -Mrs. 1 Weir, 1l01) tlat".lis r, Mrs. Jim Barbour, morn t g 1, ., g � t t $ • will na ; sire o: rid 'n sin. He closed his o er son, Mre. o, o , who had spent sMrilce _an the cainp if we obey. tins seethe of s work in India., ltow they wonderful address with a'stirring .ap- _ daughter. Dirs. Wm. Balt, of West Mrs. William ]weed, � Y , p Iii < du's. Ain. lie ,e cc t. • t Patient n ur.'together,en r it . al • for workers. "R�hotn obeli I . .. � - � rho • est four.months in. Detroit. at pia p , .Tike Algot 1t t t ,a d , study God's. ward then wait p& 4Vuivtnasli, sprat Sunday with Ialr« pastb r •.^•°°-°��'.,:. ^•°.��°•�.� guC t with list gruridduuglate++, Mre. sines of, tlr,� strider should give . its. t and tarry. Altervrar�s conviction ?s � send? Who will =go for its . Let the s d other relatives. %:outage and zeal to. persist„ to go brought home, and continuing inAnswer be, "Here ttm I, send me, • Kitie f�'air.baixn; and ff' hit. John Campbell lost a good i. N 1 ct# on relatives:. in tiaderfob arid forward, Z' o should a diligent :and i raver, God pours. out :his spirit, theta ane of, us are worthy. Dont go t 5.. some l Mr.. lately as h.. has cit I, t . 1'. titin rot; to• her . return .o endure : to the 'end.' He likengd the t is confession and- re* co on. Wil Away without asking God to greeyou het '�G 111gSttldte to 811 bed conte hart# lurk lately ata he lost l�nnrxan p the New n velual,lt Iroise over three- .vee'ks tier home in' Lucknow, `° 1 unostentatious' sin to the quiet i catin't, havo• peace of mind while we the vision. There are no idle ones a n.i ... 1llr• .James Joltnstoin,second ton- unpretentious house-to4touse worker* Bold on to sin, A persorfait reference in Itis vineyard. "Go work today" .ia . E. �! D e of Theirs' L t e 'v" ` chair i � j'1► George 1Vl • John 1liultin ' natv{'lt hipper tragi,, the beat dealer. an homes, dew a to service. Glenknar'rdo was very.tauahfng•.. f% and obey h reran. .T1ae of 1 , i Cxeo g Lane and hits. oh -.. , - + cords while tsar- +but their patient endurance is crown- is with ng le who are bun- tiers during, both services) which were S . v n its car one of the new Fords, ti i p miss you troop �. ilelegetes. , n f Ashfield) has urtltnsed a • full of zeal and charity--thu women to bio own conversion at Ins home at his inessage. May you all submit Illi E Zinn, Dins D K :Alton Dirs cesst+n o , p l in new IS the meaner art and lower late spoke of e o ort nitres ministers the church gaave several special num P �t rot to li`raLte + on Tirestla snit aeries Alton is i►lsa sport g as 1 p plate,the pp u p 111 nttentletl the 11x. M. 6. con entiyo '^ tt;.a � fi� 1 s lye; 'i'releavetes itis~ ane is a Whip; ' ell with s,ueeess. IIaw bitterly God v'ryfor tite gastri'l of Christ. Their rnuch appreciated. These consisted or •i1 It ti a. Used ('ar t It w:areceived the sad. et. Mr. F'; .Tdoss also nes purchased wilt condemn. lea for neglect. Pore- souls are burdened and sad, and they, of anthems, solos ,and duets. The Mr., Wilson T have o h rt 1 ,1' sight and faith, these are elements ave desit•aus of learning how to get . church was prettily decorated with I ha n u d news nit Monday morning that'his is new Whippet. . + i, . who urchased the which nava wan the KMRdam• Christ right with God. Wl.at o blessed thing plants and spring flowers. The of 1 '�t3h.ws, +f'-+'J:kGJI. 19..G . brother, d'ohn, had passed away in' _Dr. Voids, ,p . 