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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-07, Page 8
• (J O ,.-A) n ..0 OP, 1,G3; t a .Read Rose Tei; comes t ie!ct to us from the f nisi tea inti the t:erld;,w-seat 41163 halted tint, f ha►e teem eine: ue in no time. io,fj The tail, gayly lighted pine we. hate-" > i vre`ii faits him ailing, t lama r can ns, '141E1} fit2.i1 .t t0 your grocer —brimful of kfel, gari5in to her saddened t:y r, THE CODRRIC} STAR TFII.t.°»ltlt ° MAEl'il tcli, kited Vol' ail freshness, Every package gt ranteed.;ty Impatiently rile pre need the trauma, and the Ynillsiehe was plunged into "It—it's that rig ci old eit:i.houee,`° she said bitterly. "I have a •big net tion toe -to burn it deem." w ' With the leaseianato wo:d'r rare • ctuiden determination. Sbe ce,nl:l net hear this anxiety, •°ho 6ueist l,n-w the worst, however bad it he. She v.r:ulci :lip into the forret, anti reeonn.tl'te'.. Panty had sternly metered her t) keep entirely' out a the weeds and away cele the tittle club, but Gay. in an onergercy lila) tithe anti goade:I ie lies %era for him, Baa not one to be Bali otl by ebcdlenee. If sho fouall tint gang hi the tattle club. ale would ea11 the police. immediately, laevo the place raided, and demand. Tend of RED' flood tea' tn:..- 3 1/42 S oasIrm ": E OE is extra IdIe ISLAN therm. In her thought% vividly, she C :,ger the elfin- wore- face, the shapely strove; hando of the one who bad one to her on the waves in the Little cove. Almost she paw I'.atrd's face, like that. with the merry eyes closed, the mocking Iipa sot hard, adopt by salt zvai:er, "Oh, no," elle cried faintly, Then she sprang to her feet. and peuuded hotly up the stairs. She was fever- ish with excitement now, he face Iflaming, her lips pureht'd, Mier eyes tinirtottWIdrorWr gling riot. But her slender, strong hands-werelike lee. "If they catch me. 1 do not caro," she told herself hotly, "I've got to n', 0'►®1 ' find lnim, She could no bear that n "' c , ' reetneenge evanescent vision of 'lltand'n 0.01Pvtti6iti; 1927 by r face on the winter sea. "Ilm DOnett tlERR1let CO. N,ta.'1,tsftvicn The cad" fin ers •tore her arty 1T ` taken dress from her, nulled on heavy silk CHAPTER kik (Continued) t . The Captain was creetfa en, t and woolen undergarments, her thick "Itut, Grarp," he interrupted, for aback. But he rallied slowly. "Wh- est woolen stockin s, -stout boots, everybody called the Captain Grentp, _ what earl" he asked feebler, band to She `donned her wannest blouse be - %ramp, she was not ;dead? Elie was his oar, i Heath the fawn -colored suede wind not dead. l .Why, didn't you ..end me wordhe breaker, and bloomers beneath leer "No, but we thought she wire, . Ie let me know -when you. found out heaviest kniekersh The leather nap said in the palls- she ryas' : , eye gidn't that it was n mistake, and she had she. pulled."+town to her ears, taugh know till next day, or day atm cult not died? I ,never knew, When 1 . her leather fur -lined f;loves,'and. she pulled. through after all, wo,' got out I. headed west and neves` then her dark -colored slicker envelop - hip toilets. her son,' and as soon es came back. Never wantedl. to Come cd all. , aTread in the paper.xilie was stead; I back if mom was gone, Why didn'ci "If they see me, they'll think I'm a eked it srnd mailed it, and—" 1 Y°'- let me know 7 ! , man," she said sturdily to her •stout 'tPut, Gramp, niy God, when you God bless any, ..out. ejaculated tho rcfleetion in the glass, "with this ea , ' Captain feebly. "Didr.'i; you know this slicker, these boots." p found aur : the she wasn't . dead-- ., lug she had'pulled through %Vhy, she.wasnt dead, dust think of that' . S.cheeled by the experience of tee God's name, didn't you let , roe no'ty, His own mother not -dead, and, monthe an the island, Gay slipped a "r he didn't even know it. Dear, dear., f(aehlight into one pocket, • and her Ruddy, T never 'thought of it from pistol in, the .other. She was trente that : day to this. 1 supposed. of •bung all over, course a -boy `would. know W if his "But Menet afraid," she said dent, own mother wasn't .dead, x ly, She. pressed the last electric but 1 t and the 'cottage Wh n lee las tiredbut happy voice on h cdr into When t t p)py v i e ,merged nn o the .had sent its. final "Merry Christmas" darkness that tovei'edl 'idl the cons•-,,. ringing back across the snow, when She opened. the door ginier'ly an inch Auntalmir y, with. Buddy's weak arm at a time, listening intently, : 'The' about.. her, had disappeared beyond island was asleep in the darkness. the axe of light that underlined the There was no iuoanr the stars, remote solitary pine, Gay turned back into and cold.. were pinpoints of• ice. the bright disordered rooms, and dos ,She• did mit 'hesitate. She quite ed the door slowly She was very} confidently believed that she would had, The brightness . of the'. room in, rather die. than endure the suspen.c p i` _ till its gay' confusion depressed her, ',of uncertainty. Not daring . to: use and she stood, a. tired dejected figura •, her flash: she made her way 'through ie the .midst of it, and pressed her, the snow slowly, from . tree to tree, burning face • into her cold clasped toward. the Little club, stumbling of- . bands. Tears cane to her eyes, A;. ten, 'running into unsuspected nines. • sob swelled Weller throat,. She wept, falling over .bidden shrubs,: But she. noiselessly. What was the . success +vent on,. 'When she eame at last' to of all the noisy merry party to Betel the rote -of trees that circled the club.. when hand had not come, anal she','house, she stood for an long moment. knew not -where he wast .. las Rand: had taught her, fattened In her heart she knew that Rand against •the bark, listening. ' heti not remained away of Inds own vo- Neither sound nor sigh :from, tithe• • litien, that soniothing bad' kept hint in. "Sealed." he thought, tebermeti against his will. He had pledged her eally soled," to solemn secrecy: in `regard to irs • She crept cautiously argued tine. . !► `'""'" "'* `"r'a'"' t !'a-''. movements, but hts prolonged' -ab- corner, feeling her way inch by inch " ` I" '` some without 'acrd or reassurance until she reached the spot where hand terrified herr gireatly, She sank down had taken out the rocks to ;et .ander* " atedinthe heat of the business district. O erlooiltn f Gra:nd'Cin ui Pah. A. modern; fire«proo Hotel, SOO rooms: each wish' 'oath. gates: SVP end tapevaerds. Famous CoffeeeSlop'tt4ad-nasi =t cam Not sloop 1:40 as he likes He rti.ka at nothing`, or 1 Cud knc ws, But they've toning on Day ` we `0 far. / et, teen:a the, teht, they're coning." The men went task earefcrliy thsengh tine heavy curtain, drawing the falde of it behind than. The bietiknce:a woo litre nitsia. A prisms- -.-a spy—wile- knew everytiting t They were tailing hire to iiaratan TOW snitch sit nothing. Dar Ranhte All Gaytis fears fell from ben, dead courage late +eoll neon he. laanda. Here thoughts were Heist arcl eonsi,t- ent. ire, li. flstitie,:9.- , ?1o, f', Freeman, Oat„ *Mee; —1 had were iileada.dge which were ch Ina T could not +deep clay or sight. After reading of your wonderful V "A keit ie eoaaing for them. 'they have taken hies pa•i ;over. Perhaps I will have a chance to-rezetee hila . , fit chirtiro thaws GOO i0,69 Ceeteh 1"i r ^h \J AU.'d{_ oe they want. Beef betide, up lir flesh and muscle, and lays dhe foundation of a -sound ceinstitntion. o: oiseona- ca ntr.tedI eefatitsEest. T de•s ref doral err`; -s )i.tli ne,3i pict©l." • ,1 / "i► 4-. t / 1_ Q r/ i . • ' l I i . edge of the c she tiptoed to the ( / I !r ./ °h'"" t'• 4141 n c<1„e of the curtain, drew it back ist once bought Still biackneee z.ithin. lIer fingers ^ __,..., ,. o food. , guide i her. There wee ti ,door now, Helping me. T a»Z uow feeling nue. dtitd LK hue to ede ,pl# iv wit, '- on, the right side, ripen but thickly ldouliework.r'f • ; curtained. Het' fingers touched it. Mannfacture1 only by The ',i', WI- Yos' a light. They were in that biirii