HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 4• r.%6 Special Values in ini m ni i , u.ywWi11M0 1 HI 11 THE GODERICH STAR , 1 """"•-t 43) Conteiblitione to (a) Teee of Apr. 21, sdvetei leg ,...... 1 03" Englieh Scheel Girls sicross Canada, May 22, hospital seey ie„ , . -vii 08, $20; lb) town band, $10; •() Nagy May 2, hospital sapplies... G C2 League, $15 (d) Reading matter for 'July 13, gifts to graduating T'RURS1L. AZ FEIL CSth, 1i2:i Broken Lines of Merchandise. found daring $tock.caking YOUNG MEN'S UIT - Broken lines in Young Men's Suits, .double and single breasted, • in all wool Worsteds, most of them in dark patterns, gray and navy blue and stripe. All sizes in the lot, Reg„ up to $28 and $3.2,50 MEN'S and BOYS.' SWEATER, COATS and • PULLOVERS at ClearingPrices. Bos. Pullovers, regular $2 00 and similar reductions in tither liens, 1 .. A. CORNFIELD "$1-1OP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SI -HOP'. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE • PHONE 4i8 ., 5'saehool* in isolated districts, $6:25:1 nurses 4 G0i .All the nown Coughwell-k and Cold Recedes, (e) Gcderkh Post Canadian I egioa ,Iely 20, hospital saalagalies.... 2 00 for Poppy Fund' 425; (f) Christ- Sept 17, doer caseriug, Ala. nude cheer, t`hildren'S She12e1•, $11.Q41 wok ream . 1WO tWe. (t ) Memo;iai tablet to late Airs. nice. 3, rent of Beall tbricl„ el 3 0166e 1 cs etc. Burkholder, Pr avineial Regent, $2. Dee. 8, China foto Alaniee d Flo;cer3 were lilacc4 on the menu- room 2i ii as cectasfou arose. 11c . i , table napl;ira> few i in L p We regret Met three of o;n mem- Ahmed: mein 2'8°1- always stock at the Rexal a hers have passed away during tlao Jasa. 14, Christmas !dent fob ;Sear: Mrs. halt, lits. Uanalsian:aa and Atameclz room 2 301Drag ,tore 1Mirs. Ince. Jan. 14, silver for Ahweel; i= t Qair financial objective was 5300. room 1 001 !This sum we endeavored to raise by ' Balance on hand 37 10.E latcvine,T a number of bridge rattles, a salad lea, an, apron tea and rt bazaar. 278 NB We c'aI I` 7 complete stock ofall Patent We close the year with a member.1 - a j = e ficin s D1'u Sundries, ship of 4s, width is an increase over i The annual Meeting of Maple Leaf , i r j the preceding years. Chapter, I. O. D. E., was held on. Wed- r 1 f ace OS t i1Q I, ars All- of Oda is respectfully submit. neaday, Feb.. 4th, when the following oHicers were elected for 1929: Reg- E. BUCHAN AN, See y. lent, Mrs, Cockburn Ilsays; Vice -Reg - The treasurees statement is PS fol, a en. Mrs. E. V. Leslie;•Sec% IMirs- E. lowe : C. DUNLOP, BVI OP, P m B. S MIS5 Dorothy Dickson; I. p, D. E. ACCOUNT REXALL DRUG STORE Reeelpte Mies Claire ReynOlds; • conn; Assist . and Educational ee y, S5 oro y . c son;, Treas., ( Mrs. Philip Carey, Standard Bearer TF 1928 • • bits, iI. Tayloz, Mrs. J. N. H. Mills, BEDFORD BLOCK 'PHONE No, 1 Councillors— Balance, Balance, Jan. 31st, 1928 $ 1-4• es Miss Julia Lewis, Miss Josie Saun Membersuship'bs'cripfees,tions es.... • .. , 31 60 dors, Miss Edrio Tye. Miss Laura Sal, Echo 1 50' .hold, Miss Olive Allen« Bank interest,....- ... 1 5't ` The annual report of the Maple Mprtroy n attePaa«v. illcm. .:. , , ,... 