The Goderich Star, 1929-03-21, Page 2*'MEWO
note,- eane...ent
ee n.
Good crops depend on good ceede. Sow
the reeds you hove always found satin
factory. Seek, Briggs' Seeds have a
reputation of nearly sixty veal? nand.
ing for purity and high germination
'Ilie choke is unlimited - Abe qualier is
unexcelled. Wei garden ilecth Steele,
. Sta ler nor illuslrata natation; i
ritrchaseii of Mt 14 M. "eery Conoclian &sinus,
. , .....
itAtmots anarar SEED HOUSE"
TORONTO-suuma0pi-wiwwinG-RIONA.E0MoNTON •
1 Ill
109 ONstaiaelfs
4,1 4
South Allegan FJections the Colored Persona' Rights BilL
Tho Government's policy in the net.
. The South African Parliament ive question is to take away the Par. •
*will be dissolved early in May so that , elementary frauehise from natives in
the General Ehetions on be held on' the Cape Province. the Only province
TIIPReeDAY, MARCH eist, leen
• The Federal arraiee *re under the 17*ffrftenli1,-. .._,.—!,_,-,..,....-............... ' "1"6"1-""'"'"'"""1"1-........-............ '-'........mosis,
command a General Pfutarce tellies, lien Beivitched.-And Women Tooc-by Her* CHA-c
,,,a, , ill I I I Ill I I I
of `Lemon, Coahuila, in preperatien
for A conteried attack' by lite armee*.
termer Preeident of Mexico. [1 • I .r 41P
Thirteen Killed in Crash 1 .
illy N. Pnev) .1 e
A tereibie accident oecurred sit LURE
railway tracks killing thirteen per. &arch Las a neve vision, in faet ehe practicing, encouraging, eitaltinet the THE LEADING M!
N'ewark, N.L, over the weelectuel tiattallireet Na.. 43
en. be done. Once agaire where ia tbe '
i Mr. Eit"ter (lee eteeeetiee star, tnederreday clergy, the modern-day
wben a giant Ford plaue, carrying
fifteen passengers, cradled on the yes, ne, eellerstane net modern layman) or churchman, peeachien, trao •
, which I really know 37 1: ant^ and Tatioring
.. and seriously ineuring this °thee following tif the lead Roue China ?
,... makes no bonee of it at all, bet pridee
two. The Plane wee illehhigthe 1445t knee% haute herself, in the ateinire-
of a reriee of sighttsceing tiepe when limit of a super.pafeei nil. 011 of
the three motors went dead. The
Pilot attempted to %ling tile olaell'ile (the vision ).as not reaceect
iifelY t° earth hut Ile °-vuek a steel I UM Abliged to gather all a my tn.
fr°rIght "1r svhich eut the Phinq 211 ferenees from the resultant enidencea
's they stand out clearly to every
I corner of the territory over which
°•have gone.
One thing bee puazled me. and paw,
zled me a whole heap. Where dove
.the churela get hee authority for the
acquirement of this now vision?.
Now, Mr. Editor, I Imow what every
therapiola of that vision will 'elect to
tell me, but this does not satisfy me?
puzzled brain one iota.. Simply to
taY, and let it go at that, nun the
new conditions which Wye* taisen,
Plea.7e eta rot lose met ot tire fact
that I aril talking gen ii; astliey _ - -- - -
known to maintain family prayer or Special Orders
ore to be found through the ountrie
Ilardly anyone ever spoke a, single .
word to Ris glory or exalte the power
tohfisthwe Ofrriele ennoiflyie Ti rhaalisrhyrofuegwht4Ireto
• .
worship. A preayer meeting is al-
most or altogether a Ian power, in
the maitatenance and development of
soul life. People prate, churehes call
to prayer. natione. are requested ti'
assemble in prayer, only in tee most
dire emergency cases. like some he
statutes in the Ivo and 18's when the
biaekest cloud that ever lowered up-
on the nations was settling still low.
er or when a nation sovereign's life
is'Imneing in the halation l'en
to get him nearethe• curb. No won-
der that a poor man should be oblige
ed to go without food and pants.
