The Goderich Star, 1929-04-11, Page 4�ih
„ I, iO =moR
Requirements for Houso Gleaning Time
We don't like to remind a housekeeper that House-
ouse»clean ng time is coming, but when it does come there
will surely be some things she will want
to replace this Spring«
We have a lanae stock of Curtains, Draperies, etc.
CurtainNet by the yard
wo have a new shipment ,of Curtain
Net, 36 inches wide, in different patterns,
with lace .edge, special for the weekend,
per yard
Goods by the yard
New; Prints, Magog Prints, Potter
Prints, Tupcilla Prints, all fast color,
Piootired Dittaties, Printed Piques, iFugi
Silks in twenty new shades.:
Ladies' Coats
A new shipment of Ladies' Cots .arr'iv-.
itt this weekend.
Ladies' Modish *Hats
A large selection of Ladies' Spring
Hats, newest models, now straws; printed
Silk, etc.
Rev. Esli and Mrs. Poulter and son,
George, of Straathroy, spent E#stet
week at Beniniller.
The Young People's Club meeting
last Sunday evening was in charge of
Miss Dorothy Walters. The lesson
was read by Eva Pettman. A review.
of 2't,obert Browning's "Pinta Passes"
was given by Doris Hill. Stanley
Nyder contributed in pleasing man-
ner a reeding, 'SThe Wreck of the
Hoyt#, Hehn," Euniee Long wasthe
The school t ,aaclieras are back ut
Scott's Emulsion
their work again after a well earned
'Easter holiday at their homes. Higih
sebool ,pupils have returned to Gode- I
rich. Eunice Long has gone back to
er and Doris Hill arefiat Clinton bas- I
I mess college gain. We wish ah1
ers and scholars the erysafu-y
cess in the last term of their year's.,
The church wns filled and every ono
had a good time.
Miss Grieve le again on duty After
spendingas pleasant holiday in .Dee
ilii. Clifford' McNeill' has been en-
gaged to work for the summer at the
hone of Mr. Townsend.
Mrs. Calbeekr has returned to her
home after spending the winter evjth
her sister, Miss S, Acheson.
We are pleased to note the return
of Mr. and . Mrs. b. Mealath to our
village after spending the winter an
Mr. Brooks, of Thamosville, has
been secured to assist at the :factory
here in the • inanufact'ure of cheese
and butter:
,The Ladies' .Aid and W. M. S. met
this weak at the home of Mips, John
•Cudmore, Lunch was served' !bee Mrs.
Hopkins. and Mrs, W. Yeo., •
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Berrie, Walters is confined to, the
house with a severe attack of the' flu.
We all wish him a speedy recovery,
The play entitled,. The Path
Across the Hill," staged byour young
people on Wednesday evening of last
week was in every way a great suck
On Wednesday of last week; the
parsonage was. the scene of a quiet
wedding when Mr. R. Gluier. end
Miss S, 1 Foster were united in nate
riage by Rev. .J..yW. Heerlbert.
C�11�rI WT1if
, raogements were made ler a quilling .; away sifier an !nee* of many menthe
to be held at Mrs..Shae&I'ton'e in the 1which she bore patiently even when.
4 near future. M. facia: Swan And i the hvura were viten long and weary.
Mrs. W. Drennan were appointed dela : before her +marriage she Rebels-
estates to the Pre:'tytefail meeting in ari ilarrisou and she was in her 74th ,
t:after. year. `LI►ere is left to nieurn her loss
_a_� _ _•�. _ tier Narrowing .,hereSand, Brae soils and
14.VV LL1) • three daughters, Mr, Alfred Ca.k,
Mrs, Ilueean left on k'reday last to `ioront j } eoaiard, Fred W, Haase,
{attend they fi:ner:at of hes sister at `cleoid, di pf East W"vramshi Mia.
