HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-21, Page 1a Printfrag that 'Pleases For prompt service and teenbetoly work plate your order with The Code - rich Star. MisOniZ Bldg,. West Street. 'Phone 71 11111101141.11, attic Mar Advertising that Pain Thousands have proved thst Sat Ads, -Get keil4t11.. An Ad tar the Gedenth :eta teaches the people. ?tone 71. 217XENT111TEL Suirerription.; $or2yaeayear in. Ca.npada. ,GODERICIT, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1929 WLTR NAPTEL, Publisher. Importance of Goderich Harbor Industries Reflected in Mayor s Statement that a Million Dollars Will be Spent Around Harbor This Season ''''•••••••,•••••••01,41....- T•S•44 •••••••TT-INTTT T /111.A --- • AUCTION SALES use to capacity and further ens Spence, viith whom Andrew Johns OBITUARY • esepes, eAoL, Isrgements of the plant will no doubt stems came to 'Canada, hail a brother, Sun Life Assuramm Company, ot Canada •‘;Ar . be on the program ere lent, eeenre. eAlliLIT11-11tany friends of • • . TOWN of CODER:CH tt41'.' Captain John Spence of mt to Southampton. ' elteratiens in the plaeing of maehin- `744111es Ni4eVielilr sPnIlatiliZo,n14,41 who owned eeveral beat% on one of oIfuntf n iarthvare, on at the Eroommieal Store, Ste DOGS ery hose yet to be made. The emu-, kiln tilnes 43eat1,1 of bin 41114: forming odd& he expected te sail as captain, piny are busy on machine work for. s'stet" Alealb•ter aliYle*. ot it so bared however that all *Attie. WHY BUY LIFE. INSURANCE ?ATIROAY, MA,R011 Wel, at 7 Pall. ;t4 lthe Oster end the Goderich. two of ,; en e-unday, Iehe boats het left for the Ameeicen side, The epeee eoneiste ef fire,SA,Lefi, Because your wife naturallY tlenends 4)11' yOu tO prOtCet lter - Coats, Hats. Sweater+) awl nese; etenei 1. the *eswelsgrviadhelterarifIr hu, iu a1- tri?dwinaltfilimatrotslItautiatefitigvIT 211Tdil°: sCtitittlOSI)cthr enithisseillsegenelMactldtetet: and the ohildren in the event of 'your death. suits end inerceata 'Moe "suits tout The Town B.Yiaws require ninalrlhey also are manufacture* "All lovers of Caelyle, tts 'well as 4 charge of a boat there. but Mr. John. &mese you d o not want to have tons)* alt your life; you,Witi ,14 beereeats. • Mit, NNek valet be Sold tie we must , that the owner or harborer , the sheet metal BM" r' gone refused to go where there were esounto, to, the cora, persenal friends, will feel deecr not where you storted. these heve been delivered. blesses.' ot er relies,. aad editor of several I. -01.r anxious to get to his rel tive ' t Z 11 ' Y'El,011:%, ,T* ta•••\11nY 4. S°.-1* wear a. license tag. Beeouso 3, -on WAnt your wife to he erourl to answer the oueetton Proprietor. Auctioneer. 4 h,,,,,, ,,,,•4 ,...,...,,s .4..,‘„a, .. "4 4 make them a loadirig bin for loading Bell Bros. have had the (*emptily 1 41111es of Cart3le conesi1onlieneer ooze land, uow Winghano steying tho wine' Alexander Carlyle, in the sudden' tee there Ire ace° " " that ia certain to come: "Did Ire have life insurance?" ivories moo tos lionsoo. miox A isday 4.• 4 Pri.411 114104414eliiii41, ro gravel for the -elevator construetion death of his wife from heavt failure i 1 raeate tat °nee. ' :1(iet00e.l. Ile tared with a, youn want rest somet, Of arty dog shalt obtain a ent niers for the foundation of the ' athy for the steed nephew an ,faith. Y ogee a , farmer bat. did :not stao loile ',beton' Because you event your thildren ter etaet whore you leave onn. 1 noimooeuask. . • license and 5=11 dog shall , new elevator annex and a number of .11 e . Sin. Magn.US IsintIntArtIOUSISWeillr: A: coWS- and RISOPSIIIEE EWES. enforce this bYlaw. and the gravel will be brought in '1311 Sunda 'rltterneona, 'She Ina been t ing to Goderieh as far as the home of' f ale ("Office iI5 JAMES Me3LeNrie Get your license at once from the pits end unloaded at tbe!stge„rbat iron) be141't ;trouble or no 3Ir. Wril. Young, of Colboree town. Wellingem street bank to be two- :sears, line on We) oceiteions when eour elate, whose wife was Catharine Link- 1311°11•es1 i Residence 549 H. R. LONG, District Age0 , -, win son hr oublie euenon at liis faxert and save Prosecution. ,. ed by chute down the hill te the ale. !CI:WM.1)06a visited ter horde in tram u cousin, no blood with Aro , e _ --e---- Meneset Station. on • - $ mite:DAY, NEIRCII 23. 18'18 R, C, POSTEL,ETHWAITE, 1.