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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-14, Page 2
PAC, TWO III 111. II I 1 1 I 11 III Ila qi-•i it 'SIE tY office of the Sank of Montreal .alas a Savings Department where sinal accounts are we!c me and every depositoris encouraged to: save regulatly ". y'stentatic saving p:zrvidee the money for family "good times." BANK F NK:-NTI--JEk Established 1817.. A TOTAL, ASSETS' f N EXCESS O p ._ $ 5 7 0, 0 0 0, 4 0 q eonfexence need come together and all flesh, also. the faithful_ disciples, lunate good breath in devising new unto whom was given= to hand'out schemes, in formulating new methods, those everlasting decrees, did they in ,obtaining now visions (for we ]near not know that after a few short years her saying she has been, And is get., men: would become' wise like- -Cads ?-- ' ting .them, of which we'shall speak That they would have to be given new'I Christ made present demis in His ut- tandinot emergency later), in order to meet and success. methods suited to their -.superior fully Paco. her present dilentyiia. Our standing? And why, I risk, wool y methods Outlin, i�r° terarices. The heart ,of man is open ed and embedded in the original .w.. ,. to mai, tram the beginning of the draftingY of that most halt' an(isacred A:ye1.14a:d::ides rev , plan that to saved and satisfied men , ... 1,•,.“1. c. .w' 1.vak•iy gator/thous to the ending of them, .... .7 1.. t•.,., ,.: ..v4 s+�_ ...x __ r "o like an open hooky • From the begin. and women as good and worthy as • (� �i T saratrer's tieteu.rtitI, .,dNuy u; rosea m, Hing" of lrutn'arnity's requirements to this world will ever know,' Men Be -witched --And 4 M1 oo,--by Heck�.....,,, .:.:s. ..reser e.01.41.0. .4 Vti rrwS- ai tee very ending. deem Oke a mama i , g But' .it is midnight, and time, quite r.,....:iu, t....w.. ..ut dieglizee, , 1tiv W14 d'ay+s Watery.. i w,.,, %"" u"' "'"4" 144' .'''''" t, I" rive. , opportune, for old men.to put their ., a,io.e�«.,.t "4"41'''' .y. ar.atd►y 4,i The nsprretions • of humanity's :caul ]lead beneath their wing. r (11y :�. Mary: rete mar nn Uadario .,ac3 saxntiirag aapoyi froirt the frust crea=tion to the' end of , Thanking you, The Star, INS'lAL1.11Tlrlr 1° 3, !farmers sof Cataria are.a irro'peroue, sitz, :aria a noire a.bau�t, or aitogettier I nil time, like the. brilliancy of the N. ]3A7rR. pen, le, "there's a serew loose, there a »day uun,..and in the very:far e«of The Star, Goderich. l t $, o iu as g;a4d. #.ren ne ]gars paras ztrta ague t b a .. r (To be continued) are whale o of craws loose ]gars that n clear. decisive promise, e .r a sr ms a " 0e� pe p , Ntiiv, :lir. >;datar, I am going to d uuitraengs tvorxn as rnnrch moire, t tour rt little as T sometimes do, you P upper story. Buta that. doM, n airy savors no wean ro seal t=ie .arm, no els x un l°ngedabg ,infallible cl j arra quite aware; But 1 alwaye je so people e to Inst like yMany t tip our divineChrist. "If ,: Dnmb Customer (to clerk) -Ise© have ab eeta Lae presses throughout Canada ta=lk be able to rei�.lse about as riruch, be lilted up, rwiil draw alt men, and for a xlaeeific purpose.I j !the as ,,ens tory cousin. ..tie : r.ither. getsthe.direi:tions on this c�ti of polish in view. This time I .want to lay ; 3uut.aike that, and they briar; figures notnara a Yail zor. his arias or into women too. In''the very #acs of all Saye to use.plenty.of; elbow ease. more ental: sen surfacingupon the to prove it t is strange. it is Mt g buildings , t this our church will waste years of y road I have come, I said sarnething i understandable, just what the motive tor the eupon it, acct he is time :in devising. new methods and Gamine n can of that, also'" in a former letter about the fellow r sassy : be. Our statisticians have a her,.taxed oy Severity #or, both all h k that h } way, a plan, by which they gather up — who knows" and then ' c nth their church. .31anr of t=hem glory in her efforts, For the leee of tint 'intend choreas, many or thein slumber let u* have fre=t an. And have cearecl it so, nv the .generalme row it will sae, "Why. 51r. • verdict, as ft ]rets been voiced to me Baer, it cannot be expected that the BL ACKS in every corner of this noble land, sante methods will do, sea in t brist'a • right to within a gain shot of my own clay. Look at the numbers of people deer, "What's the use?" "°tie get 'there are tod;sy; ther'o were only a tut little of coed feed savary, it's comparative few then. And I have not as it used t� he." Now here re a read the same logic right off tate re- zaest lamentable.. 