HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-25, Page 8's URAT. APRIL tela, INS lese ' kv a men ate At A R.tl,i..xrM.lt.n+at.ilamilli...Oa* Na. ,,snitatt,� kia.N,,�,t , .,p'.`- babies which 1 ' t. store 1 had tom work in n+~ havera a I and da m putt hcusework tort lost at 0.1reft months. Uvforo y 1 and I got nervous and run. a, my third baby was born soy down and was in bed nearly all husband advised me to take summer. The kart ntaise.t ouid r your rnic divine and he bought make the nervous. I was told to me three •.hatitles ,it it. Wtten I take Lydia E. l'inkhalu s' Vege, ° had taken the first one I began 1 havel- to reel better so I kept on aur., t�ibk Compound and � viten seveen. bottles. ' k has incl the whale laetiad. We have made me stronger and put I a healthy baby boy and we ate more color into my face. I get • so proud of hint and praise along nicely now with in y.. Lydia E. Pitkhatn`si Vegetable work and with my four chll• Cumixrund for the help it gave drat. I would like to answer mc. 1 fel well and strong."� letters." -•Met. J. Malin. _._. Mrs. Frank Lukes. I.ydire E. I'inhi,ai �'s Compound X *1ietaI)ie C.omp)OUnd lege a *hole week, seal let w nee it !tato out *bodies then those. linew tees ten reit or 1 abet'. aS `gip's& %biller, but a s'Nihole.rii,E1. tail st,utJ it be pt all likely; ,ears lig the fent, degree i•os.Nle, That key mus or ikIhan, I euseor. vs Raalai " t$ t'atj. Did Jesus not knew of the utter eke leesneas Oftors ilisgu.;in(ir driveable, botlteronokiag, feasting, jellifid'atian, Bad ul�ttina nvthioznesa to saauafy A the thirsty Rohl. Well I gueaaa Ne did. I Thera is nothing W it but weariness 1 of body, mind and soul, ands our Janus kora it, and until the indivkluai can realise that fiat, Joaus hoe not the golden opportunity. Wait not the aamt scripture made plain in the case and incident of Maxtbie anal Mary ? Weill I guests it Twee. 'Old rot Mare tha 'allow her ambitions to simply run awry with her common sense 1 Just the store as the modern Chrie. tint and the modern church is doing; of right here in Canada toiler, going to their ruin, and• taking their souls *lone`, and calling it Betio life—the • social life of the rommunityr. I have Wen trying to think of that mune ever taint I eommeneeel to write, said I have Caught up the sweet thing just now. Well, I declare, .This. guess, i is a pat of the framework of the lenses of the church's new vision. It tanner." The would.bo Christian of really may be one of the lenses, and T today is simply 'buying a great pert am so glad that I caught the deli,' of his religion, and not getting full thing without pulling some of the weight at that, and as the 3iutchman, nice feathers out of it. We'll just would say, "he ash gust shmearintts it . oats. Two men can best do the work, talk about thin thing when: we: brave a offer,' or as our Saviour .etas said, one man should shovel the grain big sheet of paper to work on. Just ""Whitewashing the outside. Verily, while tate other sprays each shovelful. now we will have to keep our eyeai ,the now vision of our church in.•this In order to avoid irration to the oyes, upon Martina. She was in for reek- 'enlightened rage says. "We have got now and throat from the strong tir- ing quite a splutter. If only ?1ary :,by book or crook, to get hold of our maldehydo • fumes, provide good air sr s fat ‘hs .nasgtnaam. .1 er !hung itfi of fatty avid fifty and sitar yeses ago wbn will strike so brines of it at all, nut wilt frankly stay, '•tih, I don't know, Mr. Beer. I often wonder it there is anyihiag to the. nhing at atll, And' grain smuts can be pret;ented aalrnoat many as *miller expression, Alin 1 entirely by proper reetinent of the • ask any thoughtful editor or reader ', , and the loris caused by giiiin 1 to just quietly figure it out for them- rusts materially reduced by Willful selves and answer the question—up. anal careful farming. on weans or where may we safely *1111 Methods et Prevention of teat Smut hon.stiy' satinet the greeter blame ? teat ,twat i* the most tutamen and Thai world says in effect I want st trou ledoate groin wnut in the Moe deed time land I am going to have it. vine. Loge smut and covered saint It I must ray dawn rev honor and my of oat* are 'two separate diseases but morale I ant going tt, hates it. If I in so much ai.n the trraatment of the mug 'baldly knock out the other fele two smuts is the same, from the low I am going to hove it.