% part of some new eauipment at the 1 vator, A tine electric welding „too vointeetion 'with, forrming the Vaidele young and oeuudnod in ids coma Soreety, and lead tile PrhoileRe of colt* for twice ,...:11r3s, until Mr. Young re- \ i AUCTION SALES .. vorineneing it 1 o*eincli eharp; Chiel of PoliCO• Dominion Reed Xaehillert7 Co. versatIons with ber and Mr, CarYler ' tired end waS comfortably settled in "11,:eseriote Omni riF 'neneseenoter .filorsese-The property of Hamilton ; she sees full of intereet in tho Hpro+ , bie new bome. £)l$ “ tame be mon. uron Investments Ltd. A out ays,.. , Booth eiretanue. Sixteen geltEngs and mares, • , / , Presentation to Mr. and nirs. nasal,. On one oecasion When 'we eged Mr, Potter's farm in Goderielt • front MO to 1600 lbs. in weight, all 'visited ben, we Wore shown' nutnr township then he removed to Rim TOWN TOPICS Booth gave the, ..'-'-.S....at Out mid -1 Mesa •13r tr large circle or week service in Knox ehureli and; fol. frierals," Mrs. Caelyle, forinerlY 'nese-se eesse ,. lowing the service a social time was Miss 3 jllios UneVicar, WAS, born in Golfing on Merely Sth s ent to bid adieu ond Gott speed to Goderich ebout 75 yeare ,ago. intro. • On Wednesday evening' Mr. George Carlyle relies. 3Irs. Cattle will be onion' w*heoe be hood unto bia mar. - • 1.0 C' Etii4irivrA "It" t-glitinftttereptr2*AnrodpNsiteirne. beZ•e11,111. and a Stock Brokers sen publir mullion. on • ycacs ow; year au run. SATUBDAY, erAnCil 23td. ourham wens. fresia six Bora Dealers commencing at LW pan. years old; 2 Holstein Mots, fresh, 4 and Kitchen Wel range, complete Oen years Mil; 2 Holstein ei)., 'neurone* tuning. Set, NOIT1sair", ball reek:boll 7 snors olti, to ;Ire -sitter bet. 1st; 2 good' mage with Miss Julia Youngetlaugh. ter a Ur and Mrs. Alexander Young, and nice° of Willi:mai Young. • r. and Xrs. Scott, vale are leavine Carty/de waa Quite it Yinnat Rirt witen , Tittee years later in 1874 he paid a . . Isest FrIdey a foursoMe Of ardent. 11 41(11 eleetne lixtures his return Otebought a farm on the visit to his home in Orkney's. On 'ROYAL RANK Bi111101$11111 n ii ricom , waslarig machine, table' scales, rointop IU 'tit 'AhLY 1st; l Holstein COW 8 yrs: the Maitland t ourse and: report the - Move: refrigerator, piano lanes. steP- buntemeniss'l :set. er bglit beb- tluartette were Messrs. Roy Patt•er- th° ehdaren' desk, revival reale beeoe., gaeoline old, eeneing. evell, to fee:Oren Jule tete ground in very good vondithon, Ine mirror 3 by rt. veal enIvest t trolseen .eow 6 yeaes ohl. golfers were disportingthemseivee on sleielos. Booth and a sa, gold Mee°. for eaeli of ing for many yeare. Some time be. shertly on their' return to China. A she thot %tend to Seationd to visither Purse of $100 was preseuted to Mie father's people fn Edinburgh. remain- seeond Rev. Ur MeDeemid, fore the death of her father, IVO., lived there ten years. ,After selling Bruce C4Ullty'l near Amberley. and eoneession of linvon twit, in Gederioh. (Works ladder t• radio,. loud speaker, wet bate um, Jue. Donaiden,i gi. ueavorit "d sinaking an addrese and Miss Anna Mem aaeVitiAki -atm retUrned to be this farm Mr. Johnstone bought the Phones 430 and 445 -tortes and eharger; dishes, kitehat ,All the emeials are in good renuillien o4 loeyneedo„. MeTtontild making 'the presentation. with' hint. Later'. she married Mr. 0,14 Gewrie twin on mite othoeemooss , Gerson o gres, wilt be guaranteed as repsesented at TQ Pradilee Minstrel Show -membership ht the NV. 3f. S., an ad- burg% where many visitors to their his retirement nin * A' FOR SALE Olt TO Run , entities, Wile, and many other artielea and men Messed without reserve. All Fon 10 -roomed honse, embee strecteetorey and a heir. withe t, 1 "et 1'. Itghtvii and modern Plaufbings-New ifouble garage. AK 11Y to MISe T:11T. To itENT.,_nouso tti rent ou Pat- entee street. in • good repair. 1 Garage and earden. 'IL ilereVELL. HOUSE voni....ALL.-..k modern white bride 'house on Bruce street, cslurenteln to Square. .Apply 11. ORAFF. ' -e&10a SALF.-1 milk delivery. -wagon. `4" • drop .eentre anti raiding &tors; 'was overhauled and Painted two Years ago, and is In good condition. Also two tegallon milk cans, hew; I intik cooler; 3 eent bottle erates, will ;hold 20 pint -bottles oath; 4 Pubber Noshing apron, good as new, W, FISHER, fioderieVOnt Mrs, Rooth 'was presented' with relife Caryie and •they went back to Edin. aka of Colborne, where be wed won woe or wde. The Jotoelt Inas- be ine Desire.j., Doureues popular theatri. ;tress being read 1.)y. Mrs. Richard' hone found nun% to ottraet and bi- Nvit : Auetioneere. He is sarvived by his widow and four Leh time he had lived tit Carlow: motes beaten.- interest •ttt 7 per rent per J°11.1t 41111: a grand Mntsretrel extrlrvagarzer'e: tterlatt:wais gfiv.aenn bv Mrs, F. Saunders, fesident of Goderich passed away on Robertson. M.P.P., Alex. Young, of n 1 e. eller* 11f0DONAI 0).