HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 6eAGF. Eta THE GODERIC#f STAR `Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the same care—as if our reputation were to stand or puBLic s 00L Dia Iht Water with fall apo that single package. RED TEAis good ter RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Inspector Beacons Approves Action of Beard hi Deciding To Spend Undue Amount on ,Central School, on Account of Condition of Building. Visit From Dr, Sinclair To Be Arranged Mei to Std THURSDAY, APR1T, lin, 1929 Not Stolach Disorders Wl.i.AT PHXSICsANS ADVISE Thousands a£ unfortunate people suffer aimost daily from dyspeps*a, indigestion, fermentation, sour, acid stomach, flatulence, gases or distress after eating. of they would onlyf©rm the agreeatale habitof slowly drink - Arrangements To Be Made for More Personal Supervisiong; en#tronxnriaing "1a 11 slP anfni her by Piripcipals and for More Flexible System in two tablets of I3}surated Magnesia they would soon find their stomach sa Designating School Which Pupils stren±atilnned and improved that they Are ko Attend.• CHAPTER -kJ, (Continued) ` ' I lips until she tasted blood; Bile would'. not MOM,she !would let him handle "We are only a freighter, as you herr, let him 'Search. At the sudden' know, But we carry up to tweet? slapof his hand upon ,her hip .ehe passengers on the side. Sublimsteu shrank, hack aiientiy. Feeling the .steeregc passengers they. acre, cheap. ,hulk of the pistol in her pocket, he Their p.age,v.f • env all rf .,.. .1 w, c..- thrust his hand roughly inside he. .over them:ntyselt." 4 emit. We'll leek tient over, if .you 'don't "Oh, no!" Her faint gasp was ir- suind."' . repressible, instinctive. glut soft as •• Captain Garman peeve a valet order it was, it carried ecrom the deck. in an unruffled voice" and a man de-„s er here tubed himself fromthe groupend With abou bound, n d leaped a ed from o n ran daw to Put it intoe<Xecnflan. his posture aacos8.ins t "Wm taking you ialr with ns, the roil, and hurled the astox►ished. .captain," thele officer went on iiowlya group front fide to asidee',hefore Ixinm. We have the goods onyou, .it you lee caught Gays arm, and drew her avant to go peaceably, all right. Orm'taa tu, amazed, Inedu a ct l us. if you want a ner;sp, we have the guns "That's the stowawa ”" the captain. explained . on yon." . y' "What chn es "Found her under , sir t' my own bunk.. I was just going to " "Oh, a nice marry varletY. Running . t ho e y" r to t»yc second officer." 'Chinese, for. one' ' thing. Getting "Guy."' stammered Rand "Ga is, crooks out the country on oursideyou?" ."yr ofc y, it But.it cant be you! . Out it. and bringing them in on the. other, '„is yon!„ Little matterof murder, too, if 1 awl. ""� L e at , t .'C cowered ' core .lig h • . „ a>`y, co ed la f" m, ia , not mistaken." ; Rand, she sobbed, I thought they Captain Giarmaan's eye turned slow- had ciphered : you and 1 vain°. to be eat t o M' iiwe t the horizon, Itishadn't, �,yr , t o , , it with van,: and they and' you alien were willingto fight, and the weren't, and--" i was built for. speed as well as ,sle p u p .she was. u, pitiful, ridiculoads figure for enduraece. But .what" chance; in the ilapailig slicker. The ; faint -with sign of the steel gray service doge morning light showed her wan face, lurking . watchfully at bay, hemmin I smeared with tears. then* in. nether *,etch wits with. "Gay," Rand repeated, belples'sly,• the lawyers in the courts, which he : staring ata her. unbelieving, "It can't d done before- and comet off never .you.