HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 7TtilleaDIrti, APRIL ytb, turf tltt.,. tiT. VN. kit tt ,•t tt.ritst it,.. et.i.iteret clrt li•t ,1i Ito ties ,ii.Hk t4tt; ./ / e/ 1//,/I;lir. ,.,1', 1,,; t_ I I0IililIii 1.11131gliNG111illl illl11lillf#il1111 11111 lMg111110111G1iiiI til GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltq. GODERICH Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in an, Grade of Seaman -Kent Oak, Maple or Birch ( ate. THE GODERICH STAR n ---- PAGE SEVEN Mat:* Cour end yxivLoades rad Purity Hour Cakes Keep ..Fresh h four lir hriaittn►r. Loaders �. CORNER every��rofeetion sad Weimer) are ea BOOL LOVERS' Hie collegte-trained, and many ars hauiatiaas. Christi/tatty is China A retire 1liown u Teton© iiiahib:titr>r. has :come to stay aad will continue. to ut FrOR monism OF e`A Good Book is the Best Companion" ,{ s *1* the hest and tut w;iht YOUNG CHILDREN g.,, tily•tiane !intik;) shade t'rt this IttLipe kept &rib t* rottestion, TIy it taring—with Purity. a, The Wanderer ten by N. Phall-Ip;; and W. S. Temkt:.: a ui fpraise 1 tee of %Bite musar" r: can %env-, cri E,r ttged,ssr. Mothers gra • ai4 '. 6t ateo cis > E. 4 c up n:Nae ae� 9 batt3 E lute= ci"i'k t t h nd any - 1 t -ed 6012.4il:fl liub^i Ates t. the i➢xierd Vat- tz A c ',i 3 ir;, in t`iC,e a i•`,, it i-2 2'4 cies fort to which brings health and rant= +t is a high ntiatien t? fast.. i.. 41 E'i 1+ixt 2-2,,i4 P rr,a 1, E-ra, 1 rr F •7 t :_:a, fort their little ones—any niedieine the Enx:►ah triinalat.an tie l e ttr; r°,, vers?iv :Prone 'rtr�nt-, dr `3 Fa6�g, ostauines, a rare plea�ure indeed to r,e:e 12,CF3. Iran t•Ee .al;:e ft y a� r, iii t- ,",c. i;..lt ra that will make the baby well incl the itey Atove the neon i-cdt:,atri oval oe i Even hint well veill aiw°soya receive present so exquisite rt rnzsaerpre:+, to � �r �zur�£e Welsh. ullislie3 by. - hearty' reconmmendation from the remute1a who may neve. even have `:. and R. t'haitWels anti ciartril3m;tt mother. That fa why Baby's own . beard oil it. 1 hardly deserve soy • fma Can R. b 'be►., s. Tablets are s. papular, Thousands = goecl foltitne, for it is littie mice tees This beak J. Bette:, Ont. of mothers throughout the country not a scar emacs 1 fast read it myself, • k i3 new in flit* ninth C.Ifition cnly use thein for their oval little Moved r4 the Prv.F•e of good evened a, t:t:t? 15 reltiiis 'forms" rather like n • ones but are, always deligitteci to 'be • erftmes, i obtained the lsoan ?iii was pas tern story, bet it ie the Phr°ass £n able to recommend theta to other - iascbmted by its quality.. k ` mothers. Thousands of mothers If I ant a novice in tie appre. Pae i vvhic'h `tom king offers the rott'eat have Moved Bab's Qwn Tabrels to riga of thea Mxtk, it mws trc it3ot u1 and glthospitality ass arts t 1u' de tti;urt,e n the be without an equal in relieving that even in France the gsosvth Q: theft little saes of any .of the many Alain -Fournier's ournuer's reputation 'was eee►i i soTllmye ratntoc� dheirte in f e she. cm:otrlt . minor ailments which arise out of n elmv. A quiet story of rural- life —as •lochs and hills is delightful tinct ser - derangement of the otomaelt and oath suanauhtc no I� author on le ae a enc« It is here that Tom King, wan- bawels,. Babfe QV* Tablets are the ideal lat ative� case totake but tliora - of recent History, art which be heritelY rt his twee. I eleubt if any single ono ---•- . I'et sr tr, o over. rid► Fieta =atwosa tun kgs ct it Cita leausery pot. icy ar salt sato now. oStilt the Mat to C rd 02 fjdH' 'achy' Mgr �C#,of. tt:Ortem eanada mar Latch Co. itakt4 ve off the -most eatestrophie episode s derem, and sportsman, eyelets most of it:rota 66 ouglm in actiot4, They banish const.- risked, it wan not like!