HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-05-09, Page 1that
Fos pesompt 'orrice end satishectorY
woth piece yaw order with The Gogh -
rich Star. Metionic Bldg West Street,
*Phone 71
obtricli I r
Subecription: $2 a year in Camas
411.50 a roar to U. S. points,
avertising that PAys
hetwends hove ptoved that Star Ade
ti Results. An Ad me The Goderia
Stas mocha the people. 'eloise 71.
WALTER NAETEL, Pulatilver.
Vote on the Bylaw to Grant Elevator Company Nominal Fuc* eti Assessment this Fridaywifoundation is Completed
, .111•••••••00. 7.,,......n I ....,11, ......-4.14.1X- -1-Y....,-"r-r.'."..27-, -IC:- . .64....1,-.. ....,...7.4,1,;.... , ........6. ,N
il it deee
!WWI oart ea The jy ouldelet s he too
al; nb
, -at the alewe lipttet ts t
wo yearo 'mr
ake the eopeei.
vt neon 'Ili 41tEttrf+ m".7. TOWN TOPICS !,,gree on a verdict and left it tcl the times are believet. te be correct, Ute. non .L paymg one,"
Bun Life ,Ihsuranci Company, of 011118da
. 1.,
NOWT iti IIFIWitY OWEN hi all . At the 11111bur
. ,,Judge to decide the issue, whieh he next flight will be Oft SAtualy, May it IsZti. tllolki',/a,eniinthwertill:t3e,a;iglicriallatra.
lute dene. his judgment being for the Ilth, item Geelpit,
onenteeee, g ---,---....•,-r, <trcrg ........,----,---."---- --... ,..,----:.,,
attendant, The judga;ent sill be keton vselederieh the first week, in Septenn
. Pert -nes lenieg iti5'srs'i ng(itn4 the The steamer Ladischarged a mr sepottonrmi itmatd to ben I will do eo midi if not, I at leset
estate, of Worthy ublished in full next week. R. C. 6 "4..e. i. neerevy
feel sure thilt i can tind one for the
DO Y01.1 FIND IT HARD TO SAVE ? Tenn ef iioili,rxlc, ewe, din. on or .rai the. tattoo arratee this enoreeng
S. 11:011i• lala or ;11° :cargo at the Elevator on Saturday
i hays for plaintiff. D. E. Ilohnea for • , e
t M. ()cern° apetton, M.L. bas eat ettrimg of 193(i. For the many yeare
JI it til• teullt illY $/t APra' A' 11' 11"•'' .vi--ith 190-.000 .hueltele of wheat tont tlateudnut
'Modern methode of living make it hard for the ordinary indica. 0 :one' Sou perttenters' re lite Under- •oats.
Real Eitste Transfers it Ltoowthiley G.&olecsa11 ienhune;loltveoglilaultleesInesitittuiti , tehhapt Atvheogyamieenote,bestwteete. Jevneetti.toletuei
dual to eave, with the reeult that nearly ninety Ater vent. of all estatee
!eft for widows and orphans is money ridden life ir.surance. Surely *eitTelt..4,es;'11/;)trtelegT-IntIPle.‘tvteenritV,Itaillt, II f u cl tion for the elevator
nee nsennere ot ea, fala rstLeti, ,wm annex la tompleted, The seinen eel'eite lid. Itolane has. purebased leant 'clalaites of the Ilouc.e. of ..oatunlit3.
k)r 14 141141eilrir;114n d'art hVa4stIO117413iecua4iiites 444st*
'this fact is ettoeigh to convince you t'hat you ehould carry life insur.
etnee. Tito extoney thus sieved will provide comfort for you, in Your epronad et, distribute the said estate Bridge 1. 11'.I11 lame the eontract sciwire ,where be 1114
enr., Gerald Newton MS store on the, toe SCSSEon of 1028 mut 'promisee :I
been doing ; eentinuaree of e0Pie% 43f 'Luisa/ea as 1 three ,eettyresinti„c•ifiest,tatiretirceu%teaniee Vat:
-declining years ot provide comfort for your dependents waen you are baeittenrct.enlY to linen claims es ;for the steel strueture for the new .AeleitteSS for some roars. 3fr. NOW- l Well Zia the ferwarding of edueation. , east two
vatted away,. Resolve to save and to inveet yournavinga in life tnsur- 1 they 511441 1111111110V had 111,iliee.
1 ‘,..1, v.,4. , g‘ill 2 y A At..,.„ , • ,
marhte leg. . ,. . ton ltas thus dispoeed ef bis Itouse,i al publieatioris of the Federal f,w. team short:, 1 `
ntlee,, ' hie store and his stock and intends to; eenment, pattieulerey relativo to the
I work of the Vescarch ' tlePartments.. E0—°-r-4"---7.rpLE Iv}, Ix°
I " 414Litalri;n"gt7.‘'Ooderien. New Teeehet toe the CiAleSt*tt
Solleitora Tor Executers. • 'mit ittilte ;take a holiday for a time. •
41.1:.Camphp114 was in Torone
t Mice 115 .I —_ • .. .... „ ,,,,,eo George adgeEwan has pur- •Thete ere three volumes of the 1.-,8.'
ot '1,4;iA,••
141(41e31 1 Residence 540 . H. R.' LONG, Dist 1 A
„ -put ' NOTICE To tallinITOlen.
