HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-09, Page 3THURSDAY. HAY Ind. Me Ind Trimble Vitb NOT red ink end hod Retie Sire. H. Beajsnntuoe, Otto, Mae:, writc�i: —Shortly after the bittk of err firer- g;;r1 t took vele= Sick tad. waw is bel meet of the time. 1 bad bath- aches, headschee. tied was all run tha=ne, sail 1 hs'I trouble witk wy kidneys. l: tried all k-ixde of aietliciue, but nothing was abse to aim tee. A* 1 lave eig1 b ehileren, sad say has - hazel esi away at the timo T sent for Mae to come home, sue fiber ha, did he br„ardht me 2ve boxes of Doane. Ki:lr.ey Pills. After 1 bs1 finished then= 1 felt so much baler 1 wet ageia able to look after ray fondle and hetuiework." Prior ¥0e, * box at ail Ie+gi gists or dealers, or eisiled' direct on receipt of prltebythe T. 101. butt Co,, Media. Toronto, LEGAL CARD. F. il. ilAtino v. Barrister, Solicitor,Notary Public, i te. Successor to J. L. leilloran Phone e7. Office, Fere Square, tlatierlch. .i. RNEST M. LEE .. Barrister and :Solisitot Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria Telephone:, Elgin 0001 • Toronto 2. IheCth1.E'Y E. diOltelES. ,Interieter, Softener, NotaryPublic,' Public, Conveyaocet' Eta.. .PtION1 , 7 U.3. lIl:tits Al J1FET. SPECIALIST . Dei. It. J. R. FORS TER, EYE, IAR, NOSE, THROAT L'4 • house Surgeon.• New York Oplh-, tltalririe .and Aural IIospital..essistant at btgorelithld'a Eye hospital and Gomen uare Throat Hospital. London, Eng. Waterloo St,, S. Stratford. 'Tele- phone 261. At hotel Redford, Goderich, en the evening of third Monday of Neel nn till the, following day,„ i eda..At ! Pin tteth 'CHIROPRACTIC DIIGGLF PRACTITIO'iT 11. Ell. X. N. A7 CIN ON. Tlhirolpraetor and 1Dreeless- :therapist. Goderricli, Ci=Dote, Organic oand ercr'ots ib earcs Equtliped' with niath'eerny, t•.Irctro- Maoi1'tic ' Ilatiis, Ehectronie" Electric Treatments and Chiro1'i-;lctie. • Oitlee.houra -2 to $'and 7 to 11 p. m. And' by appnintrnetit, ( Ci'pting 1londay tell Thursday after:mons arid evenings.:. • y _.. . Of1)ce•tictilrs- 2 to exceed 7 to 1,p.m. trueoa.11ed.. far .p.ori.iti, .aI( rt oam; 6e Lady 1n Attttndanett. .1 . rtiureeteteeerrr. cute. borne togas •,Itestdenee and O fee --Cornier *obeli on noir, .Evac, boas. needs zem s uit sou bal. and Britannia Heats AI,''CTIONEERING, • THOMAS UL' DIL.`Y it SON Live Stock and General Ainetloneers, Elgin Ave.. Goderieti. 'Sales r1/ado everxtivhere and alt efforts made to give you satisfaction. Farriers' Gale Note, discoe.:ted. Phone 1f9. • 'WESLEY W. r ISI1EfAtCriON IIs. Will rondnet titles anyoixere; ,' t1 terve are reasonable end 1 will try and give s'dtisfaetion. • Phone Carlow 1311, or addre,s B. In .4, Gott.:rieIi. i' 0TARY PHEW, ETC. t7%TAT.11AILII. TOTAItY PIT!3E;TC • Generai'Conveyaneinr; clone • Good Companies liepresented Phone leo. 205. Goderieh, •Fent.- itoor orIYL�ti; 'F §ertA rhood News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchanges hilylen to have hydro i to have a (atilt 11:a=:n put in at the, hydra is extending the line dint l'atvn hall, bluest eld lo I ippon and in thet.eurse Homey Found ii' Buildsii ofi: a few weeks the village and corn- Ttee herektei Peewee of honey were rrtuttity will be all lighttel. diieoveree in Mitchell recently when death of James W. Graham a swarm of 'bees were taken front bee Mr, James W. Grahame town sail= tween flee Reeve of the third story of