HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-21, Page 3,,4 TH U MBA Y MARCH 21st, 1021 THE GODERICH STAR "' ' Neighborhood News Nuggets , Nciij,itsPY le,:iing Cimstipatin 1,,' Uri. Jolla rk, Mims, Oslo* Lake, Picked From Our Exchanges tor Sask., wittassi-"I bare bee* troutial 1 with coestieatirat ever *am T cite re. • .,. member, aria have trial alfferent kinds ur..010., w. Ford, et Exeter. ha_ 1 Mame Third Place in Coldest Business Chauge of medicine, but with very little effect. e aliss Mabel Worianan, tar Heniall, ll disposed of his grocery bliailleSe on , won third place in the °retake' cons "Beading fa Pur A101000 I illw Main street, to Mrs Frank Coale?, Sa.1 toe tied in Stratford on Friday wkero Milburn's of Uaborna. who takes po$eeseren of ; eventnia March fah. Miss Work - the new business April tab, ;man, 4t ugh only thirteen yews 4A )" Death of Harold Henry Bender age, treat third place and created al "I2ho death occurred or Sundae -Leta' favorable imenessioe. Her sub. Nothing relieve* tension so Mach ard, of nevoid Helve Bender, Seed wee "The reePlee Of Cfdlatia." effectively as ataigley's. The act of had renewal others from constipation se son of M. and Ma. WM. IL Bender, 4, Dodde.Welister &gain& as motorises have discovs "I got a few viale ana they ma mo , Detroit, aged 13 Vara, five months at tbe home af the bride's parents, w On WednesdaY evening. March Otb, fredi 44* a le latil° ic.t.°Ihollt g dart. X decided, to give them a trial. : formerly of Zurich, at their Lome in the ealthfu c ceasing action or a world of good; I have not been. eone creeds of the fee and 2.1 days, cuuse oa death beingtho eke ene Mrs. Lau° 8. weasel., ele-I titiota "fteohel the mouth and Killop, the marriage t....aa awe 4..a 'instates tne armee. - Death of ThW E Hayes. Feemeri, Alta, or of arrefestk and Warden r of itettiel leeway • / Themes E, tiara deafeatife ',lie al: I rite:ea., died at tee reeicanre itiA *OW iliPlit•Ws Juba M, Covent:tie M,P.TS, at Seaford% Thureday ' in /lie altat ?reale Ile v.ae befit reale. Maysville, Waterlea County, zumeali taftre bie father. and crime to thca P teveerhip ef Mehillea, tear Seafe.teall 1 when lie w;i9s eS old. tare a ; number f -N-cari he fate 1. then ass tired to 1"....)ettfCrtho whirs% 11C' W•.b.3 since* nmear. Mae !lays veer a fete leer Warden et the Crant? 4lagen, . ,As taa Ceanserratita caret:date le eenteeted the Peuth lateen turairist the at joke ideMithan free the Federal seat, and agctinet the date Thanes Gibson for etre Ontarie 'louse. lIis. wife predecared atm las. some vears. auci ti,X;;0 twa,sons. R. Nelson Mays of the Poen wad clerk Centpaov. N'ew Nara. and Will Hays, raf Edgeston, Atlanta; tan daughters, Mrs. John al. froventoeit. Seaforth. and Mee. Edward Munro, of Regina. Sask. Ta illEMeat Wafi held • .on Monday. ' - stipated ever entre 1 began taking The Late William Oke attramnia,a,ad Xerk "Iv 887 feel ' The death took 'deceits Ileborrie .. on Tuesday, March 12th. of Mr. Wa- rr/re tate. vial at all druggists teed Ham Oke, inbts f35th year. The de- .their.sreond daugliter, .CO1'3. Peat!, to William IDedde, eon of Mr. Thera -.Dodd-s, Rev. W. P. Laue oft...Wings iBakersWatakel , dealerseor moiled alma toe tecapt o2 - cowed bad. been ailmg few . a ./. t tlie borne of Capt. and Mrs. J. Prieo b,y Tice T. Milburn Co., Ltd., weeks but was :able to be up mar* defter:on, 2204 Athol street, Re - Telenet, Oa. , 4TOUIld until tbo day of his death. gina, the latter's sister, Miss Eve Muriel Wenkel, Seaforth, was mar- ried •to Wm. al'. Baiter Elbow, QTe Empey-Sraith " LEGAL CARDS • The marriage of Chum Carolina -a. Smith, daughter of the late M. and je. IL DARROW. aarrister, Solicitor, Notary Palle, Eto. Successor to J. L. Eiliorane Phone 01. Office, The 'Square, Goderieb. E R N glac-31. 