HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-28, Page 1Printing' ,that s?kases
For prompt setvice and satisfactory
weak placeyour older with The Gode-
rich Sten Materna! Page West Street,
"Phone 71
Suneeription: $2 a year in Canada
0.54) e par tQ U. S. points.
Advertising that Pays
housands have proved that Star Ads
Uri Results. An M in lhe Goiderreh
Star opeches the PeoPine *KW* 71.
• ••••••••••"5.. .•••,••••••••••••••••,.....••••• .
WALTER NAFTE(.. Pebli)her,
Ma the Gad Dawn of Easter Morn Bring Joy to Thee; May the Calm Eve of Easter Leave a Peace Divine With Thee
day the dinner rend &nee of the NUR, treasurer of the Alexaudra hospital
Sland Golf Club and tie ininual at for some years lie liras been a parti.
1 ------e-goen ----------e-e••••••-------en home of 'Intent LodgeoNo. 62, L O. • euterly efficient offtelal sued he will be '
BUD Lilo 1188111111GB Cowling, of 08113dil Memorial Strike for Geo. Foch O. F.
ntuelt tanned on the hoepital board.
A ramitoelal ((mice will be hetet ut A Twentoeldine Heed in CribbaXe ber of the 'Women's hospital Auxin -
Mrs. Lesslie has been a valueti mem-
,. da A he e in one is the f r dre t
• • 1144171 and both Mr. mul, Mrs. Inside)
Gen. recto Rev. Canon Collins, Of t band is the eribbage wee.% dreann Georee doer& debenewin be ens.
DO YOU FIND IT HARE! TO SAVE? ing, April 7th, in honor of tlie late the perfeet score, end the twerft0nnilla.1 liave-been aetive in the work of St.
Modern methode of liviog make it hard for the ordinarY indivi" Sarniaae
% Nviii be Vic nrelier on thel the cm/iv-Went of the tole i
dual t� save, with the result that nearly ninety per cent. ef all
left for widoeva and orpharie is money paid on insuvance. Surely
this fact is enough to convince you that YOU should carry life nu*:ince. The money thus saved will provide comfort for you in your
• declining years or provide comfort for your dependeuts when you are
celled away. Resolve to save and to invest your swings% life insur-
Phnnes: It1)el*eszeeniel 549 R. LONG. biltrict Agent
• OQVASiOn The Canadian legion wil e S I ha Tito VIM Will be one of promotion
I atteud thsery
e ice and the membne, ee
ers toe other eeeebeere. H. Pevd. i for Mr. Lesslie and many friends will
are asked to parade at the Legion ille; It consisted of three fives and a / follow otr. melt:etre. losslie am4 fent-
rooms at 1016 in mufti, with decent.* %Tack end the eard turned UP WaS the ily to their new location witIrthebest
tious. five of the at of the Jack. Figure/ oe wisoes„
Easter Week Social E . vents out the score for nourselves, all you ,
The Essex Challenger
ene tor golfing ned meal ewes.
Bunn Investments Ltd. Av"raliliaragge ft%
.****.t •
Stock Broker,
ROB& D*41408
• inourance •
Codericb, Ontario
Phtintri 430 end 445
• I R.L..BEEn .
will sell by..ptiblie erection at tire King
Irdwatel /tote), DettivrielL.
ID •
-Vidkle Of:client:ORM
commeneirig et•-eneecnoloek (barite .
Bighteen head of good horses from.
• 3 to 7 'Rare 014, weighing from 1300 to
1600. They are all geed eolors, and
ehere. are, seveml Weit.Thitteheii teams
in the lot. •
TEIROIS.---Seven inionthat credit on,
furpiehing approved eout. Dotes bear-
2..ginterest at 7 net* eent. per annual.'
cribbrige fans.
Easter week will be a busy week in
the way of social events. On Mon- Camulisit Chaim for Inons Clans on Tne3dnY ninnii$* °an Ineni ES'
day everting tbere is the at home of • A good representation or the Gode. , sogentfsavue dr:11%r ensste ler! eutiovneso fofwhthaet
the Women's hospital Auxiliary', on rieb, ;Lions Club was at Searovtli the newt Challenger San do and
Thursday the Easter at home of the entesdaY night, When District Govern- eome of ithe'testa the results of'whielt
Menesetnew Canoe -Club aud on Fri. or Connell and District Seeretor,Y 'the newspaper tepresentatIves oe-
en • • Moss, both a Toronto, were Present corded ave as TelloWs5 Starting front
1,V.ANTEtiednellei.:;11 distriet Repro...the Goderieb, Seatorth end Stratford ten ,seebods to attom a sped o 4
mint, eeetentliti pinnesttiou for Man jointly in the *tante or the interne- gear from a stand in" 10 seconds the
and presented. Caoadian enarters to * standstill in first gear,. it took .)rilf,.;
twat:dive for good suited !tweets Oohs. The. new ehartera are resue nines an .houv, and startang bigh
. i In the melds league the 64inding• is
rblcadeAnUlrite1114°4Xi'lrf s fol
r‘Ii11411.3°4444.11114441;t'l .1(P% ; VO.UOttV1V4 won 10, lost 8; On.
lows; Lions Club, won In, lot
ithe. Rebt. Duff has returned home anewen eo, lost tie Whiaz.114,114:4 wart
Toronto. -
after epending the winter months in,.1,8,i!Oarlvt7trIt411,1tfoostitvki
ri.-on 7,, lost oe bong
hlreand Mrs. G. M. Elliott and Miss Much 14th, Whiztenanga bad two
Ivy 11111ott. left this weet for the ie wins to the Lions' one. F. Devrow
new Lorne in Loudon. Itigli for the Whize-Bangs, with Olfie.