niter and for forty; rears as protein, the Royal Bank building b; Fred itnt resident of St. Maya.. passed Statton> i'The bees htati =f=ade their away suddenly on Monday- tax last l=one there for several yeses and they week. He is survived b1' hip, t. low, Siad to be deaitrineed'before the honey' three sees and two daughters. coal be obtained', Stubbs -Inglis fa Successful Applicant for the liar A quiet and pretty wetliling was Andrew Kirk, of 'Tuekersirtith, has Sale -ionized at St. J. has church, Brun• , received 'Ivoi°d that his son, t)liveteof - aels, Wednesday, April. 24th, when Detroit, was one of the suceeseful Mra. Ethel Stubbs, wife of the late applicants at the examination for the. '.Vm. Stubbs, of Manchester, England. bar, field at il.tinsing, Michigan, on became the bride of David Inglis, of April 22nd, 2.rti and «r'.•lth. Oliver Sth line, Grey. Itev. F. L. Let in of- '. graduated a year ago from Ilctroit ficiuited at the eeretnoity.' • {college of Lw, but through.a severe ex - Zurich h Streets to be Gravelled iilneas. vim' unable to attend the ex - At a meeting Of the members t,f animations at I.an.0 g, last Septette- At pollee trustee board of Zurich on bol' Tuesday evening last the Contract of Levan.Venstone On Saturday afternoon, Apr. 2.7, at. teaming 400 yards, of verve' for, gr.a» _ 3.30 o'clock, in St. Paiui's Anglican; veiling ilio village streets was award. ed to the two focal teamsters at $e church,. Winghaut,. 'beautifully ecor• cents ,per yard, ee was else decided. ated with ferns and spring flowers, Rev. Wellington �S".chaffter solemnized Iii Sr the marriage of Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. freehold Vanstone, of 1Ving ham, to William Ewart Levan,: son of Mx. I. M. Levan and the late' Mrs, Levan, of Toronto, Coorbs-Clark At St. Paul's church, Winghatn at high neon on Tuesday of lastweek a Aerating spring Wedding took place Miss Susan 'eak% q9. "a tirenh marriage Sofa ;rasa Dlon, Edward St., Toronto., f' daughter' of Mrs Jas. Adams, Wing. says:. In the Spring any' hare, and the late Joseph Clark, to ' arms and face broke out .Mimes Andrew Coombs, of London. with eczema which was They„ will reside at 04.0, Wellington troublesome, painful and very urs- . St., London North. eightly. I used vattoua kinds of •mime 'I'he Late 'Rose Holland and olntmeats ;but the itching pane.' was The death took. -place in Clinton on never relieved until l Rot gam•Buk. Saturday evening, April 27th,~ of Mr. In.,r very short tuna at fer'commenc- ROSS Holland, a former resident of ing with •gam-I'luk the ecxert* began to Exeter, aged 67 years. The deceased. yield. I steadily persevered and soon ''Was a son of the late Anthony Hol - through gam Bek•, m arm and fact land find was b'or'n and raised on the were completely healed. It made my akin London Road North. He is.survived wottderfnilp .niooti,'and clear,” { THE GODERICH STAR oak trait iia Exeter. tete urearian thin a fair in f;wlerit. i to be* biers*, •b.a g the olltrW ri.tt d the D.ls G 11 mint hair a prom fns •C itttistett.,n.n Bro. !E'r W. White, of St. Marys. too and that it iia teat& to iii raffi •' ter a Lebanon Fure.t Lad*, .No. 133. Thr, longer Vile +grrtiettt Onto t r a eneith rbtti iltteniv. was the Iiirgeit in the kpei tithe, ' ,, 14, i' Stat nae la,�cti ra,,.i tory of the olden Mason= preseet. Fttlipaigtt, 1 s,acretaey tr.:isare°^ .11 L ..' iidehrii bvita,t r. etit fi'i.nh Helium :than i..