HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-28, Page 8•
caur, had ea : e.l away en nrue nail, mR. 'ARBE
ara['a'1 v.'�' : U.. lea t:'.+.7i`, ,tin,'uw<%nf
t peg @ te:use ct his (leant. It is tee•
a Now is tiro* tat latarvt
cad incl se -4
1 A?4 ciree edit mei teeir>.- Da t', c�7re a f.c;�lte bore cellar" - your
tell eta Anil %n�lty, moved. M ta'.Mra, ,.,.� __
_ . WAlpaper .
end their many friends lime extend diol 5474 nava tact fair eesare, and ne
T �.�.,.. dc: i:cst s; nai>atl: * to eislctn utx their ritaltc: what itoTaac you evs: t:'arlad sewinga► Machias
t3_,au 3 Cclef aanJ stl!, w. This fan- , that ermiwi .;:t it . t wn<:1 aside a aiiarral
' • Cral was ,hell on Tuesday afternoon a Earn .h.uliknr OVERHAULED
?a YOU 9•
Parts +Lots
08 this week, at 230 o'clock, with in
The hey -note to lie+
torment at 1;xalDat:t1> The 1n«diea' _ i,‘
Betts, Nattlles, etc
tenor decoration.
Have you seen our
new Spring 'panders?
We will be pleased
to. &haw you, or a
phone call pats a
Sample Book in you -
Gad Christ ehursh Bent floral ts1'' UUave you ofteat wished that old calla: 4
Mace, Allen R ao u baight lay and •e alai be repaired are rnade like rev.,
- swill he ea:lly caul Seel In the ih nxo dike ED 35,1'0 d01111:e the teegth • t its life MISS S.
ale al o by h.i3 bea?t 6ot:apaniona. et ecefail:eee " t�
Mr. and Mao, kis. I>ittle an;? faint- BRING TIIAT COLLAR TO t'S FOli i
fly, of Curie Cornet°°, vieitcd the : REPAIRS
!WYE) tatter. Sir. Albert M'Quoid, on
IMie. Berman '3aillips and family,
eatelny, , WE itl KE BAND DIADE COLLARS a'�ltafeking, spent Sundae' afternoon
The monthly meeting of Cm W. hl. ,. with Mr. and firs. Campbell.."
t-3. Will he held at tho home of Mo. , Mrs. T. A. Ca:reran received the
John Kilpatrickon Amid eth. A good
RLLIS+ f t cad news oyx Friday of the death of
turn -out is looked for, ti • • her brother, Mr. 1'urion, in Lanark
Air. final Mrn. i;ol,t, Durnin and ' turrets, Rods sod shoos County. Air. and Mrs. Cstnneron left
i ,tee. ter, Flora, .of the 4th comet. on tate nftern.xin train on Saturday
., nota, visitcd.Me. and Mrs. ,ant. Der -AUBURN •. • - ONTARIO to attend the funeral. We extend
, axin and Orville Sunday last, Phone Blyth 3245 tour sympathy to the bereaved.
Dir.. and Mrs. .lark Swan And Oa S ur>dsy afternoon at 1 pan. Mr.
QlerS k Ore slaughter, Marie, visited the formerern - -� ~ - - . _ ' Jvhn Bowles posed, away after a few
' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan, of - the president, Mt . Rieliard Johnston. day& illness of pleuro -pneumonia.
o t Thursday. Airs. WM. Stcthers who b spending . i% Iryrves to mourn hie loss ]ais only
-� ' • the siiirter witlr, he son, Mr. S. B.: ehitd, llliss Evelyne afro sister, era•
the rah con., as
w wen; d"' ( . ''Eh.1CNG Stothera,. of Essex, bee been tone Chas. Durnin. of near St. Helens, and
OR ALBERT Miss Pearl Irvin in vlsltfit her ere„ sick from an 'attack of bronchial
one brother, Mr. filler ilowlea, in the
pneumonia. ANte are glad to hear West. e We extend our sympathy to
Mrs. Neil Srlarzttan of •Codorieh, tet in Toronto, that she Is now on hire way to recon. the bereaved.