Co,, Ltd., Tearonto; Oat. room. Rand was in tout room, a pri- soner. She wedged tier fare up to the eui- the piazza,. It had seemed ain ple: tale where but the slightest fraction enoug as she had watched hint. and 'of one eye touched the :aperture her Gay felt she could easily do the same -Angers formed in the folds Qi cloth. thing, and thus t btain a view of the A dozen naen in the room.' all dressed intoner, perhaps .tonfirination, or do for cold weather, out•of doors, heavy nal, of her fe zrs. that for all the: coats, heavy hats, gloves in their strengtl; of ,her young arnie, for all ' hands. They were • not . smoking. the power of her stubborn will, elao',ahem was no lire in the raonn, but could not so much as stir the smallest . one pale lantern giving light. She of the rocks, which were now deeply;" saw Ronald Tegmen, Ile was dres- wedged into the frozen soil. packed sed as the others were, with a re - solidly, presenting . a, _.firm and ins- volver in his- band, Others had re- movable barricade to entrrnce under volvers, too, The Chinaman was the piazza. • 1 , n there. And there was one other, Thus balked, she stopped a moment - hands bound' behind the low chair 'an to consider. Ono thing was absolute, which be sat, his mouth tightly gag - she wad(' not gra home: flat she was - ge4, Ile too . was dressed 'for the puzzled as to wise procedure. seas, warmly, but he sat hunched Tempted for a moment to fire her -down, dejected, cowering. pistol into the air, hoping 'that fear 4Oli, my dear," Gay brought +en - of .yn raid would draw the gang from, derly. •-.Teara came:te.:lter eyes., She the ,shelter' of the clubhouse, second could not 'see the face, she had -no thought eonvinoed her it 'would be need. Every line of Band's face vent shear foolhardiness. At• hist she de- clear to leer heart, • eided to go down into the cove, to e:c-; Ronald Ingram looked at his watch. amine the great door and look for a : "Be ready now,'" lze said, in' ar low light beneath the window curtains. - voice. +'Go one 'at . a time, Follow Getting into; the Bore itself .tires - May . 'Sen. Wank slovelyr, , heel your ver difilenit, for the cretrlces among Way, we can't show a light. Don't the rocks' were covered with snow, talk. ''fou cannot smoke until we and the was obliged to taw her way are well out to sea,. Hodge, you take along, hand aver hand, sounding with the -prisoner with you, and go first her feet for standing ground. Down, after Moy Sen, The rest fall in af- down, she slid,: from rock to rock, tee Hodge. "I'll bring ,up. the rear. from snowy- crevi o into snowy- }re- Not a sound when we go aut." Then. r vie kick twirling with. both cr , _ dejected c kicking, a on it o h ire o cid swiftly to the ct d g.. g je Y }iaaids like grim death, down. lower ,figure of • the Prisoner, • "Now =intl and lower, until. she attained the lev- what. X told you," he said. His voice el :beach of the : cove. She moved -was low, incisive, "If you snake the warily now, feeling the .great help; slightest sound, the least effort' to Iessnese of her position, In the get aw.aay •--he turned his 'revolver hi woods she could at Least run for' cov- his 'hands suggestively "that for your pains! You know this place, fi y t • men; (await:et. Will you Sdll8 qourRi i es ? E0Walanal'RG CROWN MANN) CORN S1iltEP BENSON'S GOLDiN SYRUP ers elle skeet wad meet JRn,leut el,nlnebie, a.rNdo being perm able Syrups. they are Nest mos. ween twists* * bikini s od reek. Mit INtrpodet, est sok* estetknt cosh. 