HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-21, Page 5THISI SDAY, ARCH 2lat, Int)
All the popular
Cold and Influenza
Campbell's. Drag Store
Phone 9O' . -- Goderich
ar� COUNCIL ten petitioning •' the "'Legislature to
1 •Vf,iU . r. make the road from Harriston to Fen-
rt.iitpiitteo fxotia page 4) s well's' a Provineial Highway wa': re-
•ferred to the special committee.
v : mo . • rear.
n ern. a 1
"1" i � Qr• d
vii w•l be
Y p Committee ftep+aarts .
TT'heee were 'referred tea the'cemee The 'finanee .eoininitttee reported as
piton,tery and parks Conireittee.. , follows:. We v examined have examma c} the
On behlf of Mr. Robert, Winter , treasurer's statement of receipts. (.rid
Messrs. Hays and Hays gave notice! expenditures .for the month of Jan.
of appeal' against assessment. 'for, nary as audited and found correct
sower on the Huron road.—Refereed' end recommend tett it be filed. We
to Court of Revision committee. xecomntend -that arcopy--of Reaton's
Some bide for business in the way; 1029 Hand Book be purchased at •a
of supplying -road: oil were referred i price of $3.50. We recomineed that
to the public works committee. 1 this town loin the Union of CanadianAn offer for ,some office furniture municipalities and pay the member-
at the shipbuilding plant was refer- : ship fee of 210. With reference to
-red to the committee in charge. j the account of $148.10 from the 1
A vaguest from the •Mount Forest Goderich Manufacturing Co. for
Highway Association for .co-operation fence at the race track, the'Goderich
Trotting Aefraciatioaa haat given tie
their cheque for $45 and have agreed
I to paint the hence as their share of
the cost, We therefa4e reeeminen f
that the account be paid,
' The public worn`s committees res
Dported cs follows: In the natter of
" the request cf the t:oderieh Efevater
• and Transit Co. for a portion of the
north encs cif Wellington street at the
i !lather front so as t.. provide settle
Ova Iand ter their Hary elevator an-
; we are negatiatins} with the in-
!,terestcd parties with A S iew tc., h31,7=i ing this end of the street shifted to
i the east, the street to corainee frill
width to the water. Thus would re-
! quire that the town acquire a piece of
1 land to the east of the present atre:t
and it could then relinquish a portion
I of the present street :as desired ;ay
the Elevator Company.
I . The flreeommittee repotted as foie
lows: In 1928 estimates the suras of
1$2304 was pieced for fire department
i expenditures . and the sunt of $2127.-
. 90 was actually expended. We have
prepared our estimates for the year
1929 and recommend that the sum of
i $2000 be placed in the estimates for
fire department exa,enditure. We bind
that "the °electric: fire alarm siren tat
the fire hall has been damaged and
we recommend that this 'ciitninittec
1 be empowered to have it repaired at
I once.
These reports were passed with
the exception of Clause 1 of the fire
committee's report, which WAS refer-
red back for further consideration.
Taxes Collected end Uncollected
' The following report was eabrrait-
ted by tax collector .T., H. Robertson :
Collected since last report; • 192-6
f taxes, $163.44; 1926 taxes, $467.72 ;
11927 taxes, $640,87;. 1928 taxes, $2,-
758.57; 1927 road oil, $11.28; 1928
road oil, $139.88:: 1929 dog license,
rteG, total, $4 2 7.7 . •
Arrears as on Meech .15th,, 19291
1920 arrears, $41.64; 1921 arrears,
$41.27; 1922 arrears, $124.57•; 1923
arrears, $119.77; 1924 arrears, $472.-
95; 1925 (arrears, 2890,15; 1926 rrr-
i rears,! $2,079.9$; 1927 arrears, $4,.
159.11, 1028 arrears. $14,155;02: to-
j tal, 622',085.06 ($7,929.44, 1927 and
rrears: , and 925155.62 *75,67; ;1926 8oad $122.04;
' 1927, $263,74;� 1928,$642.61; . total,
l $1.104.06. C returned2
Mr. Robertson his 10 8
roll and explained the action he was
taking to secure collection of taxes
argain Week a
EVER. before, in,planningl3n, sir"`. aster events have we: put forth such of-.
f ort and care •n nalc;n ur purchases !: We se •
a� � p , searched. the Toronto and`.•
Montreal markets for buys that would enable to to offeror r
out customers, values that
acre almost impossible to duplicate 1.