-4 ' - _ �a be yrou it rain t--." a ;second best* "Rand," she pleaded tearfully. "You'll tlnd everything .At. X., I ".please) He. can ,marry us, the cap - fancy," he °'snid imperturbably, .',but tale, he can marry anybody. Rand.. -% f course if you insist I will return just to please me." with you. Gay*,do you : mean.," . .SS e'S were " " The 7 n x ie bur.. e e Cd a hurried upRand!" '.� ph Ra e from Woo, o, huddled Mick against th. "Well there's no. reason why • he *ailing, and with them Gay,once can't, is there?" Rand demanded 'more in her dark slicker and eatherr ,c;utekly of the (Al}cey who _command - «cap, who had slipped among ,hent ns' ed the capture. • they paused the captain's door. Gay's "Not if you make it snappy," said 'beart w•aS glad in the knowledge that the officer, laughing in . huge enjoy: Am. was sowed, But when, in . the client of this unexpeeted turn.—"tile. rear of that group on deck, she saw fore 1 takeover the boat." Rand. debonair„ . triumphant, . smiling, "Olt, we'll Ire snappy, that's the her .first feeling Of. heart`bursting thing we do best, Gay, think a min - joy that he was safe gave way to one utet Pullg Yourself to ;ether. Are— of humiliation and shame, Rand you --•sure , came in triumph; with the 'United. "Oh, Renal"' navy of his b e tofind.her in n States l s a k,1 a ',Nell, haw about'it, captain , here, !Weltered and booted, like a We've no objections, have ou:' - thief among thieves. captured, 'dis-f "Marry her! .'Wiarry your'elan- graced jacu graced and bandied 'lightly from man; hated the captain, dazed with. the sod - to than, She sank :)reek farther into denness of this surprising new de abadow. almost preferring the ghat- .mond, "Yon!-•- Good- Lord) Another arch of the sea with Garman and the J one! Came on award after Ingram Boger Williams, . o humiliation be -switched over to nae, and now got the fore the dear loved eyes at Rnd. 1 hooks in you. All right, all right. "Go ever the lot of them," came the Pll marry anybody. Site's the snion-: erisp order. "Look for papers, 0130 thest worker 1 ever saw.. Jim. bring (ially,, and weapons.. Lieutenant, take up the book front my desk. it's open the 'second detail, and search the to the page. We'll hove Kenny for alaip." I one of the witnesses. Good lord -- - could eat the richest and most satin. lying melds without the least eymp- • ,fir «4os , f • In presenting a report of }na=.pertfan spot in Victoria rchvol t roui3d4 which torn a£ indigestion. '' f JEi w,Uf,, Just as to Moms ,�- Why bonier s iti>< tooth proof. ing preparations when it is duet as easy to use1~I,1-•Ti1Xarid kill moths: VLY.TOX gives thataddtd feeling of t eecurity. Your dealer sell* aLy, 'OX. TLYJTQX is fragrant and etalalcss. Par full emotions set Flr `t'os swath circular from dat.ror Bead sr G+.wte etas Sena Ira, Limited, Briabtoo, UuG of the Gcderich pithllo schools under had been referred to the property Nearly all so called digestive trou- dote of March 27th, Inspector Bea. committee to leek after and this wilt emu emote, "I wvaa' nod) eaeaned with, be brought to the notice of the eoxax- the bug}iness•liko eonsfderatiyn given mittee, the matters discussed at the March The property committee- is also meeting and the evident 4eeire of the • asked to- look into Mr.. Beacom's =- board to do everything posibk to commendation for store, windows for promote the good of the schools and Miss Robertson`srooni' at Victoria education generally in this commun. eclxool. . ity. ". As to arranging of pupils between Some paragraphs of his repeat fol• the two sehaols it was passed' that low ,"1 would like to draw the at- tention of the board to the oxe"llent work done 11111111$1C in the schools by Mr. Major. The pupils take a great deal of interest in, and derive *much enjoyment from, this iinstructiox',. which is of an efficient nature. I have recently secured a temporary peerti1cate