HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-25, Page 9THUlRBDAY, APRIL tkb. Ilea
More Sleep for Mother
Savestime because tS ready -baked -
Warm in oven and serve with not milk
Healthful protection for the whole family
Ladle by The Canadion Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd,
M leri titin hili iii iiiiSii t9iiiit1iiii mmissemt*am*f oic8E�9e1limmet moa
11 a drink To this may added eggs • e air. .eop n a peeineu ar
AtA01110161�� ��.IAAF.rA1�AAA�1��rA�l11wIlAAlrr�l�1����� '..
Mak* Breakfast Better Hints for Homebodies
(By 8arbara B. Bdo4s
If a queationnei-e were to be *tut.
to every family !Meg in a eeentry : "I Ju can't please, everyone' i i a with any other traits.
a.king how many realle enjoyed familiar and a trim eayinee The Ocoee of banana roiled in Wail
• breakfast what proportion of answers 1[0 woman who toes to fwd a family the stag float and then in V11011tl1
would be in the affirmative? I'h so�' with varying tastes knows it onto eel peenut3.
many heusehalds breakfast is [well. If they only would tin kik, the Fruit ('ate
scramble with ever; one in a hunt/ , sante things to eat what li comfort itt 1 crap rate ne, 1 ego, a cups coat
find at least one rereon having got .i would let, Everyone who we e'ee water, I cups leen liquid, 'a sap buts
atmosphereot fof" the ba the bed.
table ° ly newspape *1 doe l hints <er�y de.1 teaseups poon aspoon *tete
. 1 itewhite
peon Feel%
1uay attest the whole list' send it is of ;finite Information iaa' to the weether
la to spacn e m mien.
Bail raisins and water for twenty '
minutes. Have ane top liquid lest.';
Carol. Cream butter and augat. acid
'beaten egg. Put flout, mist's and spi-
co in sifter and Odd tent alternately
wire the raisin liquid. Ads r zisina.
Bale ,in moderate oven.
ExcellentT for Croupy Childr+ente
real impotence t5 at least g;«ve the : that week. This always seethed such
oppostunity of a well served, leisure a waste for who wanted to read about
ly breakfast to the members. of the the weather! H Wever v.heu we
family. went West about the first tiling we
The first pree:,ution to take is to looked at in that partieutar paper
get people out of bed in plenty of+'was to see what kind of weather .they
time—easier said than done! The were having in Ontario. In our tit -
second is to 'heave breakfast ready * noeanee we had condemned the s di -
'when they come to the dining room tor for writing *bent the weati.er.
and the third is to have food prepared Another instance, occurs to pie. One
and 'served in an appealing manner. radio station laroadeasts -.the day't;
cos nary breakfast as Me u ex ° inn sire manner w it i is one
it ■ A to b aT.f t 1 d news ' novel h' l'
frau_, cereal, bread in some #icor and of the cleverest things coming' over
hrdk beddtlrI7leitht1 >! r meat depending. upon the need at. -city often gist fed up wi4ii it. This le
Ore g .1* desire for I I the easily understood 'f the outwit, t
w si plea . n to 1 y one
Sy ISABEL HA.ir�aroN, Gockrdcfr, Ord. i 'family without a mead, fruit with tits the local station out end tauist listen
iilailaill0111100srarnr�ialanale#taAaltnanalei HilalitrrttadatrdrawttnertaaNall1elMNN,,a orange juice might store- ethers
five ear a
mg can be prepared the night Before. 'great many others arty who ileo ti
if exception of n ' i and b to that or nothing.I h heard
0 snake Thy Church: dear Saviour: the designs of his father's murderers Orange juice must be freshly squeeze Tong distance away and cannot get an
When a child is suffering with erciap
it is sr good plea to :use I)r. Themes'
EeiesCtrie Citi. 'It reduces the inflam
attrition and loosens the phlegm giving
speedy relief to the little sufferer. It
is equally reliable for sore throat and
tlrest, eereche, rheumatie pains. cuts,
bruises and sprains. 4lr.. Thomas'
Ketonic Oil is regarded by many
tllrmsautls as an indispensable of the
family medicine cheat.
