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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 4
PAC; Mit 1 1111E11 11 I 11 111 1111 11•11 it iii.i • ii 11 n. IIIIII Ili II p#t,4I-t n -o THE CODERICH STAR ••••• 1111,111 i I TilieRSOAT, Meti.a'li 14tbk, . i, ie t and where ilieuld , c,']G(at chat :Fw.z elle „,no , •stag- taken : ► ie a iaoaat ,finely art twat, i; out of Lha; republic only ai "relic' bee `'79aeap 'iataflriaapriei► 'Int slrik(alutely iitajl igen left, A3'ity� alkvaWl wo eepy a ; � the �`'�L� ���a,r'�i Cough terdQpe,nalent; a nisi the article eoixluia'� dc`adent "Years, *tee well, W crdeVy p tliitf �wtt,•°°andthereroioth© �KNEST IIEA`TO�T:' i Cold.1 D t l4si only iwYiey whish scan ever hype to...... ---se.-----___. ,5 $ttcceed is cane which FPplatea� i,Zetlon AMONG THE +CHURCHES, (with hammy and boo eo=©hie? epee -dere The regular meeting of the �'1.11i,S.�►ntsl�'e► for its 1cEyxaof(e" auxiliary of Knox church wet be lielti in the !enure reel- on aR'uesziay, Blass 1-4*or t'.4+,. r . a• lath, at 3.:70 Waist.. , • . - 1 CIVILIZATION Q.Q 4,000 B. C. t The Pastor at Victoria St. next L p :.,4 .. ' Sunday morning will tale up the 5th always in stock at t � Rex[rl Oaten Citic$ of The Aisfant Past word rro:. the Ceo38, "Tile 'Wad ,m8 ' r Rad 1'» ru Date Sewer Si.•t:ma Agony," and in the (welshes; the lit6k DrugStare f •a. ate �9 , aad Skilful Artists and Ai leen ward, • Tlka: Word of Perfect:cn. 1111 .1.4112 •.. ,, :x--.,�s- .ri.-r� • ca ,.�„•, -r q +t' 1111:. 't , �-, 1111 • 6erviees yin Knox ehusr. h Evil, be . r? " - .4r--- � ` " A civilization of five or six than- conducted by the Minister. Subjects sand years ago Haat built cities with oil' seras na.:: 11 a.m., "The Garden 3f as perfe;t sewerage ,systems AS rood- Getlizekmane;" 7 pan., "The Path of • ctrl OW, that built okalaxa and Life." 4abiiatli School and Bible E are ready with a full line of the newest and most PWille buildinrya of siaasonry so per- Classes at d o'clock. - fectly hewn that.. their still stand to. Rev. 'AL, Saunders,. of Fle;herton, correct styles in Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Gloves, day?, without mortar, that developed Ont., will conduct the services at the artists and ;artisans so skilful that Baptist ahakteh tread Sunday, March - eto., to help you in getting your Spring outfit ready for Easter. pavements Laid thirty-five lame ednr x'i#h, morningand evenlnl:- Young' fa s----7--- :--- 7' -'. four thousand years before the Chris- People's meeting on Monday night: r ;lain, era are atilt ue level :~a the day Rev. Mr. Parr will address theoung They were first laid end produced people. • y o• frescoes, vase$ enc; other works rot' The, regular meeting of the Avtliur �✓s ,text so cleverly that they are et this Circle of Knox church' will be held in _ TI*REXALL DRUG STORE day a wonder, sueh was that told the lecture roam on Monday evening, about on x,prMonday evening by Dr. Msn'eh 18th, at n' o'clock, with bars. BEDFQRI? BLOCK PHONE Na. 1 cort.1 ;ICI c1L.....-...o Fox, president _s 1111.._ fir.., We carry a complete stock of all Patent Medicines, Drug Sundries, Tobaccos and Cigars A NewDress for :caster Colne in and see the beautiful. new Dresses - in''Silk -Printed !Cres and Celanese, We have the very latest styles and materials at -moder- ate plaices. Iew Gloves for Easter. Get your Easter Gloves here. We have a large range in the newest shades by the best makers. _ a EwerMillinery A New Coat for Easter The new Spring Coats come in a wide range of tt' materials and shades. " Materials are Bottom- ley all wool TricotiTie, . Broadcloth and Tweeds. Shades of navy, black, Sand, fawn, blue, grey, etc. beautifullylined with flowered silk and _ ,lr'lttn : crepe de chine, t 1 i In m ed