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The Goderich Star, 1929-03-07, Page 5
THURSDAY' MARCH 7th, 129 All the popular Cold and Influenza Remedies GALLAGHER'S PENSLAR CHASE'S WOODS' o NADRUCO «AMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL PURE AND FLAVORED VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL Sc?Ullllt'S AND AV RS`NP'S ' COLD AND GRIP TABLETS Ti) =BAK UP A .COLD IN ITS EARLY STAGES Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 - - Goderich ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL 1 MEETING OF NORTH ST. UNITED CHURCH The annual Cangregational. meeting n street United church was of North e 0 held on Wednesday evening of last week with a splendid attendance, the Sunday school room *being well filied. ,The various reports .Presented show - td a healthy growth. and h fine inter- est shownin sell the work of the con- gregation. Tho present .membership is. 473, an inereaee from 452.a year sago. Duxnng 1928 there wore nine- teen removed from the rolls, feurteen en certificate and five by death, and thirty added by certificate or on pro fession of faith, and `since Jan. 1st' ten more have been added. In addi- tion to raising nearly $5,400 for con- gregational purposes, the .congrege-. tion exceeded its ellocattoe of. 83,000 THE GODERICH STAR -+..+� - mow_. I+w,"�+i ramybeli Fess proving we}• e1fe�'ti--e mated to Presbytctitili KWidyiiaTkRi , Klto ga a Muire�efa ` eiV 11- R, c -a• - na aigauist tiro cli�ir leaaiier .a=_ nlao'and eta $0beesest *tided tr tens 1►euxie, ost tea'ketdwwtan, thief tit' in the weak of the Young 1','o1 C. ! would give the total cotatributi :n as, taneer cit the grovitee- ,qtr, to>nagey, Society. For the work of the Irene,' $1.160. of Mirdisalt, Wise aria Sir dIenry u 01'3Ass;oci.atic,n in cannecti+'r MitfrMrs$. Walter NOM, euperintea:denr,; iiaerntcn, vette vias the chiefspeaker )i .• the pars;nagce Mr. ('bale exp3e,:s:d' reported for the h('*ywn ()tele, sw,rn' at the bern:luet. sin:4re thanks. Two matters lie lai;l ! ty annual and tee life rnenrbe,a, to _�_ . emphns:a on were the great d_ntabal= tel receipts of $`207.75,, of which g',1: 0� + ' • ity of a unarlimoue adoption of the was remitted to Pru byteriai teeeee. Mr. W. IL I, ebb is cnaataare:l to tea use of the duplex. envelop, ard its ' urcr, and in audition a bale s saiae;l clause with a sec -ere etta..k of 'eel- Just asht[1 see this new le're if rot weekly at teat , at e:5,75 was Heat to tine Italian Inge, raga, montlay, rather then a su7 rs•a'21 ie`i Finn in 'reenact Wo aro glad tt� report Celt 9Ir. ti. I' in a lump curt at the eP:ir of vice The repine of ties aliseien Raid Jervis le tee?.evc•t:n r 2:UM ':rl� d L.3Ac,-'� yea.. This cies the best war the* chewed $122 hent to the Pueeb?,-,c,•cal etrin. . had yet haat clsvne:i for ilrearthee' treasurer Mr. sad ilii a, Weed as ace s.�ce+cs:r.li' i is puN air cREFIE, I both the es;scnsc3 of the la'eal coneee• • The repast, of the Melee Sinn -;_a?;' to their laea.te to Elmira aur c,;>.ta:4- gallon and than wart: outside, end the i ' Club shoved 43 meetings, ex:r eamra ing a few dads et tee heme et tee ' _ • weelall offering was Scriptural. race© E50, colicetions ell'e,35, eseensee $10,' Fatter"u parente here. This Silk at present is Diad( in five other `trgge:atio,r he :.aaee via v f©t t orz hand $22.1F. ' The sleeting aa? the BE,eien t`irela' tbo establishment of a visitor$° reg-! Illi A. M. Robert. -on, treasurer er at thelhome of 111r: Jrao. t'udaaiurar en ' shades t ' ister in connection with the ser'trices the Missionary and :ilaint:rranee. Thursday of this week was well ;at...t' s vvhlte, orchid, trianonp of the church.. Two Tears ago a card i Fund, reported the figures already tended, and tlic� car tgxaua, tvl►iclt v.aa j� } system was tried cut and revealeat^ given. Of the total $2,062.55 was re-' of a high order, was enjayad try all. - .green and pink. It is sulta b l e f o r from as fax athe faa that way as at A