1y 2` ' l Loudon, where practice and _residential property oz t. with eleven .m€n went out. to ruin the + to know Jesus Christ. Then all is f feeing amounted to 3-400;>1 On Mon- 1 Font) +,�'Gi1;t'.11r 19wJ , St, doseplE a: hospital, amsnlon, rr �r t "ROADSTER,. 1 2 n two aerations, Dr:�..T. E. Cane, has arrived with his world --ante •of .the greatest of mss- eyed• 'Their nnignities are taken day evening Dr. Buchanan addressed 1 1' 111l , %V't' 0 S , be laird undergone p , 2 rout) 'Ctrl"RINGS. 10211Heleaves, to lour~, Ids loss his wife household• �eif eels, sand has opened his 'Watery enterprises` Today there ere .away, their sin is purged. That's the • 1 P0111) C t11J1 IS � s Miseiss office. fir. Caait and Mrs. Case; in, i fi00,300,000,00000 people who knowknowChrist I;,teesed gospel for the 'Shits too.., _ te r marriage also Batteries Chatli24 (wile before her Cars Dlaiw. Jtfht'tstane, sseond da� liter of tenetremaining. here until the entt of !Jesus. tThis wonderful ..growth should 'God so loved the'world that he gave' , rd d all «Caneral Ire air .thea Late Mr. ;grad lilts. dos, Johnston the ntontli,. when they intend making eneourage us to cling. to Ilia Poet, his onljr begotten sag." Malik a;' us sa the a Ashfield). lie• son, ;?have Will tint# concession Kinloss and rine hire William Vrooman, vie Shelr• tion will crown our efforts. has lost its effect. Not so..with the' "!W'orl done .,t reasanabh. rices. i f tI %roti f A 1 f ld) end o s n Toronto their home. Jesus Christ. sand I•leaven's benedie' °?lave heard the message so often it p • rlar+c;htor (Ethel) Mrs, Neil Catlin- pardton, underwent a successful op i The Sunday school- acid a rally in heathen. The message of the word bell, of " 11104m, and four grand- enation for goitre an Monday in the l the; afternoon, love Mr. McCullough , grips therm end they canfor us to go Hittnilxnrt �.t6 (rGtlerie„I children lenneral will it , held on Toronto General hospital. her many•1;aing. again the speaker. At the R. ..- .cC Wcdneeday afternoon to Greenhill friends ere pleased to knew that the 1 everting service Rev. lir. John, Ruch, t. cemetery. la so far making good progress. Mr. i ainan, the moderator is£ the Genera. ....:i...:i Vrooman, wit° accompanied her to "Assembly, was the speaker. The e Terontar will remain for a few days, 11.ucknow United church and South r of which will rightly convey the thought of Mothers' Day, (Sundhy May 12th) There is nothing quite like Rowers to express the thought which Mothers' Day ayutboliems. Their tender beauty seems to bo the most statural and fitting deconetion e£ unfailing d©votivn, Your gift of ammo will 'he:a thrill to Mother. HONE IOS STEWART FLORIST GODERICH a large.•audneue°. in the chureli, whet; lie spoke at greater length elron the Shits. and their couxitE . which he hos ea much at heart. •. BABY alae C11slo51 llatelullg i • . 11ab Wi ak fresxt b st wed o- . lay stock on free range :. Darted Rooks, 816.00 per 10*. Leghorns,•$15.00: per ldet, ; After May loth: ill.Chick at u0: Icer 100 less. Custont hitch . Tug :54.00 per•100;,iitt 1000+ Las - ' - 'or triose, E. J. TREWARTHA ' • 1101.ME$V1LLE• edh, ONT. I'lrane 011 r 22. Clinton .Centred; : • in the City .until her recovery is an Kinloss Presbyterian church had very i YS the "Mine to get poured fact. courteously .withdrawn their services Jr Dir•. Miller C. Peacam, I. P. IS, for and their respective pastors were up. yo r Far Coat 1 Nest Huron, paid hie semi-annual a on the platform :and aesihtt d in the official. visit to Dungannon public - service. The inept auditorium way. �yj��'{� i