The Goderich Star, 1929-03-07, Page 6AGE FOUR 1 r III THE GODERICH ST R ADVANCE SHOWING OF New Sp'ing !Coats, Dresses and Millinery yO'J are cordially invited to attend our colorful first showing of the new styles for Spring,, . One accepts with assurance the styles which we display. They are correct in.every re- spect, finest fabrics and moderate prices. New SPRING DRESSES We invite you to .come in and see our 'new lines of Ladies' and lVlisses' Dresses for Spring wean ' They comprise the very latest styles and :ina- terials. Prices lnoder'- ate. MILLINERY Here you °will see myriads of shapes ---Hats admirably and individually stated to the facial contours of the various ages. A, smart display, including felt, straw, and silk com- binations, irregular and close fitting models in the newest shades, You are cordially invited . to see this display. THE NEW. COATS Our .line of new Spring Coats 'ohne in a wide range of materials and shades and they are popular priced. Materials. of Bottornly all wool Tricotine, Broad- cloth and- Tweeds, shades or navy, black, sand, fawn, blue, grey, ete., beau- tifully lined with flowered silk and plain crepe -de -chine, trimmed with fur of muskrat, opossum, mole and broadtail, various sizes from 15 to 44. THE NAVY TAILOIkED COAT IS POPULAR Their chic is classic and their lines are flattering and their Usefulness will outlive many seasons to come. Reason- able prices:_ Developed in finest fab- rics, braid bound and all beautifully bound. Priced from $15.00, up r.. WEST SIDE 'OF SQUARE A.CORNFIELD -sHap ,,,lig YOU ME INVITED TO SHOP,,, EDITORIAL COMMENT ' an article in the London levee Press glealeael,. in repot tint ilestlay's• sessions of the The news that Sarnia is planning Legislature. A. H. .Aeras (Cons., Cor' a municipal dock is not_,witliout Carleton). is�aeported_to have trade interest for Goderich. It is pointed nettle significant oma-eks regarding ' out that while Sarnia has' an exten- hydro, and urged that -the Govern.: • live waterfront, dockage ie all pri. meat net immedisately_ towards the vatety owned and the need of a muni, establishment of .a flat rate for hydro 'etdock is felt: And when we Ioel: to all rural -consumers. This is the' et the Goderich harbor beatomtug second Gonser•vntive member this ses fened in with elevators ono is foieed sion• to differ front the Government's to wonder just what possible futuic Present hydro policy, the other being industrial' developments might make the newly -elected Poster Moffatt, of necessary at Goderieb. The : City of South Bruce, And The -1're© Press Sarnia leis the 'street allowance let learns that the Government floes not. London road extending Out into the consider such speeches us being nut hmrbar and this street allowance be. of lkne with policy, or as being the comes part of a slip 254 feet wide in el eeehes of insurgents within the the Chamber of Commerce plane. Marty, but it its understood the Gov - We understand that Goderielt has a nenutent is somewhat in sympathy street allowance er.tending to the wu. with the idea, and it would not 'he ter''' edge, in the continuation of VJe1- surierlsing if asomo•ntoro•'xdeflnite indi- lington. Street northward, and the cation of the Government's attitude proposal to. make t -e of a street al- towards ca revised hydro policy were lowauee ate Sarnia suggests a value forthcoming before: the session con- fer such street allowances beyond the eludes. it may be that it will be present use that : may be inede of found yet that Goderiela's advocacy of them. • the flat rate or of some approach to 1, -- . it will be found yet to have been A possible revision of hydro policy merely advanced thinking. And the by the Government is suggested `by resolutions that were sent in front the 'Cminty and town urging the de- velopment twf Maitland power may have an influence In bringing into Prominence, the 'disadvantage at which municipalities far from Nia- gara•power labor in the way of power costs, even should the development at the Black nolo never be gone on with: THE STORY OF JOHN BROWN Prof, Landon of University of Wes. s tern Ontario Tells of the Life of . i • This Antl.Slavery Martyr The story of a' man who was hang - eel for murder, treason and conspir ady, A Man ileenaed something' of a - fanatic, and yet a man whose- name is sung in a sort of battle cry of }freedom used in many countries, end a 'Man at whose' hanging Longfellow and- Emerson wrote that the day Would be a memorable one and Victor Ilugo, the intellectual giant of Bur- epe, said that his death was the last link in a Chain that extended front Calvary. Such was the story told by Calvary, such was the story told by is vestratent One nf the fundainentala of sound investt`aerit i, SECURITY OF PRINCIPAL. This Feature combined with an adequate and attractive intetest return cenatitutes a *sir. able investment. The First Mortgage Sends of leading Canadian corporations should be inducted in a well dr.ersifaed investment. We .;.:70;:j 8e j.