HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-03-07, Page 1Print' ing that 'Pleases Fur prompt service and satisientoin werk place your toide.r with The Code- riehStar, klesoni7: bldg. West Street. Thorte 71 7,71 14-....m....---••• . .t-.---. --.4......4rzer.4.aa-r.4,- - - ()Uric tar Advettisittg Alt Pays Thousarels proved that Star Ads t ;et Results, An Ad la 1 he Ceedettch Her towhee the people. 'Mona 7I FEVENTIETH YEA,L1 , Fuestcriptioni $2 a year iit Oulu& , VAG a year to U. S. points. GODERICII# ONTARIO, OCANADHU A, TRSDAY, 1SIAth RCif i, 1$ — . WALTEit NAFTELA Pablieher, ete-..o..--es--....t_ote • ......_„.f: Last Night's Storni Unroofed Part of McLean Ellock and the Owner, Iterbert McLean, Was Killed ,,. ., -.....„•••,,__„=,____•______„.____„•.„___.y.:„.,......- 111 , I, 0111111141110 le":„....."..""...7"-'-'*""-""..."' ""'"•i - ' 7 -1 7' --rv r.7.------i'•-•-(---=-------.;..--_-...-..-.........--.......--7,-...----:----.;:-.:::-.•--r"•••11--•-rs.„---7.! .---,.. ... ..........._---- •/ take up reel:Nue on liritarsala Rost,1 Electric Power Coniniiszion of Ora. HERBERT MelEAN KILLED . ' corner of Daytield Rd. !; ratio be aaked ta draw aip Iaaaout anti , .1.'1415110M THE CHURCHES ' OBITUARY Sun Life Assurance Company, of Canada. . See °Merle Gardens on the Screen I submit au estimates:I Ithe eost of the ' 1Was Carried to Hic Death By Part el ' '' The regular meeting of they‘y. C. CaaraEata.-.-Taaka pas3L-11 away as l work, in:lading the• etrawiag up of Root Bloo'n Off in Last Night's ,111' 17" will 1!(' hchl in MeeKeY hull 44/ 1634 t4heruuldeoh Wad* Takao, Ohio, COMO for a. trip through Ontario . . speeifications and calliag for tendars l Monday iikftertioon at a O'cloaa on Edda ', '12nd " .. .. 4 nig- a not where you started. and the children in the event of yam* death. that is ectittin to comet -"Did he hove- life insurance?" _ . . want rest sometime.. . Bemuse you want rine wife ta be proud to anawer the question . passim free, Because YOU want your children to start where $011 leave ort, by the delegates to the recent horti- Because your wife naturalli depende ou yen to pro:cet ner rich Horticultural Society in McKay R, ,a!„ nos, Jr., au) voltage. and .1 the raef eit the 5/41001 bkh,k,, vorner 1 aaoaa;, into it.iesanirzts taiii,e-enetatotbecialaiTi_ !.1-Anuetardive.tinct eb(ra...:).!teels: litztz 141.iiiiiiIiinernentint Because you 40 Mat ultra te .kikoo to week all your life.; 'Pm lynx Monday everiing, March 11th, at 2 . Nivea -as earetresa and WHY BUY LIFE I?iSITRANCE ? . _ • . 't slides uncle', the auspaetflt:°Gloelideel- ,e• i Ihall, Nelson atreet entrzasce, ....1 Bedford Rotel Business -Sold - •-• ing for st reduction at 4Ieetric settvieel Mr, and Mra. Melsettn.hal beenliving It A, red lath sehnet. andslieiiihol:telia:J?ti:11,1111. uealy, I,.4:01i,!aefrtisLcoeftealtilieeryg. 41:1a,s.latslatacimsue.io,n: ' Messrs. W. Litt and •G. S. Litt, of . litlitchell, have purehased the fund - cultural oonvention in Toronto. Ad..t ed o'clock. Short reports wail be given referred to the cold t• to hstve the 1 this as rot the most eerious part of ' Servires in Nuott Atwell next Sans • nuns she had on attack of pneumonia. 1 dated Felo'27th front M. (MMus ask- / Sinee their retort% from New York, i feeth; 7 Pane 'Rey. Irking IL Kleine, the ofter effects. Shs WAS bueied at _ en MO rates •on his 4 •ree light sera! Kingeton a.treet and the Square wail tor+ Ti on the additional 4ulkstiktion trans.. i forraers required, A ebesplaint frontl Laet night's SetteUrrnmi, lifted Fad of eeilt,a t t d d th . 's ' . , . AS s el, or r. er MeI.?.an, „ a 1 morning and evernna: 11 amt.,. frOnn Whkli ehe apparently recovered, that was read. On Illation. it was passed Ur. McLean bad veto,- emnfortatlei A stands . eharge for store on Illeanilt-on street! in the to :stare- of the bled:, atul bring in a report A letter '," the owner of theblock, lot his life. I Ilene Iriang 11. Kahle, 1).?A.. of SeA* but her heart was not -able ta sustain no action le taken but that dis-1 apartments fitted -up, and finding that •,' tenehe-re---aid e'matter new I deposited it in the yard behind, but .1; I • 1 waere so' at' 4 441°C:tsrpectelit.11Z1 1 Baptist (lurch, Mach 10th: Morn -I stone,. beloved wife of Rev. C. C. Cow , Mg, Rev. George Beath; "Missionary hell% At 011e time minister in the U3 to to meet the Lord M the (sir," tia, teaehere le ed by her husband, who is now sown - health for some thee, and It Christ- " gardens, given by ••• Phones: ,i peso/owe „gee • H. R. LONG. District 'Ai0itt° ture ond business of the Bedford Ho- ty-oight years of oge. Four years . ....,_ . . • - ••••, st tel and are in possession. fl'he price count be allowed if hereon is paid at : the root was loosening in the gale, ll TI ru t• 'b'll f . the • . e • 1 s o i s m t e same , • -e 4 being planned for April 1st to 6th in f These! ago he celebratell the golden jubilee .0.1.,....cl } tVI,W,1,4V ,..