:pent the week -end at her items. here. Mr.. Geo, Tstanxley has rented his >
Mrs. Giro. Richxardson and Mrs. Jes- brother, \r•altace's farm, for this sea- off'
The Easter thank=offering meeting ' » LJNGA Iii
elle Oliver attended °tho funeral of the eon•
of the W. M. S. a t•ha.Atyhiiold cit- Several in this district commenced
former's nephew, Diaster Allan Green DX?ss Corn Errington is spending a coir Will be held on Faster Monday plowing' this week.
oft Detroit, on Tuesday, Marvin Gth. few weeks with Dies. Norman Shark- •
evening at Hackett's church. Revs' Frank Savage was home Fant God•
Rev. Win. R, Perry left for De. leten, Dir. Whitfield, of St. Beene, will give erieh for the week -end,
teat Menden rai`ternoon to conduct 'Tho TDung Peoptc's Soclety held a the address of the evening, lesidet Mrs. J. G. Glenn is visiting' her
THfURSDAF, .MARCR 2a b, limn
Full Fashioned Guaranteed SiIk Stockings $1.5O
`I hear are of Exceptional value and of splendid quality with deep gat al1
er welt. All the new shades are here and sizes S= to '10. Speeial pair �Y •
lit,g1:511 Wifidsor \tinfoils of deep lus-
trous pile, 2 only, in good designs,
browns, taupes, size 3 x 4 yards. Reg.
$So.00. Easter sale price , .. $62.40
Size: 3 x 31' Yards $40.00
Sizes 3 x 4 1yim s $45.00
2'4 x 3 yards $28.04
Two.piecd and two•pikcedifectshl
new all wool tweedmes and 'Iii `"and
wool mixes, very exclusive , styles.
' Sizes t 6 to 44. Each $10.50 and
$11,85., '
English Cashmere of fins; saxony yarn
with, bold and pleasing new patterns,
woven throughout. Size to to •i it.
Easter special, par , .75c
• Lovely curtains of ivory anarqu'isette.
with itoulxte ruftlea-1 valance, stitched
and triturated with colors of rosy, blue,
gold, 2!.i . yards long. Per pair. $2.75
Ivory shades and new Swiss designs
on Brussels net,, 36 x 2 i.� yds.Speeiai
each - ,
New spring styles in the heavy 111k,
beautitully trimmed, all sizes. Pair
0,25 411111 $1.54.
Wilton Rugs, size 27 ins. x2,"-; ;cards,
`Special, each $8.50
All sizes in the new gold seal quality,
new patterns. New low price special.
W4 A Its' Ha & SON
the funeral of Allan Green, son of St; nitrides social in the church hall evhieli there will be a e:taxied program. daughter, Mrs. Caswell Beckett.•
Mr. and Mrs, Jelin Green. who died Friday dishing. Come and brine; your friends with .Dir. 11ArrY Ryaii.'Of Goderich, is a •..,_
an Saturday of lett week. t Mr. sand Mrs. Prod „Anderson and you. Guest with lus•amoxiier: Mrs. Z. Ryan• fee will be charged 'the g'entlemeu, for estme time, had gone to London' ___ ee -
T`he many friends of Mr, end ytrf Charlie_ of Zion, spent Monday at Mr. _ Messrs. S..11. Stotlxerse of-FaseYa "Mr. and Mrs, et; J. Ryan entertain- who will share a box free with a lady.' for treatment and on his return re-
. John Green, of IJett�a"at, fawheny the Spm l+:alpairicl.s. and J. C. Stothers, ofc London, hold a ed a few of their friends, at ,their General regret was, expressed wirer a;ently, pneumonia ;developed and hes
this place, e were . shocked when free W. M..S, of Blake. church met • very successful sale . Thureds3�i of home recently.
news reached here that their son, Al- Wednesday afternoon act the home of• farm stock and implements Tiro it was learned that I ev, J. A. ss'Alker" passed. away lifter a brief illness of
cattle and horscg brought high pricer la t�week frroi visitingrt latte 's e r
of tendered
f t non and resignation
ted Baine pas- the satire.
