HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 5TH RSDAY, FELL 2Stb, All the papular Cold and Influenza Remedies GALLAGHER'S PENSLAR cFAAsivs WOODS' NA.DRUCO WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL Pt?R> AND FLAVORED VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL squills's AND AYERST'S COLI) AND GRIP TABLETS ''.CO BREAK. UP' A COLD IN ITS EARLY STAGES °ea bell'sDrugStore P Phone 90 - Goderich THE GODERICH STAR A desired on Friday las r. t:ainea of `-ar- of the churelt, Urging W t'hre ii rle awe kinds were enjoyed, sifter *ttihien meat weather easel the premising lunch was served. si:•lineYa is the mouth of January tits emeeting was held tioiitewitat later' _ ..-. AUBURN thitu salmi]. The year that hasi"passed was one of , Mr. Thee. Jahnaton is installing a • abaft sial faithful acv nice>�klhs~Jbest ,. new radio for Mr. Gordon 'hylar. , of feelings prevailed and much good Miss Lola (lurch is visiting ale?' work was clone, Large eotigregatioiia friend, Mins Aussie J©nes, the past' Mr. Kalmer »swsene it the bank, spent the sleeks seal with relatives in Getter/via We are sorry to report that Mr- J'uaabt. Taylor is again under the dee. tor's cart. Mr. Robt. Scott returned horse last week from his slaughter's, Mrs. tL Jowell of Colborne. Air. Harper, who resides near f`o bourg, is the guest of his sister, Mr. Alp, in the village tat present. Mr. Elwin Killough has pureliasea a 1C► -20 McCormick -Deering tractor and is ready for the. spring work. Last week bliss Ellen Phillips re-. turned home after an .extended visit to her friend, Mrs. Farrow, Mitchell. Mr. Thos. Johnston returned home the latter part of last week. from. a visit to his sister, Mrs. Farrow, of Mitchell, T. Adams, W. Vodden and O. Law - eon, are busy hauling logs to the saw- mill from various farms near Don. brow ny k. D Y -BROOK I is on ai visit to her sister and brother- Mrs. Maitland Allen left this week, in-law, 111r. and Mrs. Thos, Wilson. for Flint, Mich., and is also going on Mx. Jaa, Murl?Ity, of. the G°"Cr I. ; Mfsa Addison, of Londesbora, is tv Kankakee, Ill.; to see•her, aunt,. vent the week -end at his Horse here.' with her sister ; Mrs. Aav'id Bean, wlsn -typo :is verysick • Mr, WM. faiiiMbell spent a couple is improving nicely from: her seriotia of days last 'week visiting his daugh- operation in Clinton hospital. 14Tt El Guelph, Stoltz was home from ter,• .Mrs..Wni: Crozier, o;. Crewe. i Mr, .and }firs. Thos. 'Wilson enter -C O A C., last week. to assist i� ?'lid KYomen's Instituto rpfli ` haid, tames] u slumber of their friends and his father at the annual Shorthorn -neighbors last Friday night and .all eale at Winghant ,last Thursday. their' inextt meeting on Wednes.ay, report a very enjoyable time. 1' . -bar.' Geo, Beadle, fanner, Auburn, 'M'arch Gth, at the home a£ Mrs. Nor Rev. n. B. Cumminga£ intends giving has two cows and four calves. two iTitan plias psora. a ,. 4.4ett! an illustrated ,lecture. on Ben ,Har and them Jersey heifers off one cow, and ; `',itiey§xs. Clifford and .Colin Crozier, the Pilgrims Progress next week in he has atanding osier or $100 for any-' qi Crewe, visited at the home oi their the township hall. •.The slides are : one who can beat them. • grandparents, Mr: • and Mrs.. Wm, good and' it will he worth while to' Mrs, C. M. Straughan • visited Campbellover the week -end, cosec and enjoy an evening with those friends in Goderieh last week. good old ,e stories.. Mrs. Hain and children ' fi�. Cath] Campsie]] is wisit•init bibl, of Blyth, friends in Toronto at present, , were visitors at Mr Wm Cory's a few attended nearly avers Sabbath while the Sendai School had an average ;, atte adance of e5. The repart of the;: iatanagcrs showed a belance on hand after paying sit ueecaunts of $11`.00, as well as $250.00 received from the sale cif the former Methodist ehaa;.ela ; It was unanimously agreed to give VOA .of this $230.00 to the marts sionary funks of the united Chureh and $50.00 to the fund for the relief i a the British miners. The sum of e. $1040.00, of which $171.00 was cora tr'ibnted by the Sunday &heel, was forwarded to Toronto . for the work' of the church both at ]tome and abroad. This represents the emigre,* gation's full. 