The Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 3dato • 148448414411100011. r-rrraamoraurra, THURSDAY, NtARCR 11117, 192+ Was LaiUp h Boils Neighborhood News Nuggets t� Her Back � °"�• -- Them" Nvunani rattle' O bar aisle, Picked Froin Our Exchanges mine'i I'41$1.8 - -� -,-- THE GODERICR STAR Mee 'a la„t Back etl ara•s • F i`” •'n fa t.r fee atiye�tiee I nal Cele,tae':, a teete Oa* t).. 'e.y friene_a ..e tree :,• t 4 aV rt net ;L bottle anti S0011 aaotieed a tdr:at deal of difference, so F tools fear bottles in all, tinct X elm in good health and have never pati any sign of a boil siuce•t' Manufactured only by The T. Mil - barn Co, Ltd., Toronto Out. • - LEGAL CARDS x,11, imono* Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 'Public, pato. Sureessor to J. I,. Killoran Phone 97, Office, The Square, eloderiele FItNEST M. LEE .._.. .. . .Barrister and Solicitor Su.Life Bldg., Adelaide acid Victoria Telephone: Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. I)LlOLE E, 1FoLMI:S. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. bite. PflONF 27 dl 1'Mit.l'tiN S'I RtiET. • SPECIALIST J)1i. F. J. B. FULISTER. ETA E.U1, NOSE, THROAT Matti Rouse Surgeon Now York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at aloorelleld'r3.'Eye Hospital anti Golden stduarn Throat Hospital. London, Beg. ' 53 Waterloo St.,S. Stratford. Tele- phone 267, At lintel Bedford, Goderich, on the evening of third Monday of etch month tilttho following' day, T'ueeday,..at 9 p.m. • CHIROPRACTIC DIlCGL1:S l?11AC1'I`fwtQN11111, 1)11,. A, N. ATKINSON. :Chiropractor'1 and oragtiets. Tbirnlrlat, goderielr" Chronic" tinplate and Nervous Diseases. licrtsiilpect with Iliatllorme, Elrclro- htagnetio Baths, Electrofli0 Electric) 'l'reelnfents and Chiropractic. Office hours ---2 to B mid 'I to 11 v. m. and by appointlnent;.excepting Mauclay ail Thursday, afternoons and evenings. Office Hours --2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.' Lady In Attentianee. Residence and Qfllee-Goriier South St. and l;rttannla Road. AUCT1ONEERING THOMAS °U;N IDY ei SON Lire Stook and General Auctioneers, Elgin Ave,, Goderiell.. Sales made everywhere and all efforts trade to give Yon satisfaction. Farmers Sale . Notes disco acted. Phone 119: SL .. S R 'AUCTIONEER. . .. l;�t '11?. 1' Tall , Will conduct sales ' anywhere. My terms are reasonable and I Will try aril •4irsatfsfaction, • Phone Carlow i311, or address .11, R. f,, C.oderich. NOTARY PUBLIC, :TC Wet .BAILIE7 NryrAllii PUBLIC. General Conveyanetn„ bone tied Companies.Itepresented Phone No. 29S. Goderielr: out, INSURANCE l'tK1LLfP "ilV'ttf L II1tE INSUIt Eon L:4ST.1IUi:D, FARM ANTI l;,t)r.AT1 P TOWN rm11 - E R.AA tNSPIIf"!7, Value of nrntmrty insured ail to Jan- trait' 1910 Paine, 015:00. - • - Ol''i ICEIlit--J.tnl n +Connoliw Pres]. dent, lnderieb ;etas. t;s ales. 'vice-Presle dont, Beechwood; T'. E. Hays, Sec.- Treas... S,'afnrllt. • DIRECTORS -11. V. athetreiyor, Rha. forth; 3. 0. (:.rime. Winthrop: AA'rl. Writ, Conclanne:• George nt((.artfiev„ Tuckersmith : 30be Perris. Ilarlock John Bennewlse. Broadl►agen; Murray Glb:tnn Briteelleld. - A(IF,NTS--T. W. Xrn', Coderich 1 carni,' Leitch, Clinton. 'Wm. Chesney. Sett- threat eal-fortht i1 111110110y, Senf0rth. Policyholders ran pay" their assese- ments at Calvin Mattes galore, Go4rrieht A. J. Mloorlsh's Clothing store, Clinton;. 