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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-21, Page 4
• ......501.Wya, PAGE, FOUR PREPARING for EASTER Easter iCs only one week away and now is the time to select your New Spring Clothes For the Ladies we have a full line o1 the ,newest and most correct styles ink, Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Gloves lowers, Scarfs, Hosiery, etc. The New Dresses • We have received tt further shipment of stew Dresses. We invite you in come in and see them. They come °sit silk printed tropes and celanese. Very latest styles and, materials at moderate prices. . Easter Millinery Here you will see the latest styles of Hats admiratily`su`rted to the facial contours of tite various ages.. A smart display, in - chiding felt, straw and silk combinations. Irregular and Close -fitting models its the ne'v est shades, -. �.' .... s Printed Crept Hat and Scarf Sets '",e New Coats We have received also.. a new shipment of Spring Coats thisweek. i hey . come in a widerange of materials and shades. Ma terials are: Bottomley all - wool tricotine 1s r o a cloths and tweeds. Shades of navy, black,. .sand,_ fawn, blue, g r e y, etc, beautifully, .. lined with . . flowered •silk and plain crepe -de -chine, • trimmed with fur, muskrat, . opos- sum, ,mole, brd:a,d.tail French Colinsky, Sizes IS t o44. the men and young men we have a complete line of Suits, _ Top Coats, Hate, �M ta, Neckwear, Socks Gloves, :IlrXerlear, .ate;. ; for tbi5, spring " feature man p iw , tt many smart style elements urs %" �" ,Y e e that will interest 5i t' 1tl ewh i � a o] tole e rte tl =to=d t p at , lite lttodet sitavvn has the ne�v'' etc Ila theM , p 1 tl a ,hd)ttlder stre� v r p z s broad,. � i tie elle-coat itself sits Situ' 1 whit~ #h ,. athletic g' Y oss , t. hip, �imparfilug the rnrttah desired- athletnlc appearance. t'here are other smart models including _ � pp *There the daabie breasted style, - _ Thequallysmart models for men who affect conservative tastes,. Out stock of new Sultsis presented in a selection of English tweeds and ~worsteds. Reasonable prices« 3 1 -TOPC1 d d ulltleSs .C►f :cut, carrying'mit ;that casual . cite - free appear;tnc . plat snakes for ri--_. ,._ _S_ in of grey, brown and fawn.. display season �ie)n s a a deG y. w 'r r;d'-f The Topcoats n las ' • v t'inftorfor- this s A. CORNFIELD Pik i.opR mop' T� C You ARE INVITED TO SHO i UST 41IPE OF SQuAti4 PHONE 4T8 MSI,,,., Ti 1 THE GODERICH STA IkVas Laid p Atitther request train Mr.I'w�rseesq was on behalf of the J. S. Metcalf ca., the contraa;'tor fair the ceding f W %� of the new etevabr annex, erel Was an 1r puck for the preelege Qf coirereethig a chute down the hank at the enol ©f Mrs, Yiaetnt Mune, Turk*. Neer Wellington street in order to convey writes: — e °britt seamier I was raid up y argent to the sane of the constructive ' with boils ret Ay Back, I court riot ii work. It did not appear as if it Ue d3owa, or do anything. I had fifty „ would be possible b aec, ilato gra- t6ree of then, Use of my friends t vel from the beacli at the north of the atdtiEed aaa to ft, Harbor rapidly enough, awl land pita !• '- would have to be used, 1 A :sir. Cook, of the Metcalf ere., who �Lf ays ><#1 stock at the,�R`ex[it1l ,vas presentC ex lained that he wish - THI ltrleAre MAI'it'R :net, i:-`2 All the well -kion Cough and Card Remedies,: • n►illcS, etc. 1 eel to construe';, a chute down the bank, which would a :.53 beneath the • steps and through the opening under trio C. P. R. travks end a conveyor i would be necessary over the C. N. T:. tracks; Ii'e also would like to he able to store ai .certain quantity of gravel at the top of the bank us a reserve in ease of temporary breakdown tri a truck. The Metcalf Co. w euld 4S - SUMO ei boldl aal coonoticed ; sumo• On liability and would agree to ,._ t tt .elaal ls iairerncnce,n to I" tockai have the niece in batter condition :e_err ;1,a: ;ban they found it end would park four bottle* Is all, and I are in goad ' off the .end of the .treat where -they ► +� bea7tt *en ems: metier Inid auy %i a ; were thrp le if desired« of ti #�et1 >nluae.'a +� - .. Miauahietlareit 00144 The T. icit. dad ;be Ielerve Turner. that the re - vest be granted, and that the matter THE RRX.ALL DRUG STORE tracking arrangements t•~• ; - ; Drug Stare We carry a .complete stock of all Patent " Medicines, Drug Sundries,. Tobaccos!and Cigars Commit or Munnmgs moved. seem. lying Ca., 1,2417 fosaaata, 0* ----- .