T• . ',CND .
dbe additional teeehen.who in wide.
milF.bpe.'Gr: yeCiehikse°.A11.1:10f11845eafeorilithe,aeaes ,eltased Mr. 'William Sharman's resi- ' Hamad end a separate index which
denee on Waterloo street otta 0, la mhos thein vecv convenient tor re- inetwrinadnedotMzinga'ratilkietteuerunt.ers went
NOTICE is hereby given to all Pee. tion to teeeltiree tower sehoo work. es, it Co d et• ' Wark "has bought Mr 'forence and the G. C. L will be pleas-
-- sons flaying ;claims against the F:stete ito toke. chArge of the owe. payees' Isir:.xweire residence ard intende to et/ te have citizens who Way wish to . suss Msrgaret Strang is bOttte
WANTED ' of Samuel Blair, tote to the Townsiti0 • vulture and eedeet works relieving Mr. re ere and xeside in Gotleniele 'refer to them make usn el therm
' Mi.'. D.obeit Tait has arrivect front
- :from Toronto for a few dap.
- - -----e---- - - - ••••••••eee- ot Stanley, in the county of ituron. *ehe !Mothers'. Der Servece• •
- i Huron Investiests Lt 'WANT Ele-ecokaationerat foe the, roomer, new toed on .or about the eget .eteou who has teen desiring of Eateurdion of Ste. Noroale
RiVirlit Up his work for some time.- The seene4 . clamber oe. none, :Pm enattat_ Motheraa Day eervice 'California rued intende to spend u
-1,1'rViii p"all,t•trigttolir:0;'"*,:st.btiugt%Dpitittbleeritalith' donaiy"prNovile:'1.0.A.0111; in92904tgigns en-- on ty;!„11e'aill .to. rn_inenees alibis...11410_8 Septem; - mecce is organizing A Miehigan„On. WM 'be held at tike, park °float. Pat. 'Month here. '
end same
texre,ertneed. ,so, oli. MRS. 'W. S. HOW. adore tile pan day. or may, as on' tout ;Der next lie 11 lUiti• (rimy' levet taw Goodwin voyage ainaNhas chaert rick ot. on Sunday, Mey Met% at 4 ' Mlel$ AL Il. MaeVietunattereed the
nee, Antes .-t• . • after tnAt date the • adraintstratrix of ; eueeesard experience an eoraes Enos ered the str. Noronic, ea ing 114.titiierio4sseCwInteilleW kit; hi:s 4'3:e:flat:I fdrom
in.. Art'ilori,!..fL,i„' A- „'i, „",; e„„re the eald estate Vi ill .41 *11 *1, ihighler reeentroendett , , W d Velon.k. in„..theenttern.00n... ..,Focthis
oeettuam, mayor Ll. 41• 4%. InfteroWl•
' 71 6u:s. ;!.'-‘,:',17k-r-',,, ii 1 y. r: _Tv ii; emet‘s.--. ei.,I.sittuttruili,rietailosnvingen. trh(1,:teseirtatottoemoyf„ itile el:twill i His Honor Attlee_ uwiktraiyea . netlilay afterneonfr June tith, and re. will let 113' thanman and Rev...J. lit. iti.iih.-.4oe...Arf000t $he has to
it wr, (Imam:on, varzia, oat.- at Owen -Sound and Mitekinew /eland. 11,91' WI 4.' e° nqUe t 1 c. "clung' eNert. 4 , L :
eurning Saturday, June 8th, calling d ,r, - b .. .
elanno 04 $ile eltainthen have had riti-ioriTnii talent fa% Delewfreln sr,t in
. en. spend-
. , Mayor MACEWit• has been communl-iv,ses. ---rA, presentativea of the lever. ale tee Witte. months. .