4r 3. II Field's, Baelleld FIRE ISSORANCE Have It attended to by the WEST WAWANDSII MUTUAL fin FN$UkMICE CO Established 18:6 FFead Office: bungannoa, Ont. Wm. T. Thompson. Auburn, Pica, Wat. Watson. Vice Pres.; James (Br- ien, Flon. Director: Director:; -'-Wm. McQuillan. St, Helens' W. P. heed, ,, T1, 11, No, 2, LUeknow, harry l,, sal - held, f;oder1rh t Alex, Nicholson. Luer;- noww; Tim (irlflhi, II. IL. No. 7, Tete/mow; Ghee.' Hewitt. Kincardine; tote. llavid* eon. Dungannon. I1ite-S2.00 per thousand. THOS. nTorm:Its. T'. G, ALLEN, T rea5. k Elected Moderator of Barest r, Presto; tere 1 Rev. Irvin; B. lfainc, n f u Presbyterian chureit, Seafauti w ' eeleeted moderator of the Iltt.'a)ri Pre,bytery, at the meeting beltL sea 1 Clinton recently. ceased tad lacca iieleg in the WestJ for seine ?,�eaa= Site is survived ay!! me tlaughreee Mee N. S, Meleautifile.ti to the 1S c t; tinct twwc, -Lone, «nr , a!f Mcclicit,e Not, and John, inTei,; :ate. i l,nri sl was shade in the 'West. Fell 12 Feet from Window and Chitd Dodds -Webster r is Unhurt Pearl, a-ycateoid daughter of lair. caul Mee R ylvanus Cann, of Exetet;e hada narrow escape from dtetla on 1iillctp, on iV"edne=day e1ening, elaree $undo, zfterneon, e at'eh 3rt1, .waren Gth, when their second daughter. she felt through the second-sterev Cora Pearl, was united in marriage to t window of their home to the cemesrt .dowallc below. Shp was inunediate- ly rushee to Dr. Graham's office where it w.; found that she 'had sof- tened only minor bruises and sc ut- ches on ,her arm. Oesch.Schwartzent'rttiser and Neustadt creameries and Willi', }Elie Evangelical parsonage at 'Jur- take eharge right. away,:. Before be kit was resplendent with a marriage left a number of his (I.uelalow friends festivity en Tuesday morning;, Muhl got togtbther and presented hint with 6th, •When Miss Mary Ann, daughter a Parker desk sot. of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob h wartzen- Pullman-Powell truber,. of the Bronson Line, flay tp„ was united in marriage to Aar. Ed - A quiet 'wedding• took place on Fee Hound Ocseh, son of Mr, and Mrs. day, March let, at the Presbyterian John M. towels, of the Goshen Line. manse, Seaforth, when Charloette Hay. The ceremonylune conducted Powell, only daughter of Mr. and by Rev, W. Y. Ureter: Mrs. John If, Powell; of bl:eKiliop, be- Death of Mrs. J. Wheatley came the bride of Mr. Cecil John son of Mr. and Mrs. _%Ire. Joseph 11'eatley, of Clinton, Pullman, only William Patin -tan. of Ifippen. The �vha had been in delicate health for a ceremony was performed •by Rev, i• . number of =years and had been very a ifaine. 1II - for • some' tveeks; -passed 'ewer at Nominates Dr. Peale .her home, 'Victoria • treet, on Friday', Jiiaxch 1st. Mrs. Wheatley, whose At a meeting of the Toronto NOS, maiden name was Drusitla dull, wns bYtery on Tuesday, Manch 5th, Rev.. born at Westminster, Middlesex Co., David ferric, D,13;; s of `.'kingham, on July 16th, 1947, and was married A wee' pretty wedding wee ro1enr- nized at tho home of Mr. and Mr.;. Lorne Webster, nth concession of me - Mr. \Villtem T. Dodds, eldest soli of Mr. ;Thos. Dodds, also of AIet illop. Will Have Charge at Cargill Mr - Wilmer Ramey, of Luck :oww, has teen appointed by Silverwpods Ltd., ars local manager of the Cargill was, for -the second time, nonlinated-.to the late Joseph Wheatley at' Ego - Joe the nioderatorshtp of the genera/ ter : and going as a bride to 