171 20 Leaf ilolxaxo.,..63 7601 yeTrhe C10hMapa8, tpewlera: sLoa1e o aapccteompilnishthae February bridge. xoom:.....;78 05 great deal, our finances perm ittingus Boy in 110o1 88 to make more donations. than were Mir. Apr. 21 May 31 May 31. Aug. 24. Sept. 17 " •' ` possible in any other year, To rase S •100 6e, funds two rummage sales were held, ti,••Igpa'Aditrrt e$ Echo subscriptions.. School 'girls' tour... Stationery (hikers' fees r StrbsC rpt n to band To hospital nee't Rent of pavilion.,; ,. Signal, ' printing .: Star,. printing, , ..... Tena land dishes .... Sept 26 To Navy League; Membership fees,. . School prizes..:.... To Burkholder u'm'1 History .books to Northern Schools. Memorial wreath... Don't're Oen, Legion Christnias Cheer to one in the aprir;g and one ina the fall, 'arrd +a circus .masquerade was held in 150 the Goderiel pavilion in'August. In 2 00 Connection with the children's room 1 25 for . the story hour, an extension was 6 00 made and more chairs were procured 1tl Q0 7i it d-ther ambers' t-nnd-prude eur- 100. 00 tains-Or the ,room. ,A. tea 'for the 15 00 parents of the 'children was held one 3 70'Saturday afternoon in March. At 1, 9J0 Christmas the children were enter- 15 00'tained after their story hour with a 15 00 Christmas pie to• draw presents from, 31 60 and ice cream Lolly -pops to ea.. The • 9 00 flower vases for the soldiers° memor-, 2 00 ia1 were repainted, and a member eras • 'appointed for each week. to replace • 6 26 the flowers.. A. wreath was placed.` on 5 00 the memorial on Armistice bay: A 25 00.clock was bought:for the- Maple Leaf °ward an the hospital and tattles -nip Oct. 20 ... Nov. 26 llospital committees have boon apw o t t r tit l rn h and a at ° 1 ed 1 on th I p e y . .T HEMPIRE F U visited regularlyand, kept the talent- .Dee. 23 bets informed as to the recluirexne3ts` of the'Ahmeek ward.. Local Chapters- Hold Annual Meeting s and Review Erirly in the year speeiai floor cow ,' ening was ,being laid in some of the Wolk. Ilona wards and it was the wish. of the Chapter to have the •covering put in the Ahmeek ward.. Mils was done at -a-cost•"af-$1-30,...1' the ,.dale aL eeeet 1y improved thereby'. The fu ish ings of the ward required. replenish AlemEEle CHAPTER H MAPLE LEAP .CHAPTER, BAT1 ON , • }XGEPTI ALL Y GOOD YEAR • ,ro Twenty -Eighth Annual Report . ofAhinteek Chapter Shows S Muth Work Done forliospital and 45 Members, Enrolled '1'he enamel meeting of Ahmeek Chapter, i. 0. 1). E. was; held in the pubtia library on Monday, :Feb. 1$th. The following ' o#rcers• were elected Regent, 'Mrs, F. R. Redditt; let Vice aliment, I3rs. 11. C.i)unlop;'2nd Vice . Regent, ?Nits. 1I. -3. .A. MaeDwan; .dee., Miss ePetiilie Iluchanant Treas.,. Mre, A J, MaclCaay; Standard Bearer, Mies Bene. 11,1aeVicar; Couneitlors,. Mesdames lialrnes, Phhlen, Maxwell, • Walker, Bail, Herald, liobt. 3ebnstole Coulthurst, Brawn and Noble.. . " The secretary'a annual report is as follows ; In,presenting the twenty-e1gIth an- nual. report of the Ahureck Chapter, I. O. D. E., we are pleased to be able to say that the year Vas beenone of progress. Twelve remitav meetings have been held with a good average attendance. • Shelter, Flowers to sick:... Bridge ,prizes...,... 2 00 Rent of Masonie-hall 5 00 Rent of McKay hall .43' 00 Cash 'on hand....., 132 29 10 67 linoleunx was laid on they •floor. At - 1 00 rangements were made to plant shrubs and towers bn the hospital grounds. At Christmas plantswere sent to the women s and: men`s .wards. Miss Josie Saunders went as a dele- gave to elle erg= annual Meeting of S "40.66 .the Provincial Chapter of the I,0 Dr -'E OSPITAL held. in Hamilton. • • ing and good supplies of linen of all ACCOUNT kinds,. blankets, pillows, dishes,, and esecei is cutlery have been added. •A new bed p side tabte•with porcelain top. has also 132$ been purchased, so that we are 'dos- Bance in bank.