Make this store your Easter�aha �
ppiiRg please. Our geleectioit will astonish you
YES ! they were brand new this ween and we are already
offering them at cut-rate prices for this week. They are- a most
comprehensive collection of styles, replicas of higher priced ..crea-
tions, so exceedingly different and NI W.
Flat Crepe Dresses
Washable . Dresses
W would sincerely advise you to choose your Spring Coat early
this season—for, .with our speetal pre -Easter offer you can save money
and obtain the very best of styles.. The. new .garments are all in stock
in our•Readyto.Wear department.
• We draw special attention this week to our Woitaen's Coats °IN°.
ilottomliey's'Tricotine, and at the special price of
Also 'we arra very pleased to mention' and offer Misses' (`,oats of
now, chic Spring, styles la the remarkable price of
Don't forg,et to ask about our special offer to the early buyers.
Ghee€�e your garment now ami we wilt lay it aside until.you need it.
Here are some special spring' Bargains sale for
p � p .. � � oil'+ week only
`Ilituunalette'R!Glnkets, large size. Cotton Broadcloth (36 incl(). Sale ° c
Sate price, per .pair. , . , ... , . $1.98 price, per yard....
Harvey Sitc 'lose, reg. $ 4.50. Sale
lla>annektbr, reg..inc. Sale price price, per pair..........., ... 1•
per yard . -• POW* Cages, (Itenlatitched), each
..... ... .......... ..•.., 25rc
Chia(*, ('36 inch). Sale price per
L*adlics' Cashmere Hose, reg. SI.541 \, -
(final a?Iearauce), per pair 704
yard. .. . . ..
ecce, .�. ... ..
S,re our window display of Oilcloth Rag prices for Saturday, March 23rd,
The S. A. GRAY Co.
Phone "56
and pointed out some of the di ileus-
tie* a* eau rp apt'eir,t. Fur instals,'
he was told by certain parties that
they had hien telt by tome cor.ncilior
that. they did not need.to pay their
road cit eeeeerament, and he i, iniad;
out the effect et this on the col, ricin
cf Lentil. The Mayor wa3 emrfteti,'
that the council must be behind the:;
collector,- and lteve Turner and
t'_uneilicv' Bailie spoke, the latter'
wishing to state that he had net
madest ►
su.l a.�ttmene .,
and the fora
mer exreeting the •belies t,ant ne,
member of the ezuneit seeuM make
such a etatemaent.
Reeve Turner, claimed that scall-tca�
do people were not paying their taxa i
a c ee or o r sena earreeted thee F n M d •h
tnatxh at 9 o cls •� k, under the ausp,+ e e
of the Haya shi 4.g cultural fete,
Jay*eld l•:nter.auaere er hertra wish
furnish the aw ie. Adm*ssi; n 59e.
The play, `:Mistress el St. Ire1,"'
was pr sensed in the town hall gin
T►w s} evening. Morel 12th, by St',
Andrewat Un;ted church chei► and
was a deelite:I- niceties. Everyone r
to.lc his or her mart with great ere.
(lit, There was a large turnout and,
ell enjoyed the eveming"e entertain,
meat• `tine, Bayfield Entertainers
Orchestra was in attendance sand
played t:eweial fine selection=.,
The Iidles° Aid of Bs, Andrew%'/
United ell rah held their annual S.
Patriek soeiai in the basement of the
this ststenrent by saying that laerltat .c rc a a on ay evenaree,,w• en- a.;
- d- -program of Irish Bangs, readings and
gene over the list sr aware anti not instrumentals was given, those take
mare than 5 per sent., et these ire are ing para being Rev.. & M. Gale, Rev.
rears were w;rat you. would call well- Mr. Paul, Mrs. -W. Wallis, A. E. Er-
to=do•people. • The ether J5 per Bent. s win Jas R Stirling,ain
talaead. Gladys Gale. Mr.I2 public
were people who never had much gen. Dr. Brady. MisBeans Murray
and Min
.Councillor =Jteacher, Balite moved, aded a vs a e. syr ria school
acted as chairman in good
ity Councillor Sproul,that the collect- style. All enjoyed a pleasant even -
oris roll be returneto the collector 1 iris;,
to continue collections till the last• -�ee
meeting in Aprit. COLBORNE
vtketslnoiFdit n ofheToner
o� rhwarMr. N. Pearson shipped a care of
from the elevator westward, and this fat Bogs ata Wednesday.