-uncit has been sited to name Mit •hell, Sc. Maria, (it -ante% �1>t1CAn ;the Moot end 4 ont:ell_,h;a Munn,n, r arts +tilaa [ isiiY> 1tnd !reedit at apre�ec tativea ..f the=. ) .trate= i'riucitta► Boca to T1rOnto fie c�tls it a�23 tits 1 .r l t I s taia•.lai g Mr> d, M.i. lIzi., son of 3ira, ' bi iatrf i?- I3,of'. %Iunnirlcrs Geo, P. J. A. Mac ltenz e, of i�i�ncizr na'. and Geuth, i . i», `'zfte and S, i) f'rthh ''ortner principal at the high Khoo, Fjsn,tsr+, anal 11t1rerti3Vrt i Im> has been engaged as #rachet: of math- 1, s, 'A. f4un ie3 fin l Ja . entail,: s in the nets =',:Bete cf ' sit= natci4. mcr.tz anil'Tehni:'ril nc:ioal, t • fletiie ,tar- •t..... land l a)gruagi—Ni II> tit e�e ern .and s il,uiitcll art Meat Porte 'Re k.tsi. le3. feel•, htav, DtatNFt:an', to. Mt. Mackenzie, who is at tires= W e ti lath 1it;:11„ l=, ihutht ext I>rineieal of fort Peery High i *deed Testa =-J. II. 1 d'a-ath% Wm. st extol, wilt enter on lairs nett duties (keen, '4't'. F. Clack, C. A. RtbettS©ti. September Sae AI,P.P.i T Gundry met If. Bill. Jack Hart Browned horses W. Green, O. F. JCdwerd, Mr. Jack hart. sen of Mrs. ;eau' Gem. Ardretv;�t, t . X. ileetertson and Hart. of Seaf 'rth, is believed to leave : Jas. iceenolds. been drowned in the Detroit river on 1'attit •1a, Graves. Gee. Andrew, Friday' night, April Katie, in the Am- Wm. Bailie, .Thos. Wilson ane- Il. 1., herstbtlrgderosse fait sector whenhis; Salkeld. craft was upset at the head of teoble Pigs• 0. i•'. latlttairti, Th=os. %Vent= Island. His eomprinlon was also and Herb Morris. drowned, and the (bodies have not yet Shci.—p . teo. Sturdy, 'Ifah Milne, been recovered. Alm two men. went If. L. Salkeld. and 1.. Groves. thrown out of a 10 -forst scooter with Ladies' Work end Fine Ar-tsaeltfrs, an outboard motor shortly after leave Comelier. Mrs. G. A. 1Tobeitean, Mra. ing Sugar Island desk, The accident, Green, ?`lira. lrawrie. Mrs. f Stew. it is. believed, was causec't ley the, art and Miss.Farridh. swell of o pissing steamer. flowers• -Geo. F. Gould, Mies. How- - - Death of Mrs. 'Thos. Hardie ' lie, Mrs. Tremblay, Miss IVt< '1e, Mrs.'; The sudden Seel unexpected death 21axwell, Mrs. C-. Stewart tlrtd Mrs. of Mrs. Tiles, .Ilardie, of Kincardine 'Swrinsen. on Tuesday, April "xrd, came as a Fruite4. W, Salkeld. Geo. Sturdy, shock to ter many friends. She was tip and around her househoul duties and just after the noonday neat was seized with a stroke which proved fatal. Mrs. Hardie was a pioneer,ot the township of Huron and for fifty. Years lead `resided on the farm where she passed away. Her husband pre- deceased her fourteen y=ears ago. Tie following family is left to mourn: three sons, Robert, of Regina, Scale; Williams and James, Huron town- ship; two . daughters, Ars. U. Il,. Tliaekeray and Mrs. Win. Christophe er, of Detroit. Witliani • Stlinbury Drowns as Scow Overturns Eruptions oI the akin are particularly j by three sisters Mrs. A H Gordon pravalont Sit this fl=ee of the yeas ate he of nu 11t Mrs. il, S, Yost :of Pas - lure and treat every tinyimple, 'rash +. adena, Calif:, and Mrs.