---' be referred• lay ill securing from the town the to the public works committeee. This BEDFORD BLOCK PHONE. No. 1 neeestney deed for the slight en- "4 Carried. n ereaehment on the street. alie•wanca Mr. Parsons, in thanking tate coun- nt the foot vi WetUington stw .tinder 'ell for its co-operation, said the de- assnranee its' a •+telegi tat ,noon the k nutation to Ottown 'couldl not have - -L C. DUNLOP, .Pbm. . Mayor the directors felt warranted 'been. batter timed: -- in nnthorisin the dlAntr t # The following petittot,s for the were, and roof to be of flre•praof GOD�YCH teed with the foundationirvairic in airot. canstrnctioit of eement� sidewalks shingles, slate. surfaced,. building to tleipation that all lapel steed water, ."cern rare,>ived: and were referred to •be converted into a house, with cern- viightil°'would -be promptly.` forewent- >the irubl`tc ovorks cAmmittcez' ]Pont ° ant- cellar under, all the •house and I hue. The letter pointed out that since residents on the east lido of Bayfield .move the present 'building 25 feet to 1947, when g rain started to. flow road between Britannia road and `the west, and put' a garage at the through the Goderich elevator in fair Rtat�lan st, on the west side of Mast- • rear of the house, 'e,atimated cost . � i Iand road between. Mist st, and St, $1,Q40 .to #1,tiR4, voIuto 2 ,507 220 bushels had beez dl FOR 55 YEARS 1 HE F A V er ee L COD-I.IVI ? till Scott's Emulsion llandieti _ a»ii:. 734,870.17 staent in 'David st, and on the west gid, of J';d: A letter from Mr. Robins ob,eete4 operating wages, wend $85,88271 paid merston 'street between 11 itannia to bu'iness ta:c o£ $18.181°e store on thelawn in taxes. In addition to ,road and Raglan st, 13amilton street •.far 1928,. as he had that over $000,000 ;had been circulat- A value)), from W. Peachy and Haat been int business there in .1928 at ua1 for wages tired local material in other residents on .T4axrim street ail but •only three months in 192'1. plant eattetinians. A asst benefit had asked for .some attention t� the This was referred to the Snanee corn alto . accrued rto ni itba ts' .. i, street, .its it was imrpaosible. 'his `anitte - — , n machine I w - fatopa xailw�tys 'and employees, in , vie referred to the public .eor'►>s - A Bequest from Mr. H. J. Fisher handling this volume of grain. The' connruittee, was for permission to put in two gase eomnany included 121 : local share- hospital Sometimes. 't)vercroe . d; aline puutps and tanks. This' was re- Rtolders. A plat of the loeality show.. '''C'ollegiate Board Plan ' Ano er eerred to the nublie works committee. ed an encroachrrtent on the welling_ Room on Account of Increased ton street allowance near the "water tendance, of 22 ft. 0 inches. This is taken up The following 'letter from Mtn, neat. which would tzti tiroperlY nrq- by stn, angle of the proposed new ale. V. uesslie, treasurer of 'the' Aieean t- A further letter from the Bank of Commerce was for •permiesian to construct an area way on Colborne voter annex. but no eneroaehment on dra Marine and General hospital tested by a grating. This was refer - the street allowanee is made at the was received: • red to the public works eommitteo water's edge, so t at she: town's water_ On behalf of the .Board of Govern- with power t) act. Councillor ()Gould frontage is not decreased. lir: ors of ,the Alexandra Marine and lexpreaesirtg the •,pinion that the town Parsing, who was, present, General Hospital, a beg to submit for houId . na ntte*+ r r' without se - the -situation And said they were pro. your: kind consideration the niatter of urine 41411;71 ..d of zrci,.,.+Heil+ frim th; posing to build partly in the water, € a grant for, .the current Year. The, property owner. The Mayor concur - using a: strip. varying front. 