A lamp of burnished gad, Nothing is told us about the early ed to retain its best flavor. Bananas evening paper that it is one tiling
d►1+tar befo
T rethe nati
ono history of the king in .either Kings will darken if peeled and exposed to that' never ties. What is one man's
Thy true light as of old ; or Chronicles, nor of the influences., the air.. Stewed fruit is even im- nteat is another man's poison. You
0 teach Thy wandering pilgrims ander which he grew up. In the proved by standing in its own juice. can't please everyone.
By thin their path to trace, twelfth year of his reign began his Grapefruit is delicious when eutr; see- Chop ldttey
Till; clouds and darkness ended, destruction of idolatry and in the tions separated, honey poured on it Instinct serves as a it
in our
'' • W. Now, thteple woop was the great event night placed
cn be looked alta s lible.s It is intere tin t to o Intel.
I'JI;,A.XEItx s g note the
o£ his 'whole reign, hulled If necessary. and ehilled.. way different countries with entirely
_Ww thankaThe , our Father, for During the repairs the book of the Beady to eat cereals are particular- different food habits reach the Same
v, y rd n w lir y that map law was found pin the house of the ly convenient to have on. hand, They results. 'rho same vitamins is to be
oxperlenCo in our daily lives tltz it.
is indeed a Tamp unto our feet rand a gave it to shaphan the scribe ante and cause no additional work. Corn, !rite Chinese and the Japanese ,are
light unto our path, Amen wheat o very small milk consumers as their
They see Thee face to face. eighteenth-he.,be and 1 c d thef i t• ;.- selection although a is no,. an a..:
permit catering to varied preferences found in sprouted .grain and In milk.
Lord by Hilkiah the priest. Tie
LEssON Fob X11AX Pith it2a read it before the king. (The'"book ,, ricek anti f cereals are on th
mare xdy
oa or ttse, countries ore not suitable for dairy;
The most papular breakfast drinks `n d milk ' it `r
Leeson Ibpic--i'i'htrit HilkRah round ;was ;probably Deuteronomy; if it was
the whole Pentuteuclt, •their it must r R an mi . is notova, Ie. he
in The Temple. for adults are Coffee and tea. The ' y
aC a .
ea t n
st a hours to. readoffset this to a certain b the
41:14. ha' tk at I'
Passage -:.2. +Caron. it through aloud The king was so ohlldren usually have milk. A eat- use of certain sprouted foods such as
16, Golden 1" (eine free coffee can be
Tent—Psalm 119;105. much terrified by. the "book"that he bought if a sprouted beano or bamboo shoats.
Josiah, king of Judah, son ate:>•rxutt:--his clothes, and immediately nar>-stimuiatinge hot drink is desired. Boom of you are very familiar with
successor of the murdeled Amonr seas sent Sl,aphan and three others to Mlle following breakfast menus are the use of sprouted grain for feeding
well balanced and suggest t
flakes, Milk or Cream.. Bacon, Bran may' be par 'Based canned. . Chap
Pat on the throne at the ago of ciigltt Huldah the prophetess to learn the n ugges a voile y chickens. Iain giviriir you a recipe
of fruits and cereals
for Chop
years, by ,the people -who frustr'atod will of the Lard She replied that
the Lord intended to punish the neo -
T' w.► pie for their I
e r an,- continued d,sabedi-
0 / i iehee according to the warnings of &te)" ape. (or caffeine free coz- Suet' may he made without using
towed Prunes :or A,pm •ots, -Coma s r Suter' �;bSAA sho is w Iich
ones or bamboo shoots which
bean spi
s tee) 1k o .
these ' by just adding the La Chan
Toq ache.
Give fleet said with
Minard's Liniment.
Bathe the face. and'
ifthereis a cavity)* • _
thetoo fill e,
!hr It wi %
cotton soared its
lYiinard's. Relief is r
quick and mud.
