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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 5
{ THURSDAY, MARCH 1(t4, l:raii ' nesse All the popular Cold and Influenza Remedies GALLAG11ER'S PENSLAR CHASE'S WOODS' NADRUCO WA:1IPOLE'S COD LMR OIL PURE AND FLAVORED 'VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL • S©iJIfI1'S AND AleERST'S COLI) AND GRIP TABLETS To BREAK UP A COLD IN ITS EARLY STAGES Canipbell's Drug Store Phone 90 —' Goderich OBITUARY GI1.YL.- M'rs... W. L. Gill, sister of Mrs. Isobel. Parnham and Mrs. Annie Brown. of Loa • Angeles, Cal., Mrs. John .Dawson, Del Ma; Cal., and of Messrs. W. W. Green: Inglewood, Cal.; "March Green, Grinnell, Iowa, and Alfred W. Green, of Deteoit, pas-. sed away at Wheatland, N. D., Feb., 8th,'last. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green. Be- sides her husband she is survived by the two "children, Mrs. A. G. Bucholz, THE GODERICH STAR an active member of Old Sr. Andrews eon church end .in energetic member' Lean, Bridge et.. and was one of the :h . Surviving see three *one, of th+'Wosnus's Auxiliary, belag„ere. iargeet funerals leen in Codeti,h for ' Dr. W. E. Galton, Cuderieh; Arthur* eident of that body at the time the somas tome, Itelatitei and friends' manager of lepton's Toronto breach; wase taken :II, asst sucrate that Carie were present ter the funeral front i terr'sf, Me garet, Maud andnd Je;te sie, at ddenta .Mibeen e one Om honorary p xime:: e ai � toeleceet tetenehi�p t and tn._ home. ` member of the Daughters of the � tat following friends of Mre. !►feL.ean's l °°1 -l: -..The leak.-. Iidirard ai She v e regent of the 28th Regenent; were here efs. Am Detroit qtr?, A> e old resident oolborne ..9(1°43'2.71-ownsps Osgoei►, Alas. A, C. Beale. Mrs. 1), J. psi ed away* on March SO, at his Chapter, I° U. U. ):,, for many yeas Osgood and Mia. Walker Barrie.. The home after turn months' illness his end alga held offices in the municipal'. seevkea at the houFe were conducted lowing an attt*e- °J., the flu, fol - Me chapter. Her hust•end and tw'a bro. , be° Rev. M. t'. Petr,' Rev. J. N. IL ht h• t thea seevive. b Mills awl Rev. C. 1•. Clarke, sued at (:unci was itoin on tile ;arm on -t tea : the graveside by Iiwv. t', io ('larl> he resided all his life, and was well i N I f Ut1L LSe-eMrs. Herbert V. he pail- besrrrs yore Itr. eeldtelr,. known and highly rcepecti 1 in Biel Nich 4lsr, fetmerly E1velyn umball, tree lie t'. panto and etesees, R, C. community. Ile was in his seventee whose death in Leaden ou Fridan. Hoye, ir.. J. luchenan, F. Martin ami second year, and leaves to iuourn•his , Mareh let, Ave mentioned last week, }.,, 1a. li'3beitson, Mr. mama was a, loss his wife and five daughters. Mrs.. was a daughter of Mr. and Mra. t.. ,i. son of the lata Hebert McLean, at*e s Thos, 11. Brownlee, of 7hamesfercl; i Rumball, East street, town, and vas time Mayor of Goderich, and a broth. i Mrs. Geo. Brownlee, . of Sault Ste. here recently on to visit to her mother. , er of t nuncillar 11". ATel�ean, and he , Marie, Ont.; Mrs. Win. Gibbs, of Ap-, who has teen in poor health. .she is :urvlved. beaide4 ills b^reaved pin, Ont.; Mra. Robe. Good, of geodes i returned to her borne at London on widow, by three brotheas, W. K. W.rich and Vera, at home; also four the Friday preceding her death and 7`. and W. M. Mr. Mr1 an loft (-We. grandchildren and four sisters and was then in excellent health. Her riebene young man in his eerie. 