-A highly esteemed children; Julia 13., wife a Charles oseeten and leiPLEhileeerte given on turniehing approved Nen nave received ineirnetlees front W - - ' `'' ' ' The. new; show wni. nave a very large MisS Heist, Mr. II. IL Reid and 11.ir. annelle ...... _ Saturday last in the person of Mr Vancouver* ChriStMog VT' of ftte cast end promisee to be even euplemor Jas. Thenison nod .a. solo by Dim John McDonald, 'Park street, at the Patterson, eor Tomato; Josophino elms. it. lieu to sell by publie eureka JAS. etreTANCS, eino. if. en.LiOTT, t „e tie e et will again 'be under Ildaelfne, 4 nd refreshments 'were age, of eixty-seven years. About a Vinton, wife of IL C. Weir, ed. IL, of yeas ago. onee - aer rule IP"I'lculs t.° M1C'" tat. producer who so Micceserully pros. Wailers and the ure.sentatton was terest them. AUCTioN; -SALE OF realm TEleensee Seven 'months* oredit wilt bo d doomo 9 he ni ean d b X T. rat A nt Lot el, Contession 3, Ooderielt Tep, 1)reerieter, Auctioneer, son , „set nel44; south eto Geo„oceo 024 (Itnierlelt 0. . the auspices of the ;Lions Club _tend SerVee. 1.Ve.dc previous he suffered a heart at Auburn. A great serivw tante into teltiAlte,111,18,1 will be 'presented at, the Vietorto. PE LE WE KNOlir tack and ho was taken te the Alex- the home in ,19Il in the sad loss of watenceng at 1. 0( t )nril '1"6:st RALE OF 33-ACitti F.tieNi. Opera House ,A.prit n, 20 land 11. . 0.P andra Hospital and later in tbe week John '111eXerris, the youngest boy, by lent:11 "1i )1.h. anti IMPLenteNTS. eitt..E. J., STILVCOliA.); Mrs. Sheppard, of Hamilton, is p01010 40411 Set in, resulting in liia drowning, On November 30th, 193r. visiting with Mr. rind Mrs, Arthur death as already noted, Mr. 'Idellen- inn and Mrs. Johnstone- eelebrated Ilersrs.-1 bay horse 10 (•,:irs• (Ad; 1 osotes Speen mare o eeare eel, lateen snare The rennet game of basketball ibe- . aid had been so resident of Goderich their golden jubilee wedding. The s gir s was CUrry• we've in deeseyville, Flantboro township. donee to Colborne cometevy on Pri- , still sell toy' public auction at Lot it, tween C inton 13 years cold; black horse, 12 Mtn eoneessem it e eta on for over thiety yenraselle was born funeint took pita° from las late Inst. yea 0 -erediresda n•eot itiaren Miss Hodge returns to I:Arent° toi rno, p a n y brown. mare Ineettee • tee, feen oId; 1 ebit. , - oottie.eo ems, rebor 6 .yeeco ho eau,: Tegeney„ Abkne,ll 2ottr. 20. tons tealitS ever.e" well matched MO/TOW after a visit with Fehruary lOtio IM13, end resided for ;tiny, Merch letle A large Introher G genie lettere, in calf; I 'heifer ‘.1 War t011Inkiniting qt 1 °nee& sitar • and a fest game was played the God. Strang. ail% tithe in outfield before coming to Attendee eite nevvice et the house. old; 1 Aereshire ,cone in ealf; b eases; The fain] toMaensig 03 Acres or good meet' ghee winutng si sgiorious *victory Superintendent Piggott of the oderich to live. Besides bis wife MOO, wits conducted 'by Itee,eitteD. 1 black ,etetv 8 Years 010, 110t ill calff tillable iand ; all Needed /rut about with score 29-21I. Form IV. and C. N. L, Stratfoed, Was in town on " 11113- Tuesday. 4 he leaees four Sons, Edwtird and Al. Cumming, assisted bit Rev: le. 11. 1 Ilereferti cow 3 years phi, not in ran; twelve URnea. Terme Will be tuunitm- Form title. also'played 0, gatile, beet, of Port Huron, and Gordon and Alp, of Auburn. There Were Malty 2 memo s v,,,,sr, cl,L; 2 -,I' 1- 2..3,:ears. ceitott 4iii.LeHocoto; snailler.e., iliors, in fox; bAckeer viotorioue, With the score 29 19 olds 1 purebrenbull rising 3 yeare old. , II X R b t J he t lied to Thuelow nt home; and three daugho beautiful tlOral tribules. The Ptills elle games a very Moe lune Milton this week by the illness of t oe e i G d rs. o er o s on was ea ers, rs, ohn Beatt or of o erich ; bearers were Gordon Young, J• 3. implements...4 ;Massey Harris tulti- lorY Mare 10, years, 001 I met end re- was served by the Goderich teams, her sitter. ff-8 R Nes. A, Donley las --------------uiy, and Mrs. Charles oRess, of 'De. I Kenzie, Arthur Clark and Melvin • • _treinship; Mrs. John entyldse Jr. oe.I ltdbertemeolarries Blesett, slanteseMes sorer; 1, ,Freot 4 , Wood eultietator; 42 einiee; brown boree, iseeo. endalancin vassindul •, ileelereeneontee_nearty-neseeseseee see ----Ctettre-eitieto tersv 4 years fn(i. \Silt luneit- ; the music' vats aupplied by F°11 SALE.