}4 to nna:ea' t of you have kept on doing what dee or ._ _ b__ .._._ r v to a ua e7 fall potion and indigestion, break up colds elf stfz in xnea's naiads. Acclaim -!aIle wi►uld like. Navv, I have and EACH OR PL ASU E gives vca tet, tZ an , P and simple fevers; expel worms and die th ur t b f + that is a big boast to mstue ie blvd eseeeeteet �� Tablets are sold by medicine dealers ' lb ivaa only* byt a slow cess n Dr. � Williams' !Medicine 'Co, Brock- that Le Grand 1lrleaulnes .vegan to when fresh tient is c epeusive. Fred Crap ford, Flamer me>ae the teething period easy. The roux e s y a ew itne jutit es, siade my boars tiers iaecaust� I like it (to Barbara It. Ilroaks): Iii ar whn rho war vas vree, er, 8114 I like it so well that I built let no At this time of the year just bet George %rxtzte,�a Margaret r'rtvv4foxei� consmdciation drive and out of it ex fomes fresh fruits arta Plentfi'ul—eun« Sart lltartfn, - or'bv mail at 25 cents a box from The e a ion,. tormapoo U!s iiia otifit1t1mpos iEsiNMIormramosoibil6 oimeWnH9d soart lmook viper Ont, ■'Afternoon! It ROADS SWEDES. ' y ISABEL mitz'liror, Goderich, Ord. Did; ever mourner plead with Thee, art stili" sending, out a call. to Thy .And . Thou refute that mourner's ening children to return td the God plea 7 _ of their fathers. Help as , to hear tlloes not the ward still fixed remain;:. and turn ;our .faces Zionward and ex- Tbat none shall seek' 'Thy face in perlette° the joy of 'ting forgiven and received into the household of While puce we seek,, Or p1eee : e faith. In Jesus' name we pray. • shun, Amen. Tim sod finds happiness in none Ss S. LESSON POR APR. 14th, 1929 But with our God to guide our way, • Lesson Topic .Aezekia i beads His *Ds equal boy to go or eta;;, " people Beck To God'. gt10, t;otiv1ter. Lesson Passage -2 Chrorneles 30,•1' l?!RAXER 9, 25x•27. We knsliv; our Father, that Thou olden Text -2 C s G ex hronletc 30:9, . •-�' �,� , : Hezekiah, at the age of twenty-five succeeded has father Ahaz as Mug of Judah. He bad no. sooner ascended the throne than:he set on foot a re- formatory movement whereby idola- tory worship Would be done "away and tory worship would be done away with and the worship of Jehovah restored. We read in a Kings 18:3, 4 -''And bt' did that. which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Da- vid his father .did. He removed the high places, and brake images, and - nut down the groves, and brake in pie- ces the brazen'serpent that Moses had made; for unto -those days the chil- dren of Israel did burn incense.to it." Then followed the preparation for. the observance of the passover, to wbieh • •a11 the remembers of. the tribes living: in Palestine were'invited by Tetters sent out ley the order of the king. The At preventive. According to the word. of the. Lord given to Moses, the passover was to be eelebrated op tine fourteenth day of the first month. However, • provis- ion was rade for its observance on the same day of the eeeond month. Under certain 'circumstances (Num. 9:10, 11), Time Ilezekiah's setting that as' the data_ was not illegal though unusual. _ 1 The invitation as found in verses 6-9 was sent to the ten tribes as well itrlw pace which atter, tit it cent for an occasional winter jaunt. ned fruits fill an important place in take the h R s It t h the I that aur arenas, Prcybab the most used Bever which nearly arovea d one ltl ns ti . IN :.. ly 0 . is n so m play to has won. Now, fifteen ar p y e s s ext tater it first publication, tlaereyears Is no cxouba bought you up hcreneitlier the sal• conned fruit is the peach, It tans tm j � NA/ � N� talon f}sliiitg tion the grouse shooting ES uu about the reputation of this bank es a nor the rock climbing•,,' , "Why did and wit Merida well with oilier � � � �O TORONTO France and the neighbor ag countries .L 1 �j 11 r , vain? The forcrularierofColds and grippe. Heat itixd inhale Min. aril's and rub itOathe throat and chest. r S W A RT '. .rte n_ gone twerp , ac Stables, Ere.. I fon r' ssal *,frost - Not the Square : M4 . SEVERAL 1:IRST•CLASS AUTOS READY FOR' SERVICE -6 ET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WA TO GET THERE 'Bisar Meet al Trains and • Pawnor eats Passes>cero came tot loony Part ' of the town for oil trate* at0.v.R,oriC."P. R. Depots. , Prompt Servie and Careful Attends co. AR we . come then?