HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 4— - � - - __ __ - 11054MFW_W — - 1 � h 0 0 - — , � - - ­ -I - . __.._W­_A-& . � . ­­ I _­­__________ ­ , ­ . --- I I � ­ __,_� —.===am - -. q W_ —_ — PAGE YOUR 11 THE GOORRIM STAI t - T1I(7fc3DAT, APXX 40. OZ,* . I . � --.,- � - - - — - � I �� I ­ - ----,. I ­ � ­­­ 11 I � . __--=Tt!0!!2!=W - - -----.-- i - I � i I 1. I - 1. ­ , ­ -�!, !t"_ ­-­ ­ I ------ __.. -,.'o ... W-.,.W,*-,MN50A"0W��t' _ . I ­­ � ­ I ___ ­ --- ­ __ - � � � ­ � I., �. I _--i - ------- __ isc r0*404 SUAW �tbat during Marc I I- I—_ ­___ - � __0_,___ 4. -I---- � I - -M______ — — __ — we a 041ww *a* Wwo - h1whadwk-1 - - - --- - -_ . � ---. , ,,--- - . I'll ! vt 4710-* AM 4GOWAMA� Kv fort MUIPW ,of-InUk *14 cream fraaill� - 0 � 11 I �, I $40 -All, 30&vift 0,6440M *U U",*f the milk wagon* and had fer*# . I z �, I - nJ, us 0 � . fIOU sw interomt 47.W­%*re,P&id *W, fftult I of the doiryuslen W"�'e*rde AlUdw uwllwknown Cough � I 0 401 -ft kWriar tiw yfar a note of thm t4 London for analysir., a I - 0 V lo%viag the 0aly obliiatirin, of 010 xrwwht Vere the - 144gatrat* - 404 FX9544Z t Spring Apparel club the mortgage om the ,clubhuaw. Oharg#d with jw1ling crvism coaujn� , � Isis w" *doPtw and the thankii; of ins less, than a per cent. of butter and ,Cold Remedieso - - the club W*re 1&rW*r*d11W 1A**",AW, ut. 'Vonvictio" against all thrce .. . 1, �. The elftfion 4of onkers ,tW corkinjit- were wu"4t. owing to 4,0 uns&tj,J_ toeii Ifesultwi as follwo: UL"W*w fogtoxv condition of the water he b" � 70nics, etc. UJR assemblote of the new things for the sprinie season is womplete to a degree. presi4tnts, Xtsirs, Wm� Law., *u*-- i 'Q ,14ur visits tq the waterw4ris , , , , * I I _ _ Here you WA 161W thev'very latest in Lodies , and Men's apparel, art Ifenry And or. Xudonen; presi- mA',hftlrTftWsW the clilorint, igG re. . %* - I dont, V*ors* WNWWq-, yleo #*Csi- qu*w, . I In . I - 12 8*ww ..... I __ - I.., I—.. ilont. Win. Powell; socrebily. chas. 14106 alwvj�s ,stack, at the Rexall fte matter of inbwtl�n �of d, , ___1 � � .. - - ­­_ ­ - "'.. , , , �__ _.____,_.,_ , , -r, Andt. vaip, ll�ft 'With the chairman, tc. Ar. I . , . V ,. awitors, Jos. liroplsey,aniew 11112 ,,, --sna 'it Was decided to re4ifro , � 1 4 111cphall; treasure 4624at runse, Drag Stiare New Ensembles- - 11 Dresses ' ­ . field; grounds vommittv*. got. Sw.Af, that 1prkldives 1,40,01eared up by May . . . I - deld, 0. Gina and T. McDermott; exe. jv�. . . , � I, I- -.,----% cutive committee, Dr. U^ ,4p"� !&is .1� lrm4 IlAnt - ,_, * .. , I I 1 W4 aw ShO04 SOA49,310"Aingonoil . cis � wo l4ava just 104NV9(L;twQw shipment . I . 'I and James lil*Miew, TAV I . UART � ­ ' .. -%­­­ - � . in georkette and canton crepe, combin4d of Ladias' Dresses is �.prhiled tkicocheua.' A committees F. Teolt, IL . . . q%p,We ,stock of all "Patent 11 )w � . XWXVAW;—,Tho fu`a%*1 iras, hold I we with printed Silk am VA00-fligured4tor- good selection of Colors 'in varl.911s" styles, Xowasead and W.'smonds-, toorna� J"t week to IMIctlitud cemotvb� of I , "r I went committee, P. Huni, 0. Newiton � sundri"98,1- 11 . gette. riilterlA. 'They come ifi, contiii1tu sizes 16 to 44. SX40AAW9, , . And It. T.,Edwa%*. Ow 340 jomph Adlum. %who J*ved 1V I � colors and are VAX4 0,0111 . . .1., 4 � I I . . - . . I I'll, 11 ten, I*f the utirmat , ' avoy M mom" At Ais Iate 'Kesi, , . . - R+ Cilrarf ' I . . � . , I -_;igtz�� tourn*' dence, WoAk Atrj&�,,offtr An illness of , . r"= -r- -­ - - ! 1. I I . 1. - - . $ Were Untatively,fixed for.lime twelve 'w."ka.' Xr. ,MvGr*w, wbo — , % .1 I t Irs . tt Jqly'144th arA I '. ". .. . I I I I � . - �10' ­ . $163.0o'up,3 - . '' was WA Aftwa,vmuol�put the djs- . - ,%;,y,:. , . .. .41 ,. _., ,.� ,, FOR THE- t. lltbk I , t � 1, �' I �. % . �-_� �,_, # I., � 1. 11 , ournam"tis; 'but .. . , . : , '), . I � I _. � .­­ . . . I I . .. t e bict, **s Um ot .Arthlir, .00. Ile . � 11 � I , . .1 . club " "geptlag An 11"*"W " is WOrAwd VaY 11his Midow, tbre . ... : . . �__A_ , . attend 4 meeting of the StrAtforil 44Whtm, Xii. D. 40r* 0 .­ H,X.',DUNLQPt 0` _ _; . I 11 . � "- I MEN and, YOLM- PWILREN * m L010000 � - ra . SO-. � 4 . i�4. � . . And District Lown newl'"'r A)"ecift- XXTY in �i . ,. - - I . !on to arrange A. scliedule of toum- - - 4 JVW ot'home, .ano 011o,0911f I , 1 7 1 1 i I , . * " �. , a�Vo � ConipWollis ' 410010. 