HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 10F I - - - 7 " -
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_ � . 1. .. —.---- THE GODMCH STAR
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� - m __ =_ .-, � ... . ��__ _._ -_-q - _;�� __
. C�mld a zf1cri1d enterzahl-mcnt ; 4 tq t Faild ii tons if(#61sed in E'rakin, I — —*—I';-- — . __
'aQ 'ven '11 t"c "w" "" "' ""'b" &1% '� 'h, - �
tgn hul* iDuakoftivirs,
I rk'a RNAK
nevday night" !%lat% '2101 -it, It %ill"two sa*aihs
. Uit S411Wth and al*o -: � Now is the time to have
cimfi3t of t*0 li,w,q PINS , �111 ,
_� 1:2WIV next, Xurch Wth
7 1 �_ � , - - , ,
Aftd-17th� 10 I k a *
J�W* waii" by jjangawrl�'" 316;;ion ; was'a'vow responw. lAtt sun your
' ::
tlidc,. arAi J;�atsy, yv: �ni enivra of I it is ext4cted 4-��4 and �:
Re New Kid Finish
4 � that x1loxe will 6� rv.
t',o UNT33" Gu"Id, Y,.'�i�ir$bv'J�y lvcl. cely,ed Xlext suuda.v.
1; " I Word has Uen
Sawing Machine
I .
recoved of the, ,�,
V e WGRICIN '&Vletk3 Of MO L711- dCatil Qt Ilif home in All*rl'a, r i OVERHAULED
I r,
Writing Paper
iied church hold their regular m eo�'AleXander ,camlibeli, ,
- youligest br,j:� �. Parts, oil4r,
ft�'g oil Wearcs-day cf last Week at tile tiler of J. V. C111130ell, Vf PallgAill'; ,
- -
rarsonage, with CIE attendance of V-1. non, alld Nelt Campbe% lot Nvest wa�
, BeN, Notedler, 0:4.
In Note Paper at pe r
In the W. M. S. nlecting xr'Ll. pent. "MInasi). %no remains -were Imatight
. .
tari preAded; eth�ra takEng %)a,+,, to Luekn�Iv for burigl, and jile witer
quire ,_ _ __ , 15C
, 'wom 51ra. 011ver. Mrs. V. �Stewa rt, 'a], 'Whieb WU'3 condacted by hev.
. �1'
V "
miss S. NOW
ausin"'s Pad___,- --_25C
, Mra. Finnigan, Mrs. Tbos. Meplice, IT, Xevonal(f, Was 110d on Tfcl),U�rs� 4
Mrs. Nvatoon and Biro. Luildy. After dam, iati�rwvrht being Ina(to in Green F,XCHANICE BLOC9
�� I
Note Pad- --_-'-,--25e
"ho l"'I"o AM bwlnoss niceting, Hill couetery. Luol�nqrv. . . .
q etteT Pad
, __ 11
work -was given out -by, tile worL 1)uring tile hurricane 0.3 W,0ques. I 1-�"._ -, �� _11!�_ I
commUtco ard then even-boft elift- &y ,light
-__-,___�_ _15r,
&-Teope3i per PL.g.,_100
4nd Thur,5da.v, man -,.
4 tbo lunelt served hiv Mrs. John mc. ports ballo came �to jl&nd .v re� vauca for another sir moutils jor q th,
I IpAca and Mrs'.4440s. MCKC0. (lone, c3mially through ,of damage street lights furnisuea by Lim. the
tile aluount be'lnsr 'A
� alop in papetrieg.
western $90. e6mmittee for
_q� _-,.O**%�� . zection of Astifeld,
� POzons of wind. 11c)mmunity enterprisew, ,vas ap.
"f 1DUNGAN'SONT I wills have, been, OtTler
swthe7new St. patrick"a
I P bletivil (Iowa or pointe(I wi .follows., 31eadames Dair.
,� .1 Thos. Rivott has og,clin op,ened tip r4rtiallir destroyed, some buildiue;4� ldi�oxx- Ve*- Ross ,And Ryan. After
ld!3 hot - we.re unroofed and, others 1A
. .
I � -0 And rcstairritt on main St. completetv (li$0uqglOxx in ..,arjous subjects, such I
der ,
Mrs. Geo, 4e.11shed. M4 0 4115trict the
. q . I
. -1-
surt5ound, as possibility of $oettri"
Molrltyp has boon visit. In rix hydroj
! inir at, tile a DW191011)011 OscuPed veith yory fuz -;Dungannon, a delial.,)u uu4,h,%vaS
bon, 0 of hot L, son, Calyin 1 1
q I
I ,
. .
We .Book Store
_$ .
11#10 ilamage to pror,orty,
-McIntyre. I =. Uzi. Pewy FintilKan extend- ,
s. jurin of Coolt- . Invitation to the Institute to
I . MW V rina lgoueh,, %* the ,low'*,"Of George Caldwell bus moved to t1to I
_H 1.1014 its
I 51stato Operator in Dungannon Con� I ors on tito ot next 310coting at her home.. �
. .
- . i0_01 III
I . concession of q
I tral. West Walwanosh. Which -�fixv doa% too)-" Place of A, former
I he has ronted for a torm of yeav% well4mown rOsidett of this district in
Air. ond Alta. Davidson visito d
� . I—— - �at
. asod the the pers.)n of
- ._ ` the lionio of laulea 3101ttyre. who pureb
— �;__,- Mr. and Mrs, Arthur.. farm on tho loth col),005slon of C Mrs. RoUrt Douglas,
. ,-- - ' Roach on Tuesday. � '01. ,:q �
Who pa_ ed away In Dund h
. ...
W. Bert Crawford is
. _
iborne recently v,acttted Toi Nil.. r,A1,1. advanced age of 87 years, A wtnuan
I Mr. John Little,, Assessor f9r the, well, 1,,4 in,f)VIng to it. ,vIlile, D,
avid N1. � of Splendid Physique, she bore lic-r I
i township of'Ashfid,d, made his rounds Aug
11 I sp,.*Vding- a
:fcW b4diss At big home bore.
