The Goderich Star, 1929-04-11, Page 7THI'R$DAL. APRIL le t.►l9 THE GODERICH STAR ii i11111lil IIIIIIIIIIiliii161111i111111illlUIiiVIIiIi!11111l11llll111Qli11lll1wH11111 L2 1 BUCHANAN'S Codericb Planing Mills, Led GODERICH Estifaxutealgladly furnished for say job, in say Grads of Stumm-Kent Oak,Upie or aitch 4tI WOMEN IN GOVERNMENT ed tees hand -care in at odes moments, All over the weld, women are tales If yeti are t.3 da dirty work, like mng a larger emit in l*:,cernmenr, defeat/es' a Rorie or digging in the Contrary t, the fear of many men, garden, a good wa:c to protect the before woman suffrage came into finger nails from the rim of black • being, women have not clamored for underneath them, is to work a little place in palities. Only a • few have; soap underneath. Then, when Feu retched after politieal positions, wash goer hands afterwards, the soar Most women now in office were hand- will have kelt out the d'art and will ed the job, either by appointment, for 1 Help to clean thews. their own merits, er to sacce:Ad a bus, if you do not knew the little seerets band after his death. of hand care. one wee, to lean -n them In thirty-eight of the forty-eightt is to have a manicure er two, as a states of the United States, theme, lessen. • are 145 women in the legitslatiures, and ! FAeii1ON1 , 1 AI'ie. FOIBLES. the national Congress aneludes seven' ;d, string of pearls is the pleat pop - women. In renservatice Engtand, a alar necklace in Faris. low women have found a place in pal' Capes, never out of style, are going Bement. Even in countries whero ~strong main. The new coats have women are supposed to live lice$ of "' teem You are hardly es $tyle unease seclusion, a talented woman will oeca- M aur suit or coat boasts either, a send t3ionally rise to a place in the govern or a cape, anent. We .take it us a good omen flack-fuilnesa in skirts is centime .•reel .,i.-. �" age �" that women have not, in any -consider- . ■1N�i1t1IMIMIM11iMA1IIRIr1tRrR1t4Af•MI�41GttttrltlWal�lpgptge�„$pt®����gMa e , sleek; or shall we say returning? Soft a s• ■ able nurehers, sought offices in the Buttery chiffons and gcorgettes are 8 glia a mem. They come n Ray: re designs, a riot of color. ,� j; ac ver when these positions WOW( their � derma c ' o f as government but that they nava been ; e ; ; c �+�rF .: to ,,, 0 t , tt ti as sr not in the new 1dee • WAY. (sl�rn whether the figure be on the iii extent, woman suffrage has had a, gown; With till thus influx' of', -color, i�1RiMiwleweltlltla t�ll�a!aAf1R�lUlAtjt beneficial effect on government. Thewhite will hold its own for summer see, Tarael's Shepherd stands delight lessee; woman is interested andrinformed,. woe, ►and her influence ,s felt. Manifestly on oconomy innnvntion. They are of • Hark! how ifs Balls the tender•lambs our longing that all may know Thee;' unfit .candidates are unlikely to get the game .material its the dress and mitts And folds thent.in Ilia arms. renew our desires and labors to servo her. vote; acus tickets and policies must are to be- worn over sleeveless dues Permit them to approach, as cries, tethers; and so take care t f xis Thy be more wisely seg ted With w __. apple to fill them with ability and hon- Sowe ' 1 Even without holding office, to any linoleum. the wall paper or milady's 91y_ Ma ht,A,f� arum, ederich 1 i awas+rlasMR71aai-----pasllsltlele----ao+i. gentleg t to Thy Word and Thy wore sometimes more so than h h sba d I slip line jackets sue xe fashion and 'Ftuth all en gangs charms , ship, renew our joy in �.t nee renew IL 'AXE 41t dozen delicious biscuits this way. Sift together In twice, 2 cups of Purity Flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. Cream 1 tablespoon each of lard and butter and mix with the dry ingredients, using glee tips of your -liners. Add ? cup each of milk and of water, mixing with a knife until you have a verysoft dough. l'at out lightly on seizing board until it inch thick. Gut out and bake in hot oven for 15 minutes. These biscuits will keep moist for several days. 13e sure it is Purity Flour, milled. with the utmost care from Western Canada s finest hard wheat, the best all•pu tpose flours if asosigoride to s.h,ot t�mr itto pule bolo Flim Crook took *alio nit ra pilot Me. Me ain for of coif,. 