HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-25, Page 711IIMDAY. APlAIL IGtlh ?Se WHIM TSA WAS TWENTY MILLINGS .A POs'ND Tea -drinking 14 nk w su uatvrrral a asses* the: it is haul to believe that at one time tea was an e1sicuti.att lu7o u, y. and sill tat from ten to twenty, - fitie shillings as pound. Nevertheles.s., as late as the mid-Victi.i ur era a teic eddy filled with a pound cif tea wits l i `err handsome present. In the eighteenth century toe -416 4i** vast' considered a fashionable pastime, and Sydney Stezth, in "Lada Holland"s Memoirs;' otiose* hes as saying "Thank tiJat for tea: What 14.0id 1 the world du without ti.- how chit it exist'" 1 am glad I was Wpt born before tea?' 1t. was the t'uitonz flim tfi keep tett in )land mite tea .-eddies, In a Int GODFRICN STAR sweat article w the "Lasedea Daily! tines sad aaot i chariuia.K were made' /express" rent to the Salmis Tea loko Bete 1716 sad taut, pit dr., he Cawrwny-. the tullowiag iatereettnir iva rel aide of tush• hauls of of sato, i• diteinartt its gibes et tikes otitis and! titi,.il. intsti41 vadh other (-lion.* ssoo 1•. talpo hill`s of the tea caddy land :'ntrtli. i palmed Fel'ii tit.`.t'� ={ - yt j,:`l,i` snolt.1, 1-stt•t'_l,n they lAia,' il):t:t,'.1 111.ti sly beautiful Litt proportions; 't_a f iia tver t 1 tsirtoi-sailed, cif �i►:.t„ invariably bpautrfai an its propnorttitt,. +� a. •^ a1 " i t t tart 1.i or of ivory; sometimes inlaid w: •i ire oreov a an r association*, ». °shirrs anti gold bait ntiitht r-ei-pe,ttl, in, moreover, a rare tlsittlt ttteitty tn� findtwo tea ea ddite.alike. The petit andwatt' )61l-de1fa ie? sittiti:-t itr11 .•addle+, lit foe intoe $91.Ntiutt'.S palace it ;•iot.iiitort bad lotuses the ble,.•ingof red, ',owe. tit the tiet'.t cabinet neat: •i I111 -...t• the lsa-rit>+t, ttiltludittig t''•t,ppetl'y Ost dti•1 I),'l,,tle.,l,ttt,, tia•t-tUSit tlit`.i.. t )lent •. to elt'etgn tt'.t 4.•;tl1!tie3. 1,1 li; 5:ti+ 3 t1,t 'I' itea Attie 4. S• list, mule' ti).i.te" of t.o.tti� e'ilt straw ischii, raid', i. stIVer o,;, in 'c. ,lta'tkrsa .itCi?tit , K Ll e'li Iii'+ f•'t' su+lr l+tiARi K'l)►'1. was A PAao gv=M hubby of the jay. :Sons. stand out the ixieleeeor of as •id-fatahi..a.•d little feet. some have a Limy h.,itdk= on caddy +should Mines" it. anti we it the lid, and all have dainty keyhole.. for its original wpm The e*ltw.C= i►elkiuus little a dont; 4, inti►.,'. f int of old tee eMd ss hos bee mie The word `",moldy r.,,ma. from .1 omits. a hubby in Lor Vaulted Stiett Chinese word, "avttt>,"' meaning ,t t.,e:+t Britain and_CpMda, petrel ur tea weitthitor shout iats'l potted and a third. Co' ski the t'hitie•+• Sufi corns are difficult to eradicate. iitltt•hanl* were *t(-unl.l)iieat t.i !) :.lit" but Holloway's Corn IReiau'ver 1GiiI tw, *heir tea. 'Law thew out painlessly. .um i 11111 LET NOTHING KEEP YOU FROM ATTENDING TSE LAST TAX DIPS SI ING OF NEWTON'S STOCK • ! •"• POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS e e - The trx e: Vis.