HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-25, Page 1t..
Printing that cReases
For prompt service sad vatisiseetwe
vo4•4 k place your order with The Gods -
rich Suer. Masonic Bldg • West Street,
°Plicate 71
1 ••• •440 .1•144.11•41••
Sahstription: $2 a year in Canada
*2.66 a year to In S. paste,
- 1.1•••••111.1•111.•
Advertising that Pays
'ihorusansia have preyed that Star Ado
Viet Mamba, An Ad in 'Ike Codwich
Star tenches the people, "none 71.
••-• wn-••••••••••,,.•,..?••• ..••••••••••••*ie
Two of Winter Fleet Still In Port --Three Vessels Have Arrived This Season --New Fishing Boat Launched Last Saturday
'.4nW-4Z'.-44•71=•••••••••`'.=7:•;•' - *••••.1.• -.•••••,.
SUR Life 118811fellee COMPeill, of OR fide
Heath ef Mr. S. MeV. Lloyd
News wag received in GoderiehlaSC
ee:eek of the death of Mr. S. nlennt
DO YOU FIND IT HARD TO SAVE? e Lloyd. like Lle,yd vats for many t
•,yeara aesouatant in the Goderielt
Montern method:, of living snake it bad for tite ordinary Wien, ihraneh of the Bank. of Montreal and!
dual 'to save, with the result that nearly ninety per e eat. of allotateoyd
left for widows and orphans is money paid on life ir.euranee. Surely 'for eome years ho and Mrs. IJ
had been emending tit,eir winters in
this fact is enough to convince you that you s'hould carry life insur. mooch,.
once. The money thus esived will_provide comfort for you in your The LiOnS Club
. declining -tears er provide courfot for your dependents when you ore
i, The Goderieh Lime Club had the f
called Oliotty. Resolve to save and to inveet Youe savings in life insux•-
pleasure. of tearing several 'humor.
I etas numbers from Mr. J. II. Corner-
. on at their luncheon' last Prikr
Phones; i Residenee 519 ti. R. LONG, District Agent niglit. Dlr. Cameron was in Gode-
rich for tho G. C. I. entertainment
-- 1 Office 116 _ _ . t
n. and praciouely goneented to enter-
- - . -• tato the members for a few minutes.
atter their luncheon. !tearing the
results et the successful minstrel re-•
vv.*. • low.m."..... ooN.,-.......... ,....-........ ,r-*: .
boon Inuttnents Ltd,
Commencing Mandel, AP„rii
29th, aft Stock and Grain lax-
cnanges operate on Day g
• Saying. Time, As a cense.
, titmice Mir Board ROM Will be
open from 9 turn. to 2 pan. 1111-
.t1 further notice.
• Ostario
norms 430 and 44$
terANTinee-eiaffi wanted. Apply MiteVito eet
recently held and planning for
1" W. PRAXIS Inetersenons. several interesting. mings ta be
h ld la t th • tw were the
Inessed an. woe gotten up under the direction of
toon, on Moncton, April 16, seem rooms, British Margrier. „
tcaued to itO3V,v Thattine OUA1SO work. , their daughter, mod Adeline, be., ite • taeftoria wintung e s* on. 8PtCnurti 'ttit"411e° . Miss 375011. rThunotoie wtirilcioinotsr wpeabrt.
Apply stating aperienee ano weeps re. verY Pretty wetiding Waa sateen. cisme the bride of Albert Lionel nrize at- euchre, a voffee percolator event et unuaual interest in, tau nun- were:
1 Iteid eceupied the cbair as N. G. for!' and during the signing ef the settles William floes. wee ae psnealee ai
' thO business of the lodge and tbefter Miss Esther Hume. •Goderieb, ever in their nuesZeeses font respenied
• In 1,, third degreewee.puh on, Afterwerds sang -"At ilawning." by 1,:adanfin. to; mores en each oecaelon, oars time
- e ig wa : P N. -
-,, Rod. Johnston. 1st tw premien; and. After tho reremony tile bride aril wttlt a song AN -Inch teek equally well
e Peet Grand. Sheriff Ileynoldoe grower reeeived, with M. mei Mrs. us the hartuoniea plaeing. Mr. Jae.
1 oldest resident Oddiellew Clede-" Adams, Prineiral liume tug Miele Itiall3Ott W3S aceompaniet.
Three -act Comedy bs• Robert rich, made the presentation, ∫ lintne. A buttet linteireon was .e.ery. 'The Para& of Nations wee aneth.
the henore of the oceasion in fitting ed and tater the It ride and green; er numbee brought, an encore.
Keith presented by the Angli-
ean YOU»g Inemlee-Assoviation i! manner. Past Grand Reid replied, left 'for a brief lioneemoon..after The following eliewieters toot, part ;
.expreesing his appreciation of the, which they will reeicle in Ottawa., John Ilullosijetrold Breekow; Unelle
gift arid the spirit Glut prompted ite' The hide. travelled in a beconthig tn. Sane JaMO3 .tintlierland; Chilterns%
Si George's Parish Nall, on Iran Grand Sturdy, O. IL G. M., W33 „ etembie eeown foulard gouts V. t.; Catiten Woreen; :triennia:ere Prank
a n d ! present ond made appropriate re-' brown tweed seat. end netenn hat and Savage; Seotehman. Williaut Web.