Durham. Frd . t'aol, of 1 ;r -t Y. aawsri sYi•
Mrs, Geo. Cool, Rclgrare, gets, A1>
Clinton Laval
a l eit1I Badminton 'Club arc play. Relit lVetheryi, Hamilton. One daugh-
i er the wee club ai return witch ter, Mrs. Kelly, died some nava ago, .
here thin week, y,
e Mrs. `il'hos.Brander/ glad! family aro siii, biers l 1.UI t oMk'.ISMroA. 31.1 rlia1te
, rived Boole .Saturday after e. week
visit with her parents sat Eitchene.. 31 Robert I�Iarrisen� T1 ea f orari.
t il1Yi•. Ray. aur esrincapal in public wltfch was largely attended, was held
+ school, aarrived basic from flits weel? ai on Saturday, A pL 1 Cth, :frosat her lata
holidays with Ids parents at Wrexe> residence, etle line, of Fast Wawaliosh. i
ter. The service was conducted by hew'
Ethel Jewett, La, d Toronto, the
last ir, Rev. '/V. It. Alp, interment
lVlfsa Grace, of i.andon, spent then F
week with Mr. and 31rs. Jna. Sowell '"''''"o made in Brandon eenaetcry.
here. 1. Behoove. Much sympathy is extend -a
Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Detroit, Cod to the sorrowing^ friends and raale-
alrent the Faster holidays with. Tier uvea. . -.. r .. -
parents, Or. and Mrs. Metcalf, in the .. DONNYEROOK
Miss, Annie, Elliott,. of Tomato
Hernaatn (l miney, of God rich,
teaching afrafl;, spent the week's boli« Dicot nrlay at iiia .lt8ine here.
- days with her s,sunt, Iidrrs, Fraser, In ! Qui teachers and students have, rew
the vilIiige, I turned to their schools after the. East -
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will. B. Jewett and er vacation.
Mrs. Wynoma Frrgueon returned Mr. And Mrs. John Mills visited on
home Sunday sitter spending tau Sunatiy with their daughter, Mrs..
winter in Florida. i Norman Thornpsoil.
Mise Elva Dewar, of Toroato, and Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Craig and
David i ewer of neer Toronto, teach- daughter, of Goderieb,visited friends
'1'ptrRe ex, APRIL.. Iler , 194
. .p
Ali the wellokno n Cough
and Cold Remedies,
on•"s, etc.
always lin stock at Me Rexall
- Drug Store
We carry a complete stock of all Patent
Medicines, ;Drug Sundries,
Tobaccos .and Cigars .
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm.B.
t in this locality on Sunda , r •
- ere, wore at hoiiie. with elicit parents F town council was making a tour or kms, who hes taken up hie residence
for the faalaalsyai. Miss Dorothyx Craig, of Auburn, the town yesterday seeing what work here. Mr. Meakins selected Goderich
Tho Hayfield agricultural society . tspen a few days last week with; her is necestsary l for a place to-eesfde in after 'consid-
directors met on Monday evening and ebustn, Miss Verna Chimney, M. J. W. Craigie has sold his house ening many other points and we wel-
nsetda dadthe Thursday, Sept. 25th and 1 Wel-
The April"Ineeting of the Women's Atr, Charles 11tca- come hien to Goderich.
neesdiy and
of ll fair for Wed- April Jed, rat the home of Mrs. David sit Essex street to
Institute was.. held on Wedne
ehureb are presenting their. play,' We are Pleased to report that the
in ' son, who has been ill with pneumonia,
town ball, Gluten, on Tuesday even•
Tice elsoir of St, Andrew's United eheemer,
"The Mistress of St.Ives'" thelittledaaughter of Mrs Ernest Thom- A CANADA PAINT PRODUCT
ing, April. 10th. under the auspices of; is rtweover�ing, . She is being eared for.
the baptist °church, Clinton. The by Nurse R' binson..
Bayfield entertainers' orchestra will
also be in attendance .to*play+ between CQaJERICH.' . NOLk
` ants. This is u tine play and was well The weekly meeting, of the Z. Y.
presented here a month Ago. I P. U. will be "held on Friday, April
The masked carnival held under the 12th, ut the house of Mr. C. E.
auspices of the Bayfield agricultural Groves, A special collection will be
society in the town hall on April er 1 taken for the eniners' relief fund.
Was ai decided success. About 70. •-«' ' -.--e
were in costume and all i!nicyed ai 1 OBITUARY
pleasant evening, nearly S00 beim , DREW.•The funeral .of the late
present, The music ,by the Bayfield Mr. George Drew,whose death we
' entertainers was well received. .`V'Vm.1 anenteoned in our last issue, took place
Hayter, of Betueefield, 'was' floor ensu -1 vn Thursday afternoon of last week
ager fore the occasion and was quite, from his late residence,. Bayfield road,:
capable, The preeeeas of the evening with interment in Maitland cemetery.
amounted to $100." . Mr, Drew was a member of Victoria :.