2"'e ` two brothers survive him. The fun- dean which followed so quickly r as and wee in business as a druggist in oral took pima on Monday from his' ,due to pneumonia send heart .compli. New York for, many years, retiring' . late residence to ('olbarne cemetery; cations. Mrs. Nicholls was born near end retuning eta Goderich last Sep,. • • the service being conducted by Rev., Iiensall forty-six years ago, and lie- #eitaber. He was moiled seven years . lie - Mr. Cutriminge, of Ilenmilicr United cd for some time at Clinton, and later• Deo. and he and Mrs. Mclean lied de— . church. The pall -bearers Vero • six i in «oderleh, but the great part; of her sided Ito make Goderit It their home. de nenhewa; of deeeased: John Long, life was spent in London. In 11t14 and were oreunying apartments . r•Albcrt Good, Nelson McLarty, Lawr- kite was married to Mr. Nicholls, who which had been fitted up in Mr. Me. • encs McLarty, Wellington Gacd and, survives. She leaves also her par. Leau'aa business block. Mr. McLean'tCilliaut Gadd. I ents. a sister, Mrs. Win. A. Webster, was in his fifty-fourth year. • Kay, ,which took place last Thursday, of ll o.T. Ruch,mball of oToron o. r. ,Ie MURINEY.-- The death of Mrs. W. night at her home, Ci 1 Waterloo reel father, Mt. and Mrs. Webster and T. Marney on Friday afternoon was. a Stratford loses a worthy mild highly t their son, Will. event to 'London for great shock to the ;family and almost esteemed resident. Mrs. Kau had the funeral, ,which teak place on Sun. equally so to the community in gen. been in failing health since suffering , day, March did, and was very largely goad for though she had not he • ems 'a iieralytie stroke two years ogre but i attended. 'rho internment was to good health sual sflnoWealiiesdlay wase i was up town mnd on the day of her death she had been active about a hili passible' was due to n heart spell. �1:oodland cetnotery. Mr. and Airs. __..the- byre her suffering with .true Webseer,s daughter. Leona, was lie.1 bo t th Mankato, ASznn., and Jos A. G111, of Christian Pattene+e and 'ems net all, ing with Mr. and Arts. Nicholls. The home and had just gotta upstairs, • *• times Welt flu cheerful, e was . deceased ollywood, Cal, h d Sh lady was highly esteeti elf when a heart tack came on, which GALLOW.--Dr, and Mrs. Gallon born at Goderich and was a daughter by many in Goderioh, and there is resulted in rt. atdeath in a short thhe. one .son Frank were in Toronto last of tlieelate Mr. end Mrs. Mark Wade, . much' sympathy for the bereaved 1;41 .1 was mocha beloved in Yi wide dr - subsequent called thither by- the illness and moving to Stratford with the fancily tints and other relatives. ' vie Sh of friends and her passing is sin- subaequent death of Dr. Gallotw's when a young girl, In 1912 she ;vies McLEAN, The funeral of the late cerely mourned. Before. ill • health mother, Mrs. Mary Yeats Gallon, who married to George. Kay. manager of died on ,Tuesday,ATtireh 5th. The the • Peril t Mutual Fire Insure Herbert E. McLean, whom tragic overtook her She vas active in. man, deceased wasthe widow of Donets Company. ti Mrs. Kay was closely as- deatttth in au moruii of lalse galee arlas Hose tel iAuhiliary, e in the Wome rs Galion and was in her eightk'tla year. t;trciated 'atth many worthwhile acti- She Wa+s_. bore - at_. Niagara -on -the- 1;vities in the city- and woeprominent ;mentioned iu our last issue. was ]told of the Empire, in the Iteisekahs: an _ t •s cShe Nests an an Sunday afternoon from the home ,the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid Bocilo- La1;e but had been a resident of Tor in the city social lite. of the deceased s -brother, �1 eelee his ties of North• street Unite l clovele I onto since early* ehflahood. She acne ;fictive member of St. James Ant ic- • f' tih{I�(l `fr hs;, ,t rf ,,.011; --. C1 .eta• . , t our ;store and with it came all the new fashions P�.1N�1�� � has -arrived �. , r , ar • . � � . � Saturday,March� 16,will which are very bra�lliant ,1n styling this season. co mmence .. this hue lay of women's' and rn isles n y .Spring .apparel. willminute step- past our doors for our neu3 Spring. You note the new ��a►ngl� the'very you� ,� � stock is a large one and styles are new and different 4->ilf,o, WE WANT YOU .