-• • • -' . • I...., ' a is said to be ;1%00. Ittr. Harold Hydro W.:Pie Power •Conunission, a Wok, .11dr., Wilfred Iroggarfit .and Mr.' , North etreet United el -Lurch. of Ids niinistry. Two years. ago the TOWN Tf)PICS. .'‘`ITIV;Iner'd,thtlInIgurf• .1);:Vt°0r1/7ee.' debit of t2,511.30, n'ai$, ordered to be' Aibma It. l'isuder, made an effort to ' gaiden jubilee of their rosaries° was I schools will take up wOrk inAill- ; flaroi istestments Ltd: 1.-w-7 --..-,----.---p--r ""'"'"etroit. The Messrs. •Litt" tirh well Pam, . .... . . et . Fell Fair Board - •• . • •• . - I knovotari OWIter*of racing horses but . with a rope. Mr. Ifogarth had gone tilt of •• whom survive: Rev. Lout's: --- fasten the reef down in tame way adult. dren's divislon teen-itgei r. I". STrami• celebrated, They had six children. , •D A meeting of the Goderich Fall intend giring up thie line. The regular month*. meeting of dent oceurred and when the roof • PUBL-I*C. SCI10014 BOARD . down1 • ' I 1 a eis tiorewith the proposed improvements ne. ,,, 0, Couzens, of Itraidstone; $t Clair, of • ward, of Monroet tVilfeld. The N,arious committees in cornice- ' 4tock .13roktrs , Fair Board is coiled for -Saturdnr Blue Neater Highway despetetten • in St. George's. church have held seto 're"; "" •ovaning','Marelt %hi st.- 8 PPin"--. ''T•. '' Alum*, -Sleeting -• - ` • ' - ' the Goderteh public •ftelleol.boint'd was staua rted to .. break . tr. M. Pruder era' meeting% ' Plane- are- prepared • 4. i3Q.nd Deatirs' ." held• on Monday, March 4t12, present was lucky in being able to sump to for the and estImatefor the ed d. on,etww1elltlwtanetetilleitr klii(ilititolni'ts nuiof l - House Of Refuge Committee' Met . iThe possibility of the Blue Water Trustees Wallace, Millet', Carrie. Par- another part of the roof, but Mr. Me- organ were am" bowleg nne being their home. Three •$isters are left to addition s insurana* Reeve • Turner and ' bounty - Clerk Highway forming a Part a the Pro- ions, Iiiii and Cutt On the choir), Lean was carried away with the axiof i d . mourn the loss; ..3Irs. Merton Retch. Holman 'were in Clinton on Tuesday vinelal bighwaes eastern -tttas the The secretary.treasursVs statement and was battered partly through the of Chatham; Mee. (Bev.) Do Allan RoyAL sANK BuiLDING attending the . quarterly Meeting of chieftopie of discussion at the anneal , allowed' expenditures f the month el roof of a shed in the mar of the, block reee ve . , IL Brown, of Louden; Mrs. Wfison • The "r, PS. of North street United the. tee - llge, corned c T2 • ag a Blue a ai: Ig *aY Janne** amounting to $104.77.' and, of course, was inetatitly killed.,huat cc wil• a ve 4 v nteresting' Taylor., of Remitter. One brother, el Is selY• i ' Gedericii, Ontario,. • acceunts far the quarter 'were_ audit- Association in -the King Edwardittes This was the first bight Mr. and Mes. meeting on . Ittondity evening next. . Rev. Dr. 8, G. Livingstone, lives in Phone* 430 i* 44 • • • • ed. ' and . the conunittee visited the teahatt'Friday. Efforts in thia Agee., The -principal of Victoria fichool re- Peuder spent in their flew apartments ' Mr. Passadena, Calif. Mr. Colleens spent Bootle, who is slimily to return -sox... irier-nes, , Home and found eighty-six intaatoi.: . don will be continued in the belief one the eon,girls, One; total, s67; in. this blook, having anlyjust ported for January its-followst - Boys- , all othie ministry le the London Con - mooed to China, with his wife and family to ,, McCoy es. Andereons • . „ : . • , 'thin...tile deeired objeet wilt eveutuelly ' Ife attar:ed. ''• , ' ' in. ' Arr. • MeLean 12.1' 2. , lifty-three• r_tendull ttilizeell;_trelsteitreittlillt eilltlat. ..eprence,• serving pastokates at Auto - LEGAL NOTICE e • ,, • - • • average .attendance, bees, 1p6e4r; it:ernlz yedrs of oge and had been in business a a aa Ull' —N", -"IU "t..“3 l"nt urn, Verna, Charing Cross, lImeich. .LESIAL elf eticle . -, • . ' • , ' This Setion far wagea, in which tho - Every eity and town 'between a 4' ' 1' .. ' ' . ' 14". total 207- or • S5 g. It 20 hoped there will be a IN 1, a title e mu other pia* ne tin • • ,. a i. . . n erson of I ma .and Millie Mont representatives to .. . -- - "ar" P - 13 k d 'ts $90 10- ib • as a druggist in New Yea for yeere l e , , , large gathering to hear. Ma Booth. 