with fur, Muskrat, opossum, mole,: broadtail, French colinsky. Sizes from 15 to 44. The new tailored coat is popu- lar, developed in finest fabrics braid bound and ' all beautifully bound. From $-J. 5.00 up For Men and YoungMen THE NEWEST IN Spring Over- coats o� ._._ts - nd Suits, 7 Hats, Say Neckwear, etc., etc. • •rx�.,ETi. _1111. presiding. n papers will versity of Western Ontario, in St. be given by Mrs. Geo �liaeKwan and Georg"s ,garish ball, in his illusteat- Miss Saunei'vilIe. • , • •*--ger-..4>".,,,�.:,,,,• ed tack on. "Crete, the Cradle of Mod-. On Monday. evening sir. Booth, _ ern Civiliza►tlon." who is returning shortly to China to the accumulation ofr dusto emillen- ►Ii skongasive 4 alk k onaithcee hm meetingin Inlond fMrs, Aba►er ,,fortis left on Tuesday Nrecteded at sine 0 uy Beard v , —pen funks, reveal a xer'y high state of elvi the Young People's League of Vie- for Detroit where she Evill visit herpvi ,,, lizution, and from ,t, t depth of the tori$ etieet United presented with son C harles, and daughter, Mrs, An - G. J,'I k. Beard u,et,tt,�•4, accumulation of dust, twenty six feet the even#ng he was presented wit,; a Berson Mugford, for several weeks$ alerts. in same eases, es well sia .from the Waterman yelled, Miss Delight dutch Word has been received of the I Afi 'f'IiE J o _u. fact fiat cel twin articles found are reading the addr•ess ttnd Aft. Lorne dwath at Boissevain, Man„ of M1 bt. ( the fallowing is the record of the • similar to those found in other' pia- Jewell making the presentation.: Imo.. ones= eiater�in-law of Mrs. 1£ 84 .tee 's league h*a¢nes. at the ttnvrai ccs where the date, is known. .estab- Services rat North.St. United Mutclk➢ of Goderich, at the age bowiang Iish that the eivilization of which the church on Sunday. March 17th, wilt $'ears. Maxcik 7th --Icings Pins 2, Girigi. works are discovered in Crete dates be as follows; 10 a,m., Men's `S'u»• Mr. and Airs. �� A. Adams,. 410 pals' 1, Icing Pins, time ,w `back to three thousand' five hundred day Club under thedeader of Dr. Groarvenox st,, London, announce the Jahnsan 659, single, .,1. {►ail :aans�s��: or four thousand B. ia, i n fact Dr. lfummerson: subject. "The danger'of engagement of their daughter, Mary➢ t?rigiraa'la, three gamed, !t,' Lie d Fox said there •wore people living in slang or cheep talk," introduced by i; to J, A. Ilume, of Ottawa, son oinfer. ' 050; sing►e,. kl. l'ouag; #iaa i, r sand years.. be. Mr, Geo. Gould,:. Fission .Baird ante J. P. Hume and the late Mrs. Hahne, c: lklaren 12th-Oa:c�ertors 2, Whizz Crete seventeen thou fore the Christian era. era, I;'e1Io -,hi,, • Class. 11 a:ni., t'ub:ic of Gaderich; the nkarriage to take, l3ang8 i,: N%- airs #tangs, Al. vletlruixe ---- The double axes form an'emlilen Service; induction, of.e1dei . 3 .panik„ `place in April. {highest three games, ts16; single, of religloike •ail nlilieunce -which . is i Sunday :school. 7 Pare, Evening Wor-1, Mks. I3en uVi'. of Welwyn, Sa_•• . 2gR. Go -Getters, three . goines,• F, found fresiucrtly in the carvings kir ; hklr» Strangers and visitors will be wvho :lies been vis#ting with her par- Townsend, 815; singles, F.. rownsend,. 'Crete,. and are supposed to i&llude to 1 -Made welcome at the services. ants, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mew, for ;R,• - the' sky god and the earth itodywvhom Meeting» will be. candueted at the the past two months, had left for League Standint; they 'worshipped, The lightning; in Salvation Army Citladel this week: ! Goelp'h, Waterdawn and Toronto and Won 1 "t f da at ash end at I1 tem. and .q will visit a few days e place boat their iina'ginen the was the sparks Thepen. on Sunday. I before Teaming fax her home. Ilei Lions No. 1; .......... , 3 4. produced: when the skin gorl smote morningervicek will ha of is de- }} Qxiginala 1111. , . 