HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-07, Page 9'fill. WAY' MARCH 7th. iter Tri►t1i1s llara�r�rblend wieaaextyauoarAert�ea ORANGE PEKOE 114.Br A TLA Cn37 IN THE GODERICH STAR is I eo reel, 'however. that the time - Bra nchial cold i� tape for sin inveet.itsai:en into the . Nen) of Hyde:, distribution." Not eo Iong Ago, said lir. Roberta Left I' aor vAtIt son, i e hail Taken a rase W Hon..-. chigh• R. (',ur�Ce Hydra E',7mniigsi©ttec, and ,�rfl ������ Primer--Luu1,t Tierem *vn= '�tuo-t3:r on Neil 21, average tattnt+►u.=:' 13.15. 1-> 1, JOHNSTUS, Teacher, 7 • S. S. Nu. 1. Keit Vl swan belt 1, The follening is the `court of S. e. Mr. { eke heti aidna.ited that tee amt- 38 Tsgrtwr 13t, No, i, wvit. «elan i►, for the ter wee one of "rest gr:evanee," At Iatrv, A, i►rirueiau,•" month of Febraises : V -May Ras le, 11:C lattf"►' Uggr t;C'n, he, AIr. R 1)^ Chatham, vet etritea:�= 1 Ai pleen el r to take this oppottuuity at telling Sea ,7•b; Barry Bente, 70.7.; Heim li•:lo, ertsen, had taken the case up withtlae Qf asy telerieeiee mitt` 6/4.8; Morgan King, 57te. `ripe+.'eee IIytire engineers and hast been adv is - ed that '°a�olitiriesr s�ioulcl keen out of Hydro." 'When he bad quoted Mr. ' t'u�,l:e'e ol�inicn he bad been net wale Cie 'reply that "the Ministe• hasn't anything mire to sat. about it than Ri imonsl, +'lie.. = S ' IV'., 1'st Dt.i Dr. Wood'�i ow; ht: Jose131iitte Alms,eine ,tri ,e ,�.0 ,• fled It:Mahan , aa).S. Jet II%.• r e-- mond Beele. is0.4; Beati>'.Y e liin:�l�an. Pine 81,;:; Joe Kelly, 66,S. Sr. L --Fd , feebly. - Jr. IoeMaarg Carrell. i',o=:: yott h�ive.0 Rather arrogant talk. • Norine Kimball, Nor'rnan f&yle Tree % oil the 'gardens' csbservc t Mr. Robertson, for people t"F,,ar1y lot winter 1 sulered Prem Number on roll la, Average` nthencs= who "fixed their own eateries:' a ,revere broue>a"lal cold that left we ewe leis. MARY MOOR, lr■wrist■otr■of#ntsiisisssiatsiaasip�iuts�ar� Goderich's , situat o:i had Teethed with a premehing, daprhaekisg math. Teacher. nein _0101,-01 01, After being bothered Wath it, both v ggytsq� gra s� s a � pgg�r,Rq;s the point, said the speaker. where the for soma time I ht►d a U. S. S 1�0> I. Colborne • rounell had passed a re,obition ask- and ungt, tri ing the ITydro to develop Trower on professional nude resomraend the. abaio l Report for February Si. IV.• =• - s tIn a '� IKnitlaind river, rather than bring it = 'pOUgh syiiip wiaitii I foo- with. wunw ; Test marks in Granintur, Geography • � Ai* nal `twits and, naw it is the may,and Arithmetic: Kathleen Williams, s re all the way from Niagara, under. ex- - remedy I ever UM for colder. ,.,,, , rnoon s . I s,.:e; Nelson Pearson. 'Co. Jr. IV.— eL.. IS DL-T HAMILTON, _ d_ .._c n.. had - _ the tI'rfce 86e. *bottle; large family alae "'Wilmer Rutledge ^6• Filecn Fee - , rev fisting rates. _ � iy ;air. Ferguson _._� _-0101..--0101_.._ iii f8 gen, leti rn stonem stwareersenere chairs ianitiaetnei erve+sewetenne aetni eadtweletes said ee"eperatlon between hydro and Tot `ri i 'fit T Itob Ira C' •GOe. at s11 druggist* or eaters. t I• . " G"• Keith I•e' asi G1• °Mere+ uP a. 1" 'J s • u •o,. !Kerr, 23; *Carmen Brindley, absent _ ' " Toronto„ Ant, � Jr. 11I.. `fcsted in Composition and Jesns, stand among us 7n Tby risen power, Let this time of worship Be a hallowed hour. Breathe the Hale Spirit -- Int, ovary beast, Bid the fears and sorrows. From - each soul depart. Thus with quickened footsteps We pursue our way, Watching f til dawning M I°..Ve.r .t,,.t),i ,.....- .01.41....,.. 