HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-28, Page 5•
All the popular
Cold and Influenza
PIMP; AND FLAVORED '-*'**-,4xe,„-e-ee
cl4F Campbell's Drug Store
4t I.I.T.
. rilltI
k RN . . . present, visiting friends in. Niagara.
Mr. John Huston and broil
- • The Rev. W. R. Alp has purchased Yt af-
ter an, extended visit to his native
• o, new car. , land, Scotland, arrived home the be.
The sal} is running and titAte a ginning of this 4week ,1e. are. busy ertaking syrup.. Every indicatiort of. spring I here.
There will be services in the Allan -'The birds including wild geese,srob-
can church on Friday evetingins and cranes, have made their ap-
ithe former part of the week Wit- pearanee.
/lane ICarnick was tailing on old ac. Mr. Jno. Phillips, of Blyth, evag in.
quamtances - the village this week. Ile was: clean.
. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. of eng up the iblaeltsmith shon lately oe.
Oedema, were in the village the for- eupied by Mr. Naegle. Mr. Phillioa
mer part of the week. intends either renting or selling the
Mr. Prank Stalker, of Brussels, building.
was calling on old' aceitaintanees the Last Friday evening quite e large
latter part of the week. • number assembled at the Forrester14'
•Mr. and Mrs. Rice, of the Bank a hall. The evening was spent, in dant-
Cetnreereet ...
are �n 'their - hnlidaY114 ing‘ and other amusements. The ob-
...... . - - - Sect of these meetings is to raise
„. funds fer tlie .payment of electrie
Mo et ' heatre light on the street.
The roads are not in a very good
shape. The wide road with very lit-
. tle watershed is all right for stthinter
WEEK OF APRIL 1st fo 6th sewbeeknedevsuerfryteehei,ngskii:d gyihlemetetieventiteerf
• frost, ea -uses bottomless bog holes, re-
, BILLIE DOVE quirnig a return to the horses to draw,
the cameo of the screen, adds her be- out the autos. Even our village mein
witching personality' to an enthralling street was never suppled with a bet -
tory which has proved a sensation ter coating of mud than at present.
wherever shown„ You will enjoy the I Last Monday evening saw another
sparkling ,brillianee of •f i .1residents ourcehis. de.
"THE NIGHT WATCH" 1. narture in the person of Mr., Conrad
See the ever popular • Shoultx! He had arrived at the al-
°COLLEGIANr , lotted three score and ten. +During
the -r hea een in failing_
witafirzwiii ana i titre... 6Av licaIttrDadeaSespent. ais life In
as"'"'"'" the village and surrounding district,
'NORMA. SHEARER He was a stone masoninason and plastere
with Lowell Sherman and Gwen Lee by trade, but was always ready to
Georgeous gals, gun -play arid gang- assist in any kind of work. Of 4
eters thrillingly 'blended in this aniaz- quiet and retiring disposition, he was
ing wavelation •ed the , Broadway highly „rettected by all. He was a
"racket." DecidedlyIC elm-nu:11y atientber01 .the Orange Society. His
`°. novel picture. - naetnerein.life and two daughters.
'A LADY OF 011.ANCE"' • " Mrs. Yonneblut and Clara at, home.
,- . survive. His remains were interred
PAT1IE COMEDY • " in Ball's cernetety, the Orange Order
"`dALLOPING GHOSTS" taking charge, •
FRIDAY and SATURDAY Moulder: was a visitor in
i (From another cerrespomient)
HOOT GIBBON AND ,Blyth a foitidays last week.
• VIRGINIA BROWNE FAIRE 1 Mrs. A. Kiliough and eltildren re -
The western ace sets the pees in a turned home from Goderich •this
' daring drama of dashing adventure. week. . • -
Fifty wild riding cowbeya belie make, Miss A. Morris, of North Dakota,
n epic ofe frontier stem . es the guest of Mrs. Witt. Plunket at
unman COMEDY I Mr... S.: Johnston, who is steadily
"KID HAYSEED" improving, is now with her mother,
Matinee Sat. t 3.00,. . Mrs. Jno. RaithbY.