318 M rt ddlt t lit. returning to Go,derich last year. ile was a sort of the bete Atte Robert Me- P . • I wilt not lie respolisible2_, cr ny , , • ,,,„ ,,,. • • % halt a day. tar alias ,44, min , , Len,- • oe deposits, . J. VS. e 1 aug . . SINCLAIlt-A VerY highly , eteent• t) a - 4441,04: W AVO:44110* was heard by the the meetitaa,.. colonel ,o 8 woosirour . ._ . - .-• se - • •neet, There wilt be s eclat' music andalas- • ces. 1 ettits •44tintrartpd tai any name by, any renntY . jogger Ms nOner Judge'Preadent, Serrate and W. Eric Har- .-e esi nel .. .at sem ee herd ter Billy Joe Johnston will recite. Non-realdent feea for December and Leall. l•h- ee 011 e, ed former resident or •Goderiele nnuch one on Oil 'after. tbis date, Sia•nh 7tb, is, on Monday and .Tuesdasr. aud ad- tie, . .SecretarytTeeasuree, ••$ 1 Sunday afteraoon. ',Mrs; ?ruder is a Leading up to Pastel' Rev. •Z(4. -C. beloved by ell who hint the pleneure '1929- S - • • *tried to next Tsioaday . on ..aaeoutit . _BEG fil..SOWEB131".•:' • i -arn-at UMW'S K For February, boys *on of her acquaintance, was Mrs. Rob- ." •• • •• 'sot the Absence •of• a witllesa. R• Valle President of theeCanadian Anton°. - were re-elcted.. Dr. P, E: Doolittle, - ' • letotal 366 . • recent bride, being a -daughter of Me Parr, pastor of Victoria street Unit - roll, 188; lot e, 173; , - ; :wet-, d - be eta • I log. and Mrs. T. Elliott. ••• ed thurche is taking op the following t s• I T EOAL NOTIEfilt. - . 'lame, It f ev tile P-04;41 . -. .. bile Associatlem ia houoraty ores!. - 1.4 .Bushfield for tlie defendant. -•lige .atten ance, : ye, , 0 t — , land on Wednesday, Feb. 27th, was 1 - 'ff :t W - ex me air, whose death at dent. Vice-presidents - ares W. F • al or b - of ' m• total "36 or 97.5 ,pereeento Penny . to ROPES VirE KNOw fiuhlects: March tIrti-11 a.m., The will net bo reePonelhte for any ...debts air, Geo. ,It. 01.064 otriedetiell. nate ' • '' .* • .'"'''''' B ck Sii Co t . Sh • ••••ff 11 ' e Mitthell-Sowerby , - e , - e ., ncoe un y, eti reeza, • et If I Old . first. tvotel •from the Cross, ' The reported in our last issue. Mrs.. Sin - Grey .County; t leinit cleposfis, 40. ,,, numbei f Detroit is Word of Charity;" 7 P.m., The second . • t orenreeted In Ws narno IYY anY one on A (Inlet Wedding took plce at Vie- • depOsits, 439. : Blaelcoard ' eloths . , iss aze 1 era o 1. ' v al "The Word a Mercy Al 1 01 t. • ' ' .•street, United church and for inann --4,„„u masr NVI s a devoted member of North- . Countys end If, J.• MeeEwan, Huron .r urea y A. J. 'BIrerS, Drive wera required. Non resident fees •for venting et her home here. end after this date. Februarr isn ...... • - _.... . - -', ' teria St. *United 'church, parsonage on ' , . - . i e . r and• Starch, $3. . The prins. Miss' Geneyieve Spam, of London, ' . 1 ,„ • years eves president of the Ladled' , • 19th-lt a.m. The third word nThe • Word of Filial Inete;" 7 Palle elle Wednefolay,..Sfarch Oth, Rev . -M. C. . cplutilt.' • , " - " -Opal of Central iehoot 'repotted as, bi ;visiting at bei lime here. • : - . , Aid ond since her removal from Gode- Dr.. Doolittle 'gave ivoine se 'i f Ifourth word • "The Wall f At . .- - . . , • NOTIC . Parr (40146.11g, when•Hannah Sower- -. ‘--8-'eu- follews: Jahhary, boyel on the roll, rich she had been kept on the list of Mr. G. II. Green spent a .few daya meetp -,••••• . • s, r oeeeo-eee-ee--o•-•e,eoe by, author of mr. and etre. ,Geo, its to •rnutticipaliti°s end tradeemen epAKE'NOTrGli that I harts-pUrettased . officers of the society as honorinsit, March 17th -11 aan.„ The Sowerby, Goderich twp... erns anite.d with •the • view to .toyriata . becoming. 04 girls, 81; total, 110:14.verage it- in TOVUltO during the past week. fifth Wad, "The Word or Agone;" 7 in Ma - • i to Thos. Henri Mitchell, edvertmers of the rhatricts In 'Mach tendance, boye,• 82;. girls, 651 total, t .' 'llie. beeiness „, ot ' Sung tei , !Moe' W, J. MeNevin ?Married last pen.. The sixth word, "The Word• of ' president.. Mrs. Sinclair was a et •F " le et•t they travel. Ile ,believial that a more d it 147, or 83.6 per eehte: Penny Bank Week" from her visit in Stratford. Periection." March 24th --U Is a.m. . known as the Huron Cafe, and that 4 — . . daughter of the late George and 13i - win net be responsible for MY- debte of, Godeetele. eon .of, . r... .earn 1 -,. •„ .. - . - „ ,,- - „ , • epee s, $86.85; number of deposi- Elizabeth.Cox. She lived in Dakota and • incurred iby him, . •( • -• • s.'