V-111 llvlva to hit, Alva fat"",
. in this district this Week. - I grclit Age, 1*1114rklblY well and had
. t %'-filelt -Mr� Itleliltvre had o,multic,J been in good health until the time
Xr- -143. MacXillan t,urebased a
! Mr. and .Mrs. X61m, Fostert, of Shop. divoinQr tvio pqst, v I of
� , e9r. , bor death. which WAS caused by
fille 1XW Sot of double, harness.
I XM J,0110 Bennett
I a
pirdtoxi, Were guests on Sunday at I Allss Mont Derain, who -has been. stroke. The late Mrs. Douglas. with
1 tile home of Mr. .and Mrs, Jos. Smith. giving demonstration lecture ber
spent a few,
dAP vith friends - GOAA-4-1.
. coursea, Imalivad and family,. resided near "*
I Mr- and Xro, 4. V. ,Campbell at. In vannection with'VaT bus 1-% I Duro'sim%nn hd"I. , T. ,I 4'h .
"V "In
r1anndette_ - ankets
I -
4 2,,,,'4 Extra large double bed size, white or grey with pink or blue border -it
Special per pair-- ,__ ...... �__ �._ _ __ ___ -� 4F2120
� . , ,
- - �
I I "Wagam""Now"W"
C1130101sette and Kayser sft- 1111ed,
Cloves. spl-cial sale, bit not all sizes
in fill. styles. Prices ranr
,sl -73. - At ,ed 95C tip to
_pp.r pair ............. M
Chat"Ohette, Gloies with turn cuff, plain and
fanc ornbroldered, 2 doine fasteners,
y I �
� - sizes 6 to 7!', grey$, sands,, fawns,
SI_dc ...... ........ 4%
. I
. Heavy all- pure Linen Tea Cloths, size
r I
. . 54 x $4 litchles, with border in gold,
niauve, blue, rose, colors warranted.
., Value s i.95. Each .
. � -1 _. - __ , ... _,_ I 1; ," . . . tt.$1450
I � . I . � � . .. � .
Silk and Wool Jersey Clot . hs, lightest
weight all'.wool Tiveeds,in ne"Itt fancy I
patterns, i and 2.piece Styles,,
. , . 14111 S?o rtf
Inodels, size 14 to" 44., Priced rom :
$10-50 ana 01-9$. 1 , - I �
25 Dozon Turkish Tow,els, sizi� about
. _'10 x 38, Jacquard patterns, vary full
and soft, Ivith deep border, gold, blue,
� ulauvo, rosQ. Reg. 75�. . liach.oft
RUGS . I I .
!$14 3 x 3!/i yard$6� British Aminster
and Wilton, Rugs, deep pile and ja
�Vlen^did designs and ,colorings for all
'room$. Special price..� ..... t4w*
Barryi-por.e, Wilton's, Sydney quality, '
newdesigns, size 2A.ft,"x 7�jfrL. Each
__ 100 I -1__.....-.___,--
1 $13 - .- . � �
Wiltop Axmi�msttr H4 Runnots, 21,,4 x 7, 3/4 ft
.$0.150. ... � "
11 36 x 2�1 yards 8v , viss Panels for cul+
tains, ivory shade, 5 new .p-,1tt6rns.
. Special, each ....... * � ........ $1.2s
. . . Wo I 6 WC 041 exallill I ..,.
. I - i_--, _.______1..1.-_ - ,;i;,�; I=; -1
Xr- *nd MIS-240380gio metored 1 brotheri Alex. Campbell, at ,Luck o1v out outarlo, is . r op Hamilton, - . �
1. Y - too I - �
or, I n spending a fortnight' ird RIF0. 4111 the one owned b.v Gilles 1. .1 . I. A - A-PH�S
i lended , tho funeral Of tile 'form . er$ of the wpitionts, 11180t-404 'throligh " TFOW ..'!Wxted It D " J . ...... fi- - �
I I 1g. , . Of her varents, Mr. uxi(t. Halikes. Upiv&rds of 30 years ago __ 1, � N* SON I , - -
I** lFrMay o"m at the home W
t* Xr. Bogle's bline' -at ShOPPahiton i Tbux�aday, -0
. . . . I � 11,31ra. 1V a .Bool- 4a fi � 1� ,; ";I� &.!��_ -X"; JR. ji- Tily,;M" 4,V41 ,.." .. I _ ' ,' � I , ' L - - '- � , � ' . . ,
11 - IL Hawltins, Of l"'dox 0 V 4 01 V I
I Wr . J I AMIC004044 IJX L move" ta "Widas, will �O bet' - WINNIPPRIN. l'',..11
. (, tho I
6atoa� V!s. home of her neipe, $Ira. Tillos. Ate. Ashfield. - She is lxcr*�mpaiil husband Oreileceased her, -Siror, - .1 11 Z.2=
. iW st the 110010 of Mr. and- Mrs.,11,beoj, of the wosi Nyawguosh.Col. Sfirett the elder $on' of Mr. =dflMrbsy. 10aill of ]ter busband she bad A1460 — __ 1=
, WSO.'Gray last woel,, , � bOtue boundary. , , � - ! tier )ionic wltb, her dausrAtera at Lon. ,
,,, Alfred,Rofrord. of Toxq.nto. . I ,ter those folk ma3F W.
. , vej .
Uttle Itilly Tigert, of $1,C-lipa . I lVilliatil Cook heJ4 jL -y gxxcCos4J 6n, Dundas the ,work, Mr, Cox is
1 has Uen visitiltigo his A rdton, . 0 Many friends of Air. JDhTl and 11anxilton. She IS,
unt And uncle, MOSS aropleased 10" t,.. ful auction sale of farn, stock and survived by ;0ve. sons, William and Ill in* 1% aull
Mr. Xna Mrs, Win, IIA'Ains, I to scoldin ab . a Be er 'd d , t
I bO ,Out Once Moto after Ift Prolonged bnPlenionts on'. Mond4y at the fixtin'If Thomas, of tile West; Scott,' .of min- WAS: One .Sunday, pub!