in music from the Depart- ment epartment of Education for Mr. Ma.;or, with the rinderstandin that he at- tend n summer course'in this subject andobtain a • per ,anent :certificate. The board will this year receive a grant of 820 towards the cost of teaching' of music from the Depurt- xnent of 'Education." �.... pointed 'out:,tho adviuibil' ity of the board approving the teach ing of agriculture atilt liort}culture in the senior grades. if this approval -bo given, Mr. Stonehouse intends couapleting his qualify ations in this u 'e With the available it 'bc tlanda s t would. be possible to lay out school plots for the two or three rentor clas- ses next year. and xati opportunity. be thus afforded of giving. the pupils training in the graying of flowers and vegetables. Grants to the' extent of $20 per teacher or clams:; in: which, instruction in this' s,rrib5eet is: given are allowed' annually for the pop- chase Of materials such as seeds, gar- den implements, feneing and the care of pinta during the summer. vacation, Qui. by the Department." The itdviseabi}ity:.of erecting a. the Chairman of the board and: the chairman of the school xnaiwlgemene committee nxeet with the principals on the opening, day of school terms to designate to which school pupils will be sent. The dividing line separ- ating the town into two areas from which the children for the two schools are to be drawn was left as it was but this division has been found too hard and fast, itence the Arrange- ment. lent. for _greater•. flexibility .in the system y em to prevent overcrowding in one siehool. The matter of adjustment of yenta latingt: shaft openings at , Central school in order to provide for proper' ventilation was referred toile chair. man of the beard and the chairman of eehool management committee with power to act. 3iliss Sharman reported 93- boys and 84 girl sa total of 1 77, enrolled for or tiar ,with �boys and77a!r1s total of 163, as the overage attend - once, once, 92 n:er, cent. Penny Bank de- foosite $67.77.. 194. deposits. Mrs. Redditt taught fifteen days for Miss Wilson. Mr, ;Statehouse retorted• .191 bays and 17.6, girl% a total of 867.;'enrol«, led for Marcie, with 167 bays and 161' girls, a total of 328, as the . Average attendance. 89 ner rent. -Penny Batik elements. $117.80. 50 p . denoslla° Miss P. Sturdy . supplied ' eleven days, for Mass V., Watson. )obese B. Murphy ehree itreo for 'a'ris. 'ft !reale •'-d fence atonic the west side of the boys' Mrs. Redditt ;lira dere fo., Miss playground (at Victoria school) Thane, Nonresident fe+ s maid $3. might ,be considered, alsothe plant. : 'These reports were adopted and a ing of shade -trees in different parte notion to nay = the : supply teachers of theplay areas Their bare aspect wag passed. A r iy ,from Tr. :..--Il. va ld be relieved if this were done,eP � .� S,-Slnt•lsair. and shade;aif'orded for the pupilPIi:• D.. irxsneetnr of Auititfary Chis- dui }ng the summer months;' s .under the. Deportment of Fdu'a-. A mare flexible system of regal- tion. • in answer to the secretary s ine latinrr tho number of pupils attend- ::'a'tat'oir to )lire _tq an+na`'and address ing the two schools should be arrived fhe` ,fair"cl ata `.tlio'. arhject. of class'.s at. At present..the nee agepet'raom; far 'b. -kwaid 'atudentv;'' was as to in, Central school is 34, am compared : lav"liable dates _for. Such a • visit. The t►r,nrivat with 41. in :Victoria school,,. not' count- w pnnrte,i that.the ing the. kindergarten, It should he •edam of ga litttrit� a: l+ntf.itourc'a nreiniurn possible to transfer' pupils. readily a week tae a• rewind, for mood behaving' from one school to the `other to re- nd Arni neuro i,i,ga +woe`lrinra` arta well' lieve overcrowding. in