-TO 1filVrtoe+ssGl,..a "THE NEW' MERCHANDLSE`'ATYOUR EARUES1 .PONVEN1:ENCE The New -Spring Coats FOR EASTER WEAR Our entire stock' has now arrived. They - are very charming styles this season with elab- orate stand-up collars and novelty cuff effects. Navy blue will be •the most ,popular. shades for dress wear. However, •there are many light shades of tweed and they will be favored by the smartly dressed miss. Tailored models are• shown extensively also. You will find it a pleasure to chow your new 1929 Spring Cont from our large stock. Sizes 12, 14, 111,_ and 44. Also short etnut sizes. - PRICES $9.75 TO $35.00 •. New Sweaters and Pleated Skirts FOR SPORT AND BUSINESS WEAR ' They have jet arrived, these dainty Flannel Skirts priced at $4.50 and S1.95 each. You can purellase them separate sir we have new and charming Pull over Sweater& of silk and wool to match, at only $2.96 each. For school, business or sport wear these will tuakc a very praetical garment. ' Our new Balbriggan Suits designed in the new modernistic effect will also he a popular garment for spring, priced from 89.75 to $14,7£5. New Summer Dress Goods AVEAIM—OFFER-1G T1iIS SEASON IN SIIJ Flat ('refer, large range of abades $1.0 yd. Flat Crepe (washable), all shadia a. .$Z.25 ys1. Figured Tub Silks (washable) fitM yd. .M o Crepe Satin and a splendid quality of Swiss Georgette: • Our entire stock of Cotton Dress Goods has not arrived. ifow -ro, -natty of the best designs are in stock and we offer: Figured-(%tton Crepe. 30.1nelt ti...,...................glc ii. • Figured T ricositeen, 30•ineh • $L11S yi 'Figured Rayon, ttl•itlelt .rSit ('ottotl Drat Prints, 32-ineh 2k and 3Se yd. The New Silk Frocks FOR SPRING VVEAR Our first 'sale and showing of the new Spring Dresses at $8.75 They are a most comprehensive collection of styles, replicas of much higher priced cre- ations. New dines, pleats, bows and other ef- #ects- that make - them so exceedingly different and NEWI The value is most surprising at $8.754 New Cretonne and -Curtaining This year• will find the dainty clotted or elwcked 11Iniquisette and Muslin Curtains very popular. We have a new stock' 'with •-either ruillrai or tape border that are shite low in price. Net Curtaining and Swim- Net ("Attain' ng are again this Fen son 'spoodle r materials for living room draperies. There new Curtain Nets are priced at fttle, Vie, i► 5o and $1.25 a yd. We also have a large ,..tock of Curtains made tip. SEE OUR SALE OP CURTAIN NET AT 29c THIS WEEK Silk doves and Hosiery We consider that Kayser Silk (,-loves and Silk Hosiery arc leaders of - duality, style and value and this season the shades are (lithe different. Kayser Silk Gina aril at nye, $1.115. 8I . 11(1 Koyki•Sillt Hae (full fashioned) Mint $1.5U), $1.65. and $1.95 13e sure to obtain new KAYSER CLOVES and HOSIERY to complete your Easter Apparel RENEWER 1, That Eclair it only two weeks away and that Cray's have a large and new Spring stock and that they will be wary` pleased to offer you ,their usual courtesy and assist you to choose your Spring requirements. ASK +U'S Al O(Jit"` OUR SPECIAL untooverwer OFFER ON THE NEW SPRING COATS YOUR. STO1U THE S. A. GRAY CO. 1 y.Llt to pi: VA E MitiffNit uy; Special Sitowins di this eek CHARMING NEW FROCKS Interpretins the newest Paas: Mastic in Peter Patau Fabrics (lN`T fail to see these ex ee dal " ileedr Ingle* smart creation%. Ther are cleliglxtIul,.rer%eelingexltre$Iivas of the style trench in Paris. Panic istiro work of a clisatinsuixleecl Me lhste. Eack is faaltioneal itt the latest of the ultra -dick Paris ole.. eigncdt Peter Putt Macs! so, ere.. traerciivarily urai►le and so ale. solutely titbfaat sixth faeleproof.. The roes cif Peter Pan `lfid,rics will arna:e y ova.