. The Many frionds ,-)f Afts ()tlnjd. � illness of pitcumonin. - of his'Tath,or, Samuel 000k, fout'1fxxP$Qta;_,rQh0, QfL�Dandas, and'Jaines, Nip'saing'at 11 a.m., a
sr, wt sorry to beat- that .,�e U 116t, Mr. 11 houlas , Infloq ti�r'll P-0 Duyl,ro-Alt"n" on, tit. tof Day 0tv., Mich.. and four 4juili. I then drive over hills an
0 UQUita attended the �
laWmVift-'as f4st As they would Ilho full( ,ral ,of - his 0ousth" the late 110r4 r a dozen good terst Mt*. Theis, Congram, of lying. twenty,two miles to-cl
� 4? gravel road. Ton o �'
I to x4w� , I
. I I bort McLean, of Godericht op Jilt lv*ws broughtfrom sloq,to, $A.,)�5,ogcb, haul; 46. �Saxxxuel, viixistonott .,of 12.30 -p.w.. -14ot much ti
� . � I � _ , pl.. z :%rhila tile bors0s "14- for from $loo- _ . -Wm. r .,
I . �atorojfj pa�scd day.. 1. I . to $1 , lfomiltoii; " urs�, tdla$ter, or lost here, AS another to
58 apiece. Williqui Cook will Dund4s. zkrd Ali,$.- Harold, Phillips of � lad to be,, covered to, c
� O!vr this. district .14 nesdayl 31r. ,�xid Mrs.' Burton Roach were. bp ior %oo JW tue oveninor.
. , at '%,ed I
I 1; brother. Art. 'At' agency fok �, thp.,homp of her 4 Sam. "
. Imllo ondbuildings, - - thur Roach, Alid Mrs. r Cook.' in the .augtter, �Ixa.. triP this IVeek*oxd *ouU
I . I � dacb, of Ashfield. . C004sbut 111116111OVY.,ivh1cli haq be to 11 in on, orme t,beiug'l
11 . DiAt and lasted WI day Thursday, f come assOiated with big brother,`London. ',The funeral w4a be 'Oln
'guests On Sunday with tho''10VIners C41stophe r
do* Considerable dama . to wind. i Id ir
� go 11 . , cu � V"S no, a lit int n tance of between sevcrt,�
I The ladleul Guild of Christ church Dr. ArnOIA, VAV. � .4 xv. tr . . P1tcces$fQIIV eolitluotod by him ill,'I"ade,in the etemetoj7 at Dand4s. infles, Tho. following' �,
" Al rt, me 9 A. I is, Oxeg, V""ArAblion during the �pust-yioar. 11 Chas. C0114ram of the 4th eoneession den Vq,-
� of Toronto, veto 'week -end visitors,Qt Before leaving fcr' their new home 1, of Ashfield. and a � gr4udso After m
� I t At -the, bon)#- of Arro' 1 1
1 1 '%�'10' poster On IVW11084V Afternoon the Parsonage, they being gueSU of In Dungannon, Uelle And Doris Swan, 1,dec ased Woman, attended the ' ! lifteen 'i
I .
I I of Itist week .0nd a very 0100YAble'Rer,' J -A and Mrs.-W,all,ot, - � al. q . 1 "i" i of wtli4
. ,- * I daughters of M1% and Mrs, Sonme,
� . I 1AP-Moon Was spent. tle ladies con�. , _�.___,4 . � I '
tribOted to date about $IS to .go. to� I .T,h�ira,* ii;- Walker returned . on Slyallo Were made the recipients �ox' I I
. . I t eter A . I ASHMELD "A V
� WAR* vitsaicinary Ivork, . ursday to her home at iRx Dl- gifts from their.1ollo*.pix alvIli,'Parell
I . )owing,, a two . pit$ of Si
I X1101ttlis' Visit at tha .S. XO. ,6, A-aliflold. The fellowing, Miss 'Alto ther to-
, � .Arsoolal evening under theauspi. homo other son. Re ' 6 road i . rta, Beckett i4,. visiting as the i
"d.of St. Androwly . i r1exids oderlob,
fts Ofthe Ladiest, At !V. 41. A. 811alkeri ,addresi W. If in 0 .
I ITSditil chur I' Xr. and Mrs-, ATthur Roach and - De4i Belle 4nd ' . . � more An
I I ch. will ,be,be14 in the ,two children, Bernice and I,ovixa, Doris -. Rev. Mr. AfacDoxiald, Of Lucknow,llirg, jus
I basement of tbe church on Monday, were gtxests to We, your ,school chums, and teqolx�, Ptf�aOied in Ashfield 11'resbyterian'Imoixt ,ibe
Molv7s l8th,. A lyarfy,for -Paddy �n I .. 1i Monday with Air. Anti er feel WrY that You are leaving church oil Sunday"Ingt. I I I round tri
MAR11 lath. , Air$, A. P. 01shor And Ur, and Ur�. us,t- You ,have takeii. a loading part I The. lv� M.: s. Will hQ14.tlikir month- tween A.
I Sure, ,tla yergilf and 'Case Black. . . I In 411 Yotit, school work. and e
�, IMF 'smile W611 need. Coino over to . orbe gain S# ly meeting at tho homet'-of Mrs, . pre
I 3010 0S Qt' eight ol�lool�- Sharp. no., ,,annual bob supper of Dungan. and ,vdll be missed ,,W, every I I Dun -,four
� Vraylv, . I I ,%;+.A L�� 1. I . xtr_ 11 - , one of a ni 7411114t"V- " W-A�$1101V 14
...'''. 11 � I � I Z . �
lustrated by — . 11 . I I . ,�,�- �'. � 2! -I F! . ..., . ;;=-I � � .,;:�=! . . 1�1
. . elated. Tho missionary guys, "'There I . . . %_.-"__ � I
71119 to 00- . are placos who I - .. I _,
Ill P-rogrtAin .On e ' to ,the gehool 1$� not, U si cajelwv , I - �
P.worship,a% y,, , OtOr can �davc* 'come. �r I Wilt. 11. Maize is visiting her �
- - 0 nitlq ... aburch. -reaches -out , C� -, Al Y, for -a few � .-
wty lunch, to y , or . rs, Wnt.. mat,
a, ��.. 'Qvr,,PeoPle in the . I',, �' - I .
down doles I and � if 50 1 . .
intianda for' ($Out who art- 0 coulf
ed onl � ,,. _q#ably jjtuAt*J Mro, Wm, Cr6iiell visited �er moth ' ,
ae could be i It 0 Oilditiolla and the er� 11irkL-Aviii.- ,
_ Rrelast or Qur Chilre -H. Campliell, or wcat� . " I
-a they would consider it I t field, 'a,tow da3�*!I!at..!Ve0k. I
ghoen' miles � these fr6ntioi 4- ii doing on , I
Iden Valley' i a priAlege. A most exxjbyable�. �*ejaj, evexting: . � 11
- to , lbute more liber. was spent at thchomo of 31t. aid I
COT''ho' rOV'%d I' ally tO thO XiaslouarSr and Nalaten,
Ver A, Jis. axtj� .Viind lit �Otder that the "Co Mrs. mat, 'ShaoRleton last Filday,
and,-eighty,ana 0�t,_. +. haoling, I MarA'Sthj under the --'A_ 'r U , I .