'i her ore till or iMtdtlt• town epipet'Ikultrly receemeteeM, -ea for childnet, #t::VS1Y.9'S GOLDEN lets ikkkvt and meth Syrup this Crena Isle. N NSON'S PRIPAllED COIN Irreerx re mut 4 ff NSON'S PRE. PAuto CORN hos best teeerA,t as a Yerethohl Ntceteitr for silk. IyMI1Ciwa kIW.Ie*oil ter .ste> mirk* sows, it . tone ordvalet is Maser and poser twat, *owl. My peewee M weal towed ter the reisitooeeettw ed Use eskiae. fs1AZOL4 tee eceistekwl shoe *id cookl,rt e➢ 1, le use ter trylsi, mote. weld chert +n!It .: ! as be M creed titer sad ere- fn tar Ih psri wwItMwtrwsyi et the esa or Men ate fest to another. en siste u h rrw resspor t olive sit ler etsttnt Shed Dim* try. OUR favorite recipe . : that simple, tasty dish that your family enjoys and your friends praise may be worth money.. . Here is your chance to find out. TheCanada Starch Company will buy practical, easily prepared and in., expensive kcipes. Preparatory to bringing out our new Recipe Book, we will pay $5.o0 each for the best fifty Recipes received from Canadian house' wives, and $3.00 each for the next best fifty. AR recipes must be mailed nn or before May 1st, zqg ... T tic Duty conditions ate The in;rr,tirnta of your Jtecipes must In. chafe one or mite •J the Famous Canada Starch ?reetwcra. ATI tdea>urcmtnts seat 1* level. Use ordinary measuring aupa acid spoons. Besides the inSre.hents, give a cleat outlineol the method • af' mixing and cooking. Send an Recipes for sscrts,(tskeJ Dishes, Pestries,5alideCendy; etc Re;tpes.wia be judged and tet: by well town Canadian dhoti/in. it anS In ers: of duplication of the. Reaici fihaily mi t 1 b; i1i ihd es, those received reddest will ttr given preference. Mi Recipes sebtnitec3 be,:ome the pro erty of the Catuta Shade Convoy arta may he used as design by them. and will not be tamed. 1.4014 over vont Recipes now and f,erward the best to- us P.I:SIf lfdiR May tet 13 7001 list clun... ,.rl lfl; 'nilti i1. -SCARt N Cts; L1 iil'I'l U ditt'ertrslrtg L'1rj*xrtona P. 0 BOX T. attires "U" Mtla'Y'RLkL 5 ti -you know 'this" cove ---you haven't chance in the world to escape. Be ready now, , fellows."' ,The men stood up, drew on their gloves. Cay slipped .away from- the curtain, hack to the second one, be-' yonel it. "A boat is coining—they' aro : tak- ing hand with them—they are all arfeed, anti he is bound," :flow . her thoughts raced 1 . (To be continued): IRISH IMPRESSIONS The Irish Question an .la eonontic One Says Prof. Morland in Address at St.. George's Parish Hall - het - land, and while they had repreeenta• Dominion, illustrative of the nation's tion still in •the British parliament, vast natural resources and scenic ell many of the elected representatives wonders. ada" ' t1 pointed out that most of the Irish nee title of the highly cducationai moving slid not attend. Dr. Dorland also "Chevrolet Across Can a to tional leaders from• •Parnell on were picture which was soeelally taken for Protestants, In the troubles of re- the Chevrolet Motor. Company a cent years he pointed out that it was Canada and was shown -here under the north of ' Ireland which armed the auspices of MacEwan R Tebbutt, first. local clearer.:. Chevrolet cars and The struggle for improvement of trucks were seen playing their part conditions and for national expres- in the Nova Scotia fishing and Mitt* sine. which found expression in Agri« ing industries, or doing their bit in cultural Improvement soeietie. and the building of good roads in the the Gaelic league, as well ;as in the Prairie Provinces. Gathering the nationalistic movement, finally' be- nation's wheat in the Canadian West, came secondary tie the Sinn Fein the sane sturdy vehicles were ",shown movement'for the sinipte reason that beside the combines loading grain icor it was ,discovered that the Sinn Fein- speedy transportation to the' eleva-, erg got results, as for instance when tors. Asquith 'promised :the third Horne Thrills of another kind were seen Rule Bill.. thadiuond was a man of in Ontario where numbers of Clievro« broadview and could see the point let trucks do .service as fire engines. of iiety of both sides 'too much to Afire truck war pictured making a make a auecossfu1 political leader, record run and fighting and putting and the speaker, pointed out twat it out et real live fire. A horrible hail - zeas usually the man of narrow' vis- way accident was ,narrowly avelrted . ion who only sat' one side of a. cues- through the efficiency af. the car's. tion who made the successful politi- four wheel brakes, cal leader and acconipiished