The Great White
the book; but in a nsequenco of. Jos, sae or nape.
thes strokes ready, were sto becde ayed'until Shredded Whale Wheat Biscuits. Mille leash,
after his death. • or Cream,
ea, S ira mblefdr Eggs- Toast, 2 cups pork cubes, 2 eups colon", 1 Apron; a-prun is *preferred • . o a rommoti m o;,en,t. r. fancily, rate.*:
Fluke king gathered together all the (ore e ff) i .cup onions, a. cup rine (uncooked). 1p t lIa was irrdud of tilt aristoct'ati. i
milk, eeporn, but'both are correct. . • linea'(."
chkii of Judah and .Terusalem, the Canneel I'earhe , 0,fn ti Mille nr cup boiling water; 1 tablespoon La `portmanteau; pronounce part -titan• *r r
priest,, and the ,prophets, and all the- 'Cream, Broiled.Ham. Hot Rolls. CdfT ChbY'"" p "" ,A, GRANT. t. dole zit+•crit ivit% m.
read to them. the ""hook ofBrown the niewes of,.'1?nrk in oil or. toeeont so s as In iso. Ras in roan,, !certain altfect.. A'1Tis wa!Trant tit sit- '
the people, n and r with them entered iota fee (or caffeine free coffee) ar innk. dripping. Add water. eeler . and on- rcond syllable. r rlrr ld. tdrlc hire to ,I att�; trf t}r
orating. cereal. time or cream, y Latiarer; pronounce lab-er-er, three world."
,s solemn eavenant to ltee till its inti cut in ieces. Stir in ilea and
words. Then began a vigorous (or caffeine free coffee) 11i"ll
e �
Grapefruit sweetened with Honey; - armee, Chop Suet' . is really glorified •
Cr c .F
(11y W. 'f.. •G•ordon )
Words Often Misused
- An - article, is "cheap" when 'the,
price is low eompared with its read
worth. It •is "low-priced" when but
little money is asked for it, and yet it
cony be "dear."
1)et not say, "f saw it some. place." •
Say,, '"in sante place."
IDo not say. "They understand all fluence, command, direct, sway,
about the details.": Say,`"Tho knee?Lean(verb),t
all about." y recline, reit, depend,
risky', repose.
IIS tot say, 'iThat is what I coil Word Study
nerve."Sayint tided "self.
p Ce of
se f
"Use C'
LT.e tt wordt
assurance.three tiptoe and it •s
Do not streak of "'overshoes'" fes fours," Let us .increase our vocabu-1
"`rubbers."ai`y, lit' mxsterfng one word each day.
17a not say, '"1V a must facet s . l,t'i#Side for this. lesson ; •
the 1
sic." This is slang'. wes'."'V e ,oust "Paris. YA'CiouUo, empty; ovoid; vacant,
confront the consequences, out of season looked vacuous
and for��,pid."--Ilolmett;
Words Often Rlispronouncrd 1ItRi�ESIS'1'IBLY; not resist
Eta+elsp s' or envelop (noun); ac• rdl; over trrveriz,gly. "Ile' was .rre-"
rent first syllable or second syllable. sistibly rint�elksl by t�onseie n e."
Always accent the verb. on second
LINEAGE; l.'. descent in a tine front;
.syllable. .i
VWlwie,mIe Distributors -
P : Poached Eggs on Ton;tt: Toast. �Ci)ffee
a r e r o. r Milk.
cleansing of the city and of the land Stereo H C:o k 4 'Milk
of all, trRaces• of idolatry. The great as" coria a fill k. or
work of purification ended, the king' xeunl, Graham Tenet.. Bailee Kegs
returned. to Jerusalem and Celebrated • fFee (o caffeine free coffee).
the passnver so exactly according to M'iIt' , y
the ."book" that the sacred historian Flex "Aa, Wheat Cereal treader t
says, `'Surely there : was not ,holden +�at1_ Milk or Crone [Clod Fish Cakes
such a pa�seover frarrt. the days of the Rolle COffee (or caffeine free coffee
judges that judged Israel, nor in all oi' 11t,1k.
-rho Ia s of t1, k of I 1 f Granges olid Pitney. neon_
syllables. not la -brei.
iroos; pronounce ap-ta- o 'a as t"
.. "r , u it p , 1•Te stared in helpless bewilderment."