,Monday, Tuesday make. Afterwards lunch was serv-i shaes. Alone the aueste fot• the eter flequimo, Victor Elliott; Indian..
Wednesday evenings ed the halt downstairs. There ia wedding. were: junta Adame, Atari Pentland; Hawn, William
novement on foot in the lodge to! enicage; Fred( Mame. of Mount .Sittherlated; ‘Dieteliman. Clayton
MAY 6th Itit and 8t11
present, fifty year veteranes jewele tot Forest; Mis$ "Mite. eterultougle, a erton ; Englialt Dude, John Abell;
tho tour meinhera of the ledge who i Woyburn; nlisa Ruth Maehintion, of Policeman, Nemeth Hunter; Prefes.
at 8.15 p.m. qualify for this distinetion. IlexV 1/allover; T. .0. Hume. of Toronto; cor and eoleist. Rein 'letter. MIS3
A big, bug): from beziouins,, to ; %Imlay morning. Huron Lodge witn Min Rose Yeato and Mr. arid Ws. Evelyn, Dean ve..w at the piano. The
Victoria street United *bomb.
'ehurelt service int linev.tird Fitzgerald, of thereto; Mina mareaing, actian and singing were ,
end. . hold theik. annual
F Dame Lumley unit Melo Alberta very good indeed. M. Hume had
.Adults, 50e. Children 25e Carpet Ilan League %find Up . ',. Roberts, or St. Thotunso Mice Muriel eharge of the preparatem of this
successful at home- in tho form of Nairn and Fred G. Online:4 on Windt
The einTet tali league held a very . Graham, .of Welland; Charles B. feature.
., i Marcia,' was very interesting end
at . the door. A oetract play, "Malted Milk and
a euchre and dance on Wednesday sor. W35 .
• c ng *e (101.0.
' eadial drill butte Men accuse B eretonopeae . . evening, Aril lith, th n th Lori
i - ° --ert Silver Medal Contest "
NvANTEIL--Lathe, planer, elotter and chief items of business,
e- • J. Doan, 200 otv,enue JS North, 83Slta. tilt; day school t00111 of North atreet Unit -
Young, Helon Zavitz; Jimmie. Jamea
ster; Henry Meek. Colin: Itunter; •
Malted tir Mt it'in. tiTmt 4 '11 1' -Sneed at the note of Mr. arid Mrs. R. - Sieretorn also oe naeitatoon, nee, and Mr. Wm, Sproul winning
Thomas Lott, Stanley Clerk et Marcia
Gla PAY ISVRitsi OAY..-0istripute . • entered the room with ker
1.V. G. Brown officiated Th b ' I irent's prize, 0 garden hoe. Then"
. e re e
tether, followed the presentation of prizes to twentystmar girls stud boys contested
ed eltuvele on Tuesday eveninn, When
The various diplomas won it
Free Bargain Dank. ot ilitiblin ni t -
a georgette with lace bodice are car. team, Chins 'ijohnston (skip). Ge,o, _an In
the denattmental . and connuereint
ter a were. Widie-T/19.1 J. II, W -VP• Save money oon new buildings. eiteras • ined ia. bouquet of Sweetheart raseB. Bowra. Geo.. Symonds, Percy Barker, in edoctition wee wan
Atter the ceremony lunebeon was b Billy Jo
Y 1 Atilt
time to make perinanent feintieetien.
Oen mane front iteie,00 te iseitent) end bet- , erials at Paetory Distributors* gpriees; . Kenneth Stowe,,Alex. Henderson and Aliaatetli a lad ot umlaut, b S'. exantinations last .. steamer, and itt
to egtaleislten users.. Now id tee 'best BUILDING MATERIALS silo was' attired in 4 VIVIL Of ?each the winning teams. A Foresters', for silver' txtednls in eloeution, vocai
d truntental Musle. The medal Redditt,
Natenetne knows fool produets
Jean Robertson, Y dct- connection with the vocational close
gin; cilmpANy, CE, Was, repairs, :New book just printed nerved- with covers laid for twenty Fred Bowra,took the tirst prize'. In .411/ing
•a really good pen knife each; and -an. lightfu rendering of "I think Vett i oes emoinoteirelal .gork were egghot.
- , offer.; -over `Three thoneand blilldene IrgeSta. 'The 'wedding cake was piec-
e.- iTY--,Drafting Aida :Verb 1
, alt -e% paint, hardware, ilreplaers, pumps. lunebeon, Mr.'
nn I's or . theering• rooting. shinglee, satin ribbon, ImmediatelY after the PI ce (skill)) Arch. Haddon, Ernest the favor of the judges. There were
, Be t Read That Sweet Story of Old, won some , a pot on of tem cub ni s
t interne
the presentations being made by the
Mr. Hume. Tho winners
"it ID o t • . !., . an rs. rare on eft Craig.