- .. . ing the year with a well .equipped Bridge, March 7th. , ; 7th....... ward Salad tea and bridge..... Other interest. in which We have 'sept: 17,' front I.41:D.E. ac had the privilege of assisting were ; 1342,. ,interest .. ,••••, (1)' The..giving of three prizes to bolt.. iii. iariz7f;e. , , ..,.,, • • • the public and separate schools for the pupil at the Entrance examinee ! ' tion obtain"n8'the h g he t . -i -s " E2pena itar'es sa .mar X in eontposition,. • bxar. 17, rent of hall. . (2) Gifts to the nurses on their Apr, 21, rent of hsa1C. , graduation. ' . Apr, 21, advertising 1. Meele E LEAF CHAPTER • Receipts . x928; $ 10 81. Jan; 34 Balance on hand, ...$ 488 98 v1 'J5 Mar. 24 Aftern'n- tea, .library 13 25 73 #j;x May 30 Rummage sato re. et 100'001 • ceipts ..;;... 108 61 Apr. 30 Bank ' interest...; , 7 32 42 .5) Aug, 16 Circus masquerade, „ . ,._.1 net profits ... , ...: 300 08 278 08 Oct.: 31 Bank . interest .. . 5 85 [Nov..' 19 Runrincige • sale ,ie. ceipts ..,..:.,.,.....,, 117 50 .:$ 3 i10. Nov. 19 Foes ...,...,..,;:. 12 50 ' 3 p0 Dee; 15.lgr's. i osslie, donet'n 1. 00 155 Goods sold, Miss GODERICH ' I; SUNSHINE AND COD LIVER OIL s wilt transmit ultra violet rays 'but' itc The second of a very interesting has been found that these do not. series of lectures by professors from stand tap but in time lose this prop. the llnit'ersity of Western Ontario. erty, so that the use of this glasse which aro 'belrat; given on Monday for instance, in schoolrooms with the. 'es e'uingg daring the. ' Lenten season in idea . that it will, produce •beneiictat"t the parish hall of St. George's church effects on the children is not- re,. under the. auspices :of the A. Y. P.A,, commended, in fact it is doubtful 'if' was that of last Monday by Er. R. C. a child in the centre of the room ..out- Dearle, M.t ., ?h D, rofessoz of phy- side the direct sunlight will get much: sics. It had been announeed that the effect. Experiments are being fear- lecture would be on the subject, "The tied on to determine the best ky?pes• Why and .How of 'Radio," but asit of material to use for lloors.and walls. . happened, the arrangement for the to reflect ultra violet rays and to pore lecture was not made directly with feet a glass which will continue its Dr. Dearle and be did not get the in- usefulness as a transmitter of these* formation that hewas supposed •V: :We. epeak.:ou this subject and came pre.1 The following are the others in the pared to talk on the subject' of "Sun- series being given by. University of light and Ultra Violet Rays." glow- Western Ontario professors, in con - ever, he made this subject quiteas in nection with St. George's church:' teresting, probably as the other would February 18th, "Frame's*r Thompson have been. Dar. Dearle showed the and Some of leis . Poetry, by W S: ways they have of measuring sun- Milne, 114.Ae professor of English Lit - shine ..and gat e' scree anteresting tip- eratuxe; , March 4th, "Cornets, and' uses of th.a .crilative aw 'tat ef'sun- Meteors,". by Dr, l3, It. Kingston,. shine we get in this latetude for the M.A., : Ph.D., professor of Mattie-- various naoeihc. Not may are the nrat:es ; :1Miarch 11th, "Create the days in -'z neer much shorter than the Cradle of Modern Civilizatialt,'" -by- Dr. Sherwood -h `ox Ph.D. D: Litt., summer days but there is much less i sunshine during the hours of day -.president of the • University; -and light. For instance nidi the month of "Irish Impressions,"' by p;:. A. G. December the.average . proportlee of Dorland, Ph,b., professor of history. eunshiae fi t ao-lieurs-of-ds light -i;. i It Testifies for Itself. ---Dr. Thomas*• less_ than one in five and for Januaay; Ecleetric un needs no testimony of I 1' htl' u f while } y •on y s ig .y ,a eve one in Ive, w e .. in August the average proportion., of tilests power other than itself. 