The Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 7-emeeemee'eteme-e" ' ' illof"-"'"'""`""*"0"•1111ISILeal • ae.e...e.akeeee.ee " - 1/KfaliDAY. MARCH 14th. 1020 Is "Mprtg4ged to the Hilt" Good Business? Of course it's not, and that is why all the new rnomy needed for expansion of the telephone system cannot be raised by bond issue. Part of the money will come from bond issues a new issue has just been an. nounced — but a large part must con- tinue to come from new issues'of stock. If a handicap is placed on telephone ex- pansion the only ultimate sufferers will ° be those who use, or want, telephones . in Ontario and Quebec. 1P34. 0:dal* arid Quebec wilt accreta million fatephenea. rho cermet he provided without poot mono to extend tho6Atem. Thu BELL TELEntows ORM E ' COMPAilY or CANADA• IN REV114114/. ltieiti4Matis " n" West to Control ‘Vater,Powee corruptio against the Government of Premier John Bracken, is en route The Dominion Government has to Los Angeles, Cal., to secure evi- agreed to the immediate return to deuce of A. W. IdeLimont, former control of the three prairieprovince_s President of the Winnipeg Electric all their water -power resources iee company; - tele - administered hy them under the Rail- grants sent to the,,counnission, tonne way Belt Writer -Act of 1922. This, sei made known his willingness to action was indicated waren the reso- teete • Army and Navy to Cost Less Advisers within and Without the Tiff: GODERICH STAR Nvales will br, appviiiied Regent. *with fall pekwer it for his father ulna Ili* aeit 53'i. 14 IA tulle teetered re ' /width, Belk $idee Claim leirtoriee Iferiare appear re lie abeut even in 0 the Ilexieliin levolt, with claim.; rife! stieeeeeee niatie by heti, Fedeval rebel lenders, Juarez, mut wros3 iherder tram I Pete°, Tee '., wile (elle tared by the rehele after five Ionic field, riming which 4 Veil ..r bullets tell on etenceican territory. On' ehe other band, the teevernment repente that General M. Aguireee who was 4 defeated at Vera Cita, end deet with a-hsnAlful of followers, has telegraph - ell an offer to suerender it given safe conduct out u the eowatey. .The Government replied that his surrend- er taunt be uneonditiona. 'Wolves tailing Deer Wolves are creating* havoe among, the deer along the power transmie- eion line between Sault Ste. Maw • toad Michipleato. The mild weather has formed a heavy met on titre snow, which will bear the wolvee,but the dem,* driven frau,. their yards, sink lute it arid ere helpless. 'The deer are being killed wholesale, and dozens of eaveaeses are to be found in the bush. At night the deer eon. gregate around the construction - omens for safety and the wolves eon im heard howling in the hush all night. New Treaty Under Way Definite action by the British Gov- ernment on the proposed arbitration treaty between Great Britain faed the United. States Is expected by official eireles at Washington to he taken The WM" :treaty would replace. the s'hortly. • Root arbitration treety? !Agee '1X14 tween the two countries in April, 1908, which automatically expired the British ambassador, Sir Herne hist Jane. Drafts of a treaty similar to that • which the United States had signed ! with other nations were submitted to . Howard, lute in 1027, but to date the British government bag taken no ac- - • tion. In the interim it is understood the Britith, foreign office has been • consulting with the donlinions. • The new treaty eonfines the eute Pets which are excepted from arbi- tration to much eloser lines than the Root treaty,. The only exceptions in which arbitration would not be el - lowed are questione of a domestic no- ' litre; those anvolving a third witty; • those which might interfere with the traditiotial attitude of the United • State st under the Monroe doctrine, and obligations of the British :Empire under the covenant"of the League of napped and robbed Constable Evans Nations. of Havelock, Ontario, and Earl Wil- Retort! Mineral Production • Hams, and were captured after a Wild A new record in the value of the automobile chase, are in pesitionto mineral, production of Canada was ponder upon the folly of boastfulness. nude in 1928 with a total of $273, - When arrested, the youths appeared 446,864, an increase