HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 84
• "" •""" - • • ween, teeing cenof home Cr Me, teed Mee. Henry eforteri
-Wall fer eigiit weeee, taineg the ilta, •"3" irVnto si*Pit AuSilaY -atta
t-itei3U0 (itZeilq, tilt: and Niantan staidattua, plow is the tuns to hme
eere ef Mi Junn 10. Woielse aged er
.;3 Rata, had been le. id up rer;teand_ babe 4104
deeelepeil Sine prasemenia, with end Mee, Mete, tehavideton, at (*,w
Sewing Machine
winch eh e beceme weaker_ tile thonsed........Tiee.....eettenaavec ceinteete..ee.., ewe ..
-a re, eseanneeeliedefthateTteXee fest- -Itect'asck---Yeennie Reeepletii-Uacieli_fendeetereieiatlefffiketel
•"-esae %.),a tenet keis tuSWSsilsn eviltiegf. Mies Alice nineldetorte;
far better arid 1)40'1er
Rehlember, "the early _
• 'bird" ,and .1nake your
Choice now. You will
iind our, patterns attrac.
tive and prices right.
Cole's Book Store
geed ueiglitor and a thrtstian 'be- •
Thelernerat took 'lace on mile w°11' 113° 8ide
suuday after/mil, 6ervien E9egol evening fnall in the neer fasj
exceves Leonel Church, eeing Residues. taw. The conteet nee been s9
lay Rev. .1e, ea. Gate, as, 2 doe, cc's...still that another is launched wite,
antereaent Baytield cemetery. 'bac Wettetcr atid Eimer .Tolinstea:
ealibearera V.-Cre I:0V! Delgattee Hen• eaptains. liner° are thirty-two en;
re Weston, Jan Bleeitireg ‘,/,:altese` each side and if tine attennauco in.
Warne, Londe 1.‘bereieen. and, Ill° creases. in the rod two months as it •
_ Dewar., Nro• WCSMS 18.'1•3'3471C.C". '1" bee during tho Teat one the outlook ,
. her buoband and family of- four, king
Liviesetene. of Toledo; - Men Alm4•3 er,gzleseeeeor_tanen.tenapte•
Sparae. of London; 11Ire. T. tir V1131114 arioDER/cli TowNsHip
of Zurieb; and Nesbitt, a Toronto, lie
-son and daugliter havieg preileevased Next Monday night Rev. R. B. ewes
' 701, norms yeare ego. 'The hueband miuge of Benrailier. will flew a 'lantern
, ed family have the hind sympathy slide lecture in Union United Cinertie
and eorrow. 1 Mrs. Bieban, of Vineland* Ont., is
• conniving old ecquaintances in dais vi-
Cranston, Sunday.
at e I m f t. Mri. Union_ 1
DItri., 11111(.01 Mrs.
8rrV)dtuelt11 'Is lasZitet The
8417111'eV? 'tin:)C11:1141da;f14;IST14:111:1
ii V 1
. .
Sunday School at 2 p. an. Rev, 51, V.
- ewe: er 4, • Mr, and Alm. Will MIT and family. Parr will he in tbarge.
to community in their great lose
DAYFIEth lePent Tuesday evening at the home of , The y3ung people'e vociety a inn
Dlr. S. J. Kilpatrick. lion Church are presenting their play
false Ploy Edwartle returned home Mr. and Mrs. John Kileatrielt, o "Yimmie Youson's Ycb' sn icitay
from Kitchener on Saturday last ofter, crown,
were visitots at Mr. Thomae Hall, Goderieh this Friday evening.
100Otlits ViSit With frietUIS.
t MY. •••••,,
Parts? Oil*,
Belt', Ne?dlcs, etc.
_ eee
maim" rapid rebisevere and remaine.
ing with relatives in Lackner; for a
short time before coming, t her hem.
Aire. Nellie Shackleton, who bad
ereht the pest three months with
M. RGWQra. of Asbileite near Luck.
mow returned last week. to bei home
in Dungannon. ,inie le at present a
guest with her deughter, Mre. , John
MeWhinney, of the let con:vision of
Mr. Wni. Elliott end• daughter*
Bezyle returned to their home In New
Lieheard, having been here for the
funeral of the late Mee. Vyane Mrs..