things- Most of the principal Canadian for the cause which he took up, cities visited by the camera man Wer'v Then Lloyd George made a mie• shown on the screen. In Montreal take in applying conscription to.Ire- the audience saw the .large fleet of land. It was Mond AS a sop to the Chevrolet cars and trucks in the .ger-. English, abut .Lloyd George, he eon- vice of the Bell Telephone Company. sidered, was dishonest in saying he would enforce conscription as be •At Toronto were seen fleets or two could not help knowing he coati dozen Canadian 1 ationai and Cana - never' do this in the. south of Ireland. dian Pacific Express trucks starting The Irish Free ,,tate was discover• out on their rues. ing that home rule was not a panacea The tireriir a Rocky I4lountains. for all their troubles, however, and they still had their problems to work ers "nf Lake Louie. the .tall timbers out, end Dr. Dorland expressed the of Brit -44h Oor'unbia,,:and, •bath;ng view that:'. the North and the Sonth scenes at English Req; Vancouver, would yet come together in ono as- were among the scenic pictures. of . Y g tional form of .government. the `Chevrolet filet: Next 11itonday night's address will Preceding the roving nicture lilul to be +by Dr, Kingston, professor of an interesting and instructive descrip- mathematics; on theesubject "Comets tion •of the inner workings of the nenv and Meteors," and will be Illustrated, Chevrolet Six was afforded the •,aud- .and the following Monday Dr, Fox, fence by meant of an illustrated lee - president of the University, is.to'be - ture delivered by Mr. Cyril A. Scho- the 'speaker. ield, of Oshawa, Chevrolet expert. - An Oil that is: Famous,—'Though CHEVROLET' ACROSS CANADA _ Canada was notthe birthplace ceof r From the famous "Bluenose' fish do 1 p a D. ing fleets of T.unenburg.and the iron Thomas' EcIectric Oil it is the'bonne mines of 'Sydney to the logging; . of that famous compound. Frani camps of Brbtesh Columbia is a far Fere its good name wets spread to cr Yet 11, several hundred. people Central and.South America, the West Indies. Australia and New Zealand. who were fortunate enough "to gain 's far afield enough to attest its Chassis Lecture and Demonstration excellence for in all these countries it. n thel efdev t- pictures of Banff and p a 416 adniitth ice. to the speeial Crievro.et That i held in the showroom: Monday night, is on sale and in demand. viewed these scenes and many more front the length and breadth of the ADVERTISE Lei TIIE STAR "Irish Impressions" wss the sub- tect of the address by Dr. Dorland. profctsor of history at the 1Snivenrity of Western Ontario. at St. George's parish hall on Monday evening last.' Dr. Dorlanel has been in lrelanr-Fait .. more: then one occasion and though he Cannot claim any ,Irish blood iin. his veins lie her used his ability to _ e. . get beneath the surface and discover Herd in the Cove 'She 'Was at the theunderlying eArjses of things, and 1►tercy of 'Whoever Alight +Couto _nave the audience a. very enlighten- ilpon Her. fug talk on. the Irish problem, with a er. Here in the (love she was at the prelude of" observations as to. the mercy of whoever Might coma upon country in general, more particularly her. Softly, keeping in the shedoet speaking, of llelfrat and Dublin. Dr. - of the 'rocky .chits, she crop to the Dorlamdspent some time' talkie. - clubhonee door. • -about Christchurch and 81. lelichaels She ran Iter ' hand over the leeks. in Dublin, tine former of which its left' carefully, and then softly turned the,cated within sioht of the elute ails - knelt. Well oiled, silently it•'itioved triet end 'also within sight of a large :booth her hand. The door to the brewery; and both of these cliurohe 1 Little club was ripen. owe their restoration to the browery One second she stood irresolute, industry`. The vaults of St. itliebeei's doubting Iter ow» ie tlrage to open tile. Dr. Dorland told about in some de- stoor. I.ut niemoyy of Rand's dean, tail. He stoat .some time thein and nese nerved her, Gripping he -pis- "hobnobbed" an he put it with oneof tol with tense and nerveless fingers, the ertisadera whose body he ceultl ntarveling, even in that terrible inn- identify as belonging to that order anent, that she did not uneonsebously by 'the fact that the, peva were eros« press the trigger.