of $20,090,149 or anxious to impress upon their captors 10.8 per cent. over 1927. the fact that they were bold bad ban- The value of the gold output heads dits, with many daring exploits to- the list with a total production valued their credit. illheir • records were at $2,8,488418, followed by nickel looked up and witnesses were brought -with 822;318,007, an advance of 40.P - iron, gefontreale who, identified there_ petecenteaver 1927. as the men who participated in the hold-up and murder of Earle Durham Peorter DiStance le Serene a -col merchant of Montreal. mei verld being made smaller _ . tuiLtreeteet and the United Farm - ere, Ili the. meantime, it is et to not4 tem while truateee ot Maintohe teeently ihe:tereel then., , elve•4. thirty etoseed to the eeeereehip eeleed Wee, the rentel t'arne Vet; of Albetta, at their te.ent eerel vention, enlet'sed oyea Vete of 2(lii " proposed legoilati%e kilangeg proeidine .ew the lAtitt'e Ufa 44' • despite the strong omiositien ruu1 trustees awl United Permre, sentiment would ZIPPkar be veering lightly toward the larger unit. of tined adminedratien. 110111% ItaVitta Way for Upward 'foil Req. -doe tFinaneird Pest) Mr. Robb is clear enough in hint to the United States that Van. ada, .will have to adopt reteliatere nwasures it the United State e tetaf against Carnelian goods is Placed too high, Nei doubt this tenant Will in- fluence the Mover noliev to some de- gree. But bleier U. Se tariffs ar., Inevitable. That they will bear hardly on some Canadian 'Peodueeee • is also certain. When this become upperent, Canada will be faced with the problem of eoneideting if she will implement Mr. Robb's threat. Will Mr. Robb then be found to have been bluffing? It so, what will the government do when the bluff is col - eer i • ILler.'"AeSeler - lor -t•-•44‘-'4% is 40 • X,C,CIAVXA • 1.• PAGE SIM '1 1 • H • hot' 1 11(1111 - lur,1111:. ' gigot, GODERICH PLANING MILLS GODERICH Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in any Grade of Seatuan.Kent Oak, Maple or Birch 0), 0.10 led? Truly M. Robb has put the •RADIO MAY AID MAN • • IN STUDY OF WILD LOS govermnent in a position where the 1930 budget can not -avoid tariff ed- • jestmente. Tho two mouses that the U. S. tariff policy is not Yet known ' • ond that the tariff hoard has not had time to investigate our basic induce tries will hardly apply one year from now: At the same time, Mei Robb - • • talon of sevo were sentenced at Cobourg to five Y and three years respectively for Idioms, but. by shorter routes be - highway robber but will likely be -tw eft its chief tentres. A table of .1 S Wood rt.li Labor, entem'ber of Winnipeg, asking consent of parliament for the disposal of.all ee' natural resources was rejected and •., A -the House withoutedivision accepted a sub-itmendinent to the resolution, moved by H. E. Stevens, Vancouver. providing that water powers of the three western provinces be admirdst- ered by the provinces concerned, un- der conditions to be laid. down by Parliament, as is now the east in British Columbia. • -' When Beithib. Cohtinbia ome ieto Confederation, the federal govern- ment retained strip of land 40 folks wide along the proposed line of the Canadian Pecifie,Railway to aid in the building of it. In 1912 Sir Ea- ert Borden's government transferred the water powers in this belt to the control of the British Columbia legis- lature and that province has admin- istered the power sites in the belt. Manitoba., -Alberta end Saskatch- ewan are now on a basis otee,quality es regards water power control, with the • other provinees. The Dominion Government will have to introduce legislation similar to that sponsored by Sir Robert Borden for British Col- unthia, and as soon as this Passes the prairie proViittes can administer their own power sites. A Long Trip for Evidence The Royal COMMiSei0e, under the chairmanship of Mr. austice D. A. Macdonald, investigating charges of British Empire that Britain take the lead in the enatter of disarmament, had their answer when the naval and military budgets were submitted in the British House.of Commons. Sir •Laming Worthington Evans,Minister of Witt., showed that in ilveyeare the annual cost' of Britain's army had been reduced 11. per cent, and," he said. "there is not 'another countrse the world, large or Until, that can show Any decline at all," In a comparative statement, Sir Laming showed that the expenditure in the United States luid risen in the same period !by $40.000,000; in Italy by $5000,000; in Germany by $128.