'harrier for cur ligious press before now. Bat for ehweh (o hive to Ricer and batt the very life of ate, 1 cannot strain against and often wvo uses oureelvee, toy ryes erounh to enable ane to get Do our c:iur Ole mai' eieeg a 'snow it ? a focus upon that theory It in a ' And all wo van anuwer lo, orhey etrange thing that the elle: iso and have every cppertunity o leetwing{ rill -knowing God should not have made it." Our clergy, our church. e ac iaio, some prevision in the great plan - our lay members, have no e' euro schema and method of humor{ s:aiva- whatever to i Minded to the feet, • tion 'which would' have been fitted to and rbc facts we need to reit up rail just eueli ' emergencies. Plea6e, let' old. before us. us look for a brief spell upon some , i well remember a certain man's texts of the Book of bootds. (3ut cowman expression (in my boyhood's here again we aro met with the fads- years) In ]us ezpatiatingy,upon merits vidual who says, ""l' don't think much - or demerits of anything in ordinary of just what a tent of the Bible' . r'i -'--r Amor as TIIU tSOAY. 3IAtt 'll title 1 :.a: ama- "011111.111•141 THEA.. LEADING MEN'S STORE p « and Tailoring Special al Orders MRN'S SMART WEAR conversation, "'It is not the theory of says") and that may apply ton feast • the thing, but the thing itself." And texts of our Bible, when the con -texts whilst to the educated individual of are disregarded, but only a few. Our today the expression nuiy be come- Bible says ""0 day with the Lord is ads • i what crude, or even simple, it con- a thousand years . and a thousand Boiled whole. to=ns a hidden meaning that covers years as one day." From this view - much truth, and, is in the 'extreme point it is only but as yesterday since ' Whale flesh Was n recoanieed ar- and greatest force of its emphasis, the plan and method of salvation for tide of food during the fifteenth and a:pplleable to the present conditions of humanity was unfolded. I also read, sixteenth centuries. In England whale our Christian church. She has too "be fruitful,. and multiply." Now! a was either roasted and served on the much of :theory (too darted much)' question• --"Did the great Jehovah of spit or boiled and served with peas. and not enough of the' thing itself. all knowledge not know what this The tongue and tailwere the favorite Froin the days of our Lord here upon would conte to? I read again (obi parte. the earth, in fact from the very first we can read hundreds of them). but ages in biblical history, are there em- a few will do "Go ye into all the Lire of Wood in Matter. photic evidenees of denunciation, of world'and preach the gospel. The The ssverage life of wood fn sea the placing of over much areas upon gospel (not some other trashy hum-, water is from ten to fifteen vetirs. in the theoretical' end of this gospel and an make up) to every ereature. Did tropical waters it may be enlY two the practical rout refining, mind up- our Christ not know that the world f years. sound plies Olive, however, lifting, heart inspiring, life reviving .would. •be full of creatures in due 1 been removed. froth fresh water in end is the end which is to' be lifted up tinge?` "If any' man thirst let him which they have stood for mere than to •tho world. As we have already come unto Me, and drink," "any ( 1.000 years. "And Arid X, if I be lifted up, will rasa but only one way."Who-se- _ � � , draw aril men to me'.i" Tiiero is no ever taketh' therefrom or addeth f A humbug is bad enough --,but a conjecture' about it at all, no guess thereto," etc., etc. "And not to ane bedbug is worse. work. leo question .need arise in the only," etc.. did our Lord Christ, al- t Christian. church; no conference after so the Father of the Universe and of E. V.TtESSL . Manager :Goderich Worms are encouraged b3' morb d conditions of the stomach and boar - els, and so subsist. Miller's Worm Powder$ will alter the oonditiolls al- most immediately and will sweep the worms. away. No destructive para. sitecanlive in contact with this med. icine, which is not only a worm de- stroyer, but a health -giving medicine most beneficial to the young constitu- tion, • A pair of tights. amotrg Scotch acrobats means a couple, of Scotch trrobats. Somewhere, - semebodY "is ereediiig proofs on the seed catalogues. ' Spring's just three tons way! notes o e tvaridex trimers uit their " knows.. \'tell/ -1'il tell you. he will; all the frcigments that nothing - he q .lab > A.nd! be either upon a fair way to recovery., { lost over a very wide area.