Dr...Clark- eves e4k4 to Ceiede on ounitdb.18.6 flatus. 11.1A fee the Lione,
Monday, his daughter having been.
burt„ la an automobile accident. i nlarebel4th. Ring Pins 2, co Get -
Mrs. Carrie, Stee has rammed fvom i lixeirosi IiirnIsii,). NoMir 434mar and .S,
a etleaeant month% visit with relict.
Heitman bigh for lite Go.Getters,
itilovle: at Brantford, Sande and Loin 1 with G
UM, 260.
aid. Sask., lies been visiting his vele-
Mr, blitt Salkeld, id, P. P., of Gore 411.1•1141titit:hifirfe* y"tooLitiltigt 1.1/4101 ?ilirth eV osTt O:1.;,,:..
Wes in Goderich and vieinity during'. owe, vote nee and enee
tit 1March 26tb, Originals II, Ring Pins
elliPt:.stliNvorteeakla McIver and her son( ' 0... T. Pritchard high for the Origin -
Keith, of Port Stanley, •Itiwo been alse with 820 and 294. D. hiselnear
visiting the former's mother, Men E.. ingb. for the Ring Pinen067 aid 200.,
hall, Cameron -St, • . - .. .-' . .; - Mardi 'lath, Seltford 11, Ring Pins
Mrs. R. IL Cutt and ithe Cannon O. W. Bisset high score for Saltford
for three games, 700, and C. Mellen.
tre nigh stogie game fietre, 287. D.
ItieVicar high for the Ring Pins, (141
and 231.
Int the Ledies' League, the stoaullteg
is as follows; , 'Semitone, won 15,
loet 12; ,Blue Streeks, won 15, lost.
1! Lavender wan 17, lost len
who will work.' Ilex 12
STAR et tional Asseelation of Liens Clubs (11- ranee an and Miss Cannon were in Toronto for
car was travelling ot 80
tion of Lions Clubs (Canada), M 75 miles on hoar the ear Mr. Bert Cat's recent recital at the
WANTEte-Olarried roan wanted to lino%) atilt the Interontional ASSOCISA ituut,
le rn 1,vatertiroother ras absolutely viineitiouless_and4te, Torontre-Conserratorn of .Muse.
be nine to MI. Car (Avner 'preferred, nu severel placei about town there sPeecl 10$4 a liales tltiving• And the fleld Road, attended the funeral at
M. and Mrs. J. . Speiron, Bay,.
trerinoney. eormanedf work. leftist night Pore Broken , miter states he could maintain that
CATILItIN(1 Coe lie Edith Drive, Ter- ere eleetric light Deka in Vitiations on • 'Challenger throttles down to 2 or 3 Brussele Friday east of the form.
the Otred where there might .be a 'miles an hour in nigh. The atrong mos brother, Mr. Wesley Speiran. .
Of 3 verY Rev. F C FIlleitt eaves on Mon.
uestiOn as tO their er to traffic
ourew 00 ra QS a OW • . 0. 4
VCR OPPolITITNITY. uiek sto 'being made and combined clan for Ingersoll, wh re he and Ws. Night Hawks. won 10, lost 20.
at street interseetions. Some of n P *
' k ,h1 it 200 th IL nde • G'rl 1,
Drafting will nt you for r.,,o to eteo these whieh might otherwise not be a with the wonderfully qui* get away
PI Nevelt. Practieal ePare time nolo- menace hare been Made so by the fact and opeedY aeceleratone make a ear
ing. p le y meet " sure., • Eudersed. tbat teethe has taken the short tut in- capable of wonderfulvontrol. As a
Free information. Write COMODenCiltL .1.1. ,4' the pole and one of these ie at hill elinihnv ttne Challenger Las /tas tb;
• . ....odd., •
ere o e are 1 1 a
Elliott will take up residence, Mose
Sintereilks 2. •Mies M. Farrowohigh
Elliott having gone on 'Tuesdoy of for ,the Lavender Girls, MI and 200;
thInItIrlsv."Cka‘ropliell arid Miss Campbell, enes, eel mid mg
Miss P. Ramey, (high for the Supers,
March 2.00.1, Night hawks, 0, Blue
of Mitchell, mother and sister ef 1%.
Douglae Onomben, orgauist of North Streaks 3. Mrs. F. Saundeve high
St. United church, were here for the three geme seOre us, Mrs. IL Lloyd
cheir copeett on Tuesday overdue:. high single 209, 1).litis It Platte higlt
I NORTH ST. IINITiElionc. caseEnT
Leet night the Lavender Girls de- '
footed the Night Hawke three games
to none. Miss W. Illarli WM high for
Airs. •MeLmid, Stratford, :No Bert the winners, with 581 and 100, and
Cutt. Galt aed Mr. Leon Adams
E.. Jenne, for the Night Hawks Mrs. Lloyd had
nnd Mr. and Mrs. II.
the high scoree, 00 and 271.
*Assist in Fine Recital. ' The highest overages in the league
The choir son-ce-rr .(if North etreTA milks 100, him Black fee the Lay -
to date are Miss Ramon for the Sup -
United church eves ettecessfully he
on Tueenay evening, with a goon and ethiledegel4Astrrat,Mlits3,1teiPellarrent17.
appreciative andlence. The pregram
coluptised two palls, the first eonsist- tiSnienriettr4 atIn2a.thgearaNelg,31httral!ni7/0/41f608r+
int of seleetions by the various guest the Night Hawke 271, Visa Plante for
artists and the organist of the chureb,
teleoeile. 7/1.,6geleonetreerteivaanaeege4t;ase dine, the Blue iStreaks 2311„ Miss Nairn mid
and the Mies -Spred tied foretlit Supeinilks. '
seca/al Pal ''.' l)t Maaader's sa"ed can. 1 .12.a2ivienadnedr MG116r$15,E2"5131rint tigteltdesitinibtret -
game score, Mrs. Lloyd, Night •Ilawlis
675, Miss Plante, Blue Streak, 02,
ndiss Black. Lavender Girls OSL and
baritento nolo work in the cantata.