• And if I standpoint of the prsetical anan they • must snuff out the Eves o! one, two now be considdtred the sante. or a . dozen I am going to have it. Trace the oats to be treated in a And furthermore, our so-called en• - pile on the .granary or barn floor and lightened Christianity says. in effect, shovel them over into another pile, as I cam gain to have social 1•fe ea. , they are being shovelled over sliver real sweet name). The chWteh will them with a solution consisting of e s m tolerate m h re tine to tattiest) same a aim ) t e*teehisrn in many newt* as th© other fellow. et will look much net. ter. 191 bt�e,, more influential. I can riidetrack better. I can have one of the :best times of any- life and t..ere�is but the .one (seemingly) proviso put on our cloak and help u'. lift up thin Weedy laaarfal loofa $ 444,000' tw.w due to rush, tun very harts to estimate as they vary greatly from year to year with the *eaten, now. {ter, this fiaiittiiial luso to isirti1i,aa Ontaria can be greatly rsdu. cJ Tee onepart formalin and a ane pert WA* ter. Use this solution at the rate . f one pint to twentyy.livo bushels,: of teats. If smaller or target quantities are to lie treated, use proportional `. amounts of forineldebyde volution ; thus twelve and a half bushels require anly one quarter pint of formalin mixed with one quarter pint of water. A: email quart sprayer costing about otic dollar is the most convenient for spraying the formalin solution on the ANa_a.f. !njuy:eRcitfuiNi ;Iitera Lake Fr on your trip East or Vt,t, or to and front Canada �II IIFit tnvclin p>� by train or auto, alloy an all rider's rifle on beautiful Jake l:ic. CRtli Fane Strataeea ate megniC.dceet float* hotels, with Jaen eomfortable statean auereeelleat dining moan service sad courteous attd;adliaira. ?ileac cid i.4aacuag on the swat ship "SEP- DBEI �. Aut€*14.-saw 4 dialCa A l way Av iJonocc�iraiic2 testa elloadr.ay. ' d. l;uftalo and Cleveland Division. f+ ui 3)..Vet/ni ht fcavanu a,Haun pp.�n.. Ae,tc',ay NCRr e Ih• Ttio a. F,.. df7• :1'.�:1.1' tee tit Yi wu bcr 19th• 'Triangle Trope 1,er<eeeither1uffako or k ttaatauleytort.Icve. laatJ, retutatgat ort the, ont,osita christen, Vifrtte us et ask your ticks uccat.fordetails on ihts ttew.delkittaui wank cad dour 1't. Stanley, Can. gel Cloaca ate 13vow,. D_adyszrviec.icac l'iut4tanim4:ort •.tn..oaivia3 t LcvcianJa9:5dp.aa.,Ju o:-: i 1, SqP ceth,anth. t I,I, rI.AatCievctaadfitrCristl'Uilt,1'.--.I--nay. Dwelt, i?otata vet wad fietutidavc,t. New LOW EARNS one w i- BUFFALO "r0 Atto.a OrcrrJ $4.,;508.said.trip cLL'v.r::.."Vl) }rr.Atl:,. :p ','atter pct *quest 43.00dlnovae' ltrariANL1:'( .•• i'at;iad 5.0e rd. trip to a�LTvn LtaNip +•-:. ,3 at: 1 dip; THE ViLAN1) AND BUllelLO TRANSIT COMPANY 1'ort5tioleY.t'aaaada, • Du£tcto.Ii..wYork tint• ',i ^�.aip�ltliliiIiflIIILI�I �. �i��uiiiunt►' load stuck #o the job thpra is no doubt 'young •peRplcs even though we must cilculaation ea the granary and barn _....>,. ___ ainstructed to f orwarrh a copy Neailtly • eh would hoe in the peopla siml►Iy must come in. We the oats are all sprayed they abated vraxiotioa in mixtures will niateriully and'clerk best orehestrl: to bo obtained. No e�v1 give them just as good u time as bo piled in .a heap and covered with reduce the chances of rust -causing to'highway department. A commun. doubt also th boot of elocutionists. thiic world can, •.even though the blankets. or- begs for .f Are hour-. aid, >serious]oss..