•t'Viey their, in tiro f ace oft all this,. •�statisti« or he will be confoundedly hick, and T lump it all into a lump and then they= cram, boomers, travelers, presses and will frankly admit—well!.1guess, l comnnrenceto roll the lump around gas else will persist•in arguing business' perhaps. ,I inn badly e 'effected in both, a schoolboy would` a Snowball. It ac 13' Prespet'ous over ruses whole eoun iiap. But the man, or even, the eon ulates tis it is beteg; rolled over . • • woman, who looks over Western On- the entire earth: It is puffed and'. \Yea1! I'm not a business man: All taxis' from Detroit river nd to Lake blown about in all of the presses i:r I can know about it is what sonic Simcoe, from Lake Brie to the' .Geer. this country, and other countries, and business men tell me. ,But T figure gian .l=ay (and 1 suppose I .could not people at home and abroad have tho out ml* conclusions this way. It the pick out a fairer oample of _ all can. opinion that the (lanadian farmer f basic industry of Canticle IS standing oda, than that) and looks it oven' rolling in his wealth. This tiling i$ upon legs as wiggly as it coulee eas- „ thoroughly and without a bias, there applied to the wheat, also the coax.; a BY proven to be, bow .ca4.. the other —comes back to you and says the grains, and every one of the one hun- business of 'thin eountry be so OX- dred and one other things he podia trelnely prosperous? ccs, also to.. the money he has on de- j ' Now, stir.: Editor, by your tcind ppo�sit in our banks and elsewhere. to pernriesion, let us go iglu .and pica the tautomobiles they drive, and .amen up that ;thread winch we dropped; else. And, scarcely envoit0 will over AO* tante.ago. stop to think of the very wide area If are' Mart Or woman can pass from which those aggregate figures through and over the same territory have been gathered, and how little (above mentioned) and can carry his they represent to the individual fair- observant visions With hum. and if by mei. in this country. And many a heaven's permission he is permitted rnan 'will fling into your teeth, looktti return safe and sound both.x in body at the Amor* of money farmers have and mind, ' can he say to you or to on: deposit.. It evidences nothing at me and believe it, that the church in Herbs are Best for all from the simple feet that the in- Canada or Amerreaa, is a: prosperous dividual deposits are amatt, and in al„ institution. There is only one way'' most every instance, the farmee of defining the condition of his or her ► • • could ue that depaait, to a much bet- mentality. And because 1 uirt not a - a vjr o ter advantege in his home business if gifted subject for defining things, guy: he hod but the very slightest encour• definition may lookawinlly crude. ivafurat, sate and Wondetff k es any pement rofitable ve could comee out might bolts, there ebolts loose g bolts, of hiss heating its so doing.. or her upper mechanism. Even the As 1 helm sold. our wise statisti- holes where those bolts belong are. 1lcrba, end limbs only, ore recd iu tial- eians gather up all the crop the farm- rotted `away. Nott', lour Star I rim lagher n kidney licu►edy rvidelr is one er grows.. Then. they add to that, tilt carry to feel like talking in tie way of the old, proved], herbal 1lattscliolti the stock he hos in his hpossession, , .I am doing, it is no pleasure to etre', Remedies that the, noted herbalist, .tad plenty, else as well, and the gum' whatever. I ehould be one of this demes Gallagher, tomponndecl himself total eonstitutos the farnners' annual Church myself. Sometimes I feel as more than anyeaningo, And thesegotxl returns. Bat they are altogether if T runt,,,, maiiy times^1 do not. And Herbs, Nature's gift, have great twang/ un -appreciative of the fact that most. when 1 say not prosperous 1 ilea), ponce. Even nano kidney ailments ly all of his grain, hay, roots. and from * spiritual outlook or inlook. like ltlirum stigma ere relieved by flal- 'else as being absorbed by the stoek Fee this is the only viewpoint from bladder Bad l,aei arl►rs, dray rpetls keettartor either earrnyingalortp)1fand the authorib. ty tonviewtrand estimate the 4; and bladder mqt° ieh heron atop. aim tralsiwaths, lierhel rowdy,eirsar'ptian is also accompanied by gin» .progress and value of the Ciixistian o It remtcrkal.�le and safe. KM l%y 5t when till his done *nil ovver. with that church. hIt s� utterly useless for .,ten in the t'eangt6cll"a Drug. Stares Goalrricia net profits are reduced to but a (arae- pulpit, and men out of the pulpit, f`or men er women in the ehursh auxiliar- ieseoor out of then, for men or wom- For Straight i.c•gs For Baby--(::;.ive Scott's Emulsion PAP err in our mimeo fickle or not in them, to expatiate to exereiso theut- selves -in the blowing up of or land- : ing to the skies, the el'urclr'e enoria- ous efforts and endea=vors toward the salvation of this world, and to r'idi- • mile, belittle and 'besmirch the men and vomer, whose spiritual visions cannot (positively will net) be • brought to ecce it in just that light, anti to at of sueli that those aro only people of small vision, of narrow inind, of undeveloped intelligence, i l:noekars, faultelindors. 