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The Goderich Star, 1929-05-02, Page 6
!'Atilt INS a a to ire . vSa FOR D CATAWGUE cGa.en uJ apo D. N. rao r(3t'saM3 Burkkas. STEELE, BRIGGS SEED CL. � M11t*moons GREATiF$ SLED HOUSE' "" TORONTO-NANfLTO M.W lNIPIWREG$NA. EDMONTON THE CUIiE1:len STAR TIIV1a."ai)Ali, MAY 22rel, lee* Aacither Holldaa is the lliilclaw:, t i 1 ie -t n_: say. , l 1;0 S•br..��1'' isiiTaste t moNik Again ilaituDin�,: Week itwati,irWlr�. u("�+z" t: •:a„,�`'ii care” ,zi; tote beautiful l.cfr ,egien .:., 'Words Meat Mie pronounced clame, 'Litre elle flan, tt3ti 1134+ ptanoutteecl '• ter aril phileeepleze with in clap, - a a Tt t +y 5 39 ,N 'it,” A a3,111 "ate" O' '4reters ar:,1 are rete h ti, _ qq li lb. Or�1M .a^. n l 2 gin" i C GCCi'lii 61:It313:C. The stew `pre3 %i.ttt the ;?i•—•Z .p.' a�:4a.:a; 1`ai.r,i-T,.c. F1<a�aw3, tli:3W d a; Ceti of the landing of an (eg'tti:t in ,ysittbs `�r t ' 13s? .r wi i7 ''Alli,'? 3Ccat: f Find c,s 31rnnir .'':1'.„4 ^rtalwult. a'Xicr, !; whit a flirted guueFaad a , bat aE ,i ereeete,;° p l Pee lug -Lei -tee.. t'elect Flinn 1 a ...r71 !ll tie Iay:;G Y >?Irat fiel)t la erd ell �£ 'Ow i rain- taus fu r l mento o may be Irord, at cn facet cy iabyo, :u sic Hasa- cages 8113 rat as •in .c ''''41-3'''-'i that your la►arr Plat fuactlotdag '� a3 tc •. t3 C3 �l,nn properly mut requited attentiart at aecarf ort, 1„'�+a t.., n o-, a as ie ”&;c,t° lint teiee , w,,ed the fish c eee ir: ' c• as in tri'° e,;caG i � c� a;;11n11°. . tl�e ©a1y ones en egc:l n.a cfaraal.a.'. ver* S. e t'aflLt, , cite —“ ,, a ,sc%f3?- teemcee Pie -p -le, i eee g never* Beep, t)ak, rrrltttl:— Qa in `tpicl:,i' tla d"u' 'A , err ";3?;' nal - Two eeesins, Alistair Maciian anal I rill is the morning X euud T inti a = cent fent 83 iPa14,° Ikon Weirder. Lail come to blows anti ilud tante ie tea maattiD t+hicTe 3< iatttr Ta:aa'd ; q t'43 3 333 '"1r; ."' root a3G in by an taelaeZ+y level tt,� :: slrlil3P4y timid out was due to t![a baa repute of „ ,." *tarn, yours A Meet -air falls and bite j my neer. The clerk be the drug store - mQ' Words lite r ei• -. 4Q4.390, tel ..elle head. Unconscious, A.elee ear,ae3 tuggdated tbst 1l tri :him . to his ecittage, Where :.elect°$ : Marshal (ora riga er); reertiel (per- nie>e, Margaret, Attends hirci dlurane +ere teining to war). Artillery: two 1's. :his enfoecerrl rest. ntargariee lay gn*A Hyphen; mete the alalic 'Clemency; drewn into the sozial .life at tee man- uw en, not sail. Asphalt; note the ph, - , or where 'eating Alicia :r° is :leer. - i1.Iarvelou ; also opened e11. Paddy Joe, a delightful Iriohnian, "plow i t zaiet without them lit Synouytns and Norroy tarn. ;n celebratet3 sirs- the how* and "doh to thank you for Lenience, leniency. lenity, Mild - cess faro holidaying there. er trees What they did for Hess, clemency, forb;.'erance, Rizla- Margaret :inti Alistair some time to . i R nesDespair, s, g S tledne:3a, tenderness. 0. realize their lade for each other and T"4" • a at ells artWO" oar for Noire to settle her affections on 640 . ar asi)ed direct Qac reta�ipt d►t s a ay nt, hopelessness. despondency, y clise;yuragtmant, liopelessraz is. Paddy ,fact quite the most avertlDy re. nto Oat,* T. #Kilbwcs +Coy„ L ncrease: intensify; ne enify, en* cipeent of? them. We have many ca- + bailee, multiply, augment, peditions while all thio is working •... -•--•• _ �„' gasp, grip, seize, laid,. grab, cut. Tho everyday life of these pear- """" clutch, embrace. " 1)l? is O know drsthere bed« in oilier nowavee comesthemarthevellorus Ydeve a Determination, resolution, decla- words. we know thenar and all readersion. firmness. who liked "The Key Above the Door'" merit in manufacture ---the Invention selfish, greedy, e'verlcious, +;gasp•': _ . _ . will flop( the acme +leasuro in " Door" "- o! the sp 13 n t . jao—t .the gawex ing, gluttonous, voracious; iris atpablt. 