'Clinton assembly, his being the only name to had Spent most of the Intervening come up in presbytery. year there, Four daughters end Gfew•Jamieson one son survive. A. very pretty .Wedding 180e Death of Mr. C. Beacom Clinton UM n p , trial. at Ile �' a e -C ur h personage, td h c ..o e race nlr a a aK , On Friday, March h i c Iso at i i. hsho home, 1jr YA ter; on Saturday, March 24d. when Albert street, Clinton, the death oc- Florence 14Iay. Nounr est daughter of Burred of Christopher Beacom, at the Mr. aitd Mrs. John. Jamieson, Clinton- ripe age of 8'7 years and two months.. was : united in marriage to t'larold ele was bornon the base line' on the Francis Glow, elder sou of Mr, and farm now owned by Mr. A. Neal and Mrs. Frank Ole*. Clinton, The cern:. . lived in " that -vicinityuntil' eight 'mon,, VMS conducted by Bev.. C. J. years ago, when he moed to Clinton. Moorehouse. Mx, •Eeaconi is survived by his wife, 'Died at Medicine Hat who was formerly Margaret "Man -'1 Mrs. John Causley. a .former well- ping, four daughters and two sons, known resident •of Brussels 'passed:: Death of Mr. Chas. Wright away recently at the home w her son, Death removed a widely known and Wm. Consle.yr, in Medicine Hat. De- deserved, esteemed resident of tho ,. . Brucefield district, on Saturday, Mar• 2nd, when Mr. Chas, Wright passed l away at the ripe .age . of Ser years. BrODh6U Bross G1OtP'*ERICH Tie leading funeral Directors awl Brltlainer& also Anintlairce Service Orders carefully attended tat at all hours—night or day. -We aro the inspectors of anatomy in end for the County of Huron. 41Phones: Store 124 Residence j. ` " dolor Funeral Director and Embalmer Ali calf t 9 Urgl;t ; mutter :'s t veto L { melt, Pews: Due c33 Melee alele Godcricb, Ontario Many rucceseful business met& reguleile nee'1"rigleyes. The ace of chewing halt a soothing effect,. The healthful cleansing action of 'Weigle -yes refreshes the menthe:. gently stimulates the flow of the nattuat juiees-steadies the nerves e aids digestion. t before Mcrae ,el, 'Thi --t• elate xt,: I 1 known as Ti 1, r. r=:, aet?'F• 1i a n Neetans capeettee TI f ee eteet ereiee 1 ; anal 15 for c et-jeeate re, Caere !It?telt-' haeme cemeldie eT ': to na °here [salter• tt ' i'Rw i:*:?^ aGf enf- atttat.a°r £i;••1; -4t."4.;-:-''1.11 t, a„.1 r. > Cheques ate cent with teem, Atlieia!:a of filo i )r, a [ to,” fi:ld5 appreciate the tit -viable fie jt>i«c 7 le r aideg vat then e t •c te. t nee tided everything in thee Fewer fe facilitate to ttte 3 IT re• -a e lu , tee ` nubile? in plenty of item vee . the the denlantle of tem law. The total eelleetiere zee?c, the T. caanle Tax Aet €t t' lam s gar; atm et�7Tc niiliion3 '�f cl,lll8 (ahc, d twC, thr yo: n' ; le n 1`12fersc'{ tri sl►iee (' a tori T nr C("1<' se•'^ ; thi2tiern in the tax. 'tic Fti v Attret,+ bated this i 1 three things • lt"att t TRIttlk More Sleep for Mother DD EAT Saves, time because its rrcly-baiced- i. 'More ancient nictbn©(ti cowl- . Warm in oven and serve with hot milk increased pros_xi lc Witton. ee -ty of theIlealthiul protection for the whole family eountav, U. Advertising. ' Made Ay The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. La, • Requisite on the T'arnt,-eeEvery .--,_----._. _a' . __._ _""...• .e.