.1 i, oxessage; ol, t1lelmosPel I Sunday scho
ay, ,Got- mightlie gly 01 And an ei;�eljent pro. - I � 1;
,en intore often t6i .these' I a �
9 point, !,Worthy pionqera.ps gram , WAS prese�tod ,by the -uterifigr
drlirse Of- I , -- --o�. I�Of thO school, and Over5�oxxe Te.ports
beautiful I
rho. s6r. . I h1ving noo0i irr , he. I . . " �,
, � - , . . . I " .
person- t - * WM,, Baldwin ,spent the wpok- - OR - . ____ .
es far- end 'With I 'N UR
Ili , . Mt'$' - �Ral , 4win-'�-.Of_ "Victoria
id then- hospital, London, I T'lle-annulal meeting Of tlhil� Bert-. .
to MiG'. 11. Mrs- Jaek Vininerson, ar,xl ' V miller 4_,,% Circle Iras. held, recently
t W, I Is spendint a I "10119h, 'at which t q . .
;few '1110M with. her -Par , . manager, Miss S., 000di I
I'll "I , � gavehet, rePO . rt, Which showed
reirrsh. I ents, mr, and Mrs. ,Ralph xi it V647' � ,
SUCOOSSfUl year� Miss Good wAs.. re;. "
1.11 fThe gri'alid ,Air,$. tj�bl) 04mP�olen;Pcrj �1 elected 'Wallag0r, the miomb6ra find, .
dL be be. A, 46Y. Irecently w.lth, -their datighter,
�S with Mrs -George Plx�lllpso ne4r, Iroidye,q, - . ing it very C04venlent to ireliver- their
* -
�en the I Tho W, M. S - . eggs t it honte either the day ,U-.
;eAm of . � "'nil Le#9`40'O,f Rack. f�ro, .00 -o"northe motning ifte truck
;he Are- ettla. church�inet At the ho;ne I � re. .
and Mrs.. Goo 01"Mr, 0311% The membership feo is to, I �
ttif of a I rge .Lane on r,rlday I'main at 25 cents,, I art!s. offi.
,right for, a.. social time. A v6jy, . 'ast ye.
. , cers we
tini: to I Pleasant ,time was spent in I . ro,re.�Jecrted. XlSaQpod'o�. .
' colMulin f -pacts to start the Circle in I a short .
'nablhe' AY ;SiAging and playlug g , I
, . alne". . Almoo earlier an;. -
or��oizj,__31r� Patin , - , -f ___1______i- � . .11 Ith vtyo" � . -, __
b, an-- er Irwin, --one to out, Xxxog . . . . . - 1. I �
Z 11,11).
thb people
Nre'ure at It
.14 -,,time forg
I I I : We music ana 'Joices and A , 44, is being held in - " - 1 slow 144 T yeff will do your day, - March t�tb. I . 4 . �Ml lltom.N ,KU
. -
200d ble feed. !In$, I 1. . the church on 14'�dday evoiting,of this ,Part Just the same in your now school I I I I I throe liuskieg, descendant
. I W. J. CRAW. J�eek,
1FOR0. llrosssocr,eto Ny,..U, S. , A good Program will b home. Although yo f Cousider4h,le damage.was dono to tie wolf, faithful lit barr,
. r -v sonted by local- tale 0 Pim- u ,will hrwo� new.,,jV,jxxdi�ilIs and buildings by the bliz-' savAgo'natu"e.' . By a4
. A pleasant 40V . Out toolt 'place 4'.1t .At. � , friends and chums"wo-hope tbat you � ZQ that syveptj . I
. it Will still remombei - . hrough this district .
fto Of- Ali,. Goo. UtchaWson, the I kr� ,and Mrs. R�iold T16 --ort and us and thinl� oft... , ,take shovt'cuts�tfirough.
Nrt throe children; of Shoppar(Iton, the good ti .. I WedueSday �nfgbt, Uing tile - up the �
� . .
4-!02% on. P, it were . rxes You,had wlien you g . . e
I . OL11 Ill Alonday evenin I g I I
: i rEhAtiv .# m. .. Duneannon Vigittillk--fti;-T,ht,.-"*;----O,�-�wwd-.Sehoo"t-&boot--,�llm�---A .� St4rM-0f4T*Seft6n.-- Vr-4%"2Vt�-Sxxu
I � -1 - -_ 41101'aft-, . I . . I .1 -_ I --- - I �
. - 0, Asbfield to . The %lne "We got' ofr,.th PrOslieVous and' also Popular I - . .
. ternoon. Mrs, Tigert and- chfidtai .0,11, , 0 trail and wevo� lost, . . .
t- RkhW4s0x1, - Si. .__ Aitbough: I I , Wnship.,-, As .a token of e's Institute. met, at the ,,, . -young - — _ ... � I
I I I Tqep, *as m - - - .1 I
. Itkutilson has I To Mrs' Oke M111,11ning for a4a 6 j )it$, ]ionic �*f Wis. Albert Beckett on Fri. no Slics-F V0,q3,4ee*)'axxd thb koihg .. ___ __
'It r 'a Wes. arried. to MISS Annie Put- I '�.� - . PHO I I
� , ,V110d' , the age, t. ng, we, ask '05, t '330- � - _.'
I -itted Ills farm mij, Bello, to Please aceep Wo4nes- . , _.
John Poster -has 11 you � .t this vase;AaY tot their monthly Ateeting. Af-� I1441- PhIA11Y oft�r ;��ndorftxg , waWanosh, on _ I .