Elliott will make a visit with rela-
tives before her return. She is thio
week a guest with her sister, Mrs.
W.are•Pleased to, report that John Anderson P. Saturday. • 1 The regular meeting eif the Ladiel Win. 11. Coesar.
tilepett, who undenvent tin:Operation Mr. JOS. Alton, of Gederich, visited Aid of Zion eburch, Taylor's corner; Mr. Samuel Swan held a very sile-
ntsceinton hospital a week ago is pro- et Alessi's. Will Irvin's and Meer will be held on Wednesday, March cessful sale of farm stock and hole.
ring favorably and we hope seun 'Phillip's over the week -end. 1 6. at the home of ItIrs, Daveltodges, ments at his farm two miles west of
to oek hint back home.
, I il'he baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs, , Huron Reed. 1 Dungannon, eiti Wednesday of this ;choir of St. Andrew's Unitee Berman pninips„,, nolo non plaI neumonia t•••
ene Goch :I'D. Hospital Anil- week. Who stock brought good. prices,
The cows ranging in eirtce froM .$83
/Church are presenting, their play Tbo
ewer o •
CI et w - it le rece'veilne nicety - ' iiary is asking for a, sit f i I '
Mystery of St Ives ' in the Telen 3.._ ee , - . ku t to $110. Calves sold foe $35.
ter the hos itaL Will one wish Ms best
-,,,-- „ere
Nall, Bayfieki, en TueRlay evening, Mrs, Kichard Finlay and babe, of P allY - horse ,brought a little over $150. 'The ---- --e----e ;. n n_".neenee
i to donate lease leave it at Mr sale was eon tie b Mr Jo
Altura 12th. This Is a fine play last. Vangatied, Sask., are the gueste of ng p B. d tett Y . lin Pur-
ing twoeintiaebalf houin, when YOU Mr arid iiiir$ NorMaii Shaeldetoo Arm. Edworde, Huron Rd or Miss vis, auctioneer et Holyrood little son, Donald, of London, spent
ay tent a nsee 6 visit with reir0 eMpty Sgalek'S., ' iii renewing former acquaintances at • •
tendance. bensisten nit% Iv. noienrao at Dunn. ' Tho young people of Union aura '
Dungannon and in the vicinity there-
. . , Sen. • ' . ,
%Nero is- to he a ,special service to . ' '
v lie. Th W. M. S , 'of Hackettli an-
enen in St. Andrew s United Church, 1 I enjoyed ta sieleh-riding Parte' last of. Next week he wilt Assist in stocn- e
intment, met at the home of Mrs.
Hill. Sleigh -riding was hicluiged in leairene which bad been .Perebeeed by G. Vint, with elevert in attendance.
clock. The pastor Tiev. le 111, Gale, tended the peeler social at Mr. Bert
• a banquet will be bold in tbe base- ood time ' i wise where refreshments were
P ' the h which for many years Mr. Elliott con.
sided. The meeting opened by singuig
The president, 11/1rs. James Cook, pre -
till about 10.30, when all returned to Samuel Swan, This is the store i
will preach. On Monday evening uext 1Treleaven'e lett week, and re ort et
TRCItillAY, FED. 2-th, 1.9sett
r I
AI I „Wool Blankets, $
whipped singly. On sale $9.50 pr• Qaeh •
White -title Weolt Bianket3„ size 72x8E.:. I iritz. or rim boreias ang
Soft cashmere. finish Prints for dresses,-
• aprons, smocks. Dainty Kttterns in
neat little rosebud and geometrical de.
signs on light and 'bid -ground colom
Warranted fast. Special values, pr
yard " 2Se and 3So
Now feather proof Tickings, in dainty
rose patterns, blues, pinks, etc, Yd." BSc
• Men's MI piiie wool Red Label extra
heavy Underwear. Penman's, Stan-
.tieWs, etc., Clearing. sale price, - per
garment.. •. $1.15
t • •
Natural wool. Sizes 30 to 42,, Rez-,.