'Whoever. sunshhae to hours. of daylight is 110.6. trees it -for roughs or colds; for cuts In, a'uly; With slightly longer, dais. or contusionst for sprains o1" burns, the proportion is a little :Tess. ,for pains in the limbs or,body, well i4lost greople have learned that in ; an need to the medicine proves itself addition to, the light waves . of vury- and needs :1 guarantee, ttlse shows ing lengths. which . produce the sen= why this rl rs rn general. use. satiori of the various .ceers on the eye, there • are waves below the red and above the violet (invisible tight) which produce on the one hand heat and on the other aro valuable in scientific investigations,., and more recently--£fi."ese latter have been found to have great:. therapeutic *tie. It is the , ultra violet rays in sunshine which give .to it its health giving properties and it is onaccount of the small amount of these which _ Saunders......;.. 25 v R THE FACTS READ Tf1"Eki •leu^ ueoaie buv,owithout investigation of facts and on. snap or emotional judgment. Every year it is estinalated a million tor buyers change their ideas on :their car sifter they have had it six months. Consider the foilowinK ,!Recti before purchasing your next c and then "decide for yourself which car offers the moat va Iue for the money. 1. 1)0 s-ou know that no car under 82,000 outside of Ford is putting on Houdaille Double Acting 1Iy- daulic Shock Absorbers as standard equipment ? 2, That no car under $i,50o except Ford has trill plex shatterproof windshield glass as standard equip- ment. That Ford is the only car under Buick with three*- liuter ft0ating axle. 1, That Nord is the only car under Buick with Torque tulle and Radius drive construction. 5. 1kird is the only ear under 81,50o with five. bearing trafsnlissinn. ti. That the New Ford has w5 roller and ball bear. inys in its chassis.. . 7. Ford is 1110 only Ear under 81,501 with thrree- quarter irrever iltle Meeringsystcllt. ° 8. That Ford is one of few cars built today that has five -steel -spoke wire wheels as standard equip - 111611t. 44. That Ford is the Oills; ear under higlhest priced ears with Silent six -brake, internal expanding all -en - dosed system. i+w. `t`hat widen pink, in motor ars'e machined to °tra+a 3 alt ars' of 1u?1 tioatipo type. 11. That aluminum alloy pistons aro -balanced to an accuracy of two grains. This is the finest bal- ance of any piston in any car regardless of cost, " 1 That when car is .traveling 50 Hiles per hour -the revolutions per minute of motor is only.2053. 43. That gear ratio of new Ford is 3.7. • . 14. That the actual road elearanee of New Ford is 'J'.3 inches—highest of any American stock ea?. 15, That New Ford car has proven itself in public iands tlis psst year as one of -the lne t performing cars ever built—frons standpoint of pickup, hill 4tintlrin ability,. speed and riding comfort. i fi. That the New Ford car has proven itself' lle- yond any doubt as the most wonderful whiter ear ever rbuilt. It starts., easily in cold weather and bucks snow beyond tlief—ask the owners. t✓7. That service anti dealer responsibility behind' the New ford is unequalled • by that of any other car built. 