h • tett hire. W. IL /Bode spent a day the,
Stook Brokers ,
---Bond Dealers
WANTE1).-Prieo,te fatally senshingr
4) vTiat AT GODLIPICII this 1st tiay The suit, ,ot Mr...Maitland Driver - cated; with reale the. suggeation that .• ,,
litiatie eit • Man, ages to cow *truck 'by defendant's e
dufba eivlotiehlderelikWeetreo tailkYelltibteY tPrieprrsnt:trrinhgQ '' ot-P're-Suseetall•17Ts:ltilet„ faletIrdsie'taallliiretlOvbsesers.slaill°arltnia.orahddto*. '11";tsrtl•,:vhnetillt)tIrr:iiitstill.11:11;trrYlde°4111Nd,,;;Illiiti:''.183:::
j Thom- 'rived home in Goderieh oft Saturday
no; et le . ' v --k for lite earnmer. Address re- l' -;--e. eon, •
ROYAL BANK BUILuipou 'Ojos to Box tiO, sr:tie (*Tic& or 51:0-, A. 1)4. 4,r,n.ig'. ;,. ,.., , : ' against Mr. Peter afiehlwan for
,GodorlOh• Ont".1°_,. • '1151*S.131.4q11. VOCPSELV IN .4 LIP .. . • . car, was tried last Friday in the Div,. „t Goderieh, it could probably be ar-12,,,,,,.,n.e(e. 12711,111:r1 ism -00`.
after their European tome,
Phones 430 ona 44a. .4-4 TINIP 1.11:4;INT'Act OP VoIJI1,,OWX.. .. Hollister's, Fite..
(loileriell, Ontario. ranged for the Noronk .0 call bore .-
. re, I rented'. It. Wheeler .e.nd Harold DlaClir
' iatee. needett ta Heil elle guaranteed '''''). 1*e"'"Urs. -3)r --e ATicknlvientisirrl!alax11„eti i'314.1 1*.A,Y 4.11'1,t)11,7_12N.ITIlt.N. . Wednesday evening, June • atb,
turning early eaturday morn en, stone The ettizone et 'the town are spi2,1%nixi*. ttereteReOeurodnrauteitiolef iternroonto0i
-1- Valre up to 711000 a rear. No exPer- ' Q i 11, t fh eh
invited to attend tbis service
Auld' Ito' sister, Mrs. Ince gtery.
v itotisehad remedies, teen, eoteeet and . June ilth. .
Proar,e for $10 to'f,300 wt.outy: praca — thtl$ honor 'the elution's greatest osset um, r. u. minor am iluie (laugh,.
• . .
TENDVA% .NVA14330 • tood products. we give act unusual,
•: ter, Helen, have returned from a vrart
......,n'0,1.'..... th rs •
. enenee-eneeeeent assisteace to assure you of success. ..1'Sert'lkele TO GiletiaTOUte.
„, e........... Ilea', day or evetting spare time train- Flint Pigeon Iellaht
IDN,DP.11S. WANTEi), VO.WNWIP Ob Write. for paeticulars. JoilNell, Oltleit l In 'the -matter -of tile Itstete -of Wile /41)1e-fultr,t,, Aeutt,r i''No,teetee..11121'oet3' oll'''t14 foteeolet1(-1•111';' ThP lint 1118'4 of tlio Goderieh Greyhound Wilt Not. 1r;sit Goderlk
to. . ....
with telatives at 'Weston and Torone,
‘4. 1.311P'11°413' . ' . .9''Y e(:)" 1°6 Gla°4''ne Ave" T4r°4141-' 'liana OW(' late' (,f the' Ttwalshill• cl str4lre, ginlor,..ied. Fare raifroad. alue'roome rionung'Pigeon 'Club for the season Thin SlItluat
!Monis, in'the Corneae of Ilurim• 1-1°11e expensee. Weil's' quick. 4* )\I 511•111 GI A i. 'Was held on Scitu.rtiae• .1aet, eiW
ghty-1 e ;egreh
t aving to otake tie) an- alr. Tmas. G
, ., 1,010
For tile eondfruotion of tire foliest. eartetteaf '1 \-. iltn- O. TfnenE. ".
ee • • •0,1 ..,.. KMINF%111:441 titilititil,S, t;zutie one sto .leirds being releitsed from Sheet. nouncement that tee t,. 1711(1. Grey. been quite' ill the paot week, Ia.-still '
In-. concrete 'bridges i - • 1.S 111 II - Quidift:
. ,
for 'MO to $00 .weekiv-Ifture, itt,114.
. w. Hundred, 57 tureen St. *W., Toronto, • ford at '7 a,rn, The that to arrive aorta Will not malte het' usual *Ulna Arnitor the doctor's eare,, nt the bomo
Ou side Uncle; and 4..eonee-ii.. , Itt.VetteiTICE that ali porsons, hav.
' 1 r 1 .„,„_,. _____, was ono. belonging to J. Mlitcle Sian t• Voilericit . this ' seasoti. In of bro son, Mr, -Win. Gaulo37 Cant
E. D. and - • : ' ' .Qalt"lc.-, Hasy.,-praetRai rrrAoolotr, le eitr,g vkaitn.H ogialost,' t le est:ttre o 1 - , ,
which _came home at 8.14, making the Writing to "rher'Star announcing t'hat ' 'fold e St 1 "
0 id i' line 1 and 4 toneession 0, Auto-alearanies, , E3ectrielty, Drafting', 'itartl Cane, late of 'the lownstriP el •••"-°-"'7,Ft , •
. Ete. I:144 or melting, eta, ethane" "Xi • I in the County of num (len- rein SME Ole 10 RENT
dowls44 Vtupittt othuersfioineytlitasunsdinynitgl,n4tr,n1N11:13,elatenr„,ex7; Mies Ilazel Irawkins, Iles returned -
ti from London after visiting her sis.