• It. S. Tyson, goreness,4pr any break In the skin with _ of Maryland, N,: Y. gam=lluk. This line herbal balm • is 1 Purdon•Gayean alivaye gentle -always, depeddable roc . soothing .lid boating the ekin, I Avery interesting event took place { in Central United church, Windsor, on -Saturday, April 27th, when Miss I Addie ,Gertrude, eldest daughter 'of. !Mr. anMrs, Goyeau of Leamington, 'was married to Mr. Aldin James Pure !don of Whitechurch. The pastor, Rev. Arthur ,epells, . officiated. Official Visit of D. D. G. M. to Exeter Draws Record Crowd Monday of last. 'week -was a red let- ter night in the 'history of the Mases THE NEw-IMPROVED .M t • G PRQC Greater Strtictura Strength to :T'akes Any Decoration Ftil1.3/8" Thidoles$ cKILLt7P %RITUAL, FIRE INSt;H'- eeh MTV INSURED. FARM AND LeOLAT ,D TOWN PROP- ERAY iNst'RED. Value of property" Insured tip to Un- itary IWO, mole, 97.1.00,_. • (t>f'firEOS--Jamesonnolly, Pees" - dent, (4oderielr; Jas. Evans, Vice -Presi- dent. 13aeehwaod; '1'. E. Hays, Sec.- Treas., Saaforth. oisre;Tm1S•--IT. T'. 'Stec=reser, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, '1Vinthrop• Win Wrira. Constance; George nief::irinev, ''uckerymlth; Jahat Per='s. lisrtock; John Rennewise. llroadhagen; Murray Gibson. Ilruwefletd, AGf;NTee-•J. W> Yeo, God -rich: Sandy Leltett, Clinton: Wm. (;heeney, Sea - Rath; It. Ilineliley, Seaforth. Policyholders eau pay their assess- ments at aloin Cutts store. Godt'rieh; A. Ja. Moorish's Clothing store, Clinton; or J lI field'==. Ilaytielcl _ .. -.rift» "INSURANCE Have .it attended to by the *11T WAWAiIOSH MUTUA1, FIRE Ill tlltANCE CO Established 1'778 Head Whet: Dungannon, Ont. ro4"au. ,T. Thompson, Auburn, fres„ Watson.Cir. arson, Vico Imes.: James' nt vitt Hen. Director; directors -Win. tt. frfcQuiilatr, St. Helens: 1V. 1' Reed, {. R. t. fio. 2, Lu,knnw, Harry I.. Sal- keld, Goderich: Sales. Iviehnlson I.uek- neW; Ten Griffin. IL It. No. 7. i.tteiino'v; Ctiag, Ii,'"its. Itincardine; Iiobt. i►avlit» . non, Dungannon. Ret,, e100 pee tlitlnsanrl. THOS. s1()1'1IEIt`, '1'. G. ALLEN, 'frees. tro—neoe ;Jen. New bnprovid Edge 2111 Fireproo Wel board For Sale By Thea Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. M BrouIuu iro I tICIDERIThe Lath* Ole. Puerta Diir".ttars Abs Aailtnitltice Service Orders csreflly ettentleJ tt► et *117iours--•trlgiit or dor. We are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the Cly of Huron, Phones: Store 120; Residence) 101't. S. It. Wheeler `uiera1 director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario An calls tl otctl,z y telt"satZC:ii t3 cls} OV might., 1 t..^,desi Stine:tass; lityn;C 3s5e' . Goderich, Ont. brt1et tires oil your Holid/ - -4 WHEN you plait that tip-, `he sure to plant your tires. Vitt C.kn t`eajby yliittEdI if ytnz i6 wdirYin abog t b1owottt3 ali tit;` time. Drive around 11erc.altd kr us equip yiur tar with Do.. minion .Royal Cords or Royal Masters. They are x sound fountlath t for a carefree holiday. We have absolute co:lick ire in these Doioinion Tures. We have watdaieri theta hi 'service and we know they will deliver the tlulcaac... Dominion Royal Cords as the standard by which tires ACC jutted •---- Royal Ism gats aare.in a class by tlierllseivcs. We have Dominion 'lazes for every car At popular pates. DOMINION -TIRE DEPOT GOlJl RICIl II. I Fisher E. Groves and If. L. Salkeld. Field Craps and Vegetables -0. 