11he 1w"iva .. � ". *XWOMM Mn STORE I I Smart a^Pn-nc,1f Cdats, . I we h .W4f ,Tobs4, *Iso 0 * I - V , A . , lent% for the district so that 4atex ' lby.xev. IL 4C. . i, , . .1, . ^- ) ivill noteonflict. . servico was I . I % , , . . . I � I . 00AWe" , 4 .�-11111:1.1­ ` I I N,Ve have all imp .cdl Rearrat � tW,sys- , . . -, -41 �� . . , rie-Wry,e I lection 4f Xcbek*ld, vastor of IKUDX .Ohiireh, j1q,. . . _ Ve ­� _Wemoat,of the light!_ 13EDFORP -SLOM-­ ]PHONZ NO. I ' ' 1110DERIC0 snt,let4owspi-ing�coluiuvw*go$(M�sI W. Suits, To coats, f Uq, C4P% tom vss left 1n: the Wands of tile exe. The Pall-biai*rs Vero four',brothers; . � I ,,p . ­ � .. .. . . . ,,, "I'll . ,.,� 1, I I . olors. They ' 4�. ! . ters, for the Iijiting ln-14w of #.be do"ased; Chas.Cut' . . I I est 1114terials and XUVA�flva o . , , , cutive to got tel%4 ON I I � � I . ut on $and tolmolliftes:2.00N.4 Sbirto Neck I � . . of the vhole 0fdthe smads, bowtbi "Oh", JoseWsiA Ale;x- X4W!W;Ab. ', 11r! ­ __y== I -_1 �M­­ - - .� I are, perfectly C it, � weill(; ISW" old, portion *tsd. the itewritiks laid ovt ner Xonlo -or4 William �Aa&ow.* ? i o " �, I 1, . � � � , ­ - _i:� lz_ -_- . � . . . . . . . beautifully finished, We. W* yqu t0,.-'s4e . ! 9 r , 1. - __,�:�.� , - �, 4 't. last yjar. I � 00as Agrol *b 010'a to =,& w''Im. wolace'swand, , ot 3 P..t . , .. �� i . I tfi Won ,teotl I . I I . ­ , "', worAID at 11 P.M. I I .. . - "C'. lovesi� vai arwew, teWi � , The ,*round* tommittee Is askeil to gt'e'Xr. ;'A 14*0,04niltY Of"livll V0140 I'ai Z0iih St., Unitbil, , Aer I our splendid line of CO2K � . I . . . 0, *4,h - fit , 14 wb'wh tl* A chaivh : jj�oa " . ,. . . . � .1 ..­­ 11 .. 11 -11 11 ­_ : .. W � I - -1 . � : . mate of Vie value of . 'W*A �, i at, the east end �6f Vie I � , m submit *A eisu .. , '(14 U40tives ' 'Ind bein utiloa4id. an Suvdayo� April 70, will be as.fol. I I - -1 ­ I il Map . were ,preseft froax �1)un#as, , . . � . I - � . __ I . ""r_"� ­ I ,­­,�._ �. . . � � the pro)*#,v so that this' may be la,-� . . . . . - U 11 .... 'o"d 141�lty- Aar4XoisDT.%W lit t�w',orclt* 'he eou, laws.? 10 A.M., Wn's Isimasy chib". , 11 � . . . 11 , .. I . . I . ' cluded in. future J.1ftileW allteriients . 0 ereto I , - - I I . . . ' S�p �Qr %6114�* cle*StOt Ann$Xs #Ad 'topic* 411a Wever. t9Q late to - . � .. . . - . from 'Mi�, X 4 Salkeld,-� � � . . . , .f Inenil" ' . I , I ; I showing the aiiiiets of,the club _ JXaAJ4_% I so �110*111r ,0 larj*t,utther.of f6rms is being con . . � . , Introduced by . ... .. I . sh I . . ­ I . Tue melber, ip f#0­Ij'Iof*' t1i Thf-BrUs"J* Post voters- to, tile dea a. - - - . , , . 4 less * . . ,� 1. D_ I I. . C, At 0 . , th StrMte - ,, , , , I I Mission 'Band, ;C . for i0bristian I . 11 �� . . . 410no as fast'yv of a. lyrothir of Mr. J. E. Speirou, , . -, , I � . .. I I—' .., . � " . xr;:aamely fli, and,the . � Ao,, I i? , `.­_ I_ -,-- � _:___.�­ .. � - I. - ­­_ " _ "''. ....., �.. . _ ,_ I—_ ­ - - pfoite 4t..tbe .Wliier fliet of'boAi%,V4II6w0,h1p,,!. I worship", -'_ '_ . . ., -3outminents -will be Boyfleld - iroa& , Ito vom=1=4y, vai � - � _ ' 11 - - t ia 19 the - . . , . ' :usual weekly t � "t, but:64 4%, Unt are � ecinion topic, it I . I I I -IstiOp WKW, YOU ARVIWITED TO- 41-1010 -:. - .held durint,the ooming season, . , - - indeed Mottled, On V4�,Ofiti4 ', �U'o , t . I'liho b Yet . - . I * . - ,o* ,ro. Z=1 '3' 4 . . I I I .. I X . 47wa ,1 JAs,P4_ W-Pno 0 tbO. very mach land to be po�sexsed�" . s I . I '� The , appointment, Of A caretaker , at when It was Wtui4 t4of W�slp$ . us, X1,11is '*rretaoa'V�M . , . I , .- �� . - 1. � . I I 11 , - . . 11 r+ G "'L Charcli 1SchQQl. 7 p.mos, oviontrw , I . I 1, I I WEST. ISIDE'OF SQUARE ' . I .", . I � � PROW 4.10 Was, loft to ,the grounds committee, Spoiran, youngest Soo OfLuke speti. lu .. I 4AThe ,. � . . I. .. . Ur. Weirlisving decliaid to Accept 11 ;�tl. Greatest TW44 . . . . L' I , I I . ,in the World. .'I- , I � . . I I AU& R, 3'.. 11heY all $016� LakO worAlp; p0je . . I . I ... .. I an'of Grev tw­q%id jwsseil Suddenly � V , ,, - . � � I _. p . , rio to. load .. . I . . . . . I .. . I poop= . A*Ay at ias hom;44ioiii heart troublek 'add, i4rib froul. the IT -he i*gular :�;41ui, �1 - ibe . I ­ I .... . I - . . I I . - - � - _____ _ , .1 I � I . 1. 1. � t� I . , - ==0=..00__,. the work for this Year, . .., Gin 'Veis. Soho. W.M.'s-, . � I . . . " 1410011.0 . I �� - � I I .. � I— ­ - �, -1 . - ­ � - Mr.