1 5 eel 1., CLOVERS ANSire TIMOTHY."1/4\t t It pays to sow Better Seed* All t»di-known autliuritive -realize the truth of th;i And progressive fiuis.n everywhere aro venting by their expert adder. Good acteds ratan Good Grope. Sew Steele, Bruen tested Metre and Tiswthy Seed, grown freta ee:et:ted stocks t"Lion" =tbe Brand of Qu llity vtlea" timid M.e6DlVVM a6ir CLOVER " Lice's 1kua4 MAMMON Lt31'+7t R 'Tata" 'Skold Al.tlial tr tit l R "Lina" keel WHITE BLOSSOM 6vi't n3r ammo fio "Lira•• Lead TReete it~r mane ALL CANADIAN GOVERNMENT STANDARD Nese I • Sari Resrmiisre Iw (*Wm STEELS. BPIGGG SEED C4�a4r TM CANADA'S OR&ATtST ,I',tfO #,W$7F" TORONTO.HAm t.'role-MlnMNipa-t�f�teauk-kaworrrom MUNICIPAL. -the rural power user. Well, he ohs ltd., L. CO NCIL Paundkecpers John Savage, »1ieS1 enth day as a day of rest; and this served, he could not see how cooper* was to be a sign of the covenant be- Mien could be achieved in the face of --- tween .Goal . and his people. (From the present methods'of power distri» � " XiEPUR'1'S Rensan Feagan, 6�. YI; Donald out except Councilor lilac, illtnute • F ' g �^ A vithnxotie--Rvuneth Williams, 73 ; C`ouneil nest on Feb. 4tl1. tell rms. raieKenzie, Patrick Wean, John art (Icor a 1lrennan. and Thas. Treats enson Herr. 73: Gar- onto viewers--- tris. eVl"bmneee S. S. No. 15, *Vest Wawanash Willianzns, T'0+ R • of January meeting was lead and alt- , .1 the Encyclopaedia of Religious Know- button North Huron ho said hada R b Davidson. Cao. Iarne, Th ledge) Matt. 12:1-8/ population of sheet. 12,000 people. The following is the report for the , u W" 1"ams, G7; 1V1nnr£red 1lFatson, proved on motion of Anderson and o t` In these ver>res Christ reproved the they weeded Hydro, but at the pies month of February; Jr.1Y—.Graeme �i0, Kenneth Herr, 28. I. I'hyllia Swan, A •letter from' the Globe In» Dickson, Rola+. Fitzgerald, Iignetty blindness of the Pharisees +concern-' ent time he doubted if more than iif- chantne , 06.8, IVillie Craig, 78,8 ; Kerr, good; Primer—Aeeerdzna to g for proper Finlayson, Jas, ane and John c- . stars` -Davis Williams. t€37: Flub dtalnnity Company asking p Leod, ,James Keane and D.r, A. liEa - ing the breaking of the Sabbath. He ty faxniters were getting it. !Gordon Rabinsan, 418.5. Jx. IIT.-- Ryar.. 15G• lack Wilson, 150; Arnold claim papers to be filled in for this Lean. gave them bcripture instances from Mr. Itabext4on claimed that the Ferns Plowman, 64.6; Jean Robinson, Young. 140. David hardy, 121; *Mar claims uow pending, this was otdere,l t, criclt Township the Old Testament showing that in_ country was tatting away Erato. the 170.2, ,Sr. Ir,.-.hielv9n Craig,. 68.8, dant. Bylaw 1�1a. 1 'was vend a third The eaun.il met in 1lalmesvtita cases of necessity -the laws did not=first--eoneeption' of "good roads."' Sam Thompson, 70. Sr. I. Stewart tarot Meltnighi, 120 Cleo Williams, time and 'finally prirsedeoil meninx of ox a bind a man. So the need of his die- Back in pie -malar -car days good Chsanney, 77.7: Earl Plowman, 78.3; 1o0, Thr _ 1naal•ed aniseed two air Anderson. and Ritchie. The auditors h'iare h 4th, pursuant to adjournment. Of eternal day; Amen; ciples tin than occasion justified them reads Were taken to .mean the build- Edna Plawntaur 75.7« Edward Ronin- maid days. BancNumber • 7. volt *2 then presented their. report which A eommunieation front the C. P A Wm. Pezrneftither, in doing onthe Sabbath *bat t would: inof market toads Radiant"towns. 'son, -78:. Jr. I.—Edwin 'Thom son. '" ase-atteaidanc,e.