14 E E Barrister and Solicitor San. Life Bldg:, Adelaide and Victoria Telenh.one: Elgin .6301 Taranto 2. . . DUDLEY .E. HOLMES. Barrister, Solicitor, ellotarr Publie. Conveyancer, Eta, PRONE 27 11.A.MIl4rtiN cream SPECIALIST 1St. IP. 3. B. FORS1'811. • - EVE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT Late House Surgeon- New lortrOeh- tubule and Aural Respite', aseistant at afoorettelras• Eye Hospital and Golden •Square Throat Hospital. London, In. 53 Waterloo St., S, Stratford. Tele- . phone 267. see At Hotel Bedford. Goderiell nn the ..everting of third Monday of each month .W1 the following day, TuesditiO at 'Pen. A • .4.1...A.....'7AAal•A* • • CPIROPRACTIC IrrOLESS• PnAariTtozitn. • nn. A. N. ATKINSO:a. Chiropractor and 'Drugless thdraldst, GoderieIL Chroiiie, Organic and Nervous nemeses Equipped with Inatherrna Blectra-' ?Jeanette Baths, Electronic Electric Treatments and Chiropraetic. ()Mee hours -2 to 3 and '1 p. m. ' and by appointment, -excepting. liontlaa end Thursday afternoona and evenlegs. Office flours -2 to 5 and '1 to 2 p.m. • Lady In Attendanee. • alesidencreand °Mee -Corner %dle St, and Britannia Road, AUCTIONkEIUNG aTTIOMAS GlaNDRY a SON. • LiveStoek and General Anetioneers, , Elgin Ave, Goderiele Sales made everywhere and alt efforts rode to al.liff you satisfattione Farmers' Sale Notes discrere.ted, • Phone 110. • e.„-er . "WESLEY W. mann: AUCTIONEER. 't 4 ' • ".Viii ;conduct sales anywhere. --.2 My terms are rcesonable and I win try and • satistuction. Phone Carlow 13iS, or address R. R. .1, Coderich. - , . • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. • War BAILIE. " • NaTARY Pill3TA0 Canerei Conveynneing (7050Good Cortipaales ltepeesented phone No, 203. • Gorlertria Ont. RIGL after CV1017 mem A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR urns ONES S•ftc, V.7414 by a ceremony periormcd 10 ------ree-raatee.--.•.- o eloek aY 'morn Ma are s Y lie Seli, daughter of M. and Mrs. Mrs. William Sandmen, Blyth, -a Time A. D. MacKenzie. Chester Early Empese. sort of hire. Prank Sell of Wingliam, passed Emmy and the tete WilliarroEntpeY, eastern Charges -on Parcel Peet PeaeefullY away at her home on Mon - of Thamesford, Ont., was quietly sol- A. un aid to the public service. day, March lith, in her 20th year. einnized on Tuesday afternoon, Mar. Postmaster Sills has been appointed She had enjoyed good health until 12th, at St. Andrew's United church eustoms collector at Seaforth on pos- about six weeks ago. Doting her ill - manse, Blyth. - _ - evarded•tbreugh,the Post 0iSee* liadY '4 Death oillirs;Ches. Sherbert areal e . be cleared as formerly at the ,Sea- , forth post office. , , The death of Mrs. Charles Eberliart Death ot Mr. George Middleton a ehome 'e her daughter, Mrs. John T. Elgie, Tuckersmith, on Mon - Tuesday, Pebreary 26th last, Sew day morning., March llth, in her Slat the passing away of one of the very I year, removed one who had seen the ° old residents -of the district of 'Luck- . Mid- cleared. in the hush. When the de - now in the peraon of Mr. George arms 1 e township being dleton, of.the 4th con., Kinloss. Bora eoeseea . whose maiden name was • They quickie reflect your health on the 100. of September. 