- Joseph, Byopbov bas been the 00' *40 $tr1oko",*ItMut A -*omeutls S I I . �, ! � I . . 4-1- -q ---FM-* Ite, of - the ,xw* �elevjitor_,Xanex, is � of North, 'Areet 'Unitod. church WAS -, I .. . . =!!1,1:1:­� !1 ­�===== . ivarbing, hiihwt,*�0tubod, in ;114 'usual � 11 . - , . 'e, . � I I I A,'ble pireeident aftho 00 for.thd Veit . I �, t � . _' 'd �- q . 'hex on'Mond - , .� I -fi.ve yists and It was orsly_.on his, em- heAltlu ITO �, MO "' le, o - Mis boinkuseil WAll, ltw.#Ios*isld� 46 P" a'*"aAerAo0". -A,,J)ro.� . 11 . . #oo th�� V..44. * high prqtg��a_cquo- disparlt�, Pretidenp JTOpytr . bsk � . , iwvw_ 4 to tbe east of, the. - I . . , .. empbotical1v ,exprossed desire that the MAYMO Keft'�' 4* =- of t 11� R � R. tra�ks , orol�ad ,for additional grAm. suitable for Vgstot ,bod. been I . IrI.M., At Pat*, .,& , I � to enict further l6gislgtfoo fo,xg# , be Into bor to provide � ir. � ju.,salkewi- The � I I I 10000111��Co "�- . " � I . I the 'end, that the UfiIW $tot*4 V ,a better -0ould be Psosed aroanil that he HeAVY x0s, ;4i" a family 'Of -two, ..­ � I . I � . . - - I . I _ill , �, ro .1. - - S. ,: -"-.=_t____o . . I i � . . , it looks Ilk, a 44Y of,exponsion in , 0 4014 purchase ,even 1031A from C SAMI.A. .was not,resipPointel Mr. Tsyloads d*iWliters, Mlsje�:Moataa 4A4 ;Wesn, traeRASV; � Seri - 0 lin arrangement oftbt­ �. I , - iN - ted his o of the resurrection road: respon- 1. "tricli, We bave the 0011colate Another way of looking At th There is no reason why,C4jja�*;isb&W -was tl* vice prosidont last year and 4ArvW0;, to holil.in loving me ,.Xr.'W6s1ey Walker has reit *' ' ' , � . � Ago Pension is stiggosted I _ me I. bousii,� 6h Albert street.4 formerly sivey, Mrs. W. 'T. MeNevin RX -e a I . ! I -was .mo%�ed uti,to, the 'higher post. , good and.14ving, fAther., ,The lael%s!, . I I plotting, to provide i1no'lit'r obips, , a '" 4rt- be SuNervient to any coulifty lit, the -Ther "Muli'llad 4' 3"embel d ce of the late, I IcFo 11i'Tho Faiiaeo�'Stiii '"leb tskos� *Ave "qhip last 04 .48 also Survived by lits 4ged fath- known* "" h reading entitled, "Money Talks."' 0 . Toom,,after having already provided , r1d, and we istake the m4e-up . � . an if Vangd*.doo . - . . the . view, that the.osct, will. beJair,tr of the C�nadl M % Uot -Ve�kr Of iboat AIXDV It.1d the p.1o.'pe6tS; or aW .three brotbers 4n4 f6ur`.siS. 04 J.,A.Fowleit-to Mrs. Thorrs6loe, Role of news from the mission fleldp,-, ­�, . . I is 61!0aad first form. Atid W,6 have , . . 92 � 800M.N�As . I I . I for the �ioit�f.,,of','th.'o,,,irAonietp4lities :adopt.Dr. Manion's sugpstloa S" -for the I . 9 sesson, are bright. . ' tetam A veo"impreqAvo ; Who will remove to it from, Xlagitra were. given by btro. Theis. 1ohniton, . � the' new hospital xepovtltW* time$' m vondupted by Rev. D. X Ith 'her . . - . I � Polls W1 _: - family sheAlY. , And Miss Alice A1111rcW$ TeAd an In- - ; . .1 I thaft fixiposing all 0ditl0aid IbUrI100, -tell the United - States, tourttously, - Goest� �4, , . '­�-- a., ­ � I when vxtrit cots b4ve tod to b3 put 0 0, I . . or ex- - � Ust Thursday a quittette of strat� Cit.v Irour, ,SqU4Te.,,- b.V .,Mrs�. U.. 6. RES r, h le Xanjulsdu-p Arrangements, - have ithe elevat I on them. "A,great, deali"' it soya, but plainly -and 190WILINIG AT THR,ROYAL� boAutifttl feAtuie, $-eing a solo, -,'Ttie teresting paper on "T . . emphatically, ,that , The ,Story- of: ' . L � the sou Canada, 4oeg not have to e#t Ary 'ford 't.QV AMONG � TRE CRIURC "' A"' we or tit sl& "'Will de0ad i4odo o - broad while the Unit , lots vi%lte4l. GOderlCh And W W� of:Brasse&. Ploral tributes . jst�d were, . . to ding ir on the f 4011418 I h .ttlolig 4 X14, ttew4rt, ot C�Intorl; assl- completed for the thank -offer- . , 6� . - tration �Whteh to . ,ed States work, , - t 0 his b� . � . 0. . I 1i -h4ve theirn battered on both Go4prielt h- i "o' �iin r � w ieb eeti 1. . . 4e"lves 44 U munt "On P.110504 A Aolrlesv-of t1ve games with were beautiful.,, 0 4 Als h wilso tholi, t United , ng to -lits held on April, 17tb. � .. � I I clialiti,oz - Th 0 � - Nolk atteTe in ta I I . � ese .Pxe to,pay. twenty QeS##o4.Can4d ,wle'ri at the Royal Alloys. ivas, i ver WAY evenin, , ho�r solo 1! -_ I I � I � .