d M B t 1 Mat Sproule Allen niaciDon. two contests in piano. one for Anders prhietput
1 t '
• lI
POE SALE OR TO BENT )LEN -HERE .114 vim (a• )ptinTr. doorsto Windewee frames ed under. an arch of sweet peas and
1-4, wmall
•Fetesiisseo siaosess NT ters eti lefty, otrersetetu 430 to •phtuedeg. grooditl, eieeirse fixture?, end -• ald and Albert Parker, took the see. in -which Roberta Johnston won the were us follows
$00 weekleo Inexperieneed inen quick- general benders' heeds. !Write' today. bn train foe. Regiret sod pointe east. Evening vocational etas itt COM.' '
Pnletleitt or lierno Sttnty. Write. Free an - home Saeltatoon, • end prize, a chine take plate with sil. ruttish and Annie Atkinson was the
metetial worn; diplomo. for filing
'' rent for summer monists. Apply
'0 11 ill On their retut•nethey wilt melte their
nuLtai elitt renihno-niteu Mich: Ions" 1111 ;matte% 41051MEntilAi. l'i$4,111c, • ". ' w e t
f cod eeh Bbleksuiin tj ii, B A event to ti team from St. George's. medal. While the judges were man -
ver handle for each. Third prize suceeseful tontestant for the color
awarded Amin 1929 -leek lila&
Mary Crowe, Beatrice Hunter, Floyd
to. J. W. CA/VOIR. i• lott ly te ft in ea. • lonployinent secured, itAtita.vy. aro \NT. ittox. 4 , ,
AUCTION SALES 4 . ' ellUrell, Joe Juck (skip), John juelt, lug their 'decision, tbe result of a eons
on, Waterloo SL 11 It was latidF essesse; smoati. suite ion, 47 nueen .....,............. . .
occupied 'by the ondereigned. Wlin . eve 'reroute, . - ..c. ' tiritaGs Viiegehd irttlikest Per 1.9M eVA_I:Wicrd, Herb Leggett, Albert tot in essays showed 'William Senn Ledge,. Rebecca macKewele, Doria
Riley, James Sutherland. nhorthand
LIAM SUAIIMAN, 621, elien -t st, Eakin . . • 'Ettore, charles Cook and IL Black- ertand to be the winner of the medal,
Hamilton. DRESS DESIGNE1IS Cis teeltiNta AVCTION,, 11F and o, highway grouping is hoped for stone, Ronnie each. The Legion Aat essay displaying genius turd char- -Elementary eertifirate awarded by
AND ALI. TUE CON- to include Goderieh, Clinton, Mitchell won fourth, J. Stnieel (shiP), acteris,tie abeity woe read, and won Pitman Co.. litebecca MacRae -ie.
nt SALE tile To BENT.erA fully are in great demand. (Age l'i to tryinoye, • „ • and a Stretford Club. At a meeting -lace . Duckworth, Frank Rooth, H. hearty applause front, the audience, Pitman Co., Rebecca MacKenzie.
k • 1 t' f ti c i 1 y nall
fiVO Vitnates' ;walk men tlie S'unare. placed our graduate students with Wt• have received instructions trona April 170, Harold Murney was ap. /McGuire. and Secord Allem a silver who showen their appice 0, ion o le °lumen a ( p omas..... 0 o .
,o,o6.°,1'n' thense Olt lv;s4'in avenue, 40), married ete -single. Ve avi.• . --.- of the executive last Wednesday,
Apply to Gtoltelf.' GOULD. ....,_` some of the largest firms in the coulee NI:•24 Nina *Nit 'to r.lcil ey penile. aue.
.. pointetiananager and William Barlow osugar clihieli oflorneravcohci by
Then f various
yploougtfolowVieor: 3,Attr. tZ101:4):71.1o_Int_iy_ _t_lt Reall,s0An: II:or:leen Craig,rtiInca. tglie.rra,„.
•-rino RATA; 't building Int on the trYs4 Let Us lielP eon. If You aro A. i . I ,.coaChtfor the scroll and J. 11, Louder skips and plants of the league end 11° P'"en, v
!Oil at the preralics. rateber terve,
------..- ' earnine niee than -1S.50 00 per wee% t, it orte 1,
oast shIe of t.l..unerou St., second , - --- •„ , .. , svruhtkry, t\i,w 4th ,ala ac ing seere.ary. alio prospects
lot front Itriti.innia limed. NVIII be sae' sews ue Your name, aria autnesean0
nontekv, at nao newels Aimee ; ' fOr a geed strong teain AN excellent e
, aoll .11(lelpexenooliteertgaloyliltetrhewiciitgeittg
erg. Gee:wren see, , ,. ing outlining Drese Designs In aline Tile premirty consisting• oi lot 202 on 411d.. with Goderich linking up with Hoot was cleared mid everybody dim -
cheap. Apply to MAS. D. N. niaeletlein we will send you onr booklet contPin-
. Queltee St.. en which there ts a well tho O. A. B. A., there rhould be Setae eed to the splendid music furnished
or two persons- pply to 'AIRS. WM.. , double windowsh sel,hirate .1,111 liyul delegates to the 0. A. B. A. Meeting; •bours of the morning. This is the
ed prizes donated by the . . U. ores netithwatte, 'Kenneth N. Maeltu-
phas8S. .• .
. 2, , .
Julit I /2 elms frame ieouse 'In a goon good names here this ummer. S. D. by the Schram three.piece orchestra.