'do-nothings, etc., etc, Von are simply wasting rood saii. There .are r.rore intelligent prop? ' in this world tactay (and in every day) than just the once who are fortunate enough to gather to. them+elves tome of our higher idu# catims. > 1 ant •int+rised,. Utterly astounded, at the nitniber of seen and women in Ontario who aro dimply dlissusterk op Distress - After Eating If you suffer from ..our acid stoma': arh, lisle. heartburn, bdoatinq, ileareta carr; er indige'tlon after meal% you rats prevent it in4 t*tttly in future, by taking a ]utile Bi+auraatcd Magnesia inttnedi$teit atter chums•. This +iia=' l rk nld.time prol+esation 14 really: reen4lerf(al for eafely ads i 'wieldy rine 1 , **clime ocrr-*tldity° crawl r•elicc•ir.; tt'A+. hinadtisa. holrh,raf, dist tt ', - amM+err reel(1 tad" »tier.+tin! wrin+ $1.1 gr!eli aatinn. It i+ perfertle Mamie. a t mot plottaant to t.altr ant* it* ,trti••ii 1 not only, neat rrdllr..+ arid wtnnrat h hnf t tend. to ,,:• slag. -Ural na d nrotrrt: tt,.+ billarrkt itanuirrt iinliij. Alta p.r,s_, .*Miert a Liebe, $Mansel Rlitr•! , Mold Wahra bt* rver!rother'► in Cat is ee fa t ..r pnw(Mr' fame awl u„iii .oily by tie o.ania, • SPECIAL OFFERING MEN'S and Y UNC /WEARS Blue Serge e Sums with a fra pair Of Pants at $11 9.;50 They are well tailored in single or doable breasted models, art silk lined, 'es -$19 J1f �rn 3$ to 42, . Speci=al s zt- The complete'Aien's � `1 � • ROBINS � , Store in Cbd'erreh. r Phone 8 �r rine 3 Dor an of Canada Income Tax` Information Reports .Are :due March 31, 1929` d • .. .. • „� •0'.°1100 This advertisement is directed to: a4 Mss 4 re +7 Trustees Employers Corporations Ate• •0...*** 1100 ” f +: mow 00, r te ee,hea„ a when - —,......e... ra- cts.na TAX 3211 $ . ww,.ru w..a 5 iry� j'y0�. YC e ' • ----tze,„.,,,,,.."•-e.,-"-'itett:efer,..44.'4, •eees. met r oration, Donot incur .the pet'iatlties which the taut imposes for delay. What is Required of Persons. Acting as Trustees All trustees, executors, administra- tors, assignees, receivers or persons acting in: at fiduciary capacity are re- quired to maim a detailed return of the laconic of the estht •'tr trust which they represent. Loeationa of Income Tax deg rnspectsts of ocaeleion Thome Taut ere located in convenient plates throughout Canada. 'they wilt cotuply promptly with written requests tor iniormation. They will supply you with the proper fortes upon which to make returns. Consult the Income Taut Office nearest to you. Address "Inspector of IltoMinion income Tax." The offices are at: . Halifax h*. ra teti,e This return should be made sn Forage stint Johngeese strtmrwicid wsroo•tkevttto 1'atWin. iatioti l nton Oklide - t[aud ii•eirt•rtrin i. Ptwr•aceaWtMast saliaarYer aa sointtill.""heoliewman - ritaary Ai►erc• vdenanVOOA 'rrt"r_. - na,.,eas What is Required of Employers Each employer in Canada must make a return giving particulars of salaries, wages, commissions, fees. bonuses and other remuneration of all direc- tors,. officials,, agents, employees, pro• fessibnal men or other persons • t+vhe received $1,000 or more tinting the calendar year 1028, and who were paid at a rate of wage or salary. (in. eluding bonus) equal to $1,500 or more per annum during the same .period. • Employers should ask tor worm 1t4. What is Required of • Corporations .Every corporation in Canada is rem quired to file alt return of its dividend's or shareholders' bonuses paid or credited during thecalendar year 1928. . . This return should be made on Form ' T$. . Caret Your Forms at Once: Xllank forms may be obtained by writingt your nearest Inspector of Dominion Income 'ax, or Postmaster, or the Income Tax Division, Deportment of Nattienal ]Revenue, Ottawa. The addresses of insptctors are given herewith. Full instructions appear on each form. 3)o nr t delay because of the absence of officials who generally sign such reports. Any responsible member of a firm or corporation. or any person acting as agent for the trustee may align three returns and so avoid the penalty. ' Mach 31 is the last day for making information reports required under the ?Mon* Woe Tax Ac", 'i he income Tax Division respectfully asks for tbi fullest co„ t p tkm of tatdpayers required by Glow to mks these returf►gs. THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENU income Tax tib. Honourable D. PALER, C. s. wA "i $., Minister of National 14venotr.. C. . di Totaling . .Mair _ .v..., ,., w. . aa..a. ..... ,...w .-:A AWN.. w. A.. Aa. NM.... .. - ..,• new