some raonts." i tined w as doom few allow this epee• Inspector Beacoan, also again' Called tice to . rho end of file teterm.. ti t ..., attention to the ,problem of backward r' pupils, mostly boys: who are too old ,SCHOOL REPORTS for their _g;rade and wvlao do not give: S S. No. G, Colborne the attention to their studies that. The following is the report for S. S. they should, "Many .of them cannot No. 5, . Colborne,' The pupils hove reasonably be expected' to progreee .been tested on all the subjects: Jar. muoh further in school and .several' 'We -Doris Johnston, 81; Jack Elan; would be much better in a speeial> tor, 72; Cree Freeman, :69; Era flora class if sitck.were organized„" he stet. ton, 58. Sr III...- Evelyn Girvin 71;•. od• •Harold Freeman, 62; Robert Cook, Mr. Beacom wrote he WAS clUitp` in ea. Jr. 11t -.Tack cook, 64; Andrew accord with the policy of the board % Y, iceman, 04; Grace Hwater, f,2. '• Sr. in not spending an undue amount of ^1L --+Clifford' Horton, 85; Pearl Hun - money on Central school. "The pro- . ter, 76: Jr: IL—Beryl Freeman. 74; posed improvements are adequate,' .Frank Cook, '62, :.Number on roll la.. he wrote, "considering .the condition .Average attendance 13.5. of the 'building, The repairing of B. GRANT, ' the chimneys should not be neglected, Teaacixer.. The desks in this school are not in ....-.....; accord with modern preetice.. Anoth- V. S. S: No. 8, Ashfield Jr. 'Room Cr year the provisionofsingle desks Jr. UL--••r'otsri' 790, honors 592 pass should be considered:" ' 473—Verna Anderson, 601; ` ABeth ''iThe equipment at Central ial school. Park, 5141, Jack Park, 510; alyrtle Caldwell, 488; Melba Fowler, 479 ; seems adequgate with the cxa;eptkon G0.v coward farther ;into the Corner, ' another one. -and been ,;):card less, of the supply of supplementary read - Search her: . She evottlied tho nu" than two hours." ing material. which is being partial proach• of a brisk young officer with In the pale gray light of Christmne ly rexnfedied.YY horrified utatinee eyes.' She bit her morning, standing outbravely, a dos = As to Victoria school Mx.. Beacons ..., beveled absurd 1ittlo figure, with a wrote, "The paint should be removed. • t band of desperate criminate to left of from the centre lights of the windows a r, a xoom o American guar men° in each room, would m ter t t o i ds 1 It wa id improve the Tadaoiglu, with Captain Gartman, want- lighting on dull' days to a consider• cd for a hundred crimes in half �•a' able degree. Storni sash should be a , j hundred torts, reading tae lervice ,provided for Mica I:obinson's room Ir Oa ! ' Nip . ovC; her to a soft And silken voice, for neat reinter, ns it Lias been found Gac Delune, in Loofa and rubber Impossible to heat it on serer it occa- sltcker. with hear -blinded eros anti :sions this winter. Otiler matters salt-striined face; renounced her free- such as drainage am receiving atteu- 11 it teWin. weak- lap iaa a. iaaaoriti eft :det forever. tion.» +Mitfl +► itarratail totagaa WaA saw. itttrar I Badto r i�tplat or t< *oink ora n is nava fiat your ))trop is iaE � tratld THE END, ,{ mendation with regard to supplemee-repetay ° � Spare the children from suffering tart' books was quite satisfactory for Mtn require* taitettio>t ut aaea. from worms by using Miller's worm _ the present. The third and fourth Mrs. O. J.:(Gagirgr, IRl:. No. I, Powders, a most effective ver iifuge Look classes should be similarly pro. ' dbitora Brlig i Gtate wrltsu:- e" br , with which to combat these insidious' vided for later. A certain stun should feela� iM the swain f fettud lI dead a ` foes of the young and hclplees. It is I be expended each year for this pure to to eta mouth width later an eaeellent worst