O"$ YeAts_,S)10 Is AS brIjbt aq a , I I ,around, for.alipit day, March Gth. We welcome Mrs. photo risa� ,, -
. I bolt bon-dish.,and You Doris, tot ,4n -interesting, ptogntni a � t.qIg%tden. tittle the F0'r 0 ,
� - I ., , a
. ?V6AU'!!' Many �rellrs Mt Junior Sho Ion. the Ashfield.Col�orro lioundai-i ed on to dainty !'lead dog" brought�uj out to ""' Irwin In our tommu . . .. .. .
I gift, Sign he . lunch NvAs served $k the hostess and � the bea- . , rlit)r. * " ; hing .
oted ' h social 141f,:hour was enjoyed by � all, hours . A latee'rakajo of
I is well' ftown, and, highly regite near Shoppardton to llarvey Sillib, too Unit, We *qro,, howovor, ,three Miss Phoebe iCorgrarn, our to Aer, P overlo
Of Colborne, Ali-, post;, upils of, S. S. a .
*eVervotte. mr.-Richald ,tr will hol(fall ,half of. teacher and p . - � . I .
son Patiqed I . . o reaIgned lier positio* on acc 11 1. -- in od 94 I
" '
I I amw about-f4tr, years ago, Onl.r I Auction sale in the iftear futxxr�, _ No. 6, Aslifleld. Mias Eyety" BrOWIL � , I , I 1"`� . PQ:rviee� Ot Coniniandtit, , 'P. 0 , . : -1,
I I I "A : 4114' had'to hurry on' the oi her thealt 4 Miss Dean Me ,
I I ae 'llear , Iteacher), Box . I RN . � ghfvell , h, An ' I AN , ,
�Ntco. noilob" kary Xil- L78U , � , Lood 0
1 r00 , ,
eirt , th h1ir ,0ver the det4p 4 fair trial. Mr. t09chc'r- - We Are very- som to too.,- . 14- .
velatNvx veto invited. I Xt John 11astYls, .faithful Aced. lion Kathleen McKentle. Ila Maize. i'sp, miles Moto ,to Golden Vallev.tf Trgv- Is teaching till they get a per"i4nent 111 st I
, I Atis,4 444,bob4 - 0 0 14�ftk- 7
: lrzpt Stewart, CAtherime 'Reld end. )Vlthhe , , I I
,VM X0408011 received Many eon* lack, Passed ,recently to the land XiW . 1: .- I .11
I � *Atfulations And lovely- gifts, X I IVIXON all good borses g � 0 r 14604V iii'the -village, Poic 4.ecided +q, get 4 .botso, Miss Congram, -its sho. .,%Va . , ! 1 ! I -!!�! �_, � .
I ; ,
- AWN(V lunch Was SerV041 and. an on. I 60, greatly in 0- Ite -Ivlll 0ara Raidi pupils. I pha an -
I � . . issod by Ill$ owner, . . ,. I q ______________�
% I I . I . as Our School t0a4ft, UhS Welsh, 11?4440 the I ter progr4ni.., Indeed, good teacher. . . I . �, �. 410 :real "', I I ,�..
I I ;vow (Intend . . I I
e OV011"19 WAS SP014t and ,%ve, he WASU, good borM , rr"k " Va$ �1104 svelit the week -end visiting. :61 .
� . . . " ed forlast -wock) ', , endi If the'snow gets too 4ee", otte, of the oftft.� ' .", . � � . I , at , ,
. Mrs- 'Richardson. in -my, mol M.r _"Ayag,o I I _ 11
" I . . . ,, .el , .16hu Andrews la leaving-OIJ too I frolrPa Coderich. . elture I ., . -11 � I 1. .� . . "
. . I . I . I . . has tatmot -be reached Ott sun . "." ... W.W� --- _
� F i,... . . ,�* I ' 00"r—_1 - -'-- '_ I Ur . I
I ,:�.. . . vok our service Will bi� I . . .�� � .� .. � � ..� .
I 11� i I - �1� I A . .
I' I
. *1 .
. . I I .1 wingon, enjoyable vi-4it or 'I c4irlora were Unable to takethe five miles. ., � _� ve of forty.
, , . I I , . rivy birthdays. V id - � GOderich for the Weol�_exxd,
� * �4_ � , A ay Or -his home bear Unity, . I DuAng tile ,storil last IV 4y, buta, .yo
. i . � . , I ' I'Sask., 410 , Mr. and UP8. Win. Crawford of I MAI I �ottexxroted *W'i",tli4il�a dr! 4rkg
� : q I . � I . . .11 I I 01 t I ..
, ., I . - 111tto .. - A"URN Port Allici% visited rolatives, in -'and - mail Award, . I I � .
; Ler " several itiOnths With his brother. Win . . . I .�� 1. I � . I 1. . , " . % , *
� I , I � . . Pokv.. stwart vi Andrews, West %%vanosh, And othel' .11ear Duaganiton recently. . Mrs, U -trig T4349r, of Goderich, A t I . . .4 .
I :. � I sited bor � � I In the fir. on weteks Of the termi , Quff 11 I � � .
. ... 1. .
h I . I I . I
, . .
� I �� Godelich .. .� I . . - t "I .",
. . . I 4Xft1hW1* in Auburn for some time. I'Volatives in thet.distriet, I Alf. And AIM -David Glenn left oxx1'FM9 the guest of.16r sister, Mrs, - Mt- 'Cox Visited one hundre4 And ton
! �lt. Cho, � 11
1 1 . I I t tPeat the lye her,ho ' Golden Valley. nefore bin return he 1-vith relatives, - . - I In most vftlx� homes b I miles. . . ', I—, I . �. I . . �� I
dt 'Ottzlmo 'retitmed to It families and drovo'htmdreds of . � - tc
*0; olive Ifor -on, Of I .41 . Saturday Or Ripley for a iveeltl$ Vis. I Dodds, of the villaie. ove* I 0a
'k on 'at
i . .1 . ' . . . I Ah.- prank 10.3 b ided I I . . _ I I " -
. I .. . ith�y , as prov e was exceed. . . .