--Farrit containher 100 Joey aohnston tom binder, , 1' \' 9 years. oid, wilt fros:llen •eist ° latives at Kenmore, • of Winghtine and two sisters, to. stone, of Ottawas' wii rbe Chief herrows; in geed inape; 1 emote:and-freshen sn about ,3 months; /Tolstoi' Mies Len re C at d jean Mae. after spending somexmoynths with re- tree One brother, DOA& McDonald, Tyndale His 'nephinv4 John Jobn- oaere.s of good clay Mem. Dairess.--1 vet of braes mounted Mack etev. aged, milking 'about a MIS • - • Prof. F. Effort!. of Ottawa, who Wesley Misner, of Windsor, and Hydraulic Engineer of the tionlinion me- nra enlisted on tem " nealeld doubt 0-irunese timely newe n d) month • !the& to y • I I, B t mi ion Ito tis was in, towri 01! WedneSdaY attend- 'Arra David Thurlow, of Winghara, tits ref Canada, wee preseut at the fun - twee For partieulars Annie "I` Of hOrSe• taittrio in good shapie rodeo, ed (Mout two rnonthsS srootted eow 12 A visit to the -factory of the Dome bog the /intend of his sister, called on se surviv(., ;and there ape ten grand- eral. Others presentosere Mr. 'Jns. GIBVINaGederich• ehovels. eitains one numerous, other Sears old. due In atom; „Mark heifer. inion Road Machinery Co. reveals, a The Star while in town and wishes to 'children. Mr Melifiniad was mem-. Blue, of Antberley; 111r. Roderick, artielee ;freshen 41 tined t - • e• • • vA101 SALE. --416 aereo, lot Teeetoesgreceernootive ererlit will •I" end pare eri, _the lberoe- reels be given On turntsning approvete JOint (Paved birthes•ay) natio west of 110Let3. db,rount tlie rate et sit f4eh0014 thhr£4 end rale- per vent per annum :allowed eor easel se-ey station. ;Eight . roomed lionase. oe sernin amopeee torn 50451•10111TittrittreiVflOitedsa:'- CHAS.% ai: ISLI. Proprietor, ,and pig pen all In good, repair. bout 30 acre:. cot thl4 tut tile build- .,„. „ O.0e1"rlebi Inge that lying north of the railwaY. 4 ‘j ALM I 41: tucetencers will b° sehl se02reielY detsirea'Atatt4 •s.k1,1.; op 1$ HEAD OF ante good Inistnre 1°1" AfP'Y W L-131114211 Olelat tient: nod OLleAtIET11 FORD or to e 0. F0110. :mAnes., Box 303, Clinton., Plione 30. *VIVIS Illetsblinie DOLLARS -DO rot; IL inssit ee WANT IT t• By buylog this %NM sell be plater anetion at the tang totality acres 411 rine and produetive nolward Hetet. Gooloneeli, on, loan with resoll natural and artificial Fromy, mAnaii 2on, . drainage,. also meturesque ibeation-- eptaifiraelog at one {meets Alma. one of the best in Vies vicinity -you , , • " melt be profiting amount. Said „ seetelt`le'll 114„eo ,nooe leorses front farm is abont- two miles from Clinton e 44 " rears 040. eveleettne irom 1300 to on nose Line. Melding* eonsist of 160% Tliee ore ali peed eolors_ 04441 good houSe, large baree-tirleing ehed. there ON several wollernateluel tome else windutill mid -reservoir. Colleen in the lee • senile buin. Besitienee ntates, rat. Tenteia- -Seven moralize credit on son for saerlilea For terms. W. furnishing approved Joint notes bear- nnynoNe. ClInten. Owner 322 Snit' fig ittlerest at / per erne eer annum. main Street, ilemeo. 3fiehigan. The horses will he at the feeble for inspectIon from :Monett)* peen. ir REAL ESTAT A D INSURANCE it To atom T. ovneity-4: sox.. 'THE AhNISTBONG HEAL FISTATIS and ropr, t or, • Atittemeere. INSCItANCH AGENenie -4-e-- • . • and INIPIAZIENTS. Large number of good propertiee eor, sate at lo -s% orices and many of thenit .At Itot 24, Misitiaml roncession Col 'easy terms 'for payment. • . Twee on Jest a few of theme • TtnelbeY 'MARCH 0611 • N SAL s teeliel tenons aged, due .1411.t.;.,..r.4.4414.(41.dfero.ro,ho rbbuunsyjintrig vv.eutoufp tfrildentrettrthet;.ntrtsenenoers 1lLremembered to all eld friends. oiled aboin two months; two-yeer-old Meal is president of the Weer; t - heifer; baby' beet: trAcis "" a` /Wor.arridar'804;:uiln47thee°011agrry6spsaia,ntdofie.aTuVle; ebout KO thee. two • vett! scolves* calf • ber of Knox chlrinb and the funeral I MaeLennatt and. sop, Kenneth, of erviceti en Mender 'afternoonwere leoehalsh, and Janies, McKenzie and wo-yearold - conducted by the minister, Rea le 0.1 his brother, John INIeltenzie, of Port Arciultr McDermid. The pallehearers were I Albert. Mr. Johnstone possessed a six wee" uld' • 44,* " •'-""lr-fir:177.sneet. onereitti in conflation With this office. Last three sotte, Edward, Albert, and Gor- I very uniqtre charecter. There Woe a 311seellaneonse--Sate. due in April: (o --en! •„ eorioieiyietsle. summer he spent some time -in the 'doe, two sells.in-latv, Mr. John Beat- (mkt nobility about him which com. about 30 hens; about 115ti buss mixed 11°1' 1.1•"11°1'1" " - - novtli oaf Europe and this year he will tit. mid Mr. John Wylds, and lir mended the reepect and admiration • igtreAsisil'eratiblV,t eeait.