school on Woodsy of this veeek. Ile butte inadequate .to accommodate the CAt�G GLAZED ' 1 was eiceoiupanied lay Mr. V. K Greer, large congregation, : the galleries, , 'Chief Inspector of Publie and Soper- I anti rooms and aisles being packed Destroy' the Moth. £' it it a ata Seltoola for the Province of On. With people. Many others could not and Lorna* which may be Witt, who is making et aureey o1 gain an entreince and reluctently „ some of the schools of the district, in turned Sway Dr. ,and cit:rse en year fur .coats by send nrdt'r to better acnuslnt Itintself with ars his react the WorCda of Isaiah 641. i th lt! i7 the rural conditions: "In rho res'rr th'ut Kine LYrrsliitlr digiti I Mrs. J. Bennett, D:rs. erred Rose, view also the Lord sitting upon a � i p1' ' 1eas1.. ividls Mrs. 0. M. Mehenxie, Mrs. Its Me- throne high mut lifted • up. -and his . Whinney and Mre. Robert 1tavidso:t Unlit filled the temple.." Dr. Ruth. •for cleaning and 01q'ltine, attended tate Maitland i'resbyterial anan's long and varied experiences i which was held In St. Andrews fres. benign: the 13hils at dndie •h►ve given . in tllffaltlw's the lustre of now- bytexian church, Wingham, on Tates- hint a wi'ntlerful etrperience, andr ties ' Y>< and d/latra5ays en cry! !did, Mersa, 'Richard McWhinneyiI he spoke, he poured out his soul in * rnr ever math egg+and t Joltn Bennett and Robert lttividsl;n 'most stirring appeal to yoanir men i!= t6y ' attended the meeting- of Presbytery, and woolen to *find Jeans Christ,�and, the larvae. ' which also -convened At a meeting of the cOngregatinn '3111°11g the benighted °11". 'He of Aredield Preebyterian church; on ',Fridity evening, a 1,111allifaCiall ' calf was extended to Rev. L. Beetoll, of Peottetown, Quebec; the eharge hav- ing been vecant since the deperture ,of Rev. Mr. Ritchie for Woo•Istoek, where he aceepted a call lett fall. :Cleveland's Bread iis:..a tempting tompxement to any areal --delicious in itself and lending zest to the rest ofe the menu. Your - tinnily will dernandi • twice as mugh of our Bread as any. others Encourage them to 410 so, ad it is the most stratus. - tut sold nourishing, food they, cite take. E. Ur CLEVELAND - YOU ....-..-•. ?.-...- -..wry. IF iii OU NEED New Farnsture of *my description.. SEE US FIRST We two,* Save You Meaty NASR#.d RKSTSNN'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone 114 Weal St. MIR silt W51= 1iATTfl15$ES 1 AUCTION SALE OP A COMPLETE STOCK OF New Furniture and Furnishings , We hate teethed lantrurtions front *action. in ,serail, the large 'stock a)f gltipwneat, belonging to than Millais* the t litaaire of lhtbgsi»s.ott. on ��Ar`!r, MAY 1 !� Nitwits Elvin" Room,l7;ninx Room, Bedroom comprises at city tonspsktr lint in art of Iliad Tables and (Attire. Farieg Chairs. 9silte* lhrenl'i,+ ai+d $e1taY,r.l'.M11'atairriA, SMe'rsera, aaalils► tagaid itt sa iia�at.ciarn lrar*itaar 9 . fl cart ++t .'ttyt{f it�rtK*a. R Skl rt, Kwan Huge and Robed. Tide will There will he nothing rE.'rrd, TERMS :-CASH T. MRS. WM. SPROUT tsn cell by public Furniture. lura Wahines atnd } of the Late Wit- Barri Sproul. et THUth,'29 commencing at 1 o'clock ah41, Ti+t $took inl•1toom tied liitelten ,1Plarniture cwt line. brisling - a J►iie' a►nreber Tabu., itphehta - and mast Solid Hsi. Wicker rani ' itt*ii ('halms Pectureieeditit fret tItseg nsl tare, Mao 2 stir ,i d #'St►srAtr. Na _ khn, 1 Ftlrri;ttarr w►iigeta. 