*for, they permit you'ta be "sriaartly airesseJ, every Jay • i►t the 'year, at a cost of W ( cents a slay. GENUINE Riau► ria cr, guaranteed - WASH 114 ciao Color FABRICS Fw Esc - H I BBERT. Phone. 85 Thy Cash Stare and with .all these she:. retained her man Thompson.The.. preasident, lire. connection with the exception of the George Naylor, was in the chair and Reebelcahs. She was -born in •Goderich the meeting opened by singing Lite and is survived by her aged father',' Institute. Ode, followed by the mitt - Mr. ,Wm. Campbell, for .many. ,years ' utes of the- previotis meeting unci assessor 'and collector of the town, reading of correspondence, after and still holding position in an advis- ; con munity singiree Mrs. Jas. Craig ory capacity; '•and by six sisters and 4 gave a splendid paper on 'Teta." At one brother, Misses Elizabeth •and the close of the meeting lunch was Emma Campbell, Mrs. J. A. Robert• t.served by the hostesses and a wed son and Iti r. Wm, Catnpbel.l, all oft thrill hour wspent. Goderich; Miss Annie Campbell, oft',..........4.......`"""*""' the ()uteri.) Runway and Municipal CQD 'rRICITOWNSHIP' Engle office, Toronto; Airs. F. G. The. fit•. Al. S. et'' Union claurttr. Cagle, of Hamilton, the and Miss Minnir Campbell, of the (`elle title staff, •.meets this 1Vednesday 'afternoo a at Nortph Ewe The sympathy of all is; `the home of Mrs.. Ernest llahastonr. with the bereaved husband and the • The best n.rishes of the communiter ' family ((sitting 'of one daughter] are exteneed to Mr, and Mrss. lLasri9 and one soli. Mrs. J.: M. Johnston and ! Mitchell, of Goderich, who Were near -11'tr.-linvold Fluency. The funeral, temently'. was held on Tuesday afternoon from i The next weekly meeting or Elio the family hones, Britannia road, and • Z. Y. l'. Ll. will be held on Priifnv,, was very largely attended.. The town • March 15th, at the house of Mrs. A. a'ouncli and ;oenciats and rnrntbcrs scf }comics. The evening: will be event 'tin: 'Water acid Light. Commission, in social enjoyments. . • with whom Mr. Murney has been no young" people of Thaiott chorda. i elesely aesoclatsd, for many • years. were trceeteci to .an oyster -supper helm- beim~ chairman of the Water . 'and. Net the home of Mrs, J, B. Ore - last. LigIt Covennissinn since its forroatien "Irrlal:1y evening.tl'he evening �rsnste • et. years ago,. were nreeent in a' body, i spent 'leering cawClCiutoTe• The relatives and friends,froM out of Oland genies, the pores ;;ninth be Mita !town who were 'here for thr funeral 1 Marquee to Pakoner and Mr. Vidor were air. and 'Mrs. le G. Eagle, 'of l Paiconer; conaalation prizes went to 1lamfltan; Miss filmic Campbell, 'of Mirk. Lena Colwell' and ?lir. Areal Toronto; Miss; . 1anie C obei't ll, of porter, A hearty vote of Dimes was s North Tray: Mr. Barry Robertson. a ' tendered to ilius. Orr for: her kind: I nelrrie, not Stratford: Men. W. li. hospitality and the evening., was r• Barrie, of Detroit, and Mrs. IL Os- brought to a close. goode, of ,Detroit. Tile floral tributes • — _,.-•---......,:._,.e., i ermine' fiere o►n frietndslini1 etroi[,talimn- (,nderieh fast of the' 1`•ararili:►,s t iltote `Taro•►tn. 1V'allterville and Luck. I,cg i»n heist ai asiccexrfal ettrhra; aaaul l now as well ae froue corny in Godo `iaon e dayn e�rrit • OddY g. himaysllr seri era- • rich, and inelteling tributes from the 2 hestrn provi<Iral the' music; T .e' fnllowine organizations: . The Water lnnrWcda go tray.ar11 tics• Iirjtisiis Atria acrd Light Commission, and Town , e Council of Goderich, the JoIrn North- i ors I und. way Co. und staff', of ILiniiltoii; the ee a are interested to note .that Mr. • Goderich Baael.'