1•wou IITY FL R BEST FOR ALL YOUR' BAKING kWKSTRieN CANADA FLOUR MiLLS CO. LiMinfia-HEAD OFFIC1, TOltONro 11. • tsciets t'IIOM COAST To agar •1 h b I+~or was s a sew l as , these x the light given matters t which Nor scorn their humble name , -t to ekes sues* peop e, w o on be the Cress of Thy in ee oar- ,spa, We find them of .taco, .crepe or Son, and demo a walk r 1' en 'the field, greater attention iso chiffon, to match the •assn. They are The Lord of angels came. aan.d power of Thy Spirit now and rx e o nxa er� w is concern the I sleeveless ndenl in that they convert the Philip >aaddridge. rermoree through Jesus Christ our hie' education and welfare. Wometx sleeveless posse or evening dress in- 'X,ord and Saviour. Amen, are learning praetiestl politics. slowly to a street or afternoon frock. I'RA EH The Britishen. �i'eekiy, but surely, and it is probable that fat- LEMON PIE 0 Almighty God, Thou Who sitte�t S. S. LESSON FOR APRIL 2Is .:192 are generations will sem a gradual 11 Cream together, one cu sugar, one on the ,throne, make all things within he o T t, crease ax£ women in the government, t; n g ' u$ nevi this da�..Iienovl= our faiths C until men and women abeam this sur i tatlespoon butter! yolks of two eggs. ss n owe— am 1 P fort For• .God's • ger orae eepune about as they do the op e, Then add the flouandrrind of one Haat we may serve Thee inose gladly Golden pasta je'=lsalah 40.1.11. ntanageanent o£ tlielr� own pontes. t lesion, three' level tableseoous issue; p., .�.. contained in chapters 40-66 is intro -As floor coverings; linoleum are filling into your pie crust and put in- k D /1. Rheumatism L stet suffer needless pain. - Warm sonde fiaard'sLiniinentaand rub well into tee et fected parts. You'll eeperi- • ence almost instant relief. , For h1inardei end paie. simply ain't get o a together. , it The xf ifs Vbfft` :+�i> n ni war em *et tee emceed arms patterns are large and rather bizarre i utea .and then decrease the heat unt oppressed people of God. They are looking. Color "combinations are good it is quite loci. contemplated as in 'Babylon, •and as There are many futuristic designs, {• POTATOES AND SALT near the close of the exile. Jernsa-, like the crazy -patchwork patterns i otataes are it,starehy food whi .near regarded as in 'ruins;: the lard` Grandmother used to make_ in bed- I is waste and desolate; the city and quilts. Man z can take a great deal of salt. Silos the temple are destroyed; their ea i- g y patterns imitate s flee l people do not salt potatoes sufficient flagging, and some are like tiled ly to like :them. taste their best tivity is about to end, and the peopae .floors, brisk floors or' mosiacs. They; Salt brings out the fine flavor of t about' to be restored to their own .resemble less wall -paper designs and, potato. If you find you have salte .land. In this situation, the prophet look more like something to• walk on. your meat or soup too much, comic is directed to address words of con- Lacquered linoleums are something fewpotatoes in with them and . th solation to the oppressed And long. new. They are finished with a hard; ?salt ill not be objectionable. . captive Jew*, and to assure Wens that glossy varnish and are easy to keep l ItIVI'�"1T, CANDY• their calamities are about to close. .clean. The inlaid lieoleums aro the ii Jerusalem -es -new in ruins --tvas to be more expensive. The pattern goes ( Boil three cups sugar, one-third assured_ that the end of her desolation clear through and there is no print- cup corn syrup, and two-thirds cu • • very generally recognized its the} "I have been on the train for seven When Holloway's Dorn Remover ia most authentic and informative work years,'' proudly said the conductor o1 aPP1Ied to o coat it kills the roots and of its hind Published in Canada., cl slow-moving train. the callosity comms out without injury It has always been the policy of the I' Passenger- -"Is•' that, nee Where- to the flesh. publishers to make each -succeeding dice elm get one„ ,m.r,., edition more comprehensive, if pos-; , _.:. ....