„ "`1'o be our own. 'fonds" Over 100,009 Hiles of Utghvvay'ss Oat sensitive to French influence/. Thu HavelockEllis introduces selves f a littleh°1 to fid l A simple dessert is made by steamUde of Mks. - selves to eared while --to find ing riga with milk. Put one ems et DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY t• "T `he Wanderer," by Alain Pounder i nee, one teaspoon of stilt and three o 240 The total Area of Sweden is almost (translated front the French by _ t a a ttsitmkko aiffreshshy igethe cups of giilk into the toll of a double I"vQ. Qaderieh d;,. ti.nn', 2. 1. as levee as that.of Germany while Freer fse Densis); and polisher by . , a start hi the Gtintait 0.4 a, a p tier entire population is barely :6,050,- the D Citi l iCo.td o • t business of living ---alt these things, -I bailer and terod unto tender. Fres- Ht Sea1e1tli t;, f,sJ ??.rat., ►3,08 •p,xu._ 000 ?,I an_+Co 7~_ •r,T ronio. iiita3 a battered mut to coot, Un•. .. n w The � toumitry s melte _„ & _ , ..... on more •also:!' .. j lllitchcll t.«3 a.m. 3.3,r ptii. I found elm the eountr es of Western . ,tufa book desicribes Inc Wes of I James M. Barrie pays a notable tri- t of 'canned► peaches which ,nave been 14 t nelpli 9,04 awe ti,30 p.m , ��A n Via'e�,, to falls alightly behind those weeny f1Ji mom in Life a e, Ceti get some of this feel mold an to a ,glass servinpr dish and An. Stratford 7.451 tx,in, '4,03 plea t t gt en and Letters t} t d #d hal • •ing from the mere- Ieadlmt. sir arrange on to op an s ca vee Ht ti its'Iletier 8.40 a.nx. 5.20 p m. There are about 8O. Mit;IIWays outside. of, cities in the of great Placa; others Poor and tin -1 a fellow author ten you that lee has i rruutbs. Four the beach ;utce around lbturniri1, : wave T.orou.to 7a.G nems) . . t d f ll si lit tlnn . known to fame. The material is i» been haying Borrie vet Ila Ileums 'the ►Haid. o we have drawn freely upon: +deed, is could put it mord strongly, for by draining the hat peaches miles; and about 1 ilea of brick otter to illustrate and interpret our t thrilled that such a �n wrnshouldthrum in a baking; dish, dal with but- to Goden ich on G,Oo p,tu. rain, o i s, ab t 8 m r fine yarn ode In various parrs of time aovin4iy, Moll Thus Pamela Andrews'• and 1 have conte out o£ heather. I feel like ter and blown in a hot oven Serve change of cars, between Goderich and A National Highway Boards nese- . 1 Flanders testify in these pages ! a discoverer, too, its I alighted on it with a sauce of thickened peach juice, elation was established last fall ata along' with (Dorothy Osborne and i.b=y :accident told without 4»y antieipa- t Melt one tablespoon of butter: rind J. A. I. It IRENGK, meeting In Stockholm attended by of- Fanny Burney, And it has been 1 tion of the treat that was in store. I blend it with one taiblespaou of flour. • Town l asseanger and ficials tromp tarty provincial highway, thought well to allow our witnesses to ane onaxnored of your boost gnu: step 1 Arid one cup of peach juice and co()k, Phone A: - Ticket Agent boards. About sixty.nve highway . tell their own story with as little to give you three cheers:' stirring unfit thickenelt, Add' ane .. •. «, distrloYa -1 1 i d '1 1 Li prompting as possible." 1 _ 11 796 mite:, of past Englishwomen, some rich and bate: "Dear Mr. Walsh,•-•-Pkease let 1 &rained and rolled .n macaroon , " Tomtit) 10.25 ct.nt. 1"30 p.m. • country pave as o ow ;ice a the main historical; but throughout ' ..m ; ' , ` to aeeesertaeed and dirt' roads, Sit.