!sll • Club. the hockey a -Team, the North Bay (ollegtatato staff, the Women's Asssociatiop of North ` street United ehurcb, the Goderich Conservative Club, the Ontario Rail - Way and lliunicipel Board and staff of Toronto. the Daughter.. of the Em- pire, the 11'omen'a lloepital .1uxIliary and the Past Noble Grand.; of. the 'Goderich Rebekah Lodge. The fun- eral servieea were conducted :by the t deeeaaede. pastor. Rev. C. E. Clarke. ••l unstated by Rev. J. E. Pord, and dur- I ing the service Mies E. Iiume pang a a very appropriate Selection. "There la No Night In !leaven." The pall- bearer,. were Mayor MacEwen nett Mesita. W. C. Pridliarn. A, I). tic. I Lean, .1.'al'. McEwen, iv'. J. Baker and , Wire Campbell: • I PORTER'S i, i Mir.- Mary McPhail, ...Goderhh, is attending a few dim visithtg Mende i in the community.' t • The Y. 1'. :3:. of Grace United ' church will 'teed on Friday evening F at g o'clock. The meeting, will take ' the forth of a Sit. I'atriek'a program. There will be a eurpriae at the close in a breezy eomcdy drama of area of the prevent. Everyone welcome. and traffic sopa and a girl wire wars. R SVD care aorrsr to report that Air. n't chiveslow. A stumpy combine.. engine Betties bad the minfortuno to tion of . engine trouble ens! Euston 6 slip on the ice and fall, eduaYng trio .trouble. Ifracture of an arn'. Iiia many ' "RED HOT SPEED`) friends in the community hope for a Bright and clean humor in speedy recovery.'�r1l 1 NEW COLLEGIANS" Il he supper tend program given on 1 Wednesday evening;, March Gt1i, len- . WEDNE.SDAY and THURSDAY , der the nuepione of Gr -are United eriursh, was quite a success, the pro. THOMAS MEIGIXA1 , swum Wee ' coeds rtntounting to about $58. The VOSP •aa:d 'LOUIS . �d OLIXf social held on Friday evening to clean • (Inc ee the aereent„ inont: pomutatr up the provisions left rtvcr front the plaSera returnri in ra opeetaeitler" ti ee Capper wtv, well -attended, and the matte ancee>e which will grip fatted collection amounted to $9, niciking bald your interest. A ;rioter adder the stet proceeds t67. in a meter story. • . DONNYBD 'min RACKET" T" Mr. d lifts^ilea Mammy aetitriza d b11:ilMAI1) COMEDY ' last week to Itis aleck in Detroit. "'1VEIDDED IU,TI�TElta1`* Mr. „Jim Murphy', of the G. C. T., epcnt the wcek enol at Ma Lorne Iters. 1 FRIDAY *old SATURDAY The Sunday school of DonnybrookMAY' 3frAVtff azaaal : itureh aro holding .3 eoucert in the (;OND ,1) i�AGY;I, batentent of their chant on Friday Stoli�rs lrrai'1_s, itz f lecl 17rr ,,,,,."4'::;.: evening„ !Worth 15thh, A apletdiel c r<e.,kn ati:al a e►11', iva ai >?o E, � :� �)yagrar,) ccfigixtinr , of male, rot!. Ct c"kis eat'. A. iasis• ii'l * aiQ ala -tm-~ buffs) end et chat piciy, ill to giv.m. 4aaiy. It Ever belly wekorte. Admt:skt, tit,-. , , 1 ults 25e ant ddiltIrcn tittles` 12 ycal.'s t t,(AI. f:I1`i IN `TIAs l'Otiee I free..t Camay fcatat; lr 'Tito t'b%meter) Inotituto rat bat"'CHARLIE CHC li'LIlia" '11) '6VVFliwrdai at Vile Lor.) of Mrri. Neri ?.tn(ince i:+,t. at See p.en- Itobert Cutt, of Gait. who isx papulnr- ly known to Goderich audieitoe , fw giving a rong'recital in the Tmvent'i Conservatory concert hall next'I'hurv- - day evening. The next Tueaday, the 26th. -hole to sting .1i) Ga'rh'rkh at the North St. choir• cinteta. . AFTER GRIPPE BUILD VITALITY Qh Scott's Emulsion Odei Theatre WICK OPS' MARCH 18 to n MONDAY and TUESDAY ICEGINALD Ul.N:N1i and ALICE DAY - •