--. - ........ �. _ -;-�< � . Bible, than its predecessors --It always **� EARN. 6.00 TO 2 .00 A DAY contains -the latest changes that haves �J � Larnand Earn tthusMo orMoctan- a en p ace u t 0 publishing; bust- 1 issue ee.weleine,Vpk„nl plows seas.. IN THE STOMACH ° u417u::w�rk'.G Adveitisera throughout Canad�i,� �+d p w tr 1 r = peti,,.,e_ eget„ 1, re�inrtruet instruct= 1)QMMINION CHARTERED S(WIOOI.S lq kMC URSr TQ1101110 Great Britain and the United States s Don't suffer :wont dangerous gasp ( isreBsing around roar heart, . from F edromptoimeofSerrice-Coot So Coot • II: regularly • consult the pages of pile- i sourness nelaity ; bloating or pule. et Ktms Directory for authentic infor-1 'indigestion. Stop worsen. 'When. . ,-»-•- ------ e mative work of its kind published in ever ;sou areal quirk stomach reliefs • Canad• a.. take a plasm Ilisurateit Magnesia-- eke ° t It has always. 'been Ilse policy oi`tlte • l neutralizes- r tsblrte. ,It brenits_up gas, __ cry* , a ee gelds and keeps thio -stony -publishers to make each succeeding; Nash sweet and strong, and digestioe h0 edition more cemprehensivee if pos. i perfect, . At good drag stores every. Bible, than' its predecessor.. tt alwt;ye woe• Not a laxative. see contains then latest chant;es that have ; ~--F - ---•-- -• •- -- .." taken place in tho publislun bust-, CANADIAN NA l ]] QQ�j news. � ���L 1� i Advertisers - throughout Canada, i p,i �• p y� p- Great Britain and the United States TRAIN SERVICE t0 1ORONTO regelarly consult the pages of Me 1 DAILY EXCEP.. was near, for that an aMple -punish- ing to wear off in spots. A heavy water to hard ball stage. Pqur grad ment. bad been taken for In verses 3-8 the prophet rep all her sills. pece of inlaid linoleum should stand ually on beaten whites of tWO eggs re- bard ueage for years, and look well beating constantly, until tbe mixtur sents the deliverance under an image as long as it is doing it. It has a begins to herdeti; then.pour inte bu taken from the march of earthly waxed surface and shows the dirt tered pans end mark into squares. - kings.—The-voice of- a, herald is heard more easily than the_ varnished. lino. TO CLEAleTeCOPPER hi the wilderness making proelarea- leums, and it requires re -waxing from Mix lemon juice with salt and ru tion that every obstacle should be re- time to time, but it is an elegant and moved, that Jehovah might Mem to dureble linoleum,. • the copper wit :as. s - - Zion concluding bis people. As he Do not use strong soaps er -cleaning The modern family: He, she and IT. tad conducted them from the land of pawders in Weaning linoleum, as they Egypte so he was- about to conduct contain ;abrasives and . alkalis which There is sei----11 lreney .ef parking them from Babylon), and to apeeae will injure the Mesh. Wash the eine again in Jerusalem and in the temple. oleum with a luke warm suda cif elite space on Easy street , . Between Babylon and Jereialent there sortie Wald linoleurns should be MRS. SOLOMON SAYS; was an _immense. tract of countist w'axed once a month with ficeir wax. Every additional possession is one which was 0 pathless desert, A Ms prevents' the dirt from being. more thing to take care of—a threat ,,,4104,40vieilovip.iojeuview600.04,4.0.0 )lighway would have to be made over ground into the esrain of the linoleum to freedom and leisure. Jib gotta Livetg gad Stables, Ec.. Montreal Street just off the Square • sweetie SEVERAL VIRSTseLASS AUTOS READY tOR SERVICE -0E1' YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN IOU WANT TO Gerel'HERS whIch the people might pass in safe- and produces a pleasing lester. When linoleum is laid it should be For Burns and Scalds.