18. That New mord liOlds the road at high speeds as good as ears being sold at highest prices. • to. Lastly—That the New Ford stands out relne in its field—hi anechaanical design, speeifia:`a- 'lions, egilipnlent, quality, and precision °workina- :;hip. THESE FAQ SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES All New Models now on Display at Garage, St. Andrew's Street ORDER NOW FOR PROMPT SPRING DELIVERY F. H. WOOD & SON FORD SALES and SERVICE PHONE 540 W $1055 44 we -enjoy in the winter, and to the Expenditures face that eve muffle up a good deal Mar. St tt'ry, suppl'ren, etc.. $ 4 45 when we do go out and do nut give the Decorating children's ' sunshine that there is a chance to room at library.... Exp. of Chapter party Clock for 'hospit'I ward' Humane Sac;, . Toronto Chairs for library room JW10: 4 Advert'g rummage sale ....'.:. Jurfe 4 +Tsp. to Prete 'Chap. June 12 I.O.D.E. War Memo `• . meal Fund Officers' fees for '28 Donation English school girls' tour July 3 Framing pictures, sundries, etc - Sterilizers for . gra- duating nurses Floor cover'g, ward .10 • at hospitaal, .... , . July 13 Don. to Gode. band Litt. 30 School prizes, books Nov. 9 Donation; Canadian Legion ..,•, 30 Advert'g and laundry expenses....., ., Navy League of Canada Children's War Me- m °vial Hospital, London.. Vets and donations to N't'n'1 ,'Chapter Dee. 7 Wreath en local monument . lir ilefreshments, ebil- dren's • party at library ... G h.ri etrms gifts, liewere, etc Bond purelrised. Btalance in bank Cash on band 1929 : ,Tall. 0 31 5t r0 reach the skin that people do not feel 13 70 as well in:tbe.winter as in the sum - 3 60 mer. Artifseial means . of producing 1 00 ultra violetrays have been found. 72 00 The ordinary are eleetric light, for in. st0nce, is strong in ultra violet rays. 'x Ga 'and this has led to the r eating of the 11 00 various lamps we see somuch adver- tised in magazines for giving one a - 40.00 dose of ultra violet. • Dr. Decade 6 00_warrred the audience, however, egainst use of these except taller the .lire& - 2 00 tion of a competent medical man, for the reason that these lanipa give oui. 6 85 about a thousand times the strength of ultra violet rays that we get :iron we Rheumatism on't suffer needless pain. Warm come 1Miiinard's l.inimment and tub well into"the of fected pasts. Xou'll experc- eace alrnest instant relief. For Itlinerd's antipain simplyon'tget cetogether. ta The Great White Liniment 7 On the sun sand a few minutes' over use '2s of one of these lamps may do serious 131 tl0 injury sometimese A:a little too long •25 00 may produce a painful:. sunburn 'or= 4 00 evert a blister. Er. Dearle• toldthe secret of the 25 00 value of cod liver. oil, which may be ATW'ATER KENT BATTEAYLESS . • called bottled •sunshine. The food evhieh the cod revel. in is a particular 1" 41 sort of seaweed :which floats very ea the near t surface sec of the wet RADlos. `h ,water and 2G 00.absorbs a great deal of the sunshine I and stores up its ,health -giving' prop- - - Tele i74e W for Demon ' a. • • 00 *dies. The cod appropriates these in its daily food and we can appropriate "'i` 75 them value by pan l ring the cod henceiver oil, winter a when season leen t e glittle s 'Rel shtue. 4 GO A peculiarity of the ultra violet rays is that they cannot penetrate 1a; M5: ordinary glass, to that a person sit- ting in sunlight behind glass windowe does not get the health -giving effeet 04 • of the ultra violet rays, only the gond titration W. MacDONAL : ELECTRICIAN Britannia. Road ems. oral -good of tlu warmth •aunt (bright. 1-`.----a"- "-- - -'1'11- - = °'-A1 .. 104 1d' nese veinal.Dr Dearle believed ccs + ta1 .dkga +C' ic'y. I'd R0 largely a mental stimulus. Various r " (rOlitL1'CRMt „ . . sorts of glass have been made which $103a 41 "--,.`" EDITH WILLIAMS, Treas. • THE UST YET The Arthur Circle May "Nothing;' but the Truth," is full of humorous situitionn, the bet yet. Don't fail to - see it, Merrh 7th anwl fth. : 1111 C 1/Cr ll" Mast 1 U til.Mflr tfre si#' uAteEe OATS