Mr. end eeen, en J. jeener else ns., Please reeerve Tuesday' evening,:
exiarese.d,senianertheeo lahteteparimeoldanindleahte,: April 9th, for a laver reenal contest -
in elocution, singing, piano :rand esdane,
eeleneelh.lesnotpiteenittegneriopnineorits u,,ev. mi. to lie cheltiTi• at ilf`0,1:1487.it. uizi.nited e.huva.._L_,
chrke. tho poaor Of the thumb tom- • e '
mented on the fact that severaement. T 1-1 'MAY% A POI 2nd'''Anetinn
'limas and that the indis sale of farm' Mock and bnplementspt.
bells of ,the choir were absent through
posed one part lot in eon. /3, Colborne (at Loyal)
included Miss Mono, who nets to. breve coalmoneing at i o'clock. DAVID
etaticsseinuithine so;aainnion tgiotiohfpasitersvicine5.tloref., ,GANTWOILL, .Pro,prietor. T. 'UN -
cantata. Mr, Camnbell had been sue; . DRY, Se SON, Auctioneerin , • '
Ms. G.
thls. pAlarCtLeotIftlihe°wf 03rktt,ittrigt: ex -16e. -eirs:..it(,:ititei°,ttT;iTionetAilrolke Sand ratolly
teed is a gold 'medallist In Singing' attaAIWIt41.13. ULM lief lk 1114€11A.Iti00
and her part of the work was exceed- 'me niany !dishiest:es of friende in their
reedit bernatenent. • .
ingly well done.
Owing to an 'unfortunate accident , .8IN. N'y'llialn liaw 11"10,.." l'-' P•xlite8,'.1
' Which Mr. Campbell sustaffied in the itcr P':.111T" 41Prt'elittlott ot lintel' Milo-
eN(vilYt of
ellannieneitUrtehdelktri:nroit aNnvadt4 doeergiadn. tittP.17:11.ria4;:‘11111rit711g11111)1911)()Nr 81.1111411:t°114:11;1416°111
irintrib214 D4iniarest's en__ .., ,, • v. ith me. recent bereavenego in the
with which it had been nn eMeu:sluet' ' '/Nilb 11" 11. it 4"11 t.) Um"
00en toe program, and inaead the tepet•1411): those 'whit 'volunteered the
two -piano duet number, Salado use ef owe. ell'. tor the funeral.
"Grand \raise de Concert," was given DIED
lgisltlwrmS.4. gintrittenetiayneclxeMeuriedeaanindpliwoolli i 11111.1.4*.M,‘"i„.11-1'hiiiiStAliferil, on Stinilit'.. Mar.
Dote' Pew, in lite rook
Too home( V6111. be n•t the atalrig, for "4 1\I Room, 100,, Queen St. the corner of Wegt and ''Wellington goods. Storting' tit the bottom o
inspection Irmo Monday next. NN,.e•St" T""aln. streets. One OaY last week one of heftier bill in high gear a speed of
es' •
e L, REED, T. ettiNDRY eeN.
Hotel Toronto AVANTED.-Beed--Any number up to our local clerics. following the travel-
led road, took the short cut and ran tehdonanydnitibl;ss an
ell( 16% aNir ot3nstonttmainleeadeht;
lards *Pruett ro the top of Ore hill, travelling all the
ems, 'Prelnietor. ' Aaleticoneers. i50 colonies, Italian or ilybrion
larte, dining room-, thigh elate ellek4ti. co r‘rom, tvono.i y oy preferably 111 10 1.11kine eneestrelh into tne pole with the vault tltat the
k high gear. The ear m whmit
4 .4 • • lett wilt take $ (frame or Jumbo Doe was ro exit,'
octets about f,'33,000. PAO. ezo, . irot.:Stop.tian Ft..'itn4111;i0.4, and iiichardson or. Joaes it priee Is time dattmg.m. ,ThQellgoole 1.1.4e1311'grn'ae: they. dentonstration WAS Made VMS a
rea dangly hotel (Iowa -town. gross re•
X. DMUS CO.. riot; ay„) ab,0 benne ,eeree,„ been spliced, neethee short pole being, Ike% Essex Challenger eoach, taken
sell lir Piddle atietten at his rest. onta.elo: write lowest, priOs meth all A Creditable Preduatinn SOIne when one *might ex,p0M
FOR SALE Itenee, limeys street, Godeetch, particuiars Box 20, STAR, 01.,pic,,e, The socred cantata, "011ivet to CAI. even 'better results. Mr. Baker says
Toronto. stuff must be in Westeiet or Central eight off the float, of the showroom,
ittgidiaz AVe arc ihstetteted by Sible extrattor in good running shape:, nolted to it.
and not one that had ,been driven for
reveller) ' )1Allelt 30111
very;" by Maunder, wns presented by there is nothing can beat the Essex
pen neLE4--Ilionete nood ectiditictn* eornmeneltee at La0 o'clock, eloup SECRETARY wANnyee-ghe wreetors the choir of St. Georgels churcit on out the reed, and the tests winch title
ehetxp,„ .1.pply to C. NICIN8- Two eteaee •euranterion seenoarde/ ,„ (•f 3intnal Sunday evening last vevY creditably. newspaper men obsm•ved certain et
port .s:ALF...4-Eggs for extein-slon table: 21 tiropt -leaf; ,tasbletta: volol'Ity.t,11::101114,3e..:Rireethr1130P411111)", t1101111411130e1t,111,%el:
• •••••••••••••
poriodtuheeticohnor asneanttihreelyobiyo mpaertm; show a ear that is a real performer.