35 ft. in l ifoapital is. doing goad' work for thea .-r' un thin to view of tt\t• town's ex~ e` t a.w v " tepee . n h .3 . lt.'d . 1 .cis vide t i c . h`c e. Ir o G ft. till ' n ` eo t a ha ex r e d n muni n la p d e ce t o st a P 1 r a. d sre t spati clays. letter i ons Mr.L. E..l?aneev some difficulty in getting ;.Ile privi- were -'treated, . 4,802 hospital ' days. lege from the Department of Marine' which means•. an averse stay per a. etas ,ed damage, re behalf of Mrs. and Fisheries owing to the town not a tient of 12.37 days, on mare than +:Vel e Thomas for on accident oh Having granted:the use of this poi Atte occasion the hospital was full to icing ton street opposite the old'King tion of °Wellington °street allowance. the normal opacity d Edwa •d- Hotel on Feb. 2?4.. The "UV � Ind.,wit at one vele They emitted .to gest:-ahead with=thee' spare cots had to .b, ; u't, -iis •use. ride*. ik at this point, it. was £laimed. p was i a dangerous conditlen and work, Por the. kias'pitat �fiscsil year ending ,. Councillor lii}mnings said the plan 29th S'enter,lber last the expenditure 'mss» iotas. slrpl d 'attli'brol;a her submitted movie ,was' gutta. different for.inaint;,nunce zimountedto $1:' �l"x from the st;;p n.,_,_ Me hated to of which $8,543 only wits receiver .'{ works COevettee. s ,. give up about so. feet' -of .the street. 7iroiiT_-.-pa . y :td, . the -A Te' ' " ' ram ltot--' aftel-fot- as the first plan .seemed to need. difference $4,88$ halving to come from the euttin . out of three trees in front seg«. s. Was.rexfei ed' s• h4'ltu I e Itdid not look as if the ,street would grants•, . bequests- 'donations, and:. of his Ara. ertYWas referred :ta the be used as sal in our day but when funds raised by tite various wvonm cit parks and public works committees Vancouver costtuotedan t1 vatd sx8an uti ins � so you will ,see that t withp ow o t. road 'to the wdter treat, theueaourree much needed: A. letter from Ti o aers tar of the ton came tbtaTuc1i .ue might p. eon's was referred tt the 3inanee I Prime Minis 1r :pfOntario aeknow- sibly be made some: day in the fttr ammitteeas weret ledged the, tow 's Tetter enelosing:re- } weBa request 14 solution:in: co nection with old' age fu'tu1,re , df: th street . allowanee . in the s'u'ite' Library Board for a. in Godeeleh, with an �elovated road. levy'of $1950 for theyear grid' ther tt4ions and ()testing attaint the way going over the ,railway tracks. payment over of $500 at once, one municipalities irlg .called upon to Ire would manor ito'''objection to. the from the separate school board( for oo g t the»e oris tatvards -the Use of the street provided the en- the same assersruent as last year andne t The .letter• ro n e acltme t was n;s$7l a•e t • than of tl 1that one from "elle public school board far, 0d wV u2 receive t r h Government's ut• shown on the plan. The explanation t on �2 1 ,Goa for the Year th e sane`� s Men: t on. made4 feet wider than at first pug- The following letters term "h G lington St t ,Closed wasmade that the elevator was reingast year. C,N.tt:Wants North and o f Wel- easterly 'limits of, the proposed ele- vator extension. 'This was referred to the public works committee, A reply had at. if:•eady been sent, _.. :. A letter from the .C: P. R. •'dated that plans of sidewalks on the stde'of the bridge en harbor hill would be submitted in a short time. This was referred to the public works and harbor committee. - - The Smoke Nuisance With;reterenee to, the abatement of the smoke nuisance aroundd the dock a letter from Mr. T. • G. Connor* elat- ed that the C. P,'R. yard engine 0171 which was put in. the service here on Feb. 19th is equipped with a eritoke consumer, and everything. luoa#sible was being done to prevent smoke'- s nui- a. A aceletter from ^'i141. S. Pe Groff, the local agent of the 'C. N. R., stated e matter of smoke from engines. had been taker► up with Superinten- dent W.3. Piggott, of Stratford, who stetted that ever effort wouldmade-to-avoidcom laint fronlsoke made-to-avoidcomplaint consistent with thq, require- nlents of the important industries of the elevator and the mill. Railway. .itutiius.Eles