- O.G.., -• Vas'receivedand-ado ked:• on -motion• - re ae essntent.tvas rrferrctito thr.at� do a Sabb t• leas; a t o to S, S. LESSON FOR MAR. 17th, 1929 . have beeni otherwise unlawful. To Nowadays they meant nothing more , 70, Sr.� Px. —Howard ' Thoutpson. AfAIIEI, WOODS, Te;achoa•. of Swan and Anderson: ' The fallow- wase`, A letter re appointing dee- Lesson, Topic—The Christian .Soh- cram, all, Christ said that he wall a trunk 1'ites connecting one tower bath. , Matt. 12.1.8. John 24.10, Rev. .1.10, observed, distx•lets. The present government, schools. It is solely in their hands, Pollock. 83; Myrtle Foster, 78: pass- $13, Mie,-Saundans, wood $O, • cane o_ Golden Text—Matt. 1218. 4, hn said, was .laving tea much stress The deparbuent does not twee anti• Mary Woaman,. 08: Cecil Pollock 60. patient see. See; eennialpet world, re chemical spray such as weed roti. John 2• •l9. thing •on then+:' Avex:ase tests and tinily .records Or £ot` the extermination of noati"►ur, Exodus 20;8.1101. This is tiro first assembly that was on provincial hii;hway% .nabecularlysupplies, $85.36; The Star, printing the f ce of what the farmers hod , W University t L d J` Sr,iecount 1028 $166n15; Donald IC- weeds, particularly sow thistle. Att. • Sabbath, the seventh day, was t S. S. No. I1, Ashfield and Colborne ing 'bills were ordered paid. on nt aunt. t ati e t o the Convention of the (in:. cr 1. - n i o -- ------ `w, . of Anderson and Ritchie: i,occ"1 aro a epee•ere a u t s ees tv' at . Lord ref the Sabbatb-'-sand had there-- with another- and meanini; little to the say as tn'v�ilibt they need or want Promotion tests in Januazy. From Lesson 'asrrrge,.ee E:odes 2A;3.11 #ore a right to zee. how it should b0' the back concessions and the remoter (They always initiate movements for .Sr. iL to Jr. -II, --Honors, Gonion Board of Health, January meeting, vend and filed. The clerk WasIre - e strurteal to sevum more infoa m:• tqn ie-" convened for .tiv.orsh p an the Lord's in . cs a For 'Western nivarsi y o on. an, unuazy ;and February; r, IV,— Lena salary F, auditor 14 su' 1 les. Norman Holland having notified the hal to contiibute totva>•d them, � honors—Kabel Pollock 84• Alma n, 1 ry as di $ p� garded among. the Isrraebtes as _ y. - day, and in that assembly. Jesus was Hon. Mr. Henry—You wouldn't ask and a day of vest, In ' Genesis 2:,1 jpeeseut. 'Since that time the day has 'we reads "And God blessed the rev- been 'observed in the church as the -Huron then2 provincial highways in enth day, and sanctified it; 1>eearise .Christian Sabbath, particularly to Mr. Robertson—Pm afraid 1'11 have''.gre'ater part of its student enrolment thatt in it he had rested: from all bin, commemorate .the •resltrreetion of - to the honorable member that work which God created. and nzade.'.h Christ. (Barnes' Commentary). warn h will down be- tthe. city and cline outride. w The We do not `'cad +of. its .observance by our county council 11 be time would come, be tiguxed, when Rev. 1.1o. fore long asking some extra cancer- the university would serve Toronto the people until the time of Dioses, : ». He introduced it in, In this verse we have the drstinc -•dons of him alone 'Western and Queen's Univer the athering+ o€ -the • Mr: Robertson asked extra ,financial aid from the government. The Buie versity of Toronto, he stated, was in the fortunate position of drawing the Dougherty, 03; Tony Woman. 77. 50 cents, $14.50; Wm. McCarthy, sal. eoune%L that • �nnIng to the pressure or -- , e; ary las auditor, $14; Wm. Clare, 1, i other, business. he could not devote Sr. III., honors—Irene' Giahana,, se; once due xcisaal° section nine an de- the necessary time to duties of pound Marion Faster. 