'ared.to-lay btratit, Parrett 1 ma ta'.1,1e1 I iles ant tot tohip of the tionmany, with e yearly
p ft t ingt year raid at ow reeking chairs: 1 at:m.010r; 6 dining w r ec v n a
nee oiLl meanie/and daYs, .nlloe. it, vomit ritaire; e 1101 melon seg;k;
DAVIDSON, Duttgarition. Phone itun. ittirn piiin14; 1 centre table; 1
Aix ettniniOde eituf.ri 4 -burner oil 'stove: 1.
• rouge o 1 .oll heater: 1 bekehotted, end
n SALE. --A gaantlin oee.O. A.
and care.
•No, 21 Seetf pets: one, -man .croseeut saw; lawn
Apply to W. L. PENTLAND, phone 21 mower; a 3-p1ece, bedroom finites,
eaA.. 0, an, aprIngs and inalfressee: einete bed; 2
sa are or .81,000. Olaf] lippbeaffen n iv' son, va,silordy George Desire .I. Bourque. PoPular Cann"
moon to .seated envelope meeh.ott .1.1;neeen Leggett and 'Charles clian theatrical producer, wire so sue-
nortt:,an. 51.110 meatus wor y e
own Writing' ttt the Company at Dun..
"Application., k th cessfelly Ticselited his tome "Smile,"
' TTIOS.-Ci,--ALLLNSi.e`y. thole also . was effeetieeln• render,cd. her & 1013.t .0V0Vber, ieebeek ne....Gsele-
' "----=-=----- no production was given .under the, rich and hard at work on a Big Min -
AUCTION SALES . • direction of Mr. C. A. E. 'Wilkinson, strel Show.
A ut-55;s. sALE oy nen/deem r T. Coll. ISL. organist and choir All the old mihstrel favorites have
.....,4••••• .•••••*, F.
.L.S• , , leader of St G ' 11 ir • h been recruited and a trend circle of
Geo_,. A Q AOC W o
-i-gal. oil eans: I grindstone; 4 BURPS HIM MIT . and TOT s.. 4 ' 11- '
J.if)'..Nicloth Puree, with_ Intl settle: 1, churn; 1 , 1j Li . brooder; mit-qt:Nos. was at tho •ergen for the recital. thirtst, with eix end men, will serve
ehange purse. 0.111t 210, ee.eu &auto. ar fruit seaters, .ep
j y .iarseand Quite a number from other eongrega- 11, worthwhile menu of »abutted:3Y.
aad (11 in • Leave at 'qr.% vi ".?" aim anhelett ton nuraeroos in Then- We tree instructed by. •• • tons were present. A Band of Pirates sail up the Ms-
- te. e„.., ,, . , ,
and receive reward, -. .. tiau, • .. • .. . sissippi Y.'..ver and capture a show
- Teeteteeeteash. eltien CEO. IL. toloTit • Ran Sheer Into Abdomen,
peen edieneet TheTogese, ones nun • • . to eell ptiblie euction at the prom n and with tbe, allow boat enter -
'IL qu'Snitra.c.: SON, • �n ottnuay afternoon last a, young
2-1 BitooDF.it STOVES% „ nes, on .,
to/eh-tot. • • , diretioeeers, sAT.17,m)Ay. Apitic, eel d, Edvyard Jeffreys, sustained a ser -
0, A. C. Barred Books. 10e1 Single AucTiox KALE op rAmm sToz and •commeueing at otemeiteenarp; • '1C•433 w0nrY he wan indulging hi
ontdi Leghorns, lets- eaelt, Jor IMPLE4STENTS. The oroperty known as the resideneo
what we Under:stand has•nome to
MarCh and „April. Igen , L ... p . , . i , ,... , e en e . , .4,.. , - ., .. .:'. le eof - -thee tate- Merles Ralen lirinmnia ,,rotWar itmusement, , nidnet,v eliding :
a wee 'down tile rail, of the, etePS 0 ,ttir: end
goo poplin. If yem emu.", to•the Kinn - Mii. REG, •MeGER . road; tnottentele toneistIng of " of Wetteeloo-street. - Jeffrins eras slid -
d fr'r Y'laP Turchat'e, 1 ',sill Make a sub^ wIn L.4.11 by miblio tturtion at 'Lake built triune one end •one-halfestory
genital redaWon on eggs, 'and 0n or- Howl, Atoliteid. ee," Mile solute to gine., house in ilestecties ritnale, engethee in down bead foremoat 'when he
ders or 200 411(.10 11•11d 41°1** ^ 111'id • ' ' '''. 'WW1 lots 21 2'2 in i• '''S Tir's net- raught on a sliver, 'which rau into. his
am , ,
1.111.31qtAN" AMID 'it 'PeftY is onty a (aim% Melanin feint. the boelo. hie eompanions, when they