1 ('uta ai gewuirse GUNDRY &SON, strath a r'ta1_r, auctioneers„ The Ashileld congregation are *tett9 him On ilio rr.X to Uiiwtaacub, Scut,' : ing a flee new manse. which will en• r. , hatiee the vent of their lint. ehurt h a e*ui, why perxtute.t thou mit? ase 1 �e watt overwhelmed. God'it hand is; .. r. property. mc. rtl"erry I'innigan will Rom his 1 atretchittg out itt fin appeal for young thole for for the summer months. Satin men yet *omen to vo nntaatr for err - day of this week lreifo ki. tut day ; vke. The fields are whits unto bar -1 vest but the lthnrera are few. Holt. in ,,it. Iii kayos air wow, far for hour is the T trot or hosts. 'Ifie., whole'! Illustration No. 23 i snit * where he has with the a mist at*tth le full alt his eerie The sin. 6 %tion itis foreman 'ilio General • i rantr*etor;a' coins*" of that glare. t'i're -A itxpericnee Oa always the same. See sy � Clean Formerly Mr. Finnigan wait n con. GMs voice epea►ke to him, t* lilts»", 'Formerly for renew* bridgel4• an rho `then hard, and titrant overwhelmed er.etion of which h..+ hag li*el nava u with the i14'*, trio% out, God 1* 6 tiltt tire5Unn& Prating with easy.til. - esperiesre throughout Weotern , cicft1 Ca.ttgasllsearrl Gori ; Att. tarso. 1i'e, rnkigratelate Mr. Firrni• .,...._..r - on on hie splendid *ppeollitntent•l . " feeling seared' that he wilt titeON r 'We have a full assortment of the with .w r e... most attractive, patterns. all tin. '1'M, how of Mr. MI Kray, Robert i ittatitisrr, Varineek, �"arkae'e is ratieleon. flayfi.W Road. *oderith ..•tae%►, Ah Vanes.% 1�ft•,aktsiwi. cttrldiifsnllly alrinttetri•atrhit► •r*titarait'ttaIr.fah*pP . Qialtkfnrin1trrt''nanitxtfnn6not, authoring• over the week-eitsS ta•evr_ t'att 4*" W1;'^ ,w�>4 ail t'lae >yttwtsttesra sr.f tllohe irrtiitt', aro, ti. ylalti'tat, lir"shah AtEpit+i+�-c i r�1111 la1:::X.W' :17Tset"italit 6tyrrtl►ti..t, 1t 1►ra :fit , li- i' i,ft>r ir,t, f1wt, .,�,�,�...#'Aft* WHEELER i Foe al �. F.0 fir.,), 'it Aftde sen E".1 Jamil of Lon of, leniah's great ,experience in the i Phone 122 West Street temple. The reality of it remained. +. Ile had .a Blear vision tat the Lard. If ` ` "'-''"""" once we -get a glimpse of Goll we ` never tan get away' front it. It in- , fluenets our whole life. Ile npioace o'f Sautes vision, obtained when Stephen! .' IOW atoned. God's yoke slake to i °�e►oYtlleii�, p►Clirk�oieaittN, _ Calvin CuWs Store News Beans, 3 lbs... . .29c - Rice, Blue 'brise, 3 lbs.. , .. 25c Macaroni, '3 lbs........... .211c Figs, 3 11lS•.6..•••........•••••••.•.•.s"'•4.25c• Prunes, 4 lbs. for.. , • ...25c Baker's Cocoa, t Ab. tin....... a ........:....g1Sc Baker's Chocolate, r. .ib. cake....... -.4..... , .2ne Pork and Beans, Clark's and i>ittby'S, mediu,n, 2 tins 25e Ilawe's Floor Wax, 1.1b. tin... • .. .. . . • • . . . . .:6 643c Hawe's Liquid Wax, pint ar... • ...... • .., . f Hawe's Lemon Oil, 3: -Oz, bottle, and polishing cloth •,...a. ••a, • 6.. •6 •.... .6•a•a• 6►.a•fftiC' Pep Hand gleaner. 3 tins for • .... 6 ....... o . a , a •Honey, No. pall. 6 •,, .$,e .:neon's Mustard..:.... 6 , .. 3/4-11i., 25c sal %46., Dee Coanut per 11%.••.•.....•-•.•.•....•.•> Star Ammonia. 4 for.. • ......... 4,4•00•44•0$$ .ne v Snowflake Ammonia, 3° for...... 6 ........ . .. . . `"saint Dust, large package, • 6 6 6 6 • 6 ... 0460464444 ' Chick Feed. ti ihs 6 6•• 6., 6. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6.6 Zllae t'ap for Peeps, thick starting Mash. 4 lbs., , .. 6.6.25c CALVIN CUTT, Phone 116 sen St, .ww.praA.Y..I<<d�,Fr,wrwls, - ..11iYW.06.1.19 4-,..+..i+ o..i$..,.u...•111,wl111S