—Dr. Thoms as' Eclectrie Oil will taice-the fire out vested' or cemented over a layer of ty. But the Holy Sprit -Who directed and inspired the prophet .suggested language that would be applicable to a fee more important event. When the ,berald of the Messiah should an- rounce his 'coming. The main thing which the Weice was to cest is reeee- , sented verses 6-8. That was, that Jehovah was feithful to hie promises, ; and that his predictions would be cer- ' tainlv fulfilled, Everything else would fade away—the grass would • wither, the flower would fade and the glasses Meet all Trains and Jehovah would be unfailing, and this Peorde would die—but the word of Passenger hoists would, be manifeSt althe in the re. Passengers called for in any, t !ease of the people from Babylon:and part of the town tor ill m the coming of the Messiah. trains et O. T. R. or C. P. R, The Inet'Songer •that broUght these elad tidings to Jerusalem is exhorted Prompt Service and 1 to announce the balmy news to the remaining cities of Judah—to ge to Careful AttendanCe, en eminence -est° lift up the voice— and to proclaim that their God had imesteris -come (verP.0 a). OM' Livery and Hack bervIce In verses 10, 11 the assurance is will be found up.te-dits given that he would come 'With a in *very respect. strong hand'—AIntighty and able to satelleoe save: he would come as a tender and Year Patregage Solicited gentle shepherd. regardine especially T. SWARTS the weak and feeble of his people— language alike applicaele to God, Phone 107 MIlleirell Street wbo should conduct the poets from esiesesseeseeleseekeeeereeseeseekoweesoiset _ exile to their own land, and to the liessudi. The prophet then gefers and weartglovea as Much as possible. .- not only to God, ,the Shepherd sof IS -A- Care of the nails is a neceesity for ,rael, but to Jesus Chriet, the Good - hand beatay. Recently I visited a eerie' college dormitory and observed _ how much the girls fussed with their hands, how earefid lend how proud Hydro -Electric THE PEOPLE'S STORE builder's .deadening felt paper. This 8 17 et times. Wash the hands thorough - makes it wear longo. keeps the floor hand le e.V.e r y kitehen so that it ma avallamto at any time. There i evarmeis in •vir inter and coeler -in sum- no preparation required. Just appl mer. and prevents the 'linoleum from the eel to tit burn $ Id ed th -Wiwi= and expanding or contractiog with the weather. • 1 A. LAWRENCE, me the kind thot men like, could . Town Passenger and you?” Phone 8 'Ticket Agent cease altogether. BEAUTIFUL HANDS i Wili doo the nurse have nee I McKIMS ISSUE 1929 DIRECTORY white hands? Partly because she iSince 1892, A. McKim, Liinited keeps them so. -clean. Not that she Canada's largest Advertising Agenc does not de any dirty work, but that ,—has published an annual volume i she scrubs them with soap and water uniform size and tindinge—Meldn' and a bruet very frequentle and doe Directory of Canadian Publication not let the dirt collect in the pores. Thu announcement that the 1029 edi Red hands are often the result of tion is now issued -will be of interes not use water which is too hot or too Because of Re outstiteding merit— poor circulation or poor care. Do to Publishers and advertisers alike. cold in washing the hands. This Re comprehensiveness and genera makes them red. 'Me bike -warm was alleround usefulness, this Directory i ter and a good soap end a soft brush .,:.