Broacher sovee% founts. Pea .hoPPers; ' 4 " 4 IL tlepet,' Is a good property,
10 I also have uttmber uspo ..c0rtmen,.:ng at sivelock Aare): ,leeet. in, sea . • • • .
Brooder .stoves, iountse reed 110PPers. I • ThIrses.--1 Vock Perelteron horee, -. At the eiwarn-tiounall lite contents of
For further intortnathen fond for elr- years lakt: black pereheron borse, 4 the. house winobe soli): LivIng room,
.nears chicks and eggs, and Orices years.o.id; btank pereberon Mare, 4 'Inutile room. bedrown unit kitchen -Vie',
• c, 0, • . ..inatched -and 'aro well broken. i aged 'cies. . . melt wicle, had dleappeare(rWithin'the
called Dr. Taylor, who took him to
liodjittel arid „.later Dr. Hunter per-
formed an operation. The sliver,
which was sevett inches loon end an
• oa brooders, oto. 1, ears old. 'Obese three Pei Onetone are niture, garden tools, aud other art -
Auburn, Ont. ;horse, good worker. . PosItilvely no reserve. Mr. and bode' neer tbe leg and going into the
Phone 10-ett. Cattle. -1 cow 0 yeals old, due Apr, Mrs. Booth are leaving almostett• once flesh of the leg. Needless to say the
30th; Oleo roan belfer veers old foe China boy's injuries were peanut and his
ONTARIO BREEDING ST,Anevn. due Apr. 28.e; i bled; cow a 'years 101: the property', ten per condition has been seriou%
ereneened 2 months, bred again; 1 roan fent of purehase melee at time. of salA• Drinking in hotels
Drinking and carousing in 'hotels
is getting to ne a nuisance for the be-
e e nen eels 1, tel keeper and means it large item for ,
'ender superasiOn Of. Poultry lieftart, 'cow ireeirionis,1 3 and bred. balance in thirty days.. or tertint uiay
rani. it. C. Guelph, We specialize agan: 1 bine]: cow 7 yl US (AL jitst he arranged .to leaee half- ot Purehone
1,1 Parrett 'Rocks- Every bird on our freshened; 1 grtty reeve -yearn e•alf; price on mortgage *with. intereet at 0
.terin is coned, nanded, aud blood test- 1 blue men cow, noticing but. nol, in et r nn it f
od, by coeernment Inspector.- We calf; blark 'heifer, 3 yeare; 0 ex- T. tirNI)n.Y SON, . rilpairs and replacements, as well es •
trapnest under eteeord of Peetormanee no. good (*elven • Auetioneera. being a nuisance to other lodgers who-
,sapervisione Write for muting list and. • Voultry.-75 purebred "Mine Lept. „ ,,,, wish to get to sleep at 'usual hours..
prices on nay old ehieks4 and three from pullets; 10 noel( liens; 6 purebeed •' /4
'inc feet that it man mast bring to bin
en e (nitre boar: 5 efintilis about 60 lbs. •
"forli. We are ntetrneted by
;SOTS, Vrgtry.Ns safety, provided he does not ntake to
. Wi01 Inank-face end nien and rough rieh. boy who has developed d very ) ‘ l'' 11,114N,., 1.,411 Wi*"").4):"`•• 14'1"11
eiv•-elis old startetl thicks.' . Leghotn roosters. - — ' ' . • ' -- ' ' - ) room. in any hotel praeticalty all the .
iltil'AFIliji It FCRNITI•Itt kNI Pr2'441DE .1 ntillitirli• 111U(1) ap'nlause. 04r. L.eon • Adams •
.. e, er, soonet, - . • •• .. Pies., --1 purebred Vet. SOW. nee Apr. l'InCs:Isinxns'. • • liquor he likee and be able to drenk it . ' • - , - . _
• -e- -- --• - - -- -- - - - • - gave •the vocal nuntbera "hosannah" . '.%1( 111"w. in 1 h"l"rn*:'• • ''') N$n)"13)",
' ' :ninny Crest Form, 101 1 Inlrehred Tort sow, bred Feb. lei • ' • ' ' e • with nis boort companions in perfect and ."))1y God and Father While I ', .1441" II ",alli• 118"'. IIII, ' k '"‘.. bi t '
t 4` . • I *.; • - ' I te
tainers they Put on a itliristrel• Show. intray."' Mr. Adame is a former Gotle..t '• 1 -. "*
ft. It: 2., Seaforth, Ont. 1 TM% sow, itt pig: 1 purebred .
REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Ihnnteniente, Ete.-1 Masseyellarrie to sell be ;Albite atictlen at tite rest.- noise as to warrant the hotel-
-neon -one. - • • - „ binder7 ft rut: 1 Msseyntarbinelenee f tkte le . B. Woreen,keeper in •ejetting as Interlocutor, you limy be surt that were very Inghly oppreciated. A '''' , ""..""'n • ' ',/i ; l• ' ; 1
'one oaneete vole.; mut hie oelentem, / ,,,, , .en , ,,,, Nee en /1„ . , Ix 1411,1• ye ir
5 onh., 14J, 1.15 lit ii.,114#1,1. 1k id' tw frf 150.
nine undoubtedly Pirates es ci ' ,
, . toles, evIth the Bold Chtef 4.1 lk ti•
pit; AiiMSTD1-)NG lInteL.EST.O-------------------- te 1 Ofeseyeliarrie rake, Yielekia ------------------------
- floderion Tee emoted v.... .,.... petee ti'44111 ..I0 '
i Alassendlarrin 8Ped drill; 2 eadmeneine at 1 oteloek sharp, all the ,eufferseiyet tbe druthers ave within
, neck .of .a, pitUte Aim Besides! the Nielit?" uv' E.arjaent, by Itir, n
, ,no euesteeue,,, galte,,, leume„ 00N : tel keepers are making o protest, nee. -crt 1 :nth, et tint0 teetoeli to 4;01110rtte crow -
Fenn real norgains offering Just now nlasseyetlarele hay fowlers: i C40(011111 °entente imam inched/0.e: . the law. Small wonder that the 110.
,,,,,,, senior circle and ends. a group (if Cutt and Mr. Adams. Mr. Cutt in tery. eer‘lee Ailtir house art onion, .
teeltdee berm oe houses end oriole. manure 'spreader. nearly neve; I cock. „. , . „„ .. t• ••• A eight juniors in black face, the ehow- another Goderieh bot who luta achiev-i . • iN etEettoecegei .
i wit.‘sts.-, in lot mg menior,y of my
for the 1114 Streak,s, 502 and 207.
tato. "Olteet to Calvary by the ehoir
of the church, assisted ley Mrs. G.