1838, Mr.. Mary Ann Bain% was sat year e of ..and physical condition -restless Middleton had lived well into his age, the family carne to Western On - eyes indicate the temperament of 91st year.Death was due to the - la , tem the stomata Torontoandma • their tatural decay of•old age. way through the bush to a spot Watch the eyei . . . see that the whites are clear with 'a healthy Abey.Rankes Wedding. three miles east of Staffa, and erect- - bluish theta The minute a yea no marriage of Evelyn May, dee. ed their own log` house. On this low tinge appears it betrays cone ghter of lairs. Brankes and the late farm she lived until her marriage to stipation, sluggish. liver or bil- Geoz.ge Dankes, Prowess avenue, the lato "lea " art, 0 g - toe -mess yea rteld a laxative. London, to Arthur Ridley AbeY, son anandville. Bring b'ack your of Mrs. Abey, and the late Rev. Geo. I • Engagements Announced with rochma 0 pino..41,0 ouzo wo5, to . 30.f Anblemys,sSouth London, and formerly ee Vigour:, Vim, Vitality raterses.,. joyous, bounding a en Saturday afternoop, March 9th, at els, was quietly :solemnized BrULere El. ealdn,4 annMrotneeWitilhjeaniengDagmemgleanlit of their V , Marraret .St. James' Anglican church. ' Ann Pearl, to Mr. Lindsay W. Eyre, Death of Mrs. Anthony Meabott son of Mr. and Mrs. George Eyre, of Elitahrth tethers, widow of the Tuckersmith. Ont., the marriage to tate Anthony Meehan, passed away take place the end of March. tat parcels, as from Meech 1, 1929. ness every atedieel aid had been This means that easels from for- sought and tmta 4 few days before • eign countries on which customs her death -hopes were held out for ',charges are dee and which are for- her recovery'. Those Languid Eyes Trr i uter daily couree rmot ct or A v.„„p4t, March 4th. She was in her 60th Usborne, announce the engagement paw. Yourersealt " n"7.7, - year,and for several years bad been of their only dauelster, Grace Irene, . 10 the um. ' 4° u-- in health. She was. born a; to Mr. Clavenee Morris Simmons. of Rea aboutCharacter front Mt Ryes in .... Poor jusocistechos Advorakements. P.410111.. Ont., where the early part •r, Windsor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. . ego Amor Herod v. mid& a ace her ase was spent. Her husband weeley G. Simmons, of Exeter. Lease Terceee MU) predeceased her ,several years ago. , , oArsuir The marriage to take place the Int- •. Death of Mrs. Peter Woolley ter part of the month. ... . •• . - ' Tbere-passed-aveay•-atiter-lietae io---yr---m. M. rfornetrorr iliWort aarrister, •- Stratford on 'Wednesday, March title is Host at Banquet and Dance -111 w t str et -• after a short illness. Mrs. Peter . , at Kippen Woolley, formerly of , Hensel!. Mrs. ,..... Woolley was born in Alsfehlt, Ger- Willem M. Doig, barrister of Fort many, and was formerly Julianne Huron, Alia., and a native of ,Port and came to this country with easmith, on Tuesday, Mar. 12th, tele- . her rarepee et the age of .six years. • brated his 70th birthday by enter- tanung several scores of guests front We carry a good stock. of Mr. 'Woolley predeceased her by, two i the district to a huge banquet and years. • . Electrical Appliances , 4 Celebrated Fifty-tafth. Wedding dance held in the town hall at Hipper'. Hundreds of intitations were sent Fixture*, etc. c Anniversary out and large numbers of guests • ` A very enjoyable family reunion were .present from Port Huron, Doe we specialize in took place at the home of Mr. and Seaforth, Clinton. Gerrie, Hens Wiring. of All KindsMonday.. Mrs. Mathew Woods. of Lucknow, on trait , March 11, the oecasion being sall and other places. The first part of the evening was devoted to dane- . Eitimates given on-- . •:ig and this was continued until mid- . their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary applicadeil -. Those present were their son, 1.