'allocation to the Yi1is- . sionary and Maintenance Fund. Tho Women's Missionary Society also raised its :full allocation oft MOM. while the 11lission Band raised $50.00. The Harmony Class and tato Interme- diate Bible Class raised between them $150.00, The members of Session are: J. J. Washington. John Synnign- ton, Geo. Sturdy, Wm. Anderson. Geo. A. Bean, Chas, Straughan, Robt. Rutledge,Walter Yulter Cunningham. The Board of Management consists of the following: H..11Togridge, Jas. Muteb, Elwin Killough, Fred Plaetzer. P,• D. Munro, Geo. Million. siert Marsh is treasurer and Wax. Struughan.. mitt= sionary treasurer. -- IL. Da Munro is church secretary. Mr. H, . Mogridge was appointed representative to presbytery. Mr. 'Wm. Thompson was elected auditor. At the -close oo .the meeting te resolution Was unanimously passed expressing the congregation's alipreciution of the work of the min- ister, Rev. W. R: Alp. Altogether the eongrogatioii has just closed a ,very successful year and faces a future that is bright with encouragement and hope. " Cil vv i . days Last week. CARLOW I Mrs. Matt, Shackleton retui:ned, There was a good attendance at The boys' class Hist in the. hall on home last Saturday,, having spent the the dance in the Foresters' Hall last Friday evening to plan their week for: past week With her parents; Mr. and Friday evening. old and young the season. Mrs. Jesse Gray, of Goderieh. !thoroughly enjoyed themselves, se= Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark spent .. Mr. ROY Robinson, of the 0th con, pasting in the early morning,hours. Sunday evening. with Mr.: and Mrs.. of . West Wawanosh spent the week -1 Last Friday Mr. Albert Kallouglx John Treble,. "end with his sister,, Mrs. John Kai. was the "recipient of another addition Mrs. Ed. fisher and sister, Miss Patrick. - Ito the family circle. He hopes the Mary Robertson, are visiting in iror- The monthly meeting of the W. M youthful stranger will fill his place onto this week. S. . will be held at the home of Mrs- when his right` hand will -have forgot Mr. Gordon: 'Young, Co. Treasurer, Wm. Crozier, March 7th. ''A good at- its cunning. is spending a few 'dos with friends tendance is looked for... e a in Toronto this week. The change in weather coedits The see£atueveni Ike a is ri V i! {:. t 1' i t- , lig--uili4'1.. , v a.w• . v , u Sleeks a and C�ial-bites. jar. analog. o W: lel . • BENMILLER The Young Peoples' . Club are pre- senting the story of John Bunyan's Nilgram's Progress, illustrated by lantern• pictures on. Sunday evening next.- Special' music" by the orchestra. These pictures will also be shown at Carlow next Tuesday evening, The story and pictures of General Lew Wallace's famous Ben Hur will be given on March 15th. ons Last week• when the thermometei. was hoverm 1 •aunt. th • •t g Around thirty below, z a mxs. in s. neon ane ass , mos., spent Sunday avemtig with Mr. gives of the Sunda! $shoot, which was I The --annual .business `meeting :of' and Mrs. Stoll and.family, held at the home of Mt And Mrs. Knox United Church was held last ' Miss Amos, R. N.. of Porter's Hill, Bert Treleaven, was ail that could bo .'Monday afternoon in the basement ring Merchandise AVVE.you seen the big packing cases arriving at our stone ` this past week? Theywere e fillled with art••hole host of new .Spring values—new Spring. Coats, new Dresses, - }dainty Dress Prints, English Broadcloths, Summer -Dress Goods, Draperies, Cretonnes, Curtains, 'etc. Spring 1929 is going to be filled with .good -quality :and value. Come and see this new Spring Ierchandisejust received from',the ]Hills. DRESSES New Flat Crepe Dresses Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20, for___... -$8.95 New Cashmere Dresses are the leading quality and value Spring and Summer. Sizers 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40 and 42, New Crepe Satin Dresses A special value for stout sizes, a very heavy cloth and Lest of spring styles. See this new range. Sizes 58, 40, 42, 44 and ... ..... . a� -ti.". �...._,,.. $19.75 r New Kayser Silk Hose $1.51, 51.65 and $:195 We have the New Spring Shades SPECIAL ANNO UNCEM.EN T .-- On.FRIDAY and SATIAIDAY, MARCH 1st -and 2nd there will he a Demonstration of Foundation Garmentsi ri 'f ` • CY 0LLL ,� In the Goran "Departmenit '''Ce The S. A. GRAY Co Phone° 56 Will Elsley -]rove -sleigh-load a Beiun ller folk to a Sunday School meeting ' et John Flick's., Aker en- joying a good time of sleigh' riding down the big hill; the snore serious business a the Sunday • School was je 11 . =ammo*. NOMINIMMOI PACk ]dile .1,110...,..... WE OFFER Special Values for the last two days of our Annual SPRING SALE 12 Pair only Grey Flannelette Blankets, double • • bed size, pink and blue borders. Saturday' 1 V +a'i only .... t t.