- 000,000; in Prance by $120,000,000, and in Soviet Oussia the total budget for navy, army and air 'force had risen by $200,000,000. Biddies naval estimates for the year oleo have been reduced by $7,175,000, according to the announce., ment made by Right Ron. William C. Bridgmat, First Lord 'of the Admir- alty, a saving having been effected by the cancellation of the consteuce tion of a number of cruisers. The outlay, of course, still is enormorte, the figures for the ensuing year standing ,at 8279,325,000. taken to Montreal shortly to face trial for retarder. ' - Old .Age Pensions Promised Definite assurance that son( form of provincial Old Age Pensions would be working in Ontario before the end of the year, was given last weele by Hon. Geotge S. Henry, acting Prime • Minister. • Silence is Golden N r o man and Lawrence Mooed, two youthful highwaymen who kid - °Ur 'The -Royal/taster Wn bate to see rite mileage wasted —when it might be saved so easily. We love to see vet Iltired•for tires. We enjoy making the small: repair in a tut treed, a bruised sidewall, knowing full well that such repairs add thou- sands of miles to the life of tites. That's why we recomtriend a weekly • outside tyratriination of tites—and periodic overhauling inside and out several times a year. No ewe poopolorc 1410 .04•1•4. 1".411"" This enables us to find alt injuries at /Woo irt Ova thersipadsdit their beginning—to make the titch ettor *id seuhlt two • • .0 owl of WWI*, m tone. • You are hatcher far oleo from tt DOMINION TIRE DEPOT Maher distances recently compiled shows that the Hudson Bay route will ef- fectively shorten the distance be- tween the grain fields of Western Canada and the markets of 'Europe. For example, from Saskatoon to Liv- erpool via the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence is .1,878 miles, but from Saskatoon to Liverpool via the Mud - sett Bay Railway and Churchill will has paved the way for some upward: tariff revisions next Yeer. If the Mover tartil• hits prairie produces, as• seems vertain, they will be more veady to aceept a 'retaliatory tariff. be $,783 miles, a saving of 1,005 Miles. Front Edmonton to Liver- pool via the St. Lawrence is 5,224 , miles, but via the Hudson Bay the • distance will be 4,182 miles, A saving of 1,042 miles. The Hudson Bay • • Raihvay, now being bulit by the Can- adian Government, to Port Churchill `• on Iludson Bay, therefore promises to be an Important factor in reducing distances from the Canadian prairies. e. to the markets of the world. WHAT OTHERS SAY Opinion- Veering Toward Larger Unit of Rural School Administration (Farmers' Sun) 'That sooner or later legislation will be enacted providing for town- ship ,sehool hot& in the province is not to be doubted. Mr. Ferguson Would appear to be too strongly trenched at Queen's Park to he greet- ly influenced by the opposition of the • ' • "PINKHAM'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Read This Letter (torn a • Grateful Woman. nO' animal s "wave lengths" outakis th. ramie converse? eer lunnkind• "It is a common OeCarellaW. riaivr ,A, 1.1 e11, the.w.ATleti: tb4e4evt.a: °‘tt‘mstastaa14944:1-•-.. -111": f am 015 NoW her ealf, or a deer leer Iowa it $:eY$stpbeellitati°rf raonal 1haveveryetelemne3ttheitiattiltriallier sia91100141.4.1 ha; iaheltfeoptiemrlir scpeeongt ginggrueoittdhizeituoublitia, 114,04111144)Amit- , in the Ivo° ds to *tray. That language was OW which flank Itis intelligible to the yuuue, but al. seventy eight though 1 have eierastineett been rule lease of tire within touching disfavor 1 halm iCeina River. never heard the fainteet strand, itiew Within cert a in yond at most, the blowia out of • /tool Atlas narrow limits, he :lir from the noetrils whicb bad no insists, the lan- apparent significant*. The yelunt erteage of the wild= counter- of the moose or deer will remain felted by man with euell skill that exactly as its mother left it, Welt it deceives the animals themselves. though she be gone for hall au Thus, the call of the eeet 100080 in hour At a streteh. More than that the niOtioll seaSon is MOTO often --In ease, of extreme need it will than not a euccessful Mee in bring- "radio" its mother without ap- ing the bull to the hunter. 