- short :arid now -is. your ' best r ,rtenui ty too_ save .dollars" by buyingyour- spring and summer requirements ents for yourselffrom this huge stock of me m, boys ---and children's Clothing', . Mens Furnishings, Hats, Ca, s, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc. For the past seven days we 'have been selling merchandise to the public of +Goderich -and. vicinity at .runheard.of low prices. . New low price records will prevail, during thelast ten days. Enough said. Below are a few'record»breaking prices j Raincoats Men's Raincoats, all colors anil sizes. Values to $1 5.00. While they last; Special $1.98, $2,98 and $4.98 Why net buy a new Raincoat when yon can Italy it at above prices? Sweaters... •;Bent's :ltd boys' Sweaters and Pullovers, all -wool, assorted colors andillies� 71-1 ivies scorn $2,75 to $0.00. ; While they last, Sptxliil $1.49to$2.98 Boys' *Suits 35 Boys' Suits in tweeds and serget, all colorer. Sizes 27 to 30. Short and long pants. While they last, • YE;ItY SP1slti,XXt 0.95 Work Shirts 200 men's Work Shirts, in nll..colorsi and sizes. Values to $2.00.. While they. last. SPECIAL: 69cr'79c, 980 and .$1.39 Shirts and. Drawers Boys' all- wool easlunero Shirts and Drawers. ]Light weights only. Regular 81.00 values. While they last, 39c LightweightUnderwear Tigerbread and Watson's light. aright woollen i'nderwcar in sizes 34 to 44. Regular $2.00 to $3.00 values.. Special Sale Price $1.39, $1.69, $1.98 nirrflrrra.c -Aft Boys' Suits Mackinaw Coats Men's and young nten's Mae- ltixraw Coats, asaorted,eoiors and • sizes. Values to $8.50. While they last, Special ' $3.98 1\'ondertnl bargains. Why not buy note for next winter? Men's Hosiery ilien's•fa cy and plain cashmere Sox, - light and heavy weight. • - ulltr - 50e--atnd--•?Fe--valuer» 11' ile they•last, . 29c and 39C Not more. than 3 pairs to ?It customer. Boys' Shirts, Bogs' Drees Shirts and Blouses, collars attached and detachable. Sizes 111.2 to 13.1-2, ail soler*. While they last, Special 49c rut iiiore than one to at eustotncr. . Boys' and Girls Golf Hose Boys' aiid girls' Golf Bose, Novelty check •patterns. Reg- ttlar 75e and 85c values. Special 49c . Penman's Underwear. Penman's -natural wool 17n- derwear. Shirts and Draw- ers. Sikes '30 to 44i Regular $1.00 and 81.25 values. • Special. Sale Price 79c and 98c Men's Shirts IlCert's ,_I info •. {iir r,,., dude of tuataras prints , broadcloths, cot- ton crepe, stripes, cheeks and other fancy designs, Sired 1.1 1.2 to 17, regular $1.00 to $2.00 values. doing out -of -business sale price 49c Children's Reefers Children's navy Rteefer,'i in sizer 3 to 8. ° Regular €3.t ) mid $0,80 values. l\'tiile they SPECIAL $2.95 - Tweeds, eashntere;s 03141 nor. e`tcda, • iii2ea22 to 27. $3.40 to sloe valuer. Whiles they lost. $1.98 aL to M S ELL.ANEOUS - Hundreds of articles in quantities too small to advertise will be dis- played on special tables for quick and easy selections during this cleanlip sale, Every mans and woman who will attend ..this last ten-day sale will sham in special values which they will remember for many a day, no matter what goods they will choose Men's Neckwear Men's and, boys' Silk Tins, four-in,ltana and bows, great variety of colors, regular 20e 'to $1,25. While they last, - • Special •. 10c, 19C and 29c Boys' Rompers Regular fide : to - $1.00 values, While they -last. 29c Boys' and Girls' Play Suits All colors. Sizes 2 to 8. Reg- alar 8125 to $2.00 values. While they last, 69'cand 89c Handkerchiefs ]Vieli'rl colored and white Handkerchiefs Regular 15c to 25o values Special Sale Price 8c, 10c and 12c Men's Dress Gloves Regular $2.00 to $3.50 Special Sale Price $1.29 to $2.48 Men's Hosiery Men's Lisle Socks, colon black, 'brown and white. Regular• Vie and - $3e.. While .they last, _ Spread • .9c and 19c :. Boys' Pants 100 pakit fflootnent. ?tench* in tweeilti, merges and cashmere, Sizes 24 to 83. All colors. While • they last;.4pecial 98cand $1;48 Men's Caps Itten`s it fl -d young tnem's tweed and worsted Caps, in - latest,tkeignaand colors. All sizes. Regilar$1.60 to $2.50. 