- .. >. i1$1olloww a •'o Corn Remover,art 1.y, packssupply Oil lain i rp n ne-• PIMA b and It c_. ,.n the un - , - t e! tea horse and cattalo medicine of i Shandy farmer and .stock -raiser shoullt keep a su) ly of Dr. Thome'Titonias' 14.1 etric i r Vie* used There is n�, yaoisoneita'ingcedient�in without dtinget ©r injury on ILap(1 not )n1Y u, i ready remedy for ills tl_e dimity. but •becauseit• dui Effort Ira Being Made to tli►ie the �......�I! _-. •-' :---<t�• great potency. As a subtistute for Old Structure. sweet nit f'or horses rind Tax Act. feeted by colic it far stlrpassee any - In this issue an advertisement ap- thins; that can be administered. pears reminding the public of the law which stipulates that 'certain tutor - motion .must be in the offices of the Income 'Tux Inspectors by •March 31 next. This information is required from employers, corporations,'„ find 1ruetees or persons acting in a fidu- ciary capacity. it applies to year ending' December St, 1928.. For instanee,; .employers have to Bite a return givens the amounts paid each person in salaries, bonuses, com- missions, and fees where the atilount Was' $1,OO4) or more,. or where the sal- ary or al-ary.or wages wag et a rate of $1,600. 1 The - West Street Electrical Mr. Wright had been in' poor health from heart trouble for a year or more, but was able to be about the ;rester part of the time. Mr Wright was born in. Sterling, Scotland, in 1$45, and GO years ago was united in We curry a good stock of marriage: in. that country to Oahe Fer Electrac Appliances guson. Twenty-three years ago he � e y etc. moved o Teckersmith, and ten years later retired from the farm and mov- ed to Brucefield, where. he resided: un. We Specialize in til iris death. Wiring of All Kinds DOMINION 8' O ON INCOME TAX ACT Estimates given on application. Forms To BeFiled By Employers, Corporations, Trustees, Etc., By All Work Guaranteed ' March 31st Once again, Hon. W. D. Euler,, Frank McArthur• Minister of Nation I Re enu us N a v e is trig aad:to assist Phone 82 West street . taxpayersnewspinper complying with the re- quirements of •the Domivertisingnion Income • HON. W. O. EULER, The famous toeing tower of Plsa. has been tipping further over and fear lute bet'n felt for Its safety. In e.. ' t1IL t'ffort to save cite old iiertn'nzre i� concrete its teethe farea•(1 under tht' - VF1tf•1DtS9ltl. DOMINIC foundation. When inp':dare(( it think; Vt�R ♦ i1A IN (IiLi , S+n , ttr't -'era ano, tate 'never t73:3 fifteen �Yary1111.iti11 Flourishes bethe and one-half feat out ark the perpendt- w c,•'riko 1 metra In 1910. it vas sixteen and ow'- ibe ub1le--.;"eatVanI1huspirit half feet. The foundation de.{er ds --x'11; `chat Protects. only teff feet into the i;roftud. - > A recent survey was made'nf tires --- coronal - of -bunk( -worship. still sub:�o1I uutlei'nr1U1 nor chat to `` etourisi►ea' ln• portions- of the Domini- etee'1lg itening nunetire3 mid In un- - itepubiie, aewording to alt article dertalzeu. It was tteeidt'd to tnrer eese treeeently published in the New York ewe. under lift'.