#4,,47.7.,,,r2oom ly; soak them a bit if netessary. After washing the hands scrupue a _ Do 44 lek eously clean, shy them thoroughly with a soft towel, and rub into the skin a soothing tend lotion. If you are to do dirty work, wear rubber or canvas gloves. When you go out- doors in the wind, take time to pue your reeves before* you leave the house. If your skin is, tender, do not eenese your hands to sun • or winds Illeartitlas Weak they were of them, how partiesdarly Ngives ittere Bad :etio,r4 taineAttel tahAr hnnowileznewrgheiticiat thee polished them. They did not DOILDN'T DO NOISEWORK really eeent to take time off for thie. Many women, igeomo weak and run ,mied aed think down and unable to look after their household duties otving to the heart itetion becoming impaired, or tbe - nervous eystent unstrung. - Native intended, women to be strong, , healthy and halve foto& of weak and wretched, and to all women whoa) heed io not funetiening properly toad whose nerved aro tmstrung we would recommena Cook by Elecbitity Wash,* Eirebrkity from by Eleebleity • CONVENIENT, • CLEAN* QUICK -Cheaper thsat Cold or Wood An electric, Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; ea broom Just moves the dust We goararstecs. all II ydr Lamps f0r 1,500 Immo. Walk in cold rze display at The Hydro Store as Os best remedy to tote up and strengthen theme weakened organs. writes: --"Over a year ago nsy heart wan weak, sod vras so stetsons I could get very little steep. heriUte so. bad I was unable to do my house- work. I got tome et Milburn's Resat eta Nette whiek need with - work withr,st any trouble, and es ant the rie,ther ot fire thIldren and Pro Pecs toe., a tA at all draggies Shepherd who. gathers the"eveak and straying owe in the ernes of his pow- er out of which none shall be -able to pluck them (John 10, 28). Condene- . ed from Menus' Commenter-ye— worm!) missroxs "I will tell you why I think Gandhi does not find God. He be seeking for God through Brahma and through lerislina. Suppose God would give Hinieelf through the Brahma ap- , preach, it will fix in the mind of the seeker that God is like Bralime in :character. If Ile ie like fir-alima ; is less than Good. Aud if God , pelkd to .say that I would turn away ; from Kim, for I know ten thousand men better in diameter than &Winn . was. know nothing higher for God to be like than to be like -Christ , If the heart of the Father of the tilde -verse is like this gentle heart that broke on the Cross lie can have my ',heart without qualifiaition and with. out l'EerVatiOno "There 10 ilothiell flee that empress 8E18 the truth about our moral mid :spiritual Univers:is; Therefore, when Jesus stands sea rmietiv rays. ai wan cornett to the Fatber hut by me,' Ithe heart of truth to no heart of rea. lity. Christ is the way. sn:1 if ife • WilifehlOta ,21° viniNTEk with its in, Vlf door life and sunless days, has reduced the oxygen supply in your blood. You need Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now to enrich and revitalize your blood stream. They will invigorate the entire systens and give a happy zest to springtiene. For more than forty years, men and women itt many lands have relied uport these famous Pink Pills as * safe and effective Spring At your druggist's or any dealer in medkine or postpaid, from the Dr. Brockville, Ontario. Send for fret booklet—.410114. kg tip the Blood." tee rrn fro; 'PINK PILLS .1 11 AIIMAAAANArh0000looesor • 'Lcr.elecliatiseheart'of the business district. • , A modem firesproof floret SOO rooms: each with bath. RAMS: $2.1S* and upwards, HOTEL LVERINIEE DETROIT. NE • p ate **tits OW "OM of wow dot Wow, to $o oleo boot pooieloo so 10001, Com Too tow Oo boy 'Aloof wore Woof Igo hoo oo effort Ivory Air USED ITO all the thousands of Used Car buyers throughout Cauada who so greatly assisted the Chevrolet dealers ,to reduce their Used Car stocks through the recent sale, we offer sincere thanks. We are confident you will be more than satisfied with yeur Car and with the value you received • • and we look forward to a continuance of your goodwill, Sixes have been so great that etn. dealers are fist replenishing their used car stosks arid can offer many snore unusual values. To all who have net yet &tided en their rate we urge so immediate inspection of these fine used cars at erten. ishiegly low prices, t3C-6.4.2011 IILVISOLET MOTOR COMPANY OP CANADA, LIMITED goteldiley of Goma; Ifs seri rauctia, liemeed.t. OSHAWA PNNIPEG VAI -44 4111”, its OMERICH toiit ONTARIO 1i