Wby I have teen told that the young
num who comes around with just a
- for this departure from God's estate people *ffor erayer. But wbuld it iookiug limoueine he might just aa
hone and-welnetrenit doesn't matter
a darned good
and are arising, are authority, is not such like emergencies nations and what it ire -if it isn't
even the first or slightest justification
. lished plait, and the taking on of hu- not seem men more like following well stay at his home. And tea a
man device, sehume, plan. muitato4, Jesus if we were given to prayer and warder too when policemen are so
to meet -4e eequiremente praise and solicitation to the Father herd after the one -arm eriver. Well,
human amts. is shoot thaffy nod at, the ordinariee in passing throogh the plior when
and humenenode follies, in an age of then, I have to get a different meta -
and source of all good in th a times of
swept away ler a einele Ineeith of 'last' Yenl'i . 4nrin° my tripping
around, While in the City fluential organization as eur church,
I talk 'about, such an in-
. most rotted chaff at that. and le Ye8t1r11.
rliirrsilail ean, sphreett, grasp tbki ha; and ler the 'first time -in 111Y-Sbort- and this Oile, Nrbile it conveys my
In- ite niiraeieg and has to- do with -
heaven and the common individual of Ramihon meaning pretty well, is rather blunt
ging, and all were going to the dive,
stern foremest." Wel' now from •te.
ly a side glance, that does look
rather crude and I 8)1014 'modify it a
(Continued onpe 7)
lief that the edueated, super.advanc. nareere I rent up tbe moertain. aml ihe old country sailor lad who
staivsjeand. .btaing anxious far eomee learn farming in Canada."' (I sip -
ed scieetise. theelezien. could donut viewed .that beautiful city from up- thought he would betake erauself to
June 12th, This information ' was, where it exist, in turn providing spe- so ewe rout • e information, r solicited the cowman- pose he read scene of the,, Canadian
fortheoming vben Ilon. E. C. Raven.' vial Parliamentary representation for 'IGNORED AFTER LONG monde ef the "t am, tbat T ant" the
the Budget in the Union Parliament and land segregaticot, 'Ilie OPPoste Lieut. -Col. tr. G. Louie; M. Se., LS. 'end tne e°°°/°- of an 4 Uaga` I ''t.' the same as I was, looking, down upon tittle about Canadian farmer lore,
go, 'Idiaister of Finanee, introduced all natives, with local native councils SERVICE c "Ah'Itnt alidet°T,ell'n- 'ilthec'eet"bellinviter looking mart who seemed to .be doing well. versed in sailor lore, but knew
farmer prosperity reports). Re was
i fonship of another aged gentleirianiy-
1 last week. Judging from reports re., ton under General Jan Smuts instead 0, who retired Won die position Of AblibilItY God is art to be. e' not be the city. I said to him, "It is a enaand it was. iri the . clays ;pf • oxen
• tion pill be one of the most bitterly , tary franchise, end General Smuts in epee- after 51 yeeys in the New kindl 'held reeporisilde for the eeem-
volved from Cape Town the next elec.' would extend the existing Parliamen. fileputY Minister of Lands and Mines (hY any daviee or plunning of human. aity that a scene so, heavenly should i Many of the Star's readers - will have •
a the British Empire in view of the intention of the Government to fight He said he wag to run to their fathent or
- • contested in the history of that Part bas bitterly attacked the oPparent Brunswick Government eerviee, had ice eetaiul for new methods of lyre- heavenly?, ,
be marred by so" much that is riot
his long public service recognized in seetmere the imithode of; ateettance: Ameriva ,
n bad been frequently in farmer gave him the yoke of oxen
an • ers to explain same of this. But the
- gaet that Premier Ilertzog and his the coming election on this Issue- the 68th annual report of the Depart- turd Wrote; in it' lit*t' "Inn T. Hamilton and Ontario, olso over with the old mare hitched in tandem
Government will go to the country on • --et- I ment of Lands and Mines, which Was . new OVnerliences in Its testinreout autl
the Native Representation Bill and Britain's Speed let:cord tabled in the Legislature last eourTge. but few views to .eompare to this on until thete was trouble in the tamp
much of the Republie, that there were ,
to guide the way, and it was not long
speed record. was considered a fent St, Lawrence Power Protect take un his 'ems% ArId fellow Inn. preaclied the gospel a our • Lord beaten and resorted to his, boss with
motor tar to win the world's. motor ef•ter Me. let hen Ilene himself and
'Josue eaid. "If one man will tome
„ middle and more of his life, he had
1 . • To travel 206 miles per hour in a Vreek. the whole eontinent. In earlier and which present day people..know not
which would not be equalled for The Canadian Government bas Now. I would like to Aak any seriede Christ'iit away that his father bed •iles expression, "The starboard ox
the nature of, But the fellow was
many, many Years. This was the re- granted its Approval to leplan for the tbinkleil, man(newel/men in thtisneneeeet preached it, and he believed the early was • on the larboard side. - the lar -
cord established by the motorist construction of power canal on the tree Veneer* do any °I "s• °"' ""'" disciples had done, but 'that way of board ox upon the' starboard . side,
I a .