130()LOITERS . CORNER Rivers I'.un" i n ti t*� `alsh, nub-' form, thr engine of James Watt, and' Word 11sheil by W. mid P 'Caambars 1,.tci., - the eif.aative �snrt itr cf toe'. - or ' Stade ._._- - - (By Jane Iiultby) London mid Edinburgh. hitherto the spinning wheel and . "Use a .wont three titles: and it is Juvenile hand loom had teen part a tilt, cot- Yours." Letus increase our vorabu. B"A Good Book is the Betel Companion"' Thos. NeIsan. unci Sons I..d. ;lave page .forfeiture and inanu.+aerure had nary by mastering Hire word each day. Canadian Stories Ssarie t _- written I,y, been • e aange laallthi-. With :mills DER for athis lne4`eke A 'Pile aftermath of the tinsel= ray a capes from an uneacapa'hio Moscow gust published a scSpr ee writt baal.s *. tet nMidi•. ' industrial revolution camp its otter.- cele. "Intellect is ever pointing ,in Agnes I ichor, and atti' etevely imus. dant evils -•slums child labor, long'derision at the fogyism of faith. " _d bt k x a r lotsIS an {iefiz;ito.,Glass .As ir.CtiQr?i t. wee ell.-_......�_ ,� 'volution, with all its attendant hors prison, eeseues ,a little Grand 'Duke a an etc and white by E1aie .urs'aria needles* ,emeses 9s vividly 'from they revengeful eiutches of° 11 Depne. ._ . _ .... .>• .. _ .., portrayed in this thrilling novel br. ailed woman, and diseovw.' a love for hese little books are about 2tr Harol1liacgrath. Many,. awl re. himself after yeara of pursuit of an pasta in length, clearly printed and .trtearber the interest 'his story, "The illusion, ere sold for IGc each. Ilxea ns of Jeopardy," aroused. That The story le not really as lurid oto "The Faeries in the Wood" is the etas the tale et' two famous emeralds the title and jacket suggest. It is an delil;htdul.. adventures of Mare xand their malign influence. absorbing and thrilling tale, well Louise and Bunny with two other lit. Cutty, Patrick henry Clay, Amenia written and quite worth rreading, tic children who .should have been .nein Secret Service Agent K•., is the The Wolves of 'Chaos, bynoroid fairies, but were only real children.' hero of tbis • continuation, and he MacGrath, published by Doubleday, but tbey do find wood fairies. and find: .gain performs astounding feats,' Doran and lxttndYr Toronto. how enthDoraeytall:l:a.n AAwa. ,"-: Dora 3a' so woman • .a anxious to tined an tin Ian Your Stunria Home Can Look Twice at Attractive Simply coven the "walls and ceilings with smooth, tightfitting sheets of Gyproc. Fireproof 'Walllboar -then decorate. Gyprocwill also make it cooler opt hotask,-mer on .cold ,nights• 'Fa reproo '' tt board I For Saltie By The Goderich Planing 1111ii1s, Ltd.:. ,» .. Goderich, Ont. ... _ (.., . wrrs.as A NADA- PAINT ` ODU T with a papoose, $o she rills away Bobbie rvanta, a tarnahanlc so he goes too. They do get to an Indian camp and are very tightened when, : they think they Made been stolon but Daddy arrivs and a very sleepy but. happy Dora leaves the Itensns 'weo load really been vee;y kind to them. These books • will greater. Interest. botli boys and girls from five to tell. "P.nglish Men and Mariners in the Eighteenth Century," by A, S. Tur- berville,, published by the 'Oxford University Press, 'Toronto, 11i3 pa- ges. $3;00. "The Period of English .I•tistory o; which this: book treats: is sonreemes known as 'the classical or .- iigusian age. Thea designation refers ;o tate character of its literature r:vory age in developing its own distinctive genius is to a certain extent in reac- tion against its predecessor. Such is the explanation of the literary school Ate - which, dominates the first part of the' • Period :tile school of. Pope, - ktret - ---limo-developed lite . Coii'eer--*muses; which &meam3 sal popular and which PeefOrn1ed the 'une'!'on.