274 "lege St, Terette' state of repairs. ttliiiid cement cellar Croft and E. In Dean were appointed All enjoyed tnemselves to the WOO
MO HENT. -90 acres ot pasture whit ,
-Fe rutting 'water. 'Will rent to on,e
. • e• Ames ;eel 61(te lights. A 4...i4u..41,, eowAsn., att....ors, L L Knox fe'ttd J. Nit. PrA- .cloge of the Carpet Ball League for
eioleerieltel, itith ram, Colborne, Dun- . ..,L.... ..,.. .. bate. exel`ptiona y „Doe e.«•.r e K. At+
puller" phone 0.9. tir.1.1" wANDED
e tIlld Oiiit'r buiteengs • e• °‘ ' sere grounds committee, C. Allison, the seon of 1028-1029.
TINT IIIINDIttlI) DOLLAIIS-4/0, 'YOB • .NNalited• :Persons to grew' :Nttlehe • Al the Paine tinoLoal alse. itoueehold ShePhard and Elliott- The
WAN'r IT f - By BuYing this rooms for 0.1 ail spring and Stun- fame -thing, •Includiue In Inert • tette* ore hOping to have their Opener At the Rather •
fidelity aoreo rich and. Productive ' mer. (lenatenee at ono.. eon,
Parlor paerior wines; Wn'inut; 101* the seneen bore °nettle 24th of • Capt. Wm. Taylor, ot the ItenvoYle.
f th C adieu Steamship Line WAS
to winners in the recent examinatiOn lay, Marion J. Aturney,
itiletglitbrielleCtvutViuus i uStuhnedillist,e?niao 11.3?:11tIlitt,' ITalgre ettVgis41,eg.
Dormice and Life, written by UtS3 Aileen Stowe, uby A. Watribold,
McCorkindate, of Australimt The Olive M. Young. -
fiest prize was •tvon by William Butte,' Depaetmental Aileen
Mend, who also won first peace Buehler. Helen le Bacelner, Lorne
%mom the Ontario candidates, ana T. Bowler, Catherine E. If. Crawford,
among those of the Dominion; this is Helen Davideon, Anna M. Dobie,
m excellent record. The e.econd Eric Gardner. M. Otago }heels%
prize was given to. Annie Atkinson. Lucie P. Hardy, Colin C. Hunter, M.
ot ehIrs lean with good natural Mad artificial linowirds of *23 4ysidng walnut side: davenette; enay cluers; May, _ There Were also priesesiven to those__ Cenettivelowell, -rennet Dii-i2ong-,-1.r.
47;"--- °the 7-4.° linalinr--et the bet ;ieseutea brrideSheal-trileftilnritninag"figitt-ipgrteMaeittad nitulteenh, Ul.eDCelarnytuodn' Itnoebeligrthston, Mar -
drainage. else picturesque loratleu.- +Naito *Nee in 31.1t IOUSes, __0121A.tte.A,_ earpt.:*---euriftimq-----extmorob- votiy of victim of winghoot
.:argO eupboats1; ebaire, rooldne tentless search, on the part of the presentation was made that evening indigos for the minter medal tonteat Wilbur F. Savage, Linnet P.
Ahrens and Mr. Rotinvell, mueival ex. ster, Carlton j. Worse .
'tcauertiina segond prize. The garet J. Ruston, 'Catherine C. Sale,
'will be prating this -amount. Said 14Pusant, work for either ing mateilne, thelleums; +lounges. Itit- k the tewn to the first captain to reat
S4 urdy
one of Ow hest in the_ yielatty-ott _eutrtin Per3t41011sr2f -rte.es• Fable; dining ehaire; see:heard; sew- Drowning ilterovered this port for the season. The Rens
on, liaso Line. Buildings consist of tic:dors e,,set anywilere for stamp. were Mrs. Clark; of Clinton, Miss Harriett I. Taylor. William R. Web -
°rote buten -110Skienee ttl .Statea rea-
son tor eaorifice- Por terms W„
BaYDONE, pine:tn. Owner 322 Worth
T) 1111'. 0'.e PrtoPEOTY.-eTen A seareli parte intd started out been entered some weeks. earlier. los. IROV.) PAM MV8. (Rev.) Cun - Nil° Girl" ui *)1
' *MIA SYSOEMS • • and White Illossom Sweet Glover
eitx. Illiestmted booklet. and Par- chen'talger 2 Quebec hee...rs; ean war After move than two wee s o re- voyle arrived 'alit Thursday' end Pre
farm is about twit metes from Clinton i
FOR 0.teLE 1. • •st •'; . • t Burette% 1 ing am, was. xeco ere and adso as t e rs of Clinton; Mrs. (Rev.n it. Lundy, the adVertising anti t3a 8 e ,. ;
I Miss llieNaugbton had charp of
good hetrie, large •karn, driving' shed. 1.10mlutopi Mu Nom (0, 1010)110 0 ebrete; e .81 ion stow:. dockt hook griefsstricken father ntld tt hand of in the town touncil chamber. Mayor
• ports of Stratford. Mrs. A. 'I'. Coop *fair Consid. ' ,•
ease mei oesins; bells, er.a.treseee, mid ennitig eitieesee eehie nedg oe Jack Maawart welcomed the eepta ft 115
!. - -"Orring:‘, tireest s, rlig.:1e. tUSIletl. ehina, 'Burgmate, son of Mreinul Mrs. W. F. the -first to reach Goderich 'hurher est:
-se narden toole and numeroua melee art- el:rout 6.46 o'clock on Tuesdne, morn- diap port, in fact this port could have onasetnbluililue,oett.nwdel:..eeviheMri.udeguertiningv,oe0411 for the entertainment.
r ,
i n. e, per vent. to be paid at thne of sale, shertlY after dailighti the waten in The Mayor also spoke of the develop- ini g rd el • A T C • fl tilt oak of homenTlade`itaking in store in
• music. for the eoidest iit elocutiou, I
?gain Street. Romeo, .