­ . . -1 ;'�.,�uv.l��S. ' ­ 7 ­ I � y laroreik itt-brided,,was he14 oburelt last Saf I wan Miss Clua Preston, lately ,of . . I . per optit.o.where they are %ow poyft _ - . The C;O*-r,k Ronan. China, will be the Speaker, 4qf e1;qA1mmIrratl!)h'Pq A Pin -Spillers -4d a little on Frid$0- 4tern0oh." 11he .0allbe4r . . , I . . �Jipy� of this one hundred per ont. It is stot. cloar .T Co. C. L )FINANICItS, ' t1to bost,4 �,4 sooj�lng a total of, 5 - being. inuch.'apjirociated. . miss Bmilie Buchanan and Mrs. Wnt. . A.Vontry !Ind been wise �Q,Successful � 870 ers were old friends, of the,'dicegs,.�d .- 'Rev. J'wt".n, Xclutaish, of Toroutoo . � " players, against 5044 Artrus Brown, Ale,3� 906trais, Itichird will conduct the services inthe DAp- the presbytoriaI . *e should have, in Cataft. today, In- that tho amount now paid fortho I . ' ' 11 _�' . . . . for thely-Axe Strachan ivereappointed delegates to,s . . I for th . . et, , .,. varo, of tho aged poor will'be later. EstIM009 at Receipts $ad .ftpendl� Th & C4*'*.�r!W's q0infbtte- " '' (RoMiqsont Wilfrid' Whitfield. J84cc, .tist church on . Sunday next,. Yon me win Exeter. I " - , , , I � I .. 'cladlag ear "t"'Al lnc'ear"�' '?,965,' ially - Increasa,"' , "The =0001uni : lltir"� (Or Y,eair l920'S,qbMIttieJ * I a st r's f I , . . 0_-""ftP"_-_-**_, . . � . I I 1� I . . � . - I . for- ' TOW10 CAUAt I'At, Last *00ing ' I -Kn6x,chuich next Sab- I I � . O�00 410760,�*A)41041!04 RM H. H, $t(P to , at the a1sdJ%U,0, this mett"S'leagUe Uathw011 and Hermab Whitfield, are invited. , 11 1 � I ­ . . . . . , , I .1 I . ral. , :I,sis as followis : .. ' '.1 � .1 I I . l enslon will be twoltundred and . I - * . . .. . 4SHT6M-After onl�;.a Wiif. Ill.' Services lit, . viniii iii. P. ior vancoliver 460,46% to 1) I . , . ,- , , �. t. . - I � � . Won Lost I ty,46114ra a year, andwill be rod*ed' '�.*, �,4. 13 � 8 ness ,Mrs,. Thomas Ashton Owed bath m6rhing'aUd-eviening, 11 a.m., . , I I Lione, .;..�.�, 1� I I . 11 the',budget dob*te,, "But what iseur. � The followille.tatitilAtes of veceip,6 Original CA`STORIA� � I by the amount of the P61mion6r*s, in. aw0y. on Wed'hesday, March:27th at, Vgcr�mcnt of the L6rd's'Supper,- 7 . . and expendfitires', for the $Iear, 1929 � 13 *.� �0 t' I 2 . � , I � � ! � o . POPRIoltion"ic��rdft�',.o�'tho-'�Ilt,ellu Of come itr.o.veos of o - , 11 �:. - . , , Saltfotd ..i ...... "o "I" 1� 13 8 the home ,of her. dau06Dj, Mrs., jt�7., p.m.,. Rov. Goo.. Booth- Sabbath '." . � .1 . I I statistics? our,octU41 ftulation IS no lluadr`c4la d I were submitted- - , - .1 I . 12 6 . I school and Bible dasSes 4 8AVelocu. For luftto =4 Cliftev. � . - . I I . * twenty -live, 401lars'". 1. . . . � - 1, . Gir Getters -.._._ o,,, 10 ill eph' Sixecliler, 1?ArkSft*et,_ tit the good * I , I . . . I �� � 016WI00 and If we deduct 1hat from , ,. : I . - , I . � EXft'XD1TURZS .,� . whizz , 80"00. ,­.. . ". 8 . to of - elglity-sevost , 76ars. Mrs. Thb � services- itr Victorla,st. .United , 10J"1101rdi6liftyosti, , . I f o I 'L � . , . I . I i � I . - . . Cost,of Instruction , " ...... 4 17 Xs,wn 48 Toptierly, A, Knott . . �, I . ,. 66 figure 1 04vo, a luometit'agi) we It Catuds turned"do,vo the'veolproelty, il . ''I I I I . - I � chureh'noxt-suhilAy as 011ows" Vel- Always beara ����, . No � p"10 8.rri,; WorAlp, 11 a:th.'J. L . � � . 1100�4'66,40�.'10*1 shrit.1kag,00t 1,2ftoo , Teacbers" - salaries. ... - o. * 18,460.00 . reh- 20th thor J�Ions had, ono.gante and 8 � was I Urn' in1reciiialth" lowshi _ the ol.,, 01. - , , . � . ,j_-46; . 11act of iol-l'boo4oso AQ siw tit - ** , , . lived,tuitil hir �marriago, The Sacritment &�tbo'Lotdli; Supper 8 I 1�. la *6 4*st ft,01"sevea, yffiro. at the' Substitute teucheft',,:_�..;.,�%'Wo. to. -the: Saldo;T4 teatit'a two. C. Bob. W'hollo . ignature I � . I I . - l'uhited - stat4s was going to I . . r, pirt other life, *as 4pent will be administe'r6d. .- Sun4Y , 4001 I . , . , , __ 111. ­ L _. � 10. IstoA06-, oX&V*(VhI1 _,ft *4p the S-upplies" I f * , , , ertign had thi high aggreggt� toi the L -1. 1. � I . :*e I . � 1, . -.-- ___ � mudr-'4reator-u4van4w;--0a . --- c "191 , . . 1. .. 1 = _AC 0 to 113,_�but-_."ruen- ­ ­ ­ ­_ , - - I ­ . I I ; ftlwu ,64 . A_ . - _y)?M . � ­ . , I.. � , � , U. tewwak-6f,can. 7evc. - '.. �.4o... . ': .. ns-660-*W-fV-�441, ptv "A I sin-- �` 11 -11 11 ­ ­,-.��:.. :11 ­ � ­­ ­ � � . � . - ­.-.� ;- _�_­ ,., - . . and "Oti, It that the United State:! , , � .!N�11�1-1 - ,._ �, years, ago, bit t1i - � ,g -,, -r*-" L .