77; onoi s—M enee le e u 737' 'iV. heed bteenee ', keeper, Mr. R. E. Calrinurh wan one. Essex, 'i3, Jr. II., honors—Myrtle b nt tai � , , I' , i � Foster. 78: pass -cordon Pollock, 72; salax�y and postage rind exeine, $34.10; , en the appointment. The melee en - Mary Vrconum. •67; Cecil Pollock, 63. John Foster,•' road account pay abed, [Inge of Bayfield havinar petitioned rnr MSS Y, JOHNSTQI"., $12.15, Geo. S. Elliott, road , account; the formation of n union scllnol 'nee connection with a Teacher. ,Pay sheet, $16,50; AIer. John• ton, tion to be knownnc 1 0 Union .No, 8 alp • road account naysheet. $11: On IIIo• motion of ou i l ra Powell tine teen between the seventh day which A show -down on Premien ,ergo- , .-- were doing good work, and it manna (F,xoclus S:5, 1+Ia..9- Dunlop hurchill N. W. 'l`icwarthia ran e,1b was the Jewish Sabbath and the first son's township school boards bill -„•"to was only right he submitted that tion o•£ Ritchie and Swan it was re. Churchill, , , ) Theby_ Ng t ns injunction eying experience tChrist's, �e , S No. 0, Dunlop, for the months of on highways must -rreport to the cleric flan wan re mel to petition the Hydro ,ed -its• blessing, revolved then, the designated 'because it was.re- by Mr. Robertson.. In 102fi the Min . Ciel universities, too. m• the finvnln pier' •f Commission f n commandment from Sinai, 'nitemem i r a b tested i A i olio` *_ claim e's. Moved Power on the Maitland alvei. Atter holy." regarded as the Christiuii"Salbbath, - - ploz'able condttt•Gns existing. in the vett what we are going to do for have been L s n gx a e. HS the proper c n pap a, lox ed bs. bar the ignfi Sabbath day, to keep it th ,' i gleno, Geography, Literature, His. Swan and Ritchie. and carried, that; the claims of Meeere. i •ia�don --el Tho significance of the Sabbath is VVOThe MISSIONS rural districts, and vat the depart -+hent, -said the Premier. _"McGee for dement; for iniuriee to ,; -ment had remained inactive on the "Pm glad to have that assurance," tory, :Spelling. Wafting and Aleebra: the reeve and road superintendent itt i g. learned from verses 10-11. God Th... Decision -matter—bad not supplied remedial said Mr. Robertson. "Down here, V. -'••Erie Quaid. RC Sr. IV:--Phylihe tend the. Ontario good toad fir:och -i their respective horse*, Nut been deo created the .world in six days, e .and •The circumstances which led to h1s are -Horton, 86; *Frank Horton. 70. Sr, teen in Toronto on Feb, 27th, Coun- cussed in opens council the mutt -ems rested on the seventh day; he tlhere- measures" they figure that you ie going to in -E , deeiperi are n0 less ed and that- "" oinactivity?"-. contribution. but they III -Francis Linklater, 85 *Lank ell adjourned to meet elarrh 11 at 1 was left in the baanctit of the reeve for. fore blessed and ssnetifiI this el�sy the oriod`rvilie receded; and fall w What do y u mean by crease your h y' Fulford, 83 Dove Horton, 76. Jr, ,m, on motion of Swan and Ander- investigation. The new tren'w r, of campletiiig his work..'In like plan- p a *Mew- aslced'Mr, Henry.. "When the fruit;wanted more assurance if they could fo p , Mr, 11, L Salkeld, Ravin:~ duly ion - of eft them. One day he said goodbye Minister speaks' on education. I'm get it' III, Freddie . Jewell, 77. Verne Jew -son. . 1 ner,.the people width he lied sailed- to Dr. Morton. and a arted for an-aell and Billie Farrrsh, .G8 {Lies): IL C. E..MrD(V' AG1I, Clerk. formed to all the rites of infttatt,r fi.ed unto himself, and which acknow- f ?