1'. Edward. Wen . %3aiiie, Herb Morrie and E. Groves. Poultry= --.firm. Doak, Thob. Bawler and Thos. Wilson. • Grand Stand—R. '+T; . filen ting% Mayor leaeEwrui. Geo. A.nt t ws, Wert. Green, L. L. Knox and Wm,.11ai» lie. Grounds and Gate—•'The president and vice presidents. Merchants Displays --Geo. Sehue• fete W. Il. Robertson. W. F, dark, Jas. B. Reynolds and L. L. Knox, Sports: --V, A. Rdberteen. Thos, Bowler, Mayor MaeEtean, Writ. Doak Wflliaim Stan'bury, son aft Mr. and and Geo. sidenfer, Mrs..Jchn Stanbtiry, of Exeter, was The president, Mr. Jai. Connolly, is a member of all committees, drowned in Lotto Erie, two 'exiles east of Port Colborne, at 9 p.m. on Fri- The Friend of All Sufferers.- .Dr, day, April 26th, when a scow of the Thomas' .'Eclect=ic 011 is a valuable Canadian Dredging Coe which was remedy to all those who suffer pain.. beingtowedtheGin m Grant, byx; , y It bolda out hope to everyone and teriU lyandwithoutturned its warning t d y n ng realizes' it by stilling suffering' every—scow Was loaded with where. It•is a liniment that has the rock excavation from the Welland blessing of half' a continent. It is an ship canal. Desperate search with sale everywhere and van be found three tugs -has failed to reveal thewherever enquired for. • body, which may be pinned under- Beath the capsized scow which rests • SOUTHERN SECTION OF on the bottom. Efforts etre being BLUE WATER HItxF4FAY 'made at present tq raise the scb'v, TO SKIRT TIIE SHORE Huron 'Regiment Wins Third s liar 1t iz ext d the Pei a Mail and Empire: The • u erir First prize of $200 and Cann« ditto Infantry Association's cup has y Blue Watersaelthe iWindsor on of the been awarded the pox Scottish Sarnia link highway, the great chain of Regiment, in the. efficiency of person rand that is the rcetiiteily beautifuf eel competition, conducted in Mile - Lary District No. 1, rile Perth regi. moat Water 'Ig sectio may be the Inca vain second prize of 5150, most charming section of the great Third prize of $100 went to the Hur- road in that .a Platt, now said to be ten Heg`••nerl , helete t e Canadian favored by Ifon, George S. Henry, Fusiliers were fourth on the list aid � i.Ler t' -et hay nff ottisO a Ontario; on w nn red the n iii tht one r an ,e....tr so' that it will command a practically. witino� Httrortis tha:siiilSLg^ifh,'aLregir . � menta Two years ago.the he=ron unbroken 'hew of the sky-blue water Regiment won the cup for being the 1ronh which :the highway takers its est battalion in camp.. Lt. -Col. W. Mme. Ndrth of Sarnia it is only .,.Heaman is the commanding officer and there that the motorist dr,v o£ the Iurtiki a+egiipotit, ing on the Mug; Water highway sees stretches of th Passes Suddenly in AlcIiitlop theblue waters" of Lake Very suddenly on Friday, Apr. of and Georgian Bay, albeit sof: 26th,cf the' panoxam.ns of land end- d : death Claimed one of Leo hest stapes and same of.the vise £ . are tcncwn and .fine women of McKillop abundant recompense forte: -en those community in the person of Margateabundant have come far t, course this Archibald,t, inctherd 'wife xty-fifth nyear. mas ViT o'p onic rvay.. Mrs. Archibald was the daughter of 1 T ie proposed i Ion would be - ane, the late William and Mary froland I, shores o£ mile SlengthClair gandi Rinser and was the eldest of a family of'.rii. Cla ,'cross"rgtr the mouth Of the eleven. She was 'born. ; In Morris' The es on a bridge at: , Lighthouse township in 1861. =in 1892 .she was me united in mai'rioge to her know berefte trhe Border Cities Star, . etrangly . partner, following their merelat 'supporting the Essex Bounty and Sar. they resided on the 12th con. 