-;..- ..,. Scaatton.front. •Mr, Darrow re_lowering,_, ' She had! a -most worthy guest and Cl '<i t ties ..l 7miust staina aside ` rite then `sown - - assessment on V. 1). Cunn'Sngham s that the limed would have been fine, let the older slide out. Tho young when the work is in progress. After everything must conform. She would have been the honorary president of the Chapter. Marr might easily have been one of the score of vice pretii- " """ " °" dents if she hall been but the half of s . ' a eoctety woman.' Juat look'evinat a name she might htuve made for -leer. Men wrtcho b� self And had it published throughout • r the whole 1and, when upon (perhaps) *neuter occasion she is reported as usitym simply wasting . vsluabio perfume in (By.. N. Baer) a presumedly shameful manner which should have swelled the. treasury of (Inthe infant church. llut just in the o .. or ill :' in Man 'wean h bo •a or ail t ( «odericllnrent 5) ,,,"....,,r y 1t , :veru height of earthly_:bustle,,tat the years)whose $ail as, . Understanding Tete Star Loden ich;very: •pfteh of .rustratron, itaorrys ox-. Ur. Editor.—Our llalnttst friends life tstilt clings to almost every known cerement in the, vafit tznxdetnvar to are standing closer to the commodity of the things which seem,. ' « fund others taka d our ingly satisfy the unregenerate heart make a big spread, the Lord Christ faith in theirei truth of theat holy p and life, is,unquestionably in need of. holds up' the iwarning linger. 'Wax. faith In conception to super at least ono more di into the regen- en- thal Martha!" tend there are many atlont. of that most Meted issue in , p g Martha* ust in the twentieth cen- tury).: "TIion art cumbered (wor. ried, flustered, life almost: half crush,. cd, • endeaviefing to -make •ax great big epread) about many things, (Yes, - our respective rituals, and whilst t crating waters of Calvary s issue. there may bei --now do not misprint The church which seemingly can ahold xnae, Mr. Editor, please --(for we are out can advocate to her protectorate touching upon a vital point in our the follies,the invaluable source:t of blessed faith, and we will do wisely. ,gratification, satisfaction, and wad enough if we remove the sgndal>s from ;uplift whieh belong to the world, and simpers, soeials, theatrical plays, soft off our feet, •for tete place whereon the world only, and not to the regime ball,.. hard ball, rough ball, tough ball, w , u of our Lord Christ had oleo much and overt other lblall, even in many thou *Modest is b be (y Lr tots' tit and takeanother tune. places. ballrooms and every other whilst there may (I am not; u�ying bettor go plunge. there is) a possibility of our accept' The !ting of light 'andglory, up n darnable thing which this big world that most opportune occasion, laid holds, out to those of the world, and ing ende e' -sense, this losingvititruth in aped by > the Christian a too Mere' •sense, and sight of the.most powerful, and emphatic franttenily. r -_ e upon the issue of which 1 :ant. church of this mightily intelligent the more spiritual, let that be as it ,t e>r p n mars the fact remains and it's facts speaking; vin., "In the cast day, that . age. "But one thing is needful, rand i the as lh foundation great day of the feast, Jesus stood Mary hath ,chosen. Yes, it was elms - upon const tato h . -solid n Sheelle e « .was not d #n bythe t .n thirst, 1 sinpulled d I n ma t t t et e f andte a , a cn y r instnds:th on ie the Christian a ) up which h,, • i es allworldly fact tentxlns that' the sinner must go come ranter me and dei»k. Noir'. lot proms of the orld y unser ane ,ih hrlstiammust-eomta-up-us:veficet,-glen' e. There was one sol- that even the. world :can hold out, call into a regenerate new life, on undo- ill week almost. of feasting, jealifica«meted triable • •- tifeortole1y unmistakable- fact. And thetime, merriment, and likely love-eak- by skin of nor teeth.She chosese to gather her' life's needs, at Jesus' any Road Any Season Lt roads seem equally as good` i) in any' weather when you ride on big, comfortable Firestone GummDipped Tires. The jolts and. vibrations disappear while the Scien. tifi�iy' s igned Tread gives a sure, safe hold on wet or slippery roads. For • equip your with Firestone tires. Specify Ftrestones for yam 1 car or. if you need new tires your toed Firestone J'lea&r. PI>k. urrou t `tlktlC t ROB HAMILTON ,°114 Y.tt..i f"'se.a..." toss atr..essolar s r'. int. thiels f'i,* .rs m aa+r*r. Nit N"n.ak 11F CANADA, LlttlI frCe MUM* tsertahll,.ans�r ester's may . not have this in her This dry treatment bas been found . MUNI JIPA v cOUNCIL�' property, was, read. The clerk eat opoen documents (I know teething. vary satisfactory. It is easily ears instructed to reply. that if »elite be about than), But her handwriting is tied out. The gain 'door not olog in 'Nest Wawanosh` recetvedl from owner o1 property ben upon the walls ever hero and needs the drill anal in ease, of wet weather x9lo council met .'aa per adjournment pro per 101111 on . back of assessment no special inter, retir,r»t If the church net fit for sowing& thew, is. not likely, lliarcli: 28th, with all the members notice` us reituired, the matter'. will 11e' could see .fit to dress herself in a to be any ill effects en germinatlrnn as. _ present. The minutes of last meet- dealt with in the . regular evay at worthily becoming gown I am with with the wet treatment. • ing were 'read and adapted: Mr. "Court. of Revision. On motion of W. e Alin Tho ` the Al lin to t11e, end of the alphabet. I£ 7'tsa(itagf 1taulleir :Smut : Hawes, of the Depertrnent of •high= L. Young•. and 1'4m, m she epnttot I sinlpi9 cannot keen toy- One pint of fGrtalail'n fro f tyt g 1 'soars Wats present and addressed Cie drain b law (No, 5. 1028) Was passed self 'Warta to the cIoak. she holds orlt )ons wa a be s� .council briefly, an the duties of the as > ev�od and corrected y of t r should sprit laled n r or a ' rr cted b ' clerk.. ' be did'.. a road superintendent and. the duties of The following bills were ordered paid; It tCAn t e delegate to a 1 arley sit this rate of a gallop, :or the council its the repair, consir.uCtien Hays &Hays, bills for 1927.1920, aomemher being a delegate me barley Make sura that all p , certain •convention where* uonsrdoralblo the is moistened. Cover for 2 and maintenance of,township roads. $4G.Sfl; clerk and assessor, attend- knawledtzatoss to be banded out in a or d. hours .and sow At: soon as t11 Mr. Jas. Gibson Wu appainted road ante at' Court of Appeal, judges oee certain line of elrureh endeavor. At:grain will run through the drill. superintendent for 1929..Cauncillo're, dere $9, Municipal Word, supplies for the evening session. a delegation or A; mixture of barley and: oats may Carr and Stewart were instructed to a eemeterY, 28c.; J. J. Robertson, sal - two clergymen teem distant fields be treated witinaut much in'ur to buy a screen and „spout for the rock' wry and extras. 228; G. J'. linthering- b v on all of the crusher at ti' Coact of not mere than ton revising Bylaw No. h, $o.de. were supposed �a put then barley the .dry treatment a:; 9 _� May 1•t Ili ;u o' • T � o antra. 30U installed.. The Council adjourn- cerin adjourned to y t t M s , unusual! oodty to meet on. Atone 20th at 7 pm.. p.m. doted cavo 11 stn y E N.B.il*SB. nanntlier .of mi Utes +ai! three most• un- Sea that the Hoar ' on. which. the DUeRiNIN PHILLIPS, fa, J. H1:q`1IEt~IN(eT# ;''T, wor*thv'r trash.