Coming-'"Uriele Tom's Cabin." I Miss Dorothy Craig Was the guest
...... _ - .., ...
of b: r eos-in, Mise Verna ehanmey, wee very murk appreeirtre. f , _ -
' tiCir the week -end. Next Sanday heingenetater Sanday, •
i Mr, end hfre, Allen, of Colborne, there will be a epeeist Eager eerviee, ! e
ere at pent vieiting e the hotne er also baptism wetvice, in Union chun ti, A GNI Pay* igyeduegi
their Still. Iii't M, Allan, tee-rvice will •be as usual et J
lMr. and Mre, Archie Robinson, of $nailay school at 2 pm. Rev.• aL eel it You„v•-oukl Lae one of your feet,'
Hullette are visiting with their daughe •Noe the Paster, will eeenPY the trk illn°3 ww0741 nb:ZirubtiontrtYerh8anlulytifisinPrit
tern in Detroit at peesent, pit,
file Liidie*, Aid of ci_we broke,, I your pewer, if it was pe-asible to ixt
Mi E Raithby has been suffering "" ''your lost limb- back again,
. faun an Attack sof tonsilitie the past church. Porter* Hill, have changed
webut iWe generally value anything meee
laT father, Mr. Ine'. Ferguson.
speadlee a fee; ibvs at ehe home a evrnii1X, APO b• The bazaar Is te bc Ill fitting and pointy cenetructed
held nt ehe :lurch. Theie will he a i eeoes see 4 great source of dieeem- New Novelty ..
ek. s recoveving now. the date of their lismaar front Wed- Mnear its real value, after we eare des rs., II. Premlin, ef Clinton, is needay evening, Anril 31-41, to Frida,y pewee of its retwitt, eee.
replacing the roof on Mr. J. J. Wasii-*--4--- -----'
The farmera wers busy last wee': eit°,1_edeVereeilrr°,„„ire 41,enedelettehffeoatrte.,tainisainofytcenunteheanetreera.of ,painful t
mem s shed that was •blowit Of by A aassewer: eye,. " 14 ould aou feed weal ennfott• lit
L. ,
.y4..#040I' •
MI. 44
the wind early hi. March. taivetaaatail TIM CIIURCxt IS and build up for yourself utter:
'nes for Easter
vile Baptist services will go bade Ilaptist church, March 31st: SPe.• I eponsible understanding ? s
to their usual hour of worship We can hell: you hy supplying you •
enu;' vial Ea8t.er!eervietes iiini me*" Thel with the right .kina a footi..,• and
mencing text 'Sundaes; Sunday selmet• peetor's else aumiay aere.
keening it in good repair for you,
at 1.4a Peau., church service •.t 3' Work will start in Zi few trays on
o'clock. The pastor. Rev. R. 1. .Gra- the erection of the addition to St. ;•. the echFor the workinman. the farmer.
oolboy. the Veining girls and
(ie, will take tie his subject. "An George's cluirele which -will provide the ladies whit appteetate mutat
speeial Easter music given.
• 'Easter services in Knox. church , wear, we key footwear for all sea. :
Fater Greeting." There will also ba for an organ loft and eacristy. combinsel IOW% good looks and loniv
ASEFIELD conducted by the minister, with slie. sons at prices that will compere with.
eial Easter music by the choir. Sub- any mail order house. eonsidering3
Mrs. B. N. Jehustone is visiting jects of sermons: 11 aan., "The euanty,,
friends in Toronto. . . - • -1
Grave' m the Garden:" 7 p.m., "Mare, Let us hip yon t a make your work,
Miss Lilien MacKenzie spent the at the Tomb." bbath eehool and costa, and your lifeaweeter, by aup-1
weekend at her hone in Kintail. Bible Classes at 3 o'cloek. plying you with the proper 'footwear
Rev. Mr. Aiehison, of Toronto, or. Services in North at United church and creeping soma in good repair for 1
'eupied the pulpit in Ashfield Presbee on Easter Sunda)? will be as follows I `On'
terian chureh on Sunday. 10 a.m.. Men's Club; toile "Easter , To serve you is a pleasure to us. i
' s'av Loa'
Ashfield congregation are eorry to Aspirations," introduced *by Mr. n. r...1 street Footwear and R
lost twoof their most prominent Both. Mission Band and Class for epair n
members in the persons of Mr. and Christian Felloa-ship. 3 p.m., open el --
mop, East 'Street, Cderich
Mrs. E D. MucLemean, of Loehalsh, session of Sunday school; a sPeeitti
- who are retiring to Lucknow. Mr. Easter program will be &riven. 11 ' ' OPPOSITE KNOX CHURCH
f 1 46 been 44 elder In Ash- a.m. and 7 pan., Public Worshil). Open Eve
ld ninas. Phone 5Q5J.