• night when a sumptuous lunch was Herbert Woods and Mrs. Woods and setved. A largo birthday cake, brii- Ail Work Guaranteed little daughter,' Pegq, Miss Rebeaaa ?early agaitea wita ao caridiaa had Woods and Mo. Tar ton, all of De-. ea"" ween ,prepared by Mrs. Doig and this treat. also Mre and Mrs. Harry Mc- was cut and divided among the' • Frank. McArtluir..' Quillin and daughter, Margaret, of guests. Following the servIng of L know at her home in Wingham on Mender'. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet J. Frayne, of INKuremen • itreOLLov murtt.ms P188 !Natal - eta ERTY INSURED. - •'FARM AND TeriLATED TOWN EllAY INSCRED. ••• • Value of nronertY .Insured tlit to Jan- aary .1010. te1.0itt. 075.fee OFFICIEllasalanies Connoliv, Prest- dent, Goderieln; Jas. taans. Vire-Prest. dient, Beechwoodt T. E. liars, See.- Treas., Saefortie DIftECTORS-D.' F. Itenroor, sea - forth; ,T. C. ltrieve. Winthrop; Wro. Wein, Coneianee: George shatartnev. Tuokersmith; John Ferris, Hartnett: Jelin Bennewlere 13roadiuteela Murray 'Gibson, Brueellehl. AGENTS -at. W. Yea Ontierich; Sanas, Leitch, cuototg- wm. allestta,y, Sea-. '40- forth; IL Seaforth. Polleyboiders ears pay their assess- raents Calvin Cutt's More, Goderleb: A. J. 3foorish's Clothing etore, Clinton: • or J. II. Bayfield. re.•,_ - -• • glitz INSURANCE Ilave it attended to by the 4HEST WAVIANDSM BYTOM FIRE 11101MeN01 CO Established IRS Head Oiler: Dungenium, Ont. "Wm. J. Thonmson. Auburn, Pretai wrn.1Valson. Vice Pres.; James (Dr- ain, 'Ilon. Director; Direetore-Wm. McQuillan, sit. Helene; W. P. Heed, IL It. No. 2. Lueltriowt Harry L. Sal- . held, Goderiehe hieholerne Lucke now; Tim Griffin, It. It. No. 7, tneenowt mag. Hewitt, Iiineartline; Balt. David- son, Dungannon. pete-me per thong:init. THOS. STOTtiEria, T. Cr. ALLENt • • Treas. fee_ Brophou BrOS. The Leading Foetal Director* awl Embalmers also Ambulance Service orders carefully Attended to at alt hours -night or day. We are the inspectors anatomy in and for the County of Raton. Phones: Store 120; rtmidence 217. Electrical Sliop . • • e u e an P ' Phone 82 - West Street -I Young Winghant Woman Passes . Mil-ed.music and novelty dances was enjoy . Following a brief illness Misss .... . ereaer• -a-se-.-e--....-..e.. - • • ...-Lere-. _---e-a...--__. • . --- . xiiimem....0.111. rasa" ' a:"-• ' FROM NINTH TO FOURVIII i:-..:'‘..:.: PLACE. IN SIX 1410111MS I , 4 1 S. E. Wheeler Panetta Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All Cali! preeepta, tataalee re dn..' ce might. atones: atme 333; House 313W 1 essasadaseareasaaeasseellereseerasseetessea orld's Easiest Driving Control NO OTUER CAR n all the world • controls quite so easily -with such complete lack of effort-ar the new Nash "400". Nash engineers have developed a new steering mechanisnt to achieve this Walt. Aningemous arrangement of roller bearings and a roller -tooth traveling in a worm gear, reduces fric- tion10 a minimum hitherto thought impossible. Women drivers find new help and pin new confidence in parking. Little TheNew NA • effort is needed to bring the '400" up to, or away from, the curb. Gear shifting is just as easy. The "400" -clutch pedal depresses at a -touch, scarcely resisting the weight of your foot. The conveniently placed shifting lever moves smoothly,easily, from one speed to another. If you ever find that driving a car tires you, try driving a Nash, '400"; It wilt give you an entirely now con- ception of how effortless, how pleas - noble, motoring can bet 400' Zeta* the Worst( is ..?Iter ear raffle IMPOUTANT "4100" rtAnivnr.s.xo Trandienititse iao.or 12 Airef-type sped: plugs High comptession limidaille and toveioy shock aberstbets Co:foie* Nish totonei*0 Salon Bodies Alatislacen alloy pistons (ism, Soon laesveloubie drop alum Torsional vibration damper 'atoricas easiest vac a-bearinksheft ed., Q fit** taH) ormett te.szt 11.1H 111110:11 Haar centodired Longer wheelltaiee chassis lubrication Electric clocki Exterior t21.114111elfd chrome plated over nickel Short Waning radios Otte -piece Salon folder* Ow "hem front pilfer taste Nash Special Magni front and tear bumpers HURON MOTOR SALES, South St , Goderich , Every Home Where There Are - 41..,711W,11,00AW • " ''• '' • •Ili AAP 14 'il I.