La Choy, Cook frons 20 minutes to A
'Bl E W 1 I. I) E RMENT; confusion
half hoer. , in at, both o s as in no, . accent on S UTI:• i
.. A fi , . critically disrct.n ng;
bruit -Salads - • r last syi.,tble preferred, - ebretivd; sagacious. "He `was -nn
0 asyin. "O4'!, I f$. In "It)" ae . .oe 1
are tired of all our familiar foods and i cent ascend syllable:
'r long for a change. It is a good Plan ' After 10 Years of Asthma Dr. J..
to Change from our mote or less Words Often Misspelled , D. Kellogg's .Asthma Remedy proved
) heavy winter desserts to frequent . HTundred;•red not erd. .Arkansas the only relief for one grateful user'
fruit salads: Soule of the men of the net saw Marmalade; three .a's. and this is but one ease among many. i
a a tanounce to-ld - >,
do tlr a s
Ala a .
ar , „
is the time ear tv
of 1 state observe',"
Y e � a st t
ten we
Two, Giiderieh 0.20 a.n1. 2.201a.in.
Clinton - 6.4.4 a.nt..2.50 p.m..
" Seaforth 6.,0. am,. 3A3 pert-
" Mitchell 7.21 a.m. ' 3.3G' ,p.m.
Arr. Stratford , 7.4., snot. 4,03 pone
iteitener-.lien a.m. - 5.20
Guelph O,Q,t ant«
Toronto 10.25- a.m.
'E eturr"ring-Y-leave Toronto
snag-have-ta be-adoeateden--T-uinese; •tiv�;11�. 1,.,.uatc" ileo Hot. Little-wonder-that-it-basnow-become "" K
•.:it " •'
y , mos- srao, nor a „ ,
withl3c� ,
Bacon, (;u
the kings of Judah"(2 Kings 28:22).a fleao••(ort�afieino free the change because many ,nen :seem se. Hydrangea, • the rine recognized roniedy• on the
, So Josiah's Passover exceeded °Haze- collet+) or Milk.. to think they do not like Fruit Sail Synonyms " ' market. It has earned its -fame by
oda. Possibly beeline(' many of them its nevem failing effectiveness: It in
kiah's in pomp and solemnity. an ac Gener•tl tommoli commonpI
=01:20 of tivhicTi is found in II Caron. cling to the -idea -that they -must tike ' �e► carntng auto -day. ns It has Slonq for o r
OJs2D t Q only the things that are like mother c IIstomnr4y ordinary, everyday, Tiro• Years: It is the greatest asthma l...aa p.m. noel "3 p.m.
30. j d Th v lent. , i ., }. Pettier Cafe Car tlader,ell to
be rrlost easily trained aS they. know , , manifestation, Humanity
proof. certainty,coneluston evr"d! u
stock: 'Fruit Salads provides the • + a i , ...ria,
tribulntian,. rhasteiting; I Grocer'(a
minerals which are so necessar sing Y, ��
W today is shown by same very inter- p>Qd, '" Dr•� also .add the extra bit of: lettuce. plan, object. parposex, pro ret scheme where is :your dime? r Town Passenger and
•- eating' figures. In the 6i3 years that Mast of you have pears, peaches, j , t .. �" »
the movement'has been afoot, it has
Friday -Blisters was up here ,at pineapple and cherries in your store Manage, control, rule, regulittc, in- . Boy—"I left it in the jug.. }'bane 13 Tleliet Agent"
are today :far tan let time for of canned flit b
5.50 p.tia..
7.30 pine
7.55 ante -
made. a men on the; farm should : ntr fie wrth,n the risen of sufferin Toxo
Condensed from the Eneylopaed,a ' D e m o ns t ration `' on morning train, and Toronto •
of1te13gi�nus Knowledge,�L�T� DiARY` Aett,n..4rt�dtsxiclt ati dI.OS p.t)1.train.lslo
the value of diet as applied to their Afiiicti!nfaii 'lint°
h f
Y Roes Farquhar c1 m aid oasts lag Toronto
The tivork of the !Salvation Army }y t Design •(noun) intent intention T`"flare's your - molasses, sentr•
• giIusxU .: o grief, e m ty trial, d•. nngo o ears between Goderieb tt'id
a .ti B R F h ft • filling 1 ' ) .