IJII et f th Id ittan 1 i Id 11 le d a
ricett SAUL-Iniproved Ilentser (Jets ION:,
lbw• Ease. Payments, Catalogue and F 0 nAlele-Wene Btossom sweet interest ;it 0 per eent /wt. ennum, and nboet 6.46 o'clock the rentainS wintered bere. A vievr pf the barter perance desgion, and a splendid array 1 pied by
is um„ zi a . 1. • • cowl ma e e
price may remain nn 'mortgage with •known as the dam, was quite elear, der way ond to the large fleet which
. der the auspices of the Loyal 'rem-
etibueben bones. Cost surprisinglY
e ta he congratulated noon, _........
cloven tooyernment tested. W. TEmit4 0X 110USISIEDLD Intent. Were noticed lying on the river bed, with the winter fleet. Was presented
401 •particulare fine to home ownerel T. YOteNts, H. B. 0, Gotiorlet, PliOne Ttlifissetiett. . abaft 104) rade from where young te the captain else ler hint AO hauP ethteetanto ever
ee, of Went was displayed. All the
ottivvez 'FOB SALE.•-tggs for liatehing• Ge ----- oesed from an upturned boat. The is the first time in a good many yeava on their pit °tenancies
.. rytitty MAN WHO KNOWS ..
TIIE AMIS1114.-44 /1.F14‘I' FISIIATE and tritAe*It 4Pnetttsh:fogiste )eTaa:s..1,atielktillttl. fho Maine finisleed in thie way dou-
Evet•ything toriplete for water sup- Se. ed. ApPly to. CLAIM Itte)Se I .
en, and fieV,.age disposal in country and Goderkh. , • • balance. ill 110 days or bait the 'Purchase that 'Pa 0 ea t niter ment of Gederieh tharbor which decision. Thia conteet was held un- Bedford block former y ()cot
C. H. Humber, 'oat Saturday afters
nee 40, 'Hamilton. • . "'
end builders, HALLIDAY ThIPANY.1 callow enee, • •.T. OUNDAY a SON, Surgarfan and three. companions Were up je ens quarters en loot. Tins • rt • nas the "Here° finish" to his suite.
Auetioneere. t
REAL ESTATE AND IINIS • ' 41. bred.to lay strain. npered , GARAGEs
nosy payments on atteactine sidle The deeeaned young. Tad woe ASO) of Coadian captain. The • Renvoehne
bode was partly hidden from view. that .the mayor's het has gone to e ela
cargo was for the EieVafor. ' • i Wes the wear. It es ex .. re.
free eafoloe. IIALLItete7 COMPANY, younger brother. Billy, al.eit survives. vvith na cargo of grain for the Neestern I your next auit cut four -ways : j
W. F. Surgmeit, C. N. Ite ageM at
by Pupils Assisted by '111r. .1. 11.1 4iyaki rIli f
Godorich Collegiate as lew an 0011 011 with ail these ad-
, i 1 11•114,
A 1-elmy event in• e0Inteetion with with a.cargo of coal from Tolede not
I , 0.. 0.. ee, eu isemday evening lest • Ore Saturday afternoon MacKay tute WAS i ht T i
launched with due ceremollY. 'file ahy el.enings tilt n ar ay hall,
I ge-------------------.•itillbhe Hotei,
bag by the owners' mother, anti Mildred' two or more orders front came fam.
Bro, C., A. Reid, who for a lengthy
perttnental, commercial and vota.
e . A very interesting pragram was
G d MacKay, broke the tt•aditional bottle Alt .. Al ••. Nieltor s‘isile.. 1•1 eeprotie
els.si VO
DAVIDSON." Itungannon. phone DU11-
4annott ring el, •
. Some real bargains, offering last HOW .
4Vielt .blir(VS Oi lumps two farms. RABY CHIGnet, HATellino. WIG'S and
Jut a few of many tiged for sale : • •-• imo01)1011 STOVES.
Fine -rural home. Excellentslocation- • ••
And outside corPoration of ficalerIch, ekty notes,
teierefore toWnsigt) -tax, on cemen• 113e. Single Comb White Legireros; lie
highway. Sidewalk to Satunon • . • __
seery briek house:fleet* ifghted.• good -Thtelling e.ggs frein Aprll July, ee
eenaitioo, cotter, hard and soft wider each. •
In- house, flame, small barn peel eta. Above 'pekes ateefor custemersecom-
tee four teeing land. Sleet trees. Price ing to 'the !Vivi for Ant* Oneelnise.'