7 5 with his axe.and the thunder the votional type and Lieut. P. Johnson l another accompanied her as far as .` Go Getters J, 6 xiais(rit made. For anyone whocanw#it' deliver the message. Hie topic. Guelph and 1VatexdoE . -� �4'h#zz Bangs . ti 6 d#stover the "aignifieanee of the will` be,. "Is the Pexfert Life Pos- -x • ti , Saltford . 4 . 5 writing a£ the Cretans Paine s watt- -•"'i'ble"" At nicht a salvation meet- MUN CT,ka.' C�jIINf.xL , King Pins ., 2 10 l iilg. as up, to the. ttreseiit thein to. fns be be.conducted and the service Co: -erre '['elfin -,kill March 11th—Night ^Hiawks 2, Sup- r Ecrktftians remain tt healed ', book. will be'of st brieht and cheery natcire Council kin • wvitla all •,nt :nbeis'p1( ersillts 1, Night Hawks, highest. The ancient Cretans antedated Greek with the :9�y,of Christian fellowship ant, Mint:`_.s of I�eb rev,• nicotine', three Mrs. F. Saunders 519, Civilizatioka. and, are supposed to be niedakninat !nes Ctutain W ick mos adopted as xa :d. Tee clerk was kn-i highest single, Mrs,. P. Saunders 201, the race we a read off in Biblicd, iiarrae' message r #II be. "The bran who lost structed to is :lir he dram b'. 1 Supersillcs, highest three games, bliss five as the 1'h#listines, a hie.' Perrr�anenr Wave.{' A heart'. Ii". by knaki the changes cause:! by p,'Haarney, 544; highest singles, Miss: welcome is extended to `these meet- the result of • the Court of Re•Ail a'l g ' Arany. beautiful :vases and fresdoes k'. Harney, 208, were shavrxk an ; the screenk, plkota- lags, and Judge s .(lccision as already re- March 13th—Blue Streaks 2, 1 av- ,Iraphs�.of discoveries in the island. Mr, Leon Adams, the baritone sal ported and Correct €ill other errors gxlender Girls 1. Lavender Girls, high-. rvh#rh in the rfrig"tttal rverni beatctiful- 01st at the North =St: choir cantata, '°Missions incidental thereto undc.ri est .three gimes, Miss M. Ftxrroa ly colored, . atnd modern styles of art the 20th, has just sent the names of authority of the. council, .The road 4524 highest single, Was M. Ferrety, leis solo nuhibers, which are to be, superintendent's .piiy,nent voucliexs 194: Blue Streaks, three games,. and even: inoderit. this n.jekvellei.y "The Publican" (by Wooler) and were received and reeve 'and trehsur. Mrs. A. Murdock, 428• single, Mre. A seem to be Copies of.this aekclunt Art. "Jesus Lover of MySoul" (by Rath- er instructed to sign the same. The g s huge underground bins are supposed Murdock, 189. • to be thea way,the ancient Cretans bnnt7i, As ..we ll, he will, mf .course, 1929 egpenditure bylaw (No. 4) was Logue 'Standing take- all the baritone: solo parts in the passed estimating the amount to be Won'-: Lost stored their grain and huge vats sat, cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," Me. stern on reads and bridges. for 1920Supersilks .. 13 11. most as high as a man, beautifully 1Adams comes very highly recent- at $6,700—the clerk was instructed to Lavender Girls — , 18 it decorated with artistic designs. are, mended, be the baritone soloist at forward a Copy of bylaw to Hi -glover Blue Streaks . 11.11 .. 12 12 supposed to 'awn: been the way they the Dundas Centre United chureh of Department to comply :with, regula- Night Hawks .. 