le e nireh for twenty ycara and both Sermons and Inneie will deal with the
lie and Mrs. MacLennan have been Easter message; The publie cordial. ' --". - -,7"----
faitbful and regular attendants at all ly invited to the service& was born in Goderiele a daughter of
ineuirsneeldnirbeybasitratees end will be Much The North street Yo n P I t Mr and Mr&James Leonseel, and had
e g eel) e e resided here all her life. The tete
irci,...„,. meeting Sunday everting after the eMrsa lierientdd is survived by her
Society is holding a special Easter
ttabaat4 parents and two 'children,
. . 44....44,4. 1.....14.•
maw' regular service. An appropriate de! n
talk v(111 Pe gelvenneb4ilyeene EvelYn and Leonard; also by two she,
of Detroit; Mr. laialcolm Graham and
The farmers are busy getting their votional
ter a and two brothers. Mrs. Craven.
wood buzzed this week. Frederick lieateens, th
Reserve Pi•iday evening. April 5th, champion orete,r, of TO-Asti:wk. Mr. Albert. of Goderich. and Roderick, of
for the bazaar to he held. at, Grace
Uhited church, Porter's HUI. Hotson was eeecently „ accepted as o
Rev. It C. McDermid.
Alexander Sterling, Huron Road, on
the z y, candidate for-ethteentiniatry and has Winnipeg.
vacant pulpits, sei this
The weekly meeting of nemmeter of Knox Itresbyterlan
P. U. will be held at the home of Mr. been doing eensiderable supplyiug in. i
n.108914,0 sboied et lab, conducted the services.
be uf mere *then nem' interest' It is ofttalltVio-rdAinhilfhheiVp:rastoeneiteillrr. liatirleinl!
On Wednesday, April ard, the Lad- iwtelinii:inols
hoped that the Young Iden's
Friday, March 29th. Quartet liam H. Daw passed away on Sunday
ie' Aie of Zion ehureh, Taylor's Cor.inenudsietherinttheeirvestwillAbeeethieeri
a the age of sixty-five years. Last
November lie suffered an accident,
meeeng at the honie of Mrs. ma F.
, .,••invitation is extended to all to atl
. . whoa 4 $tick of timber fell on his foot
/wee. will hold their regular monthly tend•and he had been in failing health.
Hicks, Huron Road. Influenza, followed by double pneu-
The service was well attended last IWO IDONALD.-The funeral took
monia, was the cause of his deeth.
iSunday in Union churela Rev. M. C. plaee last Thursda afternoon of a Mr. Daw was born in the township of
Parr, the pastor, preached 4 very in:- well-known and r le ted ' * Usborne. For 4 time he lived in Ex -
Mr. ,C, Breekow. of Goderiele sena a Leonard, wife of Pert McDonaldd.nDef. vicuuty of Bermillea and for the past
Presszve sermon. During Pie service Coderich in tl e rson f Edith eta., then moved to Colborne in the
.z es........e.e...........-':. e, t*enty-eight years he had resided in
Sanford. He was married thirty -
solo, "The Old Rue,ged Crass," which ceeeed was in ber fortieth year. exec
• ,........---.--- eat s _ 1
Easter in Goderich Churches '.4':1:e.r1t4I'rovl:hir,tl'AliTtusiunrgysiv:S
by nis life -partner, end by one broth-
' er, Mr. George Daw, of Waliacebeee, e
The funeral was held on Tuesday Of
tampon from his late residence to
Colborne cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. Iff. C. Parr,
pastor of Vitoria street United
ehurea, of which the deceased was a
Prelude --"Christ is estauden" (Choral Prelude) Bach
Offertoire--"I Know that my Redeemer Livieth" .(Prom Messiah)
. Handel
Antheme-i"Clirist is Risen"Maunder
"ve Choireof-NewaTerusalem" Smart nall.benrere wore
three Ineithers-in-law and a cousin,
Messrs. Ed.• Baer, of NVroodstock: Jno,
Soloist. Mrs, W. F, Saunders. I
EVENINGSteep and Ed. Harrison, of Saltford,
Postlude-Ast Moveine, 5th SymphonY
"Spring Song" ., Beethoven and joke Cole, of Exeter. Mr. Dave
Prelede-1st Movement, 2nd Organ Concertoan.del was 4 meniber of the Independent Or-
' ,- .