� certain you will' find that consider- lV[r: Robertson could'ziot. see"holy ^� l andpresenting on acro #till', : liond other section. of the Islands. by the able eo cess has been made." , "tem erance"' was to be promoted if —Bobbie'` Furrlsh, . G7. T. Wal#er .The follou,tno 'ane the oiiiaera <1F the p a g p o . ledged the Creator, and Lord of the 1' g p I1 d Jr.II • H n the clerk was directed to 'cetera, the eme, is people 4 iene- d ' „The following is the report for S. solved that all claimants for damages was appointed arbitrator. A `tamp- 1h - d ay of the week --the Loxd s day ~a rp•Iss or net to pass was demanded they should- be taken 'over as provin- u 'urrectlon day and heeeef'orth to be rte • of Educt an had termed "de "1 think Western will be liatisfied January and February, The pupils within ten days of accident and till in sea, but before he could 'leave Dr, o • 'n t province Chisholm promote to xairy township for the year 10,.4,: 'Clerk, , ,' • world. as their God, was .to sanctaf ;, Mr. Robertson •expressed feat that the sale f liquor t he,p. v. was r a 1the . t 1 too - o 14lorton reminded hint ,again of the .fihe rix a interests..tvliieh towns hall to increase •from 25 to 30 er cant. Chisholm. Pa.- Kathleen 'Chisholm .0. E. McDonagh treasurer, W. l . , hitc y. bond to t• es eta Cl >y nt after every six days of labor, the.sev- Claims of Jesus Christ and of his lice r ? p (excellent),. David Chisholm (good), Reed- collector, G, C. Treleaven; as» tion of• Couneillore diaancke-and Char. - 1 t d local h' h' h is " ht b 1 v need of a Saviour; He was not going vee e ova zit se oa • mfg a yearly. - « Number on roll, 14: average attend- sesta` John Little; auditors, Donald chill, Miss Ethel Whitely was paid lost if the suggestion in tine township' 'he. Premier he gibed, waxes , PREVENT Coughs - Colds Scott's Emulsion away for along time; it was onIy.a school boards bill -that high schools eloquent when e -talks tent erance :Mee for Jatmery,10.2a February, all DxcLcaii and .William Dieeerthy; the. sum .ne $30 for het• services as visit with an Indian friend who had might be built .'fi. everytownship:--lout ' t ver n men In other present' :.These Marked were pies- sheep vnliaators, Chas. Ritchie., Jas, treasure pro. tent. • The folloevinte ,,gone to :Trinidad with'him that -was..",; ado tetwords ho 'shouts' g h ' ent full time: Johnston, Thos. Garvey, Richard accounts were ordered Bald: 'treen- p � , �etntpero,nce and oro • s oyta a and rxrhan:;7� lar 11i21+ in view; and so he weld- goodbye to Dr. Morton and promised to .see hind again on return home.. Ile took a small boat in. which be- sides himself there were 'five' English - - soldiers and some cargo.. The jour- enseesneweeenneseeen sever - ney was not long.find the 'sea .zeas usually calm; but that particular day, es if Providence wanted ,to force bin. t into a deeision..their Attie craft came to' grief ,and the. six 'passengers 'fpr several hours kept.drifting with the waves on a plank, Gettingexhaust. ed four of the, solaiera decided to throw the Indian off the 'clank so that it might be lighter to.that extent, but the fifth sofdier interceded for hien and suggested that they should ail cry to Jesus ' for help. The - soldiers prayed in their own way but the Klin- do young man made a contract witlz Jesus in these words: "0! Jesus Christ,'Dr, Marton has been telling me that thou art the Saviour of: -men; If thou art the Saviour then save me just this time and I will receive bap- tism tonere-owl" Just as he. gni-di- ed n? _li- - ed praying they sighted at a distance the help signal from •a boat and in about