McLeod, of Stratford, Mr, Bert Cott,
of Galt. oitti Mr. Leon Adams, of Lon-
don, who took the soprano, tenor and ntam nartleY. SuPersils. 540.
lenda itself t,o such drinking. The tliinge will be "lint." of kir (Lumber. see. Joseph
• eNstc. vece; oGgNoy„ fit; Nitisser-lizirri's ultit aim% good wpAyst erd, decent man suffers and the hotel met,
Thr stage setting ie that of the vocal duet. "WateltMan, What of thel 1414 i, Park steeet en VridaY, Moral
pal ticulariy effective number was the rem/0110e
4.11 ev. of nianY listed for sale : thutt • 10.plate disk with pole tonne aight /whop" e(,ntre twp4 wal- on page three a this issue tve give boat dancers, lel') in the snaPPY ed fame an a, vocalist and it; 11111Cli •
4. nom bon; house inn moderh elute. 111 (Nafr,eleVollz,m(11.1relk. iselettetC°Pall4c vnite* i° ft" nut eentre table; several ex1.1 parlor' the' Petition of the hotel keePOre in, songe, also a group oe ebncer, poe.
Price $1800. 044.. eitt.: I land r eller, No, fi; I Nation. dieing room sone, eontplete; •set of what they are asking for- -cot p dentand for coneert work, Mr. Cutt Geer mere. Euz‘,1„,iii. Nom ent,,I.,41 into
umes, take art in tbe 151isaissippr lee and The Blind Ploughman And .1 I It I .1. I I 1
. •44 4, 0 ' rt i rert Sitteett 2111 . • .
Pine lied 'Trick 'Hous1. newly ileeo3. al plc4v. naeirrow; i two.turrow plow; kattter-toated inners; set of weod- osit a , ett t r k t.
ated, good emedittom Lights, bathrootit, i 'Prost, 44 woad •a'tanting pweitt i get tit eeated diners. z Mo Lenalle Aloved to Brockville. Festival.
. • refrigerators: Nehlte hie °otos vvere rendered in excellert
(1 I. b • 1 t 1 Tonne needle; tone linseed.
sewing maehine: 2 upholstered Inuit- The people of Godericif learn with The aeeoud part of :the ehovi villi voice. Ile teas accompanied hy hat it Atop t wa.t t„ t.l.ti‘ett of tny he.ii friend, .--
Bed brick bOuse, full modern equip. Lion barrows; f Adams wagon, nearly .
11-11°("1.1 Infer" I l• 1 11 t an 1 Inter to oaf- lull so that our reeders may see just ,
end with lot mid gamer.. lean (erne, ing. mower. 6 ft. rut; Maxwell mower. roe ors ( 0 eine% yeting girle . in bright pirate hinteelf gave "'The Stranger of Grili- 1 Pile 'ow Aleeentira
'Peeo lots.. Onn00.00.. nneetion learrowa; 1 eection of 3.see. b I ni 1.
lone; farni Mag011; 2 gravel boxes,: casi,1 3 oat, (*entre tali es; 3 extol large ger for scone years back of the Gode
it • b • • 1 '' be compose of a •etelies rig t r.l'Ong iano -,,1organ r1 c tee a so nee mot kl inituenees %ill he, p me
I wuton box. 1 set ee light ennee. e set rune; 41 Mali MAI' 111111thor of mate: licit nranch of the Bank -of Montreal, features evMLiving Garden," a very plegsinq in rentierinr, and 'semi I 111,:1%/1,111:Pr;',ut717•1•74:411 eiii,",Lher hitahand.
Fled brlek house, good condition. • • - - - • i jarobran stoma ‚fetinery; 1 walnut is to he moved from Goderleh in the unique dancing number executed by well, receive(1. i •
is -eluding gawp. •Elght tots.
r2=Att room, lights.. Moe email ham
28043.00. 2 good bay racks, 40 inches wide; 2 Pie fkeirtentierny:i2aan:alutipteehAsttraalsn:a2a atIlidletospet$41 tet.outrheee mofanitafgoewradhaiyaithetiingnpfroeonkviotueide fifty girls from seven years old up- Tile cantata waa 'rendered wlth i I we/ epee tettejtth4/11;;7,1,1,111,; NIN1,111.,:)>:,.,.le
of stoop sleigha; i set of bench sleighs:
loaders: I rubber -tired buggy, nearly * p o te setneL Tine scene hue been Air. wind elinrened in and fine effect. The tee ne,e„ et w II„ enterod into rt.,t the
Tir1c1; house, thill modern equipped. • . e • new Perreetion rel SiOVr: lawn intoWer; e-
steem heated. Partly hardwood floors. .
ranch. He will be succeeded here
eerie 1 road ecraper; 1 Chatham farni- 13 CS. s " by mr. n. 0. whateley who comes Ile nernr.d ler `urn in ti") 8eennu Pan
dishes.; Itifehen utenstle, and numerous Bourque's feature deteleg the wintert. sole 'work ef the •viaitinn reartiets ad. i nolo ae,„ nail, lege. Imo
dee very preatty to tee eueetiveneqo .0‘,„ of pmfi,.,itia. mum, a ipld.
enrage. .$:060.00. ' t 'Jug mill: 1 turnip drill: I set 21100 lb.