$4 Cd sraiys a reeecrirteesr,y.ent. �- Sec!•Jskirew+iri. e wintn NOWA. Al + tuM+, t'tt., ly.y„t 4.401 lteeiMPpe; warms MAMCCIPIPea. aJ1 Oet c tatapt+ta• a4. 1 art_tw.ttea, r'eer+reeeM,,i.S,. (Xitn R'rf 115 4..y, versity, at the Canadian Club meeting last Thursday evening in a lecture on "The Story of John »rowlt " The speaker was introduced by Rev, J. N. U. Drills.. Jahn drown, a direct descendant from one of the Pilgrim fathers, was -born in 1854 in Connecticut and wa:a • rranged, Dee, 2nd, 1850. At the early aage.ot nine he was on a visit to floe • South and in the hones lie saw a negro boy of about his own age ill-treated, , ) and this ie believed to have been the •start of this man's lifer obsession, the abolition of elar-ery. Seine historians Mr. Landon said, did net consider that John Drown'r death hastened the civil war at a11, while athero eotteidercd,it t had hastened the ',conflict by ten years. The aubjeet was not particularly a Canadian one except that Jahn Brown rn May $th, 9th and 14th, was in. Chatham with a group of a score er .tie of • wlake and black men plotting• .,`the overthrow of the Enited States• !`Gor.rnment and. at a lido dote he arrived with a *cup of fifteen mete' ees. at Windier, whom he lien brought t1, Canada etc theie way of t.eate+ trans the elievery° ,,f tl+ik �atuth, illi• presenee of s ne'grn fse't a>.1 tete continent. rwn,e 'ya tragedy. *lid Prat i.Aneinn. f,,r tido nctenr - were • the wally tale which , aan* t , th'. , e•ta, finest ratainot their trill, twit • fore i= lily broM(ht to thr Southern ataatrs>` And tfw neaceie.•, raw to ras adz! 1!.a' tetwa rt tiuNaa.tw+l* .3aar_int thr, 1Ne,dRr Isfteve+ the ahtditi..n of nlsrsay„,b>t Wwwy hf "`floe weletete ttiei ri fray.' es tipt,In paw'e'd c++i ft+.ata pinup 1i4e pr<3ia.n PHONE` 418 11istening to the inane of raze:° eeeen, such and .well a man's piaee to be raided and his builliege h- aged on' such and such a day, and ee on. then early in May. 1658, we sled him in a volunteer fire hall in (eitatltana, On- tario, plotting with ::bout twenty negroee and sympathizers to over- threw the rnitcd State' government. There was a Jules in the camp, hot.- ; - eier. and he whole tiller; was re - 1 petted to Weabingtou, where it was I lease zed at, no -we -vete John 13ro;sn, and lois fella v conspirators dispersed, . aortae going nut of the country -be way of fngcrssll, where there in seine record of Brown having been, and Niagara. I Later on we find Boar's n taking up a farm near He rper's Ferry, `'a„ but t there wee not much farming done. 1 The farm house was made the centre 1 t� ,hexes of attire .were taken rw cit a company • of mein with - ,red arht red in secrecy. ,Then when they inr"a Ferry, seized what arms they needed in the aresenai, after having cut .telegraple wires, and took posses- . • er llef SdaAY' M/t12C1t "Till, reel All the well-known Cough and Cold Remedies, Tonics, etc always in stock at the Rexall Drug Store 406 We carry a complete stock of all Patent Medicines, Drug Sundries, Tobaccos and Cigars were ready they went down to Harp • - H. C. DUNLOP, Phn„ B ' sion of a volunteer fire • company's hall where they prepared to conduct THE REXALL DRUG STORE operatiens. eirashington thought it BEDFORD BLOCK PHONZ No. 1 GODERICH time to put a . oton to the thing, ' 'Chat had always been feared was a rising •ot the .staves and now they feared it was coming and sent troops in charge of Robert E. Lee, :who ef- tist this time Mr.'John G. laicDerntid, ferward,& became` famous as General organist and .choirmaster of New St. Lee, and Stuart, who afterwards fire James Presbyterian church, London, Came the great Cavalry leader of the who gave several numbers, "On tee south. The little company in the goad to Mandalay," "Duna," "Sun- and'Isll were quickly overcome,_sellae Leese °and- Yoe.," "Come to the Pair". were kilted and Brown was wounded. "Beneath 1IW Window" much to And the first newspaper :neterttiew in, the delight of the audience, and near history was conducted by represen- the close of the program nicely ex- tative of the New York erald who pressed his pleasure in being with a published his story in form aE Goderich audience again, and compli- question and answer, with