'fhe parent sound. cry of the bunting wolf and the 4,1 have experimented on the prob., honk of the migrating goose are lent many times. In each elite ik easily imitated by the initiate and has been the same. I have waited are easy of interpretation. There until the mother how gone some however, nothing particularly distonee; then have, approached new in this. What is new, is Mr, and stroked the young animal. that animals come yond a light twitehing of the municate with eine another by skin, it hes not: moved, but it tenet sounds inaudible to the human ear. have sent out a eat!, for almoet That they the converse and coin- immediately I would hear the Munieate one with the other is de- crashing return of the mother • monstrated in as thouseed ways through the undergrowth. At such each day. Whet our well-known moments I would not pursue my guide suggests is that radio will investigation% further." eventually solve the question and Mr. Allan has cited minty other be the mons of interpretation of "demonstrations" to members of the animal communication. the Tourist Department of the That the human ear is flee- Canadian Pacific. Railway 'who are itive to-but-a-very-narrow---D.nd., eneeet'lging Wun to develop his limited tango of vibrations is in fact theory till further as be emotes certain, What Mr, Allen hopes to inthe role of guide, Philoilopher peeve shortly is that alt animals awl, friend to the fishermen bad . are sensitive to, and make Ilea of, the hunter, 266 ' . . Vanessa, tnt.--e"i think Lydia E. Pinkluunet Vegetable _Compound is - • i, onderful. I have had six children of which four are live ing mai my young- eeelil' baby - boy now tet is a bonnie. r m x . Urgemy den to e itLe i:,..,•.:: -.t !,::; ta .ceived great benefit einkeenbeyrooreeranothedolie them was born and . Lete ee,teinlyere----- - *undo, I have eight months. old ., who weighs 23 1 am sure they will receive the same'. help ,I did."—Mus. MILTON Mee Mixers, Vaameas„ Ontario. EON. 3. T. MOWN Chairman of the Royal Grain Com. • missiont who, with the other mem- bers of the Commission, MO Visit British and European markets in the near future. •VV,..erVo,roLVVVarieVWKAoVVVVVV~A.V. May Appoint Prince as Regent Although King George continues to melte favorable progress toward. re- covery it is considered unlikely that he will be able to undertake ditties of state before May or June, and there- fore will be unable to dissolve Par- liament prior to the general election. As it is expressly stated that the Counsellors of State who have beet functioning for Majesty during his illness 'shall not dissolve Partin - Ment," it is probable that the Prince FOR Service and Qa1iVy TRY WARR'S GROCERY The Store of Satisfaction HAMILTON ST., GODERICH 146 We Deliver in Town • Vr 0 lr. 1:1 ro Q .0404. 11.4 Pr lir A N , ,s • .• • • •;, tud Seal Contioeni Melee Pendia Four.Wheet llrate Parse Silent Timhtg ado PO Poise Feed Lobritatioss Passesszer Cars fours and Sixes Poo On to $209% to,,kiteaside, Slice Amory Egisitoveni Zoo &fro 1) 279 Make Your Own Compafisons U GCe)11EN you go to see a new Durant "40', remember that ir contains every feature that contributed to the phenomenal success of last years models.' improvements -,-yes, quite a tittinher and all designed for mote satisfaction to you. More power, more speed, easier soerlog; shock absorbers all around; skater riding comfort. But rou, alone, ate to judge the Durant stties (Fours and Sixes). RV thee purpose your local dealer will Blare any model in either Wide at your disposal. Do not butuntil YOUato satisfied that Durant oilers YOU the best varus YOUR money can obtain! 41 star Jlt puma MOTORS .41 tAllAtiA IiMflUl 1010,40 •`" CANADA, Ittmttv irttuccg g7,1 in Tore TO IN TOW CAPACITIES' :00-AmisiNimp ,tiallallirdallEMINI1141111111101110111011111011111.1111161116181011A61111111Maillialliallialli.1010111111014 PETER GRAFI, Godericho Onto E. BETTGER &Como West ilionktons Onto .opisigsmlommsieprniiiiimismoommtemssiiitims00011111111104.