0 ft. foal), 22 ft. 1.*OriaArkiY. aPpro31. 31014 litliaP. 11) 41)1'. . •SPrFlee" 114'r :111'Aedeeneti'llsett.,ruir •Iltiaete(lehe.,111°01.;41!):tunt 'PM 'S,A1•11e-4aaie7ie're- flame inalsee (11'1t.
rurfoilltewler al II
• •ei - nerehit notified to eend t.o elm underne*a a.11.-. meelern 0..9a12,P11-1"(TS;wo (ir blado, 846; J; I1\ u. 8h1.17; \S 4.1101 passenger agent of tee White t r, . -Miss Jean Irtrivki Ei Dr are
tnatele . - • Free Raiirinta Pare, "97').) 11 Offer. . _ • ,
Coilo.aetor to _provide an labor and NN Ili" '11DIME111CIAL. E-NcriNiuill , signed sopenore Oa Or before tire nroe'4 tf.t. Aill','Ie 1? •".. '';';.:Nidiile Nt ate' Pnetlado two at 8.18. .1e. aerfee. ...car Line, soya. 'Per' 1)81 / ilM Aparienenta, 1tntt Miss tine Elitot, og -
material with pro excention of Abe eutto 100, 37 .letteen, en.. Toronto, two at 841; J. alacVicaie two at 8.23; very sorry that this anlynu4auls"ettovievritnueveidll, 261tisaltoinil• setnreevetio.ve snow. youngest
Wet -for re-inforeing,, • 1 twentv-eighter•tiay . a mtiv, 492o, Alit 14111'1.
44' 1(41711' ef their claime agetlest 111°:'TelliOUSE 14 ilt 1.4ALP ,--lietl in in ntnnin .4.• Muteb. another ;at 8.244. S. Mae. bp ateleaat tempotorl
Bridges to be complete by Jane 20th,
11.1%.1. ' • - BEI.P WANTED , . AND PURTIIElt TAKE 7.,:prrIC1.1 ;teat
•saill 4' ',t ; -,- o • -LI- on Watereoo SL 71* 11 wee lately. 'Wan 8.20: E. PeaeheYe.8•58. Owing ate Tiiiiabethintitat it -helped to -live' --daughterof etre and -Mtn, „yowl span.,
tiecuplett 'bet Iho undereigned WiLe. to the timeekeeper's . watCh being consideriehle Itch/Jetty to Goderich who has -been training as nurse in St.
&merited aerate for ten per emit to '
aIncoodmelptaanypotsesneteteerio, nAblyi 'Mtenody erlsOtttt oat e
' roomsel,'irpua all seringec and Sean: laOwnivltaen'bdte eeadnfitsettrehibetlfueetsetsdwet-oaaumtooYfn•0gt8it1e1htehdep(c10aeratsie0eds 4 '11
Ale. teN. .. &n• eae---la. in t: • En.
'.ti three' teinutes fast thee° titles are tend vicnitebut the atearaekWnotJoseph' 11) 1)11.4!, Londototona
the* minutes better than theerecerd been suflielently patronized foe . the a class of twenty.four nurses who
win , . - -. • tor, 0011111114We at once, nitro eentied thereto,' liming regard only ta .11)1. ".4. too,,,•.,a.,...xv ,I. au netvette * •-e•-•-•-e---•- --e•.- ' e will graduate next week.
Mrs. L It Iletider (nee 011tet Crate ;
,-- Ce le. MoDONAGRO (*.Jerk. • -: upwards of _...q2.5..,vejvItIr...1611-11t." lire claims of which- tire undi."rsigneti 4.i. fences, tux Sthith - St, Will be . -
trio). who hail been- a patient -at the-
lettektioten. II. 3. ',. :waste. tipa'ailir out -houses, Areds, solicitor* 4tall th(41 have hatI-noilee. ya(v,Int the middle- of May, elaraeo end
barns. tepot.housc'•,1 or \•steellark, reeTnn the. eett, dav or April, A. O., eere„, i tei fie t eee o DDT? Private. , Pavilion, Toront 3 Geller4t:
' * ' ' '141q1ity pleasant Worit for either . 1029, . . ; , , . Itaspital, tor the past 'month, "ion.
sex, Illustrated etookict ond Pan.. - • wiLe,,..,N .ptrup & sTrwurr TilIVE lit110111110 DOLL.4.11S--DO YOil ' again stirring in toWil at tho tome of '-
rirtuE AnNisitto,:to MAL EST•eTE and ticulare font Anywhere for stamp. , ; - Mod 1.4fla 'Street, -e• .1". : - 1 y - oryino. oil her mother, Airs. Wm Craigle, •
4, iNsuri4Ncr4_41,0=Gy. . -•Dominion. 3tusaroortetar 4* -07•0•1•='"--
' CII111111111' °lit:- .' talige:ainttr.S:iatlit etTrItlelltrtr-luld-al. ea.mi'alTrineteliNac- ..