$3,060--e. 11930111n. Immediate posses. Chicle; are sold lat regulation boxes.
sion. • but etisicaner must fureielt container
•sterv lieuse., remain foundation- ter eggs.
velar; wetter noted; wateree house; • if you are In nee& of o sww nrooder
nowt Tot; leeate4I near sionae Hotel. to Founts, Feed Hopper:4 ete.. /et
roderielt. Pete /4100. Tern's' $100 cash, me quote .prices on Royal equipinent.
balatice $10.00 monthly payments sante • - C. O. cAmpunt,T,.
Auburn, Ont,
Phone Blyth 10-24.
as l'Ont. - .
Two' story tionge, eloso to postneillen.-
n30081011. Cellar, imatev and toilet In
ionise. niosirie ligItted, once 07.)0. • -
Good heel !mese hull modern gulp.: • TENDERS WANTED'
epd with lot and garogp. Rost street. • -, e • ,...10W404•.• ' ,.
Price $1800. . rilOildr.iit4 WANTED, ToWNSUIP .op;
Fine Red lirlek House, newly decor. --- Anittil..Lti. • .
• feed, good ronditione Lights, bathroom •
'rano lots. 02300.00. . • _ Pfitl theeconetruetion of the follow-
- Red Pride house, tint modern equip.. log eonerete bridges '
led '83100.00. . - • On side line 3 and. 4.. concession 11,
e.ned evict: house, good. condition.: L. th alai '
nath room, lights. Fine small ham. • 00 side -lino 3 and 1. toncessien 0. -
lactudiog •garage. Eight, lots. e2800.00.• \‘'..11•
. BHA house, full modern equipped 0 ft. saan, ne ft. roadway. approxi.
Garage. 83500•00. , nettelY 40 yds..
• Centrartor to ..provIde all labor and
-eeeam beated, Partly hardwood floors.
Good I% story house, wit': cefiale • materiel with nut exception of the
nisei Tote. Full suite rooms. • including. stee1. for reeinfoecing. ,,
1 our bedrooms, wen eriemged le.A. colt'. • Britiges to be templets by June eolh,
esnienee and conefort. Nicely deeorat. if%
et Mee full equipped bath and toilet A marked eleigite for ten eel', cent to
rdayst, electrie lighted, just imisbed„ • aecompany tt ndete All • *quiets to *be
i' Avenient 'to reineeriate Institute end in elylICa '1""en'ssiolt itv Way ithil at 8
pan. .
eietoria sehool. 01800.00.
litany more good houses, with more I. c. le elebtretiOlf. Clerk,
r, ' less modern eouventeneeg--$1600 Luisknoss• 11, It 3.
ei500. 81390. n1200. eitiflin 0890 .esoo etwo' ' •.- - • - • • • • • •-• -
ewe, etee Aideationt them. ' ' ' . . . -......_ ...
Large number of farms listed for stile 4 • . ....IR
Ti MOSt any size, Trine terms and lee 'Inetatee' TfletiltRiilleille.
s won desired. 'ready for orettpation. ese
J 'mediate possession.
NOW:. Ise Milne* taiVIOX ht all
ror all•parileulars write no See -pergerIS having Mating against tip.
• 1 W. ARMSTRONG. , :estate (if Wanly S. Molt. tate of the
Real Eatate. Town or nodepirle. %elm died tn, or
• Box PO. Gaderich. Ont. AMA te.inenitineof April,
'To send full 'particulars to We tend..e.
• OignO11 oe 4-efore the sec:venni day of
May. A. It. 1929. On nal (Mee that Siete
the letteutore of ne rad eetafe will •
foroeeeft fe ilisirilsoto the 031(1 ostaw
I"kviirt 0?%114( 01333 *nen elain)e ag
they eliall titt it tette bait nonee.
' Real Estate aall Issorasee HAYS anti BAYS.
Itamilion GailPrIcb.
estileiters Tor Lneeuture.
eine.-- • ..
e, Teltphone 230
Setttnteprarages. AII ennterials ready egiughere, and ears. Bergman. A On Monday the Valeartifa arliVed Excellent Entertainment Presented
WO pay freight. Write .100
Z40 • 0, Hamilton. Past Recording Secretary of' Canada Flour Mills to. an& the fob
C a meron Entertainer -Di goatee
urvat'au CUT -ftr-'10
. prtra CUT
. r
vanta/e; hitying 11.5.1V through.
, Huron Lodge Presented ' lowing day the S. B. Way arrived Preeented.
Town Goderiell.
Petitions for the construction
of cement sidewalks in- 1929
must be tiled in thrs office on or
before Why "15th.
No petition after the rebove
date will be considered in the
construction program of this
By order of the Council.
L L KNOX, Tows CIerk
AII owners and Occup'
iers of premises are here-
by notified that:
Must be removed from
their. premises before the
I st day of May, 1929.
F. 0; WIER,
the turn-----enceraent n •-conneet int - Ld. NougANT *mune.
tit* meeting of Huron Ledge,•No. 62, •
witlt the
. 18 on htiroday and FriBrothere'e new 'hiring. boat, was d
was the 'presentation to Past Grand
new boat in named the Effie M. after w en the diplomas for success in de- phone 43:1, • e ,,, •
term was -the efficient recording see -
li MK 1 Godrich. Special reductions for
rethry of' the ledget of a club
,daughter . Mr. Normal: tiopal training clesses were present..
members of the lodge ire recogni- MORO'.