S-1.50 per suit, at
54 inches Wide; tine quality. nice
weight' for dresses or coats. Colors
rose, blues, reds, fawns, etc. Special
price, par yd S1.25.
kPrinted Silks 36 inches wide, nice
weight silk and rayon, in latest French
designs; first showing. Special, per
yd. 9So
72 -inch extra heavy Unbleached Sheet-
ing. , Will bleach perfectly. March
sale price, yd , 35c
ean enjoy a laugh. The BaYileld Ewe Nt. E. Salltddei Bayileiti and J.V.• Ur. Chas, Elliott. of Golden Wiley the week -end ikith Mr. Vergusou's
• • .) .
tertainer's Orehestra will te in at- Mrs. B. Johnston eeturried bon* on nearents, Mie and Itirs.. Thoss Ferigue
Mondtwok '
sea Stinday morning next, ot 11 o' A number a our young
folk at- Friday eveuing on Mr. Rich. Porter's taking in the store of Harvey Tre- Pe
win take part, also a program will ba
anent of the church. Special upeakers g • '
Irlesees. S. 1X Stotbers, of Kam served and the evening spent in necc: a lennn and repeating the Loreee
givon. and I. Stothers, of London, spent game& and massless A hearty vote isf teetendienbeViingeSirsalletzstIonesys., krayer in unieon. Mrs. ,L Mullin read
thankswas telid0Ved tO WIN Porter needaYe and the excbauge of his farm the eeriPtuve le3see) psalm 141; an. Tee Angel of Death again visited part of Monday and Tuesday at the
• West Street ((ee1slairs) •
(0141ede 71:*29121.rrs '
Phone 239 • Foie 4prorx71mw7 Phonee259
QPSN EVENINOS 1brApp6infmentOnly, •
Our entire stock of Men's, Women's, Misses! Bo's'
and Children's GOLOSHES aro now on sale at
• Greatly Reduced Prices,
WHera's-Shoe Store
*par • ,
Reservigicn Fiume 162 Telephone 378
ri• i/('S?'I ktzept atio.,11/.11; /VAC& •
hs Service And quality of Food is of highest order and
wilt satisfy those who exact perfection in both Canadian
• and Chi.nese'Dithes •
The Breakfast ; 7 to 10 a. m.
Business Men's Luncheon 11 to 2 p. m.
Dinner ; ; ; 5 1o8 p.
**We draw spetal attention tO our &Millen Men's
Luncheon. You find that our Moderate Pricer,
Prompt Service and Quality Food will please youl, •
and family and the evening waseither hyran was sung . The secreeary,
for the store will take place ai soma
brought to a close by the singing of Hackett, read the mut-
, a sizestyolcmics.tdit-kRiiutteilicea_n Ahe laccretpiwo tot. ing! Mass Mame
the National Anthem, of the previous meeting, and
was solemnized at the Ashileld Unitedllantteesrwaras the business was trans -
A special men's service is being Church parsonage, Leaman when' acted.. ' It was decided to hold a
held in Grace United Churce, porter's Miss Clara Ritchie. eldest daughter of • social evening ,next week. Mrs. Al- I
Hill, next Sunday, at 3 p. ne Ther e .Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie 12th hart Altori read a • ch4pter from
will be special music by a male awn! toncession •of Ashfield, was united in "Drums in the Darkness." Mrs., Geo.,:
The pastor. iltev. Mr. Gale will be in • the bonds of holy matrimony_ to Nel- Lane reported on 'temperance and
charge, A cordial invitation et ex -1 e'en Xs .11eYnard• Rev. A. M. Brawn Mrs. it Mullin on -japan and Mary
g the peremony. The brie.:
tended to everyone to attend p1mininthis ser- Vint, a reading. Miss Maizie Hae-.
. , was attended bee sistee Ui••4 .3'^u1"
vice. On the following NirednesuaYe Ritchie, •while bY th'e* bride*kroant- w‘• a•s kett.and Mrs. RoyAlton sang a duet.