. eollenent 'for Thomas II. Calle.- EiraMage. also picturesque location -4 •
Some reatbargaina offerieta'.,Inet now
' - ptiBLIC'NOTICB . . Administrator Eet• intliaiii 034,a:cote et tbe best in ine virinityz•'-ion
to"qule:: otwere ot boogie; mut lane,.
e e.,-..-e-o-aneowee-- ..'"--‘,1 *
illi:v: To caimirroilLt, ' , • will be profiting- this •ailenint„ Said.
Juef. a fen of molar listed foe ;sale : farrn is 144(4 11 twat/111es front tellitton •
, Olsen story bonne elose to post oillee. 4114:,. 4, ft.. ActousTs,, 241. 2"'".- ' , ,,-----: ''' ,..-. —
Goderielt. Cellar; water anti toilet in '17 44. is 11014 ivy given to all ettesoris good bOtiiirc la*rge barn, driving, shed, .
boost', .II'dec trio liglited,..price 8730.• , A.s 1 'him. dis,?osed of mY bliAllega iia,Ting chants 4,. 01)41 the--- 1,'.( 1' - et _also ,wietlinilt and reservoir; lialasId-- •
Good We.: 'house 1011 modem Automy areouoti have been . placed. .vvitit Jetta Aihert Ervair,. fate oE the Village '1 441 hush, 'Fi,esIlleileo ilt S7a1et4 yea.
• • -s nt• for leterritee,•.'„Iiterket-'40-enist--
AN.,,,fii.iok.And garege.oleaetestreeto eiliet eiarshell , of Mr. F. la fearrelete -"or naelleltea,ht ilic;31Jount-r- of. Ifurvia, dive/twin canter,- owner, 2,21, sonin
Priee $.9800. - law °Mee. for 'eftne.ellalt.-il 1*.teMies1- -Yarling% wirb died .1111 or 'about "the \mit sirek. Borneo% Inchtgan,
flue Iled licielt House, neWirilecor- eil'illat these lie' settled be Jame let, ._ '21th (lay of ..Npril, A. It.' tin:), to semi tiro . ' * . .
,a.tedgood. condition, Lights, hathreote • .. . G. ,c.. IN137.47.ToN. -$anii, duly proven, to 4he titelel'Abroell
Two lats. r,.it;ins,fifi, ,, - . ...... .4.-.7- - ' .f . . 4 , on or before.the 25th: day of Way, as COURT OF REVISION
Bed'i,aeir hotiee, fell 1110(11,111ceuin- • • t ' volt sALE.' . ; ...,,e,... on ond after illdr tizite tbe .1.0rolnistra- ,...----- _ ' ---,--'-,
ned Ri400.00., ' .. ' ' . ..' . • • .- .,..--...,...: tor of the said estatetwill ittrilte Hotel- untrAT OP 1-11.:VISIDN-ToWNS.1111'
11 11 'br'it'k .116114fs g004- e°11`114811*4• ran teel4E.-Foril 'ruder aa'41n. lir
'Bath ' room, lights. Fine' stratil bon, button. thereof, hoVing regard' 'only to - ' or tiolintiltil,,,, ,
41A 4 good running 'rendition. „etiply 'the -claims .he 'their shall have notiee of. . ' .••-•,-* . .
11)010'111w g4Mge. 'Eight iota. ft:28004R'. '
e '41 14" VJGDAT"4 '.4' i pa-tst. . 3 iitim t od4erdi Oda ixil. l III'. of.A t of vision.fer thTOwn
l3rilt house, full modern equipped, .ri'', '- -.
Ail/ Of noderielt will ..he held lir iklui..., .
. Steam heated'. Partly hardwood doors. .1.-,(174 s AI I,' 41.6.01e. tfood patine nume . • • ' a ' - -.. 44011111)1 '1 jell!, Ilolutinvilin ort. Mon-, .
Oerato. $1,000.; - a. -. ot 10 and 15 -epfits a iium; aNci 14 '44.' .neti if kl.'.4,. • . day Way vr II, at 10 tr.1!1; fin. Ito par -
Good. 1% story bowie-. 'withfeIlnr. some Gladiolus at 20 and 25 cents a . Sttiteitors for the . pose of 44131,40 .1 airy ttolealle or emu':
Tour bedrooms. well arranged for eon- . dozen. Mill jugge these ire the price, ' dihn51 (1.11 lr of the ebove estate. :pi:dials frimi the, assessment roll or 711*Vs•tro lots; Full tRufte rooms, including
said township and 1"or lite 'oath. mime
vet/fence anti comfort. Nicely decorai, ..(111eY are ;rood oees. JiiiIN FELib, cote ----e•-=''-•--e---------e-----e-----
ad. . Fine fun- eqohmedebatb and toliPt .:ambritt- iiii...•trui Trafalgar St.