told s.vtuA .0 giv4t deal of consideration to the matter of smoke consumers but there was no satisfa e tArY appliance which cauld•ba attach- ed to si como ve fire box, A letter from the Western Cseada 'Flour 11Zilis. Co. stated as follows "As far as our plant is concerned wi~r have had the easeof improvements to, our power plant under consideration. for some . time. We expeet in tbe- hear future that the improvements. which we have considered will be, made •and ^when these aremade our aGuntPnued •on p tsin .,mj Ste elerteetehest allewved the cut L board. *ere signed by Rev. J. F." SupQrintendent' O•lei J 'iggott of the . • ting deWn of the length. erd,. chairman, and 333r. J. P. Hume, G. N.R. wrote aslc'tttgefor. rte closing Councillor Bailie said be was pre. sceretuxys - of Wellington etrcet, pared now to grant the request of the „The Board of Trustees of Goderich pointed out that . the FJevetor company and moved, ;wean- Collegiate Institute request you to Railway and its stieees tied ibyr veeme ltor tCroft, that we levy and collect from the property adian National Railway errantthe rentiest of the Elevator* ratabble therefor eluting the "year 'the'. year 1828 aurrende r.. Piggott hand Trunk rs, the Cert. had sauce eel to :the Ti r+si6 Catny es tha:a 700 air ore now rt g dttr;an:tl actio 11 nit- Comtrany for the portion of that part 1929 the sum of $x5,927.95 (.ineludle ::f Goderich Elevator and and Mill, 'The tiling that the dere a• of , Wellington street which they re- $15,42' 95 for current ex e' i r piny approximately not l WN „ • _.tip..._ ;particularly emphasized was (Mire. for, their building and that a and'the lawn's share of the -debenture to feet of harbor f"rontage plat they wanted, the money s ant . , , p ," 'caultM' payment foe 1929, ,and requested to surrender a regillar '. conwtey andte % rireitared by mod and, tdr �thts cutct, wanted un catty iliatnpuuty riled unproved by both the sx#nt arf $GQD for lrexurranent 1m frontage of 276 feet, pr y C. l , start made, and Mr. DiacEeratu said site: parties. neiordino to the plait sub- provements, the particular's of which sorbing ell ;railway frontauge; `in the believed the delegation had muted "mated hit the rGoderich Elevator and tiro xhown bailor. Tilts had 'been done tlirou h c edn accompanying shite*g R. Aoki►1C1osing ofNorthEnd of Wellttlgtdin St., But Town this. .A-Jrnut love -fifths of rho harbor TransitCo.. the matter to be submit- intents, The board furtll r« re the desire to co-operate to the •fullest e quests Insists on Maintaining Road Allowance to Water Front island was to. ;bo ratuoved: This . -:part' ted to the ;cArittnittce r►yrd salieitnr as i: youc to 'issue debentures for .the . bel- e�ttept:�with the development or i us. of the work. might be delayed a little, to fornt ,cit trawler, whether: by lease ;ince of. tho erntotlnt requited for :elle_ tries at Gosleriieh. Mr. Piggott a ed • as ng tenders were ()asked foe before t►r otherwvise... (providing of an additional roams to either for the closing of the street. as l arliarnent prorogued. Isis Worship C. I . Its Wants to Narrow Wellington = accomodate the increased number of a necessity for the industry or g• 4 1 ncreased A O RlOt�a t poititet out to the outwit that. with+r� y e205.000 to he spent by the Govern.. and Extr i`eacher Needed at Coli@ � C tocol, about $494,004 by the Elevator anrho ordinary expenditures of tho Mill Elevator. .. rr Ti Ro#atllaowina Ht11 to North ,'Sieg a �'ilal[tb1� N��-Frpttia 1rratl• tb$., , and ItaihvaYsi prazeti- company ehartertittg they opening utt•pptaxinratoly $w,JU When the hoard . girott wdrrate,. Its is very necessary sally 11 million dollars w euld be spent derneath the trestle under,' fibs ( 11has ol,tained an 'estimate -ort odea in the town's interests and (mention Ndlwrtlt'St. tr Mayor's Suggestion. St. Trestle students. The: amount tentatively closing and portion lying ion to the C. N. A letter front the O. i IL superin-1 estimated by the Board for the eat- p o adaateent to tit .. tendent at London risked if the court- Urging and furnishing is about $2040, ,e$00Pany's lends and not occupied hv cit •had any objection to the railway the county share of which will be ap. iiia proposed ele'vat;sr. interests. his. • at the harbor this year. 