Austmer ralia -atilt; ti0 in the the of. ubscript on, t>175;fTlao "11. & B. Transport" returned • Dresses or Lingerie, will not los its from practically every province.. in' from the Sunday school and 5200 from Walkerville this week r,vith two , , } L Canada and every st to in thy, union from the, Young Peaplo'tt Seeieay,f ill roughly equipped toChevrolet gatt attend to the" color and beautiful. finish in the wash are and from all denominations, v,erei though this last tiva;a bard to es• transportation coda of the commune among • the visitors at `North a;trcat mate ns „some of the young people '• u church. were using the regular weekly cave• sty'. and 5 wonderful wearing quadty, ...,,lomwoostora PAAt,E 1FIA11r N-• i --1t? 411115 .F 1 Every woman is interested in this new 30 -inch Satin finished heavy Silk At the conclusion of Mr. Glarkc's lopes. ASHFIELD Iremarks Mr. W. C. Pridharn took the The local budget for 1029 was pre- ' 1 door. There had been sone talk, he seated by the chairman of the board Miss Lilian Xtackenzk, of Part Al - s aid that Mr. Clarke might seek an. of stewards, Mr. IL R. Yong, who an- bert, was home fur the week -end. other charge; and, now that the sys- nouneed the 'intention of holding •a. Mr. David Perrie, of Knox College, tem of inviting a minister to remain canvasfor inereeased givings whieh ` occupied the pulpit in Ashfield rreo- had been done away with -along with should do away 'with.. two appeals byterlan church on Sunday last. the terra pastarate, there was the being made yearly for special offer- Miss Annie MacDonald, of Dunlop, p osa i possibility of a minister who was us- ings, one at Thanksgiving and one on and Miss }lecsfe grant, of Coeburn, for thieldissionary and litamtenanceed to the old Methodist system not anniversary Sunday. spent rho week -end at thou respeet- Fund, remitting $3,007.16, end in re- feeling euro that it congregation Mr. A. Jit. Robertson, seerettary- iso homes, spense to the call of the church for a wished hint to continue and in ardor treasurer. of the choir,. reported a .d 1} . _ ,• , � Mlle frrTler;tl of the lets 11Trs. George o toa e e' a 93.9 special fferi meet `she � deficit_ � r emberahi itf 3.a. r c i ti, f � 0, �to make the wish. of the congregation n p p Brennan, of the - 10th concession of caused by'the fact that a proportlen clear, Iain Pridhairt suggested a vote of, expenses, mainly for music, of $70. Aahtield,_ took place Monday after - of -congregations allocation, have not reached appreciation of his work and moved.! 26, balance on hand $17.64. 'IVIr: their allocation, $224.60 was e0ntri d Cant bell the choir inention noon, Interment at- - Leehaleh 'teme- uted, making tt total of $3,291,75 Mr Iiume and ranted by a unapt-, ed the teeent increase in satCendanee ltereaved hula rut and six small. alit- • • - to that etTect. Thus was second by! A ' leerier , - terse Mitch syrup:Ally is felt for lite contributed for 1928 to the M. and M.- • nous standing vote.' It wee this ext a in the choir and spoke of the work° fund. i ,t g 1 1 ver satisfactory. The drop who are left to mourn her -loss. With a deficit in prospect cox premien that drew from Mr, Clarke generally €;s y P, '1 t year a ` hlas e the year f r't a .. Ai fundLeman s t a 8 a h Mand , of - • . r not at a a rebuilt y ythe remelt that whether a � � SCHOOI..REPVItTS the church at large, :either the work any time he should find his work in' very fine • effect. for an organ of it= Port Albert had to be':curtailed,. an =rose tau- seethe$ sphere he could say that he :size..: pSr: IV.