°1:seletlae.c. guloiloxteldjuntieenit visit the south of Europe. Prof. El- Tennant Drennan, The members ofi of gill who knew tam intimately. elle wagon es:tortes,' box; bay reek"' combin. Wil 417 1,7titit.111.ett.e411,h1171.1iLke.• . till:tiros acetompanied by his nephew, the family were ell home for the funs I rnaintained the etano poise, whioh is a ution stock rack: meeeee items mew_ to' sett by pubee, auction at lois ree. 1 . .'T• B.rkileo_f_Toronto. g'illatgclirtohnet lewroinel,4ehrtniM 1,1;:asnliveirde,intoe: ' edie;se.hibettitiephitileeTtlitieheeCeftichetsolineptevrt el': ;Massey liarrie dent; turnip sower. donee, licaes etreet. Goderkh, en eether with Mr. John MeLean, front of modern days. His life was rich in tultivater; ltenfrew twain separator; commeSnciTigi..:latit.).4'.11.boLeteltiocelele3s9hua'ip i -.---- ..$ is, to);$7°To Ilevitik-Ly . • Set. nerrows, 4 eeetionst, coashutt, brooder outfit, nearly new; brooder ,Two glees eut,boarthr; 2 sideboard:4; - the sante town, and others present , love affection and a 'Afloat limpidity, F:arned Iry draftsmen. mway6 4 4 for tlie funeral were Mrs. David ' ond th3 lived "as ir loan by the side of limiseeportable; hUggr: Pail call Set 1 extension table; 2 tirop-lear tables: I'l - ' Brown and son of Affiberstburg; the road and erns a friend to flume, , detromi fer trained mete Our Prarti- _ 1. _ . • . Geo. oelonsoosr../...... *0004 MI.'S. 1 FlOY4 81111t1 Mr and tits double liarnees; eel ginglo ti1Irnes;4 ; i some !Aide; 1 desk andbookcase; e eat !tome Training equips yen. Write ,,,, sand Otha-T artieles too numerous' 11 room dial*: I hail reeks.; 1 sofa; i f,:uoriellielleinait''ser;?..iftelliliolire,e, e7 norlel SI. t° l'IINI)1ErtilIAL taxr7it.'1•311111r.hiarndW111111rhal.intitedsv9a8a.' df tMenelDpoen1 trtiTih:chl ot°oIllisinatill(tri Ilseettheall tClieht ofebo oC1 eenni 'Wheelbarrow, forns, rballie sbot44.4. rote ing &etre; 1 arm •thair: 0 dining TiritNIS.---111 SUMS of eh) anti ander. commode eia,.r. i abuister oil Owe* 1 piano: 1 centre t ible; 1 1 we eoronto tad. of Port 'Pron. Intermertt wan when an address on (1) operation be: ald ono err. Ana Jors• • I. - ,ues a , ' " '' -4 " A. II M.Don T d y .31arch 20fit, at 4t15 pan. mention. Nam organ: I • Priva Hl T fP 4110(21) in Colborne cemetery; tween home and school will be gwen e oteoronto t a RNELOE-Peopie of Goderihrh: • Jarvis St. ,eorner, thirteefour rooms, gelne:ra i Reser nt Friday A. rit 10th for Ily mourn with relatives in t ,.. by Inspeetor Beacom.. rash; ovi.r that etniount reedit win toe germ on furnishing alt-, other Ititeben utensils; 2 rugS and ear . 8 111ontlu; range; 1 MI looter; 1 bakeboard and proved Joint notes. A eiscount of e. pets; 1 onenean erosseilt WIN; I la'Alt per eetd, straight allowed for eafei on 'flower; 3 a,..pleee bedroom suliks. Irgralr tiainedanm6a;ttrestiPs: 1 single ben: 2 large dining room, thigh class guests, of Niturara Palls, Ont., vni w"" o particulan next week. opiletere li J esettAteIline: Pr * family hotel down ,t(ANn• greet re.. death of R:At. Herbert L. Thorneloe A, ..eu seen, Knox Citurch Choir Concert. Pull tit , 11101.111 .. ' (104ertill. 11, 11. 5. sealet I elturn:1 girsInedhsietilTeettl thenot‘ti(tit4•4; cre111111 4 about *3.3,000. Pliee '•••tZt4:49°O. placeeon Saturday east from pleurisy, c. i,. 8.. flawing., and pneumonta, following an attitlicir of; Don't fail tti see the contedy-dranta* til`Nblet" 4. SON,' Auttioneers. I quentity or fruit scalers, jelly Janeand ..- Mr. Tliceneloo was A oonen-law, "Tho End of the Lane," In MacKay 4-,,L„tierf-f-ts i1,1' OE itignie! articles too numerous to men• 4'14 1,'‘ int FARM ,e1ToeK Tiritefe -4" a Mr. Jrimes McManus, a Colborne,' Ilan April 4th and 3th. Admisskil, MENTS• end 1 101:SinieLD FISII.XITIS111,1 n, eineeley cesTAV 4 nte; WANTED - and had frequently- 'visited here and• adults 60 cents, children 35 cents. - . had occupied Goderihcpulpits with .. , OMMA 00011 Proprietor. Auettencere WANTED -'•ilees,..Atie ittenber up to acceptance: 'The body was breught , Mane name TuesdaY (*5- 01110Z 1 S.1e4Jt) i' Id the estate of the late ti P1�\ o..SAEE 6t! eeeiniesoe preterlatlyelueitleisn, tfat3;gilit; i to Goderleh for interment in Colborne!! April 13th. for a ailver medal contest paoslidosselisnexli, trob,E3trials ,,,,:sxsinINAnfils"TEnTY andenta*...SIS" itives, but will taw 8 -ti-am e. 4jumbo of M cemetery, the funeral takingTuesday • place elocution. singing. piano and lot noel small barn• Immediate pen. Iforseseselay rine n• • from the home is and. Mrs. Wit. I easays, to be held ot North se. Ueit•d A troodbrielt house, bathroom, ileitis. ocommencing at 1 oteiock, steep: renew on • and aireardson JOIte3 If PV,CO' 14. Bissot, Nelson ntreet. on ehttreho es, right; Wee supere, also 1 frafne Tittlittt• •ritoolo vrho lama ware , session; 81.600, broken. good work horse. ' We are instructed by ir Titers oiti, weir eirseletY, 23Ih, tin0 .114 for V nrick house with bathroom, eleeirte eornmencing at reelCoeit sharp: MLR GEO. If. 1100Tit -tor in good runlet; shane• e iCultre emNutPatet bo in -we,3tern or' c'enfecti tharge of Rev. C. P. Clarke. nastoorof ...e,iee'co &Igor bloodoY, APril the Wessman' Hospital • Auxin 14 rohr small barn one . 