. I lWame vortoll Iq' home at �xn!e`gon% 4"W"" Of 149 4*0111ag'hollize And Mrs, Samuel Alton alid'littlo sonilhimself Ivith a ne,k co -a 11191Y welcome, And the devotional - Easilyt, 61 ex I I . I I .
. I . . . '*`aV0'9 boon in GOdorlch f r soul", . � I I inplete o trit as much a .. I I . poilaiVoly. . . I I L
� � tjftg%� 0 IRtord hulldins.* recently oeeopied by 'Jack"were P640d, conducted w .
I . of Mr. � recont guests at the hom-a for the maple syrup'soason. , .
. , . . � : . 441,, :t , , Ind Airg.'Chns. Alton, of -Dun- 'Mt& Bradnook is the guest — ptirs, - � I . 11( ' *
. I
. . . ;t4 llar�oy Treleaven, whoso businesc; -t! !It�,�q ) drugs. Send forfto�o Have it ae;144 and
� .1 . - as _ I I
I � . I sr. and W 5 purchas6d by' 1. at, pres- — . �
I I . I I 51ra. Owou, Moore, of Cut'. Salnuet SWAV. I galMon. I ent of ber brother, Xt-. Da -1 . . hookle ' . �
. l lbv� visite I. . rich$0A Per . ; I vid Lock. , M I I ,,, li 1-1. - ; I . . . , t to I
I . d relatives hore the past tludi who, lwd Inotored Mrs. Thoa. � Zogley, i0io had spent �hu'rt, 4 the BlYth gravel road. - befoie -the .
1. I I . I � 1 1113 from Optrolt lost Wook in Ills ... I Itrift i Pressed now '
iI I , .1 I
! I wftk- , . V tord, left new the Past four montlia wik,h Members J 'T!10 ammal mepting,of the Preaby., , 'Look up all'your , E- W. SN E .1 I I
. I . . . alwq Loula I vil Monday on'bis return Of her family sit -Leamington# r(,tqrA-,? terian congregatilon Will be held in, I I Jv P% r.ush, , . 1. I
Jr0wel, of G- 0- i-, 1139 trio. whit,11 Also was made by motor. cd recently to .
lbeen,honte tho pastuteek witit It I , her, home cas, of 1)xxxx. nu . I
; a u( Wh. I I . A, the church at I -M next. Tuesday, FROM and"I 'TS ' ' ' ALMA, ONT�- _ , � . �� . ..
I . I I Attack Of the flu. 11 . � lie bore hO WaR a guest witir his gannet". - � . I i oveoing.'. '. . I � I A AUN . rt . .. I .
I I I . . . - _.__1 � I �.. �
I _ . L � . =;;F For Expert Strelce in I I
i I Aro.4 Josephine, chlab.,)1111 has To.l. parents, Mr. and Mra. A, B. P'outland, Samuel Swan has takOn Possession Last "Irudaday lowing to Sickness i n them, in, and have ---- T._- - =_*.*.-� .",**.ft -._W
I I . - .
. .. funied home after a Pleasant visit In , RAVMOud Brown left On Sato,dav of the gorteral store business, recent- Mr. Georgo -Dawson was unabi " -_ . _ . ..
,, oYnO the .:niall. Air, George qwZ++ I
I . e4Wft%T,Wl% rolatkyes. - tot 11'4 A ;SO -9k,, -where lie had IY Purchased front Harvey Treleaven, � liVer r q to do them framed Were the spring Prosill9v Clew0gand lepwring .
� � 1-811011t, A -ho 1.141st three years, Whilo And. will mov I howitti, . clearing., You will then have . . I � � � �_ 9 . Try the . I .
OAO 4 the worst storins i ' 0-1115 'housoh*ld effects to6k-his place. . -___ �� some vew Picture,,; to brighten i , - �
� or sonip I )U'�jX6� ho ,WAS A guest With his mother. to tile village in the near future. I I
� Qk0e Passed otvr this district last Ci C. Brown, and relative$ at Treleaven, who, it is UnderstoodUr � 'The NN'- M, 8- of thd Prosb�t6rian up your walls.
� �, . , is We wilt frame ,
-- tith them,well at reasonable prices.
Wtdoiisiliy ,night and Thuradby, thel Godbrich and $Uatfow. sale ,tile � church have their regular monthly .. I V" k bly cleawng Works
� *me *now ,and 1xigh -Wind 0ausing I . L - . "'ll, I farm of Samuel I meeting on.Thursday at tile home,of RGAINS I , Or"11- VROOMA,N
� I Mr. George ot
� I . Douglas, of Xnox iCol. Slwan Ilvb�"Ll he took in exchalige jot, Mrs. Win.. 1, 4borts SVH*lWs Art and. 'Gift S(Gre I Phone 122
si*b damage to ituildings, unroof - , I I .0 QOTL .. .
� I Avul 44�.A-;.- A in loge, occupied the pulpit of urstine, the. - accuP. 11 . . I
Iftsm st-)rO- will V It for tile pres- . Wtst Street
- V_. IVinumills.� timVeh. On Sanday JaSt, 4WIXII . tent tiole. - I .W. 0050ph 14W-8011; who has, heen I Aric,turc V*rning for 43 . . .
I - ;-- , .
. . we - - . I I'll I irgaim. in
I I Ahm Chisholm' """ au4 Dill COOk If- McDotitild preached In that Ashfield Roswell D'iftherfont, nf Toronto, are sorry to, Aijy, Ila* had, n. relapse . 1� -_
Xt. o Rev. 1D. recovering front )its xleoent llw6g;
INA 164 their windmills damaq ,
. . . I 1, I ,ed, ,ellurc.b, Of Which-cong".94tion he Is, ,Son of the late Rev. M�xs, M. Rather- land is confined tobla, bed Amain. . .. 1. � .— � i 1 4 Rtal.Ba � '
I I ,the m6d , ._� ��_--;;G � ill Ili Ili 1.1. 0 , . ,
. . I NILIC . At orator* during their, vat,aricy. ford, ut,000 time a pustar of Brakitto The., ", I
I 1, . I � � . a recent aleating, Or the young church, skilt I entertainers iti the Porestergo _', _ _.A�=, i — - " Dinind Roo" and
SM A. P. Sbpoplierd. who, hasi P0010 Of D1111191111110A Vnited churob, srarmon rocentin short time '" ]Duu'l hall after last Week's amusement i . � . I .. 1. -42 M I
� . y AS a Roost with Dr. took their departure for Loadesboro, . 41
, I %01i" v14009 with ,her, br-othqr, in 'un Ifitetes1ifig get of slides was shown X. I,:, Case onil Ura. Case. lie was on. Monday morainsr. A sit . Bedroom Sui ' `
*~ *Pi04 l . . by Rev. It. B. exuarling. of spending the week-ond, in Lucknow, Ver -met . . tes
Renrailler, was given to the b6t looking girl, .