• A 1;tollms der of Foreeters. Friends from
• Pastorale ME , Lemare Woodstock, Exeter and Stratford
Offertoira-JaThe Cutfew" ', . „„ , .. Horseman . , were present for the funeral.
Postlude--erd 1VIteronent,,atli Syr:inlets? te B6ethoren
Antnem-"He is Risen" -- ', Mantley
"Abide with 1110" '
Soloists,• Mrs. W. F. Saunders,Ge
Miss . HaistLiddle.
quartette-sPlitessed Are They" . .• ManneY
Mrs. W. P. Saunders, Miss G. Heist, '
IVIr. J. Thomsen, aft. it, H. Reed.
Organ Prelude-0"Eastern Morn" E L Ashford
- J. L. Hall
Anthem.- 0 ershadowecl are the Skies"
The• Choir.
Authein-"There's a Glory" •
• The Choir.
Solo-"IsTo Cross I bear could be like His"
Mrs. Harry Sandersot.
Organ -"Easter Postlude"
Sermon subject -"Daybreak on D Its Ito d "
Baptism and keception Service,-
it's -
Staunton Semi -Trimmed
• that these happy paperhangers are using.
' Th• at is why they are able to finish
your rooms so much more quickly and to
give you such excellent service in every
way. •
You can bring the brightness and.
beauty of Springtime right into your
home at every season in the year b re-
decorating with these exquisite SEMI.
• We carry a full range of SEMI.
• TRIMMED and can suit you for every
room at a price that will astonish you
with its moderation.
We invite your inspection of our
at our Wallpaper Department
ost request we will bet pleased to tleliver t
iroar 'FL S A GRAy tin ...of.
Store no Ulib Valve
Adam Geibel
R. M. Stunts
. Or -an Prelude -"Easter .14" . . • May F. Lawrence
. Choir -"Love Triumph" By Florence Morse Kingsley
. • "A Stoty of The Pied Eaetertide." •
. • Incidental parts talon by Mrs. Elmer Cranston, Mrs. M.
• . A. Pi.shbr, Mrs. IL Swanson, 31re.. (Rev.). Parr and Mr.
. Chas. 13reekow. . . ,, -
Organ•Postlude--"Halletujah Chorus". • G. F. Handel
MORNING• ' , ..
Prelude -“Communion for Baster bay" Handel-Poto
• (Arie from the Aria "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"
(The Messiah)
Anthem -"The Magdalene" 'n•sPQlta
Offertory-"Humoreske" Dvorak
Ouartet--"Zesus Keep .Me Near the Cross" Doane
Postluda-Postlude on "Christ the Lord is ;Risen Today" Pearce
Young Men's Quartet.
Prelude --"In a Monastery Garden" ••Ketelbey
Anthem -"Awake Thou That Steepest" Maker
Otfortory--Chorale Prelude, "A Pose Breaks into 13100M" '? Brahms
Solo -Selected.
Miss- Marion Gibbinge.
Anthent-"The Magdalene"
Short Organ Recital- ••
Young People's Meeting air. Frederick !totem, S'neaktr
posdede-"Hallelujalt Chorue" (The Meseitni) Handel
6.00 a.m.-Ifoly communion.
• 7.00 aatn.-II ot y Communion -Corporate Cemmunion Reetor'e
Be Clasr-A. Y. P. A. and all Young People of the Parish.
8.09 tente.alloly Commuelon.