$ over lee Key Above the Door. en- I. !Another peach dessert is prepared 1:1.6? P.tmi. and 0.0G p.m. 733 miles; us' halt 18 often eon• thebook dm I f and cal parlor (-ale Car Goderich to Tore cr tams Ie r� to blocks 37 the rich stories Of English fiction, the I ]a :Tell d a m i 11 a t er ling them in ,corn flake erunmbe. Place onto on 'morning train, and Toronto - tablespoon of chopped preserved giro mace • one , to ASSOC a on and it is believed all local boards will This. is ° a fascinating; book. To ,3ie combining of historical ©yenta lay before servinir. become Members. The -purpose of tbe. mention a few chapters win show'' with the life of the people of that i Peaches are often used in siilad. association is to promote rood loads . how comprehensive nsfve it }s: "Seven- l' time" in such a way:thet. it makes an Some the s the.ftncenters. gra filled with activities. teenth'century housekeepers in Coen. interesting glory is inva:uablo to 'cottage cheese which has been sea - Sometimes and town: fashionable women in , hpol children, Their history lives ;'sorted. } I t may ne mixed with ehop- tzR0'(. 1*41t SIXTY' 3;1•''ilt.S: the eighteenth century; the woman for thui-i besides Just a. study of the. ped means rind chopped preserved �� criminal: women in. the. i nfpacinnc. ' outstanding characters they gain in- t ginger. Serve on a bed of lettuce and sight into the lives of ()tilers or that use a cream dressing. An Error n.a, nem ulteoeeeed en etc. And theillustrations are a fund h of delight. Quafnt old , wood cuts and 4 Canned peas:hen are deltoour wit liars --they are 4.blo to .picture the XWhitaker's ,Alminnlack: ' engravings. little pages of old, books. country, living conditions, the readwto-eat cereal 011(1 aro Often used -. After >r;ixty years puiilti`a:fon an er- prints Of fashions, earicatuies nuts. for breakfast in thiq 'ryas. MeV are , � amusements, Glc,+ in such a way that rear has herrn disrov.eied in t�bital.em s: lin patterns, illustrations from ,alar the kings, statesmen and soldiers lir- esperlally .good with corn ; finites. Almanac*. portfolios, reproductions ()f pages quire a baeltt;round and with it added Sem people chop canned. peaches and One of the Zodiacal figures has from diaries --till are here in great interest. mit~ thenen with honey to serve with been printed wrongly. abundance. Such a book is "An English How- hot griddle cakes. The syrup .from . t .•. it .��� volume—the t Ilia1st- x� would be hard romma imagine mese „these petiches may be used: for bast- fiie editor-in-chief aoints out tfiat ' nmx►, 0 story of chivalry, in the days • , information both in reading material ()f Henry III by Edgar l?ickering and ing a baked haat or foe flavoring gel- be now appears in his itue shape as a marine , monster—a one (not -tie) gout. Thei erroneous drawing on the title Page an'd,10 they calendar had remain- ed undiscovered lentil . short time before the present .edition was placed on the ekes. • 'Considering that arts mtlnianae, as is legbt1y channel, "is edited by t a publie---correspondents .from all parts of the world sucra°sting and crltictz- ' emaritablo. " Cannell fruit is convenient to have and illustrations befne• compassed in aline desserts. one»ubl}Flied by Blackie er Ltds e t ee volume than in this., It ms writ- t »a •as 73 . i Gafinetl sliced ire:ielseq are zlolrcloumt Bay Street, Torou o. 288 „ E , c in malty recipes. Ito you ev;r make peach cobbler: Alii -a-rich-_halting 4r powder dough, roll into a rectangular Hints o piece, .dot with butter mill rover with o elod�e d (By JESSIE ALLEN • BRO WN), - • ' as to those over whom Iiaaekiah was Mg •it every tear ---it is r "Located in the heart or the buiiinenr district, Overlookint Grand Cirrus Perk. A modern fire -proof Hotel. 