--ClIllord Hoy, 78; Benson dad to the already existing deficit r1' or the 'Young People's 8oeiety Air. e y s g o never expected to work with ars ileo a 1 g Further offering asked for, An offer .body of eople as the Forth street Campbell reported an addition at a Murray, 77; Edna Crawford, 75, Coraa was made by a small group of men to' congregation in Goderich. On the: recent ,meeting of -fifteen members, Dickson, 74; Kathleen Cravrfortl, 73.1 clean up •the $250,000 "deficit from following Sunday morning he an-! more than' the Society started the Examine in Hist, Tater, Oral Cottle.. previous years, provided the : ehureh i' nouneed his intention to remain, much year with and now, the membership and Composition: on:� Sr, III,- Merger.1 generally would look after the'' deficit to the satisfaction of the congrega- r was G0. Receipts, $45.99, expenses et ,Codnor, 75 Ethel Mackenzie, 75 on 1028 expexr es, and North; et, con- tion. - . i $$32.05, balance lin band .$13.34. (tie); Clifford Crawford, 66; Arthur gregation. responded splendidly. On the finances of the local world Mx'. A. M. Robertson, secretary of ,•Murray, 65; Elton Draper, 62; Jr. In makia his report the aver r. Pti ha the congregational the session reported on the work and . IIX.—Woodrow-Hoy;. 70; Sara Martin, g p h pa ; M d m, , e nee o is spec offering as a gating ‘4,944.73, exclusive o • 69' Kathleen Idnor. 64; Elwood I of the benevolent fund which form- Murray, 57; Annie Young, 54. Sr. XX. Rev. C. P. Clarice. make special re- treasurer ' reported expenses aggro- • referred to a c age n e nig dust received several dress lengths of figured Pussy -willow in new spring e n . PH8°6 E• HiBREPTT.NE STORISH 86 g s Reliable Merchandise at Reasonable Prices Drape$•, 71,; George 1<xitzley, G2.' Jr• , IL—Margaret Crawford, ,76; Dorothy McMillan, -75; Marjorie Mackenzie, I 72; Cecil • McGee, 72. Pr, ---Norma' Merre.y,:Helen McGee.- Neither Iate nor absent—Margaret Lednor, Sara Martin, Elton Draper, Kathleen I Crawford, Kathleen Lednor. ! L. Ii iaeKENLIE, 'Teacher. Corns cripple the feet and make f. walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway's Corn Rem iv- er is within reach of all, 1 Reserve Easter Monday, April tst,i. loving reslign5e tot the call of vice Aa ant �ontnb ted towards the oh 1oily was ee ehargk,of� the pastor Charlotte Crawford, 83; Mary Mc -'for the. Women's Hospital Auxiliary, chtuch" which would baa sou of I;an fund which would bring the total alone, and now had been handed over. Aiilian, ,'3, Fred Crawford, 77, Elmer 1$00 and dance. iodei '���a�re WEEK OF MAIL 11to1 blessing to the congre ation 1c4 He raised.' for congregational purposes ; to committee of the session, with ---- •-- 6 took occasion. to refer to the emigre- to very nearly 6,40(1.file rebuild- nix. Ilei s treasurer: The amountP ..: gation o£ the Metropolitan church' in ing of the organ cost $1,000 Land $500 handed to Mr. Tiers was $37 and out . Ha ED DURING RICHART3 DIX anal place to liIace, until its new church which whack it is looped to wipe out by a tial 11alineis fund. r• ` home is completed, yet doubled its. s sial offering on anniversary Sun- ported as to the fund while he .had NA.NCX �A•I'i.Ii,OI.i, I' � the handiiti of it. $72.26 from in a riot of humor and action. The m:. 1200 - o 2 0 wa -th finanei' l obit ations o£ the one_A eriiig} ea*pekises_1+.4b.&4,.birlallc .. . , from 0 t 4• or rr000 e a woman Praises dia E.. ix` u 'n a W L cocky' lad m r taleof a a ed ri� 26 7. F Sr 2 yonly f$ 'i e o a bank robbery. A rollielcing romance Me work paid a high s boaids and ro50inote,oa will ons s with plenty'of fun. the •work of the various boards, $450 note, a 'balance from the.: many � The Official. Board made a list of Plnkharna's,V'egetable organizations and said ho had never rmpraiyemekits made in the church nominations for session. and comnut Compound MONDAY and TUE. DAY Toronto, which, forced to move from of this was ,being carried on i note, 1 of this $10 had been voted to the Brr- • ' d M Clarke . re contributions to the M. and M. fund day. • Wben th>+,, note is out of the I bad g AGE "EASY COME EASYGO" MERMAID COMEDY "ROAMING ROMEO" - worked with as fine a body of people' building in recent years. The budget f tee of stewards, the congregation at ri ass the people of North street congre» of local congregational requirements' large of bourse having the privilege ge gtation. 