WAS , referred to the public works :lir. Howard Baer has three ears
committee. of fertilizer at McGaw station.
Councillor Bailie referred to the hire Lloyd Walters has again sttarte
new grand stand, and moved, seeend- , ed making maple• syrup- We belie
cd by Councillor Mannings, that the : he will have a Very goad season.
contractor heapaid the balance of the Mr. and hire. Cclarencn Walters vis.
contract, on the presentation of the iced with the latter sister, Mrs.
engineer's. certil'tciete: The kitchen' Chas. Allin and family, on Tuesday.
had been lined with•metal. Mr. end meet warner Cousins hay
Councillor Bailie • mentioned that got settled in their new .home, the
the sewer connection appeared to former working for Mr. Ernest Glen.
'have settled and that the down pipe We ,are sorry to learn the( Misa
from the ea% . trough on the stand 'bfargatct Mitchell has to discontinue
bad is .on eat
a d r n ed, her G. C. T. studies on account 01 111.
Reeve 'Turner asked about table ace 'health, the effects of 'the liu.
comrnodation for the use of the press bar. Jahn Treble unloaded a •
Gar of
which hood been prepared for the best British Columbia shingles on
council room, Some new chairs have
been got. the lighting of the room Tuesday and Wednesday of this•week.
• unproved end the ceiling r'epapered. 11c also loaded a car of barley on
It Was stated the cotnmitteee was Friday.
looking Into the question of tree. lin.. The sympathy of many friends go
deem for the floor and the tables out to Mrs. Edward Good and family,
amid come next. also Mrs. Andrew Johnston and'fana-
Letters of condolence are being ily in their • sad logs of husband and
sent from the council to Councillor Father.
„Wesley M. McLean on the death of On Tuesday night Rev Mr. CUM -
is brother and to .Chairman W. T. mfngsr showed pictures of Ben Hur,
Siurensv of the Water aria. Ligat. Com• after which a social hour was .spent
mi" -ion on the death of his wife. and lunch was served, " A fee was
The council then adiourned. charged whicd.
h goes to the aid of the
Miners' Fun
GODERICHETOWNSHIP On 1Vednesda of lust week the
Mrs. F. Hatch and daughter, Fior- Ladies' Aid of Benmiller United
.encs, of .Winnipeg, who have been churchmet at the home of Mrs. Flet.
visiting at the lame of Mr. and 15irs. cher F her, There was a good meet -
Geo. Sowerby and other relatives inr••nrd a pleasant social'hour and u•;`
ay on their return ` dainty lunch served by the hostesss
eine, left Wednesday were enjoyed by all.
The Ladies' � Aid of Grace United hc' piny entitled, "The Road to the lied church entertained the choir to to Could Hardly Live for t#sthtna«
church, Porter'e Hill, intend holding a City, put on by Benauillz r. Young St. I'atricl:'f; dinner and social time, writes Beira elan whet :after :yearn of •
l i t'J, T'
Pit; Irif�°f�
��,•� ... u�er•,1_,:,,,
FRENCH KID GLOVES—in grey, black, virinae and
pastei, daaintly trimmed with correopc ndtnpt`
1 shades.
LADIES" SILK GLOVIS`d an the ttew'apiin shades. _
French Nude, Mother Grote, Sunset, White and
and Black. We have several'new, snappy num-.
hers to show you in Silk, Kit} and Cape Gloves..
service weight evjth square end Contour Iieel.