•, elotraca i. exercised by the literary journal of criticizing the current poetry, drama and other writings of the day. And what celebrated habitues those cor- fee houses had l This is indeed one of the greatest, periods of English ,prose, including as it does the noises of Defoe. Hume, Burke, and Gibbon. Eighteenth cen- tury oratory is a,A great as Its prose literature. English +c1oquence reach. ed its greatest height in the speer ehcs of Chatham and Burke,- and on only .a slightly lower plane were - these of Bolingbroke, Iflu!wiet e, Sheridan, Fox, and Erskine. This was a reasonable age. The eighteenth century was an eminently tolerant age. The charge is frequently brouglie, - against this . century that it wee o t« treniely coarse in mind nrd maanner'. It was a coarseness, of fibre ais well - as of langue:re. but there was also. the crusade of Steel, and Addison to the Tatler and the S:weetator to r.: - fine the nublie tante end theappeal of 1)r. Johnsente Rambler. strong ley reason of its+ sound manly sense and hatred of -shams. When wear* r minded of the coarse erained insensil;l1ty of ;the, eighteeth 'century. let us also bear in mindits cenaidereble artistie u(hievement :anti. urti,".tie inter. its—, this greet popularity et Iiandeler-the canvases of Ilogarth, Itynaids, Gaini lien .;ugh -the acting of Garrick and Siddons flit nc*ate architecture of Wren and his succeesors, in the sinipla beauty of dawdle architec- ture and decoration, the names .cf Adam, ' hi n entlale . and Sheraton. The brilliant achievement of the Seven Yeats War . under the entietcs- ful inspiration of Pitt VAX.4, legitimate eau for prideeeeariade and India were addedto the Emnire. There are many different aide to anyone who wishes to imbibe the at- maspliere of the . eighteenth -century, but the best guides are the fiction end its memoirs. The eighteenth century* novel is essentially a novel of manners. From this :course IDe Alava,sottunt 4.? r� tat 4. z. ....W...,,1, ..�.a .w .... -- Itwill not or cr SUN FL`l OR: VARNISH drips *tone hard with a satiny beauty that will not crack, chip or show heel mark*, it i!a wonderfully transparent, en• lltanring the beauty of the wood, and at the same titleproviding exceptional protection and wear. It is waterproof •and will not blanch with hot or cold water. SON VARNISH is specially made for interior or aelrterior varnishing of woodwork fercetlt ificlrrfn0. It has Mei:over• able lustre and durability with a richness of finish absolutely ult• ettitielliad. Io exterior door fronts and perch ceilings itisparticular- ly gel became it withstands the ravages of the weather., forsale by • R. J. HOWARD GOOER1CH, ONT. WTI* MAKERS of THE FAMOUSVL►MANY BRAND' WHITE LEAD Foe, Snrellett,Field'nng,I'annyBur. ney and Itichardton, a living picture of the Average man els a real live in4 diriduat colt be obtained. in this lit- erature the criminal alsct bulks large• ly and deeds of violence aro common •—the highwayman a1a3 the eharac- terietic Criminal. It is in this period that tee phrase "blue stocking" first .appears and the century produced women or very net - able pannier and intellect --=as Sarah Jetnoingrl, Lady Sufolic--not only the confidante of George le, alit the friend aril eerreepondena' nil Pepe. Swift. Arbuthnot, Gay. Bolingbroke. Che terlteld and athero; Mina, Countess of Nuntinitd out Mre. 'glia dons. Fenny Burney. 