'rive Sunday school superin for the present year is $5,227: i of making -further, nominations. tendent, teachers and effacers were The .report of •the Woman's Assn Messrs: Williaiir Bailie, J. E. Tom wards,elation was p the secrease. etary, .x .. • slid showed session for another six-year terns and . doing a splendid work, and Mr. ' t' i t d byM •s H Ed- and W. Xierr6 Nero reappointed to the WEDNESDAY :and'.' HURSDA.Y JOHN CI1,BERT and _ .. $898.90 raised during 1928, with a Messrs. Giles Jenkins and C. M. Rob - JOAN cRAWJF'ORD balance on hand of $655.73 in addition' ertson to till the place of Rev. James to $481.12 invested iii, a. bond and a 1 Hamilton and Mr.•. Alex. Saundeiis, from eti great stage hit., Spectiteular debenture The Society had fifty and a special service to set apart the in a powerful human" document' made members. with an average attendance.' new members will be held shortly. action, remarkable romance abound i !The committee of stewards is In - in this thrilling story of the unifier- of 2L4 at the meetings. r.. world'. 1 Mr. Gordon Tebbutt, Sunday school creased from fifteen to eighteen, 'TOUR WALLS" - �thelowest .Aug. 5th. 'There•were 2281 George Andrews to take the place of o M J McManus vim has not been ATWATER : KENT. BATE SS TRYE • secretary, repoifi�i PATHS GOMEIET "SMITH'S HOLIDAY". FRIDAY and SATURDAY KEN MAYNARD • Fastest of them :all in a great hard - --.•• riding western. Featured by a sen- sational open range•-ra,,e classic. d n- terta n average at -1 Messrs, T. Wallis, J. 11. Wheeler, W. tendance of 158, with a high record t C• Pridham and 11 R. Yong were re of 210 bola • April ` Int, and 99 as appointed for , three years, and Air. RA1)1(J� n the rolls, with 38 in the primary. j r` as. f , > Teethe], and ofliceis 2b. Financial able to attend ,the meetings, and rel. ir4-W for Denton 'Oration inmost for ik11. "THE UPLAND RIDER" CIAPLI HOMED' - I "SELECTED" c Matinee Sat. at 3.00 p.m. • T Messrs, Malcolm 18IncKay, L. C. totals- *ere $5$7.17, with '$202.8? Chapman and - A. L. Cole, were 0,P - spent for supplies, and $175 5 coati$- buted to Missions. pointed for three, two and :one year 1 . Mrs. Andrew, president, reported respectively as • the additional mem- aa for the Women's Auxiliary. The bere of the board.— The property Ws m alg D NALD "year had been one of eirogress and committee isto consist of. five, t-wy ' the Auxiliary had 71 ;life members appointed bythe stewards, two io ELECTRICIAN • 1tire trustees and one by the session, and 33, .annual members two of the I Britannia,, Road life members being .added during the { ;the members to • appoint thein own year. The objective of the Auxiliary ,chairman. • • .had been exceeded and $860 was re -I A vote .of thanks to the various' Iorganizations and officers was passed . on notion of Messrs. Hums and Tom. - ' Refreshments were served at the close lay the Women's Association. s Mit IOBT. JOHNSTON IS PRESIDENT Honor comes to Mr. Robert John- ston, county court clerk, in, his elec- tion as- president of the Ontario Good Roads Association at the annual gathering in 'Toronto $sat ,week.. Mr. Johnoton was vice president last year and he had the .honor this year.of re- ,. plying to the addresses of welcome I from Mayor 1Vlclirido and Premier Fergugan. Huron County was excep- tionaily well represented at the gath- , ening+ this year. Warden Inglis; 1 Reeve Tlugh Hill. Calbarue;. Reeve. J. W.. McKibben; of Whrghem; Reeve Alf. Baekev, of Brussels; Reeve W. J. ; Henderson, of Morris; Reeve, •dr. Keys, of Ashfield; Reeve Jag, -Hallen- - tyne, of Usborno; cloy* •I'atteruon, I Iiurcet County _,leoad Superintendent; G. • Young, county . treasurer; - Mr! .T - Robert Jolrtcston, Mayor MacEwen' and Contoillor Munningo, of Gode- ` rich; and Messrs. Johnston, Smith: ' and Foster of the Dominion Road , I Machinery - Co., were all in attend- ' anee. Mr, Patterson gave a Dauer on re- ducing the cost of road eonstruetion by modern maebinery cared Mr. Xiugh ^ MW spoke on the -township road dull- r erintendent. in relation to the town- rhip council, Among prominent tueral. . ANOTHER' BIG SHIPMENT OF New 111111110610 Spring dresses HAS ARRIVED THIS WEEK "THERE are nearly 50 new tresses in .. this shipment and the styles and value are the best we have ever been abia to offer. If you are down town be sure to see our window display, featuring the dainty new Dresses at our special price of $8.75 EACH For complete satisfaction and vv►$ue buy KA YSER - SILK HOSE this spring. Prices are now - $1.10, $1.