• o f a t ... t t., y e• 1 r 28 Inch White FIannelette, fine even weave. Regulars 20e per yard. Saturday only. , .. . • . t .... • .. 4 .. . Ladies' All Wool and Silk and Wool, Vests and • Bloomers. Regular $L25 and $150• each. Friday and Saturday Special... t 1,1,.1,•.1,.. . 14c yard 98c each .__. .. .. , . ,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,. ,1,1,1,1,:... Ladies' Full»Fashioned Silk Hose. Reg. 0.95 si 59 ' . per pair. Saturday y . pair. 45 Inch and 54 inch all linen Lunch Sets with colored borders, at reduced prices on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Ladies' and Misses` Pullover Sweaters, silk and wool Hose, all wool Hose, Chamoisette Gloves, Wool Gloves and Silk Gloves clearing FRIDAY and SATURDAY at less than cost price.. Ten per cent. discount off all new spring,goods and merchandise not aid- vertised at Special Prices, F. E. HIBBERT PHONE 86. - attended to. • At a 'congregational • meeting the following officers had iii ready been • atspointecl Jahn. Flick,. Supt.; Cecil Banter,. Asst. -Supt; Do - rally Welters,. Secy;: Evelyn ,Gong, Asst.- Sec; Miss Louise Maedel, Trea- surer. Tho following teachers were then appointed: Gertrude Houghton, Mrs. A. G. 4 anstode, _ 'Mrs. A, "M. Straughan. Eunice, Long, . Cepha M is- kell, Mrs. E. A. Maskell, Mrs. S. B. Gardner, Miss Louise Maedel, biers Alden Alliii, bliss >. G. Dolan, Miss Stewart, . Miss E. L. Cannibal, R. K. Cumming. Librarians will'ho F'rankr Waiters, Benny. Straughan, Thelma Allan, Annie Edwards. Asst..:Treas.0 Mrs. A. M. Straughan; pianists, Mar., garet'Aiiin, Olive. Hill; Carmen Sten 011S, • COLBORNE Mrs. Clarence Walters visited friends in Goderich recently; Miss. Gladys Treble, cif .Goderich,, spent Wednesday at her home here, Mr. and Mrs.: Thos. Wilson gave a dance and card party on Friday night of last week. ITho farmers' cad) shipped a •-ar of hogs on Monday and Mr. N. Pearson •a ear of hogs on Wednesday. The rain of our made the roads so bad our' worthy mail pian was not able to make his full trip. ' PRESENTATION �.:• Mrs. William Walters. was taken by surprise on Wednesday evening wlien her Children and great grandchildren and grand children gathered at her hone to re- mind her that she was another year older, Mrs. Walter's birthday was "aa short time ago brit otr�u>(;count of stormy weather the . .group .Could not 'a get in to celebra=te then, so better late card party on Monday last. ' pions on the words frons the crosee Mss Minnie b illian :visited, with the tint word, "ills . Word of Char her aunt,.. Mrs. Will Watson and her sty," and the second word,,'=The Word grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. `Chas, of Mercy, being his themes for Sun - McPhee, fors a few'.days. day morning and evening next. The •--.-r complete list will be given in our neict • THE CASH STORE AMONG. THE CHURCHES issue, C)ne of ilio mast successful ADVERTISE, IN THE suit Large Pimples Come Oil on Her Back and Shoulders • Baptist Church, Sunday evening teas that the 'Knox Church •Ladies'. • subject,• 'The 'career sand end a the Aid has ever held wits this year's' coating world -ruler anti -Christ. event, held last Thursday evening, Services in Knox Church next Soh- The tables were filled twice and there bath.will be in charge a the minister. avere quite a number to be served at a' Sabbath. School and Bible Classes at third seating. Aftee the r,vpa:st a good :.. o'clock. program was rendered, con=istint; of . . Tile recent hi h tea and sale of :selections by the orchestra, boys' solo ancy+ work.. held by the Women unci rhesus with Herb Gi°een ns the' fsoloist; .organ number. "Sur la Volga,,, Guild, of St. George's Church netted g 1 the magnificent : total of $313.10.. Mr. Major; solo, .Miss' Marl; u•s't w il. , • The topic a£ the .Men's .Sunday Club Mast tt:inga', recitng lc lac ' Billie two-part of North S. united Church, which chorus, "Bareuro11 ', organ- and• plana meets at 10' a will be :What 'ls failure?'' introduced by Mr. R Stone. duets, Mi: Major and 14ir, Wiliciiison;, h OtherIt sato, Master Harbert Green; and then Dose, scrunch as closing orgnn number was ]•,Isar',; Annfversaiy,. Sunday; March .10th, „ „ will he rondurted 'by Rev, W. Stanley .Pott') and. Ciiceinstanre,. . Owen, of Stratford. l The regular • inectittg of the Grad- � gational, meeting of North St. United s,it Thursday,. Murch nth; in tineK• ny' which F -lid, and in the ,'cistr«r. e Church is held over till next hew.The meeting was held last evenin(; Hall,' at II par: r tnomth'ts tuna sell the rirnl Ira•lua�l os, Oar report of the annual emigre.a .1,k Wmriirn's Inpt tutc, will b held Mrs. :einem Park, Moore Jaw, Se*, nrites.