' 11°°(1 116 st°" 114)))9e7 w111) cellar' "tas: $ gi4 ""ngon nPring1.1 I elinOng ° vvorvibln:inn4 be sold at, once, Blies residence in Goderieh be has% brighter than the Gipsy ecene .of ition'of piano ma trmunAt added brit- Tin 1001 at.4.%,. 4:41 tninti: it b..41,
-1141 • • AD ro
. and dance itpecialtien 'Two of the contributed sobt numbera which were
pet 0100.00.
ene gee. lo.oln Sunny Spain," a Spanish scene Of the production and the lentil bud- , ee, mine en tho, elm,. but b, eae, :
flier eaten from Indian head. During
-r..vo jot % Full suite rooms, including maeldne; 1' sugar kettle: I WI. ladder. TP H\1 f•ur bedrooms. welt arranged tfor eon. I wherlbarrew. I diviner sitV.•, iiii- in.: " ' .7%, ormlny 4E sox.
. nhown himself a very public spirited • °Smile • lianee and variety...to tbe organ ace! Tip e:iti,. her /.3133 and ;rive 054!.1'041 :
4> All your faeorltee will be aboard ,outtanimert. Thi'l elude. nuabered : 0.4.1. ithel, he give.s us, strenit 1.^
vealetiee and cornfort. N. leelX deeprat- I saw !frame aud mandieldittiviteltal "citizen, taking an interest in .ardt
the pirate eluo, so mop -a -hoe -the oboe ' forte end under the flireetson If 1.11 beat* -our iiiiii•D erlf..1.,
' Atleti°1"Tgo movement, of a public nature and eta
,..*:2. Vine full egintiPed oath and toilet 1 grind. stone: I pitipere; 2 gotta flat ...-. .... ... • _. - 1., _ .. , - - ---t--. — awing plank" to the, Overa home is noe canaben gave a aged aceount of It • le the milt one Unto Ell•AN'4, ,
room. eicetric 'lighted, Ina flnielled. Teens fur sleighs; i Renfrew moan:, kt.17rItiel SALE, on nAltei Seaton end tt --------.0-61.Alts-int -i-o—
RENT loide and firm -and we can .aecommo. themselvee. : imp 1.111enee.44 and 11..i
oonventent to Collegiate institute emit etor.trator, (learn-new:I cresseut sew: d. jelPbEelnym ! •••••••4,04,1* au•..44 ,64. •••••••••/' ¢2. .a••••••. 4. deee au clewed
ontoria enhool. OW9.00. / 2 seythes, a quantity of .cellar 'poste. a . . The eitureh wveilv ecor. , `:.-10 11a"''d 1". 1a11411,4" "'rt. and
more goeditouses. with move quantif,y basswoed eut for utireine.
ay less metlerii conveniences -4160n vrarel floantliv aqii alre:14Y • will sell ity oablie auction, at led ) good blePle 1431°.
• . _
IIENT.--therns to rent ovm•
----------------- t.en • i-tandll.tut.lii r. kkinue
• 13ItIEF TONVN TOPICS ated with sprine flowere oi
• cert. Aftee the concert the enote eon, so WEL. In lot flag 1150151,11PY SOf MY
MO% $1300. 8120P. $9000, dd011 OS00, emu, flood for alceknado and Vlinn'trit it, C.On Se intorno twit 'It 1 oVil oit ."-"` - ' - - — — The chtlte fOr illa detiVOrY 'Of gra; viaitin,o tatitee me' eocifollv in tit^ , tle,ir Ittr.'mtel. Arthur Sitazel. Wit, died
!,,:pi, etre Aek about them. also ash tongue reaehee. windmill -• •TlIndlreir APIIIL 114)4" - e • " - ' • F 0 8 .93.6N. -mint. 0.1111.1intikir
Large. number of farms listed far (tale muter rods, and tioublettees: forks.. " • '
end omen ••r geed et t!. loam. amid, /...ihrn
434° vet down ;the hill to the new elevator basement and Rev. itirr, . Clarke toil( tne . 11' 71411 tielq, Marte1. pone sm.
ill._: most any glee, peke, termeeand lo. timns
i, palls. and numereue other or. contmeneing at I 44.4' (PC enatin 1344.6 ni. tiito3.1(.41 413; 0,01. 4. A.,41,113,1,1 m. 1 g in heing constructed 0 tne the ouPot IlreitY nf expressing oPPre.o 1 1°1" '-`' "nn "11" InInn'n ,`,1"1 '4111iY•
.0 :tifAt demised, reade toe erenepateel, wine 1 co)f, fit W.alts11 11.141110i10 !lay. gliOrSePe-1 flay ,Itoitie 9 years old: I two. Plw Pulit'ular"P:''° 111 rk 1•:. mud oef oWneylliaunglo 13nvtottele'ecet(.meu Brie im epeucti„ nod
eintion of the fine work of al! Val.:: 'OA 1 011114 15,. um,. lung 4i140. ,1,011
7. :notate poesession. • nese. 1 tee 160W Harness. i gld onnt • baY iirira, A 'pore old. Munn% ntteolehe . i refreeludente were Elem.': wvot : . ." •
1 :Olio 114 4411P 41,114 if ..441, yen (empty,
. i
Nem nem_ ne eteree red, ereeneno,e, t reeumed its nerviee 'betweett Goderielt rel bY tin nWedeernen n Aneocie_ntion.
, Awl 01.4 te4 b.. heave Mid rettieol.