destroyer. and, pose. A definite policy in this regard emit wt wtsa logs to At bad: slats of when its qualities become known in a i would be of value, and would obviate my Hoer. he eletk ix tkr anti' store botrobe}tt no other will lee used. The bringing the matter before the board •Imsg ostai " ones «w 1641 • Y Tho actiontoken otmy re am• meel ne alts by ttseli, requiring no' each year. purgative to assist it, and so those I This report was presented at the mighty that nothing more is desired. , April meeting of the Goderich public r. ..r - echcol board on Monday evening!. at v.hieh there were present Truetee s "Is your u ifo an excellent cook 1" : f'.utt (in the rhair). ]'arsons, Wallace, trete," 1 am arm witirut Aloft gat `"the beet little ea.x-opener in; Thom!aant and Nate!. Several mat• l Inn aaai VA to break lwu for"" discussed at wig they !lid fir tate:, tare in the report were dise aLuxeriea' deme length. .some suggestions were ,fade 'whereby the principals would Weer I1 a Fiat at telt dtatlKlegy or iseat have fmo to Supervise the work oft iisyr masa direct en mei t their irat~s to a percher extent than", dn•T" ' Ce, ` • � at nrpresent, as their time it; fully oc'ui Oast, pied at present teachingtheir own + wagons r clays"es. some extra a'-istance for 1 a .. an hour or two a v►e.ek whereby their .,G, «• r, 'CIMMea,= atTe1t*inpj =amid he taken by snrn,'n a else while they visited °thee r�larerooms Was suggest.; ed and as motion was passed that the I It 1'o matter what your age may be, principali be asked to devise some h»n long you have been troubled or a ,method for more supervision tnf each coca. Ail to Me. Beacom's suggeetion as to the teaching' of sericulture, the principals reported that they took up the tourer at prearnt, but the prawti= ate melted to try the miming ratite rel work wail not done in the settlint of let S uthwa'rth'x "Paatalwi" with, out or garden ialots at the school., It. out reek of rot yodels violated with `want felt thio ways satisfactory and no rerta>tt:. f aetiota was taken, Made frnrn a martial formula awn gatlg raatii]>w for to terve at the t:,v the )motor for ore! IfsKwaora "tiro *vet Ado of tete Victoria school alike,, bides" are aieehr and to wall, relieve grotto & VIVA left in aalreytartte but the the rein •end misery of Rurahne iiratarrty commute. Fria aekrd to lock t+rrthr,.l trrltatirm*,. 11.rb0ht'e. ft"- into the Mater -of Abide tree,) fee" coria deity antaayaere land tr'!ta#tt-• almA arriae & awe to reproof. AiNATEB KENT BAiiERYLf33 RADIOS Tial. 174.W for Donlon strati.*, it Mu DONALD how mealy medicines you have trier) without swerve -if you are a victim of Bladder Weslanees And irritation, vaulting 4 s s of troublesome annoy. - ante and ,,*lite of Broken Rrit, you *etre riftthte. Aux gond +wat#iat, will Trude. Parente retort rl that _.. - i1e-isa.nn ttt+raaM t *AA of* fast bra reposed if yrnu cwartlew t.� h. *lotted in to few ,laza ,rye afire not +r rhty pstIaittrd with ; RI tet, K;«•r•,nt" chervil *hie% rt.iltbt inYar■nuae:■■■ - ,oft arid po'iiiti!" xr1i+F "a,taieeii. I- mnitsMr, for VAC gig g1tliMgr gra t')?*fi i supply, you eta a gratttantee t, »rA ' vet would 1M availmta y from ow ewe as Wa�teh �►opr - growing children `Y'ATCU the health ti your growing diadem! S.. dist they ham the ]triage, end energy xrse+reeari!- for their wheel tamp), and play. For growing children-epee.tieularly ggtitis--e rich supply of lad bested is isrrersti*L 1.*rng;uor, Mrvnuw u, 4e. passion, frckis appetite .r pallor indicate ana.rrua. . Dr. Williasaa Platt Piga eirich the blood. "nevem anemia inti bulli hmithr boos and tisane. 