- • ;',1 . • — . ', • .- • • . ,sonS assegsed for •••iti4s, Ublrit ;have
Nr4ITT(M TivaeleanToilee. _ of !be ioill Ossesstuent roll, Ale' po1-
remit. eleetric lightere juet rinielted. ',Feet tiALteoEggs for. Hatching, et. IN „j,i/K i .1 '431 „ii, sAND14.41/),_ me. .1.f:11r-re been riet4wyeil Outfit retarn tee ;
('00411114114 to thnt,,,,tito insov)tie (411,1• . .i%,i 41. breci,4,,,iay strain. Barred „• ,iirr r./t.,, 1,41,0y0.: 1.,,,,..,,cy., vita,. tag, mith the 111`111-`SKW InformaVen,
Victoria seilimil. 81800,00. by this mite or the usual tax will on
- I itoeks. :Pillii ts •of last year 101 Ot the • • ' •
1‘1611): 11161T g"l3t1 hom, s. with more ' age a t -months troll .0 days. .5111S, it: mt persons 7ia-V78,13'e7aiiiis against tile _ .(, „, „ ,
' 'ehar&-t.d.
or less mon corivenienet.4-aatin• 1) )\ Itungermon Phone nun- - - . It 1. ellioNl14,oN, t,lr
' ' • '1`derl
-0.00tf$00„ gunnel, nue gi. ,- t i • t f S'i it 1 '11eVitt" • Li y I, lite .
'S500, 'l r. .'4.4k *11)4,111 them,' , , • • „, of -the Town ,of tloilerich,_ who died on .__,,,,..w....is.'
Large'ntnnber orniS f feiisted for sele iiAltY On:toil:S, li.vrcuiscit uoilti and; or about the 314 dal' or noel, 1920'
of most any sizeprice
, . -terms and lo.., A-,- ---ratriCiDER'Sro' vF,'.5. - art hereby .notnted to send in V) the
tenon tiesfredr o
. eintly 'foccultation. . undersigned nxecutor on or before the Town of Goderich
bmnediate posSes9ion. ' • trim iluy of Jone. linfi, full partleuliirs
: :Stillf liatebed Chicks. Barred'
Tor all particulars Write or see "a'iRe• itiliale 011.1th While LPgh°1*"' 1;'cllelii or their claims. f IJunemmediately after thtee.. . PUBLIC NoticE ,
said iiitti day e192U, the asse
• Deal Estate, • -citelf.
Ihiteiring ego from April to July, lie 1/f ' tIla 111.qtt''''''l wilt be tlistributed
• Dox 89. Gotleriela Ont. eaela ' . emongstotee • pranks entiteel thereto,
' *4- 11 --:IFP -------ese 'Above Priree Ore for eustotuers toln- bkael'„lneraareciTt,Rredslineirt Itrielnlatilleirollnforcellel,(91
logolitiurir ogrostilliorihrepiArnbiail!efrshPo•xes. „ - limed at Torpid° this 34e1 'day o'
but 'customer ntnst furnish contedner41aee--1021/a-
- re'lifeeg•goi; are 11/ 'need of a new itrooder - Title tunnel. Tlieiy7 .(301.1,ANY,
gtOVe,„Yountg, reed liappere, ete let _, „ 'roroeto 2.- Ontario.
en ?tinge Ste
me quote prices ter Rept equipMent. ,' Exeeutor
eteee. CAMPBELL, AultUrre Ont. By ta SitA(ileil. K. C.,
Phone nlytit 10-24, ' Their Solicitor herein.
. Real Edate and lasarance
Petitions for the construction
a cement sidewalks in 1929
must be filed in this office on or
before May 15th,
No tietition after the above
date will bo considered in the
tonstruetion program of this
By order of the Council.
L L KNOX, Tsitirs Clerk
• 25,000,000
Province of Ontario, Canada
5% Gold Bonds
Dated May. 1st4' 1929 Due May 1st, Os()
Principal and semi-annual interest May i and November 1). payable in United States Gold
coin in New York City or in Canadian gold coin of lawful money in Canada or at the
fixed rate of $4,86 2/3 to the pound sterling in London, Engiand. Coupon bonds
of St,000 which may be registered as to principal only.
Leal inuestmentloy„Snoings Banks and rrost &nth -in 'Connecticut,
Maine, New Ifornpshira and Vermont
These bonds, issued for refunding ptsrposes, are A direct -
el primary obligstion of the Province of Ontario.