Keech, in a 80 -cylinder Triplex car 1 St. enewrence River in the Province tiarts. pialtu any tielf.denial what. preaehing it was not. wanted new, 'Tice old Mare was foil -4 in the rig -
a Daytona Beath jest year, and ' of Quebec. The scheme involves' a eYer? And there are scores of waYs was entirely. ineffective that toda,y's
big, motorist event to Florida last end but this is returned to the river. Pureberrinre• whero does the roodont noon our careaeses, and that it peered
Thin Children
Scott's Emulsion
• when Major Segrave, the British race diversion of 401000 Cubic feet tier see- fbat lt 11"14-41111be de'lle' Preaching only SPray4d whitewash
month with a spatially constructed The initial power development will be rreeeritelev rhristioo take no the right off immediately upon our come
- ear to try for a new record few ex- 600,000 horsepower. It is eetimated 'arose of jesusl And it must, ninet ing in contact with the husinese or
The Natural* Her') slight chance to do the Welt. The , e65,000,000, Provision AS made that cuair for about an hour. SuSt" AS
the project will coat approximately 1 ...... n... -.- ... et outside world, that in his republic,
neither a man's money, his life or bis
Lid perts conceded hint more than a
unexPected haPPened, however, and should the power canal 1w -required the chair was about to be pushed to morals. were of the least value or re- '
GoodneSS Of Segveve will cure hack to the Old on part of the greater St. lerwrence iro gard, that marriagit anddivoyee were
' Country the world's motor sPeed re- waterway it is to become the proper- to walk.' Sir Stanley Hewett did not an alieMillation, that Sabbath obser-
the door the Xing expressed a dee
vance was an utter dieertiee, and
(.01.4. of eene niece per hour. Bible. ty ot the people a cuoazo free of
Gallagher's Clears Upobject and the
ance e a u rat e a 0 e
nag di- other valamatiese ate .well. I Asked
doe iater, but unfortunatily he wits
to ,beat the new British record tweet_
Year. latemPted I and 27 feet -deep.
"-Cattadiait -Eggs for Japan - i iti r who had just returned from greater factors or causes in britiging
revel path to the house. <Queen i him 'what,
a et, f ba t utlergyff waalkedi
drivrag the same triplex car which cost. The canel will be 14 miles long t
inhisopinion., Were the
E broke the record last
• -
h. all this about? Iti Said,' "largely
Stops. Indigestion. Tones killed in the attempt. SegraYe has More than 8,000 Canadian hetelo thumb, walked behind ute . .
science end then ogkal teaching.
entire system, announced his intention to retire ing eggs have menthe been shipped , ----.......
. • I
There aro no mineral drugs in Galt ..--............. cureless tuldifflerelicet anti neglect of
to Jarran, to supply thiejapanese Eitel By -Elections- el prayer And 4,,Ain I askm, ottowee
; Britain
front automobile Ming. . .,
perimental Farms System. This le frees week the political, forces, Of ' . . e
the reel* of exPerimental shipments G at 13 'thin will put forth their YoUr ()Mtn" <loeS Canada comnare?"