5th as was mentioned last week a hot Xinloss. Following n short
eveeing, mach 6th, instead of March '•supp-ortoe by An:. Lloyd stein; of [The ecalection was taken up and '
honey- another hymn was sung end the prosi-;
supper will he served in the basement moon trip, Mr. and .Mrs. Reynard will- dent closed the meeting with prayer.
of the church followed by a good pro.' vesicle on the grocers's farin at Para.1 _ ;
gram. . mount. WESTFIE„ LD I
Mr. Raymond Browne was a recent
guest with relatives at Gotierich and Tho Stratford, Prof. Samuel Es J. Beckett, after al sister,. Mrs. Harry BellamY, of Tor -
word of the death in Vancouver of 1 Mrs. Colin Campbell is visiting 'Ater
sh"tlaitiehlPesrscif.9fBeileultetatudWaTeatinInalvt 1"ht, J.E. Ellis visited on Thursdny
Relatives in Atadleld have received' • •
Mr. James Crawford visited rola- l' A ' ' where • 4.4 ed ' 8,14 the, home of Mrs. M. C. Griffin, of
public school education°, Latervhe was, le„,„4,,,.„,
.tiveli in Dungannon for a few eloys. •I a sttident at Goderieh Collegiate In "'"''''''"""
Mr. Fulton, of Nile, called upon nititute, and, in11905, be graduated The measels epidemic is about over
friends in Dungannon one day of late. from Queen's University, Kingston,1 and most of the children have return -
i The ice -harvest for 1929 leo been obtaining his IL ;see *grog, He was, ed to schoot ,
garnered. the ice having been obtain- assistant pastor lo•the late R. Dr.!
,Mr. W. H. Campbell spent a few
ed from the dam at Case Black's Mill. Duvet of Knox.Presbyterian Church,1
with Nis daughter
Winnipeg some ears ago, and of late i d4Ye lest" 'week
Mr. and Mrs. •jarvis McBride, a ,- ,311.8. Wm. Crozier, of Crowe. ,
Carlow, were recent guest& with their has been. Associate, Professor on eco 1
and bring them in and have
them Fumed before the spring
• cleaning You will then have
some new Pictures., to brighten
up your walls. •
We will Frame them well at
reasonable prices
Smith's Art and Gift Store
Eest8t, Phone 198
Scott's Emulsion
EieyShowingaf L Assurance Company
o '
'MONDAY and TUESDAY - • • D. D. MOONEY, Agent
M4RCH 4th and ith
and following days
We carry Scarfs to tint the New Ie.
Hata, also Neckwear in %vette • •
end colors. .
Silk Lingerie
Hosiery and
Hand • Bags
Weinvite you to can. '
Ptiotre 250
Konen ST. ; Goannien, Cele.
0E101'4 330
Pot Untholateriag, Repairing
A 1arne range of Sample Corer.
• • loos carried
Nation Street
North Side Square; Goderith
Gwvin. .
unele and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. James
London and other points over the lane, woe an Arte graduate of Queen's 311e eengT
Loewe AleKenzie made a trip• nonce and soeioloey. His wife Who o um w eie e ug pu snendmg a fevv weekti with their elaie
to wee formerly Xis; Annie S. lieFate"g
'sondes in the University 4if British Mr. and IVirs. J. N. Campbell are • • "
te„ VS• Stonehouse, Goderich.
egational meeting of the Automoile, O. wners- E..•
week-ende He returned on twsday. University in 1907. • Westfield United Church was held on
Mr. and Airs. Alexander Hackett, The second of 4 series of house • Tuesday. The reports show a sue -
of Ashfield. were guests reeontly with socials under the auspices of Crewe eessful year.
the forinees eister, Mrs. S. 11. Stotte United Church Sunday Seliool, was Mrs. J. Killough Of Dun anno
' held at the commodious 'tome of Mr returned home on Friday after sPertd-
• Mr, and Mrs. IL Davideon .and Al and Mrs. Bert Treleaven with splen- Ing two weeks with, her daughter,
Ian Reed were Sunday evening visit- did success. A large crowd gathered Mrs. Wm. Kelly., who has been ilL
O$ at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. for the occasion,' a sleigh load having Mrs. Frank Campbell is, visiting.
11. Statham and family..
AInti Pentland, Frank Savage und tger ettgr°Inegpatuino4n.unTioni,e!erovemnitnhge 1st
of .Comber. Mr. and Mrs. Blown
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown,
Lloyd Finnigan, of Goderieh e t v asaotl re ressive
P g intend celebrating their golden wed -
10 e rustituto, spent the week -end at
games- sueh as erockinole, dominoes, ding on March 13th.
their respective homes here.•
The Misses DorothY Allen and Mar ete., occupying the first part of the
prat Ryan, of the Goderich Collett evening, after which en excellent
The Friend of All Sufferern-Dr.
tate Institute were week -end guests Program, consisting or reatling6) Thomas' Keleetrie Oil le a valuable
. at their respective homes in Dun -in- soloe duets and instrumental tium- lemedy to ali. those wbo suffer pain,
c boa, W.