$51 and $1.9S Plane The S. A. GRAY Go: Plola Sarnia, Oat. --"I am - willing to answer letters from other women; to tell theta the won- derful ggood Lydia E.Pink ham'sVege- table Compound did me. I cannot be thankfulenoughfor the benefits I re- ceived during the Change of Life. I do housework' and my troubles made me unfit to work. A friend advised me to try the Veg- etable Compound. I felt great relief at. once, began to regain my appetite, and my nerves got better. X will recom- mend your medicine to all -with trou- bles like l had."Mas. JOUN BEitisON, 162 N. Christina St., Sarnia, Ontario. 0 Herbs That Heal When Lungs and Branchial Tubes Seem all on Fire Fifty yoare tree ra aiiriet oing ,Taints ilalia b -r, OLIO to 1'otetaaaarrourh Count. ilia nal' tt iliaraeiois aaisill in compounding herbal mrdieit e. $ins§, of 1e14 teeny ritereeletioize - 'ss* folk t iii ir1 to Ikeenrl",iti7 r,, aivsibr mail nasty ea.ilhn mat cera$, aces bit llraaliasa T ur y 1£c auc: zl-. feall lIf itt ler al:li- ctc.at a -nu r a .re frr.a a 11,11,e,1? r mum, c 11', yt,srdriS,cPly !c _.115:4 to isfearsi. 1 t:c"T5 '. A l,'tDPsl r of aqui,. !. tial la.004. ?Marcs tic^, a;- l v.intcaaais of thisfri ,l, rrlfa3I n ecer.ly bore tell l i Wc^ave. '1 e,, eher with. the Wee fins 6L al? 2csr lactf::al;! 1!o,r's-hi .a3 Ita:=_-z;; ir4 x7 fa i 23 a • 4 ADVERTISE IN THE $TA4 1 PHONE :3311 For Uphol.terinse Repairing A large range of Sample Cover.. in r caarried - P. A. Z iMMERMAN Nelson Street mayy�,r�,�y--i.-..;,N-,,. n •ce ttae in visa Waver 30 Um Z444 �iCia»»zur� FOR Service and Qualify TRY SPARR'S:GROCERY The. Store of Satisfaction. HAMILTON - ST., GODERICH Phone 146 • IFIRIOM NINTH TO FOiriliTfl ;1 • NASH "400" PRICES 5 Standard Six Models 6 Special Six Models . 7 Advanced Six Models .. . We Deliver iit Town PLACE.' IN Slit MONTHS ! . Delivered . with-4li Equipment .... •. . $1234 to $1489 . 1822 to 2177 . 2162 to 33$7-- ompare vered Prices! N buying your new car, we have this suggestion to offer: find out both the factory (1. o. b.) price and the deliaerred price of each car under consideration. See how much difference between the two prices, and ask why. You will discover this: That Nash "400" delivered prices are closer to the factory prices data competitive cars. Because Nash cars arc factory equipped with hydraulic shock absorbers, bumpers, tire lock --every necessary. accessory. All These are bought in tremendous vol- ume, and alt are included in the factors price, instead of being added as "extras," • at retail figures, by the dealer. Some dealers (not Nash dealers) add as much as 1150 or $60 for btitnpers alone, nay a' 400," aid get mar'o fcr your Theew `A C' -. 00OA Lends the World in Motor l'.na°• lreatie 1111 PO1t'rA".lrI' "10O' 1111Vir •iitleSi= +$ O (El1111;.ft Call HAM `1%111111 OIg'O$'4 Twia•E4nitioe motor 12 Airc aft•type spark plege High compression lioudaille and Levaloy shock absorbers (S*v mite NnS f*la.iltiss 1 Salon Bodies, Aiuminytn alloy pistons , carves??iY New double drop frame Torsional oibretion damper World's easiest steering 7 -bearing crankshaft to kui caret :,eia Short tsrtaiot; vadc'eto iineer contraiiicd a thaseis laliticatioe Electric: clocks 1 zterior metalware chrome plated over nickel Longer whecibies,ee One piece "Salon fenders (leer visioaa.Croat pillar posts Mash ,rapeeiel Design front and rear lreavees HURONMOTOR_ SALES SOUTH STREET dxOD RIt`II 1