fifteen minutes they were reek- ed up tired and exhausted but restor- ed to life once again. - The Hindu lad Came straight to Dr. Morton, told him the story of his de- eleion and asked for baptism. Dr. Morton of course, in spite of the strange cireumstanees that .led to the TSNIAT`5' Hula and J1or a Liven hack Stables, lc. Montreal Street - lust off the square eteinewe SEVERAL. FIRST-CLASS AUTOS READY' FOR SERVICE—GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WUEN-YOU' WANT TO GET THERE 'Busses Meet ail trains alto - pes enrter Boats Passengers called for lar any part of the town kr elf trains at Q. T. R. or C. P. B. Depots. Prompt Service and Careful Attendance, Our Livery and back Service will be found up-to.date , in, every respect. moi-» Your Patronage Solicited T. SMARTS Phone 102- Moetreai Stt;ott �. • young hart's final decision, was only too glad to receive him into the `mem- - Warship of the. Trinidad thumb. The young man's name Was Netram, but as Dr. John Morton had been a father . to hint he was baptised as, John and was. thereafter called John Netram, (To be continued) USE - Hydro -Electric THE PEOPLE'S STORE • "It's purely a. local matter," put in; `whispers' the evils ,:sof the Liquor i AAINE, :ti1acDONAI.D,-. • Johnston, Kenneth Parrish, Gordon r p • C Prettier Ferguson. "The people have Control Act.°' f • Teacher. Drennan and Archie Johnston. to Mirza E. Whitely, $14.40; Clinton. • Gook • Wash byEhectridt Iron by Electricity. = CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK C;heripe r tb Coit r r Wows All -electric Vacuum uuin Cleaner removes the dtist; d 'Iwooni just moves the dust. We guarantee <4,11 II'yd r o Latins tor 1,5tit3 ltotiete Walk til 1i 1 �6zir1 i. �t The Hydra Store CHAS. ROBERTSON ON. HYDRO • North Huron Member.of the Legislature heard Froin In. the debate February 14th, C. A. Robertson (Liberal, North Huron) praised Poster Moffat (Conservative, South- Bruce) for his "fearless alis eussiont of Hydro' nnatt.ers," and stat- ed that the people of Druce were lay - al to the Foshay interests for the very good reason that the Foshay people offered better rates than the Hydro Commission. `Something was ticiabtisiy' evi'ai;nh+,'lie 'e tittetd, With' try. tiro rests. For instanner in lois honor town, Goderieh, the rate was $42 to- day, with more than 1,000 hydro liorsepoeveY being used, when four- teen yawn ago it was only $37 not. -withstanding the fact that leas than 200 izorsepower Was eonsumed. "These figures are difileult to- un- - deretend? elnaltellged Mr. Robertson. "I'm afraid.'I'm like the Prince Min- ister and ani not an engineer. Con, '' o iuently the'figures are a bit beyond CAST°RIA For t*fen(rt and ChIMter. IOUs. ForOvor301fin!ra AA3ntees rias the nN •-motes Vivienne tf � 0 • his is Nation-+t�[WIRER. c�e Aera • Wads Ch Ext of CColon attNo 40st • AI11/ii 1'P' Wiadsro.. 'Thier Extra Coecle $845;2 -Pass. t ;supe, $a44; Phaeton, $840: Coupe (with rumble scat), $875; Standard Sedan, $461; Town Sedan, $11125; Road. atcr, $1115; (:onvertible Coupe, $1180. Str„dard raqlUinnsent I ,:i e,e 4 by irawlic shack abserbeet-•el,t- tric gas a,ul *if rouge -Wdiator ,hustler,--sa,ilic las44.•ui,wdehieli esti�[c,--rutin tiny mirror' elf MC, ieck-rentteb tri Wearing manna-- Hailer an ,tad, .