'Ihoraa,.de of media* ham proved thio. "My twith*.ysar.old laid. writer Mrs, ),cleat Dori* .f Beire/tiur, Ontario, "beano. e s pale, we all and nem** that we had to take Getout cif school. It tried Dr. , Pink Pills f.r her and shs'aimed in weialat Irma thee coal. She ie now thepie. tete .pit amnia" $a . bo* -of Dr. ten dimes" Pink!Maiit all theiastimi ani defiles is *indicia♦ or. pleb ggaaiai" by mail St 50 clam * )ilex from The Dr. Willisa , Maelkias G°, Oreekville, i eau ...u„nte..*a*,ureit +�.<,As.....e,.. bled aro caused by an excess of acid Rorry Gu�in, 6' Sr. I--1 id and an insufficient bleed supply in Sproul, 80 Jr. I-„,iiarold Elliott; the stomach, causing; the feed to ler- and Sr. Pr. Slxirle • bl:Gratton, 70; *Hent and sour before digestion can•- r take place. A glass of hot water Isobel Glrvin4 69, iVA I. CLeher will draw the blood to tho stomach Teacher° and the Bisurated Magnesia will_. S. S. No. 16, Ashfield neutralize the stomach acids and ' sr, one—prances Crazier, 85 ; make the food contents 'bland and Eileen Treleaven, 72. Jr. IV.. -„mina sweet. Easy, natural digestion with- Treleaven, 82; ColinCrozier, 78. :Sr, out distress of any kind is the result. =III. ---Alex. Gouley, 68; Beth McColl- , Sisaxrated Magnesia is not a laxative, null, 66. Jr. We -Beatrice `Trolea is harmles, pleasant• aand easy t' von, 70; Eenson Shackleton, 68; take and can be obtained from any Harry Swan, 67; Larne Hasty, 65;, reliable 'local, druggist. Do_ not colt-: William Watt, 56. II.--' onnmy Cul fuse ilisuruted Magnesia with other i bert, 75; Iona Swan, 78; Violet Cul fortes of ,,agnosia- - ,milks, citrates, • bert, 70; goggle Gouley^,• 68. First— etc., but get it in the_ i*ura Bisurated Kenneth Gauley. • Primer—Cecilia. form, (powder or tablets) especially 'watt. prepared for this purpose. PALMER KILPATRICK, ,,, •-,., ,,�.■■,■.,.■... 'leacher: mile 'Veda', 468; Willi Hee°, 38r;' 15, W. Jint. Blithe,, 886; Iticlville Culbert, s. following isthe re Tort ofh Bab kL 293, IL—Total 600, honors 450, pass the ,wet aha rolth. of S. u iota teat, ,•. ,r e K 360—Lois Treleaven, 556; Donalda No. 15, West : Jr. Ili, .for the a aertrwlgaYtTs>wWttt.Rx^taalOtC Jones,.680• Vials Young, 4 Be a month of Morelia J ; IV, --Graeme T� FOOD c Aw. > = g, lit) , rth Ch 1� 11. . Baby chicks cost too ,much to lose by lack of care and proper feed° 'White Diarrhoea and other chick disease* prevented by feeding 1rasia Cc It saves millions and insures healthy fast-growing chicks and earl laying pullets. Buy the best. Jones, , 426; Harold Finnigan, 13Sa, uxnney. 7 , R'1 t° lige o. , ,nr. don Robinson,' 74.4, Jr. : III:)-Ferne First Claes Alma -50(t -Donald Wal. P10,111044 C n 1'a } on IISr* ker,-439;. Alma Anderson,: 438; Irving, 6, aeon b ns , S.. l"ed .352; Albert Rivett 4 Welt- ' `- . elven 'Graig, 82:8,, Satn Thonili- y,. : 1 , 3 7,, Ii c i $on, 68: �Sr. I...Stewart t"hmmneY', and Park, .. • o, Bi}Iie "C,aesar,' 310 ; 284 Dorothy Rabb, R2a3 s8 s Average nt..t e..n-:d,a..;n.+.ce ,1•.8.�8.,.I-iXow ard Thompsonon, 7,,.8t' o}E«d w i4n .man -o. d Robinson,82 Jr, Thompson, 73. Sr. Pi—I.opisea1•an, muadeleine Caesar, 3u5 2; 8F-ernie eAltoci- 2R2ivue;ttC'l8aynNuArudeerroonroiiso, VAerVa- ,_• Teacher. Alvim, heed, 23Ir'ner-)Petal 26Thompson. Number C1uaerr2eT1;Cu?lbellm3MIkealide, crapeattendance 1 M. DU1RNIN, aio Asthma Remedy Like IL-Dr.Teacher.3 D.,Rello 's Asthma Remedy isYIJOHNSTON distinctly 'intermit from other so-cal.Part Albert led remedies,' Were' this not so' it . Sr. IV. -Edna Crawford,, 78; Glif; would not have continued itsr eat ford Hoy, 77; Cora Dic'kson,. 7- ; Ben=: work of relief until known great son Murray;• 6b,• K sathleen tNraw,ford, ocean to ocean for its wonderful va- At;. Sr. TII. Ethel. MaCkernsi¢ 7a; lire. Kellogg's, the foremost and best Margaret.Lednoie 77; Clifford Craw- of all asthma remedies, stands upon :ford, 67; Arthur Murray, 66; Elton as reputation founded in the hearts of Draper, 6:1. Jr. Illi.