. thc PlOturn being 17 *ues .1avilig, c(.jue t,bore, to see his autot, Al,q
; . VX!V= in bas taken a PrOmross."' ' Thes . _.W. pilltit, Miss Jane Rutherford, who jaVery 11 . li .8 4Mra !ShOultx ro�eiving the I - . . I
1011ory su"Oss. Ive Nvish hlux I , o, with the lecture . I 0, . Some in s6lid Wal
. � oft 'the subject Were taluelf 01146yicil I at present.. largest iturAbor of Votes and being �. 0 . -
- .1 w3e Present. W I A distreasing nee Awarded the coveted Prize. .0 . . I I . � ,
. 1. Xonbv of ibis week tho th 't*3 4 1
Village '3t"- Win- V3110tt loften Saturday. !dent b3foll* 1i - VPrOTl% dnother kovrexpo'ndouil,) . t I nut an also in Wa -
=,Oct the TAdies' Aid met at the Russell Ilutton, the sisvett-year-old, � -1
1, f Mrs- `0- StOWATt And *,ced 'Oil hOr utux'a to ber'bome at ,Vo�V son of Mr. and Ural r._oL,ort Button, � The Wnell, a Institute wilt, meet 11% . It d
I � 01.08t,
I I a *A& . I Liskend aftcr, visiting relatives at of',the As'5110d.Huron ,h)andW,,1uSt the -IV "re hall on Tue,,day, Mar. I - - nut finish, J
' , . .
� -
I . .1 for a few IVL'Mt ,at Lacknow. when. in running I 19th, Ut -4-15 P.M. Subkot, "XOPPIng ' . - .. . -
. . lent *of her tlir)ugh the "Ouse Ilts failed. to notice but of rutst"MI's-NN'toods. Relleall-I A 1 �_.
I .."r. I 'First carne first served
it. Mr. IM. AU OPM tr0djor leading to tho e 1�. Apron demonstr,ttion, N, �
, I , . . I ..1. I 11 I
. " �
. *10 votarned )al:, And tell with great force througell I Miss Ringo UrR. Dean, V�rs, LIZV6411# I I I . - .
ftoraL ,it, slistaining'Painful and severe Ili. � Wye$. Wee. 11.1 I I I . I �
,� ' - Of Ili. ,, ..'', - .
I � Juriesi the back i skull liaingf �
t �: SIX Miners, "
, -"red. Medical aid was"' soon 6. �� - VICL
tract MIMES X I Cle-vehilod"s Bread "
11 I I I. - (
11 . I I. __ I I _. - . - , - � ...... - I i. taillcd And he yw ruslied to, the hog. :!he �nany friends. of ,Air. chas.'e,a% � I$ a tempting,complenlent to I Ro WHEELER
$ .- . vit'll at acdelit'll, tile e0lvalohlle of li will be plea"keil to have the following ' � Weal�deliclous in itself
.. 1V is doi"- ' .11 11 HAttiflton St. Giodesich I
. SOLICITov$ op y0VR PATRONAP 'hig, rt,"rt of the work -he at .-AtIZ lenditir, zest to the mai -if,
14ral McKen"lie" of Pilligatinon, be I
, 11 Med,for the jourfley�of.20 miles. Nipissing. Out, taken I front The Xcw I tho 111011111.
I ll .. "CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPP-10 The Annual Christz) . las t,latort,lift. Outlook: . i YOUP 611111Y AvIll demand '111 aw !
� , Ment of the sukifty school of ))uxl. :Oorora A tree, WAS r0led On the., twict, as mneh of our Dread its. 1. �
I West s6ftl (i �S,�am,,) 11 I `
: � , 1 vannou tralte'(1:0hurell 'whiell was!faite where the flourishing City Of � anY other. .t'neourage them to
. wvkw 1wW,w'7'J,.S,q.J,P,J 11 � I
, -) 11 ,,, I& /,.I _pv4tpofted ewing,�-fo & 131- .
� , ovailing � Noith Day st d,a, ,and, the ,cc. null,y i ,do sot, as -it is tho raost health. .
, an ,
OPIdetale 6f flu, was given in the I round About Was coverm.hy th6ltfor.�I' fut and nouriAting food thor
I I � tulle 234 P10A, -to/1o11Vy,.Jt1�,,V7- phollo 239 Parish " hall -on Friday aight, March I 05i printeval", th, itljv� Of Aviv!$. I � call taL-e. . � I
, . �, - rt*4 tvcwsi , I 11t, with Much aucce-s�. There wai � minx wag an ljuport*At ,ce Ill, � 0�
� C - GS C,_7&-,-�.Cv-,.c.J0.�!jjJ . , ntre of ,.
�� a ONI aftelit(tatim the hall beirtg, j trade for thq I
, �, - _ . =========r I Wi:�.11111� . . great -xnrth. It fsait-_�� . .T* PICTic A 1)
.—, .ill"'i ... I : well NO- 11he stage, and halt wem i unted on Lak , ,: , E
. z I I .. I 6 Nipitsivir at the end I P
! ---, _,_ " A .. lighted il"trieallvpy Nelvillt,, eill.� of the ,Did trail whith P VJLFA I IVAL ND
�� .. - 11 __!,e!��___ __!_�_ ��Zv .- � , .. _ 11 � r&eeded C
� ---... '.. __ .__....1.-_-= bert's POIUMCI Del0o Plants which ad.;' north from the end of steel at G*r,%V. � � Phone 114 Ivext At
� . -.--. I- _ 1. __ . - — (Teti greatly to the Lqueeess of the en. enhurAL Everywhere there waq the 1� � .. 11. . .. 11 �� I,- _.: - I I I 11 T
t"ta"llneht, Rbv- J- A- Walker, lli(M'humef ploneer lift. &-t t1w b 3
tor of the Tlnitol fthurc% prpsided. q% � � . -
I , _rs hurried to Akhd fro, T U-sy, trail- 1, - - . ~..&�_ -
hell tame' P
and it varied progroinl conglik,uns of � the 'C'. h It. frord A-litiontr6l mind, Ot. �, PLO WERS OF MARCH C
� STORE thoxopeg. drilljoit, roadir4s, Alobtuos tkrov*'h North ftv on itg wftt. �i .