- tern Cl ids services. Past. ran , given by sttidents of -the Inotitute her ft eit eplas Mallen of the eine:one
• • • A- • of • champagtie • ov, the bew, •of the
• erand
calsttied by
elreJ. iI
1 o
0141143,1i1 • "an
d l.t 't'w.cnewbontas sppedIn tltowitt
•NOTICEOt` ANNUAL.MEETING-alnrn, who gave a number of re- -Air bereaten.,tit 314,' ninth
of 1341'
ornincaroads of yoginyeasgonebyReisgtting4.114mm1040).h'"ev.'IrNtePPrnidNodt
t. Young People Win Debate eittin-hind mot her thattio p,r mants. •e.ante' r1adbt.o 4,,.
Godeichstagesonevel 1»!(3145$ beau1l"r4 set "II thz"-
Phase lake :wilco that the MMI m teR
n d
. general Meeting et the shareln.Ider.,
. bow 'AreloteacinJeneolieleittat
*1110114?190orthsrUnedtoaderymanutveong"PIttnlanandtnth"s'vt°Ichuhjourneyed toMitchellAlondaymuchofhisquiethumorandofhis
. compoo-,:mmited, will be field In nine. tary debate on the subject, 0E080100d tions • vary from simple stories to vt„1:.
..r illogic evening to take part in a parliamen. ability as an entertainer, nia rendj. sills... the lee. of their car.: to th.. pun.
N.'11 .111.1vor (lestee. to return
.: 70.0 Goderkei Bleeder and
s_ Rae Hain. North • etreet. ttoderieb. Ont., that a lower tariff would be in the lart soutc.aletiosnepeatni(dInshisaS2.:52.trILAin_t.o.nrs li,q,"Thanh,,, 14, tb„ inaliF erleade aid
on Irritlay, 'May 10th, 1929, 8( 131 hour terests of Canada." Carl Wont tv.rw",', ;111viuUsS. nelnliborg %hose kitnini,N,A tinrinct the
nt 1220 teem for the eleethn: of direct- occupied the lionered tosition of Gov. also Game nongs wnien are ;elven et-
. . illness end at Ilse WHO Of the death or
-ors Mt- the pestling yeer and the trans-. ernor General. George Buchanan fectivrlY. Mrs. Inner was his or. her hushand es fondly remembered.
adtion of any other loisiam that maY was speaker of the house, and .Miss eompanistroe many 11. tilt floral trIbute• 8314.
properly be brought before the meet.
Mg. Buchanan sergeant at arms and the The G. C. L Orchestra gave a nutn. return. .41neere expres4lons of appro.
. Mitchell society r•rovided a •couple of her of getectione the players being Ogifill 401111 t" MI41' %ha ttalio 111.' USe
G. L. PARSONS. . re wer ekweri jean Auld:local:4 Jean Andrewa 4,r uo.ir eit, for the enteral.
SeeretarseTreast arm Page 1"3"9" he e
ftualell Pfrinun • I
speakers for tho affirmative, Miesea • er, Item Newconneee
PLANS Reid. Ilenvell, Cheer. Pfetherington, a ter Newcombe, ItrIple Metter:.
11 ME ••:VPSONIt.: 4iraford. April 20t14
Andrew and Bailie and Messrs. Will and James Sutherland, I • •
lo :it. Alri. W•alter Sattullar-a. a
Home builders Write for free book paiteidge, ,etaniey Giarite, D, camp. The Happy Hearts Quartette were pa,n, n„1„.rt
of Ilonos and priens of building motor -
lats. ()up service will save bell, George Johnston and A. M. Ito"). on the program for a couple of num. 4"Ntintgi.L. At to,.N„ndr,,, mart*,
Yalt ertsen and the Mitchell •Saelety leatl! bers and were oven received and were mei (tenfold tieeititiii, on !entitle. April
were from • Mitchell and 1). D. Btlz2u) 11.1)M1)10 nee3" rind "'An er %Wool'. a moo.
:co obligation. HALLIDAY Ca
Sox 40. litemilton. about )the same number. Two judges, given encores. "There Were Thre,• •21,1. i„ lir. and mr, :441,44 a :444444,411.
Mooney of Goderich made the t lad !, Don't Knock" were their progrant
/sr tilt:PL.-WM the pat ty no toot; of Goderich Afterwards program J'amee Sutherland, Reginald nigher, Ma ,'C'llAti-M(1113115, 'In dardv.
PUBLIC NOTICE .and they gave their decision in favor ' numbers. The quartette ( insists of
auk .4.4- • • v••••••04...vosvs44.•044.4*....••••. 44.
wadi, smh par.em whit over was given by the ooderiela society, George Buchanan ;i";,1 Pent. 'Va. 11P41. at tin' in OP".. Port
handle from liraY's **Cori' rOitirn Same including a pihno duet bY Mrs. Jen. land, and 1)1154 Lenore • raig was ace
by bliss Pentland* an instrumental Two prettily execrated folk edarees 41."tv":11'
- I11.13r holiday for the profession. ?reY tihrne7n°011".gein,elertoetIrvilleidiathtyetteh'e sponsible. for the preparatim of the
one phyMckett will remain en fluty.