11s111wens0,--Cholce Hereford eetv t ireation Price ne000 . • sec on eye, o seare old, due to freshen time of 'stable awe feet, len mine oorceo. entillitietee Anil( 6111 yartieulare itox 20, STAR fit etonin heated. oart 'polished hardwood in eerie e • " - • ' -2 • * of Niagara Palle PreebSterVJ si---111 ms ..wiettieura of the district and by the ramie.; ante Hall. arlek. liouse. all modern ceuipped. sale; black skew 3 -.mare olii. freshened t 00 kit it le •j2, commoneine, at o'clock, oluirp; EettLIAlle Lo. es re good tOtiSe c ten iv cad, freshenee two eveeion nereruni• jrt .tle x arm. isonsists lifte armee of to 'sell les Public auction at the Toro .1 en n Noeth street United church; and ite. ary ghts, Involve. , . , Ontario; write too t .s pt ere te r a Tier even twitted by a iminber of noire ; 000 and 4ance to be held in the 31as- . floors, well planned. with, many eort-ito j'tlo APeil: 1101sleM0044 cow 8 fruit, 1013 er"ivaler. EighPttetes Wed. of the late Chariee Bates, Britannia venienees; fine garage; 'choice location, yro oho miming; onniam. cow 10 years el in tall t 1 " te If e'er In 1 11 rend, Goderieli, eoneirding of a well 'Price, $3,300, V Ott due to freetten May lth a burhant ono $ nr •1' „Ala OU ,t es 11 s 1 /Milt /mine ono and one -half -story steers in good condition; it steers rising Peel a mike of sale 1) (1(1104 within 110 ts's tit lots 2111, ti. anti 2j This pro - 11004 frog sirebard vejto au elnde ef The property known ae the resklenee rine breck, house, fttlt modern equip- oow •snare old. Ilue to freshen May Timoio (;:o. loilooso20 vet, cent. in on house la Erst•<olass ropalti 19gother ned, n3.200. (keel brick liouee; eleetrie 15th; 2 earrow rows: good 2 -year-old 2 vele.; old; 4 heifers rtsine 2 loam 44 t%'. or. VAN Mai rent:1111 Oil Mort. perty ie only a •ehort fitetani'e from tlio lights; bathroem, b2,700. lee story frame house, good condi- nen, lighte arid bathroom; well locat- ed. Pr1ee,e1,600. om: nrinp ettives4, 2 young calvowe for 5 eeareitrtt. 4.i. It, depot, is 3 good, property, and ..s. proseenrood Goo, due to farrow in Iforseenel atted Mime ; 1 heavy Meer . At• the sonic time; ell the Pennine of Fine t; slorS nine.roomed lirouse, )411111 1 3 ittoce hogs 1.1.4'-! 1)111 about 00 1191414' 3 V''ars (A." 1 r1.ellel'Alll1/0":4e file hOUSe well be sold: Living room, se.,ell arranged • for roirceillence anti His. each; 6 chames, welgiang about 00 filly. rieleg 3 en'tire Old, dininl roan, bedroom and hitriten tut - heating; Just firilshed; choice interior Ihs. -each. . C1tlle.--4 Holstein 'NMA 1.1 11 toi.i: "Mune gardon to(ils, and other art- dreorating and finishing; hot and cold Illoillenirots•---MasseV 'lards binder.' i ' 111)1411111fhes ew. e, 7 years 'eel: 1 telea. . •!•4 '. e we'ter suPPle; modern 4-plece bathroom 6 ft. mit: efassee ifarris se.hoe fere. red ei.w. due at thno of vale: i leitirso,t Positively no, re!anwp, to; Mr. alai ojite; electric lighted; goOd tellar; IWO ilZer drill, neerle new: eraser nines Durham stow, to freshen ko .11113,•, 10 Mi:;. Rooth ore teasing ;stillest at (AIM lOtS; Well located; convenient to !lode. 10 et. hay rake; 17 Spring too etilliva... ;erg, oldt 1 Intritant cow. milkine, 1 ' for china. n c oilegiate Institute. Immediate tor: Frost 4 Wood nuover, a it. ent; ht•nor 2 pent Ohl, to freshen' In Jniy: TE10114., tiin the properly. len per Tossessime Prieeen.809. i beerIng eorn bindien 2-lionle Weer 2 betters, 2 yearg oh': f; ye,;.nrilopz lo.ir- vent. of ptierlia91. prier at time at' vtioe A good Iles -story 84,00n1 tiOnSe• good oorn motivator; 2 fureow Powrin riding ers; f 'i .11111 wet: 1 eau. seseeeten. ;balance in thirty d:tys, er terms may c ear, lot and barn, etesoo, .. 1 Plow: ull1clic furrow CorkAntt rifling 01(1; 1 Calf 3 coolie, old; e emorel cense. be arranged 10 leaVa half ef mirebase _ ue oneetn. 