keetnoneetatwootteaseeeenoteetintow �+, ,' gathered ivay rapidly and is ertain-r s. These . may e
T ��7 ly a triumph of achievement for the a tong time be- used in nn infinite variety of salads
. lone effort of a devoted ;evangelist.`
Esatablished in almost all the coon- had the Swell from many kinds A 2 Prima
, � � ��� � tries of the globe, the `'Army" has `hod for a wile dressing -made w,th•„•lemetI -Men IA— -z�-
lkeer c► ~~�r Q Q
cuz. }le has kinda The .dressing used may be chosen
exacted a vast influence in the social just boom he has -good. You may use either a boiled
new( ors s, 0. uplift of ,peaples—in India no less ben, on the Scrub dressing or a mayonnaise. 'If it is
ilNortttsrdyitl itrwtnt . than elsewhere. The present crisis teem at skool. mixed with on equal quantity . of
in the.affairs of the organization was d. ; Ant Emmy just whipped cream it is improved. Use
Inst off ate square caused by the illness of General I found out that your imagination and mire different
aslrtetea Bramwell 'tooth, u biographical art } ± ~ s i the :Scrub teem 'v,arietics of fruit. These may be in
SEVER'AL'FIRST•CLASS AUTOS READY We on whom appeared in this .paper " _, .y wassent the peo- Pieces or half -fruits, Try" sone of
FOR SERVICE. -••GET YOU ANYWHERE last week. The Salvation Army at ► vie witch had the the following -combinations
AND WHEN YOU WANT To CET' THERE 'present have over 116. industrial .• i job of warshing Peach, pear and pineapple.
M..4 t117`rilttr ane homes for children, besides a further f' , the fiores and Peach and banana sprinkled with
Passenger floats 96 homes for those of tender years. winders, out at chomped nuts.
Passe' neer* called for In any Among• women the army's work is skool. - -;Sliced eanned pineapple. with a ball
Part of the toff for oilshown 'sty 39 maternity. homes. • In Saterday well of cream cheese moistened with salad
trains at Q T. R. or Cell'. 12
addition. it supplies a grantletotal of ". tonite was a per- dressing.
• Depot*. . ` .. 11,000,000 beds in, different lands ty Unhappy .Hite
every year and also the equally
Prompt Serviice and amazing number of 20,00Q 000 meals
Careful Attendance. in the cams period. Funds for the
Our Livery midi flack Service
will be found up -tai -date
f is every respect.
Your Psfrsn*ge Solicited
W -
r SAB ! •S.
Plums 107 - idostresl Street
first twenty-five years were raised
since ally but d it c e ogn ti n h i up the yd. today and ever -thing wood
manifested tself Abundantly
The General. now controls funds and up ' ft" ball game with the Stouter
assets to the tune of twenty million house teem and I had to play' and so
pounds sterling. pa he takes me and his Raiser Strop
The Tiimmes f India.' down in the Tlasemint and he eed ,t
hitt him wirse then it did me to do
Many mothers have reason to bless what le *as haveing tee do. 1 offer-
Mother Graves'- Norm: Exterminator, cd hint A throe to trade places. lie
as fer as T ata
non sinned. l'a
had deft orders
for roc to clean.
, ire io•as
the well-known Self Denil Wet" of ben all rite. Xcep the gang wicked
• 4
because it has relieved the little ones diddent.
.af suffering and 'made them healthy,
Sunday Pa wale n saying at the
HydrouElectrk •
Sunday, April, 28th
Prom 5 o'clock ar. silt. to 10
Otto& sN. ftM.
Tlris is caused by the lyiaiciti -
repairs to trunk lisle
between -sods'rie_lt
and Strat€oris
Power will also be oft' .
Safe f AY'r PAY 5dr from
1 > to . .
- Henn AU Wrong
Made Her Feel
Very Miserable
One of the prat danger signals an -
rimming something wrong with the
heart it the irregular beat or violent
throb, and this should be attendedto
ininteiiiately before the trouble gets
Itra. W. O. Partorsw Danville, Ont.,
writer:- — "Oise spring r wits very much
ran thous sad my' ,~ewes got tory bad.
My heart roomed *II wrong in its heat.
bY, turd 1 ryas feeling very miserable.
- "One Alas 1 happened on a box of
and this one bot did welt wonders :for
lite 1L took wether. That wee :about
secant years sp.
- drllf ever i aat feeling that say
Water *� artn i swill Ninety give these rill nnotlior dasQo n.3 T cart fest cerindent
r �+ they twill build me rip.