10 14 • stored their wines and oils. , 0 Four London. and having been the first tions re grant on road work. On Lades' League. very . keenly con - grades of alive oil were. used, one :for prize,ruin th a Her res years ago at the motion of W L Young and Wm tested. , laianps, ono f f' westering as five' use Musical • ,aestival held in Massey Thom the resolution passed by Huron ----- "% . soap nowt, ne ar ilk c imon people Hall, Toronto. county .cannel, re the deveio in ` of Canada Ituy s One•Ftfth of United 'a 1e as an chicle sof fret kind tit e The Eats lsior Bible ass' electric:a p ower on t o Maitlandn g : States Reedits e e Cl oaf North p h wvas po St. United thureh'held a very pleas- approved and signed by.reeve .:and (Boston News Bureau, 11oston) ant social :evening on Tuesday., Mar. clerk and copies sent to the proper Nowhere ore our prehminer'y tariff Royal stairways, ampitheatres, h' A varied program of instrot aeuthorit#es, nhe reeve. Eves instruct• skirmishes watched more closely - torahs rind' 'Wattles were showzt on mental •and vasal music was. put on ed -til order .3500 trees for reforests, than in Canada. Already the pro - ho the screen,' that is the rentable of Henderson, Alma Rowell, Mrs, hr, tbereft he purposes uDepaer rtm nt pctW. n L. ipiianuufaosed inet d oes ods the mater- them• as they have licca unearthed'i s Mrs. Bextdersotr, and Pisses Phyllis: Young moved that $8.00 be offered talc of the Dominion have stirrled up axehaealogi:its,; and the, pipes Haat Cooper- and Joan Robertson, toad. Mr; Leslie Johnston to remove the in Canadians the disagreeablepro- -formed their ,sewers, w it $,inndr lie. masonry Ings were given: by Mrs. Tlninilton,, board on the bottom of his f©nre from spect a retaliatory merer. Te outlets of . the k trunk sewers Miss Mary Howell and ' :Billy Joe: i Bogie's corner running north. about tremendous potential• buying power were shown. very ,much as they ;are ;Johnston, 'During the evening^;: a' 100 rods and replace the same with a Canada appeaars in the fact. that, built, nary in"'modem cities. buil very bottleful set of coloreg+.:;hides wire, as-: an aid to overcoming the though she has a smaller population fighting was the spent of theta) days showing ,come of the lovely gardens Snow obstruction at this place: tai than the single state of Penns 1 - and the "Cretan divers, those r• ( y tistic carvings in ivory of the human of the moving° Was exhibiitecl b ' Mr A. Fisher seconded the motion. Mr. vanish she ranks fifth in foreign form. with golden hair. are upty su)r- 'I' T`` Fell, secretary of tho.Goderich V. Wilson moved an a-iitendment drat trade amens the nations of the world. Horticultural Society.; Itefreshnnentsi the matter be leftover till council Evenmore pertinent to the problems Posed thatto- bullliuf ntly een ta4n 0 were . served tit: the close of. the Otto i make their annual trip of inspection ; of Americatariffpolicy is anada s been, where the clone fighter se seizes the under the direction of the president., o the roads; Mr. Thom seconded'this. i position ars our best custokuer.. One- coos. of a the bull and throws S izee the Mrs.` 'Cole. The pastor introduced The' reeve voted with the motion and , fifth of the entire exports a the Un - the program. declared it. carried. On motion of'A, ited States goes to the 'Canadian mar - over the :animal. iThis fern of sport dere was a good attendaneeat the . Fisher and W. L. Yoneg,the collect.; ket• and Canada buys front us yearly 3i ms 'persisted totravelled throughout the tel to meeting of the ,North street United oes roll' was aecepted and his salary , :i30o,0oo,0R0 more than, we buy from i Spain and a brought over to Santo Young People'e Society last Monday ordered paid.. On motion of A. Fish-, her. , Moreover, our impi its from A. CORNFIELDAerica. night. The Meeting was opened by er the councillors were allotted the' Canada are Mainly newsprint and aerie palaces and what ryas no the singing a • number of mussing folllowing road divisions: Division needed raw materials, .while our ex- hynsns with' double accompaniment, to F. Wilson; 13to Wm. Thom; ports are.made up, almost wholly, of doubt the origanal Labyrinth were 'Mrs. amulet. and