r this distribout ct f years
Lit towo n -
Mr, Henry . Horton, who .leas been sister, . tltzs, C^stvoJ Ii:ae]cett;., '
manager of ieelr •frarms for several churches, to take effect at the.en of ship of Sombra, and had.been ix ecn
farm.__ Mr. Jas. ''Blebstere pureluteedt land• will ?1ao leeuged to hear that .he...as- •a--tlusswnaretette-Chia, 'where he -since. Ile -teas e.e.leL:.s,,�G outteort
the form opposite his ;awn, from blr> ia; sem what improved in health. spent some years previous to his ate years ago by his wife, who wee the, r
J. C. Stothers, lenge C'l t Miss Pawl Caldwe 1, of Kincardine, nointment as pastor of': this circuit. victim of a runaway accident on the
is spending thirEastcr vacation at the It is his .expectation to Bail for China hill just in front of their Koine; Ile
West Street (fprler!asa
(061M ..7 `f1l:f'IT'S 1'f:IR11J11:-Efi'-,r,1
F(1`,' 4PI'Ol'1"7.9,iF..:V'T Phone` 239
Phone 239
OVEN 'EVENINGS (by Ati<ax+artaussOnlyi
L ON '
Ey E
Goder h's
et'il 'e dda I iy*
moire 3. Bourque
f'tit:1'ttee r t'/`' .'4>lfiLJ`'"
A Pirate .Shp. Sails' 'p' the Mississippi
and *Captures a Showboat
QPERA pPRll9--10-•11
3'�E(1.i ,..1- Penet f 1 R11
• I.1' Ori
• of pattern and hats from our
fawn •kvot;k. oom, iii artistic de-
siging; • line. quality; expert
workmanship and individuality
of style.
ff� pp• A 7 .
s ..i i*! Y end c ivaS' ` 1•'
1,1T beat:a•Eatt.'et° Cosd:laru+
You .are cordlalt invited to
visit our showwroor.
•} p �a l • �.qM) MISS. aCV I A R �,:y y, p y}
We are Sole Agents to Ooderich for
for MEN and WOMEN
Iteini GloveMit Shoes rembine the wonderful sprung ineett
with the cert' latest in hots' and leather•..
When you put seat a► pair of GMve•I`hit Shoes you, wonder' how
there can the so murk difference in the and other *hoe that leek sea
meth like them. This lith is made itt width" front A to EP.
R e have them i fpr asa.tt in Block and Brown Kid Nu Dabs and Oe
ford* in PIMA .nd Tet ('Nit and Blaxk and Itroaatt'RMd.
Per Wirt err hirer them in Black Kid and 'hewn Kat
Ee+r real cot ttort, !tyk' and wear, try
Our Peeler ae ertatestt of Footweari. very' eers$ete itt all NAV*,
it ►aa
impossible to d' y;Item all in tate wittsiowi. bat come in
anal !.t .t• 44011K44011K nen a' . elht raw et Sprint footwear,
W. Hem's Shoe Store
years has rented. Mr. S. 13. Stothers' The many friends of Frank Pent- June, its hems his intention to return , rtinuous resident of Wawanosh ever
W EST' nE home of cher matter, Mrs. Geo, Cald- Abut the first of October is -survived by one daughter, Eveline;
31'[1 Cid Dt la it returned t well, - Mr. James Smith has leased the also by one sister, bees -Glias': Dar-
t The snow is mostly gone Again. And ogiate In t t te, a a week-endy It , A ' e; er Al Vancouver, S G: *The late Som. ik
Miss o Gladys o two re me o ' . Antliur Brown, of the Goderich Col- 100-a++��rc .farm. of Harvey Treleaven, nin, West Wswanosh,'andhone: broth= _
T'oranto one day loot week, l sin was vis. recoil
owned b Samuel Swan and er, A]len;liow2es: a 3iigh st+hool teach- 4
the ears are running_ once more, 'iter at the home of his mother', Mrs. will move to it m the nor Eater
C C Brown Harvey Treleaven is moving his Bowles, of Ashfield, Was also a broth -
E g d bouse'holti effects to the farm on the er. The funeral was 'held'** Tuesday
I The many friends We glad to' hear `eel` and
Dtl s leo
• talualy Of ettatford evaxe Sunday t; .'g A
guests with "the lady'at parents, iter. ed ty his uncle, .Samuel Sheppexd.
that Mrs. Geo. Snell is able to be sills all
ziraund again. . , a gravel road south of Dungannon own• afternoon from bis late residence,
service being conducted 1`' Re
Mr. Van. Johnston left en Monday and nfes.'Thos, fv: ;Allen. We 'understand Mr. Treleaven has W. Brown, pa$or
for Guelph. where he intends ~working 'fhe:llt•sse . 'Dorothy Allen and Mar -
Born -On
t r. been employed by Dir, H. Bob' to run interment being mode ' in 'Greenhill
one of the tatters bread -de demeteryr ueloaow. Th following
uli the railroad: Misses
of Ashfield uireuit.