� 10 dop , . - gle-gsime X001* .1 i *40, " 04 * - .4, 1" 11 1. . . , -e deitth,of,ber butt -, I I . .. _400 - � � � ­.­ , , I � . % . . - I Nlolforl N . �, I � , wt . _4p ,�".O, "*#Able will frgT46 her-tri*,.trcJ,tI - find tar�, :. , " ." - , - .- -, . fi�', W. ale .1. "-Wt1i for aggre I 4nd, shq, 'vh'. .8he J . I i �!*; �, ! ,�, I ........ � 1. ­ ;.. § 0 -A1141 11 "I . I, I . .' I . es � . li Sof gh . -Atio.ved'to Ooderi . 0 11 . a. ,1 "I 14 I .� I w . .,. "' ,, * sury'lved �,bk -'Ooe isister, gis. . leage " � - I I , , " I I . . I I - . �1,lffs tot the ad6itage of he* v"'DOM 00K, of lkteight� ;Achol-Oon' for �­ I " �-7�; - .. -1 7�� �, ,. � " "Wit - I ,�h I _... 6d'�� I _;� I , iVate Wid single.,same, $67 Aita 2011* . . 'Ttef'* )y� � , I 1. .. ,?� I �.,­ : . . ,.�. #,, , ­.�. �,�, # 't t up to I . ,;-� .. "'. ­ - n 1. 0 Q110 , ,:I, " � � I . '_ . � 11"'! J'*!ttii�i*" - q'1110 ' . 41 -6f GWer-loh', and b , ' � I �, . ".Aj),11., % L i I . ji April, 2nd,tGOOrd took,,tho t1tre � I I I �Ifi ,'h 1FIiUi:; f I , . . � ­ I . . I - ple and Cafi'a4q. ,should adopt ,V4c ,, - �--,, . _6 y lr's.� - _-� *­ � ' I - ,�' L ­ - . , , . . ., " is and- two v r , � � I -k " 11 ;_ . . - - '. . _'. --- 1.11, 5;7,1"tructierk, � -. ,1t - ,,, gam�s,;froni the"Whizz-DAngs. W.� of two.,daughte, , , , 11 S-0 : . � - , .� :4...'�i, . . 'V�� P'. - L 1; � � � �.' � I ,:�,_ . . ,� . . .-.%, '��k L , , . . I . . ,L' -. 2 %"&W,I%26dk 44*44010 Iii I vate 00ticIP16% even though' -Agfies .� , , . , 1; " I I I ., ,;V7 t L 001- cut _WS solaty"..'..'... .-.$ 1,006"00 Bleset *04 Xgli'againIfer tji4 wln,� Joseph _Ruechlei * And 7XV0; '. Y, I I � � ;. I � �. 11 1, . . � I I I 11 � , . . . . ' ;1 , 11 .vame *r od, init doductIV the i,Ukephall '2nay. fear, �iat the' V, .. I �n;t! . . , , " '­ - . le, I I I - $- ,Supplies ,fdr Ooatiltik and ' , Jewell, of 06dorich, and ,,0oq,r - . .. L � ". . , " . " . I aaer . .,. . deathe, $94,000. lf'Atn Stevens' fig- . ,va is it ,�. . . 21M.'With T7$ agpogAte.,and 295*41n- �ge ' And. , � I . I . I . At B.,. - .. � I . :1 I � . . I . - , � � - I � , twill thifik Us funny poople. Aa Pait- .,-Wk �.-... � 700 Ste gat�e, and TpV,,the WIsizz Bangs, John A-shioh,.of Colboine Aii(l Tuck.' � , . ' "" " , * , . . . . I 're? near . � I I t, ., - I I ures aro.a"V�ho , � I . I I I -, I ,� I _. 1, . ... � I 11-11 . I . ; torrect the 444 News' put it , 1 acl,.$ ; vlo . _ orismith t6wAshlps regpee,dyOly.. Mrs. . 6pd.- Los"' '" ., I . , . I � M . . . . militlon"Arfinct Ve ca;lcd sallsfact- 4 , . I ctlicityli ;Oa;. ' ` A.� Ifty4or had'.tho high aggregate, . I Apr' , , �_ , ill I "I . . . I . . TcrtaWy tho UnitW StAos have , 8 e : 1,10T-00 052vad W, ,0QrrIck;.th& be 'Ashton WA,§ .4'.1nembet ,of VIONlia � , . , I . I ., , . - . 1. I . - I . i . I � % - . ", \: it � .., I at for one I . .1., . . . � I � I.. ... . . � I 10* ­ ,'� . ,.� V 0 $36,* , , ls,;;��W. , - ." 4treet uniterphurch. and the- fitfieral , . . . . �. I . � . � . _�. , I I over worried over-wbat mig*Att -hap- ml , .1 . . . -,� .. . � .1 .1 . � . . '.. . . � 1 .4 . . �� I giw�, 246. " I . I � � . . � .,L � . I .1 . .. . . _. � � 1, . I . I I I i4 . . . � . I 4 " I It Pon to Canadian tradeL At8, t%e rayslat of o0ti I . lies 50-..*,.* 95.00 1 140 ume ove'aing Ote originals servic0s, on`FrId&y.Ia4t werg. con4pdt- . '. , " .11 I . I . . .� a . .. I � .. .. . ... . -_ . , 1 I . � . One thift, %about it k9hil I 1�-iblr iheir tariff Adjustments. Their pol. '* 4 , : 1: ...!.�r�.. - I ­o� took the three stralght.gotabs from 6d VY'the*pa'et6r, Rev. M..'.0 Porn ' . � . . I ' � I I . . . , � �1� ,,, . - �,, . k .1 �' " _ * . � * 9,263-00 t -hg-. Ga Gettors;' - 0. _CbApmAt% Vgs The iW146arers, word hfemrs., 0orge I 1, "I . !, r � I �t I . I low tit -it N *34tt that " g6voxv- I y . for thrte-quarters .of A - tottury - I . b I 1*�I,,, &'Ps", _,.�.-,J 'tit . , � . , -i . . '0 Odtgo6hlev 10vestmerift.."I.,.- ," I . . pot of voke Wings aita ,hicu man, or,the winneig"'wIth Aa_ L 8416010: - I , . $ ' , ., �ECIO .,doiiver a;,"Ji1�0 as -been America Pirat. That is tho *P of .. Hal r � I 'tirLA 1"16 is 011% I ,� ecil Ajilito ,. I i - .,,C n*'Lorue Ash . I ;,, , I � . �p 1, 4 �, , I � ., I .Q gre � - IM11 4111d, -Ho Ashtonp " , 11 - , . � - - - - I " ; ; ` `4 - -.� . " - ` � . 6 ty Xt"ails , . :, . . � ; I .1 10"Andow gimi I I � , I ailloi�ul,�of,k,ovttiue'oii,-arti�lei'iiii�ort. policy *Mvh tho cons6rvativ T*r to score of tOP- LOM6 . 