Mr. .Campbell pre- "C" to W. L, Young: "D" to A. Fish- manufactured Goods. It may tot be "Si -'10P 'WHERE YOU 'A INVITED TO SI -IOP" shown on the. screen and the labyr- siding a' the pianos. Messrs: 'mein er.. The road. superintendent wee in- true, except as a matter of business' inth d kgn talent from one of the and Arnnold Porter gave a couple of strueted to fill out government report policy. that "the customer is a always ' SIDE~Kali' ; tzUt RE walls m the palace. • ,very )ileasing •harmonica numbers, reeuired of stone and gravel used in right." But two great neighbors No aboast,of our modern advances 'tic tit tried by Miss Marion, Porter, toaVitslk%p and :fotw6ard' the gams to in leatming -$ad invention •arndy usually Tho gent of the . evening was. of •Statistics, Branch, Ottawa.. The fol- gal front ^Zook opsin the ages of m-nnitkvo man Bourse. t.. - sddress by Air, Booth, on lowing bills were ;raid: Municipal unity than f _.• »• -v-- w ems« . > .n Rm w w.•, a$ uncivilized stab biYliaronT f but life,c r,1111subscriptions,iii own, -arty ti low tariff party. "The the ari•ttra price wvhleh the dot e g " Mr. Booth it an able speaker dna lie tion books and supplies $4� bi • 11q J tcirh ng f d than COMMENT y t •d The article on another page in this ,cher (Isiberel member for Smith Et way, is �a pretty effective form of . as d wont. wenn maple, rand that Tann fail Watson,; minty and extrite $;1.20. 8' pep , lua of as to � export trade. Here you will see the latest shapes,:.. hats admirably suited to the facial contours ' ot'' the various ages. A smart display, including felt, straw and silk combinations, irregular and close fitting models in the•new- est shades. Printed Crepe. Hat and Scarf Seta. 1 best .geaderfbr'the tiristoerats of those days. Bath tubs of °'verry' much modern shape 1iave been found. PHONE 4t8 .r • r^, who are a geographical unit would n more an approach to econ- omicu 1 y from a tar war. . 114.4c.: Tike Worth -W hticwness of lliissiorts. World, dog tags, elec. ><ar better the ...;..* •....�,1111 1 lei' lisen#n to sue kb tabs as. t1 greatest 10 unto nn- ,➢ en- dog's we will have to roll back the dram his message homes' with tt :;r•.` Reward, shovel, 1.3G; �S. 1 S lure, eyed increase goods Gln stn u.ouid n - I•time has a'irived, said Charles Flet- ables them to charge. That, by 'the IWO of primitive men oonsidertibly', it a ss h h e 'Municipal Association fee . 5: V c se of duties that would at- _• w 1 - ap the that ha a Peculiar apinral to p , 5 1 nn, feet adversely a fifth of our entire Issue beaded ">;.'',5 Il'ydro. Power for sex) Tan the Legislature ltlsit week. protection if it enables industries to The attendance at the lecture on Goderieh" its of speeist interest, Shows t "when, irrespective of party policies, : be operated in Canada, where, with- ohheere a gaud'ec4 h ho o d and ant mg what was promised Coderieh°be» governments should 'bring down leg., out that protection, our needs would Monday night, when the last-icet0re fore Niegera power was brought, to islation which weal(' be of the great. line supplied froin United States file-° in the course is to be given, the sub,. the town and giving as it does ex- est benefit to the greatest number." tortes. Hut we are not so used to the Jeet to be "Meteors and Comets," an tenets front the eeport of llydro fin -1 Thus occurred in the course of . a - other statement that the abolition of illustrated talk mis in the Vnkvcrd PEOPLE Q' ginec a ea the pessibilities of devels speech Mr. Fletcher made in which a duty would simply be putting that city of Western Ontario. # Mrs. Jas. Itamiitott leas returned development 11Maitland giver lt ed in lias been brought to the foreground comity, where, he said, the farmers any: line of manufacture, eelling Pri•• again and for thet reason this artiele were stuttering front stiff competition. cos are pretty well understood bes is of • peeial interest at the eooeteen CStat present , '__' - American 1111.. •. 