.. "'. ehelle sof :Ripley,. Ube: „attendaote . w e. ge to ure :Seeree At* WS 'Outprriau of London is visit- The seventh word, The Word of Sou- , . _ _ . _ . .. _ • - : . HUGH WONG, Proprietor., • •-wereo Mtsise FtoegoceeSowerby and trentioos of • tors, 149. Farriery, botts•on roll, 02re, , , so- ec , e tu eon bj t "Th I' bi - • a nee the death of Mr. • sinctair bad Ontarie„ and. the .wide- anr-is 85.; total '177; average attend. olg 'Nam agr. end .1%fta. 0.• Fa Chap- 'a I P• • P, • returried to Goderich to reside. She terte,e. ._ tBenton Sowerbye rester and brattler• -'-. ' -. ,re • - • , time, boys, 81, girls, 76; ,total, 15/,‘ or • . . . . • i 'n - now eel enced in the - • ' • • • • . , man ' ' • • - .. . . . . . . • . . .. of Life" Itlareh 31st-11:fame sub- . . • IA iO4A •°#415-.. tW•t` _1' :e. oof thkehricht, ma ;young, eeepieswin • remerelnrea i.n the Noeth, **lid jlayo 80- per cent, use,. Redditt taught - Mrs. Allan Maxwell ahd two daugh- i. jeet "Daybrek on aa Darkqopv, le osurvived by her son, Allan, of ... ' • • "" ' Cleveland and by the following bro- • -. • - e • o • • r , • ?--" . - , the effect Of 41.'alibli It tourist. truffle • , • - rrh• • tera Of Colborne street„ Aro visiting ' • Itoad " Baptismal arid reeepton sor- • von SALr ...-A• 10-robraedliouee,_ Mr -. !..,..----m-i.--......--• ___. . «.._,.. ,• . ••-..---,- .. , _ . , ...,,, 8 _ „ • four days fin 111ms Elliott. a etaff , et . _ : .. . there , and sisters, 'Abraham Cox, of wottita . nt the Province. ithe.grOwtb of tlus (•,- Quebec street, Morey and a belt, . • would be pleased if the, Beard would In rreetoos . • • . vice; 7 p.m., Easter cantata in story form, "Love Triumph/wee .. Dakota; Mrs. Douglas, of Dakota; •• with full quarter -nem let. electric • , ..,..,. t.,:--;-•-•*----:-'" , . „ traffic 'was revealed M ligureg Pees', btt kind enough tO provide the follows . Mee. Wrie Gatiley owes .in Wood- . . .. • ' , ....• Howard Cox, of Edmonton, Alta.; .. ' tighted and modern, plumbing; Naar as."Vta'41)""- .-1/ In2ennnstni nu beet t'' sented by the secretay, ' t II I The W. ltl. ri. of esortb street tames • -double gamete APPIY .to ttiL,8 TA.13.• . permits for tourists eetering Oetatio -.• ing supplementary booltio . "For etock for the week -end vialting 111e, la,h114rellno7nrifii:117arilttn18111114 ItIgiell;;Edward Cox of Chicago: Wm. Cox, of I.earn- ed church held its regul(raar menthly • o Witrnlpeg, Ethtal ( in 1928 numbeeed 580,000 as against er of the Horace ittnuat readers; for. Primary tines, 36 coples. of thennim- and Mrs. N. •Arnitstrong. . Timm toll SALtte--118 aerea, lot 8i Apply stating experience am: wages re- . Mrs". (Rev.). 11.• W. PMton, of At • meeting on Mondays afteriumn. Thi - '• se ington; Benson Cox. Alio .of Learning-, t ()Melt -brow 'ate - ete one - west, ot.' .A. . 'and --Pil..11,-' -.' Ki.) 4, 1,. 11 ur9 w. matt,„.qtaref.t,,to .ilteitt las .4ltil.OlPeetittlifettfll " .--20 "0 in. 2024 • -' • •• mins le..2 e -copies- ebt etlie Silent den, bas • beerf visiting her -piti•ents,• Preeilidirrettris; W"i.`1" ttn4r e. ``tii ton, and bfet. (Revst Wittle.• of Nova ' ... . 0, C. Bele; General *Seereistry ;a Study" evaders., book. II and two • co- Mr and Mrs 'Wm. Wallace ; ...vay station. Eight roamed house ' Hoimesville, school, thumb and rail-, , ' livery tone, about 1200 lbs. 6 or IIVAINTED.---A horse suitable for de- p,r • Onner Fin*oson, attended the lun- pies of the teachers' edition. ..." • , • • ., , vrs. p. w. currie, she 04 n1 Slotiai .11enson Co, (brother), Allan a tywn 50/c55 B.. I hiving shedben bowie / )ears old. 1.1. .1. MUM West St. cheon and outlinedtbe work of the The principals, reports iveie re. In Washington and took In the Presi- Denuty Reeve and Mrs. Craigie are leaflet wAS read by Mrs. Durnin Phil- S ncia r (S") "4 Miss itebY l'ingic' (a niece) were here for the funeral. • end pig pen an In good re,pair. About ;lips, of St Helens, and 'Mrs. bit. (a . Ontario Publicity Bureau. • eeived and -motion WI) -• • 30 acree or this tam, •olf.tli .the build- ' -. FOR SALE a was passed to - which. took place on Friday,. sereice Meaford was Tor the eext - -- - a dential inauguration ceremonies. • Dustew• effered pr ter M II th Ines. that lying north of the ralbstae. • -"'" - •-etesesee Meeting pay the •supply .teachers. The mat- ' • -- . . • being beld hi Ittortii street United • miss Nina W.aiters spent the week- eringtone. gave