11 ; , - eil wl*,rea,,4 the W �­t"41­ -­ � 4- Apairs to- buildings and 314� For the I Go' Getters, P. , sqd. Among . . .. � I 'di * . i , �gxtis of � I . id1vocates4or Canadg"a policy of 1. Elliott grand866K. of th� do�da I - contains WI e ranj I . &- , � J..'�'js' 4,p I 1 . 'for the .. ., � �. .1... � , � gie ofsel�qt'043­ " � . . 9 *T pr"'"." 1-Cansda First, sL Volley that will pro- grounds ''... *.. 4 . ...... 4 4 "050.ta WAS high, withtft*gato-of 681 and friends who veto, preaeut . � - " 1. . . � , importAtion AM tr4*s'�JUI, "' I . . . . . . . I 'O vito game iscore of 961. !, , . I secu I rities'suitable for investmelit.`.* - � o ".- � �, * I lactoiorlo pock,ot,whit ' 0au* tOt the Arliters atid,the manufooturi. inisiranta� ,. � t- t s. * * 4 v 4 # 10a. � - . � . I ftineral,fiom out of to," ivire-Xr& 11 1. . - . I v would4*tur- I 1� . � - - "-* I John MlrihaOse, 6f Unilop, and Mr. , I . � I I I I eres from unfair tomp.01104". 4 palics, lloxes ......... t. *... I 4 o. . - 18.00 1. . I I . . I . � . L' � . . . . , . .11. . I I " . . . L . . . . I ; . ally enter the treitury Of th,� St*te, .1 that would presel-ve the home market I — , ­­ , 'He6okt..,qrW`h,,qf Clinton.'. . , I . . I I . . ; 1, . ,ftll tkViffs d$ . MUNICIPAL COMILS 's"4 W" I. . . . . � I . . puirpo$01S. il � . ''. L . . . I . � _JVt. make for� high for the ,home producer and which !�:*N- ­%. 3 309.00 � 11 � I . I I I . Goderl P L , . I I . . . � . . � _­ ­ I I . , rovetkiAts or'suriloti., , , it VCROur' I - tit Towashl, 2 " ­ W L I. I I . , - 1would visely utilize -conadlo, Cost of Admini0ration of 8thool -. BwEr �*- VX: Topics ,,, . , I . . . I c I , The ab,3vefroitt The Cos.,, I . . -, - I . � . .. I I . �, . I - . I . 1.-_____-__ Ullverton Sun - 1he cou'Ifell met. !it Trolints"I 10 oil � The drilling itud blu #ng in the cast . . . . . . .11 . I . I . lfielpslo� sbov( what has been joing . . ...... 4- I ,-I- 1%,larles Of seentaty And . Monday, Apkil 1; A reply, from the : end of the buibor 1i g3on on merrily, . . . . . . . I I I I . I tmasurer . * - - - # - - * - .'.'. .$ 115XO Hydra Commi � 9 . . . . &Pf'of, th , . . I " wl�en V,tderal Gov�,rnwoitts A4vo, Low tatift or no tariff Conaiifters, 0 . I . is booklei on rqW,st. . .11 . I . I . . � � . I -Importi; h&V6 .1*0- .1i try to (Mee Supplies, -printing. And,. . I rpsolution of tho*,coun6ll, favoring the . Xr.� Noinigh Lowis Is 14ving the I I I I . . . , I , . . - 1. . . . I . . .1 I . .,. . . . . ., larv, suroii!�� ii,,League Ottaw4i. correspondent - stationery . .. I I ........ -development of- powei! oil the Ujit- promises on; vamilton Street f6metly . � . . . I I � I L . lizo r, W. It6bing jitted I . . ,... . . I I ' I I inalm the talk of retaliation ,against Exansin tionN ;5 , � iple4 by U I up ­` . I I ,� 1 I . I ; !J L. 1090. MCOUVAged, by 1Qw't4W1ft8'-And imposed a 00-, VA. - 1;1 land rWAr 94�0�1.tbe:oiltliaated cost per 00ot I , . I .. I . ,.. . .1 I I . . � I I 1, resulting in adverse balances oft Increased tarifts likely to be test W; soudries.46...., 049.04; horse power 'an' $05. This the Com- as oilices for himself. . ' " . I . . . . I '. � trade. A' proteetive�' tarlN, not *ecs i bY 010 United States 4914114t Cana, _ I . . - . mission deems excessive, being' much - -Work On tlw cic&VA0611 tot the ad- - I . I 1. � ol essAVILV a high tulg but safficj��htly 4ou product I , k Adiculou8 by *say- � $ h47.00 morc� titan the *present ,,site. -dition of'SL George's church started �. . , b*ftIM024. SWUS9WIM - I I . : . 00 I . � . _�­� . . . � 'high to.tneouivagu the witAishment Ing thatwe wowt be made atty Imp- Cost of R,e*o&1II1"1t Ana Enlarging I I A letter from the Okputy Minister an "ruesday. The, Addition is for . . . . . — I I ­ � 1� I . � . I of irldo8tries in, C,al%ada and to, Ingke I pier by paying r4orb for our oranges � 8011411- of Educitlon,, to the proctditra to be choir. loft and.sacrist;V.. . . ., I MONTIROL - - .90"U"I"I . . wo"Jow - . � - "Lr operation pralltable, ,provide but sucooed only hVinaltint, them- Payment of debenturo bond. . followed In the formationatu'llition , W. It. Robertson and lack Jolibstou 1.6"MK rm Z ". WO4 1pt*W,04 . . � $1 . . I VPNCQuvft: . . I � . : , . ,employment It Cotisadx forthose, who sovok look rialtulaug, We had not and interest esupom....