John mented ictal. Mr, Campbell and his Brown answering the questions the •1 their. good work The pu- • pupas on en, reporter put to him. -This Attempt of llrown'`s stns what pals eentaahutiing to the.. progrmn ' e e '1•ges sang laid against d d - him, and ut his trial he was assigned Gertrude Wheeler and on and a �`' a a lawyer to defend him. He was land and James Sutherland,. ,sir numbers ,being as follows •convicted but before sentence was "March in C" Runtime passed the Judge asked hi if h had the writer conceives to be whet' the• composer is describing musically kn "Ghost- in -the Chimney." :The pro- gram cic4,ed with the singing of the National. Anthem._ Worms cause fretfulness and.. rob the infant of sleep, the great near- isher. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator will clear the stemaeh and intestines and restore healthfulness. led totri hn b • were Me Wheeler ae Hen Bill Su er A Safe r '� , O 1 End Indigestion him e a "Soof the bark,' (On. 39, No. 22) anything to pay.,: end his reply was• ngTsehaikowsky that he noticed: that each witness 1 exeunt in nee Beethoven kissed .a book; which he found taught Bili Sutherland, the opposite of slavery and that he had been acting in accordance 'with "Sonatina it C:" Beethoven the principles of that. Book. Brown "Ttaunaerel" Schumann was condemned to be hanged and duo- "I,'avalaaai l'e" iOp •t , N 2)'Heller ing the month of November, 1859, Marjorie iiendo • on. his great fear was that his sentence Coiitcst number, "Ghnc'' in the might be commuted. He had got t4 Chu:zney' . TCullak Old Testament idea of an eye for an •Gertrid" lt'he2lea: .eyes. and that without the shedding of "Gavotte in 13 fiat" Handel blood there could be no remission, and "Nocturne" Slater had coneeived the, idea that in hie : "?airy Pipers" Brewer death sin of some way bye would .expiate .lames Sutherland. the in • his countrin sanctionkng i The vaork of ho slavery. Bir. Landon has made a they are gettingthe a gond pupils usndewsrstandthat-. very thorough study of his subject ing of the musical values of their and has read the . original letterspiece, as they play with good expres, which Brown wrote while in jail and sion,, and the ,proper ernphasr.; and his will. There 'was absolutely no phrasing which do so much to lift the eatpression of emotion, and; his wife performance of a selection out of the who visited him in jail expressed no merely mechanical into the artistic. emotion. She seemed to be imbuded In' connection with. Miss. Wheeler's. with the sante idea an her husband number, Mr, Campbell 'announced a and 'their desire was that he should contest for the best essay on what pay the penalty. The day of John 13rown',s hanging troops guarded the jail in which .he was incarcerated guarded the route to the place of execution- and were stationed around the Heldwhere the execution took place and the lecturer t mentioned the t eculiar circumstance 'that f '. J'. Jackson, the "Stonewall Jackson" of history,' was present on that occasion in charge of a body of cadets, and that the nfan who after- wards was the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, also was present on the cm- The tta rs; rasion. The `negro spiritual, in which' I Probably Brown was right and that his death' spoke moreeloquently than he could have done had he Iived. At any rate the Civil War canto on a couple of years later and;the rallying Canaan to fhb negro. Why, for in- song of then northern trooR:. was the stance did theysing "Steal Awayto now familiar John Beaten's. Body, ng f t ' ndl Quakers; there' is such a revival, of interest et the present. time, Prof. Landon saki, gainedatheir signiiieauee from the fact that Olinda was the land, of Jesus,'* not run away or walk away. And ever since this song has been Just because getting to their carthl sung. in the Great. War it was. one: better land meant 'stealing uwae,y of the most popular songs. Two. ores which irit want - Canaan. "Deep Water" referred toed np sand dawns of the' the waters of the Ohio River northern armies in the civil war were bad to be crossed to get to Canada, Uncle Tom and John Blown. Those who AS boys had read Uncle Tones through these spirituals the language Collin, were now in the army, and and Canada was to them u veritable mythical tag ten in t e rank their land of freedom, And so all reflex feet the conditions urde wl'aich the influence of that story and . of the negroes were placed and a better i John Brown's hanging provaded a land to which they ardently longed to moral motive which no doubt was get, their earthly and spiritual as poWerfut in. the combat between the pirations becoming associated togcth• North and the South. 