� I le
� This Week* Spec " J* Aild rAvAic&l AumberA was Pregmted. " tkw&
1, i I- so Tht thildron vqvitted 1henipelves ,,�'*Avd wO. Later the 'Northern.line,, ALA TIJE
I , ,h the.
. - 1. - q DOW the 4! W.1t, 01,06 P 00d hs. C M
., I plendid maviner, showing that t4uejx" "
Q ,A,h to YnAkitt,'
timo had b"ft &,pbted 1A the Ptep#tr-;,,r.onvwflon, *I I DAFFODIL 8"
I X Pair Men's Blaek and BrOW11 Oxford,% (4100d. ationot Ow. prvrain, lit,p. pwo#ds � th the C.P.Tt. at ,.The �, TUT AN Mud 1, M
� I year ivelt ." Al aw evolobw 0"04AW to ouw��Iu)-" 11thes"j)W, story of Niptsoini ,
,� . I ....
- I 1.1
JeN !V9- $10Q, $5.50 ,Rnd $6.00. � &PO"fil. *10 ft lwa"w " or 1014 'llse Arpt lwtath of apTing" St
I Clealft at per p4jr ......... ........... $2.9,1 $0. ,. At it 4Pm"#d villawo, r,WWy"rkft of ,, "'Aro ,Amorw tht prettiest x1ow#tj 'I G
� ,
11 ' I Tlw texular roonthly m"limr of I tha '40t *10r,V. MWeT#r, W,by (Affill " that Xrow.", Is rkot too rAnch t!6� M
_ t *rot
� 36 PAir.Hoy,x1,8l4ek and R tht T%nmn"Oft browh of the Wom, lw W" in thok fold (tre" TAnd offiCt-4 t �*#y 41%f the XrAreftl ttalip. #M
. rOwn B00tq,,o Itegular PIN 1110itote WAA_ Neld at thtk Itobwo'i O"d o0w.r hmildfW _ M
- � 4.!, 1.4allodil. and thcoy Ao Ityk t%em� �, If
WN tO $COO- CleAring at per pair...'. - 42.0 6( Mi*. (%on. W. Ation with 0 *6*1 � A01rook v4.j@t daintily effl*r fn, ,
. i Wo Uve Imat rcrtivad ot iftlemot, : I 8V
I An#64ow T1W P"SWOOL-M ,
ALL RIMMRR AT REDUCED PR1(-&4; cl� lk"W" " V � Ow roportfe"O'etar rjftskw4ry� Mr. T"" or 114114 ok"t*fivo. Ttoy p o '
1, im I I 1 6 , fWe"Oed the 01wir. " ,",*;� F P� co" wh", roptv , , � .
i. . 04 f-horTrIv. ON k..." .Ij I
I volinut" ?t%4kP"V10%A1""41ftV*1*�, "*itft Ill# I. oit � are Japt n6w bw t4ir prime Ar4_ q
IN- Ur U__V ft. 4 'j�# tk,."a _'L & . 11
pla4 'Your . � I
! —,!!! !�:t ..- - . �
1.11 I �
New 'Year
_____�� �,__
by ba.vIn.- a now pisce of -
. I fo�- Mo SOM0
*� or* the to"01010. for -
ivew tin' 4 Usod,Furnitat.,.. . .
' ' .
lr*_� - -
11VIN MWS WEEK-Enu . '
otatoes, per lla,q� ............ wh NEWS I "
arsnips, per NO ...... �., .............. PAI.Azv
I ........ Ze
orn, No.a tin, a for...,. '.::::::,.;*- *:: ........ 250
0matoes, NO. 11�.� till , . .
4h. Dail pure am." for...... -,* ..... * * * - o -25a
*...* .................. 54c
iut JAr Haktrig Powilor ...................... * *128C
haltengi,' GOrn StaTch, 2 for ...... # ............ 19.6
ing S�xar. 2 lbs. for...� .............. �.,... ,
mrolli, 3 Rm..... : ........ I :390
rdines, Brunswic,k, �3 tins ....... `* ...
111"b". shelled, Ili" 01, ........... 19C
... "'*"*' ........ 49t
ap Mand Glealier) z tins .................. � 2*,
Id Dust, large package .......... 2*
ilk, SMAII tins, 4 for . * . . q . . . . . ... :,�, 0-�':::"!: - .2k
'Iff0s, 2 packages .................. ___..�
sucy. , Nm �, �� tin. .. .. 1. 4.. 0. 1. 1. � 2&
rop, � 54K fill ............ ........ �31c
1 ............. __33c
. 8 Zwee more P1.06" Va. — TOF1 ftil Wg* *$"Wor#44 fl"porfaykt, wf,941 . - I r M 4011 y w .3 MM-441if ,*"44y,
411W bV. 04b""a4s, tow tr,oj&,- *tt#r -*w" 1: 4 ,$.,,,.It ,4"4 - T110W 17PAtO4 Cht4rfh I , '
t"Wift" **"r ** � � smPot #6 o" "*"v 4", Gm. S J, CALVIN CUTT
11 1rt:r::"&Tq fr""60" *10f ,,* P"Is tewart
- rx- 1p- TAft". A. VwAios .10, 111,0� "tte"A;, ��
., I I— I I - I'M hotre -0%4 s4er- r.vrr J)w I . 1100"14-111 PHOrm Ift
th'tt 1.4%rr* V,r%V,%21# 1.4, POW J" *4, 1 hON *00 1% � 1"If. -.*
- . the A'alloye T)w pokk, f.r I IUWASI" STWT
,� . I I.,ki-ar J.bw* ft"t . --- � 1UN1111111 I I - ,
lc I "I � . I I . � - r
1. I -
, "I I