'Ii. tracks acmes the nostli end of for the work they will inform zem of the railway that some siding ae . After the business at Ottawa. Mee. 'Wellington street. There was oto thereof. veommedation for the handling of The regular meeting of the towtx;cotnetd•ry a'ontntittee. The sextan s "d cis. Fraser, Parson% Croft and the 'agreement reetween the.company rend owing to the increasing ag re ate marine supplies should exist on the ai 8 8 xonneil was held on Friday evenin;7`ho would like to have the house rioted 3tiayor wcent on to Montreal and saw ever nest tallith* the ofltetals of the; C. P. R. C. N. R. last, all the members present xvl liand Cement Steantsltip Zan The the exception of Deputy Reeve Cral- A Million Dollars Will Ik Spent. Steninshtn men parsed' some to. narks the town regal ding piste o ening, but' attendatr,;a' pt, the Collegiate Brigitte° 'water front. and it id aur intention! tier of the ltatiuray Board and before 37,303 in 19:16,. 38.4101 in 1927, to^- it Eras eonst>rueted' in 191 kr an or- from 38 ftlfeent 102:1, moo in into to :ha said siding extend to the anything could be d.m re would 't>e' 40,8U7, in 1328, the Board had to add I;ic and Councillor riteLean. i mad the Harbor This Year about the cost of e:uttine i. seely out necessary to take the matter up with itt 1907 an rdditienal teacher for first 'The auditors' report, that is the Mayor MarEwan made a report of of the ice at G'deriell. (o,Uncillor{'the Board, but the. consene of the year students, making two teachers part having to do with. Lha various the Vila.of the nunieipal delegation Mannings Pointed out to the' council town was needed before nrli'oaelling doing fleet year worle in the teachere. accounts, was presented. Comments to Ottawa, much of which bar aired.. that if the vess.,le oven well' frozen the Board;' Siemer or later it would and matriculation •eoutseta. Now there - and reeennnendetions ore to fellow,. dy been pebliahed. in subs.anee, in in here it made it lunch safer than be neeeeteryr to do sone wrack on the is a rcgmrcment for two teachers This wean referred to the finance emu. The Star. They found the Minister 'in Ports whew,' vessels might no driv trestle. doing . second year work in these niittt .a i of Public Works very easy to ay- en by gales, Mr. MaeEwan sofa they This was referred to the public coulees. This year there are 47 stir - The tetreasurers statement, preach and he already knew whati also tailed on the Montreal Ake of works eohuoittee. was referred to the fnnnhha eonrittee: the delegation wished, thanks to the end the foucter sexton's. report tone, information sent out by that Fde*ator .. . . investment versus Speculation J in recent months the prices of many sem.- irks have risen to'a point where the income yield is very low. A ,substantial increase its income can be, soured by the investment of an equivalent principal amount in the First Mortgage Ronda of leading Canadian industrial tem, panics which may be purchased at a price to yield appro'iutate1y We shall Le pleased to_ supply a lilt of ietemmendata its. DianufloNSEcuinirseis mat. ar,.r..d Petr .. Itrtlatttd,lf♦rr tenet* Wok p It wanartatd,., vaunt +t,,vant, as.t .. Ttttl61rt'oI tt row w r td. It SWIM Mapinn ren„ 00aS,Ic!{ enrol( dents in the elasa, a number so .great the Nee C. F. M. and did eerier mss. Reeve Turner said he was surpras• that individual attention to the weak- sionary work in Toronto. ed' to see how touch cncroaehnient.or. er :Ancients cannot be ''given. Next The Mayor and C!ouneillaar :Muo- the street was made by the ' Carey year a !eager attendance is expected nings attended the Good Road,. 