- ail briiht poor chrookarailareal Everywhere in every way „ ESSEX theCh►allenger is put to the proof .render official newspaper observers ,In Fast Getaway—no car k excepted. Irz1S'peecl—anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour. In Inn Climbing—the Ilardest hills in this cor nmunity• - and in America. In Reliability -40 miles an (lour all day. In'Ecourins'---better than 20 pules to the gallon. -IN['I1ISC ITVunder official new spatter observation, Essex the Challenger vs ill :cletnonstritt- its right to challenge the best that tnlotordcmx offers. It is dramatic revelation of an all round quality Si:—big, fast, roomy, powerful - now available at the lowest price for td bleb Erfen et er sold and but little more than the cot of the nuttiest, lightest and Ioaee:.t-priced t,nra o:1 the inlurizt't. o As) o u see it out -perform cars costing far more, remember that exactly the swine performance ability, quality, economy and riding ease are characteristic in the 1 -.ex the Challenger %I llic•it ;sou buy. And in Value—compare itpart for !Yam i;- every clu;ulitp paarticulart'af appeartnc•e,. finish, comfort ;old easy riding to those costly ears in which youl pay the higher price for those very tllitla 01 Weitek !E Yr o 1,1141111161Elle BAKER & DURNIN GODERICH or ONTARIO stork Chow, 325; A. Bond, sheep claim, $70; 1I.. Bturdy, .postage; etr., , 811.50; sujit, pay voucher ' NO, i, $24,88; - I), L. Mii1Ph.err•in, divisiea i raurt fees. $11.06. The t+ouneil theta .adjourned to nicer Monday, April -1, et 1.30 n.m. • ' S. S 140. 10, Ashfield r. Sr. IV. --Frances Crozier. R3; •:l:il- een - Treleaven, - 70. Jr. IV. --Colin Crozier, 80; .Anna Treleaven, It Sr. ' III. ---•Meth McConnel, -01; Alex. Chen - ley, 56. Jr- III.-•'Wil)iam Watt. 77; Benson Shackleton, 03. Sr. 11,-- 1 1;b.=.1 Beatrice Treleaven, 87; Barry Swann, 84; :Lorne hasty, 75; Reggie Gauley;, 30. Jr, ll. --Tena Swan, 85; 'Tommy , Culbert, 83; Violet Culbert, 80. Sr: i I: --Kenneth (auley Pi: Cls,^:,...-. I Cecilia _ 'aVstt. Number on roll 17. . Average attendance. 16.05. PALMER KILI'ATRICK. Teacher. Orchard R'nv School The foliowine Is the report of U. S. S. No, 17, W. Wawan isle for the months of Januery end February- Those marked with the asterisk bave been absent forneefeee exiunination: Jr. V.. --'`Charles McNee, 70. Sr. I1.. - �-Melbourne Cultic: t, 74; .Hilda Fin- niean, 08. Jr. IV. --Annie Sproul, 80; Lenore Stotherss, 71; Carl Mimi - min, 59; Clifford Culbert. 57; Stanley McCratten, 55. Jr, III, --_.Russell Me.- ' Intyre, 70; Entity - McGratten, 66; Margaret Elliott. 60: Arnold Olver. 58; Alar ild Olver, fit, 14r. 1% _ Willie Sproul. 78; Jimmie l.eiebunin. 70;: Harvey Snroul, 67: harry Give vin, 66, 'Jr. L ---David Sproul, 70: HaroldElliott. 5.1. Sr. Pr.—.Shirly • . McGratten, 82; Isobel Girvin (ah - sent), IVA I. ('Atilt, - Teacher. • • An 00 That is Prized Everywhere. --Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil Was put upin the market without any flourish over fifty yearn ago. It wan put sets to meet the wants of a entail sections. but as noon 418 its merit: became known It had a whole continent for n field, and it in now !mown and prion throughout thin continent. There in nothing equal to it. CANADIAN NATIONAL RV TRAIN SERVICE to TORMTO 1)AII.Y CEP t SUNDAY Lee. (fader:eh 6.20 zn.nt. 2.20 per. - " Clinton 0.44 rs,ni. 2,131) ix,t , :Eeaforth 6.10 u.int. $.OS peat, " Mitebell 7.21 a.m. 3.33 pane' Are. :Stratford 7.43 a.r a. 4.03 ;P.M, K2ber 3.40 1act" ruep 1 tl. , amt, " Toronto 10.23 a.m. 7,30 pen. lit me:ir;n -Leave 'Toronto 7.133 a.m. 12.33 p.iu. and: 6.03 p;na. Parlor (*aft, ('ar (;aderi 'ti to Tar - onto en morning train, and Tri :Pat Y to (;oderi.•1r on 6.05 p.m. train. No change of creel between Melanie!: a s$3 Taranto. J. A. LAWRENCE. Tone Pa',s:eriger and Phone 0 Ticketnee ont hills Ci' 1'tU VLETCNE '$ CAGTORiA