1111 1111..., -. 1111. .-._ _ United bear fruit in the lives. of'those who - -^— hour(' him, The gondd»will and pray- ers of then North St. Y. i. S. will go withth Mr. Booth and his family as they return. to their work .at the Chula Inland 'Mission. aping Maitiand River power: Tho he sicelared himself: in favor of a nee- harsh -money into the pockets of U' nits 1111.. time. While lly:dre Melone, as the who flooded the market 411st'at the manufacturers, the abolition of a .daily Papers cull them, are being cut time when the home<erown products (laty on the V. S. product simply ala fox ' many munkeipalatles Goderleti were at thele beat. +, { ,, ^, Dowd The U. , manufacturer to in>.1 Club.. E,. . V'et.h an !lira »til' this. cat' for $2,50(,. I • e ,1111,-;1111. �, "" %°tease lkxsi (' *0adisn price by a cora 'It ads about fluke that Lhti norm IV: pmteeted agsitast the degradit• Two k'eeks front this Friday will l In reducing th• e ,sales tax from 3 resP°muchnrno a profitdIng nt`1'and llave thehat oung: ort blie . •ce6*cfi r sat t to2 Mr.Robbpoint ERNES`T '' HEATON TAKEo A SHOT toDGud Man ilia flus returned home AT THE LUNCH CLUBS from Toronto. Mt. Ernest Nelaton, a. former Well. Mr. and Mrs. Cockburn ,lay's are in known reeident of Goderich, has been Ottawa for a few days. writing' to some Esf the papeett rather ['Mrd. 'W. E. Felly was up from Len- it:te)reQthrigty, curd we give his dotter den last week for a visit. and MEATs r liElnar with apologies M the Lions Miss CNaau h n f t A'I gt4,e the G. C. I. . is Good last fly, tied Easter Sunday 11not tent. per cent. Inas in the reply issued over the Signa- • large repo-:dn dinner, 1 started a is the hast clay of Marsh, March not Rona for cn�glth> The expense pleasant that with an old friend, but Vont fl e soup rouraaa a great as o to ting the 3 per cent. en er ne , rs ou , oa look for their Easter bete. We vert The nuisance of rnskinit out mouth):: Urury'as cot►demnetion Of the tariff boys, `let', sing 'together -number. M. tore to bditve, however, that the had.' returns is as greet ars ever.' The tee ei the �caurse 4 csturdian tanners* tyaeiiak n on nw the h tit the Skid!". This lee will take the chance that there is is a detriment to business �wnd ahem, difficulties, 'to quote from the reply, tattle- wa'as quite imlios+aiMe, at)td Lha nothing in the old esyinp, after dill bare been abolished in tot). it mould We at vett established eerie- t'ix at way table tried t� ,,ides with a have been much better. as Iron. Mr. twat that the four great Intpieaent smile the irritation which we felt. find *ill be nicety prepared for thecomfaaanine=-two Canadian and twos L&t year the same .Hart of thing In pa, 1 Guthrie pointed out. if the Minieter Atnerietneeetiakh praaetlea x toed I i' 11 1 h 2 j tures nr W.`.e riewman and ti' 1• rams in ,Ikea lamb, i°.o tlno su r:atia o deo et rig the per -cent. to oat as '• the iddki f th !e i f Met *han of 'Winnipeg; to Mr hilted ' t tri ,led t 'bi flaws bntasa many tretnbl0 for the outs ta great Finrtixr, instead of informing th' theles eoasnwadltie s ;agricultural im": ©ntlatrie'a mining industry ist ansa 1 people that he had a morphs of ii19,� t pk�issllabl in Canada, ecce eye to eye aN1(►i000, lead cut oA' tin" remsinMX - to the duty nor of pt etat> Were the r.aaatahtar iaaaK(' proportion!, end during ( e little fats Hoar iawp(►•tv1 tats lie renaor• iseg .let edeel +sne hundred million $t0. 