500 roomy; each with Oath, rain•'d siieed peaches. Rall es k► tel- !rates: 92�'' and upwards: 1y roll, plrice it a buttered belting " 4) Famoa Re$tilurant stud mucic pamt, naur the juice around it, dot; toe -else Coffee Slop.',' with butter, sprinkle with sugar and �� balm in a moderate oven.. S°2rve 'with. 'i erestlii or hard sauce. —,• .king. He pressed them to•return and that tl.e r rror should not have beenThe average person in a town or in er are so often in bad condition after t+11 hand., It adds flavor to many take the opportunity of worshipping ctlscovf•rntl until the 01st yea'.the country !'mows very little about a child is born. If you nee a child 441114 foals. It brings :calor to other: �•� -� 'the God from whom they, had strayed nit. This any not he a matter of in- assuredPoor first teeth ywu may rest vise u in erestin loo dishes, it DETROIT. 1 ' .. so far away. It pleaded with 'them 1'On/ a Oldest : ewepitl►er.,. cliriation but of op to se ivy, What that its mother di(i not eat vie n R g chanto have they #a see pletures ? the proper things before it was born. not to be so rebellious and stiffneck- Germany's ctaisxi that I. cildtst Recently there have been a series of You may ask what the diet should ' ed as their fathers had been. ."The newspaper •caps in existence is an is_art exhibits in the . mailer centres. be. It should consist of foods which • i doors of the sanctuary aro now open 511e of the Augsburg Aviso, printed' These .were arranged by the service- have large amounts of"lime. Milk is ;ed, and: you have'liberty to enter; the In 1609, has brought out a challenger clubs in . co-operation with the Art :the first of these. There are many l oupllee service i tU join inow n ived, and in: the person cf J. W, C. irestland, of Galleries of (Toronto. They. may be women who'do not 'like milk but if - you Glendale, Cat, arranged t For the most part the invitation Mr. Wetland 11as' a copy, which he Gallery atdQttawa at moderate cost. teeth oal Art they f thes next w its importance for there' was slighted though the King of believes anthem/es of the Lnallsh,. ,generation, arae i not n ere With a y who Aiei�cviry, published at 'ti"hitc11a11, but the most of us cannot see Pict If you cannot possibly drink it use it chose to accept. The King. of Judah. Eutiane Joy 23, 1558. ttcontaina said "Come;,' the king of Israel did an accotiut • csf the sighting � of the Hies unless they arc. Drought to us. 1. in cocoa, in soups :and sauces and Our Livery end Rock beltviclr'- Will bo toped ensu -dot' - I$ !ctrtiry' reipeet. 'tars'rr ' Your 'Pstretiagt Solllcit.4 T. SWARTS \. ulna.lgf-- hiyettrr*l Street shad t. USE HydCo-ttectric THE PEOPLE'S STORE" Cook by amity n by �y . Iron > ► Elaetricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper than Corel or Wood All e1i tvie, \'aeutita Cleaner rel iteiVee the dust; a Lwow lust i;u v'eS tale dust, ti4"e p,tt.itaote_ all'Hydro Lamps frlif 1,500 ll©elr" Walk in 3..1,1 anc' lisslay at The Hydro Store - LVERIIkr 1 did f terf n hThe radio Is teaching us good music are not 'many who would not take it i R 1 not hinder their goingbut galls a retn- Spanish Hai rimsxdn. It should be a feasible plan for the: , desserts. Want 'grumbled themselves'aictl came Bestland•wfri send his copy to Ger- ;thci�rWomen'str� ts tussociatiorisitutes to rk through to Jerusalem."They, joined to the many for.'examination by Pzperts. Ile Eat f.eafy Ve stable, children of Judah, made a very great hopes to trays it af:ested officially as an Art exhibit in that way to interesc.