iteL •:;f ti1.13.. . . in September, when the ter 0? - 1 leete3i eliurelf, conducted ..by Bev. C. • F. ' I'my,: 363, olio en. phone en • . - Bock. e ockerets. BOLIOTT Mole It. 11. meeting will be in Toronto • &nee good pasture. lend. .Apple to MSS . oLIZABETit mut Or te r 4) • milt). also a number. of thoroughbred 'Mete a 'nay's, fishing, but the next- annual • still be sold separately It 'desired, bal. ,FOR tteLlt-eThreeepere 0 r. o supp ementake booka was left bulls, from 10 to 11 mentbs oin• nte",nhere will C°naude their viatt with t• •be 4 It •th 1 to a ti t • bred iierefor- . . . o ac ar cloths was re erre to i bl kbo . d' f • d • . end itt Exeter recently, the .guest her -Cousin, Mrs. 'Irani Ellworthy. • and abroad, Mrs. W. I. llair render- . of• uews from the mission fields at borne a pleasing so 0, a re. •• • • " ' 1 . t.us m c Iti • _eri&i.aTkahions. Clarke.. TA " • No: 1, Balliehl. Phoue an r 4L • . 1dr. R. • L., Reed lett, foe Sesktit•• ed , Initrfr71.1:43ilablE.111:1117. 11.17: Water .and Light Commission oete k . the supply committee tvith power to • . . . .. . . .... vt•ANT „re s By be5•Ing .41)38 4-4611, 8.‘1..1.1.. --Eggs for Hatching. 0, Th . t dot). • acres of rich arid productive ••• A..0. bred -to -lay strain. • Barred . ''. • - Anu electrze comniission woe held on e neuter meeting of the water -nap many matters were diseussed. The Inspector Peacont was ,prosent and in about three weeks, bringing with manner ' - nhewart on , Monday, Ile will rehire Ifikertson dealt in an interesting cr - di - MEN'S LEAGUE e", . Iett't: Iltriefitent DOLLARS -4)0 YOU With the chapter. of the ttudy . .130WLING AT THE ROYAL drainage. also• •ivicturesque location - loan with good natural and artificial Books. Polieis of last year laid :it the ,.„, . ... age of 4months and V das•s. SIBS. IL IllursoaY, r'eb• 28tha present W. T. 'congestion •in the kindergarten has Mr. and Mrs. .las. A. Campbell him a carload of. horses. . book on ""Bubbling Springs in Me." t 1 The treasurer, Mrs, J. IL Graham, re- i Mae. 5th -Lions No. 1, I; one 0? - of the best in the vleinity-you DAVIDSON. bungeuneri., Phone ' Due- Mueney and J. W. Taylor. A num- • been relieved by the scholars meat were in St,oney •Creelc on Saterdity at teri, 2. /Jona No. 1, highest three ported that colleetions, fees, and en • . wiii be polluter title meting. Said bee cf applications for electric light- ing in two clatses. one in the morn- tending the funeral of •Mr. Jo3. It. velope givings for February- amounts] - : gamete la Martin, 787; single, .1.1. farm is ebnet two notes tram Ctinton gannon riridese,• . id to O42. • ily as imaninious stand - Martin. Go -Getters, higheet --three-----•-• good house, large barn. delving shed. •`•• also windmill and reservoir. Comfit - on Base LION thdiditip -consist of 'Volt SALB-,Querter rut Oak, dining- r.00m suite, 10 pieces; large oak, from Thos. Wootton and *there re- ing serviebs were passed. •A petition there is now.roornior all. The ueed law. • - • • mg and one in. the nfternoon and • Itlasseya Mrs, Campbell's brother -in - Mrs,. P. N. Hotels and daughter, • ' eorresponding secretary Itiro ale-i'ganw"" V. ing vote the soeietY 'instructed the' . . liTownserid, 320. Townserne 813; single, Is. • . • amble buten. Residence. in Slates rea- son for sacrifice. For ierniK: 'W. roil tcp desk. first class eondition; re- garding flushing out dead end of wa-• volvirj book -case. elliffonicr, tn•cre • • . .,, 04 , . : tr. . , r • ,. tel pipe on Mary !street was react advantage .of toriditeting sehool gar - of a new division .oe, seheollionteethe Flortnee, are -visitorit front Winnipeg Nevin, to send -to Rev. Dr. Donald; a, : i b. 28112 0t 2, Go Getters darDreSt. Clinton.% Owner 322 South f-urtit?t, : :4171s1. ;,,..-7rAirinfiln,11:xt.1.1;tit'..':11!- aud referred to the engineer eo reeoet e dens for which a grant is paid be •the and are being entertained by' their ' ., 1. Originals hi heti h .. • ' MiteGillivray a message of venerate- e moin street Romeo, Michigan, ton. • . • • ee."" upon. A letter dated Pei). 2lat from Department of Agrieuiture, end the aunts, Miss A. Wakefield Mrs Wal- lation on Ida completion of • iorty • „,.. _ , g • . 't rcc !tauten. years' serviee in China, and to ex -1 tt' tar't•dt 617t -881384 II. Teulig. 252. liFAL ESTATE'. -AN-0-7 INSURANCE the Gederich Elevator and Transit matter of retarded children were ter H' k d 3f . If :S • . b - ic an is, anna otter 1. , Go -Getters, three games, R. Elliot.t; 111011 . 1 SALE.