'there ..nim branches of the Motor League in are three daughters left to mourn the their campaign for tete construction . loss of a Ioeing mother, Aaarttely, Mrs. of the Windsor -Sarnia' see#ion of the Roy Turvey, of Morris; Mrs. Wilfred Blue Water highway, dalure-3 editor; Whitfield, Grey, and Miss Jean, at 'tally : home "Municipalities in southwestern Death of Mrs. Emnta Johnston Ontario should do everything intheir. One of the oldest residents of Ash- power to have a 'start made on eon-, field passed. away on i aturday, April struction of the propoeed "fllue Wa L'ith, in the person of Mrs. Emma ter highway" frain Windsor to Sar Johnston, foliowing an illness of nia. This road has been under eon - about' six weeks. This was the only oideration for a long time, and it is Serious illness she had suffered in . said the public worka department -her 82 year, of life. Mre..Johnston _ (department' of public highwaysl is had made her home ;for the past six- much in favor of it, There is urgent teen years with her daughter, Mrs. C. need for this Creak artery because E. AicDonagh. Her husband,, Mr. John Johnston, died 27 years ago. The late Mrs. Johnoton was born .. THE Mach 7th, 1847, at Natches, State ofassissippi, but lived there only a Brant forme, and family moving to Brantford and later' to Ashfield, where she had since . made her home. She 'van married in 187.1 to the late ODER ICH ' John Johnaaton, who had Come from . union ,a r few yearn tsefoild u, thevill'Atftft union were born eight children, five of whom survive, 10 11•111•11.1•011Mmil.., ti Yt sell drink k eg11in" motorists wishing to go from Wind. sor to Sernle, or vice versa, must now use the congested highway bet- ween Detroit and Port Huron (in Michigan). "flus necessitates ferry- ing across the Detroit and St'Clair rivers, and the -Scenery along the route is not so attractive as on the Canadian side of the lake. While Hon. G. S. Henry, iitinister of public works (and highways),luts not committed himself in respect to theproposal, s un rs a v» t1 understood he a . it d f oral it. There is: no reason 'vhy ilio shouldn't because it is obvious the -road would be one of the most popu- lar links in 'Ontario's chain of high- ways,. It could be constructed as a tri.county unit, first, by Essex, Kent and :Lambton. There is no doth, that the prarince would take it ot; after it hnd been in operation al 'ort No child should be aa11owe to suf. fel an hour from worms' Vii, n prompt . relief can be got_ in n •` iniple but strong remedy- -•Mot r Graves Worm Fieterrninator. GODERICH FAIR TO BE THREE DAY'S Committees. Appointed and They Are Getting Busy in I'renaration for a Bigger and "Better Fair Sept, 30, mt.t and 2. Meetings of the Goderleh Fair B=ard were held on Saturday, Aphis 20th, . and 26th, with a meeting of a striping committee on the 25th, at which the !handing committees for the fair were selected. The grant of, $160 by the town conneii is touch ap, pretested by the board and tlicyare preparing to • prosecute the bnaitiee of tete fair with vigor. At the =meet. ing het Friday night the question of is tt'ao•d:y or a three-day fair stats discussed thoroughly and a vote was taken, the result of which Myatt fifteen tett tn•'ittlavor of the ehredattefr:ir: The advocates of the two-day fair are the co11011:7 =Stene els. to whom the advantage of