00 of the sales tear. Got. ° rad, We feel tMwUita that Aaaerical+ fellem aseordige to a report of the 'Ontario Dep attmeiat .4 A Joann a eleven millions dollen in the predueti.s of nickel anal eoplserwent * lamer +$nay to eetaahlirlt the record. tweaking paroelletiera *turf* At $11.0,-, MOO. am ipereme of clove* per rrat: above the. priwlwiitts ire 1917 in trsw"tt.as r(stil(4 hotter bon Waft. 1netMrs ire price. We aak Peary f'or,>' front the rwmpavy pre.e,,t. ilasrp :radar this week atten.i,s the veer when t'�4 this article to 1401t Ora $'barbs (aa 0 rhairtaaeia grown lascy' Oreng .. g*t{brrrirg as a dt4egntr f*.u-s Pro1.ritl.., 1», fly: firist`v't Vee, i ( gem -Peet. ".l dant tend tut ;ir rase or the' the t.aderieh l., it, R A. mot t 'opos..4 Mt' a .ihe'a1• far,, mat wt by a anti-prot.t tax that r * 'Th. two iaaisartrtew, a str'ireltta+waM >n!''rit'lI3 a c(ia 4a hevia Mort. ilaff(aw. at steward, sold � ear i( so tom a eat ltlaa..if it �1a�ap�, 1,+ ++ii.(•M to one r iraerrraratitiswat , Taaar'rk elastar. iwt M � Yrs. R. Oaf *owl Mr* W. iM�e'..(,t �T a Mir drr trdlnairt �1aai4 and this ea" ataaaof*e( .r. Nimplir pack.; " rnre the 1'lsitrd Ntab; the y est lsfwatrraa, www► rw•te lilt wne.l 1 taa/t MA +ta.anaiilal N ttii�a•. ,hr tlar'ra,. �r.ar4+dy f►aataa P(4141,44 with with MK. sio4 latw, t" A Intim. happened ata Targe dinner Riven by the Toronto golf ('•rub. and two of and is the guest of Miss Mabel the members left tate table in Moped. St "No animal Wants to be organise . Miss !;(lith f i'utnber has returned to when it is feeding. Try it on a dog tioderich after a visit with her et. and he will bitr> No hone- being ter. Mrs. P. L. gchweeer, at 'A»e1I'ss ernments prxdoce aatlplarers by s ° establishments would thank the Gov.; wands to Ging while he is drinking I Corner's. letting more in tatstian than titre Mama std pocket rho profit. The l soap. and it is insulting to treat ins t Cel. and MIS. 11. C. lttmlap left on staff, spent the week -end •in St. Thom - Mr. and hits. R. le Sae:eid were in SPECIALS r N Toronto for the week -end, retur;,` Fresh andCooked I<Cts. on iteadayy. rim, truit and Vegetables. Mr. R. L -Reed left Ia..t weep for .�ar3lnatoott, where he intends buying a csrleed of horses. *re L. L. Knox supplied for Mica ,Hildebrand oft the G. C. I. etaff dur- ing uring the latter s il:riets, last week. t Mrts. George Jenner Ives in Tors All onto ;attending then funeral of her 1 2astther, Mr. E. 1LCain, who (lied Mar. new staca . Miss Hodge, a former member of Come in and see oar goods and the t#� C. I. ast<aff, ie up from Toronto get rani• our prices. Dolivertats 9 a. no., ll a.m.. 3 p.m. and r Data. -. A full line of Groceries, etc. sq�rnd 4'4'1 when ar preaaprtwauea MMT Canadian (levirnment would iw t1 hen- 'telsgent men a* it they wee innsp: Monday for Satmrots. FIatit•hditThey rfrit. the. farmer 'mid feat heraeflt.1 aNe of (*nervation., •tpret to rctwro lith Mr. *i. 1 Mre. produces a large narplw *OW p]sat the manaafaetwrers frons AMPS: 'filiis, is ail new sine. the tamer. We T. Mitchell, hive r tight to look far relief from the lieso would *Aire alk linter dl i-; wed to bete. toe liar& Dinh dinoore, Ms. 1•. it ,,ender was in Toronto the burden of uanvsre.ea.aax tsxstints, aesM, We helietre it ran heas►atly he Ace were allotted to fool and tall* in , last weak whirr he attended the run- • Rauh that..1arh, the Peet .FKhtern Peoce, and, to Rett thingg a go 'after''eral (if lir, Peter (rods*!', Si,.of the egad' with economy wn ti±a'. Digin (at eix- Nooi..t say r*dwrtf_e. fa duty ass fano «Hnnrr the chairman t :k *cerise troll- (Putout l'oestreetin$t re, trAvatavve a9 nm,-ls Jr1$tcr a•duction sn►pl.stwaata hon Isere Mewed by in i' i e to arrwa(►ere far 000 t' end aprethsees" Allow Marguterite, ?tt,; '4 ' f.. YnN • 4 WATCH OUR WINDOWS GEORGE W. BAECIILER Phone 31a COR. KINGSTON STREET AND SQUARE r r t a 0