leghees Tonle and System Builder. Prince Studies. DiplomacY His answer, eCanada es behind us' in
r s ore a . greens_ eeozeneet ile ma , OS 0-
" te trIlr t 't tr 1 t b the race in most thimes, 'but is mak-
. inede in 1028, ' •Matured. hi d I
Itieenthelyeerbs. Natural.. Amazing- •
Y lea ag• Y Par wig abloodgin lias taken up temporary duties in the to private Japanese breeders. Ship- 43feyre.eietetheionges Toraels,sealnreetitoonsaliveacfitz e
in a good senand." I much enjoyed
The King's third son, Prinee Gemege so going forward and are being eold
• • I 1 li B if e th dhis company, although
icently stimulating beetle, kidneys and British Foreign Office in order to en- meats aro also being made to the cies in the Rouse ef Commons, nli blur hi
Inter,. this TeliabIo old remedy clears rade am to become tieeltiainted with , Phieippine Wands, The demand While the teet well be a strong one it imiell of 'c'ut conversation was most
UP akm troubIce Perfect for Indigestion, discouraging, and as we -parted. his
rundown conditions, nervonenessieoughs ,gle. On the completion of his diplon ing eggs and breeding birds is at- Will not ShOW the true feeling of the warm handshake and the Pier. in his
public glides from the diplontatie an- 1, front the Orient for Canadian hatch-
er colds. Sets you on yourfeetandkeeps matic app'rentioship, Prince George, tributed in part to the publicity lee e
lecterate towards the Government I
h at. lists •11 not • i d eye and upon his cheek made ns
you theree Sold, as other Gallagher is expected to rejoin hisesqoadren lif 1 eeived by Canadian poultry raiser: tett% the Jegoineg will Inc u e friends. • Much .of what r gathered
iderbal ltouacholditemedies are, by as the navy, and will be stationed either as a. 'result eif the nened,s Poultry f tench's() aftet:IllkatallyP°11!" who "e°Ive was mit neW, but it reealled, otItex-
• days and other eyents, other readings
iCampliell's Drug Store. Goderich in the Pacific or ht the Western At- Congress held irk Celled& two yeaiai
Iconic. The Prince left his duties hi ego. alautifulvautumn afternoon my mind
e ' g , ' that
• the navy last December to ' return 1 . . Canadian Mr Trophy Awarded
I houto When the Rhin bowl* 'critical. Gas for '
*At for meritorious service in the ad. text has been much in . my memory, i
The McKee Trophy award for .1928 Juts done much reflecting, One Bible
I 17 in' ' A calleggaili from London 1""I'' variceteent of nvietion in Canada has "Art than a piaster of Israel and
A TWAT1 ' nee----.-. Cates that hellunt gas for USG in rate . been awarded to C. H. "Punch" Dick- knowest not these things.'.
1 •
ins, eemninteild DUO og _Edmolitiell,i, Now I have been trying put think of
Canadian Radio Commissiun ships uray bo obtained in Canada by
The Canadian Royal Commission the lInnsh Air Ministry. Large tten• et. ne the twelve Meanie a metaphor 'whichwouldin a
meas -
en Radio has completed its survey of Mitintitiee of helium gas tan he pro- -'41'itt' "UM*
the radio conditions in Europe under I duced from the gas wells of the Bow he spent a total of 1,086 hours irt the vire illustrate met narrow conception
the cludienansbip of Sir John Aird, River and (South Saskatehewan Vat. Air, a renuirkable achievement, when of the modern efforts and visions of
and the members of the Commissionl ley, to the south and wet Of Medi. consideration is taken that Dickine, this Christitm church. and I came
have retuned to Cantle where they ; eine Hat. i performed mast of Inc duty, in the. pretty near satinet "She is putting
will make A tour of the prineipal cit. I Production of 'helium in commer- inorthtern section of the Dominion. , the. cart before the horse, Butt
; good lied. Mr. Editor. setweely any -1
the neat containing the Commis,. ed in' Crated% during the wear. Queen Marie Visits Carol i one would know.what I meant. Many
les of the Dominion before completing vial quantities Was first acconmilein e •
Tel 174-W for Demon .,ion's recommendations related to , Dowager Queen Marie of Roumania people know little ab011t a horse, and
stration Canadian broadeasting. . Ring's Decided Improvement arrived in Paris last week from 13u- t even less about a ort. So that NiThen
charest and bad a long talk with her ' / come to your town with ray ol1. l
. • :13ATTOYLESS •
11140004ONLY CLcANor EVKN
(1-ol• Flasks'
and Tins,of 4
and 10 Cats.
• MA.Ka lea babit to have a steasstio.,
, cup or -way' witk your lunar.