'Reserve Thursday and bridaY. of the West \\'1L''40113 441 MOM! Scripture noleeticna were read by* Fire Insurance itompane Invite appllea. nee, moors, Donn end mem oi meet April 4th and Otit, for play, "The 'End itahnon;bitiois nil ftlealfni:011041piOatinly.,f101.r.ifttzle,,itr'rly's etionutellevdoRd.rCia.MieDdeirninindi,livofetKanooal " the L3net" in NneKnY 11°1 Tieh* et4; oft ;sale at Baechier's store, tomer safari of 81,080. Mail appliealfon in 1 r 1` e ' e - - ' awn o citing to lite tionipanV at 'iltut. 11°V" M. 1:"-Preln..ne, ro -4 l!ettee4field, whe I Kin34°11 St:- 49 S'elluar•e' *Application.' led envelope in need preoeuen i.er. pit, atuntle10,.. aa paatori The Home and School Club of Coe, Famell la ,1lc'a • ' hi St. Thomas, gave it sho1t. tothirees.4 teal school will hold a baked frOP(13 . • Itlillik U. ALLI";:l. ,44'4'JT. WV* . Mr. liarton. chairman of .rite; - - - ------ ---------...---*--_. Niagare Valle Presbytery, led in, 23r4, sale mi Returday - afternoon, Mardi in the grocery story of Mr. t on ;eke's,. „Bono, ,i \ mmd eime_walthm.1 Oniiiivny.e.Arlieaoud, .preniouneed the benediteli 1 . reed Sturdy. -- . ...................... ....V,. FORit. AlItt .......mmom• . P chop. Apply C. NIVINS, sole Ford rood Parr. of Gade.•'• rich; ate% A°. A. Ifolnice, of ,Clinton; , SALE REGISTER MONDAY, March 43 5' jet gt SALE. -nage, ter lialehIng. it, Rev. L. .C. Cumining, of Benntiller, , sate of valuable farm, farm starch, and Rev. Stanley' Owen, of Stratford.' Maplementa and houSehold furniture Itred.1.0 IV siraln, Ilarre.1 .lions. Pull. Is tf 1344 veer hid al the At 1(10 sonvee e se eers Celt %Vele fine 0? 4 11101111rn 084.4-14 Ilase :1111:4. li. I conducted by Rev. Mr. Clarke. The . at eal4 lialf let 13' em* 3' Celbarhe' at. 1 o'clock. MRS. EDWARD GOOD, DAVIPSoN, Iningnimme Phone limos pall -bearers .wore all brother:Wu-law,' executriv. T. GLINDItt( 84 SON, nannon elms Pi. z Messrs Wm Meet Wilmer and CIR. wiross,....,targe number listed int Vow: ..! sets Ir011 itnrriAvs; land oilier; V 044 itry.- I - I'll( 1,1.11 Weatelotte 14 1.,' rare; G 1101's0 inmements„4 worinc imob.r. zi ft, per cent. on Itirtilmingee ease, poi 01014.I. hi Ptinovill.)11 41;til•• who al.1 la,011...nag0. tone lnievSt at 6 T-iiiii------s.ux; 1.-unii,44,-",f7rhier. ---',„;ry , ton 3Ierilanus of Gotierich, Gordon fere, good buildings, wen improved; re- heavy set sloop - eleigite; Citintrun lo„retere; soo Ilene. it • 1 W'll' NV t ' JI 4,1 es 'goo, .v04,, unv :t.i. sale of horses, snitch coavs ;tad Shrop- , . T. IJI.lt:DAY• April 2ndneAuetion . McPhee, of Co berne, i ram a • oarkably ites prico and easy terms( for • ,fanning mill t • i t asree. $3.200; 80 awe, 61.00d; 100 Iwo, iron frame cawing maehine; 2 oayrnent. A few; 43 MIPS, (52.31)0; 60 power International gasolene ::14fituldlirselerut; 1 beering mew.% 5, It. eat: 1 i son and Wolter 31eGill, of Blytb., Deering seal dila: 1 iteree lobe Mow* - • _ _ °._*%.11etituleer"' • 1(1.1 ....- - - ------ i The floral tributes were *sew beauti- te,rio.e,yt.aet•linttopnil'eniperniectienig''oaftalrillo,,e11101eihn.• OS. $1,600: 100 aeries, €.2.i100: 100 acres 8'400: harrows; potato plow:: grain grinder; i I t f • (IL %Milne' Ale:then meg .1,1A11fttlitaltin'Al. 4,iltir‘1441,1! E4 "ll'i; tul and namorous' Rev.- mr. on: rar Jet': P'.111n• p (A1.1 i (910,0 • • IAS111Allt: Proprietor GEO. 10a acre% EG,A00: 100 aeres. O5,500: 100 Pet of antes; ect ot power (1,11pnerA, mgevel,"" 71-4 */1erixlit/' • trooeselo oleo Fetestertntli AND . se. f ti K't 1 eller ave.' ' ----------. e • ••• • lee Isms pastor o c IL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. • reeve WM: 20il aeros, and really stewart make; tank pump: fore.* oaior; °nun olooweeo weeine itNielitenre. tl• Thre`"I "4-44'9, itTh for the pant five years and for nix 4 nue United church in Niagara Valle , g , I :sere, .tsk about them. ' pump; 40 ceaL on, drum; 2 oil barrele; For all parlieulars wife or See ; evaporetoe; paring martinet quantity ' • mune 1 eel. iron 6.`lai: 1 ttlillip , . Real rotate, barley; About 100 buo buckwheat toad, tanning onlit: i set sadso. 2 5100 the.,. "I'll' Whit° i'eellul'll''' I:41' '4E11' sl'O'41' yeare prior to that wee paator in St.!'; ...sfer.,,, „809..11,4„ewl„.. utt Fri Mardi 'est ,,‘I'lli. L44 Illjt) 41.1' ."-".. , Thornafg. He to Emrtived by Ma •vvife 4,A, . .,,. Rit.:174,h1111 31111; 1 11 : Vv. land, MLN. 1.1.1z Wr are etetrueted be J. NV. .AltAreTRONte Ise' alfalfa bay; about 100 14115. soon drill: 1 oaltlog boNt 1 root plilpi•rt 1 • I bar; filler; guanine. grain bees; 2 1.1 nell ilby Dom auction at the resk• iilo,/e4,33,4:41; 'ilts,j,.e.ii,er,%,,:)11 f141r,11gn,'„ in3a,11 ; jand fain3illy of fdoutisnelltildreitoi itgnen4 :too oo, a 444.4o 14„,nod itoonaiii.., Doe eo Goderine one 111InlerOlin. 