Commission 1 fit ale, -a am a first Were? In till
/t h i stioilrNei o rPclix diidtfor me."D * 'Vest
GODS 1011IPri r* fi:,. a ons cat ell tittle; tr
*Ora eiv t en tr shot oe rtico by
Tho ,". Silt aaa 'eo., Leel,, 'uootato,
tabel today that these here Telefono
girls cause a lots of trubble on acct,
they give you the'rong No. so often:
Me say's Yes they do becuz the way I
got akwainted with you w as becuc 1
time when 1 tryed to call the Garbage
ni'an Why they give me the r'ong No.
and see what happens.
3iunday--1 wood of got a good
Grade in Histry today oney if Teech-
er haddent ast me what was the re-
sult of the Boxers rebellion over to,
Chiny. 1 answered and sea that they
cum over to the U. S. States of Amer-
ica after they had so match tru'3blo
in there own Country and got licked
Eby Tooney.'
Tuesday --Ant Emmy gets off a
hot 1 tonite when tors Crane witch
has just got a new gurl baby ast she,
and ma how long a person has to
watch a gurl baby rafter it rron:es to
live with you. Ant Enuny• °up end
says she, think$ you shad aught to
Watch the modern gad babies till
they ore twenty 2 yrs. of old age.
Wensday - .Well we dont no weath-
er pa is to going to get to hold hi3 job
en the noose paper weal' he wirk.3 ar
not. Ile l -t a advertisement for the
new Itestrant go threw viten it red.
Be ouzo to visit tiro new Tet Slop. I
gess it made the testrant bites pritty�
fhirrday- Ant Eniniv says rah' trots
tear clod round a lots but silo hand
the lst time to ever tee e one of theso
here Stupors which so a» envy folks
fails into in the short !stows site IN ad3
in the Makitiazines now days.
Por !nfats rind ChIldter,
`Im (1*. ForOvar30Years
Aiwa's beam
;'geatutro cf
• Orange and news.
Grapefruit alone or in comlringtion '
rriiile nerves are led by
1 the blood. Poor blood
means starvcd nerve tis.
sue, insomnias irritability
and depression. w•
Dr. Williams' Pink Prins•
will enrich ,your blood
stream and rebuild your
over.workcd nerves. Mus
Josephine 14i. 1Vlatrtin, of
Kiteiherter, Ontario, testi-
firs to this t
"X eut%trd"from a nervone
breakdown," At wrist, "1
had terrible rick headaches,
dirriner.; felt very week end
.r.eo ictnor sleep; Wei:ne *ppe.
the. I felt always as if cleans•
thing terrible were visor to
happen. After tithing ether
treetdirierit either* etseteer, ear
Ames r'e advke,1 tried lir.
K'iliilwas' Pkrik •''ilin,s..dinow
• >e 1810118 are
`r *gain."
Rey Dr. Willits.ns" Pink
Pills *ea ort your dlrsirm'a
we any dierlet in wrt+dic.wre +e
lay mali, SO craw, peetpeid',
from the I)r. Williams Meili•
rine tom„ . iireckrrille, Omar-ww
`".e a cisco s eater
.'nm PIJ5A!°ii' "Ger" SPCC*AL `tw"o Soo a trvAttl
i�/%i"• � r ��✓mom, ''�.�'s o;,J`*"t• . r.,:.'.r,
Rd Seal' Count:enrol rol llfoder
lfeardix goer a What &alea-
Morse Sile»r tiesigg t;balse
bill Porto ed : ta4rkelieee
Fiiaeager start
Term raid Sires
iron $675 ti $2095
I,a<ff., hirable, Oirr.
SPiward Victory rviipme*S
roes Exlri
Prove Durant Quality
/OU sec the attractiveness of a Durant car as it passes dower
the street ....you' bear about hs economical service ffrotn
the event , .. , you become interested when 1,l4 testimony is 50
often repeated by other owners.
Tlu°re is a Durant eat awaiting your itnpcctiT at your local
clsalet's;also the opportunity of verify;a r>.Kati ritJat'r.; stma.
and beard by taking k out, yourself.
Ifakc your comparisons, today!
/a ILI' D4'
13ivRAN4' M01111I.15 al (22/.NADA MATED
licoono CANADA
FCr(3131e TR CL't 1i`d t¢ TON TO
rid `i 'ON CAPACeTtre
PETER GRAF GodePich, Onto
,. ,,,,...t. -•r --r-- ,