-iT`hene a ranch fewer :.grain is treated is ,.lelnn. Give it n' Clerk. Township Clerk. food and briefly excused himself .on Spray the bags or sacks inside and Townshipcouncil met in•the hall on the ground that°the next epeaallcel was out. Apr. Jth at .2 •pan., with all members long-winded and' would ripest , likely S'prap the drill, present. Can motion of W. L. Yoimr 'bald us for an hour or 'more. Being These points .aro important anti if .and Waiti. Thein the minutes of haat useless kited, send 'we were badly floor . olds and Mr:. Thos. 'Moon wait o • :, , b o 1 . Imes from Hush s waited n l ed when no said, T would riot o f° o There is;: no wA of treating t totlitcil .re repairs to. timet* 'it McGaw, not to .talk to tin . athering for y a g he enough Y g the council agreeing to eve the mat - sees! or' spraying •th cro s a t g a t; , h (prevent rust' It finishing lumber. he filet tree. outlined foe, oats, j Meeting j minutes of: somewhat° wholesome few shots with the sprayer. Colborne introduced, a very lengthy time 'was nteglocteal your• wetly May abet Undone* regular sail aspeeilll meeting of Apr, given to' taffy flinging of the 'Int Suggestions .as to now to 'Reduce.1st were adopted as read lair. Nock - AFTER GRIPPE BUILD VITALITY ON Scott's Emulsion I� ala hour"' and' }tilt further talk way e p . e s oi' ter their attention iwthe hear future. ¢ > ' of le h and to »ae, trot over muc . is• impossible to r• W Young n ttgt y, conte. of rust entlrel ,but loss from Id nt; Waited on council re listening. lain ]lire stutoa; a lia`ve ;drainase work—this also will bo in ust.mar x be educe •ceased r 1 b ya e y by e{.: e to ' ov t and s e h s tfdate. e to m Is Baste» d a. ke a a cte h unci! t an early' p y a. a da.., o y acting ono 1. over :and over again. 'phis is the day ing• the following suggestions .. lav gMr. A. 'Young (8th con. waited on ,1. 'trite. Common i3arbe n awl the x_ a xy, 1 r a l k m ani of e pso n hf *lase o ,e c t. g 1p u i le the o em _ d c e i i e tat M Y i 'wh releie itlak,eo off -a-.bigger': teat •„nty cars i this dssoase. ` st,yarCao's corz�oi. � -eat i cte . imay" cause swims lass in 'districts ` day nava simplynot the time to listen Wee era 't eats shrubs s' erre not oun I from Government sources • lair: Chas. but 'when. the ,aro resenb the un - - than int sermonizing. People of to hh h b f d to get information as to procedural' e n rviewe oouna; 're daitbtedlr tetrad, to ` increase "the iris. 'W road way, eater hearing report of are ideal committee appointed to investigate for anothi the matter --no action was . •taken.I ,hatching The road superintendent's :vouchers worms. Is Were examined'and on motion of l «T free!fS Wilson and A. Fisher were accepted: .781 no and reeve and treasurer instructed t feet, and :not at' the feet of this World, to many minutes of a . sermon with a y • y McPhee i to d theit ease. Destroy :them.. ,Aiming to Testis did not •openly and. indictably condemn Martha's splutter but quint- ly sheaved to her that those were but secondary things, and really only np- - plied to the body, while the require— ments of the soul wero.of paramount ..value and needed our•chief end great-- er attention, 'and Martha felt the Master's rebuke. "Stilt' ye first the Kingdom of Heaven,'' It has (peen openly said to me, two, or perhan*a three times Wei -mite recent year, ""Ws a pity, Mr. Baer, thot.you are given to taking such at: sour look upon some things,particularly our auntie' Yes," 1 ►eve answered," it is n pity.o.it's a lamentable pity, but by the same theoretical reasoning it's ra much greater pity that great men of Master mind and almost superhuman influence and power, have realized a whole sailed necessity for earnest condemnation of the Christian church at various tithes in that church's his- tory, and YOU may trace, if you please, the lineage back to the Apos- tie St. I'*ul and. to the days of the ministry of our Lord Christ upon this earth, and there- you May go baek.to the earliest chapters of the book and in every period heaven's astrongesl denunciations and condemnations up- on Ilis people were directed against the outward Man." Seat a few. thoughts if you eilcase.