'Lady Wary Wortley Mdatttadlu. Hannah More and at the very owl Myna 14 'olietenceroft. who ptehliehed her "ltighta of Wom- en" in 1793. R It is hirci to realize, that In the amidst dpi thin literary development. *e lane as mid,centueve the London. EnfiaAwre toseh ran telly owe x ween and took between a fortnight and toedCOS TOY .0 A DAY 1 Cart eel-Aterandlabor.LIDf"otin�l�d z uth*i 'There is ncr•phaSe that h not tau• ,souuAnd; efli;efont. '"z000 vatrlid .abtjectiontact;: chedl an in this coznprenensrve sur could be olTered." vey. Splendid insight lute rho Mini- . ARRANT; notoriciisly•bnl. "Sten actor of the outst. ndrn mewls div- arrant• ctions are detestable." . en marl �er pts Walpole, 'Pitt, ' ilio STO C. iL; .ziaowin ' erenc a' great con loner,,' Burke, etc. 'There .pain .or ,pio:lsure. "lliS stye , otoicsl are sections on .Rockington and thtt -.. elec reals, the ' ;Divines, the artists, k Drama, Stage' orad 'Music, Empire NADA", t4tvEII' Fizz? Builders, Soldiers, Admirals. Ai. very helpful feature is tholist at the end of *hell chapter of suggested xead• legs • Not tlbe least of the merits are the prolific illustrations. From thein alone a very •good idea of the timet could be formed. Among them is a charming silhouette of Queen' Char-• lotte and het favorite pug; za coffee house:; A , perruqurer% shop ; para- graphs from newseapey°s; fashiono of the day;, pictures of, towns; portraits; of notables. xlnd:•perhaps the most in- teresting of all Are the timely carica- turee. The book is called an illustrated narrative and well doge it live up to this title. It contains endless enjoy- ment and information. is most read- able and gives a remarkable -survey of; and insight into this. renearla'ble period of English history. Juvenile "Tuna Tum, the dollyr'Elephant," by Richard Barnum, is , published `by Same and t,o., Newark, N.J., for . tv cents. Boys and girls from 6 to 10 tike . this story ct Tuna : plum. tare's 3n the ju`ngie with his fa- ther and mother and lots of play-, mates, but one day a lot of the.ele.. phants are caught . in .a trap, It had to be a very ibigtrap-tai catch eleph- ants, The tame elephants w high had been caught tbefore . advised the jun- gle elephants to be gond—if they' were they would be well treated, 'one if very good they might home time be ,sent to a cireus. Tarn Tum wa.: sent 'to a eircus and he loves it and loves the peanuts and popcorn balls the Children give hint. But besides being great, Tuns. Tum, is clever—tie learns many tricks and does some very brave, -clever; deeds.' biJll. WEEKLY :LESSONS IN ' ENGLISH (By W. L. Gordon) Words Often Misused • Do not say "How much' money .did she make?" 'SO "did she earn." Do not stay, "Lincoln, was never born in Ohio:" Say, "was not bone" • De not say, "She has lived' there upwards of a year." ' Say, "almost a year." Da not say, "Tell me your prefer- ence and the sum • will be forwarded to you." Say, and it will be." '!1` ant pretty sure that he.,r vas there" is accepted as correct, but "quite euro" is preferable. - erf sun the pest for Broad Early Settlers 'Walked miles to get abag offlotar pad if you ceatiida't get' Furey Mout today at all gond eeoseas it would. be still verde walking miles for because it is "beet for all youe baling." A linking Expert says' "Purity. is ai strong. rich incur with great cntand- mt; a3ualittca°. • U your cabs memo calls for ordinary pastry flour Use 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity, and if milkas called for use half milk Dud half water (luke- warm), as milk atone tends to malt* the cake dry." For pastry that melt, in your mouth, Use tablespoons less' per cpm of Purity Flour and 1 level tablespoon mere of shotteni r.,• Roll it dry. maim For eraoh pastry n4* half butter and half lard, Get a suck of Purity Flour today. O:;r famous Purify Flour Cook Book tuaikd for30c. Western Canada Flour ZlttllsLIndted Toronto 911 • • face was like that of a lion at bay*." Whether the corn `be of 'old or new —Motley. 