Tie funeral of the late Mrs. Stan -1 street United church and the paster, - ..
bury, aged S9 years, was held here 'ftev. M. C. Parr, conducted the ser-
on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased had vices. The pall -bearers were:;ifessrs.”
been living for some years, at Exeter, R. Stonehouse, R:. iDner, R. V. Pestle.
where her son, George S nbury, is' ar tliwaite,. T. Hawkins, J..Thompson
lawyer. Sloe wars. one . of the early i and J. • Naegele. Relatives from out
sotticrs of this village, one who.was of town who were here were Mr. ;old •
loved by all who knew her, always Mrs. Warrener, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
ready to do a kind act and a favorite Drew,. of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr. and
with old and young. Her husband, Mrs. S. Drew and Mrs, Parks, .of De -
the late Doctor Stanbury, predecease- troit. Mr. Drew was in his sixty -
ed . her eighteen . years ago. She is seventh year and had been ill for
survived by two sons and one Baugh- abouts eve weeks, He was born in
ter, Dr. Sohn Stenbury, of Toronto: Glengarry county •;but for the past
George, of Exeter, and Mrs. Ste*, of forty years load been a, resident of
Edmonton. Several of the village, Goderich. He is ;survived by bis
people attended thee/mien/veldovr..i►nd byeone soneend0iie-d'augh
ter, Mr. Wm. Drew and Mrs. N. P.
A,c'i LI)• Warrener, both of Pontiac.'
Mr. b. N. At -0regor, of Lucknaw' - BRRIEEF. TOWN TOPICS
visited friends en Kintail last week.
Mr. Andrew °Thompsonspent the Encourage the G . C. I. students
holiday week at his home in-Lucknow. and staff by your attendance in Mse-
Rev. Mr. Jackson, of Ethel, preach- Kay Hall Apidl lSth and l.Oth.
ed in Ashfield Presby terion Church on' -The non -jury assizes .will be held
Sunda , on Tuesday* next Eby Hon. Mr. justice
Miss Flora Andrew, of London, vise ;Kelly. " A light court is looked for:,
Hest at the home of Mrs, Albert Beck Mr. Geo, Gould has . sold :the Beal
ett last week. ,. house. -iii Britannia• road, which he
Mr. and Mrs. Dain MacDonald and had fixed Atli lea year to Mr. Chris.
Betty. of :Sarnia, visited friends and I Brownlee. '
relatives e,n this viefmity Easter week.' .The public workscommittee of the
Mrs.J , e.
J. Thomson and Miss Frances, ,, ,,- �°r
of Goderieh spent the week -end at
the home of the former's mother, Mrs.
at i
MacLean, K3nta I,
"['REST 'IELD Read,.This Should Read Willis
Mi+. T. 'Cook visited last week with
friends in Blyth, , .
Mr. Edward Rodger was an Oshawa If you are troubled with a burning
visitor on Friday. sensation, bladder weakness, frequent
Mr. W. A. Campbell attended the : daily annoyance, getting -up -nights,
School 'Trustees' Association in Tor. dull pains in back, Iowor abdomen and
onto last week. down through groins ---you should try
Miss Ella Sowerby returned to hew the amazing value of Dr. South.
worth's "Urataibs" at once and see
what a wonderful ,difference they
onkel . If"this grand old formula of -
a well known physician 'bring's you
the swift and satisfying comfort it
has brought to dozen:, of others, you
surely will be thankful and very well
pleased. If it does not satisfy, the
druggistethat supplied you with "thee
tales" is notarized to return your ..
money en the fleet box purchased.
This givesyou at full 10 days' test of
"Maar 'without risk of: cost unless
pleased with results. If you would
know the joys of peaceful, restful
sleep and a normal, healthy Bladder,
start this test today. Any good.
druggist can supply you.
r n j e r + April th, #;oM
Drand Mrs. K
on Weestia
Po�ueI, Penetrating -Antiseptic. Yt � GinplaclLsdauf}iter.-
HealsEczema and other �lse�saexnedafoberpaor. ReM.
McXelvie, in Hite death. of Mrs. Sic-.
last Give Results In 7 Day;Nosey flack, Ifelv3e.
Rear M. P. (Snaith, a returned
Buys H. O. Dunlop. ` sionary of West China,, gave a splenµ
Make up your mind today that you will thoroughly convince you that ' by
are *sing to give your skid 'a real sticking faithfully to it for a short.
chance to get well. while your skin troubles will be a
You've probably been like a lot of thing' of the past.
other pork) convinced; that the only Don't expect a single bottle to do it
thing to use Was an ointment or salve alt at one* but one bottle we know
(some of them are very good) but in will show you beyond all rluostion
the big majority ofvases these sticky that you have at last eliseovereda the
salves" simply 'etog the pores and the way to restore your skin to perfect
condition primarily .remains the salve. health.