�wxttts; wheel aro tine. TheTribune d . teen feet thick at the bane. The iow- '1'he reeentsirowv�i1ni of :t negro In t'r, wvtttt iia eight �ytorlos, 1bW) X79 a stream calteel the Arroyo Homo Li •, Sect, wild is eottsttuet'ed thl•nlrgtlta►ll'nf • cited as a proof that til(' tWO-lieiedetl 1 tuaebie.. ;basilar:s wvlto flay' stutlted • Minister' of National Revenue . or , more:-- Corporations have to file the names -of' those who were paid dividends, .whether in each or stock, and the - amount of each. Persons acting in a fidueiary capacity, such as assignees, - executors, administra- tors, receivers, trustees are -required. to file details of the trusts they repre- sent, together with the nantos of and amounts paideto 'beneficiaries, 'Those mentioned in the act as hav- ing to produce this information are asked to: ;secure' the proper forms from the nearest income tax office, 611 in their forms, according to in- structions, and mail them to the In- come Tac Inspectors at these offices TVS never been dothbeforel Never, in alt motor car history, have 'all the. Chevrolet dealers in Canada got, together to slant Used Car prices and clear out their entire stock in a single mond*. . Heree tl*ey are .. good Used°Catrs .. taken in on the Outstanding Chevrolet .. bought right, kept right, priced right. . Now the New Chevrolets are coming to meet the spring (deliveries .. And every ,)'sed Car rias dot to GO! That's why we've *rade it worth your whip to buy nowt it's an*opportunity nobody's ever had before ... rut opportunity you may never have again. One week has gotne. Act now o 1 ttre.tr•s,twr Car EMS to O Pi MIS Meath / 1924 Ford Cope $190.00 026 'Ford Coupe $300.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach $000.00 Buick Touring Car $150.00 MacE �t�A�N TEBBUTi�t GO» RICH ONT. cal scarlet •tarp alt, reputed to frequent it believe that the tower esaamed its alae rIe.tufty again 1►as denl:tndeti ids 1 leaningf position whale under .inn- • annual ltt;tlnui vktlnl. :•strtre'tion, ^t*tail, iii thio twelfth ce It rt' The Arroyl, IIS,Ito hu<,{towl tbres tury...ctlti the; its dealliuerla (lilt net Atte eine ire fila. of the grew tt Anle 11, e'l intt'lltl It l'a 1°311'sugar compare knower t e2 the Central Donannti, - and the section of landdeist `el'ncle" to lint'F)utf, where the Unft+rtttntte 'above]. nae: - his death is cunt rated by a. pandal. ` Amongst the nen 'boys at Etort Oda Can who industry and. careful Haan- ; terns, says 'a writer In t"earSatl'O agement has amassed a 2411811 fortune. ; iAreelcly, is Lord Mae )atff, the four - The majority of rami e41 acrd ('141- ; teen -year-old 4400 of I'rluce Reid Prin- ptoyed by Bili► tare Il4yttalts of torr , Ct`'98 Arthur of ('OtanaLlgllt. An emus - pure biaek clime) type, densely i nor. ing story IS told about 111114, ant and thoroughly imbued with the* t,. The young earl had just learned • superstitions :and system of'c1ev11 wwot- the words or the National Atalne t, 'ship handed down front their mate. When he told Ills ranee tiult he•wwant• itllcl's,or• . r( to see "our noble Icing." • They say that their i'nll1loye t pos. + - One day when the King was walk- - FE�3;'("3 (( 1U14t11ar tipil•14 al•-•'.4)wl..t," flit.," tel the. p,t'el10(1l Ito I;a, ho: \vltll which does his blt1d1n: and w it&li s tsar Dolce t)f 4 01441ltu lit,,.I«oitt �Iar- ov::r his Int.e1•'•Ste, and Blatt the :tee- 1)ttt'f was told by Iris '4111134', .'`14)014,. schaoffitsed sieeeemo rs . l Bio egeei Itfroth takesli wwas star- ; thorn Is the Icing with grandfather."grandfather."dfather." yea.ktaytl;lll "011, no," said young Lord Mac - palm Droo('ollp, or witch eeetur, for duff. " that is not true hilt. ",t bet is a. lairt;"i stria. illy Unci(t (, (1rorgne.'