--Poidiao •• tioiieli, early Co., Ltd., asking that electric 'wires Mentioned, A motion Was brought " •• - . . Mr. S. D. CrOft and Mr, • Hugh Hill fitili oingle. R. Elliott; 36t. press to him end to Mra, McGillitrayt ' TUE AliNISTIRKNO BEAL 17.STATE mid . io (. . n tx..ellent, Lip. in (by "Trustees Wallace and Parsons the hope and prayer of the membere i ---7-'.T ^ -4. • I'.•SUIllts;Gi .4•GENCY' rA1)01Y Box Z. . • , .. . • . . • . and poles be removed front* east end repreaehteda Huron 'Chapter No. 30, thet thee 'May long be. snared to con- ! ' • " Won Litet 'Later. number of good properties fol. ., 12114 '21)1 STOVISS. ••••••••••• t%11•1.4-111..hrw, 11.1•CliT'S , ht,te, and the harbor so as to make way for the of their elevator to the east 'corner of that beginneee be not allowed to. , ..tart sehool.in the Middle of a term, • • ing in Kingston last week. itlr. Hill # . N., at Inc Gtapd Chapter meet- tinue the work in which they have 1 Lions No. 1 - , a." N - CI 3 • 4 been so eminently succesefult- - . i gr..ttatlears kt•t•.• at low lertees and many • of them - . ____. • ' . construction of the new elevator, was *.A. .niotion. by Trustees' Parsons and .wag elected AS pistrict Grand Super - Whizz Ilange • 7 5 At the North street United thili•ch 1 ° v isy tiohIS rOr PaYthellt. Just. a few of them.: - • I comb White tegborna • li4e each, for '" W --. 4 0, ,‘,.. O. :Barred Wires, 10c; •Sincle 44, read, end. on 'motioti of Mr. Taylor,. Carrie that an aniount not exceeiling intendent. , • • • this. Suuday, the choir, will be asMeted ealtfoiel 5 4 - A Rood brlek house, bathroom, ileitis. ns pa.sed to havo this work done $100. be spent on supplementary. Mr. and Ali.s. Wni. Webster. and . by Mr Ja It Striknen • 1 1 t f . , eel ,. 4 •• 5 session: t41,500. in and sflall barn. Immediate pos- RAO .tetr 10o. If you eeme to the farm 1929, from the Hydro Electric Power for ,vonr perebase. etareli" tend April. Eggs et.co pee eos, at once, A letter elated Feb. Ilith, books, and that the inatt,ers be • I will make a. sub- wieh the supply committee, to get the left son, Itrill and Mr. E. J. Ituinball were in London last week tailed thithet• by • gold medal at the is.linlial Festival in.. Stratford. Mr. Wilkinson wan the i itallt 1117,'Al.;Ilt'S' LEACiUll :1 . .9 • lights, gunmen, cellar, small bat% One dots of *200 ehi e d • n - on eggs. Ansi tot or- . creased station transformers equip - Commission of Ontaelo regarding in 20 per tent diseimint.. Carried, " . The matter of lighting •at Genteel Stratford two 3.1. 11 ago In the same '.. -Mae. 4thee.Supersilit ' 2, .Blue llrielt sliouse with -batttroom.. eleettie staata iSehicite • . the death - on Friday of Mrs. Web-• )eation. Pelee, ROO. • a s an repo persy Mex.'s 1,sister, Mrs. IL IL Nicholtee A claim in which Mr, Heal, who sane '• •Streake 1. Superaide highest three arht lipase, all modero equipped." I arn authorized • arena . for Blom meet was real • On motion of Ige, achoof was referred: to the pro_ . further reference will be made next meant heated, part polisheo hardwoon 11r0oeloir stoves, founts, aced tampers. Taylor it Was passed that the -1,134r° 'committee, elPe the matter Of drain'. week. here last anniversary, obtalhed the I games, Mien" A.. Nairn 543; einglete eenieuers n line garage; choice location. Air further Informations:emit for elite. .--e•pes - AUCTION SALES " • have done as seen as poseible ender The • Ilon. it C. Davis, Attorney I tionally full rich, button°. voiee, ar,d i three .games, Mira It. ;Plante, 489; , aoors, welt Olanued, witli etc. I also haye a nunaber or trsed --.**!..!"•-• . . silv•er Medal. . He ItOriheses an excel,. i Mum ' AS Nairn, lata Mae Streak1. lir iodf•r stows,'Iounts, Teed hoppers, • • „ . . , - • ' mg the grounds at Victoria school to . Many con - Face 83.500. General of Saskatchewan, and Illes.. h'se colo will no dtubt be mueli apo: siegles, Mise IL Plante, 179. lino betek house. full modern 6 i te ell/3n' cm chiel'e-end :cm' and' ""ices. :' the euperviaiont of the janitor. . lighten bithroone g2,700. , Ce tl. (leen-110We ' ete.CArtlf.ra ''''''' • INCEN'S 1...:Any e o et tette . . , . - 22. 14 referred to the amincipals to eon.' the past week withthe lattetee aunt, St John's United church, Strittford, ' Hawks 1. Lavender Girla, three . . (Ill I. i n I) •o ll • 1' ' ) I. Oti es. te. *: '.2.12 (31 fli• 14:"""4 . 