Go to H'. C. Dunlop, Wigle or itemomlrei5 that Moone's Emerald
•any ether gooddruggist today and Oil is a clean, powerful, penetrating
get an original bottle of M,ioaiie's,Em- Antiseptic 011 that does not stain or
erald Dil. leave A greasy residue end that it
Tho very first application will giver, must give complete satisfaction or.
you relief and a few short treatments your'money cheerfully refunded.
did address on missionary work last
The regular meeting of the W.riir.S,
was held of the home of Mrs. John
Kilpatrick last Thursday, with the
vice-president, Miss Susan Kilpait-
rick, in the chilli. The meeting was
opened by hymn 124, followed by
prayer, after Mrs. Watt, Mrs.
Dreamt and Mrs. McConnellgar
splendid readings. #itlev. Mr. 'Walker
read the seripture lesson. Mrs. Wm.
Crozier gays a chapter of the new
Study Book, Mr. Walker gave a
splendid address on missionary work,
Mrs. Shackleton gave a reading, M'rs:
John Watt. and Mrs. Sam Kilpatrick
rendered a veru gladie duet. Ar: -
Designed b she ludnsErys
Fernost Style Specia�sts
'rite ntaayterftrl de Igi y fire Leauty e f lin and color
of the new..ty1a iRillys•Kn# bt "7OB" tingtd b
this attractive Carr as the outstanding creation of ;he
country's leading style specialists.
Only among the costliest custom built gars can you
find adequate comparison with the artistry of finish
aind ,perrfection of appointment which characterize
this new and inexpensiveSix. ' -
"Finger tipContror..-theireatestawdra deemdrivirug
ronrruirn a since the .cif itartcr, is an outstanding
.0111100,,,,feature of this new "70111."
't`here Lire thousands who have aiwnyrs desired a
Kui8bt.ntoturcd ear but until now hal -e been re-
strained by the neecsaarfly higher cost of the ` .
patented double skeve-unit a engine. - -
Hy them, this distinctive new Six will I* welcomed
as the industry's finest example ofcosttycar style at ,
arerge-ctrr price*
ritis,K aatthe"elf $rd a► 81J4;0 roach $14tt,. Coupe! il4els.
Hemmer Sink Theriot $1US. Dallys-Afl gee WA (b8i.":t;
genre $130. Pekes F. tk R. Fs f9 ; remote. hues Crim
school here for another term, with an
addition of five now pupils. •
Miss Bertha Ellis returned to Tor-
onto on 'Thursday after spending a
• few weeks with her parents, Mr. end
Mrs. J. Ellis. '
Mr. and Mrs. R. " Stonehouse and
- nn, Ronald, of Goderich, visited on
Friday with Mi. and Mrs. J. L. Stone-
house, and other frietids.
Mr. A. E. Cook, of Toronto, and
Ws, A. 1V"cthcry, of Hamilton, were
hofue to attend the funeral of their
another, Mrs. TO Cook, which wars held
on Saturday.
The vicinity was again visited by
death on •Thur>iday, April 4th, when
riles. David Gook passed peacefully
0l b
Mi ()AI.
Tea fntbndied coffee flavour snakes a: real
tutu's Drink.
r= kt rarsrr nsc 01%1PMgV , t>uU1 rN
?h3. >r»
J iN FLOOR VARNISH dries atorte hard
with a
that will not crack, chip or show
-Kul marks. It is wonderfully transparent, en-
hancing the beauty of the wood, and at.the same..
time providing exceptional protection and wear..
It is waterproof and will not bleach with hot or
cold water.
SUN VARNISH is Specially made for interior or
exterior varnishing of woodwork
(except floors). It has incompar-
able lustre and durabilityith a
richness of finish absolutely un-
equalled. For exterior door fronts
find porch ceilings itisparticular.
ly good because it withstands the
ravages of the weather.
far sate by
Fresh and Cooked Meats,
Fruit and Vegetables.
A lull line ofGroceries, etc.:.:
Ali new stock.
Come in and e our
r oods and get
Deliveries: 9 a. m., W/Y a.m.,
,yam ,.y and
Phone 368