• a 11 ''Aiii1 " 'al i Iii.taipAl.A1111Mildlirq110.... ,o110 :1;1 llii 1 1111 fl., •,,,,,,,.., , , • 1, '1 PACE TIME At' " 'TA • 'icereeheriafigagafaligliffilaa, GODERICHYL4NING MILLS, Led. GODERICH • ;1.1 rrAi3romilanuadlYnfre!ht eatc,1113:1"ohr131:: • w oF, 11,4 11 aap,44,0,,,tm, .‘ . • . . , • Children Bright One --"I hncw one man see • ..........- are all dying re see; ' . 'The perfect medicine for little ores Durab-"Whozata ' t is found in Baby's Own Tablets. Bright One-dlehe undertalter," They are a gentle but thOr0110 14X4,- tive which regulate the bowels, Foventan-"Here, you, wheel out i sweeten the stomach; drive out con- this enuateaa stipation and indigestion;, Meal; up Not iSo Dumb Workman -"All' colds and •simple fevers and -promote right fill it updk ; s 1 healthful and refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby's Own Tablets to She is en dumb she think a the ' harm even the new-born babe as they fountain of youth is the soda fouriel are absolutely guaranteed free from tam. . opiates or any other injurious drugs. • 'Concerning them, Mrs. Earl Taylor, Cheapest of all 0118,-Considerin3 Owen Sound, Ont., writea-al. have the qualities of Dr. 'Thomas' Electric four children and have always used Oil it is the cheapest of all prepare- I Baby's Own Tablets. / tam never tions offered to the publie. It in to without- thee-Tairletain the hods° as ae found in every drug store in Can. a they are the best medicine that I ada from coast to coast and all coun, know of for little ones." _try merchants 'have it for sale. So, Baby's Own Tablets are sold by being easily procurable and extreme - medicine dealers or by mail at 25 av moderate in price, no one should cents n box from The Dr. Williams' be without a bottle of it. Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. 14,000,000 TREES FOR. DISPOSAL ' IN 1929 ' 1 Readers of out paper will be inter- , ested in knowirig that the Ontario I Government, through the Ontario' Forestry Branch, is contmeina its of- fer of free trees for all residents' in 1 the Province who wish to plant -up I waste areas on their farm, -or to' establish a windbreak. For some time now this program has beep car- ried on with increasing heterest on the part of landowners until last year nearly 6,000 persons accepted trees lt from the Government:, - . ' - With the steady increase in appli. , tante the number of tree e has mecca- l: i warily increased until this year there ' are' lauOtetiOu trees avialidire-for the various reforestation projects being carried on by the Forestry Branch. , All such trees are sent out for the i two purposes mentioned above and i ..are not intended. for • decorative work • . such aerlawn and hedge planting or . 