'The matter of teaching agriculture Davie, event o few days in Goderich neeciated. Rev. W. Stenley Owen, of .! Mar. Oth-Lavender (arta 2, Night . toed, 0,200. Good In '1. house- electric 124 story :frame house, good condi-. I ' .., • . Auburn. ot a.At Um reinionlirsi Otore Mew to fer with the teachers and bring in o Mrio•Dudley •Holnies. Mrs. Davis it wilt preach at both servieee... The games, Mise II. Reid, 472; Dingle, i 1 • tem. lights and •batinro'om; well. locat- - Phone 10-2i.• Ilunt's liarilwarel, on . . ANTAMO Builannxo' &arta:4'. . . ''''' T •,•• . _ .. . k rIMAY. aLtnott loth . .'repoxt at the next meetinaa. a daughter of .the lato •Justice El.• Mimic for the anniversary services Mins iki. Farrow, 200. Might Ilawks, • • • A ; three frame:1,1qm. IL Lleyd, 537; ain- Fine •IaS story 11111P-roorned house. ee 9 [.... . A . • rommemeng at 1.3:1 ItAll. A. suggestion to allote half an bout, Wood, of Bettina, and a grandtlaiqh- will bit no follows: gle. I,Irs. IL 1,loyd. 205. • '. eny'Plvt meth" 1-Pieee haihreeta itaarittlaferegulltinli(1.,killiantrfnibtirillo4o1 i?,eating: Just flogsbed; choice Interior • l'Ildef annervision. cit Poultry beoart•- en:mating. ond finishing: hot and eoki meill. 14- A: C.. Guelph. We speeialize. e„ei roale, e„al, nnhers. sweater roses, the PrilletP316 be allowed to trY out (11 see, seate, .ntalinera, bosierr. 1 eleetrie The siork 4.1111Sifitf4 Or: LaiiieW firet., • ni d a : . off each week for good coriduet war; 1 ter .of Mrs. Slack, of towel. , a e . nd. a rc Alen 'waif paosed fliat VICTOR, i HOME AND' SCHOot, Organ prelude, "Paetorale" Faullfee•p „.,,,,,e, silks . . . - ..... . •••••all••••••••02. . CLUB . . ' • Anthem, "Love Divine, All Lewes Eg- 1 "ur" 1 Laventier Girl o ........ 12 12 • 9 well arrangitl for (convenience. and ' • . • Sterility Won Lost 4 uite: ewetrie fielded; good cellar; two thant,ivaelitlzatatzultly7rrerreso.ette 3102..4.11114tide plan till Hooter. on motion of , - At the annual meeting of Victoria • • ' ceiling" " • Night' Ifitt.7149 10 II 11 -.; AS; Wen tocate:1; einivenient to Gode- ed. iley tlerterninent Inspeetor. NW -3. nu 1 ' • Trestees Wallace. and Parsons. I Reboot. Club held '1 hut ' . Sololds, Miss E. Hume and ,, !dark * . 8 ' 13 a Blue i.ltrssaka VI:stores ftnigigts et: • '1)2 12. The matter •Of .112Otruetiott of auto aelne enL - - - • ' air. J. Williintion. • • iaaasesiton. Pee:01.800. licit collegiate • institute. Immediate trarmei4 under Ileeord of Pen•forniatice --..-,-......... A geoil 115 t.aory teroont beano good priees on • ilay old chielis. end 'these g list and idands, flgiireo, tables, window Minds. sereen door, .• pormol pupile wail 'refereed to the ; • vening Feb. 28tb, the following of- ' ,.., „.. I Oftertory, Noctunie, No. 3" Liszt : "Nothing But the 'truth," in *ion - euperviefon, Write't0P 11Ia tin 'eller, lot awl barn, 81,200.. Tweets 6111 started rhiek9. - ' school management •committee to 'cern wore elected for the ensuipea P.SANIA.--Larae number listist for_ J. CAL RI:Yll'r. Must vacate by etareii need, too . .. look into and teport on motion of year: President, Mrs. Palmer; let i *. , , • - - c 04dcl , church lecture room on Thurinday and Solo "Consider erd tlear Itt ." W . • • Mr. Jack Wilkinson, of Stratferd. Friday ellibnillf.:A ur nib weph. Don't , gi st t .1 , Ai, liVerYthing 'i,1,1 CWittIMIt 1, '22.' Trustees Hill end emote and that Uvectehtng must dm sold. vice president. etra..C. Robertsorin 2ful , .6 < .1 ot 'Ili% good buildings, well improved; re-' 1)11 21)11 low prieee and eaey terms e»., II. 41. 2. Seaftirib out • Tellebe-e:ai•lt. Tifie4 1 JrNINIV Dr. S. IL Shieleir be totted to come vice preerdent 3Irs. Seroule; eecre- , °'' u e• .." an" ' °en' ri fillt Illi4g It ' payment. A fewe 45 aeree, 1,...,, •.. M. RoIlleets . • • e • to Goderieh to discuss the la tt ut erleary, 3Ira, Duckworth; .t 't "1 11. , - . .ittnIN ex; acres. $3,000; i00 neves. fe5,500; NO • . 'SALE OP . . ,•,...,....._„. .... .....,... _., , .....___ , .,.. ....... tI:1:110N rz.11,IP. (OP 1.`.‘101 irro‘fIC. • May' being ouggeeted as. the date of Dulteis . 11,•:itteitit,:itt"141:1",wilit;'!".;'fi'rli"ig teres, 0.200; 80 le% et,000; 1,00 neve% • _ Evenintr - Proprietor. , et,600: 100 aeres. 82.000; 10e aeres tlie100; Anetioneer. with the Board, the first Monday in tary, Mrs, MW:rhy; treaeurer, Mimi , .ores. e0,000: 200 aeres. €4,000 and mant • el , • sue'h visite . ary presidents, Mrs. Itedditt, Mrs.:, Bobinpon; pianist, Mrs. Miller, horior. •r. Twenty -Minute Oraan Itetit-stj:,:.,,,,,_.: iretis,11,,T` "Rustle Serenede" )1*) it I" V t %Milt ig Mr. end Mrs. leseeie Aelibin. 