Alton bad a wino a bountiful hatat was served. Tile It holds out hope to everyone and ren. bets 'being presented. Following this
. .
lizes it by stilling, suffering every -
operation recently for the removal of Proceeds of the etening amounted te
where. It is a liniment that has the
a toe-nall which was giving tem sours , upwards of e12. We understand that bleesing of half a continent. It is on
trouble. no' operation was eitceess.tanother social evening -will he held in
fully performed at his home by Dr. the -near future at the home of Mr. tvherever enquired for.
Ie , n e oun
Johnston, of Lueknow. and Mrs. Matthew Shaeldeton. ........._....,.............,
Miss Edwards, who has been spend-
mg the winter with her parents, Mr. e , .
and Mrs. Threw EdWOVISt Of Dun- stues Amanda MaeDenard, <if Kin -1
;mutton, left -on 'Thursday 'to adtend eardine, visited at her home in Para -
the millinery openings in Toronto, mount last week.
• She was atcompanied by her little
- ars Jr X MSS Alhertalteekett is visiting nt
I)istrict of Itiuntalt,y, DX.
.3% Debentures
Doti February Ise itynt 311.12,004 Dee Resew Ia. 1941
Dated Amyl; Sim $ . Deader:Lary Ilet, 1159
Prineired and half .eeerlY interest, eeyeble At any eke of the Royal
flank of Chock la elet Province ef British Columbia and its
chief °Coes ia the tenet of Edmonton, Celaary, Winnipeg,
Towne, Montreal end Cluebee. Coupon debentures
deneminetion of $1.000 registrable as te
mimics! only.
Ltgal .30111ot C., O. tang. le.C.
The district of Burnaby. with * population of more
than 2000, lies between the cities of Vancouver and
New Westminster. Those parts of the district boniet.
ing on these two cities Are important resit:koala! areas.
The remainder of the district is a. fertile area devoted
co fruit growing and small farming. The iriunkipal.
;finances have been well handled and the district
tieipating in the present large developments in the
metropoliten area centred in Vancouver.
,2411(ligs 09.75 sad greened Interest*
yleititai over 314
$e f&V!Ilif *la 01,0!! far epee :mete
Dommtort Semantics
coarawnoN MUD
fionimrm ammiatim limpopeo
1000000t MO, r. kw** Poloihos VARCOillft
Surd 011110 *11010M,Or•vt. 10
!I r tocurnort, aeoreem+r, 000**K1 #, *ow or
flOpilOws WhO 411S0 10141 t3tient the wint- i A
er in Dungannori. tne wale of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. .1ohn (awls seem(' Albert Beckett, at Kintali.
eoncession of West •Wawa:wish were Mr. elenclretv 'Thompson ispent tile'
host and hostess of a delightful Rath* nveksend et bis home in Inteknow.
tiring on Friday evening, 'when they The U. P. W. 0. held their, monthly •
entertained about forty of their meeting at the home of Mrs. Duncan
friends at their home. The evening Madeearatar last Wednosday.•llra.
was pleasantly spent In stamea, toe, Iota McRae gave a report of the U.,
F. a onvottiora held in Toronto III f
loWell by 01113i0 and dewing.
Victor Errington and little (laughs. Deleember' Cleveland's Bread
ter, Violet, returned on Tnesday from , The service in Ashfield Presbyter -
is. a tempting eompternent, to
London where the latter had under. inn Church en Atm* bat was aZ
it native of Glasgow, at the close of
eaMtuardndo any meal-deliciou in itself
gone a euceessful *potation for
"II* 111438:1:4131. ai n tKe ineo3st ' el': hl eesthe ell utd.' and lending zest to the rest of
Your *family will demand
the usual English sermon preached a twice as meeb. er env Breen as
short SOTMOrt in the Gselie language.. any other. Encourage them to
A goodly -number present wero ideas. do no, es it is the matt health -
ed to hear the 'Gospel again in the tut and nonriehing food they
once familiar tongue. van take.
ee • -
told some ten day 8 ago. Violet is
By Taking Lydia E. Pink. Mrs. T. A. Contemn is in Victoria E. ,11:. CLEVELAND
hams Vorttable
Compound , ak1r. stvi2.4frg. T. A. Caineron spent . --------.-- - - . -..
a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ihnowens OF mAkeiti
Wilton, Oat. --"1*** 14k)1111 radia sing nary.
o.‘'.°173:401 )11 Win Baldwin event 'Thursday
. .A1.11t TIRE nein .