� Vegetables of all sorts but partiette .town and people from bot Congregation that kept the feast for the oldest existing copy of u news- .h -- country. larly the'leafy ones should have a , fourteen days: "So there was great passer- It would mean encouragement forthe prominent place in the diet. The joy in Jerusalem; for since the time of Solomon there was. not the like in net Drams ,Salary. Jerusalem." The congregation was at length dismissed with -a• solemn An ordinary, brindled Tom eat Is blessing by the priests, 'Matthew 00 the regular. •ray roll of an Amer - Henry snysi The prayer that eomee lean raftway.Ile draws a salary of el 5o a month Daniatre to ear ,o Canadian artists.whose names and leafy vegetables are cabbage, frith: - work are very vague to the vast ma- ach, sauerkraut, turnip • tops; beet jolty of the. people. tops, dandelion leaves, cress, Brussel Diet. in Regulation to the Teethsprouts and Many others. Some of are a bother to Our teeth are all our ed must be cooked and others serve trial ed as salads. • a - up to heaven in a cloud of incense, "lives. They are .a to get, o Whole` cereals should'be 'in (e taffy will came down again to this earth in canoed by rats, was heavy last au- great care while we have them and shower$ lmlessangs. TIt3 priests tmm�, and Tota. was „hired" when hie the worst of all is to lose therm. usisiest�and best eat bread atoi aceomptitim rayed, t.of.er prayer was heard rind `ability as. an exterminator of rodents Teeth of 'rite modern Canadians are this. Then when you cook our the people wore! blessed' (verse 27). WAS proved in competition with a generally speaking, very poor affairs. breakfast cereal, quake surf; that you WORLD blessed MISSIONS number of lits kind. Tom observes To go brick once again to the time of are getting the _entire sur.. and not regular bourn grad never worries our forefathers we wilt find+that they the divitatised remainder, Cod Liver' Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of Soo- about overtime. had 'better teeth Some of these eo chow "University. at a. *venal gather ° pie who have coins to our town ry Oil is another important food adjunct. The foods that the mother . should fns toldhis audience that Christian IROW% to Gold Standard, from others have much better teeth' .leave to form the first teeth are just i leadership was developing in (lhitta, Diiring 1g2e five eenntrles--- than our native Canadians. To make t'Of her ten Cabinet Ministers." he ranee, Norway, C;neeee, Duljarla, it worse they are the settlers;that exactly what the child at teeth.have to d, "six ^►vers educated in United and Ilolivie returned Whet partly or some of int tiro inclined to turn up menu better ood vuy to increase the supe •wholly to the gold standard basis. our noses at. ply'• of lime than sunlight. Let the w w These make twenty-five leading court- Kat Natural node aavva have exercise. Ube. crusts,. flart Palpitatingtries that have grace 1921 reverted Let us holt the matter in the face to the Bald aatandard leavitrl only sit funks, eroentons, cc}ery and any and sec vvltat #lie reason in It ren- footle h f • , Yet to „take t this step, viz.; pa ay, taint r cannot he that they cleaned bimmatiurt .-or diet" and cleanliness to Japan. Peru, Perianal. I,ouniania led them more •than we do. Tooth bre- •produce good teeth. Jugoela ria. Node Nor Throat I l t 1 S t requiring chewing. 'Try a con - sties have never been so thoroughly or generally used as ,they are at the Crotonn • . . The Japanese Alphabet. present time. As diet and dean!-: Cut bread in cubes. Place in one � d kes# Throb' The jumper* .alphabet $ osserisee nese are the- two. great things which . layer in a baking pan and bales until two a sets of eliaraeters—katanaka for rafl'ect the teeth it Wrest then be aux' 'delicately browned and crisp. Many people ay be unaware of fleeing, anything w ,ng with their heart till atonme little excitement, overwork er worry Oath! it to prdpitete and throb, skip beat", beat tut for a time gad then to slow as to seem ost'to stop, tiles it eauses great ennxle y alar gips. Idrs. 0. Hicks, Clistflcld, pini., vnitest:-°-"t used, to be very'sbisd with paipltatien of the !react antl rbzs tunic, witk itis' *WA ' exeitemel►1t, `Ii - , stint is heart very fist axcl make say throat amid ekrrt throb. itr rias telt! Irl' * bleed to tri' ' bhietl I did, a+-!4 better, i tits taken halt the tot my trouble had, stepped.'