$ 3,990.79 school section was re4d and filed for w4ris winneis, of the first I Ze in the , . I muis o"i IrdRaWo, 24 mftst. jL I . . heard of any ,demand W Canadian Cost of �geerjsttioa ,(including - future, refe.rence.� . . Mettesettiog Calto V101s. ellmin. .. �, . . . � I voult) otherwige twitr%te, to., the . ". � for LMiateaten agatatt I 'Clorps) . . Cadel, Some of the grayel-pit, ownerp. ap- Allen _t I #, �Mqonpy , ,, , I K t vowtrkl� Nrow&,*V� coviucK 06%rio an U'D I . - � . StateN. . QoVernment -_U*10"S�,do not ADr&IMXO SrOWCTIN I I ' . e asking %bat the I I I I '� � . . I . I . . I . ­ . I . � . I . � . . . . t1oft (they may tutin Jutt-the oppos. to 10 but we do remombor 's4ex� , ftpplies iind eiltilp- Vi 0 Of'graVel be Advanepil to 15C. I . I . � I . 1. I � I I . I 4 . r*cessarily indicate a ]*a1thy c4tt& foreign oranges . . I 6 U , e � � .1 have- heard it Very istreaer 1.0instad lent . I ..$ 35.06 :PAIC canned howevc,r 4ecided to leave . . . � , L . I � . I ' I I - , ­ . o- �..... L I . .1 . I . I . .1 I Ift4e). ftvivihg� iodustries, hiereaging from opplo, growers In the OwAitagait secondary *11001% athletio the price the same, as formerly, unle. : , . � � I I i., �. � � . . iticet lit Goderich in 10294 75.00 ly 12e. , I _11-11. . I — 1- . . . "pulmim And favorable trade balan. valloyfor the involdog. of triti-damp- 1, "' yots, W I .1 1. , I .1 . - tes are thfinitely, superior as * bitrow Ing rftuutlofts whith would Prevent ­._� M. If. t*wden Wrotts claitoing- &n. 4 . . I . I — - �_. ­ - . — 7 - _ _ ----"== it=: t==!0�__.tt:=!tv _ � I I , , � . , . 1101111116�11 AMID. I . � I 111ttler ot thi& (-oVatres Vvon*rlty. tht domping 4 VAlted Stites apples I . $ 110-00 ages to his property by water, an this �i . I I ill ! I on the Canadian inniket, at prves PermarAtat Improvement wis quit6,6ut of order, tl,.ct letter wus DHOk-71 I , 1! , � . Thoo. M011111an con always to de. ,whk,h would mealt the askerlGoIng *f LibrAm $30; seletice equip, to be filed. . . I .. . I L ments, $30; exblact,, $90.. 150.00 The fbllqwla�g accountswere order. 0- � � rouiltd. on for onc�. thor,itigli-going -the 0wadisii ,product 4* a lost and , ZtAzWos I � . . ffte trade st"tl� In 4 lession. wo do rentember to 'have he�ard � �___ ed paidt. Suliviatendein.'a psy vou. - 1 4 1 . . * Total t1stimAted oxpen..$o,.0,4o.,9 cher No. 4, $"=49; Austin titurdy, I . 11 . I . somtWhat similar demand froul. on-, RE(%IPTS -i . Z Auditing, ft Jus� Johnston, nuditing . � . I I I 41 . � , ; . � 41 � , grower� . Oftd,pbstage, $8.406, Reg. Sturdy, val. , . I . . I Thoso, who atgtio ihat a country tario veg(ttl1c . �� I I I � .1 � *Provincial ovant............4'I'w'.0.00 , ving sheep, $4. 1 . . F � *. * " . . ,gag -vll only tQ,vomtrlts from which, Ira I*:, ))QN�Ttment Of -VAtfohiii De' lJourned to inect I . 1� �� . I'Vie. virest"hteenditiall of attic - ' , . The council Mcn. w I it bur., hence'diat Ntwu sloula put � - M Ad 3(W flth..at I.gq . 11 .. - : '. I . - - I febee, UAifttt0AnM,. Cadet f I . � I . � ! I � far too lop-iii4M. Calip4last spriaAL �, , " , levy. ; . N* .11 to obtfiele, In the way d V. 0. goods, IV, purelisve goodil to ttle, vjat ,01 .....�...# ... o I ry." I * : ; � _ uelforals ..'.' I ` " 'fi: a'. 111OMPSOR, 10", -Tl-.'-- I � � . I I . "-*"1w . 1. I ­ -1 - . . . � & I 'coming "it* "'a", 0* tha;� " ""y ' M(* I*r wrion froX tht TwIllited I � . V006ty Grosta � � � i - . . IN . � � - "Chilleftl Mint �0;qua�. . . thould 01tpl"in 'how the StAtes mclrli US gom% ftvm J!jjad* tfo t'ht. i%lue a,* 1F*'i*l* Grant, under s�c. . . , � _ , sp, 324 1924-..... IMO.Oft '6.6 . . 11 I I to Much Awl buys Ito fitV.0 rcoill U., only $.I per ptra)", *hd dopito that -- - V. 's. $4. N ncqw ft& EATS , I I 1* able to sell our SooA.4 to tat,V. 8- state!" while the Afflerks"11 pulvh&�! 16, 0 144q,*4 ....... 4 80100LIMPOIt". I. . � a i iw t . .1 .- I—. _ .,011.1.�!��', 'ngii I- . � . __ - - , County"s R)Aro of debeittur" The follaw, , the ropott of Un. I . . I .1 I � 1�___ - ri"ft�_!��! --­­-­­ . . . I ­­. I . . . i ­_­ � . . ­ � and Inte%Vst coupons 6 ... � L06.11.7 7 loft sehool No. a -for the winter term. I . 11 . I i . - � --- --- I - - ;� � Natues Ave in OV41(.r of merit: sr. IV. I . SPECIAM /IV .' I . � . * 81587-107 -Uwelya Sotwfby, Robert; Oke. Jr. 1 � , . , I , I . I . - XVv�CIAV% ITATIMe, 110% Sawerby. � I � - , . � . 