••Where art thou Adan? Adam had gotten him - eel! to the outside. Where are thou Eve? She had gotten to the .outside. Then discredited, disobeyed, dishonor- ed Cod. Again Noah make first the inside of the ark tight. Again David, Cleanse thou inc from secret faults, After that keep !back thy servant also. front _ presumptuous sine. Once again "Art thou a protector, a teach el', an elder, nr just a mighty common person and knowest not these things?" "'Ye must be horn again, regeneration. an entirely different new life. 'Once more, "ye make clean the outside, inside you may have an inclination to do anything you like, ""Well, Mr. Baer, surely you do not say our vhurch is like that?"' Mr. Editor! I say emphatically, with aaeltiveneaa do 1 write to you, that front the e.rt! e view our church is hopt like that be cart. before the orse, the atarlxlard ox upon the exit board side. Our Clariaattsnity has got to stave a prettied lace something which this world tan look into and not hove to turn up a *nettling none, r1 something of which men eon •say. "that's darer. ent, that ler worth white." It is all quite trete that we tray lis• ten to air good sermon-••atometimea-o yet, oval' aonettmes, and enjoy tate portent's handshake at the (turd. door, tato goad Lod, lir. Editor, no Cltristien is the Lord's big world tan live and grow tad thrive, upon e likely written up sermon and a haul ,shake at the door—alone. When he is stappecM the following week to dig J the ver, bottoms out of his trouser pocket.. and aMtost to this soles of hie boots far dime* and quarters end I dollare. and batik ekequei, to gained. ial..iee to and heir make eepprnanrt stela*, !M egrirsl playa, apart femme and tweeting itaa le until there tenet tyaat ris6 r brow wrinkle after wrbskl. and the falter* Soo their ilaweeb anh1ti.si. as teimaiaadt 1 Asad thotnaadM of mother* nail fathers In (llitaria will plainly tell n4 bulky. wasav of them * their dlsg.+at SIM *windy diming to, while many a*. ether ekd*ntiy flimpi away hies elf. pr»mrererr sled oniony' tine "there le MINCER BROS.; H. JANE* MacEWAN & TEBIBUT 't maiden there for ss'" t halve SP- pr.aa'hMd maim stall meet a Man tail w.aass whomt have „ Itna•w to let fine car just Matting to break .away. settee re But then,. rf our clergy have sen soul touching heart uplifting, life in- spiring ben den • to unbreast, •- they rated not fear at all to step on the gas a• bit and Iee it out. 1f those 'Christ, like virtues ars not in sight, .the shorter it ie t:ut.'ofl' perhaps the•bot- 1 ter. And by. the • same .,token, °pre• sumedly, the editor will say, "cut; it, oft"But if I only but dare.. give some of those fineelooking young la- dies n swell advice, L would put .it this WAY, manufacture wear oi111 one and triatrlmonial Woe Hander your per- sonal supelvisioi, made alter your own patterns, out of home : made materialil, awl also hone -made rand KILL KILL s �� W:dios wipe out,wheat rust in Ontario, Hon. ..Jahn S. Martin, Minister of Agricul- ture, iftrodueed 8 billein the Legisla- ture which will make the growing of the ,common barberry in Ontario un- sawful. 2. Wet neas'ons,; poorly drained land and late' ripening varieties all favor rust development. 3 Kndeav*or to hove the trop ma- ture. as early: as possible by prorat- ing a': good seed beds and using early varieties of'farm ,crime. 