---Kathleen,led- thousands.. who have known its bone. nor, 74; Elwood. Murray, 68; Wood; l fit. row Hay,: ' :6 7 ; Sara M. artin , 65; Annie . g r ,. e GYoeeronu: }7M,6c;6G1.aMSr.G8oMe,-prlMNrDeormtto nziea7w4•- lProM"sfonoprofcess, s. rimill ffoordd, 82770;Mta);MMi EIn}e'Frraeexfi167aowtahyes praeney o\tetnhee:Wonnls•Wan George r}tzley,65. Jr.•I Vlar, d. w- ..r,gart Crawford, -7 Dorothy:MMil- • ray, Helen McGee. Neither late no t absent: Norma Murray, Helen Mc -t- Gee. Ceeil ,IdeOee, Kathleen ' Craw...! ford, :Edna 'Crawford. Clifford Mae t The ... 'Margaret ):.wilier, Wooeroca: Hoy, .: Kathleen Lednor, Charlotte Crawford,a Sara Martin. cur Life Orchard' );toe School The follornng; is .tire report! of. C. ;AssVrance Company S S. No. 17 W. Wawanosh, for the of Canada oaet*$t.ti.ue I . H1 Apr Qrrxnt;' a SYA iai itat, Ov r D. D. MOONEY Agent Pntovn 250' ' bitaMIX S7. : GoDniazcn, O.r7.'. ', H.—Harvey Sproul, 71; Willie Sproul, 71; 3immxe Leishman: '68.;x•1 ”" month of March. Jr. V. --Charles McNee, 86. Sr. .IV. --Melbourne Cul. bert, •71; Hilda ?budget, 70. Jr. IV. Annie. Sproul, 89; Lenore Stotbers, 83; Qarl Finnigan, 70; `Stanley* Mc.. Gratten, i64; Clifford Gullbert, 40; ill.---I#.uesell McIntyre, 73; Margaret Elliott.. 71; Arnold Olver, 68; Emily MeGratten, 65; Harold ,liver, 51. Sr. a AX TETHER it be a cut; a bruise,. sprain, . `burn or scald. Z'am-Brlk provides the handtest and surest means : to quick, perfect healing. It Isfrom certain valuable herbal extracts that lain -))line gets its power to subduepatfn and Intlanunation,'its germ. destroying Activity and fine::-' • 'kiln-ggrowingg property. 7a m-Buk la splendid foe chappedhands,trost btte,chf-' Mains, etc. Geta box tb-day 1 • �tlli�r i " ,0,7sa cosi +r+'�`:'w` .. _ r !FRO1�l.'... 111Mf't`O To FOVIt'1st : PlE,.«..'f" : ll 15 IX DI 1li?i"ll'0 !. "400" Standard Sta Sedan • $1314 • rllxtit,t�1R'*ICYtati lr7ltx,M.tr ri 111113 leis StAl ..r> ost People Exert "400"Prices to be Higher than theyAetually plEOPLE who have formed their price impressionoi'daeNish`44oq" from seeing this striking new car, and from the enthusiastic comment of "400" owners, are very apt to price it higher than it really is. . "400" prices are a big "400" feature. The Standard Six "4011" Sedan, illus. tatted above, is an excellent example -- of the new value Nash now offers. (fere are some of its notable features -•-features of highest qquality whkh you are not aecustOnxetl to expect in . art maths ice:, ,,., <t... . A very powerful, higb.turbuletrcc. higb.com.pression, completely.gtirres., surc•lubrit;atedmotor, With /beatings. A lengthened wheelbase, new double., drop, tubular•trussed frame, alloy steel springs, and 4 Loveloy hydraulic shock obi orbers,for unsurpassed ridingease. And complete equipment—full•sixed scowl lamps, gasoline ;gauge and mato• meter on instrument board, bumpers front and rear, spare tire and lock, ., shock absorbers, freight and handling; • charges—on included in the delivered] rice Tinted :abot e4—ArkiHg retobtiy, ob. TheNewNAS }J 4O� Zenors the 11"ierfd it* motor car Mattrt 11:t11POIV "_tl'PI` "1 0" IfIF:4.21.11tElee.XO oracle ('.!M Has ?ova .f&L Alaininuatalloypietuas tretwrserwo )Yew doable drop frame Torsional vibration deeper high compression MOWS iUgb,'fiarbri.*. Loreioy shock absorber, Stena Bodine 1.1watinai (tafksbs4 Csretior metalware chrome plated over oitkel Short ta±et'lv.g radial World'seasieststeereig fewegeewheelhlaee Ont•pier a Salon feethts Clear tisinet (mat pillar posts Nash Special Degg front a. exot bumpe HURON MOTOR SALES, South St, Gaoler ch illiSedan• $11 11 1 1111 111111 1 • Cain •