• 11.00 a.m.-Choral Communion and Sermon -"The Overcoming of
Death" -II Timothy 1:10,
3.00 p.m. --Church School Easter Day Service in the Church, with
Children's Storyee"The Restirreetion."
1.00 p.m. -Ministration of Holy EtitptisniParents of unhaptired
are urged to bring their children to Baptism.
7.00 NC -Choral Estemongona Sertnon--"The Resurrection of
Faith" -St. John 20:16.
Special music to be rendered 01 Easter Day will be as follows:
Organ PrefediTwo Tiourkee and March. -
Easter Anthititt.
Proper Pealets-24 57; 111,
Te Dellpit Latelatate--
Jildiate Deo -
Jubilate Dere--
.1/tottery Anthem -PAs it began to• Dawn"
Conintarkie-Ifyinn ia0. •
Gloria in Pteehlitee
Reeersleual Hvaata-174,
Organ Postludeee"Pinilelufah CI:One"
Organ Preinde-netival Mareh
PfetPtmiattal Hymn -460.
Proper Pt:Amite 113. lit
Etening Sertke in taes-
Anthem-"As it bcfpn tv Dawn"
fagerteer-eaL'Holltheiall" (Mount ef •Oiivee)
Mete* Te Deroatee
Reeteeetnnit 11n',,
Vie john Stainer in P.
Lyra Davi:Ilea
Sir G. C. Martin
•Lir G. C. Martin
Sir Alan Stainer
• Daludadt.
Fir J. Barak;
J. liattinill; Tonne Peregeinne
alie C., Martin
Lyra Davidica
t7.re49,i38, V. ,Stanfetel
• - •
Fancy Triangle Silk Scarfs
SweetheartCollar and Cuff Sets
Fancy Be!ts
Novelty Easter Umbrellas
Lace Collar and Cuff Sets
Kid Gloves
Silk Gloves
Full Fashianed Silk Hose
See our Window Pisplay of
Easter Merchandise
• 1 1.
p.m. aan, peu.
1,30 6.45 Goderich 10,25 8.25
1.45 Sehoolre-es-7.n0--- Hohnesville • 10.10 School • 8.10
_4,50_--7,ea Vinton • 10,05 Spee 6,05-
2.05 5.10 7.35 Sc -forth• 9.50 5.03 • 7,50 '
2,10 515 7.40 St. Columban 0.45 5.00 745 -.
2.15 ' 5,20 7.45 Dublin 9,40 . 4.55 7.40 •
2.30 " 5,35 8.00 • Mitchell 9,25 4.40 . 7.25 245 5.50 Sebeingvino '1104,25 . 7.10
3.00 0.00 3,23 Stretford • 9,00 4,15 ZO
pm, pau. a,m. au
' 1.0
• For Upholirerioe, Rerseiriefl
A Faroe range• in
isofsStraropptle Cover-
ne, tarried. •
• - 44.414.4. • 4.44. ,
x School speeialu on Monday, Tuesdoy, WeditesclOY, • 'Thursday and
• Friday only, Saturday night coach leaves Stratford at 10
pan. We stop at all hotels and faint -gates
-Coachleaves Goderich from hotels. •
Catteh leaven Stratford from bile `depot (phone 703) and post ..offlee,
Special rates to eehool children attending Stratford school. , •
*Through 'coach both ways,
1927 Chevrolet Sedan
Excellent shape
Thoroughly overhauled"
1926 Ford Cottpe
See this• one for a mil buy
1924 Ford Conpe
Good tiree and motor
1926 Essex Coach
- 4
EVENT at ordinary prices, a Used Car gives yen
more miles of automobile transportation for
your dollar than you can get in any other way -he.
• cause the original owner has stood the heavy first«
year depreciation.
Now, we offer you a double bargain . « Good
Used Cars, at phenomenally low prices ! Vie want
to clear out our entire steak of used cars to make
way for new Chevrolet coming hi. It wok, cost
us money to carry them and store them until MAW.
mer. So we're turning that money over to you;
snaking it worth your while to BUY now.
took at the cars . • and the prices 0
ague you've never Sterl such Wiles ki UMW)
TRANSPORTATION. It's an opportunity that
• you may never get again. 00,84,44.6,