You can prepare it in a moment,
yet it is delicious, wholesome, :and
invigorating, Just what busy
worker* wand-
• 76
1 haaMe/itit9:911aYOyaZit
For the, first time since. he Was ,s0a, ee-Prince Carol, over the pea- Ileum and shay, many Pe P
............... i The Clash in hiemeo taken ill somemonths ago King stbility . of his return to Roumania.' aghast, wondering what the sam hill ne...........-.....- -.en.
' '
P3Igal agdedrebVrttopbestelAextilti: gt;31.1ifr
continues to &Bruin the nation, and the latter part of last week whieli was to bring
Bognor. Tho f unaidedhebaditileetabtelie°rP.eonf Lhveernarewttell„ asQbueeeenn ttAlitaarnmitd zdfe°0,12 kind °f
nobeeman and ever;cono expecte tbut
contrapeetan is thie. The
Illi II "II"'11 is tensing' much financial and prep. kept the Ring below% for a few dplace ays Carol back As king in . I should get right off the street, eight
mit of thatown. There ie ;semen! le
ELECTINCIAN eerty loss, to the 'Government and the *bated on Bewley and gave WAY to of his seven.year-old son, for
sunshine; Bit I whom the Jeetnorwrihneeled ItNyiethhorisee,, hitching post in the town, seemly a
Soltattinlat Road people. who latest relent from Mex. warmth and brilliant barn to stand him in, searcely room .---
„, ee, , , , peerage: planes bombed the rebel stronghold grounds of his vesidettee in a bath rniaatila"nelCiliMuricir anedritistera. G4)efotrilgee illeu"d"-t
leo City states that Federal am- alnjesty eve% wheeled around the
iattleteettee .. - '''''‘,..1.--...'..•=1:•="„w=-.,, .....r.-xv..•.•,,,,ittv:',..14-;•, ,•:t..=.::wz.:•.v.,:tv....Atvz....;.:,..,..- .....,,,,,...--, - n . wee eletice of the "supreme
- -...---
SO court. These regents, appointed elute
zuga , e t r
"eeteiteenekeenri .
ing the sway of thnlate Premier
-Tee • • Brantianu, bare Oat elwaye beeni
amenelee to Queen Marie's plans iiia
her desire to b3 made one of the re-
gents bad been balked.
1,. •
1. t
Hlue Serge Suits
with extra pair of Pants at .
$11 9a5C)
They are well tailored in single or doable
breasted -models, art silk lined, sizes
3S to 42, Special atM.
The complete Metes
Store in Goderich.
Phone 384.
1. r. F. Demers. Nor duets nectrie
Engineer in cheroot Jastsmition
and G. W. tiihre,111N,It. Radio rett.
Isret "41104 two SI the WO heves
2. Mob* salon et the 'Lady
N. Control apparatus, lit %helots
4. 'the tqlsuly zcelserk" Its %lest
Indian %mere.
Parinnificra On board the LION, 1 This is a system ef Ampli1ers1 A specially designed loud
Nilson anti the ether mite of that i', veth rentrela itt tee el. helm* I, epeaCer iii viareii ift the Lounge
nos nset of view *temente jutt rut i rakin and cstra nigh +melee. !mull eenee end bigh quality cent.%
tate the W..t Indies sere kr by the : speakers. •$I1,1111 .11 an tiratele ,1,,petk•r• gut forated in the dinine
Comedian National Rene ant. to" reprodutnig the meet tielieittre• and eminent, eaten. Two large
shay Aaiun down all% 1.iglInsys el' iihadiia of tinniest tone or tencelh„tnt soot at meows et tb,*,-,•0111,
tk Atlantic Orsini an() liege ore indention
ltioninatinit Ineablit V:af.PT.1i; Thin equipment No oiled J. . 115(1'ille l'i' tut° Pre '1'4'14 ill'' t't
OMSK ShIS ?MARKO f^afinfi4 ttt il!e.;',t.lies Northern I. . feet fee t "tuni,goy 111(4,11 ft er limit P. le whet psi ee ee.
lain aal, i't reletted ;eye for the free I easels of Ms eftW ro.r i'..,intluireel ft,
arnont. brosigrit itts filen I.,s,i' fleet, i on Oats of 3$0-kerr,141 .!e)111,-1 T'A he ii,,,4 te oe... e nitre lie e . •
*Ale from distant, or nest/..ti ttt 1,1,:'ets In abich *re 113.13' .1(41 few oft 11.04(11. J. IS cl,arse if s' e
Wm. Patna, this thev r11,±41 tee i itratuot v.'', at their tr
wIthrt must4.0tIgIt i%Lerri,toiihoile '
Ilio mush -at y•stvfo
f, . - pi.I.,;„/„.