44110E' cirtfelea., 311t.4.. STEVENe -• ------- seesoe-oere Even:thing to be sold ae proprietor ,Oficureer,e,1 I '4)11024inexia; ix eexatoo'l ton; 3 1,41ftenfe4410f,silrliecefl,aulcntiNeirriae.11:Lot1111. 550) 11 61016H31 wilineVon en runs. Loud oil "I's 1; eaug,34 varY ea.erli ..ei e s is -6 t pArry.1101.N. --In 4,. 4. on Wei 6e, an y one, -•. . . • . rented tils farm. i W CRAIGIE - Aio and unda, fash; owe that amount 'borel,•Ile,,,4'31311,":11:1;411A,;:qui;e:Irlie;:f hit,,stio:11,1Yr• 4:(natn::"°"1. _ . TEltelS.--ItaY. grain and all ;meta of . " ' teenieeer.eteine APitil, ard. . .i .4 alio 1 '11)Gatleilitilitir*Itz9e.al,ntaistliii,,!;(10,11':ti.:,:$•r.titt, i ill'ar74.;:eaTir.tto4rnin'iaael(itl Arieloe°oAGIIII:phd4:7iiieell 141;::111."11.103:(1 al,It.:1(1.1.(t),1.,F4:ii,11111::.ita:t.',,,.:,t11::::11:11:::::::: frei. sillies; err end ropes:. 1 wheels 7 ;menthe' er.dit wilt be given con 'fur. ; e I. e S t eniereq i.fr Val bon,. inettfilln: :11.1 ,..btelt glOarp all the 11,,rocilic'il Alktwo• feuul'io.r . • , ' »xi.. I ;us.) (IASI( a =Lour of 11(t.41 been spendieg a few days hero and, mama ilith. 00 me. Lind me,,. ii. u. • . • - Mil(' ("4 6liattf-4" s''1.1 daubie bnr114'';4: . 0 e. Cli eterileld stele elinest new ; Eregelor sloree, founts, ford imPle're. i Mr. and Mrs. }Tank Thownelee, of y• tine ri deo-liter tonri8linifilliSell(tTegrjinitlplerbaelttnatb,11:4741;17i 761 !Vat 4°i/421711"A StrihigF' hem,: t fontTe; 'bele" veils V,".• fur utiolibm• .".1- • Toronto, woes here for the funeral. t pmws/3. .1,3l 41 „a ieL" am. Mtg. (tau Real Estate ani10$1141et ammo: foe ease: on reedit amentit,o, AP1 '11IP EIL7 "31i114 (lt"a°: iolhl 14(14:21 nut oentro oereral kid '041144c ,er 4 no er e E41;r:4t' CrOsS`vdt faw: ...I seekers; Oak bail +salt nareols; mit tue ' '44 • 301INZTONE.-Thero intoned ftWay, NiarAt Nib. !tale. and 7tiaw. Wilbert Th 1' LLIII I) 1"1% f * e e ', t ' y s .„ s r o u e • . let .0 elet:li rlfaeliul t a? 1 l'1. d i1.Yot '1lt(ll ..B 1 2 i4 tsvvr-l .e, a•i rlai 4lf'i6sot r5.inte .r1- .a -l•o da°e 1 er - t,s.arr4.:L *Cte ,,'.,e-r.1te("on'4oA 0 yoiG 4ot 54 :e7fft oI4e u'-dsl •elra fsiw)'iae y ort*fsai i ;4 " rV„r 1,1 .a 0el/ a1tg4elt1s;e : et1frahaso1e. elr'nm1i(Entati, tnn1riAl(uA;nto.1ttoelo Moe.,v1. oEt,i no n .r eaiI,d' I e1W bP)taL " .ttt (* t1 tl1 n a 'S t tu e 4.tin mt i r . 0441'41glthipsratal twteariMame tintMach 11414.ra, onoetileealy phonemes ce.me,oVlPl l t r 3 q ; 3 n d r e w o n o n Ihto y rW ap3e I d „ 11 1 ItE D 1 1 , d41 , Propretor.4 AcrPaoi rttEv, room(410161e(4 44 •aCarlowWedneeda'nomneel'enieon Hebert etom'er. i•y°v•laile e4- T of lam life in thiConnt. comingto' ia,kw or NI j511,AVAAh OA. 4 - O'r b ‘ 1 (-e0tefa 4d ,:t,8 a.trrt1ta i v,. ' .an1tW :t1 1;1 / 1t' Jr ' c 'rI .1 4 :g40 l 1li4P,iars .1 0s ue4 sl a t r ias l 1 -.4 1e 1 4 - D E D 1 0 0(444.3 l (A i• g h t y n lfn t y e a r a d n o ss t t p a e ;4m e m r11d lBt(11 1 1 , a n ilsAte Und attilnere;e- - 11rdeli tneesse 1 101110 of this country in 112epotent of Mr.tim(11111,311 lt,h‘nt044 57 OfFCAREY , SON Ltd DIVESTMENTS AND SIN'NVISrlEU1RAN"C1:1E - -'11. 't.tl1cesa v"Aii t "4: ; 'I r f ei e t sa l ' .,i1- r 0 ePt n ei iCe s e w a i O f t e e a e lsla t r.d IAliZn e a l .4vm4 "cISe.'e t4.1e L net4o e oktonI ev aers ' y Ia 14te5 41 e• Y . i 1Jt8 1ha4h4 `Ysd t% r d' E •4s a '„11 ce,l.t.eIe he 1 t7 _ LaAte h, 3. e1,o liD%ot h a. • ,44 a n , ( ag1 1, i . isl i LEstE0,ofStoacs tl4P elt.l'sAe72r-lft-i,of cihaudarOterrorise lepleb. Telephone 230 ,.oi SHRR Ofaiintwlankllase cancanol pisE113(81 Inppewotltiel WS to M1 Olt thq!31C1 fOr 1if4Of HiltMell,(11111nfeet/'th (1,41owthat 41103unt tnEnt(3°' 1.E3 atv?• trapteet 104011,1' !Bofors -di I4 Perfesteanssq, MI fntker had beql 's„ettlkot' belo..9 licati• , iverrettfiti,7 r41,1:4•In1 illt$41rc4 ,a. ,,,...0 4 fIsemrtisnlimill:ti444. at.;;1 kolt,i,k7i4,a litcrillt,4: otiii nal , e*„. *, never; ellen, nesete en aletase lee elei;i the, am, was vaptsin ca a. onip emcee' Sado etteiene in. - ..',,t- NiatTat,..t van,* sent, SiPiewA4 AM All% 4,1,1 clerlee lent litt,„., 0/S5 wrecked xn the Day of iliso.ay; . on !4.4nz!4115, Mewl" tete. tees Elev. O TeMr u".;'litstrald slicwrdoits!eAf;SVA;(%..vAla,;iinucEr, 1„24 at ,„1,.,'..'51.rt,4..rd 4451d.em'. mitrJahogtonowexeteued but died tvat&)(0"41 11 4.et41 TEneletIL ,ie1lter from the&rcto oftheeeour5tont,t1ln *.4 114(l FlAv‘llo Welk EentrtT4ii'‘I*11V0.Fea:4,s•etie411114...)tton. raid t 'I'. 4 47N1/$11V (5. etan, Atietrensern he .terieeiereee throug-ti evi'ivt: te're. Maolt-143:0, Jahn Meier:pent eera ,imen, no; se 1 I- 40- (Z`.. 4-'4' -1.09:0/ 4 540, • he bad greed. it'e11.0i4inlaantia,e7 n „oat MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING GODE ICH ONTA