' 4 Of lot risoe iv! stye s. elbtfirt. tnliiepbuzilliterlonalafoovrinito,r and Mise Campbell of the se.
Zliss.tenore 4!.raig was at the
TENDERSto the store and save further trouble ner ' and Mr. 'Campbell, a vocal solo companist for them. Ntoeri.;. 111 !mid intillillord Ito 4.1443
Tenders, addressed to the un-
dersigned, for the construction
of cement sidewalks in the
Town of Goderich will be re.
telved by the frOW11 Couneil
to 8 o'clock p.m.
Wednesday, May ist,329
EpefiCations May he seen at
the Town Clerk's Offtee.
No tender nectcsarity acceK. , •
be ft by Miss Alma Bowen anti aelectionsi were given, a sailors' hornpipe and
Wralnetela• y litternoon Wilt I the -t po. a minuet Miss Hildebrande waq
1 e • • Oe•nee-see- -nous* 'People's society, Be the event. piano for the borne:We and the lion.
' -',;---4;,--...--.,:.- t.'-4-4tInt -- - - was particularly interesting for him'
and all report a very good time. . Caldwell, Mabel Edwards. Ellie Jew-
.. cots, all in tailor costume. were Bath
NO TICE Euene.Adams
By arrangement of the If.=
. ' • Gociety of Goderich, the law
offices will 'be dom.&
. Wednesday Afternoon
May, June July, August
and June,
(exeepting weeke with a
day), and during July and Aug -
not at 4 IN tn. dailY.
V. 11, 1)41111t1W,
I). E. 1101.31E16.
,-. - - • ......L..i..---,4..._
L. L
Tons Clerk.
Gado:Irk Ontario. .
yr- -
ell. Mary McKinnon, Lucille McDore;
old, Bolen .Page and Lueille Graf.
The marrnige of Mary R. Adame,", The minuet waa preceded by the
younger. daughter et Inte and Mrs.,' Misting, in plecieing voice, by nIaotai
W. A. Adams. Grosvenor street, Lore,: nicliermid, of "The Seemed Minuet."
do, to john Alexander Hume. of 01. t Mr. Major was eteeotiatOaniet fez H3.13
; two, youngest son of Princitml J4i111 Melrerrold's song. For the dance
P. Iltuate, of the Goderich Collegiate! Miss Jean Price was at the piano and
Institute, and the tato 11103. Humenl, the (13384033, all In old time enatumen,
s took place quietly on Saturdly_refter-:,. were Sylvia, .2111(eld. Nona lticIf4o41,
noon at the home of the IRMO'S WV- F, !slattern Clarke, Gladioli Shore. Dors
ILentSe IteZ, Dr. W. IL Merged), of otitv Iletellerson and Alma llowell.
ut street United church. perform. Balt the dance numlbors wore encor.
Aug the teremonv in the presence of ed.
. about thirty relatives and friends. A very cleverly done club swinoing
The bride. WIne 1,41,3 given in tuatto;; drill, oleo 'Prepared hte Mie.4 (131111-,
rittgci thy hoe father. and Who waft, waS given 1017 Ethel Coolie nee -
11 traattentletif. Were a gown of rinneekin,; Iva Dean, Lillian Fergueon. May
crepe satin tvith lace cats and veit. , Vete-mon, iSfArgaret GroVog 33841 .Teaa
hint t 330104 0 shower.. bouquet i; Walters. tvitil Mils Cralf: at the
and lily of the lalley. T1io 1)133n3. ThiS atutihor aino vial -creole.
"reetionatin" 14011331 <1 i1319 V285 totri. ed.
cd 10 tho hrhio's sister. 5Ire. T. 11. The Barmonica QuarteitN
L McCullough of Weyturn Z'sois Tit nron Geor L'oss Ebb 1144 an 1
1)111D . "
310%1 .11 tiodisieb. tilt Iiille.•14,4
%brit hst14, 19211, MeXcellii.T Wiser.
aged. , • -
" NieNoll. • 14 011;fericit. locukataV. -
Aorit 303), MI% NI 11 Me.% oe, 111 his
1`,..1511)11N141.. S,stne
Aieit 2011). 3189. Imes %Mime
P.M.F.V. In 4 i•nlorieis. on. Solotly.
4.14*31 21.4. 1:,•(!..ertne wi.l.er
the 'Ille Thonias 11tae..
11 %Um Lirthroft, F041.11141.
pipt her . 3.7 'aired!. vitt si1.1 Ot tile
de Mr. .in-,tiee and Mrs. Oarrowand
belo,ted ittigband of Marjorie Coetarark,
In id./ nib • '5114
In1et314331 April 03rd. at 381r31"botto
eeinetTy, leant,,tt.
esennett, 10 liniteriell et'enn&itip. oa
April 18114. 113z MeNitith,
wife of Itnei• 1 @god ante -four
snare awl sin InNettra.
eiseasieekoesa tsederitIt art INtat-tV•
ltaftt 11 311. %HULL 1014Acet to1170
341' me, *110,4 .1.1111133.4. lin lel, ....14)1,3y••
tillails ".% ear.
tli43littn4:41-DN. --At Athort.
WrolnrMaY• APIA Asia Keene:en.
et Mew ef Ilto• 'Maize liateetielect,
isi her *mole -IMO near. -