,,-.,,, .,.,,orra, ere... uroarAtori innl riTirrAirit itt I.
Irer dasseiod. 'Pie* the..., rf,.our .,..., Lwow,. 0 Himi014,0,04,:,;1:enelke 'of the 1,••••,.4....• •t mt...
dillatinor lars. ve live* kr •,...w..• Ro,•Tiv:rork4 ow. m
, 0 w,i1.1101„ ,,, Anted tirr•. shroughs..t, she os-
poll arta Oat Welt opvipaorme d
$11' ue, r troderier i' 3. pp.-oenen 'Inv' tele 'eta t” n'01
Radio pkoes, *3'. 1.111.)cr • Mini, cnv or, a ober ..,.,irm, :rnibeti:eoriltortretS1.SrsietAi l
of e
Aildroo• and 111 %Asir isopprosto -,,T. ,r.v 1.. ' . . f II x ' a I 4 •- ti issr fr. fit..' flev4'e et A
New` Type of Jew
Bionde.haired, fair.okintied Sews
who resemble 1Scandinavians and
Ara -minus the facial ehanteteristics
usually assoeiate4 with the Itelnew
race ave opnearing in Palestine, Dr.
Emanuel Libman, internationally -I
known Physician and professor at I
clhtical mortine at Columbia Univer.1
sity,,New York. told members of the •
Montefiore CItth at Montreal. Mink
is responsible, be said, *cording to i
the view of one Jewish doctor, under. I
taking veseerch.
Trawler Sank by Liner y
With a gaping hole Tent in Iter
port fotevard quarter by the bows of
the liner Stavanger Fjord, the Na-
tionel Fish C-omptitiy"/ trawler, Good I
Hope. 2Sil tone groin. weyit down
10 fathoms of water off etcatchtee's"
Beach, inside. the entrain' e to Ibillfatt
'Dubour int noon last 'Saturant?, la
minutes after the collielett. (The 26
memberx of the trawler's erew esean.
ed unhurt, some clambrrine tin a 1-d.
der thrown ever the liner's bow. the
emairitier taking to a Well -eat.
Alpe were IMAWATO of their *lose
tiroximity in a dense fog:. The tIoedl
the Stavanger Fjord was entering thell
' 'rope was hound for the bailee while
Every iff.,thift btiV
hot tIP of 1 e, le, eke..
= 1:,: 1 "rt,A.
1V.Te nt, bet! er gi i -J,' ft it" thee;
t !noble -erne stiene,es Moth flint ,
atterommi in nee 0.*r.f.k!N,. 16*0-k--
0,-/tr, artrite.h"."i•lit.'" had
rundown stiodlit
agi I • '61
t !ki
A Heat Leaking House
Let Comfort be the firsi thought its planning you new home. Nobody 1
wants a Heat Leakirie Rouse. New materiels -new teethe& now make
"albweather" conafort possible. Heat -leaking houses are out of date.
NOW, before you Aunt a and or drive it nail -now is the dote to think
of comfort. Get the latest information en "Comfortested" construction.
_ Lena the secret of "all-weather" comfort.
Celotex, the marvelous new heat stopping lumber is !built into the walls
and upstairs ceilings of all Halliday "Comfortested" Homes. "Com.
fortester Homes are wpm 1 .meitter, and in summer. cost 28 per
cent. lett to heat; are quieter and stronger. Don't take comfort for •
grantell, Comfort is not a happy chance. It mut be planned for --
utast he MALT IN. Holliday "Comfortester Homes give yobs the
priceless totality of livablity in all weathers, and are at the same time
distiastireitt *pp raster, convenient ht layout, and modest in cote
- Write for foil information,
-Deet Start Without These Rooks
Whother you are ihmileliag a stew home*
repairing or rtraodellitig, ye* 11004 tke
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and return for free information.
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step es merited, our sssconattiNo.--i
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mph) of SY5TEMS