98c Men's silk Socks Colors black, brown, navy, grey. and white. Regular. Elms; 75e and $1.00 values, \While they last 29c 2 Special Counters iV_Me�,fepp ' Sweaters, Shirts at 25c 14 Men's Underwear Me'et's Balbriggan and liter- - jun thoi t're•nrrr, etre-piai.n. Value 7:K`.Siie:i 32 to Bbl. While they last, Speci:rt • 49c Boys'. Suits 33 Iloys' I1ls,nmcr -Pants mitt, iti'ttvcala, Merges and cashmeres. - Sizes 26 to eel. illi solus s. . $2.95, $4.95, $6.95 - Men's and Boys' - Pyjamas Assorted colors and various outilities: All +siya'rr. neg.- • tthu .;!;110 t,i wtl.so_ valttefr, While they lsts,t, $1.19 anti $2,59 Boys' Jerseys Colors khaki, sand; brOwn, white and nary. Sizes 31 to 82. Regular 80e to 75e. the iug out id business Sale Price 29c Kant Krack Collars Men's Kant Krack Col- lars. Sizes 14 to 17. Raog- tiler 35c valueq. Going out of busiue: palet price 19c FIXTURES FOR SALE Five Showcases, 4 Counters, 3 Tables,, x Awning, Blinds, Y Desk, r Stove, I Safe and other display fixtures ATTENTION TO MERCHANTS Special 'Discounts Will 13e Given o11 Quantity Purchases Men's Hats Tutsis'. hats' in - we11•knovvn .brands, all calms and rile s. While t1107 last; - - . Special $1.39 I'xceptional Values Men's handkerchiefs Mer,0,4 Silk handkerchiefs, rrtyri#'-BAR,stt-.nt",1 ru - value.' • While . they last, �p3t+ia1 - . • - :29c and 39c Youths' Overalls Youths' Khaki Overall Suits. Sizes 30 to 311',- $2M1) values... While they last, $rlclA r. 98c Men's Overalls and Smocks Kitchen, Leather Label, Roll-. dog, snatrprnof, - most famous brands its Cana, la. Sizes 32 to Rh Blue, black and bine and %vitae stripes. Regular $2.50 to 82.73 values. While they last. $1.19 to $1.79 • Boys' Pants Tweed. worsteds and merges. Sizes 21 to 31. 411 eolora. $1,50 to $2,50 W111L1: T11EY 1.A'T . 69c Boys' Suits Made of all-woodflannel l izea 2 to. b \Whiie they tai t $1.98 Men's and Boys' Braces Regular r)lre' to 810) valtts't tent of 1lt1Qiit0-4 C3111 price 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c » l Men's Trousers 125 pairs of men's and young inen s Trousers, made in tweeds, sergea, mackinaws, drills and worsteds. all col- ors, Sizes 32 to 42. Values front $2,00 to $S.50. Sale price $1.19, - $1.19, $t.48, x1,99, $2.41,. $3.$S Soft Collars Men's Soft and .Bard Col- lars. - . SiY.l4 '. 1.1141 to. 1"1 While they last} +ilial .. - 15c Boys' Hosiery 'idosri'. stockings and Golf Hose. Assorted colors and size'. While they last, SPECIAL - 15o arid 29c Men's Shirts ' 200 unit's Users Shirts in Forsyth, Itiltnu)re, Tooke. Ail actors and sires. Values to $4.59. 11'Itih' they Last, 1,4rtc1A.1.- - 98c Sweaters Meet►'ii anti l)I)y4' $wealer4. 1t+'gnlar $1.50 to $'?.alt► values . Whilethey 11't 69c Boys' Overalls lilac and khaki only. Sizes f to S. Regular 7 ;e and 81 valise's. While thiyy .last. - 59c 1 Handkerchiefs Ltelie'.'and ehiadren'i white and t'nboreKl Itantilterehiafa. Regular. 3-0t' valnc. Whitt, they inst. SPECIA). 10c NEWTON'S'.. FURNISHINGS STARE WEST SIDE OF SQUARE M 0 v GODE,I LI, ONTARIO (001101110