0 1 1 1 1 L % MI'Vellim"Us weelp" I - ­ �sz r. 111"ohn '"Atmers Maurlgq Xq. .1. FNsh and Cooked Meats It i � , I Examinations, It. S. Ent., . .� .. . 1 $1 4 1 1 0% I Ilwklilai, Mervin McAllister. Jr. llt�.- I IM10 2. I I I ' . $'*'- DtPW"Iolital #M- - 2S"'Willie r4tor, rtkkbard Potter, Join . . 11 9--, I . I � I I 1� � Loreate Your, ,- Fec--, inwwriter *nd thent. � � Soweav, 4stfinley MocIlwaiN 'Gerald 11 ! Irlsat Fruit AW Vegietahl ' It ­ , auoi es. * . I * 1W I icAt ........ k.44..$.*..P.., 1. Orr. Griihmn Johnston. $0conds- I � . , , 'L I I Adamton, mculovial Schel. Eric MOAllister, Maurice Harwood, 24 i 0 , I . Own k' I Afthip PUrkil. � ...... 4...� t*.*, Maitland raller, TAverw� Powell, *, A fall lift Of Groce e !. - . t. �urrepcy � , 5,tratlio�,n* Trust Yoh . ... �Itt- I Iferbyt Powell., Firsts-- Mildred I . riest ,etc* �, I I ; I � 14 is i. I . � - v�!*% ­­ - -- Viwelh m%old Faller. %ul"bor on . 1"� I All-new stoc&: I , : �;, - ' 10 � OUR owwrssllip of a Suings Bank AtefNitit" . 1, "I * 4 . �iroll go. Avor,ago *tt#i%hfte 1 -try. - - ! I , � tMal NNOW061 A101 . il I L. M. SNIFILU * ^ , 11 . create% it cutteney all sour own. A CU4W�- �iodexWs ,,6h&" of debox. I Teacher. , , 'COMO ift a"d $40 our 9004 and got y lVjringy(�Uf SigUltlifit jffllltlV With that 44.f ' . tore alid ifttt"At eoulwhs !m0'.t.5)'i - w-- �� -41,-�� 1 V . 11 ; - I , I 90-411to OF XNALTH I � �, *a r priciti. I ?I �� the 13ank (if Com"XWC 24ds the j�cstl e I General m"kirAd leri.... 12 �Inw.06" � , I - Ak * f . name to tfic,i0iftfity of youjrs�, a combination of I -­�,��l The Troatbly meeting of the (1,0440. I Awi0ers '" , 0 *. **.# 11 W-wo. 4 p.m. *Ad S P. AV. . !w , . 011,07,10k7lich "i'd of Health rm h4d on 1, . W inestimable value to vm� ff�im a busiritss *ad Total FAfi"*ted Receirts-.0".42101X611010Y II(Orn", twelent Mesers. I 1� I === - - - I � w ;;;;;Z, * . . v y, k A. D. Retwayt Oil thi� rhair), (ko. now* "a a" . Avisl viewjoint. whik offering OtW pnCtical In, A"tiow th the amve* tstifflatrA WA rCH I - tht Collft%te PA*td �*qairo* it for, 1 Wha4mer am M. llum4r., -01* AdV*019CIt Of WCAICUIAW 1111111111tr, Tht 0PAN11 i, 114~6**9 .. ­ 1. I .. . OV& WINDOW't � of o thor, w*0"t,of $W for 11"f to rvl[�- " Reports frevi the J*pattrocitt, of *Oft**# "w" 0 . -..111.1 __­ 12=01''111111 __ ,rge dollar W your crtdit in the Acaft%t 11Xnk - * * a --i'd-14, Vk% on &"k6)fMX M]". *,.-t v%plas"a'�'Iftelth Labotiitor4s ot I'movidoo ont I 1 ,4 Commerce BrAlIlLb. *ill 1ky the (mindallen for 4* W W01pr410,00W k4lfi�, Okus mak., town *Miller Pbow*d an unnalisfactoty :1,10; �112.11 -1 WAVR I * curttrict all �Jwf mAp, -I " � I I , I the WAI kvy for IM t,� 1*-, �1�. � ` comillon -Mo. rch thih, bat "kul'o"Unt I 0116., Rift oft"Unt "Of *tft5,!!,',1 w�i��,: retwt% Worth 2**,l A*- t .*Mh FtmNl f 4 i - GEORGE Wo BAMU . *),Ali thp I r"101 I 6%vt fo�r JPM thepoinb1twas,fAir Thtf1t,otrelyist : P&O" 3" � I . 1. CAMDIM BMK ,%*A ort,water at 11w, htisr_ht of thp I COLD Awl f - . 11'� � ty ' " 0! " "' 0 � I I I I . I r � .011 , � I I I , I , .'.- . - , , I I ;, I 11 -q*n I L 1, - I I M*ersh * US"^ X � I .1 I '. - ' �.'- - � , .' , � LOiDR I , �, .- _J11 . ` � _ . __ .� _ .� 9 XV" �;�� cle th III 1(comw friends � 1411do 1 ,,, I . I I&. L q3t A ewy WJ I � �10 �bbor:4, 1110 . . I � I ob(bi a I I I I I " ; I 11 I 10 tll+:?� u tLio I 0-= - state 7.—.4 1 70000 1�. I I T * '" I DO. )0 , 1� I � . 1� I . � I I - - I I I i i I J[ItAgas�os,"*" - I I , � I _� 1;0"IM1410 DOWLING 4,1X'R � Lopthw f0A"*, w1wit it Wfitild l* ex" COS. KINGSWX S=ur AXD SOUA&,F. 1. T)w a M - I ftpotlow ot I)w, 4;odt, 1! ),W,1441 Ow wMer waaM )%� M tho 1� . -1. �� :�l 1. �� - 0 &V COWNERCE " rielt 1110*11ow (1uh was *VM ii, A�of, 1, *6TA for thev h6le P~ojl� A04,010 ODFFM 1� , 1. . I � . A . $0 Tow#h ftm- � 00 "" Mo rlijoe"Af I-* lqv*to% U&A I' #* youl d #AMa- , I 0 � "Ifit 06" ff emorsubm~ at* of tho prftomset. ur" � . I I � I A I � WANDAM *^NK (W CANWWA 1 TAOY. 6" Tv*Way rwoulaW. *^ iii s000k -em lre",r.4 f4 th #10 ,; 0 ""t", 2 ­�� I � - , -o dipt, # *eef*�,� I —I , ( Tun ) "tP44', i , - . . ! 1 W-4 atbftaeft*� - i"'wept", rol-ort, awl s0U0qWqkt �, " _ R 1� . 1L. .1 I . % 11 , -y * I 0 - - Attor,r. I - . '.., : ;�- , I .. .K1 11W AnavWist SqAt#nW1A pt'"Oolk-4, at will be S#m 400 satilif I M --=I . . 0 . - . I I - __ 13w 0* tup"woR. W, A*&Oloy rw*,P, 0 "P %*i0or'V — .. �,., ). , I � , , %"wtw1# Nor"t . -1 . - _____..___ � , " I