100 and interest, yielding 5%
Ageriez cm -IN -des of 1)9 ante tri delivar Neil!: the ocsaciew gy* dtyiNiike t'ota.
SI/ARalAN.-Many friends sym.
netlike deeply with Mr. William
Sharman in tho death of his wife last
Saturday at Hamilton, where they
had been making theft- home since
leaving Goderich some timg ago.
The WY 0418 tr011glit to 'Illffideriqh
and the funerel wee held on Tuesday
nfternoon from the residence of Misa
Sharman, St. Davidstreet, with in.
torment in. Maitland cemetery, The
services were conducted by Rev. C.
F. Clarke, motor of North street- Un-
ited church, of which the deceased
ha0. leen a member Suring her long . e
ensiderice in Godericle assisted by
ittw, J. E. Ford, The pallebearera ,
were Messrs, W. C. Pridhant, Erneet
Pridintrri, William Kickley (a gran(l.
son), II. T. Edwards, George Mac.
' Vicar and Chas. Dance. Mr. Sitar -
num accompanied the remains front
1 Hamilton, also Mr. ond Mrs, Fred. .
Kidtley and children, of 'Hamilton,
Mn;. Icickley being a daughter.
Mrs, Kicidey, a sisteteindaw, from
ee Guelph, oleo was here. Mrs. Sher-
. enan is survived by ono 'brother.
Thounia lelekley. livinrr in Winnipeg.
Mother'*; Day eards end chocolates.
Ctempbell's Drug Store. Phone 90.
Sale of home -mad baking by the
W, c. T, V, Int ThorwirtY, 1e/7 arde •
eommencingetet 2 paete th the slorr
orrneriy . oceupied . 'by Mr. Chao.
TIIE !ATP COL, I0 -.:N V,krteOP,, v. it, 3, P. !Humber, next the Bedford Hotel.
en _entne ,,e_....... -e. 1,
-Aformer commanding officer of the Huron Regiment, founder and First, I Will anyone hattlilie bid pattern,
Master of Morning Star Lodge, No. it00, A., F. and .Ahie who i' magazinee, rubber tires, 'deo ,, kilidly
passed to Itia reward on Itridae, May ;led, in his fient yeah i save mune until Saturday, May littlit
I when then will be- collected by mem. •
A tong and honored career mut a - Robertson, A. Jackson mar Dr. Weir,
ben; of the Victoria Home 311(1 School '
uoeful life eves brought to a close on 371(1 the service was in charge of the e„.,,,
Saturday laot in tne death in his pester of (meow United. churcb, Rev. ede".
eighty.thint year 'of *Col. J. . A. S. oln Ctunming, who intake eloquently1 EVERY•MAN WHO wows.
Varcoe. nit'„ fitty-live yeatohe had of Col, Varet en lite, tatting tor his ,.
hag the "floret) finish" to his oulte.
lived in the Tawnsbip ot Colborne and eext the words of St Paul till he near. The Unitize finiehed in Otte nen.' don.
was of the old type of country gen. ed his end, ••1 have tounht a good blea the ewer., It la exelusive. Have
dentate In fzulning be speelatized in 'light, 1 hove finished my come. I
thoroughbred cattle and at one time , het% e kept ' the faith. Henceforth your next .suit tut four waya i •
had one of the ibeet herds in Canada. !there is laid UP for me A erOWn HAND CUT of „fimicoo (ivr
He was a former Colonel of the lime ' righteousitess evidelt Ake leird, the
- on Regiment, a position whieh he held rigateoue judge ratan give to tare in STYLISH CI:T
. -
for a number of years and was al- that day and not to me only but unPRICE CUT.
ways' a popular officer with hie men. to all them WOO tvhich love hie apas low as $.2.00 %nth all these ad..
) e . •
Ho evao a veteran of the Fenian Reid, aimearinct.a Without • sacrilege the vantagen by buying now through
- having , seat retake at Sandwich in rpealier said he thought he could as- CHARLES NORMAN, 51andaettte.
1 1806, and he aka had the Vieteria cram to Col, Varcoe aomething of the ere Agent, With% Exchange Hotel,
I Decoration for long eervke. Ile woo same triumphant spirit which St. Goderielo Special' reductiots for
the founder and first Master of Paul had. Col, Varcoe had foueht a two or more ardent front .03111e fame,
' Morning Star Lodge, N. 309, A, la good tightlieroert were made aa . ily. Phone 433. '
ae A. hi., be mid W. Bros. Wm. Peailie much in time of peaee us in Unto o1'-
and John Wilton being the three of wr a
and Col. Varcoe nom of the her. CARD Ok"ell.ANKS
• the old meMbera who were recorded • We. type. Ile had finished lik• course.. Niht• J. A. '4. 'jam,'" int,' 1411).14 w141
as atilt alive in tita historieal booldet nut boat of all be heal kept the teal, ' 1" 4"%7145ee tir elileere altreeted1"uor
of Morning, Star Ledge - (tetitten by : and cetild look forward. as he did, to aileo,1.104.eti:liii'h- ii,ittr IL,,!..itittioit,:,ti?,,illineutAttles
.31r. Varcoe) gotten out a few yeant be: nututnono hence, with joy, in the "
end to rented far the elle ahe ir, tome.