Fur all paettrutara leave oe sea hz.vofRg.. a good rollam 18 1,1 23 Indiosuz : (41116,-4 Paobrea 1%14 $343'4 fow 3 ----- .i•-• -•
1 W. ATIAISTRIVioi, i 11,W Net of oPrend inrigel 200 hue. seed. eears old, dile Oa. 1110: i Durham eow
Ilea/ Estate. tens. Compteroe: itiO bus, barley; eneut r yeara old, milidng: i litirlient cow a 1*(II11% 1144W I'll 4 41101'0" tdP4.4!" with the exception that the mornint"
and Stratford the same as bet fall
1 ... Your radio lidenne enpires bitueb 1 eon, ehed ieere 1011 urieele.ne
r ow lot ALP mint= 84 " Atel breathe elehe ut reeeet :
elet. eer
.Doe 80. Goderieh, Ont. 7 10nn titnonIT halo , yeara due Nov. 2nd. Mi. Alt eomenteneen ttaeree and
TEReleeeeilt been grain and 00(119 of •
, mistenaneotss.....1., .044.: 2 rtvege; .1 stiowl &Arden. Algt, 1 crow het in.13 leat.vi-Goderich at 045 a.m., in- -. ., '
tee on ------------ S. $1.00 per annum. I. nor per were tidal.. 1 teenneber. eene
-* 814 and muter. eaelt: twee that amount Candor, 3 kcibtfl'ii• !Oar; etret,1: t-115: rolinte; Bettie. ‚41. 4t4 a"d of 7 tun' 1111n tiIf oil the %goal fer...zl t.
seven noettlite credit will be glen, on itirrAsey.liarris Moder, nsti fail; ga,m41 eareee, neone publisbe4 in this issile. Remember Sanford Sundae/ eehittiV ?owe neeeed by
will lawe rtliotecr"of linen for the' Manch 001lo in the Ledfon ot
. ...ferniehing approved Joint Hope. A ,,f1-11-%,•eut: 1 Maeseeollarrie Need: drill: 1 WEeN111.1,. Cameron Si.
illeeenutt (.t 4 pee cent. eleateht will be Inf `. a IIC4 • '''°•
tior esiSk Oli reedit funousita
1;verythineen til091 be Gold ail pro.
Real Estate• insuragee przetur Fth in:: up the hem.
min„mt haeneeee a Teo. pot :n.a.11.1,7 tin RENT. ----1 from. lomee,
hop Alitkr411 VccigOli; hay and .
115 •Aiiiry. Drork Gitrg•14:
move oink. .e.aneested, neaten um:, der. tenet and etarlien: neves enanto
tnelerieh Renehalt
Ledge No. go lionromade baking adte Settirday.' une torten onyx ,,e,/ eeeine
11' It i..rinct memen, on
11 Oddfellowen hotline elnieouto, at their . . 1 2*0
tregular Meeting Tueeday. Apeil er,n, Tlie date of Enote ellurelt ehoir eon.; uni• it e moonier. MN, FaitiiieD1
at 8 oleteeke, Will ail I -amber& cat Lan been -Changed to Teo sday blot Woe .inel Iwo e4 ere iiti• 14
,neeseee. 43'1)* tr:;riTt mums,' bring tbeir doratiOne to tiTiO °V" 1)$.' IMP nedilo e
OF 4 ••86 SON Ltd
'Telephone 230
kki1 . • _
got 9141(40 tie:Alio: 1 Itat ran: gravo
hwt: 1 Iral oulting 11ov 1 teet.e.eagil
ettienn 1 ea amble itarneen
not eifiete l305';12'.;, 3 borne (Alain
wane* trettelo 1 144 of 600 /O. row, 1
Renfrew irt-oasta neparatov. 1 1:ovol
garden. Apply Cam. 141e0111*3.
eV,ei*.tet. T
. 1C.1R0
•Onlld tio‘
E!d e
OrXy° tIf:MorC
Ca. Goteed tWaenodmitn'na etndtSCtainl
eivE 1,7muut 1191t1Ab41)41',oeeortoted5.our(len ;oven/. " SPEAL OPTICAL OFFER heovelar)e eha
Auxgiory COO an4 darro to boir4 int Wei
MarOne on Baster
hall t €0€111211). 11 1 , 41 94 lipecC:
ee, lfy
ei ttteiee%
emen gfainolerreede and WANT ?.Iletin42444
0151 (0ge .
orr rtM
0411' W:...i piri4t t,
vyts 0
fr kown0anti onefakiiin okaep„ eeetb orelette n tendt, mi,A 1.tr„nd,
l 3,
, Tei;m.F1s
thm4itttawiale.ha'e e
gfr neContYro
J 'Oath 11146
Ttnittn mane std otoi elm 1.0 pee/lone then
. • 7 Ar,c,-,t,tionn,,10t-:-a2,Drp,./!,o.,,.n'i3lil5;evo e..an,,. A.i.i-ni, nQol•.';,n.ien' ae:zupni' b4a€C,esAs3eeuo,rbetde,1144)I(,1144)I('1 dth
,i',4 el.l1ibt,1to
etteezn.rattou; •,ttiI
.C• s's (o')15ce. coIlrl. ve elln
.n..7".".,n.r:=I-• 111 ec:e15,,k1",,e4
i,t.14t1r,- acI ltn.oN, t1h..a.,61
Nff eair0Llv4.iieeistt.
eir c"ftoe,On4wta0te.tz0tr
iftktoioow r, w
fit11141 151 giVa Cdi figniellne ateneee enlnLimRIPLFRoefvn.tPr at11noontngarcImumiaonerlk'eeneen, 3 cleaTel ti„z tt
4374 "*
1(teieeeewanti,i(liil enko1112411-
ONTAIIO 13"'44:u77,tc4:5u?Tti:tztlnaiattiD4!,,in11*" e4aa'dr101'4 Cgr4;y Pde efNne ty int lii tnt 1 19estnei1iiif71IOCu119tadet'J.
.noe t '4i etnee
t;:1:161i,,;;4,,,,tilcl4laIl1z1,.cado-tlico4144L14-44'1,sEe.-44C,,-; 14
'I'.111e1-0€.11f92.).-0.', -1', *104 4., n
gIE50i'n1a. rkaoo
4 rail 4v-4,