• she opened the seri. 'These vaults •he said, many door. A heavy black eurtain hung even in Dublin aid not know about. in thick folds before it. She felt for The Irish question, hozvover, was - the corner, and then, breathlessly, what Dr. Dorland made his chief drew it back, Only deep blackness subject And thts he . saki was not a. beyond.-'ollowbug the 'wall on nor relfgioud question, though religion. ' left, slte,ttelaped slid rattier, behind complieatet rho problem consider- tho thick curtain, and guided by the ably., It was an economic +question. touch of hoe fingers on the wall, move and had its toots in several causes. ed ferwnrd slowly. breath by breaths . The first We.s that England had never Another heavy curtain. Exploringly completely conquered 01' asebnniliiittetl she felt and fingered it. hesitating a Ireland. The second was the nieie'ant-i moment to quiet her ltnntfng iecra. • tile polity of England. Tho o1 idea Suddenly there dela a sound, a : was that cabbies txisted far the ben. voice, .behind the curtain right at bee , tilt of the> mother etluntry and this bt>sttd. policy, which, in parte WAS the cause "Let's have a look." of the revolution of tido Anierbeen Gay had barely time to neem hers 'tholes, had been mote thoroughly self against the wall, white face Iowa And :successfully applied to Ireland on I- tried into het dark colter, when the account of its closeness to England. . •, tlr.#&il>`: _ot the_ ether. trill Itroved .ansi:.Min tatter of„tip Jtiwliey ,.was .#hat,.0u1- Parted. No light emanated from be. anies or deuendeeneles should be the saurce of the raw material for the i fi nitli*h factories which should sup., ply the rnanufacttred goods for these other countries. In this way ' hind it, hut fay felt that tura men cavae nut, carefully pausing t e re- '. place the heavy midi Behind them, Anti trotlsed to the eurtairicd door through width she had entered, - d Ireland. was kept largely as an Agri- i One dretpt Leek to the black folds I cultural country and, thnnlith it- was at lindens, and nusherel the door *welt n raten114111 r one of the richest cnun "No l'isn of them." The mice was trier agriculturally in the world, it Ronald Ingrant's. "They are late," large part of the p apitletioa still had t "Moll give ,you the devil for tack. tither to starve or emigrate can at Or that fellow on beard," !gild the taunt of the Iark of industries to pros. other voice, one -trance to Gity. vide -work her the redundant papula' • I "there* nethient rise to dee -with tion, 'The land Ardent rale lens x hila," Rnnr'd defended fluidity, gem it ttribnthi enure et' tiny slier rnterrt. A =-d if 1'11 trrnk him. (:starter- With thio hietoririel Ineckgrbund ite heron e 1 w rrt't, 1 told' hitt when 1 iiI'teratee ef'ier to undersetnnd the rr. tc+errb or.,°, •troubles of recent. veers, rho nn..- ''tl yeas let keit-- Bret away __" tion wage not a religious nuestirenthe- "14'ill't let hint fret emir. I el, rt't. - apt- ter a1 e.reted, AAAtr:'inted to then sker,'.. II.' lied been -.even--on u -j tats that the people .f Ole .nerth of , t,ott I4000,s how look, tCoerrsA a•re'rt; Teelo*/I vete .iM+.t na rlriat1l1, asst ICA - Wig ng we"re lip to. a:f Clime-, 'Itehi titnnllc resteelooe n• the -,Yet of Ire - /{EEP BLOOD -POISON OUT WITH Treat every skim injury with our autileptie Zyxin -Duk. This fine herbal balm prevents pm; infection, allays inflammation, removes 111 trace of poison and ensures quick, clean holing. " KEEP A box OF ZAM-BtjIC HANDY I • Your New Radio Set You want the best radio for your money. Come die see IIt stud hear it.' _. tfa erx-lrt et#e ivairl" II t►1 Cosh " *Ko1ater, Hare Motor Saks South St. — Godcritb hOLSTER IL "All tAat Yen *telt its Role