. oge in connection with the completien confidence that lierteeforth there is
1 triumvirate of pioneers itt altrionry in The Itymea for the funeral oertee. I Nil. 4„1. 11, iir,ill.(1 tr. :1 161701,01%
of fifty years of exiotence of that bid up for him a crown of 1.14544(001.50. lat,,,icia ,p0,,R,.,1,,,,,,, R„..-,,, 011
. Lotto°. Mid now that notewortby neon neeinener,$, NW,' fgt. hi hoeiol'
Colborne is broken by the passing of were "Unto the Milo" and "0 God
Col. Varecte. Col. Varcoe did not ret. Our Help in Ages Past," At the I noneeeret ta At NI 44..17a Krii.4. sten
pire to public Mike and .never ocetn:doee of the service many in the ntid- 7.,stur,i,„,..m,2,
,,. m,L
• tired irriudailial poeition. At ;tine 'time ten& Mitch *filled tlib dolma to ovek. ozthion. .
Ida friends wiohed him to run for Mining took the opportunity of a . It71l. in veinnipten et, menden
, parliament but thin V•5 not in Bite laat look en the kindly ftten At the %pot ein,„lettn Me lb II; fm.nvely or
WIZ?! 11,0410,42aor W. n
12011104)451 friend , ehureli melee wag 0011044111041 and the mad It Vviiiiii4g.
i praveciole in Colborne eemetery the tenteannen to. en 5101
with later.
.01 Sir Williriiri Otter, wboee de,etia , Maoonie Iurial ritual evae Narked .
euriousla eileugh followed his own 02) Oa. Mr. and Zblra. Charieo %emote e V,411"IE" II: 4'.118.141'n" 111"1"°Pt, 'Al'ii
, Monday laet, and batveeta (11030 IMO Tql'Ontor. and De. mull Mra. LeTouzel, l'e'Itterl". 111 111' fj29' IA' ' " -- *
Of London, were here for the kuner. I ' • 3"w'. "e1"".. 111 1" 14;1111 :"<11.,
militarp null a 'warm intimacy exist- 1 • '44141111N , tt
COL Varece was horn in Cornwall, i '. "e e •• - .,11"111. "" 1431"ee
. C01. Varcete was active in connee. 4 ftnee„. in UV, and tvaa brought to 1111,j2:11.eltS 4,111.1,6714111;1-Jte9i4aelSerit1-;;14". 11)(..
upderstand rifuttool the,SurdaY ealltiel fondly nettlitot at Port noir. Fifty.
in connection with this thavch and fivo swam two ho ague to noleorne tatalent, In beat; =Pouter el Wilt.
,wae 'for eonte time .the enpOinterza-, townahip and Wont fottv year!) later 1,;.-atI,1.4,:a",1"-r• ‘14111 '1"41 1)7 °"1"1 7 .M.AY
1 Mt, and the fun,nal CCV020, rilaieit wan metaled to Mae Mary lifoeel,o. ,"'"" ''. ,' , . . , . ,
was held en Mondey afterneon, wee He la eurvived hy hie wifo and by a ;MI` 110.i11-9 "d'''' 411`r"1"11"•
held in Cul (torch. Tile Inernbeto of focally („f Moo children, e. neterkeq 44 14 ;.‘,"')1 IMO' 0.11141 ‚.4) 1(4
; Mornieg fear Leolgo turned out in Vateeo. of' Totorito; &lie Robere i1/11,11;*e...,;11„6:`,,N.;',,411,C1,1rellf/F.,•4,1":"I`
!neettly neiracce, faired ton a utintbee Cameo, at horao. and itteliell (Alto ' i - ac''' - 'n - ' "i'-'''
of the rnetrterA ef the natter lodge of Trethowoy). at Getleeieh. - A Giote'r: - "n4 41' "1.9'." '''L a 4.614IP ''%I' 114*
iMaitlairel at Gedenielo Teo pall l':olto :ono ncb„,„,, yr,„,,...:. of Gedegab nrul II 15' 3r,,'" ''' `41711.1•" 41•11 '''''' '
, 4t3 weee Menne 'William leaiVe, a beothee. Willietai ia CalY0E31 3 ,m•fies• l'.11:11'7,.:t„,-,740•':4::',11:":: °‘11112,1:4; .43,15,i2a.44(IF:44%;;(41;t::::.
• • Jam Wileen. Alee. 'Zaino, John S. '4•11,e3 ti 0.
1 - tion •tvith the Carlow &melt tied tvo Canada at the age of two yearn the