•. Shoulda Negro be. -lax in his tasd:a '"''_ ar 5110111(1 ho steal from- his master . Whales are Herein,', the snake will at'ot►c„ notify Bial and . The largest 44 .141 In the World, cte-: 'protein trunielenent will be dealt out cording to speakers. at a c'wngress to the offender, think the voodooist, Na1turat . Selina e, recently hold 111 and point i►ut that the Donl!'tr1''a., to I Ianglancl, Is possessed by the wvhal't'._ cattle and horses are sleek and. int Prof. W.. Weygaudt argued against while tilnde - of certain of, his itele i- 4 a prevalent belief that the largest bora Are lean,• brain claim Is shared by whales, ele- The point where the body of the , pltttnts, and. man. ' HO stated that: the drowned Negro Was found:ls marked • whale alone.ustltletl cher. rl.itm,, tile,. by agarden cultivated by the slrper-; largest whale ever -caught having a stittone in the hope of propitiating brain weighing 7,000 grams, tho dead man's spirit and procuring • • The human brain, he added, eel- It isn't a pi'enietiir fare a furnace, • INSURANCE The Mutual Le if - � Assurance Company an: of Canada tetaitesbeettee Haut 0t rteu t \V T4alar,0o, piiT D. D. hlQQNE'Y, Agent i'Itu; n.-250 I1 U1tTii Sr.' . GOOttnctt, ONE. THE • • • 1IE FURNAr MAN LIKES us" wet E U4t) FLAMES or: Ht5' a rim V R iT RS EASY' t3 8 its infiueilc(e 1uands_ of . the serpent. 1tgaIn the futile.* ale- dont .exceeds an a(v era4t' weight of- But the drudgery can be, taken out oC 1,269 to 1,460 grams In :the ennt)+ nitd it if the right kind of coal is !select. The snake itself is -wild to Iippe:al''' 1:4;4:0 to 1,3411 la the fortieth. . - nit. near the eat en at noon and at mid- - - - - w - Thatea something wee sun coo foroat. y uigltt and the giant Is shunned: at I Hautgur* ' Rg1pt)a At tobfises, It is 'art of the' heat N'o lta these hours. At other bines faun- ? Tin' autobus tis a 1noltal44 ot'' Mitt a furnish l service' dresses . and 'bathers • proteet them ; t . fu ish yoit: not only with excel - 1 • f t teats and amulets which thew .,wwear nus penned around their necks. '•Tht year.number et ya4s been, a t•arrle0 lar enol of furnace, fireplace or r last year. ;llttwtligt hien, 'X,$b6,ttKd kitchen range, 'A neighbor• of white .Planter also wettest 1.311,0i•tl.tlte.year berme., ate- eroeperoutl, and to 'bite is attributed i •d1 et data printed In tit,, pt'stcr CALL TIRE and ennve'nIrnt travel 144; winning lent cont but oleo' wail the coal se w'e4 roll► the Rieke utth chaos r wIdespt•c •lel gopultrity iu stun ea1J tl t a suit d t ' 1a is e e your own p cu- the posses3Ion of 1"hake" 44hicir: Lloyd. 'D►►e' kingdom. is lrerve(1 by 121t0n the• t'atr•nl rf t 3)1* :}lawtl•tns` 147, Ilutolms liners, v.itha4.lel101n+'traee say . khat tills ph; , 1V04413) .;It eb;U)1 • of 3, 7 46 - - erolwd its : neck, • tiltclani(11m Of: . .. -- which often ex)1 b1e beard act she rut- • U,Krww,tit o! Cedar Trete 11At►out Makes its nightly tours Of'fn• - Fot Good 'Clean Coal spa•rtlou through' the -- :rcr village's' regfllreelmore. than a century fur ■�r,n CSA Bial' tree t0 vow lame coapt it to B ir1U TARD I + past el , 0 , o tr1 VVV COMI�ANY called batt'ys wwh(rh ale 1:eatictc+d p ti about tie. rano nettle. yield a 3d 1 tt. e<1ttt.,i14 vole. . In the sen re of each Dotty is a' eared; i'f hard'1ltytte'11 881'0141141 t)n 4511101 lite .Ii tyth+n,{ dant'' 611 Illtu)ttllt;ilt nights In On throbbing n1 grnat tam- boa or drums formed tont hollow 'her and headed with . natalt;al. • •Iieree the laborers and awl]. women - Indulge. In the wild 40141014100; 11"- ivalidti4 by the pr1.