Mao fancy Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets,
Flowers and Dress Ornaments.
bazaar on Wednesday. evening, April poop e; s o e &weir on . hursday, 'lila tables wei' > e: in the b:asonient ?itfl'erinl; lino foa.nat . t ompk' 0 4-745
see, in the church..,''F�heie will he a I'.t ieh 28th. This play was `put on of theaehurch,'svhicli Waas very taster throuj'h 1)r. J, I): hoUogg's , arhinia
good program and, iuneh will be care ,whichped township
foe seven times,. fully decorated .Cor the event with ape Item'etly Nory Iia knaavr Iruty l ed
ed.' Everyone welcome.
Theplayentitled, ""The path across
ee-ktfiat wfitbe put an !at the young,
people on Wednesday evening, .April.
Mr. F. Elford, of Ottawa, was ' a
visitor at the. home }f Mrs. Walters
Wednesdays en,l Th%lrsday of this
week. • .: ' s
The meth -1k 6f tiie mission circle
at the home of Miss Thelma Cridnioro.
on '7 uesdayeven�ng of this week was
in every way. a.`decided success. Fit.
£y -five were present. . - --• We are sorry to report the death
of • Mies Annie Elford, formerly of
this Diac.o. Interment:; took .place in
Maitland Cemetery on Wednesday of
thin week. Rex. J. -1W. •Herbert offie
elated. .�
-Tho W. M. S. met' on 'Wednesday
at the parsonage. The attendance
was .good and much -interest was
shown. in.. the excellent program ren-
dered. A dainty tench was served
by Mrs. Jno. Potter 'and Mrs, Wal-
The village is now enjoying the hy-
dro lights on. the streets, which are a
great benefit in the dark nights.
Mr, John Woods returned ` home
from London on Friday Last after.two
weeks' visit with:. hi; daughter in the
.• Wilber Erwin . and wife and Mrs.
(Sander and son, Bobbie, of Kitchener,
motored up , 'Sunday and visited
friends in the village.
Mr. John Tippet arrived home front
Clinton hospital last week after hav-
ing an operation performed. Ile is•
slowly gaining strength again and we
hope to soon see him around again as
We are sorry tp report at time of
writing that Mrs. Frank Keegan is
'very low, having taken suddenly in
on Saturday last, but we hope she
will revive her strength again and be
up again aS usual.
spew well foe t e p ay. pr..prfnte adornment. 'Fhe dinner less l:,s been his au'X -rpn ,. . Thi
Carlow le. Wit S. met on.Monday in left no:ling tg ba desired, and alter -1 matchless remedy i,ivcs 'are helps to ,
the township hall, with a good attend. wards :a social time •was sapient 'iia all afflicted with asthma. • Inhuled.ar
once, Miss 1I. C.lark taking charge of .games and contests. At the conclu• I smoke or vapor it 'beings the help ::u
the meett, �prg in the ahseneo of the..p,___: sion..,or tht tvening-u hearty`vote,. of longi nt•etfed. F;very ttettler leas;. it or '
sided, Mrs. Will Marsh. The scrip- thanks to the ladies was ,pr<ipat ed 'l,y }can, get it for you from hi t' vvliol(f<
.,ure lesson wits read by Mrs. Stoll Mi, W. C. 1'ridham, president of the Saler.
and the members alternately. The choir, seconded by Mr. C.:14. 12obert- �� .
second chapter of the new study book son, and carried with loud applause, Bright One--� 1 know one matt wee .
on Africa was read by Miss Vesta Mrs. J. M. Moore, president of the are all dt inf; .to sec.,, . ,
Fisher: After a few huuiness:itenis' Women's Assoeiation, aclanowledged 1lunabn•.':11�:11ozatt" • ,
.,,,a -a dis , usscwl 1Virs. Walters closed the expression and, in turn,. called for Bright nave "ilio undertalceter
rho meeting with prayer. it clap . of the hands.. from tiro W0111.1
ell's Ansnciation 'and visitors • Sis an;
AMONG THE CHURCHES es pression of appreciation of . the
oir's ».
Baptist church, Marchi 24th. The chThis, weekservicebeing Passion ii•'eelc the
easter will preach. •Subjects, morn- subjects of the meditations at the
ing, *The Son of Man;,, evening, "Is daily services in St. George's' church "'nil' ilea
it teeeatrable that the Lord : shoeld have to do with, various aspects of lar a rain E Sample r-
return to re" �" I
, A large range o Corral