1'' et'. No doubt on Dec. 2nd next, the John Brown lived for a time in 'iOth anniversary of John Brown's Ohio. Ile was u tawnier and raiser hanging. nearly.- every paper m of sheep and seems to have made Stater will have an editorial ori thio considerable money in sheep raising,mall who was .hanged as a murderer. but seems never to have hung onto: At the close of Prof. Landon s'qd- his money 'long: At one time he tonic dress when the chairman, Rev. J. E a twee of sheep over to Europe, sold Fors, Invited comment, there was it them at tt good price and spent nom.'Dans° which was fila fly broken by ve sat travel,. 1►ut dad not visit the cities as most of us would, but visited tin Rev. P. C. Elliott, w to voiced the feeling of all present when he said the spots where historic battles load f that be simply wanted to sit and been (aught under unequal oddo. i think:, rather than talk, the address where a hundred'poen held hack a' hadtions beenand implt;o gieatrlppingfotis, in Us its hai amrifica- dneves• thousand and so forth. Later on rye find John drown in New York state. heard such a moving address. Ile' A colony had been set out for negroe3 introduced a ntot.un of appreciation where they might take up a bit' of I tit the lecturer and this was sconded land and John Brawn went and ed. by Dir. J'. P. name and earried l y deer among them to teach them farm- very hearty applause,. ing One winter night in 183'7 there came a knock at his door Banda paw y MR, I(ma mays FEBRUARY negro stumbled' in, and tiffs story of i i PUPIL RECITAL the treatment he had suffered so -' Me. Douglas Campbell, organist Nemutht on John Brown that he lied` and choirmaster of Noitli street ten. all of his fancily who were presentl it'd ychurch, presented his February and he had * fancily of nineteen, not pupi _ recital on Wednesday even. • all et whom were Present on this oc- ink, Feb. 27111. at his studio, Welling. rasion however, tial:' sty oath to fight i ten street. IIs had as assisting are this thing slaawr.iy. When Nebra'ke end Kuneas weteie • opened up to colonizetion, the Windt- ingten Cnvernntent decided that it would be left to the iwoplo who would go into these .states thenteelves to de• ride whether they wauldi. be slavery Staters etr other iee and two rtreame js of people swarmed in, one from the New England state'. who were anti -r chaeery. canal ane from the wit}. who were in favor of elsvery. There, were all .!cote of outrages a <+tlwatiittt 1 1e. - 4 tween tali': e' two taactionF'tehn brown came in with the New rem- ised stream, and Appeared aau ng thr rr.w,rl*tett' fawa,mer3 !!Y n tei,iC1.n2+?Eni eNtonteJ", lief ane !add:iiYted leen . * tweint a e,pv f'l'ange oat this Coif cvery elemdtntert, ..f the ir,a;einn.o.nf was vin-+lmet.!n twat John preoral rw71�+i Acid indigestion,' stomach sorr- iness, gas, .ett., are such common af- ter -eating ailments now -a -days th:.t many people take them as a platter of course or week relief with the first thing that's handy. They frequently use nothing but ordinary bicarbonate of soda, never realizing that thou li this often stops the pain, itmay be doing serious harm tothe- stomach lining leading ' even to dangero.as stomach ulcers. A safe, relial ie treatment for 'acid•. stomach troubles is the daily use, after meals, of a Pt. tie Bisurated Magnesia—either ta'r lets or powder. This instantly neu- tralizes . excess acid in the .stomach, prevents its • formation and so st es stomach trouble at its source: It tends also to soothe, heal and prote::t the stomach lining. Meals then dig- est easily, naturally and without pain, sourness oras attacks. 'Your :awn druggist knows about Bisurated Magnesia and sells a lot of it. Ask him about it Oda. Banking Service and Prosperit-y ROSPERITY on the farm' is largely dependent on factors beyond the realm of the farm- ers' control; There must be a good - rnarket demand for farm products and the producction costs must be kept in pro- per relationw with market returns,. Our Branch Manager: is thoroughly familiar with the business of farming and is ready to assist in carrying your farm progiraln., to a successful conclusion. T CANADIM BANK OF COMMERCE .4.ol fc i to ama,gamarcd THE STANDARD BANK OP CANADA P and MEATS ri SPECIALS IPI - Fresh and Cookea Meats, 1 Fish, Fruit A full line of Groceries, etc.. .All new stock. Come in and ate our goods and get our prices. Drl,veries' 9* rn., 1101.rn., S p.m. and S p.m. 'WAren OUR WINDOWS GEORGE W. BAECIILER ?; Phone 388 COR.21KINf STrN STREET AND SQUARE 00, b