1 growth; it must yield to ;doiioavay's EKPEi U NT. . (noun); suitable Corn Reniovei, means for an and. "Why' .resort to o -'-�-_ such a perilous expedient" . jPits �n �End To c eapnesS �f Mother Graves Whim Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and• it can be goo az, any l Bunion P+ltis druggist's. ANAVart.PAcil'tc's four new wee Duchesses—ot. Bedford. Atholl, Itichmond and York haresetnew (tabin-shin star• dyards in eizo...apeed,...ddesei i. . O,O00grosstonseach...theleg-' geetskateoutofMontreal...et sharing w ith the ever -popular . . ""ktont" and"M" cabin ships the intimete. Canadian" atmos. pherewbic h4cvmmendsthis tyre of travel to many of theDomrn- ion's veteran travellers. Several tibia tailings each .reek, from Moaned and Quebec to Great Britain. Ireland and the Conti- nent. Better secure a000 mnioda- tioaesrlyt Seey,ourlocalageettor J. 8. MACKAY, General Agent, ' insawiirw! aelk )aldol-. Toronto. • Canadian* Pacific Steantships s3 r•Cei nt CMa ad0ui ?odic torgoi Tr.r,.ttrr." Vogues . . . Good the wend otic►'". soomus Cooking! Kettle Bottoms Stay Shiny! WASHING up tetter * meal cooked on a' fecttkon is mitt work. Tirepp000ts'sad twos keep Awn ironer Acres so sant. It Woos lent eaakeep yourttllitegi see shiny *ad desaa with less geek. ftp fe t as il ttsarwt cyl al6:11fast as wfeel by citjr folk fwier tlltlrlto.tictrk awawgwr. Rs Ikw'i!',aa+iattr. Sae deetstd 1'M 9 $1144111 JPerfactirms. Wel mode, arm dumps. Al s Pee. Poptdiser' peke. free* OA* to $22110. sell ERFECTION ar'*w-t -031 Burning ges, 1 aM�.l,wl•A.'Y f...., N,*m,RoM•R9nes R.IMMw IN.l.. k.WMerk lb aRMY 901 . 3 ,.1 ltaewl Weir SPA Iressass. a 4detio Wass soot ow MMI ■sasses lhostembas St,r i, Mlle sow of ~tot Bloss se - x !los ow sow z x+.,slmx fn Sfess.MrN.st�a�lewlAS..4MM.d•,Q1.w tM1 M t+ 1s MMds+f!.R La M, eE+s ie An %Mee of sense will hide one. mond of ignorance. No Need to. Suffer .Another bath 'There is ' onesimple yet inexpen- sive way to reduce inflammation of • swollen •toe joints and help get them NsuRAdown to normal and that is to apply ►,, Moone's Emerald Oil night and mom - The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada estabIrshsd nee SFA» Oh'b'1CU : WATnar oo, (MT' i . D. MAOHEY, Agent lwoIvrn 1'• , tloieF:ttit Ers-A 1.101064/1 ing. Ask E. R, Wigle, Ff. C. Dunlop or any first class druggist for: an origin- al two -ounce bottle. of Monne's Emer- ald Oil - (full strength) and refuse to. accept anything in its place. Itis'. such 'a highly concentrated prepare» tion that two ounces lasts a longtime, end furthermore if one bottle of Em- erald Oil does not give you complete satisfaction you catekeve your money refunded. IV" Special note: •People who want to reduee swollen or varicose veins should get a bottle of Moone's Emer- ald Oil at once. Applied night and morning: as directed they will quickly "notice an improvement whioli it �-wainue ib i the veins and bunches are reduced. to' normal. MILLER'S 0.11: WORM POWDERS 3 11LTEM MOTLES. CONoITiON .NOUGHT all EY THE PIiESEIICEOP YPO1tY�' asO RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL, HEALTH. NO NAR NT AS SUG �,. NARCOTICS pl.E�►SA .�AR ,,,,,,~ �; • i*e een QVC It "VOWthat you've Been theOutstand• LN fug Chevrolet with its beautiful Body by Fisher .. it* .mart, stylish colorings .. its racy,graceful lint* . . we want you to DRIVE ht'` For, not tilt you sit et the wheel . and drive, can you appreciate the marvelous seer cylinder smoothness, the flashing acceleration, the abundant reserve of power, the mating ease of control and the delightful riding comfort that have been bull[ into this sensational n+ew automobile. Cornelis today. We have a car waiting for you to drive. ca, -,,sec Outstandjn CHU/ROI tvir CHEVRleOteEr HI Q. scEV AN & TEBBUll GODRRJCH, ONT. x l P1ortlt tKT OF in !`a ii kt NOITTOOK OP CANADA. tnernaai