-'mast summer My blood bay ' carie 'fiery impure and largo . pintlf.>s Nano out on: say back and slundlete T tried all binds et ointments, but .abs no. avail. At last a friend: a+ir."ietet vet to get a bottle of with the Sunday School roam well npprared. filledand a very healthy condition' of . She hi• so dumb she thinks this faun-' Manufactured only by The T". 111.1all the organizations a the church thin a'youth is the soda fountain. burn t.o., 1.td, Toronto, Ont. was reported. •t 1 The North Street. Clebir Concert which was to be given on the Wed- nesday before Easter will be held on Tuesday of the same week. March 20. The cantata "Olivet to Calvary" is to - be. used, with Mr. Vert <_`'utt, tenor eolaiet, of Galt, and Mr. Leon Adam, baiitone soloist, of London, assietinee : Leading up to Easter, Rev. M. C. Parr, pastor of Victoria Street united -Church will preach a series of sex • than never. Mrs Maitland Allot -- -grandchildren the fndograg children "We your � eat � Ichildren and t;randeh,Idren and great -grandchildren are delighted to gather .here tonight to honor you. Wo rejoice that you have been, so long spared to IIt01�D�AY and TUESDAY • us and that you stave given us so and LOt I SE I• ADEN Tl.: many 'happy MARY and pleasant memories MAY ASTOIt • - LLOYD- Ilt'GIIEle of yourself. It is our earnest brayer heed a cast of featured players In u that you will be with us for many big time comedy of a small town ro- yearo and that it may alwaSs be mance. :]evenly -levo laughs per 'We. 'light at eventide' far you. eCga ask • afar ceae for each heartbeat«cuts] n you to accept thio gift (whish was a sparkling Innnanee weaping its i+itver sweater coat presented by Dorothy thread throughout. . dell, of c oderleb) and we trust that, .'rllljAT3'r ' it T1I:.tI' l", it will help to Algid you from all the china and frosts cif winter. 'Div. Just to round out an excellent that it will bring to you is 3 raction just a little of the att warmth we hove; "THE C' ienetiGI. NS" for you in our hearth: May God Meas . you'and keen you all your days, We WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY want you to know you have our deep-' oat love and fondest zea ardrt.,r B ES�SIE LOVE situ Signed Your c'hiidren, grandchildren and great grandebildrer. The gathering then sang "For or she'u ,a jolly good .grandmother." Then Mia. IWalter:: mads= -a auitaiale reply. The, `:TIIE MATINEE11)017 i rest of the evening was speait in MF;, COMEDY gamed, then lunch was cored and , "LEAPING Ll_'CK" 'gtandmether Cay it Pi nice when you` rare riot forgotten in your old days. e IR[DAY and SATURDAY". (Too late floe laht *eat) Mn. • J. l ozgne spent Tuesday 13W`Z'/ BARTON and '6Vedneeday in Toronto.'i°he world's t;Itsateat juvenile refer Mtg. J. A Welitera is viritime mitt' and evestern eta. The rQ'ser a'n Tali , l'er :i VA1r:eer of iwcreni _ _• lout of riding tiyeaiadte Masai hie was` Mr. Heide ,Pira:-ri:t irate. tslate. tea' he tea through anretlier intik'-a-irainaate, ai1is,ia again after° five ccdelaa of a opt cure. aetateen, s' 0, Mi'. Chao. Peet eine:-n, M. le. A., Maras'. "THE BANTAM COWBOY" Lome Pram Teranto for the twcrit-enti, +aTI1`Kl3Y �llifbt11t11 InSatRitting. Mewls]",y. Mr,_'tE _T Mrs. �iCMichiacIl, 4 May **MICKEY'S IbAilll::3" Maitler..i ee..rca^un gave a dance an3 Matinee t'attti:ci iy at 3 p, ra. JOIINIF WALKER present a colorful comedy of theatri- cal life with a touch of pathos and plenty of laughs. A graphic picture , a the mate -believe world. -~ :4S,• . BLACKS THE LEADING MEN'S ,STORE Hand. Tailoring Special Orders MEN'S SMART 'WEAR i FOR Service and Quality TRY SPARR'S GROCERY The Store of :satisfaction HAMILTON St, GODERICH• hone 146 We Del°aver n:s Town