. .
E. Malthus** V
tafiog boos me with Mrs> Baldwin. who is in Vieto ,
It too
t cesaattrana itopitid. London, ritt) TULIP and DAFFODIL'.
" was s If4s 1 1 t* t.. , ctt II 1 3.
Med so: *oat ,I ...-
spear the week., -ad with her friend, 1 "Th. first breath of sating"
way ba.4 . JIMA 111111` fiberetend. • "are *mow titer prettiest Stowers
1 could hardly mr. and Mra, Moot. Rayrkard, Luck, that grow." is not too *web to
to 414, MY i sow, watt &what with their (laughs : *Ay of the *meted tulip and
eninirnrk' t I" I tor. rarre rrtalter Albert. ! dalrodel, and they slo lend thein -
$4 shoat the
als."4.4" ' Wm Com. of Pilot 7.4ound %v k '154fos "_41.% 1461Millf tither to
0 k P. :lb
sealable, COM- ,t3pfUt it WI.Pk with 'tor *role and aunt, ! roma or wituft IfOrersktiOrt, Tlat`Y
11114Montaikt Mr, am Mrs. wow' trailL • t ore just now in their privet and
teigtv*I* a VW. Oast ihettht Savo : „, .__. le 22,... t :Ai M heOntiY Mid i* aterndavit dopply,
awk MOO sad 1 have Said admit what *yr, Arm "yrs, ”1"-• 1.*•-tf *w *
it doos fat lac 1 sea *Mot far you to tiatarhttr., of soar Whiternerree volt
Hospital. London, this week tekinly Phone 114 West St
Get your AutceXarkers, Permit
Cards, Operators and Chauf-
feurs' Renewels from , •
J. W. MaiVICAR Make one with J.11. Vrooman
and have your clothes pressed and
at MacVICAR'S SHOE STORE fwrielSitilweadysUPttellerradiarrlYforatildny Ye°011-
P. 0. Box 414. Goderleh. gagernent.
For &pert Service in
•- Pressing, (leaning and Repairing
Try the
Goderids French Dry Clean* Works
Phone 122 West Street
doosiotorik. •
Real Bargains in
Dining Rnoni and,
Bedroom Suites
Some in Solid Wal-
nutend also in Wal-
nut finish.
First come first served
Plan Your
New Year
buying a new piece of.
for the Home
We are the people for
New and Used Furniture«
Hamilton Si. God„kti FURNITURE EXCHANGE'
tho Broadway of Olditith
.101,05 •
Frozen White F'Wi, lb
Lake Superior Herring lb.
• • • • • • • • • • • • * •
• 0 10C
a& rah* 030 . '. 150
Dry carob, Ili. ... .17c
: .. *. ,.25c .•
Ape Tomaiiii" Ib. .... • * . * * . . * *** . . * . ***** g • ir lac
Lanwas, per &MK, .. .
Dat,., new. 2 *.s. for ... ,32c
Jolty INvoeilets, 4 far . 21e
2Ibc •
Currants, per ifs... 19e
Nett siva S.per tin. ..
., • • ...•.............11c
. &Aft s Cleaseir, 3- init*,. ... . ......... ..25e
Lux, 3 packages, ........ , 0. .
• 'grows" so 6,0029C
Aylmer Sow" Vegetal& end 'Tomato, pti` tit% .. : .. : ....10c
3sk, Free Rea* avail kodineol, 3 for . . . - - - . . ,.,,,,..- . .2Sc
Corn Flathee, Seger Crisp, 3 for. .... . . - , .. , .215c
RAW Osts, 5 Om. for, .. „ „ ,, . , . - 350
. ,Hrolion Seiko, per 111....0..-0..0.....- --ilk
Gee. Stewart
Wodatmley with )1r n4 Hiner
wenn, °some.
atallt Vow Mhilifiber Mr. *ad Sidrtoy Verste.on *PIM *so Plias* 108 r