.V e a > L e
garet Ryan, of eche s°'ettith r I•, tracks for bthelettemer, his dudes to teen acted its pallbearers:'Messrs.
Born .-On'Diainday, Dtrixclr 18th, yto were week -Diad 'gue;lts at their re -
4 . pec, i e • tt n , l on. commence at the beginnieg sat April Chas. Deemed Jas. Tnonnin, Chns Rit.
n erson os. to i -
lttr. and wire- tiV Johnston a 'bAby girl e t v homes, i Duet y
Congratuotions 1 ueh sympathy is expressed for dile, George '1 e , Th S tl
Alan Pentland is home from Gude- lktr and. 31irs. John Groep. formerly of ers And Aithur raliiftan.
We are pleased to be able to report rich for the Easter vacation which 111* -. v
• Mutual Life .
Assurance Company •
of Canada'
a tetahl?shrdlSC* •
fnAn'err,(cl; t IVATER.LOO, Otic
D. D. MOONEY., Agent
• Tong 250 •
N'onrir.e3#;. "OODCfIelt,'0;5'1",
that Mrs. -John 'Chimney, who has.
h 'll ted t the h of Fort Albert and now of Detroit, in ;
been ill, is .somewhat improved-. n *will
soh n e ome us pzi.- their bereavement through the death
eats, ,Dir, and Mrs. A, B. Pentland -Ire!
1 The saetslner»'afthe Lard s�supper 1ltx. lt. L. Raxci,ref . 3clerich. nesabout ten ' their li a taro. Hile son; sdeathaeaax a aids
will be administered in the Westfield returned. reeentiy from' the .\v est y
t United church on Sunday; April T. bringing with him a load.' of horses, been - a - tt oto the family :1s ie had
lase `ii--attendance-eat- -ached-cat-
Some of the farmers in--th s= vicin- vasea -Dtimeanthon visitor onSunday.1 teetrsdase Re uenhoe, from
Sty are busy m'a'lting 'mapl'e syrup, :but Mrs. M. Menary returned to.her about „feeling` ill. Pneumonia <l vel -
1 report. it not as good as some years.. Home fin .Dungannon on Wednesday aped and lull heart being'weak he was
The farinets have their incubators\, : utter spending • the : poet forth. i; at unable to withstand the +disease a and
set once more. 'Some have baby ` near -Pot Albert, where she was aur- rassed- awayon Friday. Rev« W. E.
c'- v t si tiri
ick u' os I ks ' spring n s e t
h sa n � a
t . I a>a A8 g
P � p Perry, a harmer pastor of the family.
had come to stay The taehcol ito:}rd. filet urs '1Vednes. at Port Albert, left on Manday after- l
1, • Mt. and'Mrs, Ilmeard Campbell" day evening. at the here of the secre- noon for Detroit where the funeral
visited on` Sunday with atbe • litter's tarn -treasurer, ; ea Iabt,: Davidson,` was held on;'Tuesday afternoon, in -
parents.. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston to transact., taxtstness, int connection terment being made a;, Detrait.
of West Wnwnnosh. with the . sc}iopl ;There passed away on Sunday, Mar.
We aro sorry to hear that •hirs.-. P. Ur. told Mi:. -Gro. Illi etaresq and 241h. another respected resident of
Girl:, ivho is staying with her Baugh- son, Arthur .1)u-;Maresq, of London, West ' %awanosh. in the person of Mr.
ter, Mrs. Marvin McDowell, is not are spending the week•eend zit the John Bowles. of the Lucknnow-Dun-
elinuroving as her many friends would rectory. Quest- o.:.their daughter and Bannon gravel rod. `1'he. late Mr.
swish. sister, Mrs. W. E. Perry., Bowles. who had been in 'Mot* health
"" ""'"'" 111'r. and Mrs. C. M. McKenzie end
• BAYFILLD '• • son, Malcolnx, mcto ed on Sandae to -
I ' `Fribt: Peitixa`le motored to 'London Clinton, where they ^•re .Tests with
They �� � d �. >;1 �'h of the Mane
on Tuesday+ on business. o fine formers wether at ,i. sistei 'J•r . et ft
Mr. John delete,. of Detroit, is visit- Onsi ;ill iss ea tor.