4 ..P ng g f • • • • Each resident of the Province can get 4.000 trees each year by paying .: . •the express from the nearest • of the , Government nurseries -which are sit- i . uated in Norfolk, Sinteoe, Durham,. Prince Edward and Grenville coma- I . ties. Or. if a person prefers to do so, be may call' and ;ret the trees at that nursery. . . In some -eases men are- -planting more than ' •the free allotment each 1 year and for such wok additional , - quantities are.supplied at $4.00 per I' 'thousand. • i . . . I It may be of interest to your read- ers to know that last year 131neo- pie in this county received trees who, ! all told, planted '86,178. trees. . ' Miller's Worm Powders are the medicine for children -who are found suffering from the ravages of worms. They immediately alter the stoniaeltie conditions under which the worms subsist and alive them from the sys- tem, and, at the same timeethey are tonical in their effect upon the die- estive organs, restoring them to • healthful operation and ensuring tee.' munity from further disorders from f • such a cnuse. THE GODERICHI. VW' Pdfivt "Al7tot-o ?,aceiirsor4 ?-- rimy otoN7 You tNVITE ei. fl eAV . (1)7)..-....41, F01.1454q l' 1 I' ii ..4 44 / People don't like to go where they're • al • ade unernifertable, • . .. . Neither your friends nor your fatally - ; will enjoy being in your home tin- , lone it's properly heated. .. ! • Yon wort% .enjoy it youreelf, for that .. INSURANCE The Mutual Life ssurance ompany of Canada ittollimd Heap 'Omen alarreaL00, Oar D. D. MOONEY, Aged • • PUONFI tisn NOILTIT Sr. : :• GODERVAli 0Ni% ' • • imil.••'*04,11. MOM_ ::7:47-0111? VIE1 COUGHSYRUP 35 75' For children's bronchia, and chest ailments -110 finer relief 'than Veno's Lightning Cough Syrupt-+ • Children love it. vma V I 1 . matter. Don't you elation blears by 2*35 want cow careful eorieki. given to your heating pro - people wlio hnove the basi- tale with use Come and CALL 1111E1 . 1, i Por Good Man Coal I l . 'i J. B. MUSTARD caPNv - , A Phone 08 = Goderich --------- - CLUBBING LIST The Star and Landon Ere e Press..-... , $6.50 The Star and The London Advertiser......."... The Star and The Toronto 6.50 ' The Star and 'The Mall and Empire...: . 6.50 • • The Star and . -The .Toronto .Star • 6.50' The, Staratid•The Farmer's Sun... 3.25., The Star and The family Herald and.Weelcly Star 3.00 . The Star and Saturday blight t. • . - The Star and Saturday..Evening Post - •5.Rt 3.90 The Star and The New Outlook ... .. 3,90 The Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens.... .4.65 The Star and May Fair. .. 4.65 The Star and The Youths' Companion 3.75 The Star and The Catholic Record 3.75 The Star and McLean's MagazIne 3.75 ' The Star and Rod and Gun ! ..... 3.85 The Star and Montreal Witness.. ...... 3.85 The Star and World Wide . . 4.25 Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may be had on application 0.11 at the Star Office or 'Phone 71 for Any infivoarlon. • Special Feature"" lis HOUSECLEANING NEEDS P.I/G.WhiteNaptha and Artn and Hammer Pearl White Soap WASHING SODA 10 Bars 37c Reg. 3 ter 2t3e 2pkt5.1 le Biarlears Cleanser Tin 9c Chloride of Lime Old Dutch Cleanser.. 2 Pkgs. 230 Tin lle Bon Arne f4<.:' Pke• I4e Classic cleanser Tin Se Reckitt't Blue ...Pkr. Cc Charm . Pkg. 9c Snsp Hand Cicalae a 17e Poe/line 2 Fkits. 15e Castile Soap* &Idol ...Snail Peg, Pc either „......10 for Zee Large Mgr. 23s Leng oar 2 forage Just Soak the.Clothes RINSO LargeSizePkt.19c 3smatipkt,25c VICTORY. PICKLES mimes 31ise4 er S‘veel Me$Setel Lge. Btle. 47c Cony MIxed or (.1sovi Lge. Btie. 39c Eels Names: Sosts2 for 20e /heeler, 5 tiring .... 39e Watlabeerds, Zinc.... 4Se " 75c Soap Chip 2 11N.25e Herat. ..... 2 plat. aao vomit drar, t1e. a9e CLARWS GOOSED SPAGHETTI 2 lb. 11213 25e 11441114',11 'I1ANDY AMMONIA. POWDER 3 mt. 19e 221 Jetto "Va4a"'d 3 ler 23e Ilelas Seadwich Chicken Oxo Cuba • ajar 25c Posta than Pkt. 12e Clacker Cake neer- 23c Nary Hermes Csetaed Pevedev 2 Tim 2Se STELN'A CORNED BEEF • Reg 3'2e 1 Ve. 2 rtir41403