4.. Good cultural: , methods,. rich ferule land, . plump, emit -treated for smut And the use of'even' ripening maybe (quite possibly) by the time you : are thirty, .,or fifty �or seventy, years you will see a glowing realness in a slip from one of your best poets —"The best schemed plans os mice err. -men aft gang" Welll in the English diateet by a Dutchman,, oslop milt up," but in the revised Canadian -English. "darnedly wring. And let those in- lhunniable stage scenes pass en to. the demon nvilere they naost assuredly belong. -Thanking on. the Star. . P. H. WOOD. r.' N.11A1 lt. (Too be continued) PREVENTION OP " GRAIN SMUTS AND RUST losses duds to Smuts and RUMS It is exceedingly diflieult if not Ina possible, to estimate the financial lose caused by these diseases. The fol-. lowing rough eatinnate of the loss: caused by smuts has been made : by Considering the value of different grain crops grown in Ontario each Year, and and the estimate anlninl average percenntage.thet the yield of the def. :fe'rent -crops Ix reduced by stunt. . flats-• Market value of yearly. erops,,t �t�t,� n .. about .,r♦....r..... —$00,000,006 'Estimated overage annual loss due to smuts, Sea of erop. Yearly financial loss......$ 3,1)09.000 Barley—, Marketvalue of yearly ems, about ..........$11,00(1,0ilie Estimated average annual loss due to smuts, +tee of Crop. Uwe Instant For Nader %Awls . Blits Swift Relef While serious, iff neglected, it is now .ordinarily an easy natter to meekly relieve Bladder Weakness and Irritstion, faint in Bock and down through *twine. ftequeet daily annoy. ante and troubfe.00te nights- by the pleasant Mme tine of i)r. Worth- worthee 'rih+atabe," which any good, dregtitiat will f.ntlah in sealed pork.] axes rentable, '10 dare eapply on' guarantee der nnirey back on rat box pun -naiad. if ratrite are trot fully; t giefattoryr. No *star bow ,table tat. trouble= , *►nate or of how batt star dist tete _rose, may us. yea ran ea sgr prove the +aha et "Ilratabe it a few dowel time _..anti you ant inriatd to do veithetat elittate.t risk of root voices;; pleased vias redone. Inert the to ut!6 re errands." today ami y.nt rosy look for %pr. i' .t.lat tealde of Tt hours - sulk year rayear mistier. surpIus winter on his: land and one aram,cozyhotnes incubators . Eggs are huttgrytnoth• your hone Matte sure. kill rtry FLY. F n to. .sndabtaainleee.. sign: the tame and ebeques made out I in payment., O. J. Robertson made .•n 2966 verbal report of his work as school attendance officer and presented hie bill for $8 for two special calls and his salary of`s�15. On motion of P. Wilson and Wm. Thom the report was accepted and bill ordered paid. P. Wilson and Wm. Thorn's motion to pass bylaw No. 5 (192!) was carried P vv, - raid. r • NA\\`!I,✓l`�f!�It�� i.b 4 Your ut.dier' hits it. UNTIL you have driven :the new Nash "40O"' with the Twin Igni- tion motor, you can haveno adequate idea of how much pleasure it hay-= added to motoring. Here are some plain, unvarnished facts and figures which may serve to convince you that you awe yourself a rine in a Tnvin•Ignition.M'otored Nash. With Twin Ignition instead of single pl ignition (two spark ugs per cylinder firing simultaneously, annelid of one) higher compression is practical, and* much more efficient combustion of the gases is -accomplished„ The result it that the identical Nash motor, by actual test, produces 22% more power than with single ignitiern, 5 miles' per hour more speed, and gives you 2 extra miles of travel from every single gallon ofgasoli ne you buy, In fairness to yourself, don't think of buying Any motor car today, until you have ota a0Tigon•Motod drivenr Nash"tO �MENfWNASH 400" at g ar ripe •veont,fs a to 1< 1C 011t'fC+l 1i'k' 0204:0" IF"t:4.'la`fMtf ES ...'1•rn Tivia•Ignitioas motor 12 aircraft owe ap*tk Mwts 11ieh cneaprestion Ilbudaille aadbntioy aback *boot her. uusiouu Nob tosser fee Salon Wadies Aluminum alloy pistons tr•,4.5,,',,3 New donhte dropIra nte Tesrsional %ihraition• damper Wottd's'alit nattering a -hearers crankshaft f1.N.wcta**Hie MOYOtt CAR vieLUII ox1ZLJt i'.ifk Mint centralized t bassi* tubritation Electric thieks Exteriornetreivare chrome plated over nitket Short turning radius arr.;rs Tarot .fCaC.a1'i t:onser wheelbase One-piece Solos fenders Clear vision trona pillar posts Nash Special Thalia Wont and rear bumper* . - HURON MOTOR SALES, Smith St., GNItricil e n t kiamtkomasommeausomeaummosimmimumilmmi • • •