iii Dlrs, Green in the village this. Messrs. Christopher and William Acoatr•.nt: *nArt&1v' imm *Mswool;., Cook have installed a telephone at
Thefishermen etre busy preparing,their Dolce ' in. littngannon... Besides vril� be presentee try
their 'boats and nets for fisbia'tg, selling machinery,. they have the ag-
thoUtd #ire ice disappear off the lake envy in this district for Chrysler care. The %Qtts �aeopte s Sltciety
early. Mrs. Richard ice returned on
Me Harold Scotehmer, who under- Wednesday totter home in West Wit
went an operation. In Clinton hospital -nanosli, After a ^very pleasant visit. of Victoria St. United Church
last week, we are pleased to report, a Week's duration at the home of Mr. in
is progressing favorably.
Mrs. David tier stud with other a
'The hayfield Badminton Clete wen: friends. , +fitcKQ�t" Hall.
over last week one evening and Erie . Mr. Frederick John 3tutrr:s, d>i Ash- +
ed tate Corton Club a ma'tc'h, widek field, who had the m?sfortune of los-
resulted in a win for Clinton, 9-5. A. ing one of his horses recently, was
s , Thursday anteiridsq
meturelt, n,game will be played here next made Thee thhein recipie'giftnoft neigof ashbors welinl-fillethis d • Tpe..•/4t1• anti 5th
Don't forget the sate of the mask- 'duct, at 6.15 p. tn.
ed carnival under the srusptces of The regular anoa:.t ly Meeting of the �" -'
o : on' , cote
hayfield Agricultural-Soeie'ty in that M of Dub1t'aitno!i United TI Y its sale at
theeltter a
town hall, Rayfield, on Wednesday .'ehttrc11 will held • in the Sunday Kingston*. and Square
aver.?its ,April drd. 1'i`3zes fox gent's Sehool room an I riday�, April 5th, at
farcy costume. lst land 2nd, gentle- gado P. Suppel-will he served at 6 Rinks 58:. Ctlii int 35c
conic, costume'. lst and 2nd, gentle»', p'm- Au
zrr+3 wt conic«
man's condo costume, ladies' comic S•'nxuel Swan ie anoving' his honFe-
costume, children's, best girl and best bold effects front the farm and wilt - --- -
boy. Muds by the hayfield :Lakeside, aeuupy the dwelling adjoining the s e; -.-
Entertainera. Grand march at 9,50. stoma recently purchased by:hint from try► r tatia.'ta► ,r,,,y wiar,ervtry"ater
11dletissiott 50 its. Lunch served. I Charles ninth and Welt lies been
, 1 vacated by Harvey Treleaven.
LEIAtlRN I The Hydro Committee have made
Misses Grant and McDonald spent preparations for holding the first of a
the week -end in Goderich. series of cuchrrs end. dentes in the
x Mr. John Rome, of Muskoka, is AS. i parish 'hall, natant en, on V, ednes-.
?ti» g h?s sister, Men. W. 0. Bogie, 1 day evening, April 3rd. Arthur's or -
1 Mr. J. IT. Parrish has .!'moved tae the : ehes'tra of Wingham, velli Burnie:t the
- farm of Mr. Ed. Lawson, which he mhsir,.nd a a. goal tim@ is,,uitiIIIated.
has rented for a term of years. ' A lar a turn -out is expectel as the
Mr. Jas. llortaaa left Monday monis• t receipts of the evening will be used
Eng for fart Colborne to help flit nut ' for street l?ghtiant
the boat he is to 'mail on this earner. Messrs, Vit?il?am. and Christopher
It Covera" tram herea►t*^anaed the a Conk have lsprehs►acd font Mr. T. G.
c acbre and darter of the Seliftrd II05-' Alen the• Rsu?Idixlit ssllteht for soma*
pital Allsilinry in Sanford last lira. R M McClure sit paittst rre.Walttaiss
day night and all report a llcoeai time.their intention to fit it up for a show-
-7, • it WAS with deep regret that the l roam and oMMee to he used buy thein in
Trotie learned of the dtsth of Joseph !their' inasincss. It is Mr. McCSure's'
det.,voft 4f oderieh. Mr. McGraw intention to cantina iris !business in '
pard family lived in Leeburn Bowes, the store adjoining his dwelling,
Irmo befers's ana�dng to i t►derich. A *milla@tten?alk and hoe =..oczat tin-
`x�' der the auspiees,vf the WillingWork-
J)WWI,t AS'T i mission Bud of Frstattaae
errs M
31i MAO' Vint returned home ; teriaat ehurrh will be field in the bele
from Belgrave after a two weeks' „ Merit of the thumb on Friday even
riit with felettde., ~viten ata Anima* time is sidle?. !