•4.111 and pat, -at- (sees of linodooenit. and. hundred I)y Nc� WAReC-rlCs--PLEASANt' AS SUGA1Z iritis and )sneer snatch prang! • madly . �.wr. r.ar� ,re+e,■.,.rggrr, ,r e■ Phone 88 - — Goderieb MILLER'S WORM POWDERS -� mantra 7111" AEBltEOO cOtiIITiON Swuml ' ON;Ov 7t1E 98EOEN06 Op WOttU3' AN4 RESTORE THE CHILD TO tionetet. Neave. a until they fait exit:itt.tted by the glow- , -: itto OWbere, Miro woe -lore and • twee t' iters fo't'tll'e tamely at :etch nrelea! • - eta are Molted upon by their dupes as being enp01' Wren and .women . During the harvest nea5On, aspics ' lasts froth nttd-1yeeember.11nitl Jetty, 08tte.8tee are of rre(gueltt occurrent.. t tinct occasion hataw y Inanely b) the .1 platalere, Foe drift season, in additiotl to tate fire guards pall by the sugar " Centrals, the Dotnlnlean (joverntneent furnishes patrols of soldiers who ride about the ii'rtde armed to the teeth a toed who have omalt liking for Bay.; Liens. "They are devil.- worshippers - ...not (*Misdate" say tate brown 1)ominkeanu of the Meek }fay tans, "and this republic will never again ` ubmit to their rule, as it was forced ' to do for forty years during the last century." A DANGEROUS MONTH 'OR THE BABY Mothers Always Dread the Illurltery March Days • No month of the e year io 'o danger - ours to the welfare of little once as is I Mnrcheethe 11Iont11 of quickly -clung-, ing weather. One day Is fine, the next cold and bluotery. One Clay (try, the next wet and dicatTreeable. ^ In spite of all preeaautions, the little h onen will take colds and ;hese wide often lead to more serious treoble3. Mather., when the first symptoms ap- !peareasneezing, rednesa of the eyeer, running nose- l,1aby'o • Own Tablet% 011ould be given at encs. They will } rapidly break Up the cold and prevent tlae mord CcriOUO eoiitplieationa. 4 Mother° werho keep u bolt of Baby's Own irablete in the !tomo aitvayo feel ; eafea just like Davin;; tl doctor fit the ; Voice.. The 'tableto aro a gentle but thorough laxative that sweeten the I stomach and regulate the lataaeis, dl,tisedritrtr£; ,out eonetil;8tioll (Ind in-, , (tigcetit.n and veiievint; the baby of'i the n13 1V ctildlaoct 1 ailnleete which ore the rfft'cet reetilt of a chewed eon- ; aliticn of the 1>ote& er ri 0081' (410n1. aae�a. • D0DV'ag Oda T:ablcto a4'0 cold by all medicine (lealer3 Or by mail at G ( mita to i;;os. ING0)70 The De. '!'9illratlna'' Median° 4're., L'4"i: revue, Ont. Prersopl e • CANNED GOODS WE. ,f • Speck] ucltten,n lino: tanned oaf,. The spades Jihad did Gut a few'd tho marry fiaye offerings 15' thin week. . Asparagus Cuttings Lyon A`afley, IN 27c Wax BOWS Domini, Pirand. cu 2f1r. Diced Carrots Aylmer l;rta:d,2Coo 25C Sauerkraut - URA 2 lin 25c Golden Corrin Dolr.ien, e • i 8e Spina ch t?81n79t:t^. i2a9:Y,. ite nn l't1 ' Daycide Brand Ct a(ce gtotuy PEAS CORN or Tomtitoea 2Tins 1)ELMO1r'tE 13RAtelt7 PINEAPPLE elle alianCiudlad tine Ilteanis.t Sliced titw 28c SARDINES lea itis +1:,1 I'J.11i toll 8* b„ r lr,'' ,J: tee. meta PEACHES Ne t Tin 19'' Chicken Iladdie Lily arenas, ' ca. 210 Kipper Snack,* A teat Trent, 2 tins 13c ter etintle ith". 2 ties 25C Lobster Paste Sardines, - Crab Meat Pimento! Chtrrics o6 G>rapefrni t pi44ont o10rw,lges', 2 4 141 25c 41 Peal:•, Sept:lonab�yy tis ,3541 1 115-lE o4iI4b, 2 L.aa8 25c lied' Pate ria 25c tecta ed, Meech ca 27c Iti'lamcilo Sal easel COFFEE ,j,teb t' 4,4 d.i414-,• hila 1 SUMO 6 v. KpGr virritir ill