being able to bring their titock in a a1 return with It the tame day appeals a:trongla. On the other Band the town merabere realize A SAFE AND SDK REMEDY FOR AXING CHILDREN MILLER'S 1 WORM POWDERS eer„r..tra teo ==eaten -e> raf:an TAAitr,.ticrY..t v Made rt :Az V e:tire• 111E WS/n-, clattry rtlb AO 19.vcs-e:ttrtutt . • Ott, [1'dCT(,IZ AN 'fame t. WHY my KITCHEN RANEE is FORAM'S ITS*O.lNKERITlS MAPAM� HAS n t'NI t� 1 '1' L_ itiaalatn, ewe wanted to know hot to make delicious bread, we would go to you, We don't pretend to eche/ coating, But we do know 'coal. Vee have niade a .,tud17 off fern aeea, range!) and crates and the difl'eront kinds of coal each ctliouid burn. We can eirove you how to avoid =ante. fui buraatt usitl how to bay ceou- otalcally. May we help yon' PAM THE For Codd Clam teal Jd D. BUSTARD tOMPAN STAR ADS GET. RESULTS. ATWATER KI RT BATTERYLE OS 174.W for Demon Oration MaCDONAUJ- ELECTALOIIN nettaanniw Road Province orf Ontario '596. ThirirTeur.Bonds Dated 1 1 fay. 1929 Due 1 May. 1959 Princip�atand halfnearly interest (I May and 1 November). payable in Toronto.' Montreal, :Winnipeg, Vancouver, Reece', Halifax. • • Calgary and Saint John. Canada; or to New. Yorks or in London, • England. Coupon bonds in the denomination of 11.000 registerable as to principal, • These tends are a direct obligation of the Province of Ontario and are payabk prineipalend interest outof the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province. • • In accordance with the Debt Retirement Policy of the Province to retire the debt over A period of forty years, ib Sinking Fund will be provided whichwill retire at Least 551,4 of this loan at maturity. ' • PRICE: 100 and accrued interest, to yield 5", t? - • . We offer t • hegs teeuritie;: when, as .and if issued and received by us.; bor��y xnioNSEctr iTI WR bio La4'#i,iED MOtrrftA Established 1901 Rtrli'GG LQNOPt1, ,ENO. • 4r. 11. Woe Prt,idtnt . VA'Vcollve8r Hard Mat Totem 51 Kist Sr, O. 11. F. 8Q18.TER, Representative, dOO1;RlCii, Ontort, TEA. direct o ou m.. Savo de d found on All Doirolnion Stares Meas Tiro Attest teal that the gardens' produce, Irnportad 'di'rcet by w, skilfully blan& ad by eepeot.—ouch i4 aha quality teat offered In thea out Desrialen Storm, tale. (Eta), Reg. tS,r.e ....1 lb, 4tlti. Si 1b. 213 Daraito Mesa, Begg. ego .. 11b. Ilthp 1.,;011. los Rrdinaello lend, .Reg. 7Rc... OW fiaaaon'a Pure Orta a =•fol ltf'.1' er,,40..ie.'.e°tom.3 t1- Lora RAN .. . EA* Cta. 1n Y'irr, 133 zeal 41.0$Croown or it Air ' y tgotra Syeup0•tb, 11a ydG C.Ib. Tg:, . .....550 Maffei'. RI** rir. 11. Va3oy tfeoAliry t il,rilenpa 11. 21* .i tte't`(rtsptee Pao.,, 25. I, p.:4 ._.. to tstaa 390 La Ibb7's inert rtsk Soread r13 Ise eat,nad French i1 usbres a va o tar 330 ltetolasa Clilltellcrlr,. �, 39a Toro 55ta!:, or tPlogil (c1 E.: s 100 &AAo Tip, Reg. ego 1 15. 7t1c 'a•ti. 40a »otrnina Japan. Green, Ray. file, 1 lb...... 444 ! k.lb, x114 ... .1 11r. 09c . fs'ib. 3Se 1Otrllde California PEACHES Mr.'tin, iialvr' ee reit** Eai. i 11151 23. Sphdat. 10. �>d $1,111l►81S2 ft11il111.10ll SOAP SOAP u''$d9 x a.aas5'3o Chole* 100 Col.tro SALMON !322•'A. 35• t;I.bo Seyealde rI''+AIR$i neer s � 21. Lef=t Cagradles exv$1 e st3 a. tai t kat t Coni tine tt int . as, at, Aft Y C - Y kW/ ab. tsa CA. (5a lc3* 17.4 1.4%-a a tart a. /ft STORES L easl'Crsoridl Std'M1ttesa aeWIrer' QusNsp Cgw!Wa" 11. le u e bI II