110118E110LO GOODS u nittlifieti NMI adjniffilig ale Lewin • A f k • Taylor and Mr. Beacom: refreallnamt . a -a---9 ,- • - . . request or t o me of Victoria • Myra Ask about them. 4,T a,„„„a rederielei hirratten eln ,•t. a, een Jeseeh ittbei O. . tor all parifenlare voile or see ' J. W.. AlIMS11110NO. ' ' ' C.I. teAal oEeFsfetaeItseseE. eneV_ . ,see4=etAstesel• rsf„..TS.,. Be..E O.. D,.eA.s-snT_..eI8,..T.•,-.. .; L.1s?.,•1• 1, 8,e0d-:o. eA„s.G.-..V-.. , GotoO lrdu4d'1':Mrn10aaol:i:;inrittntethioiPtiin,gneRat, riIlofDIoie,ernAtur YlZieiteeirn1Pel.'i orL,feeliattlnorh:rd.mv..e3es:A1rgase.Veotk.sn olAnerA:krl.o, i 2 n4am*lnirentolot oehal! lnlilniailsii.; ; vmfevaacaaihecrtao& totithqefohfri, ratshtt e ,awy hep'oealkdde.ianfgteoeift112.hoe tih oanol be2bbeod; y.f : '211 2.0)1,) emn• illig,l•t• iAtaremmlet*e,gnM,ft.sorI"telCire eu3etcntoulatelMdedtecslart. ,bsY on °rHlho'eaOflrem lrrgdpAis•afoiprimnti-.i. a ii -.'t;• . tFait"aoTtT, oh"eOan evME-et tttvrep.C tnhoino a ite vaa•brr• A"y ts,il,sa am dtS oaulNd,l'lseoiovrtahtni '. •i,g 'ciMili4.ttt,i4bo1n"r-,mIo 'lriTt eAs.`13tIt:II•Pa,,k aelt.t tf,o 2o2o)1ti• .et1 erI nog 8CoderlehOntICTOetnonne nt 140 lerrponwm1h1"rm ranittoo, ArmTitmifauert II, atner1" Nili'l I122IAMintllibm. lesmistya Filn FRIDAY, MARCO Sth(thariqt)Hot( Itoilfan,Trteee Wore"Id MlleJ'% 31)1, AliIlaiilton, Mic/blthe;Auth( m, What of theNieh" iin VAuitd itim '11' •..l oit cdhtwwelttnemamittee,Mrs* .8112),',e*llra.IMOM mn%hasst:mole:o ol'with deeeask on' •• ow mom and Bedroom 2)12 rera 2.2111112' Ott of (11,, (11 council for the smullsayba' kh ournAlrPlaceP'• o., Aso. e . esE14: I 111 litliM113 .W. Suites, Washing Mao hnIe(ero4)143youugarnt41)111 {i yearVLSI)°Ti2' 112' comniitteeMies 2. '2. ltateon.oaerto14aanelatt1 *i el lit1929loilinliMe kichenRagePianoll'4116%1w' k.6 eywAtmMileMrMMler evi"03SrfiStar411„iinininnmut4,, Buerow 5 yeattd i11at14/re2a(.12. 412.4, . StoiirPlwll placfrm IRegEstattop Dtsk, Char*and amens 104wnet„tell lamCrek ka. fOVctora whet%asamminted a deIgee to the 0ng°edrosdenAir I& borW bei of other articles3 ostegfeltilit rThe propertcomttee Ai. setnia e ItelTmtit° i "jWilkinelc,caideot de *Stanch avill Aorgi2 Jerseycfrduateucted to have a. new urinantFatew* MrChaIbbetoneslude. '2!'7.1&1I ('2. 112 1I2 fielK!1/!1114111 -.„e'r.•'19'!cdrt Central lial duringFstr WWI WaleA:ID OUtitie dOt3#4.'41' nlut1ipiii4t101,,e 1 e_ad Al4111ovi1ea141hcationThe board Adjourneaat''211 ao aAratmbobt- .; 0. I2.11%UJRI • nunury: nvarlitw timitiev r:Meet Id Central school n Satindan. l'hahln" nrAtliNnend levee: nellior•e • hrel and utorlazin,c5 to be held in the ". atreet •011 March fiGtia. 0110 Oit Ehe 'i lia,igo,i awde :it iiiiiil,iiiiiott oil • ;,;e3P ._. , irt our iii"Jr.fdlo.r. Mr. Wait. Itymt. %%btu t$ A......•....., • •_ • :P.-- i ,INVaj MNTS C 4• mTto 3t tlitrie.ltci.6,g9e14,1 OtIMiiEe yCviiftc:isa eo. iti , s•!tG CrL eE, Na T,E'eRT,As,ItNeMEN spri• ngA lpaeanworand Oarrini; sao,-.,t I•nt orosting lmrvinbwl aa, aaisatpND INSURAE es1:ntithiniltadr aae,n,'len..efit°anITt1toreated thk of Vctoa Net, "Wateinn, what Wemeenth,atef oea* il•W., ' achool are urged to attend our meet. alslight?" aCtlargaent) hy Mr. Robert! oue li. ails ore foul itelst': 1 Telephont 230 ' lwfteld. 1)1°4 fis°11"14P Thiv011 (1°'-"I' ' e''ll' . °I/a' "iterlm oorlutY IntdOo inaa and to become menthol.% of our .Cutt, tester coloist a Galt, cud All T'l Wok th""fla '1,'" bsla'd 4" d''.'r 4, oil, sza, lIer4. . 4114 . MN 1,1aling an entertainment, in MacErsy nub, aaateteay„ )1 . TEratv.....E.,Icitt ‘ioilotilltinie er.r.7:1 %%lig Ilan A et len 1 loth, tme. 1 on pr , 1 cla• Itton Adams, baritone soloist, London. vivaq NIASONIC TEISIPLE BUILDING . alba ailan fin Itteniliitz, c'taW•ei,.. .1 '6,50 ,,...............-..••_.......o........_____ . ti:dtilkabial .1).4o P. it.i.jo.P eclit. •-ir:.(riii, . : *lion the fanieua Canadian entelain.:" 4 Re3ervo Easter MOriday.°Aptil int.( Duritlg the eovere . atom on Wed.,. . Pother W.V. VW ihEitti 0.1? !s.itt, p GODEItICII „ . . oNTAftio 1,..%its ,h, fat.,, -„,,,„1 fne i -,:i,45. : on). n LLir.Iferit• clitv.; t,: agaa.aa, pregrem, The weeredz ‘'‘..e :et' tir,"i COO end danc-e iv te Leld in the nes- toria stir -cot Unitod elmreli Vila itior,$) 4er, J. IL (*moron, vat &grist itt the, ear tlto Wot-...en'a Iltnpital Ataziliary , nenday night tho GitUdi VI -owe? of? Vie- ipa„vo s„„ 01„4„••,1,,,rol?t,t,,. ' g Ata1 VEAL ‘•: lar,w pa ihm: iriiisr, litd tiot. l'o?g,.igt,:u. 1 To Mink at:tsa eotan 1101 P.31•• ,c-m4tt)ac.,. "NOW .tat 7116Z1('' Va'tiO4 futnishing of the llatlY-teaa7t..1P.,1° 4.•,a2e .ot?. reeliget's ee, . a 1