. 1r eiee En . islet et 111 dl ttggisis o* Wet!, Gr MOM dirtet en reeelgt et plea 'tis 'l''►'""`nt •-.: tdd ► ' S0M5J Geta he sine of men, hiranat:a for womena, diet which is at fault, That 3o exact- • ly Ililut is wrong. Our forefather:+ ,,.,,,. , Prune Whitt Always Ready end lielfable--erne- lived on natural foods which gave 2 e11 whites, about 16 prunes Really all pains arising from want. theta good strong teeth. (cooked). !nation can be removed with 1)r. t Include Mae in the Died heat egg whites 'Until partly stiff' "Thomas' Eclectric Lail. :Simply nub it The time to start to build good with a (Dover beater. Add prunes on the sore spot and it is juickly ab- teeth is before a child iss born. You ; 1:toned and cut in pierce. heat all to- t onbed by the skin. Its healing nave all heard the saying "every child gcthee Until stiff and prunes aro ;power isconveyed to the inflanmcd H takes 4 tooth." Urtfortnnately it Is 'thoroughly separated. Pile slightlytissue 'which is quickly soothed. This apt to be too true. Lime or -eel-slum and serve cold with euatnrd sauce fide old remedy is also a spreitic for is time great necessity for the teeth. medic from egg -yolks. ail manner of cuts, scratelfee, bruises Nature in its mysterious way helps Custard Settee livid 9prnins. Keep a bottle handy itself to;limo froom the bones and tis- always,saes of the Mother if! there :s nor, 2 egg yolks, 1 cup milk. 1 tst;i. t' net lime alt, the feed. , So that ie sugar, vanilla. Beat egg,.Yolka... Add ` iteptiir tif`lttitte laptitextk for the reason ashy the teeth of the r,ioth- intik find sugar. Cook ovei a gentle -.Meath FaiIIIts Feb. 28, 1929 1 t • Goderieh=-Total hogs, 104; select . beton, 29; thick smooth, 52; heavies; 12; lights and feeders, 8. 1deGaw.- Totel frog* 417; triton beton, 167 ; thick rrmoafh, Wt; heavies, 11; chop hogs, S. Auburn --Total hos., 410 selece bacon, 131; thick smooth, 203; heavies, 5; tetra heavies. 1; Chap liege, 10. Huron county—Total hogs, 63u9; Meet bacon, 2223; thick en1coth. heavies, ;'a0; oars heavies, 12; flop lits;;io, tis: iieh's and feeds: tr. 48,1 11.(L hear of anyone kneekinfe an i. inffeiiai•. 4 it Sou don% believe nut -eft -el opeete i'ti�tls lay ii 1: the undo-1:1kei. T'at?cit.© rnaktn that 1:.0i(' talegilA which it ie iteeottita^_e to P'rev'ent mr L Cml:PCeo .-a 1) 0 1) Dl ■ KIDNEY PILLS heat tanning constantly until rspoon is coated. Custard will curdle if cooked too tong or at too high a tem- perature. • peed Roalief tit CM. 00 C5thtt#1I, tats *501415005. CHOW" WHIM 1M1tAT10 WITH THAT WDU010e14441-Gr *►� ►, 504e 15.44tte ORSE- POWE R.. COMPARE - Oldsmobile's 62 horsepower . COMPARE with the actual horsepower rating of other cars in hs price-field—and you'll understand why the Finer Oldsmobile moven in a class of its own! - ' Then ret behind the wheel of an Oldsmobile —adjust the driver's seat to the exact position that ::yells comfort and relaxation—and drive. Learn wham 62 horsepower means hi perfor- mance—speed in abtiadattee- -power to spare on elle steepeit hills—snap, Nene and action. And Sfiloothne that only Oldsm bile's exact- ing standards of precision engineering could . accomplish. For the finer Oldsmobile sets a standard of performance in keeping rv,th the styliih beauty of Oldsmobile's fisher Body, site comfort of its4X.ovejoy Shock Absotlfcrs, and Ake iva y.,94f its rich, upholst.orfes.• arid, app pointments. "Come in and see the finer Oldsmobile today., . 0 a,! , „•ce MacEWAN & TEBBUTT GODERICH, ONT. O'°s 14 H1LE. miser OP GENIC 11i TO OP ;AIM, IUll