4 on. property. It waspainted nut by the in this form, for there are 74) enrolled i yen ion , t and it �aa mMayore' in the two ryear � M amazing t that these encroachments -s t1firstcls s topro. o feee a t didsebe I3 o a the size of the convention, with about not much matter. If the tawn ever tweed into the form. The il:dueai<tion. 1100 people prerent. Tho Aysotia< VOA was abort 30 years old And was recognized es of great help to the Highways of Orderer. lots of reeves and patrolmen were Present end Many problems were brought before- mrei ty in favor of it. " hoard deferred the matter tilt mid - the .tsseelation, and it, efts a great A Raael Down Mil to Nett!' Sidle of rammer. T s hoard has not Set' Piece for the exchange of ideas. It ' Harbor enibmitted the scheme of enlargement was a tnntter of cofgrettUlatien and ;Mr. I'arsdm±w askdtil if it would bo to the arehiteet, but it is the unani. prkle for the town to find nue non ;bdibie to provide a road d,wnn the maga judgtnest of the Board that the Rol*. Johnston elected as president ill to the north side., of the harbor, rima writ' be Tilto'acds et $2,000, in* of the Asteociatiott, It WAS a very- to which the mayor replied that he eluding furedoiri1 ga. The Retard re. ,line organisation for the town to be. ! thought aro and he egg estcd that that quests the town council to levy $500 lona to.. beet aetepp w eeee be front the end dr! - towards the enlargement in 1829 and i':tdy atm ntteaderl the annual r ,North street, where et 'road' that to issue debentures of $600 each for watntril to We the street it timid use sits full width And ask the C. I. 11. to open up tete full 'width of the tercet. When the vote on Councillor Bai-: lie's motion was taken it was ottani- Department, after the visit of the In- epeetor in Oct., strongly urged the Board to provide an additional teach. er for January, but owing to the (1101- ulty 1n providing a suitable roont the reeetieg of the Alar. Water Mews', 'would 1104 be too eeetlsv couidt esally .th lEke. ra ASeeeiatiett. Mr. Ferguson's trent• be 'Ant. r ire letters were referred! to tete tary outlined the work done by the, +—w -WW- ..;j1nnnel6 committee.ProducePrnee and offered to raid out any14eli*puis for tiletildisg Permits ,I literature about God erkh. The old. 1 The following *Mtlieationa rev b rerw were re-ekrted. he next any ii building permits were referred t©thoN steel meeting will be in `Terence again ,titre committee: From Adam 1�orl, to beet w autnwtt�t lt►tctinX i1 to be held 1 1 ' ` ) ,r `1i ,1at, ]ti.ttferd, A 1! w rair•c floor at itis dwelling on ilritatt> ripd►edll to 'hate the r hi* road, put itt new eeilin*e tetter! j, me thea in t;ddetaeh wee lett by a 10 rr�� AAtt �/ t make other interior repairs; from f to 9 vote, v K 1 l,J N E # +' Mew, ) Moir, to ereet frame north ' Tide report oras referral to the r j'to dor+) Ie( on mode Bids ref Elgin, epdtcial a rel wale-, light and 'hal,bor f)1 1. L C. ; imenne: from Geo, C. limen. to arrest: jeferemMet., : mitis; on the 'meth side of Justin, lee .:I 'New Ririe/tor 4*tet To lee l ' 141* rn* , mijoihine rear of nreteet 5*• i�Rcraacit SAWeNlRttlrttt. Vit. � 4#weliitte; from the t'artadistt !tank of ; �Anse ova ii e'ommeree, to noire idtt.rk,tt a*Tf'raa-' ,.k tell., fi'ottm Mr: (:. 1. Par..mt., 1 } tient, irtrliellitwu tt; WWI t;,tttldl /*wt ; V±114 uelr*r nt the I:dt,ieri•h Elevator t I rtinginr 11M offire Iaivnatt. but notkin,-^; (nada Tr*n,eit Co., ,,tatpd rho 4-nMOaay 1 too' i lfirwge l' t+rn+rltt fir rrtalia, c •ti '' wase .ipeelearietr di*etalty in obtai*- ,+ ,, r' rn.t.d citst, of the trot k, $4 ripe►, fr.t i ±At **4*toter water Ida from the 1)0 'd r .A. 0 %t,a1*y, to re roof uttOIR TOW, Of' r nartretawt of sari*. and )hts.rh,t at } ,Idr ,.lw.iiipe; ,left P*ittt.r,t,tr tattt•ct; n.t_rt M Mover* i„r alto roartrartina of the 1 - - d * 1 fr. "eine• HprhttMR to rontodi+l i Two Aerator adtntgl ovine an the de -1 ; or*+rwt intlhti,tt on Nettrrote 1tr, et.,,; 'live and Grow BABY CHICK 'FOOD \teitatSvRmflbs utta1t errUtuOmlUb1,a'aAvNrkadA.chraltcdrlt sep►.w aetivpanIte,UryMTY awtwTeceSdtacwore ore sndtage a hovgrsturyw.i.ttet •ef' Few! Ce. nIF t.`etnlMie.lti.,'`f"e><entb fi 4 4 4nd MEATS SPECIALS IN \ Fresh and. Cooked Meati rr Fish, Fruit and l Ve g eia� b -es. A &Mine of Groceries, etc. All new stock. Come in and see oar goods and get our prices. at aftvsr los: en. ret,, 11 a nt.b 3 p.m. end 5 p.m. WATCH OUR WINDOWS GEORGE N. BAECIILER Phone 361 CDR. KINGSTON STREET AND SQUARE 1> ' .t