Mt:'A. {'stanervn has 'bought the I petted. leediett with bnxex will 1* ad -1
feral formetly- owned i Matted free, whilea small admission''
Mr. and lural, Jim Sherwood, of 1
near throe. *peat Saveloy with the 1
former a Parents, Mr lead litre Sam !i
Mise Mary f'ook. ot near Part.
moria, vent a fear 4aye last week
with her **F1* and sant, Mr. *ad Dina,
Muter Jia.seie and dem Nolte a of
near C arty i Corners, spent the
wee#r•ateid tent& their Ingle end autt, .
Mt. nasi Mrs. J. ,lfUtitiat.
1 Mei. John Medlin retuned home
from as
from Welt with her er (•otteiats he
Wiaal ee end alto atteeded 11* Pert--
vieniel ,Grand Ledo, et <R the LOA,
of Ontetriw Woet,
*Well Allem seat seat lt'r!!" ed pita ,•
ti, , at law rodeo. elaetat the leek
..ntltit tit.ir gr114l► nw.t*, Mr. erras
Mese.. John reartp4ell, oleo Mr_ sod
y Mr. PrankTrain.
and Cnstos Wing
Baby Cbieks•from test bred -to -
lay stock Ott free range t
Barred Rocks, $16.00 per 100.
S.C.W. Leghorns, $115.00 ver:l0a
After May 15th all Chicks $X.00
per 100 less. Custom hatch•-
Iing $1.00 per 100, in 100 lets
Or more.
HOLt11SVl .1 P;0., ONT.
Phone 611 r i l Clinton Central
pari s �rocery'
and enjoy the satisfaction of
getting •
only the best.
P1tES11 F tUITS and
A complete line of
Eatables for your table
Prigidsire • equipped for your
Protection, Call in and be con..
Sparc s Grocery:
'The store of satisfaction.
11111012011 5'REET. GODERICll
Perone 146. , We deliver in town
fhir emit* shipment of Carriages
diad Sttn1lers lave $asst stetted,' in. .
riveting the letelt styles and flataelteet
,,alto Go:C'orte, &Miy", ete. 'We my ,
was yeti to inapett the rte.* geode.
nFdtt';1!ral Net ter Fortuna-el.!
Cleveland's Bread
is SI tempting comptentent to
any meal -delicious in itself .
and lending nest to the rest of
the menu. '
Your family will demand
twice as notch of our dread as -
any other. Encourage them to
do so, an it is the most health.
ful and nourishing ..food then ..
can take.
Picono 114 ° West St.
Come in and get one of
the nice' new
we have just framed up. We
have 'subjects to suit all= rooitts
tend` tastes. Brighten .up the `
'home wahis with a good Land -
nape, 'Marine, or:copy of the
Old Masters. Reasonable in
price. Beauti€ut in color.
ovel Easter Cards
__ L e rel
initll t and ift re
S s Air G
Your aitomeSpring:.
Have it Cleaned and
Pressed now before the
For Expert Service in
Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing .
. Try the
Goderich French It Cleaning Works
Phone 122 • West Street
1 Plan Your
New Year
by baying a new pig of
for the Homt
In are the people for
New ani Used F'ur pith+..
aNRa a
On Vim Il emidwsy asr1 Gs akk
Broken Soda Biscuits. per lb. lOc
Rolled Oats. 5 lbs.. 2se
\V1leatletc, 5 Its 25c
1,�oett 2Y3c
Pot Barley,.3 lbs .e.,.....e--„-.3.. .ee.,l`le
Prunes, special, 3 1h, 25c
Figs, natural, 3 lbs
Libby's Pork and Baeans, -w tins
Clark's fork and Beaus, -2 tins- .. a .. d 25c
Aylmer Soup, Tomato and
Vegetable.. .
iorne's Custard Powder, tf=ox tin
p �tE1
Rine.3 pkts.
Cascade Salmon, large tan ..
Coke, steel Cut, iEtiofrets
Pry'sto€oa, .3414. tin--e--da-